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神经反应遥测技术在人工耳蜗植入术中的监测应用 被引量:27
作者 杨华 汤建国 +3 位作者 曹克利 祝小莉 王轶 潘滔 《中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期352-356,共5页
目的 探讨在人工耳蜗植入术中能快速、准确地判断人工耳蜗装置的完好性和患者客观听觉反应的监测方法。方法 在 40例患儿人工耳蜗植入术中先测定电极阻抗 ,然后使用神经反应遥测技术 (neuralresponsetelemetry,NRT)监测 6个电极的电... 目的 探讨在人工耳蜗植入术中能快速、准确地判断人工耳蜗装置的完好性和患者客观听觉反应的监测方法。方法 在 40例患儿人工耳蜗植入术中先测定电极阻抗 ,然后使用神经反应遥测技术 (neuralresponsetelemetry,NRT)监测 6个电极的电诱发听神经复合动作电位 (electricallyevokedauditorynervecompoundactionpotentials,ECAP)。结果 患儿所有电极阻抗正常 ,ECAP的检出率分别为 97 5 %(39例 / 40例 )和 92 1%(2 2 1个电极 / 2 40个电极 )。其中 33例内耳无畸形的患儿所有198个测试电极中有 195个电极测出清晰的ECAP波形 (98 5 %)。 7例内耳Mondini畸形患者共 42个测试电极中有 2 6个电极测得ECAP波形 (6 1 9%) ,两组之间差异有极显著性。靠近耳蜗底回 (高频区 )的电极比靠近蜗尖 (低频区 )的电极具有较高的ECAP反应阈值和较高的ECAP饱和阈值。结论 NRT技术可以简便、快速和准确地判断患者的听神经反应 ,可望成为术中常规监测方法 ,内耳Mondini畸形是影响ECAP检出的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 听力障碍 耳蜗植入 听觉诱发电位 测听法 遥测术 人工耳蜗
正常人自然行走负重步态遥测分析 被引量:4
作者 钟红刚 徐社教 +4 位作者 王萱 王德龙 王永志 张万强 董福慧 《中国骨伤》 CAS 2007年第z1期40-41,共2页
目的:定量研究正常人群自然行走过程脊柱及四肢运动的平衡和协调性质,建立脊柱与四肢损伤诊疗的新方法和提供正常步态基础数据.方法:13例受试者,男7例,女6例;年龄25~58岁,平均(37.5±12.3)岁;均为健康人.采用刚性测力板挠性连接的... 目的:定量研究正常人群自然行走过程脊柱及四肢运动的平衡和协调性质,建立脊柱与四肢损伤诊疗的新方法和提供正常步态基础数据.方法:13例受试者,男7例,女6例;年龄25~58岁,平均(37.5±12.3)岁;均为健康人.采用刚性测力板挠性连接的步态鞋(专利号:ZL 200520142238.4),通过2.4GHz频段跳频通讯多路遥测,获得正常人自然行走过程中左右两足负重力-时间关系曲线,并分析前足和后足负重力-时间积分百分率等参数.结果:得到13例正常负重步态测试结果.将各部位负重力-时间关系曲线对时间积分,得到负重时间积分值.左后足负重时间积分占总负重时间积分百分率23.78%±2.38%,左前足负重时间积分百分率26.88%±2.93%;右后足负重时间积分占总负重时间积分百分率22.04%±3.54%,右前足负重时间积分百分率27.09%±2.79%;左足负重时间积分占总负重时间积分百分率50.70%±2.33%,右足负重时间积分占总负重时间积分百分率49.20%±2.33%.结论:正常人负重步态左右侧平衡及前脚掌和后跟负重协调.所述各项参数对不同正常个体有较好的稳定性,并且所述负重步态遥测分析设备和方法简便实用,在运动系统科研和临床诊疗中具有较大的应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 脊柱 四肢 步态 遥测术
婴幼儿人工耳蜗植入术后调试 被引量:2
作者 韩睿 陈益青 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2003年第1期30-31,共2页
目的 探讨婴幼儿人工耳蜗植入术后调试方法。方法 对79名接受了人工耳蜗植入手术的婴幼儿测试电极阻抗,通过使用主观判断法和客观推测法进行术后调试。结果 电极阻抗测试中74例全部正常(93.67%),3例一个电极异常(3.80%),2例两个电极异... 目的 探讨婴幼儿人工耳蜗植入术后调试方法。方法 对79名接受了人工耳蜗植入手术的婴幼儿测试电极阻抗,通过使用主观判断法和客观推测法进行术后调试。结果 电极阻抗测试中74例全部正常(93.67%),3例一个电极异常(3.80%),2例两个电极异常(2.53%)。调试中,1例第13、14号电极引起颜面部抽动,1例第4-22号电极无声反应,电极植入失败。72例使用主观判断法,6例在开机初期使用客观推测法,一、两个月后改用主观判断法进行测试。40例在开机一月内,38例在开机两、三月后建立起听性条件反应。声场啭音测试患儿听阈都在言语香蕉图上限,对言语的大声和响器的大声无不适感觉。问卷调查显示开机后很快即对各种小声音反应灵敏,语言发展进步明显。结论 婴幼儿人工耳蜗植入术后调试采用主观判断法和客观推测法,以主观判断法为主,而术前助听器试戴、术后康复训练是调试准确的重要保证。 展开更多
关键词 耳蜗植入 调试 测听法 遥测术
作者 逄凌滨 魏秀兰 杨宁 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 1999年第2期36-38,共3页
关键词 计算机管理 无线电遥测术 多点粮仓 温度测试
作者 欧阳百安 张自强 《湖南医科大学学报》 CSCD 1993年第4期456-458,共3页
关键词 遥测术 动态心电图 冠心病 预防
作者 方兴治 《鞍钢技术》 CAS 北大核心 1992年第9期47-50,共4页
关键词 无线电遥测术 保温 连铸板坯
Remote Sensing Dynamic Monitoring System for Agricultural Disaster in Henan Province Based on Multi-source Satellite Data
作者 刘婷 王来刚 +1 位作者 左守亭 杨春华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第1期155-161,共7页
Using 3S technology, relying on earth-space three-dimensional agriculture disaster monitoring network, remote sensing monitoring model for agricultural disaster in Henan Province was established, and agricultural disa... Using 3S technology, relying on earth-space three-dimensional agriculture disaster monitoring network, remote sensing monitoring model for agricultural disaster in Henan Province was established, and agricultural disaster monitoring system plat- form of Henan Province based on multi-souroe satellite data was further constructed, which realizes dynamic monitoring of agricultural disasters in Henan Province (drought, flood, snow cover and straw burning). 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural disaster Remote sensing monitoring 3S technology System application Henan Province
《南方水产科学》 CAS 1994年第9期16-24,共9页
941592 在回归洄游期间天然和养殖大西洋鲑(Salmo solar)成鱼的分布和洄游行动=Distribution and migratory behaviour ofadult wild and farmed Atlantic salmon(Salmo solar)during return migration[刊,英]/Heggberget T G,kland F,U... 941592 在回归洄游期间天然和养殖大西洋鲑(Salmo solar)成鱼的分布和洄游行动=Distribution and migratory behaviour ofadult wild and farmed Atlantic salmon(Salmo solar)during return migration[刊,英]/Heggberget T G,kland F,Ugedal O∥Aquae..—1993,118(1/2).—73~83在挪威北部大河外侧用无线电遥测术分析了海洋洄游最后阶段天然和养殖大西洋鲑成鱼的洄游行动。借助峡湾内标志的39尾天然和40尾最近放流的养殖成鲑,测定了大西洋鲑分布到河流和洄游速度。研究的天然大西洋鲑,其大多数可能起源于阿尔塔河。而养殖大西洋鲑从放流区域没能较早的经受淡水阶段。在阿尔塔河标志天然鱼的比率(87%) 展开更多
关键词 放流 SALMO 水产资源 渔获 SALMON 海洋洄游 成鱼 阿尔塔 大眼金枪鱼 无线电遥测术
Automatic Road Change Detection and GIS Updating from High Spatial Remotely-Sensed Imagery 被引量:5
