There is worrying about current clinical situation on diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs in acupuncture. Japanese specialists in the acupuncture field have pointed out that suff...There is worrying about current clinical situation on diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs in acupuncture. Japanese specialists in the acupuncture field have pointed out that sufficient attention should be paid to its various malpractices. Responding to their questioning, the author put forward some main problems existing and made certain analysis. Diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs should be expressed in their application according to successive theories, methods, prescriptions, acupoints and techniques. In order to elevate therapeutic effects of acupuncture, forth effort should be put to various aspects, such as clinical skills, functional regularity, indications and affected factors.展开更多
文摘There is worrying about current clinical situation on diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs in acupuncture. Japanese specialists in the acupuncture field have pointed out that sufficient attention should be paid to its various malpractices. Responding to their questioning, the author put forward some main problems existing and made certain analysis. Diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs should be expressed in their application according to successive theories, methods, prescriptions, acupoints and techniques. In order to elevate therapeutic effects of acupuncture, forth effort should be put to various aspects, such as clinical skills, functional regularity, indications and affected factors.