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作者 胡熙雯 《兽医导刊》 2014年第8期17-18,共2页
"8337"发展思路是内蒙古自治区党委结合当前国情区情以及自治区提出的长远发展目标,是国家发展战略要求、市场需求与内蒙古自治区各方面优势有机结合的体现,是对科学发展、富民强区目标的进一步丰富和完善。概括起来就是:"八个建成... "8337"发展思路是内蒙古自治区党委结合当前国情区情以及自治区提出的长远发展目标,是国家发展战略要求、市场需求与内蒙古自治区各方面优势有机结合的体现,是对科学发展、富民强区目标的进一步丰富和完善。概括起来就是:"八个建成"、"三个着力"、"三个更加注重"、"七个重点工作"。近日,鄂尔多斯市动物疫控中心召开全体职工会议认真学习贯彻自治区"8337"发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 动物疫病预防 那亚 控制中心 长远发展目标 防疫员 发展战略 兽医导刊 疫控中心 防疫队伍 重大动物疫病
作者 韩禹 《中国储运》 2004年第1期30-32,共3页
“北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也;化而为鸟。其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里;怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。” ——节自庄子 《逍遥游》
关键词 那亚进出口有限公司 上海 总经理 王远征 售后服务 第四方物流公司 物流管理
和那亚一起旅行 被引量:1
作者 梅卓 《西藏人文地理》 2007年第2期12-12,14,共2页
关键词 旅行 先生 元旦 那亚
新疆教师阿力甫夏·依那亚提汗 成为中国“最美乡村教师”
作者 张杰 张良 《新疆画报》 2012年第11期48-51,共4页
"他们因播种光明而美丽,你我为弘扬崇高而寻找"。2012年9月8日上午,由中央电视台和光明日报社联合主办的201 2年"寻找最美乡村教师"大型公益活动,正式揭晓最美乡村教师名单。阿力甫夏·依那亚提汗等10位教师被... "他们因播种光明而美丽,你我为弘扬崇高而寻找"。2012年9月8日上午,由中央电视台和光明日报社联合主办的201 2年"寻找最美乡村教师"大型公益活动,正式揭晓最美乡村教师名单。阿力甫夏·依那亚提汗等10位教师被授予"最美乡村教师"称号,四川省凉山州盐源县泸沽湖达祖小学教育志愿者获得"最美乡村教师"团队称号,田育才等40名乡村教师被推选为"特别关注乡村教师"。 展开更多
关键词 乡村教师 那亚 生活贫困 失学儿童 汉语基础 班迪尔乡 汉语课 汗都 西来 山路崎岖
作者 王慧敏 杨人翊 《北方音乐》 1993年第1期8-10,共3页
关键词 金铃 里果 那亚 谷天 开一 江海
作者 崔凤远 崔俊涛 《北方音乐》 1993年第1期28-29,共2页
关键词 真味 混合拍子 民族音乐文化 不自觉 一辙 属功能 那亚 五度 主要素材 艺术功底
作者 李国平 《中国房地产》 2015年第11Z期35-37,共3页
这几年来,转型和创新一直是很热的词汇,但是我们发现,无论是龙头企业还是中小企业,真正的所谓行业模式创新和自身组织架构转型的案例和实质行动其实并不多。大家普遍有一些错觉和误读,包括万科这样的企业也会找"90后"的小姑... 这几年来,转型和创新一直是很热的词汇,但是我们发现,无论是龙头企业还是中小企业,真正的所谓行业模式创新和自身组织架构转型的案例和实质行动其实并不多。大家普遍有一些错觉和误读,包括万科这样的企业也会找"90后"的小姑娘去演讲,你会突然发现万科有很多的忧虑、焦躁,好像要发生翻天覆地的变化。但这一两年大家又开始归于平静,然后反思所谓互联网的东西好像并没有太多价值,于是在想自己也许不需要去做那些很大的改变,照样能够生存和发展。 展开更多
关键词 创新转型 万科 那亚 自身组织 物业管理费 现金流 孙宏斌 三里屯 社群化 先期投入
作者 张天德 李晓 冯金山 《西北民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第4期77-78,86,共3页
我们通过观察63例非糖尿病卒中时患者体温、血糖与改良爱丁堡———斯堪的那亚评分(MESSS)关系,发现高体温、高血糖组与体温、血糖不升高组MESSS评分示疗效有显著性差异,P<0.01,体温、血糖与MESSS呈正相关,而且随体温、血糖的升高,... 我们通过观察63例非糖尿病卒中时患者体温、血糖与改良爱丁堡———斯堪的那亚评分(MESSS)关系,发现高体温、高血糖组与体温、血糖不升高组MESSS评分示疗效有显著性差异,P<0.01,体温、血糖与MESSS呈正相关,而且随体温、血糖的升高,急性卒中患者的死亡率也随着增加 本组临床观察显示体温、血糖升高是急性卒中预后不良因素,在治疗过程中应严格控制体温及血糖的变化。 展开更多
关键词 急性卒中 体温 血糖 神经系统 斯堪的那亚评分 脑卒中
作者 Paradoxian 《中国科技奖励》 2015年第6期80-80,共1页
在亚欧大陆的青铜时代(距今约3000—5000年前),人类社会出现了许多重大的社会文化变迁,为当今欧洲和中亚地区人口格局的确立打下了基础。然而,是什么推动了这些变化,学界至今尚无定论——它们到底是因文化的缓慢传播而促生,还是大规... 在亚欧大陆的青铜时代(距今约3000—5000年前),人类社会出现了许多重大的社会文化变迁,为当今欧洲和中亚地区人口格局的确立打下了基础。然而,是什么推动了这些变化,学界至今尚无定论——它们到底是因文化的缓慢传播而促生,还是大规模人类迁徙造成的?没人知道。 展开更多
关键词 青铜时代 人类迁徙 社会文化变迁 DNA 果壳 人类社会 http 耐受力 那亚 克里斯蒂
作者 娄庶瑜 《天津政协公报》 2014年第8期54-54,共1页