作者 ZHANGQiaoping IsabelleCouloigner 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第2期89-95,107,共8页
This paper presents a framework for road network change detection in order to update the Canadian National Topographic DataBase (NTDB). The methodology has been developed on the basis of road extraction from IRS\|pan ... This paper presents a framework for road network change detection in order to update the Canadian National Topographic DataBase (NTDB). The methodology has been developed on the basis of road extraction from IRS\|pan images (with a 5.8 m spatial resolution) by using a wavelet approach. The feature matching and conflation techniques are used to road change detection and updating. Elementary experiments have showed that the proposed framework could be used for developing an operational road database updating system. 展开更多
关键词 road extraction change detection updating feature matching CONFLATION
Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Improved Fuzzy c-Means 被引量:4
作者 YU Jie GUO Peihuang +2 位作者 CHEN Pinxiang ZHANG Zhongshan RUAN Wenbin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第2期90-94,共5页
Classification is always the key point in the field of remote sensing. Fuzzy c-Means is a traditional clustering algorithm that has been widely used in fuzzy clustering. However, this algorithm usually has some weakne... Classification is always the key point in the field of remote sensing. Fuzzy c-Means is a traditional clustering algorithm that has been widely used in fuzzy clustering. However, this algorithm usually has some weaknesses, such as the problems of falling into a local minimum, and it needs much time to accomplish the classification for a large number of data. In order to overcome these shortcomings and increase the classifi-cation accuracy, Gustafson-Kessel (GK) and Gath-Geva (GG) algorithms are proposed to improve the tradi-tional FCM algorithm which adopts Euclidean distance norm in this paper. The experimental result shows that these two methods are able to detect clusters of varying shapes, sizes and densities which FCM cannot do. Moreover, they can improve the classification accuracy of remote sensing images. 展开更多
关键词 FCM algorithm GK algorithm GG algorithm remote sensing classification
Fractal Features of Urban Morphology and Simulation of Urban Boundary 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yi YU Jie FAN Wei 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第2期121-126,共6页
Using fractal dimension to reflect and simulate urban morphology are two applications of fractal theory in city geography. As the only consistent description of a fractal, fractal dimension plays an important role in ... Using fractal dimension to reflect and simulate urban morphology are two applications of fractal theory in city geography. As the only consistent description of a fractal, fractal dimension plays an important role in describing the basic features of fractals. Just like other fractals, our cities have similar characteristics. Fractal dimension to some extent is regarded as an indicator of urban expansion, and it may change with urban morphology in different time and space. Based on the Geographic Information System (GIS), taking Wuhan city as a test area, the fractal dimensions of different land use were calculated, and a linear regression equation was established to analyze the relationship between fractal dimension and residential areas. Then the author used fractal dimension to simulate the urban boundary which is an important part of urban mor-phology. A mid-point subdivision fractal generator is needed in the simulation process, and the shape of the generator is determined by fractal dimension. According to the fractal theory, fractal boundaries in different scales have self-similarity and they have the same fractal dimensions. Based on this fact, the simulation method the author used could quantitatively keep the similarity of configuration of the urban boundaries. 展开更多
关键词 fractal dimension urban morphology fractal simulation fractal generator
Hierarchical Detailed Description for Spatial Direction Relations 被引量:5
作者 WANG Jing JIANG Gangwu GUO Rui 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第1期56-61,共6页
