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降冰片烯苄酰胺酸盐对等规聚丙烯力学性能和结晶性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 姜昌泉 赵世成 +3 位作者 刘玉华 王菲 石尧麒 辛忠 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期19-25,共7页
采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和偏光显微镜(POM)考察了降冰片烯苄酰胺酸的不同金属盐在等规聚丙烯(iPP)中的成核效果,并研究了这些成核剂对iPP力学性能和光学性能的影响。结果表明,降冰片烯苄酰胺酸盐对ipp熔融峰值温度和结晶峰值温度的影... 采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和偏光显微镜(POM)考察了降冰片烯苄酰胺酸的不同金属盐在等规聚丙烯(iPP)中的成核效果,并研究了这些成核剂对iPP力学性能和光学性能的影响。结果表明,降冰片烯苄酰胺酸盐对ipp熔融峰值温度和结晶峰值温度的影响规律完全一致,降冰片烯苄酰胺酸钠盐(BHBC11)具有有较好的成核效果,添加浓度在0.2%时可使iPP的拉伸强度提高4.6%,弯曲模量提高18.6%;同时可使iPP的结晶峰值温度提高11.5℃;BHBC11的加入可以显著降低球晶的尺寸并大大缩短结晶时间;应用Caze方法对iPP和BHBC11成核iPP的非等温结晶动力学进行了研究,其Avrami指数都接近4。 展开更多
关键词 等规聚丙烯 酰胺酸盐 成核剂 结晶动力学 微观形态
烷基磺化琥珀酰胺酸盐类锡石捕收剂的研究及应用 被引量:5
作者 曾清华 张秀华 姜二龙 《国外金属矿选矿》 1995年第2期27-29,共3页
关键词 烷基磺化 琥珀酰胺酸盐 锡石 捕收剂 浮游选矿
用磺酸盐、琥珀酰胺酸盐和植物油皂浮选富集含钛钠长石 被引量:1
作者 I.贝雷克塔 S.厄塞英 许孙曲 《国外选矿快报》 1998年第21期1-4,11,共5页
土耳其爱琴地区(Aegean region)存在着贮量很大的长石矿。不像传统的矿石,其中有些矿床的主要杂质是钛。本文论述了为确定从取自该地区的两种不同长石矿石中,有效分离含钛矿物的浮选条件所进行的试验工作的结果。由矿物学检测进行的研... 土耳其爱琴地区(Aegean region)存在着贮量很大的长石矿。不像传统的矿石,其中有些矿床的主要杂质是钛。本文论述了为确定从取自该地区的两种不同长石矿石中,有效分离含钛矿物的浮选条件所进行的试验工作的结果。由矿物学检测进行的研究表明,该矿石的主要含钛矿物是金红石。也存在另一种比较少量的钛矿物榍石。本研究试验了粒度、pH、捕收剂种类及其添加量的影响。在将矿石研磨至100%-180μm后,在pH5左右,用油酸盐浮选,可达到有效分离含钛矿物的结果。油酸盐所得结果优于磺酸盐和琥珀酰胺酸盐。使用由本地获得的植物油制作的捕收剂,获得了相当成功。在所试验的5种油中,葵花油和棉籽油分离最为有效。 展开更多
关键词 含钛钠长石 浮选 琥珀酰胺酸盐 油皂
《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期52-52,共1页
关键词 聚酰亚胺酰胺酸盐 PI膜 制备 分离膜 用途
肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯铵盐的合成和性能 被引量:3
作者 葛虹 张之强 +1 位作者 孙玲新 邵华锋 《精细石油化工进展》 CAS 2006年第8期1-4,共4页
在芳烃类溶剂与羰基化合物催化剂存在下,以肉豆蔻酸和乙醇胺为原料,氨基磺酸作硫酸化剂,制备了肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯铵盐(MMAS)。以单因素优选法对影响MMAS收率的因素进行了筛选,确定了合成MMAS的优化条件:反应温度105℃,反应时间50... 在芳烃类溶剂与羰基化合物催化剂存在下,以肉豆蔻酸和乙醇胺为原料,氨基磺酸作硫酸化剂,制备了肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯铵盐(MMAS)。以单因素优选法对影响MMAS收率的因素进行了筛选,确定了合成MMAS的优化条件:反应温度105℃,反应时间50min,n(肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺)∶n(氨基磺酸)∶n(催化剂)=1∶1.18∶0.8。在此条件下,MMAS收率可达95.79%。对制备的MMAS的应用性能测定表明,其具有优良的表面活性。 展开更多
关键词 肉豆蔻单乙醇酰胺 氮基磺 表面活性剂 化剂
椰油酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐的泡沫性能研究 被引量:2
作者 葛虹 张之强 孙玲新 《郑州轻工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第1期9-11,共3页
关键词 泡沫性能 椰油单乙醇酰胺 椰油单乙醇酰胺 氨基磺
肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐的润湿性能研究 被引量:3
作者 葛虹 张之强 孙玲新 《北京工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第2期1-3,11,共4页
对肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(MMS)的润湿性能进行了系统研究,用帆布沉降法测定了MMS在不同温度、不同质量分数溶液、不同硬水度中的润湿性能,并与其他表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸酯盐、月桂醇醚硫酸酯盐、十二烷基苯磺酸盐进行了比较.实... 对肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(MMS)的润湿性能进行了系统研究,用帆布沉降法测定了MMS在不同温度、不同质量分数溶液、不同硬水度中的润湿性能,并与其他表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸酯盐、月桂醇醚硫酸酯盐、十二烷基苯磺酸盐进行了比较.实验结果表明,MMS是一种渗透性能优良的织物润湿剂. 展开更多
