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作者 胡光清 《编辑之友》 北大核心 1989年第6期4-9,49,共7页
“部次条别”是我国古代编制书目的编辑思想。在现代,编制书目多属图书馆工作者或目录学者研究的领域,可古代却没有这样显明的区分。在古代,编制书目是编辑活动的一个方面。当我们探讨古代编辑思想时,也就不能撒开编制书目的编辑思想。... “部次条别”是我国古代编制书目的编辑思想。在现代,编制书目多属图书馆工作者或目录学者研究的领域,可古代却没有这样显明的区分。在古代,编制书目是编辑活动的一个方面。当我们探讨古代编辑思想时,也就不能撒开编制书目的编辑思想。因而,古代编制书目的编辑思想,亦是古代编辑思想史的内容之一。 展开更多
关键词 编辑思想 古代 部次条别
透平叶栅端部二次流流动损失机制研究 被引量:5
作者 刘昊 刘亮亮 +2 位作者 沈昕 何磊 欧阳华 《热力透平》 2018年第4期252-257,共6页
为了探究叶栅端部二次流动结构及损失产生机制,对低速透平叶栅气动特性进行实验测量,结合数值模拟计算对透平端部二次流动结构及损失来源进行分析,通过分析通道内部熵产率分布,研究流动结构与不可逆损失之间的关系。结果表明,在所研究... 为了探究叶栅端部二次流动结构及损失产生机制,对低速透平叶栅气动特性进行实验测量,结合数值模拟计算对透平端部二次流动结构及损失来源进行分析,通过分析通道内部熵产率分布,研究流动结构与不可逆损失之间的关系。结果表明,在所研究工况条件下,叶栅端部的二次流动结构主要源自来流边界层在前缘及通道内的三维分离现象,分离形成以马蹄涡、壁面涡以及通道涡为主导的涡系结构。端部二次流动损失主要来源于马蹄涡两分支、壁面涡和通道涡等漩涡自身的耗散,以及马蹄涡压力面分支与壁面涡合并成为通道涡时剧烈掺混引起的耗散。研究成果可为抑制端部二次流动及损失提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 透平叶栅 通道涡 熵产率
作者 毛智 张立宁 +2 位作者 龙安华 张立海 唐佩福 《中华老年多器官疾病杂志》 2014年第4期300-303,共4页
老年髋部骨折后部分患者会发生髋部二次骨折。老年髋部二次骨折会导致老年人的活动能力减弱和自理能力下降,并造成死亡风险的升高。了解此类骨折的风险因素,有助于临床医师在处理高危人群时制定行之有效的预防策略。因此,本文将从患... 老年髋部骨折后部分患者会发生髋部二次骨折。老年髋部二次骨折会导致老年人的活动能力减弱和自理能力下降,并造成死亡风险的升高。了解此类骨折的风险因素,有助于临床医师在处理高危人群时制定行之有效的预防策略。因此,本文将从患者自身特点、生活习惯、并存疾病和干预措施4个方面对老年髋部二次骨折的风险因素做一综述。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 骨折 风险因素
二次爆炸杀伤战斗部原理的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 陈进 肖川 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期45-49,共5页
提出了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部的概念并阐述了其相关作用原理,用实验验证了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部原理的可行性。针对选定的炸药装药,设计了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部的实验弹结构,利用高速摄影机拍摄实验弹的爆炸过程,确定二级装药在一级装药爆炸作... 提出了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部的概念并阐述了其相关作用原理,用实验验证了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部原理的可行性。针对选定的炸药装药,设计了二次爆炸杀伤战斗部的实验弹结构,利用高速摄影机拍摄实验弹的爆炸过程,确定二级装药在一级装药爆炸作用下是否发生XDT或DDT、测量起爆延迟时间和二级装药发生爆轰时其距初始位置的距离。结果表明,当有机玻璃隔板厚度值为50~80mm时,二级装药发生稳定的XDT或DDT,起爆延迟时间为2125~11000μs,二级装药产生的位移为252~645mm;采用钝感炸药装药,在特定的条件下会发生起爆时间更长的爆轰。XDT或DDT原理可应用于杀伤战斗部技术,提高杀伤破片的分布密度和速度。 展开更多
关键词 爆炸力学 爆炸杀伤战斗 迟滞爆轰 燃烧转爆轰
喉部折焰角影响下的垃圾焚烧炉拱部二次风优化 被引量:1
作者 罗翠红 《广东化工》 CAS 2020年第19期137-140,共4页
通过数值模拟手段对比分析了喉部折焰角对大容量中心流生活垃圾焚烧炉运行工况的影响,模拟结果显示喉部折焰角会降低焚烧炉的气相燃烧效率,但有利于垃圾料层的干燥着火与固定碳燃尽。为改善炉内的气相燃烧,对焚烧炉拱部二次风的入射位... 通过数值模拟手段对比分析了喉部折焰角对大容量中心流生活垃圾焚烧炉运行工况的影响,模拟结果显示喉部折焰角会降低焚烧炉的气相燃烧效率,但有利于垃圾料层的干燥着火与固定碳燃尽。为改善炉内的气相燃烧,对焚烧炉拱部二次风的入射位置进行分析优化,发现前、后拱二次风的风口位置对于气相燃烧具有明显影响,若前拱二次风口距离烟道较远(AD=2400 mm)或后拱二次风口距离烟道过近(BE=8400 mm),炉膛内的火焰会向后拱发生严重偏斜导致后拱壁面的温度升高至1400K,并使烟道内的氧气浓度下降,增加焚烧炉运行时的安全与环保风险。当BE=8000 mm、AD=2730 mm或AD=3000 mm时,炉内的气相燃烧状态较为理想。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾焚烧炉 折焰角:拱 数值模拟
作者 钟长发 《科技资讯》 2014年第34期76-76,共1页
随着科技的不断发展,变电站运行过程中的智能化程度得到了较大的提高,特别是其二次部分的设计中,采用先进的绘图软件,在变电站一次系统电网模型的基础上,实现了其二次装置中ICD文件的初始化设计。这种设计方法实现了变电站二次部分的可... 随着科技的不断发展,变电站运行过程中的智能化程度得到了较大的提高,特别是其二次部分的设计中,采用先进的绘图软件,在变电站一次系统电网模型的基础上,实现了其二次装置中ICD文件的初始化设计。这种设计方法实现了变电站二次部分的可视化设计,并且得到了其网络物理接线图,能够实现对智能变电站二次系统中SCD和CID文件的自动生成,极大地提高了其自动化水平。 展开更多
关键词 智能变电站 份设计 研究
可压缩修正的k-ε模型在喉部射流推力矢量喷管中的应用 被引量:1
作者 汪东 刘明侯 +2 位作者 韩省思 张先锋 陈义良 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期405-409,共5页
对标准的k-ε双方程湍流模型进行了可压缩性修正,并数值研究二次流矢量喷管中二次流不同入射角度时,二次流入射质量比对矢量偏角、推力效率的影响.通过比较实验数据,发现可压缩修正的k-ε双方程模型较标准k-ε模型、单方程湍流模型具有... 对标准的k-ε双方程湍流模型进行了可压缩性修正,并数值研究二次流矢量喷管中二次流不同入射角度时,二次流入射质量比对矢量偏角、推力效率的影响.通过比较实验数据,发现可压缩修正的k-ε双方程模型较标准k-ε模型、单方程湍流模型具有更好的计算精度.数值研究结果发现,二次流在获得较大的矢量偏角同时,系统推力效率降幅较小;当二次流入射角度为150°时,系统具有最大的矢量偏角. 展开更多
关键词 推力矢量 射流 可压缩修正的k-ε模型
作者 刘杨 孙瑞 +2 位作者 朱亚萍 吴怡萍 姚笑 《现代中医药》 2024年第1期41-45,共5页
腺样体肥大属于以增生为主的慢性炎症,在其发病的不同阶段具有不同的病理变化特点。姚笑教授根据腺样体肥大各阶段的临床表现,将本病归纳为热、瘀、痰、虚四大证型,采用祛邪清热、化瘀通络、行气化痰、扶助正气等推拿处方辨证施治,并于... 腺样体肥大属于以增生为主的慢性炎症,在其发病的不同阶段具有不同的病理变化特点。姚笑教授根据腺样体肥大各阶段的临床表现,将本病归纳为热、瘀、痰、虚四大证型,采用祛邪清热、化瘀通络、行气化痰、扶助正气等推拿处方辨证施治,并于局部推拿颈部七次脉以活血行气,收到满意效果,其诊疗经验切实有效且独具特色,值得借鉴和推广。 展开更多