华盛顿:美国首都,1791年,用第一任总统的名字命名首都以志纪念。华盛顿在19世纪18世纪北美洲独立战争中,任13州起义部队总司令,直至胜利。巴黎:法国首都,据传说,古代居住在巴黎一带的高卢族入喜欢用彪悍骁勇的男子形象命名。他们就以希... 华盛顿:美国首都,1791年,用第一任总统的名字命名首都以志纪念。华盛顿在19世纪18世纪北美洲独立战争中,任13州起义部队总司令,直至胜利。巴黎:法国首都,据传说,古代居住在巴黎一带的高卢族入喜欢用彪悍骁勇的男子形象命名。他们就以希腊神话中,因掠走海伦而引起特洛伊战争的英俊男子帕里斯的名字命名巴黎城,巴黎是帕里斯的英译。科伦坡:斯里兰卡首都,原名卡兰布港,16世纪被葡萄牙人改为科伦坡,用以纪念生于意大利、移居葡萄牙的航海家哥伦布。惠灵顿:新西兰首都,以英国海军将军惠灵顿公爵名字命名。乔治敦:圭那亚首都,19世纪初。 展开更多
关键词 帕里斯 起义部队 葡萄牙人 特洛伊战争 高卢 那亚 兰布 英国海军 乔治三世 城名
Initiation and evolution of the South China Sea: an overview 被引量:27
作者 Weidong Sun 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期215-225,共11页
Different models have been proposed for the formation and tectonic evolution of the South China Sea (SCS), including extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, backarc extension, two-stage opening, proto-SCS dragging, ex... Different models have been proposed for the formation and tectonic evolution of the South China Sea (SCS), including extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, backarc extension, two-stage opening, proto-SCS dragging, extension induced by a mantle plume, and integrated models that combine diverse factors. Among these, the extrusion model has gained the most attention. Based on simplified physical experiments, this model proposes that collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates resulted in extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, which in turn led to opening of the SCS. The extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, however, should have led to preferential open- ing in the west side of the SCS, which is contrary to observations. Extensional models propose that the SCS was a backarc basin, rifted off the South China Block. Most of the backarc extension models, however, are not compatible with observations in terms of either age or subduction direction. The two-stage extension model is based on extensional basins surrounding the SCS. Recent dating results indeed show two-stage opening in the SCS, but the Southwest Subbasin of the SCS is much younger, which contradicts the two-stage extension model. Here we pro- pose a refined backarc extension model. There was a wide Neotethys Ocean between the Australian and Eurasian Plates before the Indian-Eurasian collision. The ocean floorstarted to subduct northward at ~ 125 Ma, causing backarc extension along the southem margin of the Eurasian Plate and the formation of the proto-SCS. The Neotethys sub- duction regime changed due to ridge subduction in the Late Cretaceous, resulting in fold-belts, uplifting, erosion, and widespread unconformities. It may also have led to the subduction of the proto-SCS. Flat subduction of the ridge may have reached