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浅谈《周礼》中的酒官制度 被引量:2
作者 林琳 《古籍整理研究学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期97-99,共3页
《周礼》所记述的职官制度系统而严密。其中负责掌供酒饮以及执掌酒政、酒礼等事务的官员虽未形成独立的"酒官"系列,但他们在祭祀等重要活动中有着不可低估的地位。从《周礼》的具体阐释及其他文献的某些训释中,亦可见其职能... 《周礼》所记述的职官制度系统而严密。其中负责掌供酒饮以及执掌酒政、酒礼等事务的官员虽未形成独立的"酒官"系列,但他们在祭祀等重要活动中有着不可低估的地位。从《周礼》的具体阐释及其他文献的某些训释中,亦可见其职能制度已构成一个十分完整的体系。 展开更多
关键词 《周礼》 酒官 礼仪 祭祀
作者 大山 赵华东 《温州瞭望》 2005年第2期36-39,共4页
本不想写这篇文章的。理由很简单,怕得罪人。不过,最近连续几篇有关酒官肇事违法犯罪的报道,不由得使我放下了这个包袱。因为,叹一叹酒官,劝一劝酒官,无论怎么说都是在行善,是一件好事而不是坏事,甚至是功德无量之事。所谓酒官,绝不是... 本不想写这篇文章的。理由很简单,怕得罪人。不过,最近连续几篇有关酒官肇事违法犯罪的报道,不由得使我放下了这个包袱。因为,叹一叹酒官,劝一劝酒官,无论怎么说都是在行善,是一件好事而不是坏事,甚至是功德无量之事。所谓酒官,绝不是指一般会喝酒之官,而是特指那些贪酒酗酒之官,沉迷酒色之官,或者以酒误事之官,因酒受贿之官,因酒犯罪之官。也许,这个说明不甚十分准确,但那个意思应该是清楚的。对那些酒官,我为之叹,更为之悲。 展开更多
关键词 酒官 怕得罪人 违法犯罪 绵阳市委 此君 不知道 退休干部 黄学
辽代酒务官初探 被引量:3
作者 高劲松 任静 《内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期321-323,共3页
辽代是我国历史上北方重要的少数民族政权,辽国的酿酒业规模庞大,酿酒技术也达到了很高水平。正因如此,辽代的官僚中出现了以酿酒、征收酒税为主的大批官吏,即酒务官。由于酒务官为低级官吏,并且《辽史》中完全没有相关的记载,至今对于... 辽代是我国历史上北方重要的少数民族政权,辽国的酿酒业规模庞大,酿酒技术也达到了很高水平。正因如此,辽代的官僚中出现了以酿酒、征收酒税为主的大批官吏,即酒务官。由于酒务官为低级官吏,并且《辽史》中完全没有相关的记载,至今对于辽代酒务机构及官员设置鲜有研究。为此,将辽代酒务机构的石刻资料进行整理,通过对辽代酒务机构的组织结构及酒务官的出身进行分析,以期对辽代酒务机构及官员设置的研究尽微薄之力。 展开更多
关键词 麴院 商麴都监 荫补
《共产党员》 2008年第2期61-61,共1页
关键词 中国 当代 幽默 作品赏析 《某
作者 郭辰 忠田 《今日中国》 1990年第5期32-35,共4页
中國現在許多大飯館名曰“酒樓”,這說起來倒也真是歷史悠久了。古代帝王發現於高樓之上“把酒臨風”乃一大快事;於是築樓、台以宴飲,“酒樓”由此而生缙诘木茦鞘欠窠詾楣俎k, 不得而知。公元前十一世紀左右,官方設“酒官”,懸“旗”... 中國現在許多大飯館名曰“酒樓”,這說起來倒也真是歷史悠久了。古代帝王發現於高樓之上“把酒臨風”乃一大快事;於是築樓、台以宴飲,“酒樓”由此而生缙诘木茦鞘欠窠詾楣俎k, 不得而知。公元前十一世紀左右,官方設“酒官”,懸“旗”為標誌,因之酒樓又稱“旗亭”、“青樓”?旁娫?“旗亭問酒,蕭寺尋茶??周初頒《酒誥》:“禁遊飲於市”,言外之意,坐在家裏或酒樓裏飲酒,則不禁止。可見,酒樓時已向社會開放。三國時,曹植有“青樓臨大道”之詩句;酒樓臨通衢,顯然路人皆可登飲。隨着酒樓的社會化,出現民營酒館也就順理成章了。《史記》說:樂布“窮困,貨於齊,為酒?!庇纱送茢?私營酒館當出現在周至秦漢之間。 展开更多
关键词 旗亭 酒官 古代帝王 林冲 吴姬 大秦珠 一侗 胡姬 宴享
作者 陳夷 《今日中国》 1990年第5期28-30,共3页
“酒令”在中國已流行近三千年了?斑`令當罰”,向來如此欢?“酒令”一詞的含義,古今却有不同。初期,“酒令”是一種官職。古代的“酒官”分為兩種:一種主管釀酒和供奉,擔負着相當於今日工商部門的某些職能,名為“酒正”、“酒丞”;另... “酒令”在中國已流行近三千年了?斑`令當罰”,向來如此欢?“酒令”一詞的含義,古今却有不同。初期,“酒令”是一種官職。古代的“酒官”分為兩種:一種主管釀酒和供奉,擔負着相當於今日工商部門的某些職能,名為“酒正”、“酒丞”;另一種名為“酒令”,負責監督、執行飲酒禮儀,類似現代的“禮賓官”。古代飲酒有一套特定的禮儀。周初,對飲酒禮儀就規定得具體而嚴格,如:定時,非大典、喜慶、擧喪、祭奠,不得飲;遵序,先天地鬼神,後尊長卑幼;定量,多不過三爵(酒具);聽令,服從酒令的指揮。違禮即違令,違令亦即違禮。周代中期,奴隸主貴族日益腐朽,“禮崩樂壞”,“酒令”也就由執禮、勸人少飲,轉而開始變着法兒地“勸”人豪飲;後來,“酒令” 展开更多
关键词 酒官 人豪 射覆 七言 藏钩 品字 文臣 春愁 二字 一杯
作者 张世麟 《中州统战》 2000年第9期26-27,共2页
关键词 四堵墙 酒官
金代王琳墓铭考释 被引量:2
作者 周峰 《黑龙江社会科学》 2018年第1期171-174,共4页
关键词 金代 王琳墓铭 富商 鬻爵
《今日中国》 1991年第10期5-5,共1页
中國在確定了未來十年的經濟、社會發展目標外,現又樹起一個新的目標:申辦二○○○年奥運會@表明中華民族對體育與和平、友誼的追求。為此,本期發表了一組與申辦奥運會有關的文章,包括北京的今昔變遷和國家體育運動委員會主任伍紹祖... 中國在確定了未來十年的經濟、社會發展目標外,現又樹起一個新的目標:申辦二○○○年奥運會@表明中華民族對體育與和平、友誼的追求。為此,本期發表了一組與申辦奥運會有關的文章,包括北京的今昔變遷和國家體育運動委員會主任伍紹祖撰寫的《中國渴望舉辦奥運會》。當初,中國沒有參加一九九二、一九九六年奥運會主辦權的競爭,或許還考慮到自己能力有限,但通過北京十一屆亞運會,中國人自信有了這個能力。 展开更多
关键词 九二 一九 中圈 酒官 可青 革命先行者 中山先生 阴城 雨期
作者 方国雄 《秘书之友》 1991年第10期45-46,共2页
