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氧化锌压敏电阻均能配片 被引量:5
作者 彭辉 夏维珞 符仲恩 《上海大中型电机》 2006年第1期10-12,共3页
关键词 氧化锌压敏电阻 全线均能 配片
空间太阳电池组件配片方法研究 被引量:1
作者 蔡诗鸣 张忠卫 付庄 《机电一体化》 2012年第8期31-35,共5页
在空间用太阳电池阵的制造过程中,如何降低电流损耗产生是必须解决的一个重要问题。空间太阳电池组件配片方法虽然简单易用,但有电流组合损耗较大的缺点。文章提出了一种新的组件配片方法,有效降低了电流组合损耗,在同等生产条件下提高... 在空间用太阳电池阵的制造过程中,如何降低电流损耗产生是必须解决的一个重要问题。空间太阳电池组件配片方法虽然简单易用,但有电流组合损耗较大的缺点。文章提出了一种新的组件配片方法,有效降低了电流组合损耗,在同等生产条件下提高了太阳电池阵的输出功率。应用实验证明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 组件串联 联结损失 组件配片 叠层太阳电池
随书配片的管理、利用之我见 被引量:1
作者 邹黎敏 《农业图书情报学刊》 2004年第10期81-82,90,共3页
文章针对图书附盘的特性 ,根据本馆现有的保存方式 ,对如何最大限度地利用附盘的信息资源进行了探索 ,提出了对本馆磁。
关键词 图书配片 附盘图书 管理 利用
面向三维人体重建的前、后片配准算法 被引量:2
作者 万燕 龙文铮 +1 位作者 谭亮 唐洪泰 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期587-592,共6页
针对传统三维图像配准算法需要获取目标物体多个模型数据的不便,以及三维重建过程耗时较长的不足,提出了一种基于三维人体表面前、后片模型的配准算法.该算法首先使用Kinect三维扫描设备获取的人体表面前、后片模型点云数据,作为配准过... 针对传统三维图像配准算法需要获取目标物体多个模型数据的不便,以及三维重建过程耗时较长的不足,提出了一种基于三维人体表面前、后片模型的配准算法.该算法首先使用Kinect三维扫描设备获取的人体表面前、后片模型点云数据,作为配准过程的参考点集和目标点集;然后,选取前、后片模型的边缘轮廓信息作为配准特征点,通过迭代优化过程,使得前、后片能够较好地配准;最后,通过空间曲线插值方法填充模型边缘缝隙,得到完整的三维人体模型.试验结果表明,该算法只需要获取目标物体的前、后片三维数据,模型采集及配准效率高,配准精度好,即使针对初始位置相差较大的两个模型片也能得到准确的配准效果. 展开更多
关键词 三维 重建 迭代优化
作者 王勤诚 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期445-447,共3页
旋转场移相器由两段λ/ 4波片及一段λ/ 2波片组成。由于波片之间失配存在反射。本文分析了反射系数、波片相位误差对输出相移、隔离度及损耗的影响。与实验结果吻合。
关键词 相位误差 移相器 旋转场
汽车车灯配光面片的快速逆向建模 被引量:3
作者 何培峰 孙建标 《模具工业》 北大核心 2006年第7期5-8,共4页
关键词 反射器光面 逆向造型 功能模块 精度
作者 王琤 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期173-175,共3页
探究配以英文字幕的原版片对提高大学生英语口语水平的可行性,并具体研究对口语的流利性、准确性、复杂性的影响和作用。以苏州科技学院60名学生为研究对象,以输入假说理论、双重编码理论为理论指导,进行了历时六个月的教学实验。实... 探究配以英文字幕的原版片对提高大学生英语口语水平的可行性,并具体研究对口语的流利性、准确性、复杂性的影响和作用。以苏州科技学院60名学生为研究对象,以输入假说理论、双重编码理论为理论指导,进行了历时六个月的教学实验。实验结果表明配以英文字幕的原版片作为语言载体能够更好地激发学生的学习动机,由于沉浸在全英文环境中及借助中国学生相对较强的阅读能力,实验组学生对口语的语体知识,语音语调及非语言行为方面有了更深的理解。这些结论为英语教师使用英文字幕的原版片进行口语教学提供了理论和实践依据。 展开更多
关键词 以英文字幕的原版 英语口语 流利性 准确性 复杂性
米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片用于宫内妊娠160例钳刮术的疗效分析 被引量:1
作者 李剑 《云南医药》 CAS 2019年第2期177-178,166,共3页
我院属于中心镇卫生院,经济文化落后,人口以少数民族为主。对宫内节育器避孕作用认识不足,认为宫内节育器绝对避孕,停经不及时就诊,绝大部分患者都是宫内孕2+~3+月才就诊。近年来我院开展米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片口服后钳刮术,对妊娠... 我院属于中心镇卫生院,经济文化落后,人口以少数民族为主。对宫内节育器避孕作用认识不足,认为宫内节育器绝对避孕,停经不及时就诊,绝大部分患者都是宫内孕2+~3+月才就诊。近年来我院开展米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片口服后钳刮术,对妊娠10~14w避孕失败的孕妇终止妊娠,降低引产率起到较好效果,现报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 钳刮术 米非司酮伍米索前列醇 疗效分析
薄片丝掺配·片掺配模式下细支卷烟品质稳定性比较 被引量:4
作者 马丽 邹泉 +6 位作者 陈冉 廖晓祥 赵云川 乔晓辉 王夏婷 李邵阳 赵娟 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2017年第28期101-104,共4页
[目的]提升细支卷烟品质。[方法]运用方差分析,从加工过程稳定性、混合均匀度、物理指标稳定性、主流烟气以及感官评价5个方面,对比薄片丝掺配和片掺配2种模式下的细支卷烟样品。[结果]薄片丝掺配加工过程稳定性较优;薄片丝掺配混合均... [目的]提升细支卷烟品质。[方法]运用方差分析,从加工过程稳定性、混合均匀度、物理指标稳定性、主流烟气以及感官评价5个方面,对比薄片丝掺配和片掺配2种模式下的细支卷烟样品。[结果]薄片丝掺配加工过程稳定性较优;薄片丝掺配混合均匀度高于薄片片掺配;薄片丝掺配较薄片片掺配样品,端部落丝量小、吸阻和密度有更高稳定性;薄片丝掺配降低烟碱和CO的作用较薄片片掺配有显著提高,且焦油、烟碱、CO等各项烟气指标更稳定;薄片丝掺配样品的香气、杂气、刺激性、余味指标较优,总体质量优于薄片片掺配样品。[结论]对于提高细支卷烟的品质稳定性,薄片离线加工后丝掺配方式比传统薄片叶掺配模式更优。 展开更多
关键词 细支卷烟 丝掺 加工过程稳定性 混合均匀度 物理指标稳定性 主流烟气 感官评价
造纸法再造烟叶丝掺配工艺研究 被引量:12
作者 李善莲 边腾飞 +3 位作者 徐大勇 李洪涛 邓国栋 席年生 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期9-12,共4页
为提高造纸法再造烟叶的掺配准确度及其在烟支中的掺配均匀性,试验分析了丝掺配(造纸法再造烟叶单独制丝生产在加香前掺配)和片掺配(再造烟叶与烤烟一起投料制丝生产)对烟支中再造烟叶掺配均匀性和准确度的影响,优化了再造烟叶丝掺配的... 为提高造纸法再造烟叶的掺配准确度及其在烟支中的掺配均匀性,试验分析了丝掺配(造纸法再造烟叶单独制丝生产在加香前掺配)和片掺配(再造烟叶与烤烟一起投料制丝生产)对烟支中再造烟叶掺配均匀性和准确度的影响,优化了再造烟叶丝掺配的流程和再造烟叶的烟丝尺寸。结果表明:①在现有掺配流程下,采用丝掺配工艺烟支中再造烟叶的掺配准确度显著提高,但烟支中再造烟叶的均匀性无明显差别。②通过在掺配流程中加装抛丝装置和摊铺松散装置,以及对再造烟叶的烟丝进行断丝处理,烟支中再造烟丝的掺配均匀性和准确度均有显著提高,试验牌号卷烟烟支中再造烟叶的变异系数平均降低8.11%,掺配准确度平均提高9.24%。 展开更多
