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“我的太阳”茶酒调饮创新茶艺编创实践 被引量:4
作者 卢常艳 《中国茶叶加工》 2017年第3期56-59,共4页
随着我国经济、文化的快速发展,茶文化渗透到经济、社会、生活的各个方面,时尚绚丽的茶酒调饮得到广大青年人的喜爱。文章以第三届中华茶奥会"茶+"调饮赛茶酒调饮获奖作品"我的太阳"为例,从创作背景、茶艺主题及各... 随着我国经济、文化的快速发展,茶文化渗透到经济、社会、生活的各个方面,时尚绚丽的茶酒调饮得到广大青年人的喜爱。文章以第三届中华茶奥会"茶+"调饮赛茶酒调饮获奖作品"我的太阳"为例,从创作背景、茶艺主题及各要素的确立、调饮的方法与技巧、茶境要素的营造等方面解析茶酒调饮创新茶艺编创实践,以期对相关人士提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 “我的太阳” 酒调 创新 编创实践
“新时代中国红”茶酒调饮创新茶艺编创实践 被引量:1
作者 卢常艳 《广东茶业》 2019年第3期15-18,共4页
茶酒调饮以其鲜爽口感,绚丽形态,受到年轻时尚茶人青睐。文章以第四届中华茶奥会“茶+”调饮赛茶酒调饮获奖作品“新时代中国红”为例,从创作背景、茶艺主题及各要素的确立、调饮的程序与方法、茶境要素的营造等方面解析茶酒调饮创新茶... 茶酒调饮以其鲜爽口感,绚丽形态,受到年轻时尚茶人青睐。文章以第四届中华茶奥会“茶+”调饮赛茶酒调饮获奖作品“新时代中国红”为例,从创作背景、茶艺主题及各要素的确立、调饮的程序与方法、茶境要素的营造等方面解析茶酒调饮创新茶艺编创实践,并对茶酒调饮茶艺编创提出建议,以期对相关人士提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 酒调 创新 茶艺 编创实践
酒调乳黄散防治卡培他滨致手足综合征的疗效观察 被引量:4
作者 陈冬来 《中医药导报》 2010年第10期35-36,共2页
目的:观察酒调乳黄散防治卡培他滨致手-足综合征的疗效。方法:采用对比研究分析,将60例患者随机分为两组各30例,治疗组用卡培他滨口服配合酒调乳黄散局部外敷,对照组采用卡培他滨口服配合硫酸镁湿敷,对两组疗效进行统计学分析处理。结果... 目的:观察酒调乳黄散防治卡培他滨致手-足综合征的疗效。方法:采用对比研究分析,将60例患者随机分为两组各30例,治疗组用卡培他滨口服配合酒调乳黄散局部外敷,对照组采用卡培他滨口服配合硫酸镁湿敷,对两组疗效进行统计学分析处理。结果:经过治疗后,总有效率治疗组为96.7%,对照组为90.0%,两组间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组明显优于对照组。结论:酒调乳黄散对卡培他滨导致的手-足综合征有较好的防治作用。 展开更多
关键词 酒调乳黄散 硫酸镁 卡培他滨 手-足综合征
作者 那志奎 王明成 《理论与当代》 2019年第2期47-47,共1页
“饭养身,歌养心,酒养神。我酿酒之初,也只是拿来自己喝,最多也就‘上屋下坎’(邻居)买几斤去喝,也没想过能挣钱,更谈不上带领群众致富。”52岁的石庆辉是贵州省黎平县地坪镇岑扣村远近闻名的“酿酒能人”。岑扣村是侗族聚居的村落,也... “饭养身,歌养心,酒养神。我酿酒之初,也只是拿来自己喝,最多也就‘上屋下坎’(邻居)买几斤去喝,也没想过能挣钱,更谈不上带领群众致富。”52岁的石庆辉是贵州省黎平县地坪镇岑扣村远近闻名的“酿酒能人”。岑扣村是侗族聚居的村落,也是中国传统村落之一。有5个村民小组,共174户768人,贫困户有30户118人。 展开更多
关键词 能人 养神 地坪 胃口 酒调 村落 黎平县
专注是一杯酒最美的味道——访世界著名调酒师、祁连冰谷冰酒调酒师jackie ho
《优品》 2009年第10期154-155,共2页
下午三点,北京初秋午后熹微的阳光暖暖地打在前门23号Fez Bar的露天吧台上,这个安静的午后并不是喝酒的最佳时间,但却是近距离欣赏jackie调酒的最佳机会。对于调酒师大赛香港排名第一、亚洲排名第五、世界排名第八的jackie来说,花哨的... 下午三点,北京初秋午后熹微的阳光暖暖地打在前门23号Fez Bar的露天吧台上,这个安静的午后并不是喝酒的最佳时间,但却是近距离欣赏jackie调酒的最佳机会。对于调酒师大赛香港排名第一、亚洲排名第五、世界排名第八的jackie来说,花哨的调酒动作早就无法满足他对于调酒艺术的追求,专注于酒味本身的完美结合,才是他前进的动力。这次午后的演绎,灵感来源于金秋暖金色的阳光、丰盈的果香与两款中国本土酿造的醇美冰酒。 展开更多
关键词 jackie HO 一杯 灵感来源 名第 甘肃祁连山 酒调 君度 果香 加冰
从“毒伏肝络”论调肝解酒通络方对酒精性肝损伤的影响 被引量:2
作者 邓瑞雪 宋佳美 +3 位作者 曲宁 韩冬 张敬 张景洲 《吉林中医药》 2022年第9期1021-1024,共4页
基于任继学教授在《伏邪探微》中提出的“邪毒深伏、肝络被害”理论,探讨“毒伏肝络”学说与酒精性肝损伤发生与发展的相关性。“毒伏肝络”是导致酒精性肝损伤的重要因素,中医药的合理干预有助于阻断肝络的损伤,达到缓解疾病进程及治... 基于任继学教授在《伏邪探微》中提出的“邪毒深伏、肝络被害”理论,探讨“毒伏肝络”学说与酒精性肝损伤发生与发展的相关性。“毒伏肝络”是导致酒精性肝损伤的重要因素,中医药的合理干预有助于阻断肝络的损伤,达到缓解疾病进程及治疗疾病的目的。调肝解毒通络方具有调肝健脾、解毒通络的功效,可减轻肝络的损伤程度。因此,结合中医理论研究及现代药理学研究,运用调肝解毒通络方治疗酒精性肝损伤将为中医药在防治酒精性肝损伤方面提供理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 毒伏肝络 肝解通络方 精性肝损伤
作者 迟玉晶 《中外食品(酒尚)》 2007年第12X期116-121,共6页
或许,女人的前生都是花。带刺的玫瑰、清秀的百合、娇俏的野菊、玲珑的玉兰。千花亦有千面,正如女人。女人天生爱花。胭脂般的绯红、冰凌般的洁白、午夜般的魅紫、丛林般的翠绿。多彩而艳丽,如女人一般,无限妖娆。当女人手捧鲜花,颔首微... 或许,女人的前生都是花。带刺的玫瑰、清秀的百合、娇俏的野菊、玲珑的玉兰。千花亦有千面,正如女人。女人天生爱花。胭脂般的绯红、冰凌般的洁白、午夜般的魅紫、丛林般的翠绿。多彩而艳丽,如女人一般,无限妖娆。当女人手捧鲜花,颔首微笑,那张娇羞带怯的脸庞,那双楚楚动人的双眸,分明又是人比花俏,出落得惹人怜爱。那么,当女人遇到酒,又是怎样一番景色?当酒遇到花呢? 展开更多
关键词 雪碧 酿造工艺 矿物水 给你 亚历山大二世 西中 酒调 白菊 死线上
作者 严卫民 《瞭望》 北大核心 1990年第45期27-28,共2页
关键词 中国 酒调 金奖白兰地 我自己 饮食文化 雪碧 工商业者 艺术意境 黄金色
《医学理论与实践》 1989年第3期2-2,共1页
关键词 扁平疣 传染性软疣 酒调 扁平丘疹 细末 次后
作者 王应新 《中国初级卫生保健》 1989年第7期46-46,共1页
一、治疗甲状腺结节病甲状腺结节病一般需要手术治疗。中医称之个为瘿瘤,属痰凝血淤范畴。云南白药可活血逐淤、消肿散结,故可治疗甲状腺结节病。方法为先嘱病人用米酒白开水冲服瓶内的一粒红色保险子,再将白药粉末与50—60°米酒... 一、治疗甲状腺结节病甲状腺结节病一般需要手术治疗。中医称之个为瘿瘤,属痰凝血淤范畴。云南白药可活血逐淤、消肿散结,故可治疗甲状腺结节病。方法为先嘱病人用米酒白开水冲服瓶内的一粒红色保险子,再将白药粉末与50—60°米酒调成糊状,直接均匀涂布于肿物上,然后用纱布块敷盖,再加一层塑料薄膜。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺结节 痰凝 纱布块 消肿散结 保险子 酒调 刺激性药物 瘿瘤 涂布 血管壁损伤