出差回到乡政府,同事就对我说:“王秘书,你表嫂来找过你,要你明天早上在办公室等她.”我心中一惊,她又有什么事专要找我呢?顾大嫂,本与我非亲非故.由于接待了她的两次来访,都不成功,人人都拿我开心,说她是我的“表嫂”,还说我有这样个表... 出差回到乡政府,同事就对我说:“王秘书,你表嫂来找过你,要你明天早上在办公室等她.”我心中一惊,她又有什么事专要找我呢?顾大嫂,本与我非亲非故.由于接待了她的两次来访,都不成功,人人都拿我开心,说她是我的“表嫂”,还说我有这样个表嫂,不愁找不上个好媳妇.顾大嫂三十多岁,读过中学.三年前,她丈夫刚去世,有个队干部起了邪心,几次三番想占她的便宜.一次,顾大嫂给了她个笑脸,答应晚上不关门.那家伙半夜溜进顾大嫂家,刚一推门,门上就砸下个桑木板凳.顾大嫂大喊捉贼,那家伙满头是血,狼狈而逃,倒在床上躺了半月,头上还留下个十分显眼的疤.从此,那些存有邪心的汉子不敢再招惹顾大嫂了,却戏用梁山水泊顾大嫂的号给她起了个“母大虫”的浑号. 展开更多
关键词 对我说 你怎么知道 她说 给你 次都 吹胡子瞪眼睛 酒官 教导主任 畅快淋漓
Comparison of Sensory Characteristics of Green Tea Produced in Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho Province, Vietnam 被引量:1
作者 Dang Thi Minh Luyen Ha Duyen Tu +2 位作者 Philippe Lebailly Nguyen Duy Thinh Tu Viet Phu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第2期107-114,共8页
Green tea is a popular product with a high consumption in Vietnam. Moreover, green tea produced in Tan Cuong commune, Thai Nguyen province, has long been recognized for its superior quality to those coming from other ... Green tea is a popular product with a high consumption in Vietnam. Moreover, green tea produced in Tan Cuong commune, Thai Nguyen province, has long been recognized for its superior quality to those coming from other regions of the country. This study aims at comparing the tea from Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho and finding out if the difference can be identified through sensory analysis. Two products picked from Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen province, and two others from Phu Ho district, Phu Tho province were evaluated by a trained panel of 12 judges (11 women and 1 man). The sensory evaluation of the dry tea (11 descriptors) was carried out separately from the brewed tea (21 descriptors) and brewed leaf (five descriptors) using an unstructured intensity scale (10 cm). Statistic analyses have shown differences between regions in all three groups of attributes: dry leaf, liquor and brewed leaf. 展开更多
关键词 Green tea sensory analysis.
Severe alcoholic hepatitis:Glucocorticoid saves lives and transplantation is promising
作者 Alain Braillon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第19期2454-2454,共1页
Glucocorticosteroids have been used as the only treatment for a long time which significantly reduced the mortality of the patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis.The efficacy of transplantation has been recently add... Glucocorticosteroids have been used as the only treatment for a long time which significantly reduced the mortality of the patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis.The efficacy of transplantation has been recently addressed in a pilot study.The result seems promising but needs larger multicenter trials. 展开更多
Composition Analysis of Grape Wine from Different Brewing Technology and Its Nutrition Constituent