further north and resulted in another backarc extension that formed the SCS. The rollback of the fiat subducting slab might have occurred ~ 90 Ma ago; the second backarc extension may have initiated between 50 and 45 Ma. The opening of the Southwest Subbasin is roughly simultaneous with a ridge jump in the East Sub- basin, which implies major tectonic changes in the sur- rounding regions, likely related to major changes in the extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea NEOTETHYS Platesubduction Ridge subduction Indochina Peninsulaextrusion Backarc extension Multiple plate interactionsProto South China Sea
Awareness and Perception of Genetic Modification among Science and Technical Vocational Teachers in Guyana: Focusing on Genetically Modified Foods
作者 Donna Morrison 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期789-797,共9页
A study was conducted to determine the awareness and perception of biotechnology focusing on genetically modified foods among public secondary school science and technical vocational teachers in Guyana. A questionnair... A study was conducted to determine the awareness and perception of biotechnology focusing on genetically modified foods among public secondary school science and technical vocational teachers in Guyana. A questionnaire was administered to 228 randomly selected teachers of 42 schools in six administrative regions of Guyana, representing about 90% of the population. The results revealed that there was a low level of awareness among the teachers: those who were knowledgeable about the subject were mainly Biology, Agricultural Science and Integrated Science teachers. Most teachers (almost 90%) indicated that the public is not receiving adequate information about genetically-modified foods and opined that the television should be the main medium to provide information. The study also revealed that teachers felt that ethical, religious and social issues should be considered when applying the technology. This view did not vary based on qualifications, years in the profession or subjects taught. Genetic modification was more acceptable to plant-based than animal-based foods, although they seemed ambivalent as to whether genetically modified foods can be harmful to their health. The implications of these findings are that more teachers in various subject areas should be informed about emerging issues in sciences to enable them to better analyze the subject matter, transfer information to the students, and form attitudes and opinions based on facts. 展开更多
关键词 BIOTECHNOLOGY curriculum education GENETICS genetic engineering AWARENESS perception.