作者 徐泽森 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2015年第11期51-51,共1页
七厘散的同名方剂计有九首,其中《同寿录》《良方集腋》记载者为医家常用方。 本方即出自清代新安名医项天瑞汇纂的《同寿录》卷尾方之七厘散。
关键词 七厘散 良方集腋 同寿录 打损 用方 瘀血肿痛 九首 细末 散瘀消肿 酒调
Installation and Debugging of Auto-control System in Fruit Wine Production Line
作者 方良材 黄卫萍 陈赶林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期611-615,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to test the controlling effect of cleaning steriliza- tion system, material conveying system, and fermentation jar cooling system with equip- ments of fruit wine production line introduced in t... [Objective] The aim was to test the controlling effect of cleaning steriliza- tion system, material conveying system, and fermentation jar cooling system with equip- ments of fruit wine production line introduced in this study and its auto-control sys- tem field assembled and debugged. [Method] Based on controlling equipment and setting parameters on the configuration interface, the operation state of the control equipments could be real-time monitored and controlled with the help of configura- tion software. [Result] The result showed that the equipment system could reduce the temperature into 12 ℃ with the error of +0.5 ℃within 110 minutes when the fermentation temperature is set at 12 ℃ in real production. [Conclusion] The auto- control system of fruit wine production line was easy to be assembled and de- bugged to meet demands of different fruit wine productions. 展开更多
关键词 Fruit wine production line Control system INSTALLATION DEBUGGING
Immunotherapy for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis using the multiple cytokine production modulator Y-40138 被引量:4
作者 Tatsuhiro Tsujimoto Hideto Kawaratani +4 位作者 Toshiyuki Kitazawa Hitoshi Yoshiji Masao Fujimoto Masahito Uemura Hiroshi Fukui 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5533-5540,共8页
AIM:To investigate the possible use of the multiple cytokine production modulator,Y-40138,as a novel immunotherapy in the rat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) model. METHODS:We allocated 6-wk-old male F344 rats to ... AIM:To investigate the possible use of the multiple cytokine production modulator,Y-40138,as a novel immunotherapy in the rat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) model. METHODS:We allocated 6-wk-old male F344 rats to choline-supplemented,L-amino acid-defined (CSAA) diet (control group),CSAA diet + Y-40138 (control + Y-40138 group),choline-def icient,L-amino acid-def ined (CDAA) diet (NASH group),or CDAA diet + Y-40138 (NASH + Y-40138 group). In each group,we measured the plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels,and the plasma and liver levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),interferon-γ (IFN-γ),and interleukin-10 (IL-10). Tissue specimens of phosphate buffered saline-perfused liver were subjected to hematoxylin and eosin staining,Azan staining,Sirius red staining,and immunohistochemical staining (for Kupffer cells and TNF-α). We then extracted Kupffer cells from the collagenase-perfused livers using the Percoll gradient centrifugation method,and measured the TNF-α levels in the supernatant (in vitro TNF-α production by Kupffer cells) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit.RESULTS:In comparison to the NASH group,serumALT