作者 DAI Xuan PAN Limei LI Jingbo 《Chinese Food Science》 2012年第4期18-21,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to to enhance the technology to brew better the traditional grape wine, which provided theoretical basis for the development of Wuling Mountain grape wine. [Method] Taking grapes in Wuling Moun... [Objective] The aim was to to enhance the technology to brew better the traditional grape wine, which provided theoretical basis for the development of Wuling Mountain grape wine. [Method] Taking grapes in Wuling Mountain as the row materials, Saccharomyces cerevisiae of different wines was chosen and brewed. The quality of grape wine was studied and the sensory evaluation was analyzed by dint of GC-MS. [Result] Result illustrated that the ethanol concentration of the wine brewed by exploration craft A was 68.5 g/L and that brewed by exploration craft B was 59.5 g/L; the higher alcohol content of craft A was 37.86% while that of craft B is 35.99%; craft A's percentage content of esters was 28.82% while that of B was 27.10%; craft A's percentage content of acids was 2.20% while that of B was 1.24%; the gamma-aminobutyric acid content of craft A was 33.2 g/100 ml while that of craft B was 35.4 g/100 ml. the essential amino-acid content of craft A was 11.8 g/100 ml while that of craft B was 13.9 g/100 ml .The result indicates that the wine brewed by craft A was aromatic and had special flavor. [Conclusion] In this case, the grape wine has particular flavor and has good property, which can be exploited. 展开更多
关键词 WINE Brewing process Saccharomyces cerevisiae NUTRITION Wuling Mountain area China
Influence of Technological Operations in the Dissolved Oxygen Content of Wines
作者 Ana Catarino Sandra Alves Helena Mira 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第4期390-394,共5页
Oxygen plays a crucial role in oenology. The oxygen leads to changes in the chemical and sensory profile of wines. On one hand, the impact of moderate oxygen exposure of red wine has a positive effect in its colour, a... Oxygen plays a crucial role in oenology. The oxygen leads to changes in the chemical and sensory profile of wines. On one hand, the impact of moderate oxygen exposure of red wine has a positive effect in its colour, aromatic bouquet and mouth-feel properties. On the other hand, oxygen has a negative effect on white wine's quality, as well as the sensory and compositional levels. The purpose of this study was to quantify the dissolved oxygen in red and white wine, during different cellar operations such as racking, tartaric stabilization, filtering and bottling. The techniques that contribute most to the enrichment of oxygen in wine are: cold tartaric stabilization (2.29 mg/L, white wines), bottling (1.38 mg/L red wines and 1.11 mg/L white wines) and bag-in-box filling (2.47 mg/L red wines; 2.22 mg/L white wines). After identifying the most critical technical operations in wine making, preventive and corrective measures had to be taken to reduce the dissolved oxygen content of wines, as well as preventing their depreciation. 展开更多
关键词 WINE OXYGEN OXIDATION dissolution.