English-Only Policy and Bilingual/ESL Teacher Education in the US" From Insiders' Perspectives
作者 Navin Kumar Singh 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期684-693,共10页
This paper is based on a study that was done to explore the perspectives of teacher candidates and faculty members of teacher education programs of a university of Arizona. The purpose of the study was to look into K-... This paper is based on a study that was done to explore the perspectives of teacher candidates and faculty members of teacher education programs of a university of Arizona. The purpose of the study was to look into K-12 language teacher education programs in the backdrop of globalization. The data of the study came from a sample of 200 prospective teachers/candidates and students, and 24 faculty members/program administrators of teacher education programs of a university of Arizona. The results of the study showed that the majority of teacher candidates felt underprepared to teach diverse student populations. Similarly, most participants expressed their concerns over English-only policy of Arizona and they reported it as a major barrier for the education of English language learners. 展开更多
关键词 English-only policy globalization indigenous minority language teacher education English languagelearners
Seismicity of the San Francisco Volcanic Field of Northern Arizona
作者 David S. Brumbaugh 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期722-728,共7页
Seismicity in northern Arizona is concentrated in a northwest-southeast trending belt that stretches from the Utah border south to the edge of the Colorado Plateau. Located within this NASB (Northern Arizona Seismic ... Seismicity in northern Arizona is concentrated in a northwest-southeast trending belt that stretches from the Utah border south to the edge of the Colorado Plateau. Located within this NASB (Northern Arizona Seismic Belt) is the San Francisco volcanic field, classified by the United States Geological Survey as potentially active. The last volcanic event in the field was located at Sunset Crater and occurred less than 1,000 years ago. Eruption intervals in the volcanic field are of the same order of length of time. Seismic monitoring of the volcanic field area has improved greatly since 1985 with the establishment of new network seismic stations. This has allowed for a lowered threshold of detection of seismic events and improved location capabilities. As an example of the result of this improved ability to locate smaller tremors, two swarms have been identified in the field, the 2009 Halloween swarm near Sunset Crater volcano and the 2011 swarm near Flagstaff, the largest urban community in northern Arizona. 展开更多
关键词 MONITORING SEISMICITY VOLCANISM Sunset Crater San Francisco volcanic field.
Measured and Predicted Aging Properties of Arizona Asphalt Binders
作者 Krishna Prapooma Biligiril George Bert Way 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第4期297-313,共17页
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) in the USA conducted a series of asphalt aging related research and special studies between the 1970s and 1990s. The studies covered over 157 test sections representin... The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) in the USA conducted a series of asphalt aging related research and special studies between the 1970s and 1990s. The studies covered over 157 test sections representing both neat (virgin) asphalt and crumb rubber modified (asphalt-rubber) binders. The data comprised of a wide range of penetration, viscosity, and Performance Grade (PG) parameters, at original and aged conditions. In the late 1990s, asphalt PG complex shear modulus (G*), and phase angle (5) data were collected. The main purpose of this paper was to use the assembled database of the field core-aged asphalt test data and compare the test results to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials approved Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) predictive modeled asphalt properties such as penetration and viscosity, G*, and 5. Furthermore, G* and laboratory measurements on neat and asphalt-rubber binders extracted from the field cores of the pavement sections aged ten or more years were compared to the pressure aging vessel PG G* and ~. values. It was observed that the MEPDG predicted asphalt binder properties were rational for originally (tank) sampled binders, but fairly correlated for the aged binders. Additionally, penetration and viscosity aging indices representing over 20 years of field aged sections were established for a wide variety of asphalt binder grades. Overall, the relationships for aging indices were meaningful and rational. Results of this research indicated the degree of difficulty in predicting asphalt binder properties for pavements with ten or more years of field aging. The findings from this research study are envisioned to be of substantial value in future asphalt binder aging studies. 展开更多
关键词 AGING neat asphalt asphalt-rubber binder shear modulus phase angle PENETRATION VISCOSITY performance-grade
Evaluation of Four Geomembrane-Mounted PV Systems for Land Reclamation in Southern Arizona
作者 Adria E. Brooks Nathan Allen +1 位作者 Vincent P. Lonij Alexander D. Cronin 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第5期834-840,共7页
Four different PV (photovoltaic) systems deployed around Tucson Arizona on geomembranes are used to test the feasibility of converting mine tailings and landfills into solar energy generating sites. Differences betw... Four different PV (photovoltaic) systems deployed around Tucson Arizona on geomembranes are used to test the feasibility of converting mine tailings and landfills into solar energy generating sites. Differences between these deployed systems include: two types of geomembrane materials, two different module anatomies and two different locations. Module mounting techniques unique to mine tailing sites are described. Several system failures observed during the first two years of operation are explained here in detail. Validated predictions for the operating temperature of these systems and their associated electrical performance are presented. It was determined that PV modules mounted on light-colored thermoplastic with shielded wiring operate at lower temperatures, are structurally stable, and experience fewer wiring failures. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic systems system performance current-voltage characteristics surface-mount technology land reclamation mining applications polyethylene geomembrane.