elevation was mild,production of serum and liver TNF-α and IFN-γ was inhibited,and IL-10 production was increased in the NASH + Y-40138 group. Amelioration of liver histology was also noted in the NASH + Y-40138 group. Kupffer cell immunohistochemical staining revealed no differences between groups,whereas TNF-α immunohistochemical staining showed fewer stained cells in the NASH + Y-40138 group than in the NASH group. The TNF-α levels in the in-vitro Kupffer cell culture supernatant were lower in the NASH + Y-40138 group than in the NASH group.CONCLUSION:Administration of Y-40138 to NASH model rats reduced hepatic inflammation and suppressed fibrosis. These results indicate that the multiple cytokine production modulator,Y-40138,is promising as a novel treatment for NASH. 展开更多
关键词 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Y-40138 Tumor necrosis factor α Interferon γ INTERLEUKIN-10 Kupffer cell Innate immunity
Epigenetic regulation in alcoholic liver disease 被引量:10
作者 Pranoti Mandrekar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第20期2456-2464,共9页
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is characterized by steatosis or fat deposition in the liver and inflammation, which leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Induction of target genes without involving changes... Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is characterized by steatosis or fat deposition in the liver and inflammation, which leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Induction of target genes without involving changes in DNA sequence seems to contribute greatly to liver injury. Chromatin modifications including alterations in histones and DNA, as well as post-transcriptional changes collectively referred to as epigenetic effects are altered by alcohol. Recent studies have pointed to a significant role for epigenetic mechanisms at the nucleosomal level influencing gene expression and disease outcome in ALD. Specifically, epigenetic alterations by alcohol include histone modifications such as changes in acetylation and phosphorylation, hypomethylation of DNA, and alterations in miRNAs. These modifications can be induced by alcoholnduced oxidative stress that results in altered recruitment of transcriptional machinery and abnormal gene expression. Delineating these mechanisms in initiation and progression of ALD is becoming a major area of interest. This review summarizes key epigenetic mechanisms that are dysregulated by alcohol in the liver. Alterations by alcohol in histone and DNA modifications, enzymes related to histone acetylation such as histone acetyltransferases, his-tone deacetylases and sirtuins, and methylation enzymes such as DNA methyltransferases are discussed. Chromatin modifications and miRNA alterations that result in immune cell dysfunction contributing to inflammatory cytokine production in ALD is reviewed. Finally, the role of alcohol-mediated oxidative stress in epigenetic regulation in ALD is described. A better understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for designing novel epigenetic based therapies to ameliorate ALD. 展开更多
作者 岳明 刘素香 +5 位作者 韩晓东 刘毅 孔振华 刘芹英 邹美香 陈常青 《国外医药(植物药分册)》 2007年第6期255-257,共3页