Direction relation is an important spatial relation. Descriptions and representations for direction relations have different levels of detail because of the varying dimensions of spatial objects and different scales o... Direction relation is an important spatial relation. Descriptions and representations for direction relations have different levels of detail because of the varying dimensions of spatial objects and different scales of the embedding spaces. Based on a direction- relation matrix, the hierarchical frame of spatial direction relations which partitions direction relations orderly and thoroughly is built. Interior direction relations are used to perfect the representation of direction relations and the binary-encoding idea is creatively applied to construct an interior detailed matrix describing multiple interior direction relations by a uniform matrix. The model integrates topological information into the description model for direction relations, which will lay the foundations of spatial compositive reasoning. 展开更多
关键词 spatial direction relations direction-relation matrix levels of detail spatial reasoning GIS
Yield Estimation Model of Citrus Based on Spectral Data and Agronomic Parameters 被引量:1
作者 邹扬庆 罗红霞 +3 位作者 Habtom Yemane Tekle 王俊 余天霞 张锐 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1513-1516,共4页
With the development of precision agriculture, the research that applies Remote Sensing technology, especially hyperspectral remote sensing, to realize crop management, monitoring and yield estimation, has been concer... With the development of precision agriculture, the research that applies Remote Sensing technology, especially hyperspectral remote sensing, to realize crop management, monitoring and yield estimation, has been concerned. Nowadays, the growth-monitoring and yield-estimating methods in rice, wheat and other annual crops develop rapidly with some achievements having already been put into service. But the yield estimation research on perennial economic crops is few. Taking peren- nial citrus trees as the research object, using ASD spectrometer to collect citrus canopy spectral, this article studied and analyzed the citrus of veget&tion index and its relationship on yield, synthetically considered the influence of the agriculture pa- rameters on crop yield, and finally constructed the citrus yield estimation model based on the spectral data and agronomic parameters. Through the Significance Test and Samples' Test, olutained that the model's fitting degree was R=0.631, F= 13.201, P〈0.01 and the error rate of estimating accuracy was controlled in the range 3%-16%, proving that the model has statistical signification and reliability. It concluded that hyperspectral acquired from citrus canopy has substantial potential for citrus yield estimation. This study is an application and exploration of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing technology in the citrus yield estimation. 展开更多
关键词 CITRUS Yield estimation Hyperspectral data Agronomic parameter
Monitoring Fog Using FY-1D Meteorological Satellite 被引量:1
作者 LIANG Yitong CHEN Xuan XIA Zhihong 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第2期107-111,共5页
FY-1D is the second national operation meteorological satellite of China, and is much better compared to monitoring fog. However, research on monitoring fog using FY-1D is very few. In this paper, based on the typical... FY-1D is the second national operation meteorological satellite of China, and is much better compared to monitoring fog. However, research on monitoring fog using FY-1D is very few. In this paper, based on the typical FY-1D data, a fog's spectral characteristics in the different channels are analyzed using the histogram analysis method, and a method of monitoring fog using FY-1D is suggested. The results indicate that the 1st and 4th channels are the representative channels of FY-1D for the identification of fog. In the 1st channel, the fog is with uniform veins, smooth top, and clear-cut boundary, and its albedo is 20%-48%. In the 4th channel, the fog's brightness and temperature is 272-289K, and the difference value between the fog's and the ground surface's is not more than 6K. 展开更多
关键词 FOG FY-1D spectral characteristics
Exploring the Sample Quality Using Rough Sets Theory for the Supervised Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery 被引量:1