关键词 姚笑 腺样体肥大 辨证分型 小儿推拿
作者 邹维萍 《北京市人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2019年第4期81-81,共1页
主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:7月24日,市十五届人大常委会第十四次会议对《北京市人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<北京市河湖保护管理条例><北京市农业机械化促进条例>等十一部地方性法规的决定(草案二次审议稿)... 主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:7月24日,市十五届人大常委会第十四次会议对《北京市人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<北京市河湖保护管理条例><北京市农业机械化促进条例>等十一部地方性法规的决定(草案二次审议稿)》进行了分组审议。会上,有两位常委会组成人员发表了意见,肯定了此次修改法规的原则和内容。 展开更多
关键词 人民代表大会常务委员会 《北京市人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<北京市河湖保护管理条例><北京市农业机械化促进条例>等十一地方性法规的决定(草案二审议稿)》 审议稿 修改意见 地方性法规 法制委员会 北京市 农业机械化
Ultracytochemical Localization of ATPase During the Secondary Xylem Differentiation and Dedifferentiation in Eucommia ulmoides Trunk 被引量:12
作者 王雅清 Kalima-N’ +1 位作者 KomaMWANGE 崔克明 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第5期455-460,共6页
The ultracytochemical localization of ATPase in the secondary xylem cells during their differentiation and dedifferentiation in the girdled Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was carried out using a lead phosphate precipitation ... The ultracytochemical localization of ATPase in the secondary xylem cells during their differentiation and dedifferentiation in the girdled Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was carried out using a lead phosphate precipitation technique. Throughout the differentiation, which is a typical programmed cell death (PCD) process, ATPase deposits increased in the nucleus but decreased and progressively disappeared in the cell organelles. At the same time, the distribution of ATPase increased in the inner face of the cell wall and pits with cytoplasmic degeneration. The results demonstrated that the PCD was an energy dependent active process and was controlled by nuclear genes. On the other hand, the distribution of ATPase in the intercellular spaces increased with the formation of the new cambium resulted from the dedifferentiation of the secondary xylem cells after girdling. However, ATPase was not found in the nucleus of the dividing cells, suggesting that nutrients were transported through protoplast during differentiation, and through both protoplast and apoplast during dedifferentiation. Thus, the energy required in cell division was provided mainly by intercellular spaces. These findings indicate that the dynamic distribution of ATPase reflected which cell component was actively taking part in the cell metabolism at various stages of the plant development, and its distribution was associated with the physiological state of the cell. Based on the characteristic distributions of ATPase, the critical stage of cell differentiation and the relationship between the critical stage and dedifferentiation were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Eucommia ulmoides secondary xylem DIFFERENTIATION DEDIFFERENTIATION programmed cell death (PCD) ATPASE
Dynamic Changes in Distribution of Lignin and Hemicelluloses in Cell Walls During Differentiation of Secondary Xylem in Eucommia ulmoides 被引量:5
作者 贺新强 崔克明 李正理 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第9期899-904,共6页