关键词 润湿性能 肉豆蔻单乙醇酰胺 肉豆蔻单乙醇酰胺 氨基磺
系列脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐的性能研究 被引量:1
作者 仲惟 李涛 《三门峡职业技术学院学报》 2009年第3期121-124,共4页
本文对实验室自制的脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(FMS)系列表面活性剂的表面性能和应用性能进行了测定,并对其构效关系进行了研究;以椰油酸单乙醇酰胺,氨基磺酸为原料合成了椰油酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(CMS)表面活性剂,将其性能与上述系列脂... 本文对实验室自制的脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(FMS)系列表面活性剂的表面性能和应用性能进行了测定,并对其构效关系进行了研究;以椰油酸单乙醇酰胺,氨基磺酸为原料合成了椰油酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐(CMS)表面活性剂,将其性能与上述系列脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐表面活性剂进行了对比。结果表明:FMS和CMS都具有优异的泡沫、润湿能力、良好的乳化、分散能力,在硬水中能保持良好的去污能力,是一类性能优良的阴离子表面活性剂,具有广泛的开发应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 椰油单乙醇酰胺 脂肪单乙醇酰胺 合成 性能 构效关系
肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐的合成及泡沫性能研究 被引量:3
作者 葛虹 张之强 孙玲新 《精细石油化工进展》 CAS 2010年第1期48-51,共4页
介绍了肉豆蔻酸单乙醇胺硫酸酯盐(MMS)的合成方法,考察了MMS含量、溶液温度及硬水度对MMS泡沫性能的影响。结果表明,当MMS含量大于0.15%时,MMS显示出较强的起泡性与稳泡性;溶液温度升高,有助于提高MMS起泡性能,但稳泡性略有降低;MMS在... 介绍了肉豆蔻酸单乙醇胺硫酸酯盐(MMS)的合成方法,考察了MMS含量、溶液温度及硬水度对MMS泡沫性能的影响。结果表明,当MMS含量大于0.15%时,MMS显示出较强的起泡性与稳泡性;溶液温度升高,有助于提高MMS起泡性能,但稳泡性略有降低;MMS在较强的硬水介质中仍能保持较高的起泡性和稳泡性。并与其他表面活性剂FAS(十二烷基硫酸酯盐)、AES(月桂醇醚硫酸酯盐)进行了比较,结果表明,MMS起泡性与稳泡性皆优于其他表面活性剂。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫性能 肉豆蔻单乙醇酰胺 肉豆蔻单乙醇酰胺 氨基磺
作者 杨晓武 秋列维 +2 位作者 王钊 董斌 陈洪伟 《陕西科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第5期89-93,共5页
对芥酸酰胺丙基-N,N-二甲基叔胺盐(简称UC22AMPM)溶液的流变特性进行了研究,考察了pH值、质量分数、剪切速率及温度对UC22AMPM溶液黏度的影响,构建了UC22AMPM溶液黏性流体方程,并测试了UC22AMPM溶液剪切恢复性能.测试结果表明:UC22AMPM... 对芥酸酰胺丙基-N,N-二甲基叔胺盐(简称UC22AMPM)溶液的流变特性进行了研究,考察了pH值、质量分数、剪切速率及温度对UC22AMPM溶液黏度的影响,构建了UC22AMPM溶液黏性流体方程,并测试了UC22AMPM溶液剪切恢复性能.测试结果表明:UC22AMPM溶液pH值增加,黏度出现先增加后下降的过程;质量分数的增加,零剪切黏度增加;剪切速率的增加,黏度降低;当温度增加到70℃,UC22AMPM溶液的黏度开始降低;UC22AMPM溶液具有良好的剪切恢复性能. 展开更多
关键词 酰胺丙基-N N-二甲基叔胺 流变性 黏度
作者 卞达 钱善华 +2 位作者 何颖诗 刘阳 倪自丰 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期216-224,247,共10页
目的实现海洋产业设备的不断优化,提高复合涂层在水环境下的摩擦学性能,扩大复合涂层在水环境中的应用。方法通过添加不同含量的PS(聚苯乙烯微球)制备多孔磷酸盐黏结复合涂层,再将PAAM-alginate(聚丙烯酰胺-海藻酸盐)水凝胶真空压入多... 目的实现海洋产业设备的不断优化,提高复合涂层在水环境下的摩擦学性能,扩大复合涂层在水环境中的应用。方法通过添加不同含量的PS(聚苯乙烯微球)制备多孔磷酸盐黏结复合涂层,再将PAAM-alginate(聚丙烯酰胺-海藻酸盐)水凝胶真空压入多孔涂层中,并利用UV(紫外线)引发聚合,从而制备PAAM-alginate/磷酸盐黏结复合涂层。此外,利用多功能摩擦试验机、白光干涉仪、SEM和EDS等试验方法,对复合涂层在水环境中的摩擦学特性和微观结构进行研究。结果PAAM-alginate水凝胶的压入,降低了复合涂层的表面粗糙度,平均为0.8μm。由于水凝胶较强的吸水和溶胀能力,改善了复合涂层的亲水性。PAAM-alginate水凝胶的水化润滑能力有效提高了复合涂层在水环境中的摩擦学性能。其中,具有4%PS的复合涂层显示出最佳摩擦学性能,平均摩擦系数由0.494降到了0.332,磨损率为1.18 mm^(3)/(N·m),仅为0%PS的复合涂层磨损率的1/4。水环境下,4种不同PS含量的复合涂层的磨损形式都为疲劳磨损。结论适量地压入PAAM-alginate水凝胶可以降低复合涂层的表面粗糙度,提高复合涂层亲水性,并提升复合涂层在水环境下的耐磨损性能。 展开更多