作者 GE Yong BAI Hexiang +1 位作者 LI Sanping LI Deyu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第2期95-102,共8页
In the supervised classification process of remotely sensed imagery, the quantity of samples is one of the important factors affecting the accuracy of the image classification as well as the keys used to evaluate the ... In the supervised classification process of remotely sensed imagery, the quantity of samples is one of the important factors affecting the accuracy of the image classification as well as the keys used to evaluate the image classification. In general, the samples are acquired on the basis of prior knowledge, experience and higher resolution images. With the same size of samples and the same sampling model, several sets of training sample data can be obtained. In such sets, which set reflects perfect spectral characteristics and ensure the accuracy of the classification can be known only after the accuracy of the classification has been assessed. So, before classification, it would be a meaningful research to measure and assess the quality of samples for guiding and optimizing the consequent classification process. Then, based on the rough set, a new measuring index for the sample quality is proposed. The experiment data is the Landsat TM imagery of the Chinese Yellow River Delta on August 8th, 1999. The experiment compares the Bhattacharrya distance matrices and purity index zl and △x based on rough set theory of 5 sample data and also analyzes its effect on sample quality. 展开更多
关键词 supervised classification measuring the sample quality rough set
An AMSR-E Data Unmixing Method for Monitoring Flood and Waterlogging Disaster 被引量:2
作者 GU Lingjia ZHAO Kai +1 位作者 ZHANG Shuang ZHENG Xingming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期666-675,共10页
Spectral remote sensing technique is usually used to monitor flood and waterlogging disaster.Although spectral remote sensing data have many advantages for ground information observation,such as real time and high spa... Spectral remote sensing technique is usually used to monitor flood and waterlogging disaster.Although spectral remote sensing data have many advantages for ground information observation,such as real time and high spatial resolution,they are often interfered by clouds,haze and rain.As a result,it is very difficult to retrieve ground information from spectral remote sensing data under those conditions.Compared with spectral remote sensing tech-nique,passive microwave remote sensing technique has obvious superiority in most weather conditions.However,the main drawback of passive microwave remote sensing is the extreme low spatial resolution.Considering the wide ap-plication of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System(AMSR-E) data,an AMSR-E data unmixing method was proposed in this paper based on Bellerby's algorithm.By utilizing the surface type classifi-cation results with high spatial resolution,the proposed unmixing method can obtain the component brightness tem-perature and corresponding spatial position distribution,which effectively improve the spatial resolution of passive microwave remote sensing data.Through researching the AMSR-E unmixed data of Yongji County,Jilin Provinc,Northeast China after the worst flood and waterlogging disaster occurred on July 28,2010,the experimental results demonstrated that the AMSR-E unmixed data could effectively evaluate the flood and waterlogging disaster. 展开更多
关键词 passive microwave unmixing method flood and waterlogging disaster surface type classification AMSR-E MODIS Yongji County of Jilin Province
Photogrammetry Education for Multidisciplinary Geomatics in China
作者 ZHU Qing 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第4期273-280,305,共9页