目的 建立了调血脂健康养生酒的制备及质量控制方法。方法 从天然植物虎杖中提取具有调血脂作用的活性成分白藜芦醇及其苷,二成分与38%基酒有机结合制备具有调血脂作用的健康养生酒;用高效液相色谱法测定白藜芦醇及其苷的量。结果 ... 目的 建立了调血脂健康养生酒的制备及质量控制方法。方法 从天然植物虎杖中提取具有调血脂作用的活性成分白藜芦醇及其苷,二成分与38%基酒有机结合制备具有调血脂作用的健康养生酒;用高效液相色谱法测定白藜芦醇及其苷的量。结果 调血脂健康养生酒的制备工艺可行;白藜芦醇苷进样量在0.02188~0.6564μg与峰面积呈良好的线性关系;白藜芦醇进样量在0.0206~0.618μg与峰面积呈良好的线性关系。平均回收率分别为101.9%、98.3%,RSD分别为0.46%、0.72%。结论 本方法操作简便,工艺可行,结果准确、可靠,可作为本品的制备、定量控制方法。 展开更多
关键词 血脂健康养生 虎杖 白藜芦醇 白藜芦醇苷 质量控制
Physical activity and nutrition attitudes in obese Hispanic children with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 被引量:2
作者 Lana N Hattar Theresa A Wilson +2 位作者 Leanel A Tabotabo E O'Brian Smith Stephanie H Abrams 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第39期4396-4403,共8页
AIM:To assess nutrition,physical activity and health-ful knowledge in obese children with biopsy-proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH or NA)compared to children without liver disease.METHODS:Children with biopsy-p... AIM:To assess nutrition,physical activity and health-ful knowledge in obese children with biopsy-proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH or NA)compared to children without liver disease.METHODS:Children with biopsy-proven NASH comprised the NASH group.Age,sex and ethnicity matched control groups consisted of obese(OB)and lean(CO) children with no liver disease.Subjects were adminis-tered the School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey and one blood draw was obtained.RESULTS:Fifty-seven patients were enrolled with a mean age of 12.1±2.1 years,and all were Hispanic.Even though the OB and NA had a similar increased body mass index(%),35%of the NA group always read nutrition labels compared to none in the OB(P<0.05),and more NA children felt their diet is"less healthy".NA consumed the least amount of fruits with only 25%having≥1 fruit/d vs 45%in OB and 64.7% in CO(P<0.05 NA vs CO).Only 15%of NA subjects performed light exercise vs 35%and 59%of OB and CO groups,respectively(P=0.02).The mean physical activity score was lowest in the NA group(P<0.05).Amongst the subjects with NASH,we found that 100% of patients with grade 2 or 3 fibrosis had a sedentary score>2 compared to only 63.6%of those with grade 1 or no fibrosis(P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Children with NASH had increased sedentary behavior,decreased activity,and fruit intake.Larger studies may determine the benefit of changing these behaviors as treatment for NASH. 展开更多
关键词 Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Hispanic Pe-diatric NUTRITION Physical activity School physical activity Nutrition survey
Always-optimally-coordinated candidate selection algorithm for peer-to-peer files sharing system in mobile self-organized networks 被引量:1
作者 李曦 Ji Hong +1 位作者 Zheng Ruiming Li Ting 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第3期281-287,共7页
In order to improve the performance of peer-to-peer files sharing system under mobile distributed en- vironments, a novel always-optimally-coordinated (AOC) criterion and corresponding candidate selection algorithm ... In order to improve the performance of peer-to-peer files sharing system under mobile distributed en- vironments, a novel always-optimally-coordinated (AOC) criterion and corresponding candidate selection algorithm are proposed in this paper. Compared with the traditional min-hops criterion, the new approach introduces a fuzzy knowledge combination theory to investigate several important factors that influence files transfer success rate and efficiency. Whereas