The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet... The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy combined with immunogold labelling. In the cambial zone and cell expansion zone, xyloglucans were localized both in the tangential and radial walls, but no xylans or lignin were found in these regions. With the formation of secondary wall S-1 layer, lignin occurred in the cell corners and middle lamella, while xylans appeared in S-1 layer, and xyloglucans were localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. In pace with the formation of secondary wall S-2 and S-3 layer, lignification extended to S-1, S-2 and S-3 layer in sequence, showing a patchy style of lignin deposition. Concurrently, xylans distributed in the whole secondary walls and xyloglucans, on the other hand, still localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. The results indicated that along with the formation and lignification of the secondary wall, great changes had taken place in the cell walls. Different parts of cell walls, such as cell corners, middle lamella, primary walls and various layers of secondary walls, had different kinds of hemicelluloses, which formed various cell wall architecture combined with lignin and other cell wall components. 展开更多
关键词 cell wall LIGNIN hemicelluloses secondary xylem differentiation Eucommia ulmoides
二次起爆型云爆战斗部爆炸抛撒过程及毁伤作用 被引量:6
作者 畅博 王世英 《战术导弹技术》 北大核心 2016年第6期111-117,共7页
综述了二次起爆型云爆战斗部爆炸抛撒过程及毁伤作用的研究现状,着重对二次起爆型云爆战斗部爆炸抛撒过程、结构参数影响规律、"蹿火"现象、云雾浓度及颗粒尺寸测试、超压及热毁伤作用等研究内容进行了介绍,同时给出了二次起... 综述了二次起爆型云爆战斗部爆炸抛撒过程及毁伤作用的研究现状,着重对二次起爆型云爆战斗部爆炸抛撒过程、结构参数影响规律、"蹿火"现象、云雾浓度及颗粒尺寸测试、超压及热毁伤作用等研究内容进行了介绍,同时给出了二次起爆型云爆战斗部的发展方向,认为还需要加强对云爆燃料颗粒爆炸抛撒过程以及云雾爆轰能量与目标耦合的研究。 展开更多
关键词 起爆型云爆战斗 爆炸抛撒 毁伤作用
作者 卢鹏飞 《宿州学院学报》 2013年第8期73-75,共3页
分析了次档距震荡产生的原因和防护的方法,说明了阻尼间隔棒的作用。说明了分裂导线次档距布置的方法,考虑子导线振幅限制条件和扭转恢复特性要求,指出了安装位置优化的经验规则,进而提出端次档距的安装依据,推导出间隔棒起算点对次档... 分析了次档距震荡产生的原因和防护的方法,说明了阻尼间隔棒的作用。说明了分裂导线次档距布置的方法,考虑子导线振幅限制条件和扭转恢复特性要求,指出了安装位置优化的经验规则,进而提出端次档距的安装依据,推导出间隔棒起算点对次档距振荡的影响。 展开更多
关键词 档距震荡 阻尼间隔棒 部次档距 间隔棒起算点
《玉篇》研究二题 被引量:2
作者 陈建裕 《平顶山师专学报》 2002年第3期65-67,共3页
孙强修订《玉 篇》的具体时间,学界两说并行,实际上应是唐高宗上元元年,即公元674年。原本《玉篇 》删并《说文》11部,新增13部,部次也有较大调整;《宋本玉篇》的部首、部次与原本《 玉篇》小异。
关键词 《玉篇》 上元元年 甲戌岁 部次
Programmed Cell Death During Secondary Xylem Differentiation in Eucommia ulmoides 被引量:2
作者 曹静 贺新强 +2 位作者 王雅清 苏都莫日根 崔克明 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1465-1474,共10页
Programmed cell death (PCD) during secondary xylem differentiation in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was examined using electron microscopy and by investigation of DNA fragmentation and degradation of caspase-like proteases ... Programmed cell death (PCD) during secondary xylem differentiation in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was examined using electron microscopy and by investigation of DNA fragmentation and degradation of caspase-like proteases (CLPs). DNA ladders were detected in developing secondary xylem by gel electrophoresis. DNA fragmentation was further confirmed by using the TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method. Western blotting analysis showed that CLPs (caspase-8- and caspase-3-like proteases) and PARP (poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) were degraded during secondary xylem differentiation. The results thus indicated that secondary xylem differentiation in E ulmoides was a typical process of PCD and the degradation of CLPs might be a constitutive PCD event during secondary xylem differentiation. 展开更多
关键词 caspase-like protease DNA fragmentation Eucommia ulmoides poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase programmed cell death secondary xylem differentiation
New Xanthones from Swertia decora 被引量:1
作者 肖怀 陆阳 +2 位作者 陈泽乃 刘光明 钱金栿 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第4期172-174,共3页
From the CHCl3 part of Swertia decora Franch., a traditional medicinal herb of China, two new xanthones, swertiadecoraxanthone-I and swertiadecoraxanthone-II along with four known compounds have been isolated and iden... From the CHCl3 part of Swertia decora Franch., a traditional medicinal herb of China, two new xanthones, swertiadecoraxanthone-I and swertiadecoraxanthone-II along with four known compounds have been isolated and identified on the basis of spectral analysis and chemical evidence. 展开更多