After briefly reviews the history of photogrammetry education in China, the development of undergraduate and graduate program, and the corresponding curricula design are analyzed by use of the data from Wuhan Universi... After briefly reviews the history of photogrammetry education in China, the development of undergraduate and graduate program, and the corresponding curricula design are analyzed by use of the data from Wuhan University in which the photogrammetry is awarded as the state-level key discipline. The academic educational program of photogrammetry in universities has trained students to perform tasks in all fields of the photogrammetric profession. In recent years, the nature of photogrammetry is changing and multidisciplinary geomatics are developing very rapidly, the educational program of photogrammetry has also changed in new concepts and structures to adapt very new technologies and the extension of the field. Finally, the prospect of photogrammetry education for the requirements of multidiseiplinary geomatics is proposed. The growing interest in fast and accurate 3D spatial data collection (such as city modeling and digital earth) results in the increasing need of photogrammetry as principal tool, photogrammetric courses are therefore requested to be upto date and to become one kind of the fundamental professional courses for university geomatics and remote sensing degree programs. 展开更多
Detection of weak ship signals with the optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement 被引量:6
作者 李海艳 He Yijun 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2008年第1期85-91,共7页
An optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement method is proposed to detect ships with lowship-to-clutter power ratio.The received power is calculated with Kennaugh matrix and an iterative algo-rithm is adopted ... An optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement method is proposed to detect ships with lowship-to-clutter power ratio.The received power is calculated with Kennaugh matrix and an iterative algo-rithm is adopted to get the optimal polarimetric states.The optimization method depresses the power of o-cean clutter and increases the power of ship signal.With the double effects,the contrast of ship to oceanis dramatically increased.Thus small ship or weak signals of low ship-to-ocean power ratio can easily bedetected.Ship signals can be distinguished from speckle noise using the different variation trend after op-timization,and thus the threshold problem can be avoided.Moreover,the analyses of different ship'sKennaugh matrices give two implications.One is that the results are affected little by choosing differentKennaugh matrices of ships with strong intensity from Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)images.The otheris that ship's Kennaugh matrix chosen from real SAR images is more favorable than that of ideal scatter-ing.Finally,the optimization results are confirmed by polarimetric scattering angle and co-polarizationphase difference. 展开更多
关键词 polarimetric SAR ship detection OPTIMIZATION ocean remote sensing
Research on the Perceptual Law of Artificial Ants
作者 ZHENG Zhaobao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第3期157-162,共6页
Beginning with the analysis of the behavior of natural ants, this paper illuminates the principle and method that, by adopting image texture energy as pheromone and finding their way on the track of the pheromone, art... Beginning with the analysis of the behavior of natural ants, this paper illuminates the principle and method that, by adopting image texture energy as pheromone and finding their way on the track of the pheromone, artificial ants have the ability to identify and remember through similar measurement of pheromone. Based on the quantity of experiments, this paper analyzes some factors that influence the ability of artificial ants and draws some conclusions about the law of ant perception. 展开更多
关键词 artificial ants image interpretation perception law
Dynamic Data Updating Algorithm for Image Superresolution Reconstruction
作者 TAN Bing XU Qing ZHANG Yan XING Shuai 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第3期196-200,共5页
A dynamic data updating algorithm for image superesolution is proposed. On the basis of Delaunay triangulation and its local updating property, this algorithm can update the changed region directly under the circumsta... A dynamic data updating algorithm for image superesolution is proposed. On the basis of Delaunay triangulation and its local updating property, this algorithm can update the changed region directly under the circumstances that only a part of the source images has been changed. For its high efficiency and adaptability, this algorithm can serve as a fast algorithm for image superesolution reconstruction. 展开更多
关键词 image superresolution image interpolation image registration Delaunay triangulation
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