关键词 造纸法再造烟叶 丝掺 准确度 均匀性
硬质合金钎头感应钎焊 被引量:2
作者 杜宪伟 张晓玄 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2001年第9期45-47,共3页
关键词 硬质合金钎头 感应钎焊 焊接组件 配片 钎具 钎料
作者 柳偲 章志兵 柳玉起 《模具工业》 2017年第9期59-62,共4页
针对六角伪电铸纹圆角自动化建模中裁剪方向难以识别的问题,基于CATIA平台,采用曲面双向曲率识别算法,将随机性方向识别问题转化为曲面识别问题,实现了六角伪电铸纹圆角自动化建模。结合配光纹的建模特点,提出了参数化设计方案,解决了... 针对六角伪电铸纹圆角自动化建模中裁剪方向难以识别的问题,基于CATIA平台,采用曲面双向曲率识别算法,将随机性方向识别问题转化为曲面识别问题,实现了六角伪电铸纹圆角自动化建模。结合配光纹的建模特点,提出了参数化设计方案,解决了由配光面片不正确相交导致裁剪失败的问题,由此提高圆角自动化建模的准确性和稳定性,最后开发了一套六角伪电铸纹圆角自动化建模系统,并与传统的手动设计过程进行对比,验证了该系统在提高配光纹设计质量和效率方面的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 CATIA平台 六角伪电铸纹 圆角自动化建模 汽车车灯 光面
Analysis of circular-to-circular groove waveguide junction 被引量:1
作者 崔立成 杨鸿生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期17-21,共5页
Mode matching method is used to analyze the scattering characteristics of thecircular-to-circular groove waveguide junction. Matching the electric fields and magnetic fields atthe boundary of the junction, and multipl... Mode matching method is used to analyze the scattering characteristics of thecircular-to-circular groove waveguide junction. Matching the electric fields and magnetic fields atthe boundary of the junction, and multiplying the mode functions of the circular waveguide andcircular groove waveguide on both sides of the boundary equation, the scattering matrix equation isobtained, the scattering coefficients can be obtained from the equation. Then the scatteringcharacteristics of the iris with circular window in circular groove waveguide are analyzed. At lastthe convergent problem is discussed; when choosing a suitable mode group, convergent numericalresults are obtained, and the frequency response of the iris' scattering coefficients is also given. 展开更多
关键词 circular groove waveguide circular-to-circular groove waveguide junction mode matching method
Development of a SCAR marker for male gametophyte of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis based on AFLP technique 被引量:1
作者 周伟 丁弘叶 +2 位作者 隋正红 王钟霞 王津果 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期522-526,共5页
The red alga Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis(Bory) is an economically valuable macroalgae. As a means to identify the sex of immature Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, the amplifi ed fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) techni... The red alga Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis(Bory) is an economically valuable macroalgae. As a means to identify the sex of immature Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, the amplifi ed fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) technique was used to search for possible sex- or phase-related markers in male gametophytes, female gametophytes, and tetrasporophytes, respectively. Seven AFLP selective amplifi cation primers were used in this study. The primer combination E-TG/M-CCA detected a specifi c band linked to male gametophytes. The DNA fragment was recovered and a 402-bp fragment was sequenced. However, no DNA sequence match was found in public databases. Sequence characterized amplifi ed region(SCAR) primers were designed from the sequence to test the repeatability of the relationship to the sex, using 69 male gametophytes, 139 female gametophytes, and 47 tetrasporophytes. The test results demonstrate a good linkage and repeatability of the SCAR marker to sex. The SCAR primers developed in this study could reduce the time required for sex identifi cation of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis by four to six months. This can reduce both the time investment and number of specimens required in breeding experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) male gametophyte sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker
Experimental Research on Flow Maldistribution in Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers 被引量:7
作者 张哲 厉彦忠 许箐 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第1期7-13,共7页
The flow maldistribution and the effect of different inlet configuration on the flow distribution in platefin heat exchangers were studied experimentally. It is found that the flow maldistribution is serious because o... The flow maldistribution and the effect of different inlet configuration on the flow distribution in platefin heat exchangers were studied experimentally. It is found that the flow maldistribution is serious because of the defects of inlet configurations, while the inlet configuration and Reynolds number are the main factors affecting the flow distribution. The improved inlet configurations, which are the header with a two-stage distributing configuration and the guide vane with a fluid complementary cavity were proposed and tested in this paper. The experimental results show that the improved inlet configurations can effectively improve the performance of flow distribution in heat exchangers. 展开更多
关键词 plate-fin heat exchanger flow distribution inlet configuration
Effect of Distributor Design on Gas-Liquid Distribution in Monolithic Bed at High Gas/Liquid Ratios
作者 周媛 AL-DAHHAN Muthanna +1 位作者 DUDUKOVIC Milorad 刘辉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期693-700,共8页
Experiments were carried out to investigate the liquid flow distribution at high gas/liquid ratios in a cold model monolith bed of a 0.048 m diameter with 62 cells per cm2.Three types of distributor for the liquid dis... Experiments were carried out to investigate the liquid flow distribution at high gas/liquid ratios in a cold model monolith bed of a 0.048 m diameter with 62 cells per cm2.Three types of distributor for the liquid distribu-tion were used to evaluate their distribution performance.Local liquid saturation in individual channels was meas-ured using 16 single-point optical fiber probes mounted inside the channels.The results indicate that 1) The optical fiber probe technique can measure phase distribution in the monolith bed;2) Liquid saturation distribution along the radial direction of the monolith bed is not uniform and the extent of non-uniformity depends on the distributor de-sign and phase velocities;and 3) The tube array distributor provides superior liquid distribution performance over the showerhead and nozzle distributors. 展开更多
关键词 monolith reactor phase distribution optical fiber probe liquid saturation
Reliability-aware mapping and links voltage assignment for energy-efficient networks-on-chip
作者 谢晓娜 Zhu Qingxin +1 位作者 Chang Zhengwei Jiang Wei 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第2期201-207,共7页
As feature sizes shrink,low energy consumption,high reliability and high performance become key objectives of network-on-chip(NoC) design.In this paper,an integrated approach is presented to map IP cores onto NoC arch... As feature sizes shrink,low energy consumption,high reliability and high performance become key objectives of network-on-chip(NoC) design.In this paper,an integrated approach is presented to map IP cores onto NoC architecture and assign voltage levels for each link,such that the communication energy is minimized under constraints of bandwidth and reliability.The design space is explored using tabu search.In order to select optimal voltage level for the links,an energy-efficiency driven heuristic algorithm is proposed to perform energy/reliability trade-off by exploiting communication slack.Experimental results show that the ordinary energy optimization techniques ignoring the influence of voltage on fault rates could lead to drastically decreased communication reliability of NoCs,and the proposed approach can produce reliable and energy-efficient implementations. 展开更多