一带一路上的中西交流(二) 张骞之前的中西交通
作者 张国刚 《文史知识》 2018年第2期81-86,共6页
地球上的人类究竟是从非洲走出来的,还是各大洲都有着不同的人类起源的故事?至今在学术界,这一点还不能说是完全没有争议的问题。 可以确定无疑的是,在国家制度出现之前,人类出行不需要护照、签证的时候,曾经有过浩大的民族大迁徙。... 地球上的人类究竟是从非洲走出来的,还是各大洲都有着不同的人类起源的故事?至今在学术界,这一点还不能说是完全没有争议的问题。 可以确定无疑的是,在国家制度出现之前,人类出行不需要护照、签证的时候,曾经有过浩大的民族大迁徙。从里海—黑海地区东迁塔里木盆地讲印欧语的吐火罗人,就是这样的民族大迁徙中具有代表性的一支。阿尔泰山和天山之间的克尔木齐文化与里海一黑海北岸的颜那亚文化具有亲缘关系。后来统治河西走廊地区的月氏人,很可能就是这种自西徂东的文化的传承者。成都平原上的三星堆文明也与西亚有密切联系。 展开更多
关键词 河西走廊地区 中西交流 民族大迁徙 塔里木盆地 阿尔泰山 张骞 确定无疑 人类起源 吐火罗 那亚
作者 赵永升 《经济》 2014年第12期54-56,共3页
欧洲央行l0月26日公布了欧元区130家大银行的综合评估结果,有25家银行“考试不及格”,共存在250亿欧元资本缺口;其中“南欧猪国”(PIGS)的希腊和意大利两国,银行资本缺口位居前列——希腊的欧元银行缺口最大,高达46.3亿欧元,其次是意... 欧洲央行l0月26日公布了欧元区130家大银行的综合评估结果,有25家银行“考试不及格”,共存在250亿欧元资本缺口;其中“南欧猪国”(PIGS)的希腊和意大利两国,银行资本缺口位居前列——希腊的欧元银行缺口最大,高达46.3亿欧元,其次是意大利的西那亚银行和希腊国家银行。另外,欧洲银行业的资产账面价值也要做出480亿欧元的相应调整, 展开更多
关键词 资本缺口 资产账面价值 不及格 南欧国家 流动性危机 贷款利率 那亚 惜贷 南方国家 受援国
戏剧概念 被引量:1
作者 瓦拉德帕德 冯乐明 《戏曲研究》 1994年第1期178-186,共9页
关键词 舞蹈表演 表演技巧 情感表现 印度传统 斯托特 剧中人物 那亚 主要情感 人物角色 演出服装
作者 陈晓雷 《北京文学(精彩阅读)》 北大核心 2017年第3期138-141,共4页
母亲的列巴 去年,我在影友博客中,首次见到了历经沧桑的鄂温克老额尼(鄂温克语,母亲)玛丽娅·索,她那亚欧人种相互融通的面部轮廓,一下便吸引了我,这绛棕色脸上的皱纹让我惊奇,它们或横于额头,或环绕双眼,或聚拢唇边,都让我想到... 母亲的列巴 去年,我在影友博客中,首次见到了历经沧桑的鄂温克老额尼(鄂温克语,母亲)玛丽娅·索,她那亚欧人种相互融通的面部轮廓,一下便吸引了我,这绛棕色脸上的皱纹让我惊奇,它们或横于额头,或环绕双眼,或聚拢唇边,都让我想到莽莽大兴安岭的土地山川,高低起伏、深浅不一,她的这张脸,宛如深秋原野,山路弯曲幽远,恰似秋日田地,犁痕鲜明醒目,这上面记录着岁月人生,举证着真诚、美丽。 展开更多
关键词 相互融通 玛丽 面部轮廓 那亚 欧人 就这样 迎风招展 丛林中 细鳞鱼 驯鹿奶
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