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Shrinking and Super-Aging Suburbs in Japanese Metropolis
作者 Yoshimichi Yui Tomoko Kubo Hitoshi Miyazawa 《Sociology Study》 2017年第4期195-204,共10页
Japan's aging rate has exceeded 26%, ahead of any other country in the world. Aging is progressing rapidly in both rural and urban areas. Recently, super-aging in old suburbs is remarkable. Recently, Japanese old sub... Japan's aging rate has exceeded 26%, ahead of any other country in the world. Aging is progressing rapidly in both rural and urban areas. Recently, super-aging in old suburbs is remarkable. Recently, Japanese old suburban housing estates are declining. They are facing several serious problems. Most serious problems are aging of residents and decreasing population, and these are caused by long-term dwelling. Because many Japanese think that "Japanese Dream" is occupancy of detached house in suburb. Japanese suburban residents tend to stay after child rearing. And another severe problem is the increasing vacant houses. In this study, the authors try to clarify the conditions of shrinking suburbs in Japanese cities and will introduce some activities for revitalization in suburbs. As for aging of suburban residents, in old housing estates, the first generation of migrants grew older and continued to live in their own house in suburban areas. Furthermore, their children grew up and moved out. These are caused by the failure of town planning, which supplied the same type of houses in short term. Furthermore, increases in vacant houses are seen throughout every old suburban housing estate, and it induces new uneasiness and social troubles and drop in housing price. 展开更多
关键词 Super-aging SUBURBS housing estates REVITALIZATION
作者 文森特.考夫曼 克里斯托弗.叶梅林 陈厮 《国际社会科学杂志(中文版)》 2004年第2期121-131,5,共12页
西欧多个国家的城市 ,都是以轿车和个人住宅为中心修建起来的。城市和运输领域专业人士往往认为这一趋势无可避免 ,因为居民们的愿望原就如此。事情当真这样么 ?本文从两个角度回答这一问题。头一个角度以在法国四个城市 (巴黎—法兰西... 西欧多个国家的城市 ,都是以轿车和个人住宅为中心修建起来的。城市和运输领域专业人士往往认为这一趋势无可避免 ,因为居民们的愿望原就如此。事情当真这样么 ?本文从两个角度回答这一问题。头一个角度以在法国四个城市 (巴黎—法兰西岛、里昂、斯特拉斯堡以及普罗旺斯地区艾克斯 )所做的民意调查为根据 ,答问者 5 5 0 0人是居民中具有代表性的人士。调查显示 ,以轿车代步、住独立家屋并非所有居民的首选 ;只因缺乏适当的交通工具 ,他们才采取这种生活方式。 [城市中心地区 ]住房狭小 ,加之价格过高 ,买不起也租不起 ,而他们一旦被推到郊区去过日子 ,轿车就成为必需 ,甚至在住房附近活动也别无选择。这些调查结果表明 ,公共交通之是否能够长期维持运行 ,关键在于城市近郊有否能够满足人们种类繁多的需求的住房。如有 ,则对轿车的依赖就会降低。第二个角度是以大不列颠、德国和瑞士为例说明问题。这些国家各以各的办法创造出来的市区开发建设模式 ,既超越了历史古城安步可以当车的规模 ,也避开了远郊区无轿车则寸步难行的公式。 展开更多
关键词 土地使用规划 城市运输 法国 郊区模式 郊区住宅区 城市政策 英国 德国 瑞士
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