关键词 Swertia decora GENTIANACEAE XANTHONE Swertiadecoraxanthone-II
Development of Sedimentary Environment in the Northeastern South China Sea Since the Last Glacial Stage
作者 黄元辉 蓝东兆 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第1期46-54,共9页
Core D (21°23′02″N, 116°47′13″E, water depth 405 m) was sampled from the upper slope from the northeastern South China Sea (SCS) and applied to analyze the sedimentary environmental change in this se... Core D (21°23′02″N, 116°47′13″E, water depth 405 m) was sampled from the upper slope from the northeastern South China Sea (SCS) and applied to analyze the sedimentary environmental change in this sea area since the last glacial stage. The results of grain size analysis, diatom analysis and detrital mineral analysis were well matched. We divided the core D into two layers. The surface sand layer (0 - 2 cm) consisted of residual sediments, which might be originally the sediment in the late Pleistocene and later suffered from being transformed in the post glacial transgression. The lower layer (2 - 130 cm) was quite different from the surface one, which might mainly result from a neritic sedimentary environment in the last glacial stage. Two sedimentary cycles could be detected in the core D: regression during Marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 to transgression during MIS 3 and regression during MIS 2 to transgression during the post glacial. 展开更多
关键词 DIATOM grain size sedimentary environment the last glacial stage the northeastern South China Sea
Organ preconditioning: the past, current status, and related lung studies 被引量:7
作者 LUH Shi-ping YANG Pan-chyr 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期331-341,共11页
Preconditioning (PC) has emerged as a powerful method for experimentally and clinically attenuating various types of organ injuries. In this paper related clinical and basic research issues on organ preconditioning is... Preconditioning (PC) has emerged as a powerful method for experimentally and clinically attenuating various types of organ injuries. In this paper related clinical and basic research issues on organ preconditioning issues were systemically reviewed. Since lung injuries, including ischemia-reperfusion and others, play important roles in many clinical results, including throm-boembolism, trauma, thermal injury, hypovolemic and endotoxin shock, reimplantation response after organ transplantation, and many respiratory diseases in critical care. It is of interest to uncover methods, including the PCs, to protect the lung from the above injuries. However, related studies on pulmonary PC are relatively rare and still being developed, so we will review previous literature on experimental and clinical studies on pulmonary PC in the following paragraphs. 展开更多
The Seasonal Variations of Aerosols over East Asia as Jointly Inferred from MODIS and OMI 被引量:5
作者 LIU Qi DING Wei-Dong FU Yun-Fei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第6期330-337,共8页