The 2.0 Marketing Strategies for Wine Tourism Destinations of Excellence
作者 Paola Scorrano 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期948-960,共13页
The aim of this paper is to empirically research the use of Web 2.0 applications in the communication strategies of wine tourism destinations of excellence; main attention will be focused on the integration of these t... The aim of this paper is to empirically research the use of Web 2.0 applications in the communication strategies of wine tourism destinations of excellence; main attention will be focused on the integration of these tools within the "official" destination websites. The main research questions are: (1) Do wine tourism destinations of excellence worldwide make use of Web 2.0 tools in their official websites? (2) Is it possible to estimate the degree of intensity of use of such tools? The method used for the purpose of this research is inductive: starting from the observation of some specific cases we wanted to implement a scoring model that, taking into account the presence and intensity of the use of Web 2.0 tools selected by the wine tourism destinations of excellence, could be replicated in different contexts from the one analyzed here. The study reveals the interest in the tools of Web 2.0 by the institutional bodies responsible for management of destinations; however it also shows that there is not a full awareness of the scope of strategic and organizational development in the web 2.0 applications resulting in the relationship with potential visitors and those who have already experienced a tourist territory. 展开更多
关键词 wine tourism Web 2.0 social network destination management
Argentinean Commercial Malbec Wines: Regional Sensory Profiles
作者 Ana Carla Aruani Claudia Ines Quini +3 位作者 Hugo Ortiz Rodoifo Videla Marcelo Murgo Sebastian Prieto 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第2期134-141,共8页
Sensory evaluation was performed on 32 commercial Malbec wines (2008 and 2009 vintages) produced in five provinces of Argentina. Wines from different areas in Mendoza (the most important producer of Malbec) were a... Sensory evaluation was performed on 32 commercial Malbec wines (2008 and 2009 vintages) produced in five provinces of Argentina. Wines from different areas in Mendoza (the most important producer of Malbec) were also included to test possible differences within this province. Ten key attributes were first recognized by descriptive analyses and then carefully evaluated by a trained sensory panel composed of 10 judges. Among the aroma and flavour attributes the analyses focused on plum, red fruits, white pepper, bell pepper, and floral. Three attributes of taste (acidity, astringency, and bitterness) and two attributes of color (red and blue-purple hues) were also analyzed. Statistical differences and similarities in sensory data were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple means comparisons by least significant difference test (Fisher LSD), and principal component analysis (PCA). ANOVA and Fisher LSD tests of sensory data showed significant differences (P 〈 0.05) for 6 out of 10 wine attributes: plum, floral, red fruits, astringency, red and blue- purple hues. 展开更多
关键词 Malbec red wines commercial wines sensory analysis ARGENTINA Mendoza.