关键词 network-on-chip (NoC) energy minimization RELIABILITY MAPPING voltage assignment
A 5.4mW and 6.1% efficiency fixed-tuned 214GHz frequency doubler with Schottky barrier diodes 被引量:4
作者 姚常飞 Zhou Ming +2 位作者 Luo Yunsheng Kou Yanan Li Jiao 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第1期85-89,共5页
A Y-band frequency doubler is analyzed and designed with GaAs planar Schottky diode, which is flip-chip solded into a 50 μm thick quartz substrate. Diode embedding impedance is found by full- wave analysis with lumpe... A Y-band frequency doubler is analyzed and designed with GaAs planar Schottky diode, which is flip-chip solded into a 50 μm thick quartz substrate. Diode embedding impedance is found by full- wave analysis with lumped port to model the nonlinear junction for impedance matching without the need of diode equivalent circuit model. All the matching circuit is designed "on-chip" and the mul- tiplier is self-biasing. To the doubler, a conversion efficiency of 6.1% and output power of 5.4mW are measured at 214GHz with input power of 88mW, and the typical measured efficiency is 4.5% in 200 - 225 GHz. 展开更多
关键词 frequency doubler planar schottky diode quartz substrate EFFICIENCY
作者 张会遵 《中国卫生产业》 2013年第26期104-105,共2页
目的探讨和分析米非司酮配伍米索前列醇片抗早孕的疗效和体会。方法对我院2011年2月—2013年4月期间进行药物流产的120例孕早期患者进行米非司酮配伍米索前列醇片抗早孕的疗效,并观察治疗效果和治疗后的副作用情况。结果在l20例服药者由... 目的探讨和分析米非司酮配伍米索前列醇片抗早孕的疗效和体会。方法对我院2011年2月—2013年4月期间进行药物流产的120例孕早期患者进行米非司酮配伍米索前列醇片抗早孕的疗效,并观察治疗效果和治疗后的副作用情况。结果在l20例服药者由111例(92.5%)完全流产,有7例(5.8%)不全流产,6h后有2例服米索前列醇未排出孕囊,阴道流血在100mL以上并立即进行清宫术,视作药物流产失败。结论米非司酮配伍米索前列醇联合抗早孕效果较好,成功率高,应用方便,且副作用少,怀孕早期可以使用。 展开更多
关键词 米非司酮伍米索前列醇 抗早孕
Research on reconfigurable collaborative remote diagnosis system
作者 袁楚明 Chen Youping Zhang Guohui Zhou Zude 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第2期160-164,共5页
The function-layer model and working model of collaborative remote fault diagnosis system (FDS), which includes three layers: task layer, collaboration layer and diagnosing layer, are proposed. The running mechanis... The function-layer model and working model of collaborative remote fault diagnosis system (FDS), which includes three layers: task layer, collaboration layer and diagnosing layer, are proposed. The running mechanism of the system is discussed. A collaborative FDS may consist of several subsystems running at different places and the subsystem consists of several fimction modules. A structure centered on data-bus is adopted in subsystem. All the function modules in subsystem are encapsulated into software intelligent chips (SICs) and SIC can but connect with data-bus. So, it is feasible to reuse these diagnosis fimction modules and the structure of subsystem in different diagnosis applications. With the reconfigurable SICs, several different function modules can reconstruct quickly some different diagnosis subsystems in different combinations, and some subsystems can also reconfigure a specified collaborative FDS. 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis system COLLABORATION RECONFIGURATION software intelligent chip
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