the min-hops based protocols only ask the nearest candidate peer for desired files, the selection algorithm based on AOC comprehensively considers users' preferences and network requirements with flexible balancing rules. Furthermore, its advantage also expresses in the independence of specified resource discovering protocols, allowing for scalability. The simulation results show that when using the AOC based peer selection algorithm, system performance is much better than the rain-hops scheme, with files successful transfer rate improved more than 50% and transfer time re- duced at least 20%. 展开更多
关键词 peer-to-peer files sharing system mobile self-organized network candidate selection fuzzy knowledge combination always-optimally-coordinated (AOC)
Correlation between Thymidylate Synthase Genotype and Susceptibility to Gastric Carcinoma
作者 Lei Yang Mingbing Xiao Runzhou Ni Qinghe Tan Jinzhi Wei Jianhong Wang Bojian Ge 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2008年第6期448-452,共5页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the correlation between polymorphism of the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) of thymidylate synthase genes, as well as the lifestyle, and the susceptibility of gastric carcinoma. METHODS A ... OBJECTIVE To investigate the correlation between polymorphism of the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) of thymidylate synthase genes, as well as the lifestyle, and the susceptibility of gastric carcinoma. METHODS A case-control study, with 60 cases of gastric carcinoma and 170 cases of general risk population-based controls from Nantong, Jiangsu province, China, was conducted. The epidemiological data, such as living habits of the cancer patients, were collected. DNA of peripheral blood leukocytes was obtained from all of the subjects. The TS 5′-UTR tandem repeat genotype was detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS There were three TS 5′-UTR genotypes in the group of gastric cancer cases (2R/2R, 2R/3R and 3R/3R) and six TS 5′-UTR genotypes in the group of the controls (2R/2R, 2R/3R, 3W3R, 2R/4R, 2R/5R and 3R/4R). The genotypic frequencies were respectively 5.0%, 43.3% and 51.7% in the gastric cancer group. Compared with the parameters in the control group, i.e., 4.7%, 31.7%, 60.6%, 1.2%, 1.2% and 0.6%. There were no significant differences between the two groups. Compared with the 3R/3R- genotype individuals who where non-smokers, drank alcohol twice or less each week, drank tea and did not intake pickled food (PF), the risk of gastric cancer significantly went up in the 2R/2R or 2R/3R-genotype people who had habits of smoking, drinking alcohol more than twice each week, no tea drinking but with frequent intake of PF. The adjusted ORs were as follows, 3.79 (95% CI: 2.45-8.64), 3.41 (95% CI and 3.61 (95% CI: 1.81-8.78). CONCLUSION There is 1.21-8.47), 5.99 (95% Ch 3.01-14.7), an obvious correlation between the polymorphisms of TS 5′-UTR genotypes and the lifestyle of individuals in the development of gastric carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer thymidylate synthase genotype SMOKING alcohol drinking tea drinking pickled food.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in developing countries 被引量:2
作者 Hossein Bahrami 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第24期3808-3809,共2页