The Effect of Simulated Transportation Conditions on the Chemical, Physical and Sensory Profiles of Mailler-Thurgau and Scheurebe Wines
作者 Molly Crandles Martha Wicks-Mfiller +1 位作者 Christoph Schuessler Rainer Jung 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期177-196,共20页
The impact of different phases of shipment (at sea and at port) on two German white wines of two vintages and the lasting effects of the temperature regimes over time was investigated. The wines were subjected to th... The impact of different phases of shipment (at sea and at port) on two German white wines of two vintages and the lasting effects of the temperature regimes over time was investigated. The wines were subjected to three temperature programs--control (15 ℃), linear increase (15℃ steadily increasing to 45 ℃), and diurnal fluctuation (15 ℃/40 ℃)--in both movement and non-movement conditions. The wines were analyzed for chemical, physical and sensorial changes at one and eight months post-treatment. Changes in temperature and pressure were recorded within the bottles, which correlated with the temperature programs: +0.04 bar/℃ in the linear increase program and +0.08 bar/℃ in the diurnal fluctuation program. The oxygen levels in the headspace and in the wine were monitored during all of the treatments. The oxygen development in the bottles was similar between the diurnal and linear programs, and was found to be distinctive from the control program. The chemical analysis revealed that there were significant differences related to the experimental treatments of the wines for the following parameters: tartaric acid, free sulfur dioxide, total sulfur dioxide and percent cork weight loss measurements. Difference sensory testing found very few differences. After eight months storage, significant differences were found in the Diurnal Non-movement treatment compared to Linear Non-movement and control treatments, as well as Diurnal Movement and Control treatments for the 2014 Miiller-Thurgau wine. Sensory descriptive analysis of the wines found that the wines could be differentiated by variety, but could not be distinguished according to experimental treatment after one month storage. These results indicate that wines of these types are more robust to shipping conditions than previously found. 展开更多
关键词 Simulated transportation conditions Scheurebe Mtiller-Thurgau OXYGEN descriptive analysis.
作者 王涛 《世界博览.看中国》 2007年第7期9-9,共1页
每逢亲朋好友婚丧嫁娶或者生日寿辰,备上礼品或礼金,名正言顺地如约前去参加主人举办的宴席,叫吃桌席,这个习俗风雨不改。乡下有句话叫"请吃喜酒烂吃面",其意是喝喜酒是要等着办喜事的人来请的,过生日则需要你主动上门道贺。... 每逢亲朋好友婚丧嫁娶或者生日寿辰,备上礼品或礼金,名正言顺地如约前去参加主人举办的宴席,叫吃桌席,这个习俗风雨不改。乡下有句话叫"请吃喜酒烂吃面",其意是喝喜酒是要等着办喜事的人来请的,过生日则需要你主动上门道贺。过去的乡下人穷且讲究,那时候的桌子统一是八仙桌,每面坐两人,无论有钱没钱,都摆八碟冷盘。 展开更多
关键词 风雨不改 咸鸭蛋 我不知道 酒官 水果罐头 鸡鱼 里下河地区 新郎新娘 那可不 前后左右
作者 晋军 《杂文选刊(下半月)》 2004年第3期5-5,共1页
正月的一天,我到朋友老张家吃饭,有幸与当地几位小文人同桌。东道主老张提议要来点有文人特色的酒令,比如"过年好,年好过,过好年"。我一听连忙表示不敢奉陪。老张说那你就做酒官,谁的酒令不好、不通,就由你下令罚酒;有妙的酒... 正月的一天,我到朋友老张家吃饭,有幸与当地几位小文人同桌。东道主老张提议要来点有文人特色的酒令,比如"过年好,年好过,过好年"。我一听连忙表示不敢奉陪。老张说那你就做酒官,谁的酒令不好、不通,就由你下令罚酒;有妙的酒令,大家同饮一杯。 展开更多
关键词 酒官 三女 黑厚学 空大 毒大米 芥子园 三四 王主 造假者 注水肉
作者 何端中 《北方作家》 2008年第1期70-72,47,共4页
"天若不爱酒,酒星不在天。地若不爱酒,地应无酒泉。"这是我国唐代诗仙李白的著名诗句,也是对源远流长的酒泉酒文化的准确定位。的确,天上有酒星,是天上的星座之一。《晋书·天文志》载:"轩辕右角南三曰酒旗,酒官之旗... "天若不爱酒,酒星不在天。地若不爱酒,地应无酒泉。"这是我国唐代诗仙李白的著名诗句,也是对源远流长的酒泉酒文化的准确定位。的确,天上有酒星,是天上的星座之一。《晋书·天文志》载:"轩辕右角南三曰酒旗,酒官之旗也,主享宴酒食。"酒泉的得名。 展开更多
关键词 渊源流长 诗仙李白 天文志 文化遗址 酒官 氏部 著名诗句 葡萄质量 高仙芝
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