Data on aerosol optical thickness(AOT) and single scattering albedo(SSA) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI) measurements,respectively,are used jointly to ... Data on aerosol optical thickness(AOT) and single scattering albedo(SSA) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI) measurements,respectively,are used jointly to examine the seasonal variations of aerosols over East Asia.The seasonal signals of the total AOT are well defined and nearly similar over the land and over the ocean.These findings indicate a natural cycle of aerosols that originate primarily from natural emissions. In contrast,the small-sized aerosols represented by the fine-mode AOT,which are primarily generated over the land by human activities,do not have evident seasonalscale fluctuations.A persistent maximum of aerosol loadings centered over the Sichuan basin is associated with considerable amounts of fine-mode aerosols throughout the year.Most regions exhibit a general spring maximum. During the summer,however,the aerosol loadings are the most marked over north central China.This occurrence may result from anthropogenic fine particles,such as sulfate and nitrate.Four typical regions were selected to perform a covariation analysis of the monthly gridded AOT and SSA.Over southwestern and southeastern China,if the aerosol loadings are small to moderate they are composed primarily of the highly absorptive aerosols. However,more substantial aerosol loadings probably represent less-absorptive aerosols.The opposite covariation pattern occurring over the coastal-adjacent oceans suggests that the polluted oceanic atmosphere is closely correlated with the windward terrestrial aerosols.North central China is strongly affected by dust aerosols that show moderate absorption.This finding may explain the lower variability in the SSA that accompanies increasing aerosol loadings in this region. 展开更多
关键词 aerosol optical thickness single scattering albedo seasonal variation Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Ozone Monitoring Instrument
Intestinal microflora in rats with ischemia/reperfusion liver injury 被引量:5
作者 邢卉春 李兰娟 +5 位作者 徐凯进 沈恬 陈云波 盛吉芳 俞云松 陈亚岗 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期14-21,共8页
Objectives: To investigate the intestinal microflora status related to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) liver injury and explore the possible mechanism. Methods: Specific pathogen free grade Sprague-Dawley rats were randomi... Objectives: To investigate the intestinal microflora status related to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) liver injury and explore the possible mechanism. Methods: Specific pathogen free grade Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into three groups: Control group (n=8), sham group (n=6) and I/R group (n=10). Rats in the control group did not receive any treatment, rats in the I/R group were subjected to 20 min of liver ischemia, and rats in the sham group were only subjected to sham operation. Twenty-two hours later, the rats were sacrificed and liver enzymes and malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), serum endotoxin,intestinal bacterial counts, intestinal mucosal histology, bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and kidney were studied. Results: Ischemia/reperfusion increased liver enzymes, MDA, decreased SOD, and was associated with plasma endotoxin elevation in the I/R group campared to those in the sham group. Intestinal Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli decreased and intestinal Enterobacterium and Enterococcus, bacterial translocation to kidney increased in the I/R group compared to the sham group. Intestinal microvilli were lost, disrupted and the interspace between cells became wider in the I/R group.Conclusion: I/R liver injury may lead to disturbance of intestinal microflora and impairment of intestinal mucosal barrier function,which contributes to endotoxemia and bacterial translocation to kidney. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemia/reperfusion(I/R) Liver injury MICROFLORA ENDOTOXIN Bacterial translocation
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