TO THE EDITORNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly known medical entity with high prevalence, about 1 0 to 24 percent in general population and up to 74% in obese population[1]. The prevalence of... TO THE EDITORNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly known medical entity with high prevalence, about 1 0 to 24 percent in general population and up to 74% in obese population[1]. The prevalence of the disease is expected to increase worldwide, as we are encountering the global obesity epidemic and the trend in developing countries toward the Western lifestyles. However, it looks that there are some differences between the demographic and epidemiologic features of NAFLD in developing and developed countries. 展开更多
关键词 Nonalcoholic fatty liver Developing countries
Is the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin a risk factor for alcoholic liver disease? 被引量:9
作者 Duygu Dee Harrison-Findik 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1186-1193,共8页
Despite heavy consumption over a long period of time, only a small number of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease. This alludes to the possibility that other factors, besides alcohol, may be involved in the prog... Despite heavy consumption over a long period of time, only a small number of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease. This alludes to the possibility that other factors, besides alcohol, may be involved in the progression of the disease. Over the years, many such factors have indeed been identified, including iron. Despite being crucial for various important biological processes, iron can also be harmful due to its ability to catalyze Fenton chemistry. Alcohol and iron have been shown to interact synergistically to cause liver injury. Iron-mediated cell signaling has been reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of experimental alcoholic liver disease. Hepcidin is an iron-regulatory hormone synthesized by the liver, which plays a pivotal role in iron homeostasis. Both acute and chronic alcohol exposure suppress hepcidin expression in the liver. The sera of patients with alcoholic liver disease, particularly those exhibiting higher serum iron indices, have also been reported to display reduced prohepcidin levels. Alcohol-mediated oxidative stress is involved in the inhibition of hepcidin promoter activity and transcription in the liver. This in turn leads to an increase in intestinal iron transport and liver iron storage. Hepcidin is expressed primarily in hepatocytes. It is noteworthy that both hepatocytes and Kupffer cells are involved in the progression of alcoholic liver disease. However, the activation of Kupffer cells and TNF-α signaling has been reported not to be involved in the down-regulation of hepcidin expression by alcohol in the liver. Alcohol acts within the parenchymal cells of the liver to suppress the synthesis of hepcidin. Due to its crucial role in the regulation of body iron stores, hepcidin may act as a secondary risk factor in the progression of alcoholic liver disease. The clarification of the mechanisms by which alcohol disrupts iron homeostasis will allow for further understanding of the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. 展开更多
关键词 ALCOHOL HEPATOCYTE Kupffer cells Oxida-tive stress Second hit
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