关键词 复合涂层 水凝胶 聚丙烯酰胺-海藻 水化润滑 摩擦学性能
Indoor Toxicity of Emamectin Benzoate and Chlorantraniliprole Against Spodoptera litura and Their Residues on Lotus Plants
作者 CUI Kan XU Zhi-de +5 位作者 LI Kai-long CHEN Wu-ying HU Ya-hui XIAO Jian-ping HAO Xiao-bin WEI Lin 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2024年第3期44-49,共6页
Spodoptera litura is the most threatening pest in lotus production,seriously affecting the lotus yield and quality.Emamectin benzoate and chlorantraniliprole,the main insecticides for controlling S.litura on vegetable... Spodoptera litura is the most threatening pest in lotus production,seriously affecting the lotus yield and quality.Emamectin benzoate and chlorantraniliprole,the main insecticides for controlling S.litura on vegetables,are widely used by farmers to control S.litura on lotus plants.To determine the application concentrations,control effects,and safety of the two insecticides in lotus fields,indoor experiments were conducted to determine the control effects of 200 g/L chlorantraniliprole(SC)and 5%emamectin benzoate(WDG),and the residues of the two insecticides in the water,lotus leaves,and lotus seeds after field application were determined by HPLC-MS/MS.The indoor experiment results showed that chlorantraniliprole and emamectin benzoate both had good control effects on S.litura,with the median lethal concentrations(LC50)of 17.700 and 1.694 mg/L,respectively.After unmanned aerial vehicle spraying of emamectin benzoate at 20 g/667m^(2),there was no residue of emamectin benzoate in the water or lotus leaves after 5 d.After spraying of chlorantraniliprole at 20 mL/667m^(2),the residual amounts in the water and lotus leaves after 9 d were 0.005 and 0.007 mg/L,respectively.No residue of the two insecticides was detected in lotus seeds(dry and fresh)2 h after spraying.Therefore,it was recommended that chlorantraniliprole and emamectin benzoate can be used to control S.litura in lotus fields during the growth period,while attention should be paid to the application interval for safety.Considering the safe harvesting of lotus seeds and leaves,it was recommended that the preharvest intervals of chlorantraniliprole and 5%emamectin benzoate should be 9 d. 展开更多
关键词 ‘Cunsanlian’ Spodoptera litura Emamectin benzoate CHLORANTRANILIPROLE Insecticide residue
新型高效聚丙烯β晶型成核剂 被引量:5
作者 姜昌泉 赵世成 +2 位作者 王菲 石尧麒 辛忠 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期93-97,共5页
采用差示扫描量热仪和广角X射线衍射仪考察了降冰片烯十二酰胺酸的不同金属盐对聚丙烯晶型结构的影响。结果表明,0.2%(质量分数,下同)的降冰片烯十二酰胺酸锌盐(NBDA30)能够诱导聚丙烯产生高含量的β晶型(k值为81.7%)。在此基础上进一... 采用差示扫描量热仪和广角X射线衍射仪考察了降冰片烯十二酰胺酸的不同金属盐对聚丙烯晶型结构的影响。结果表明,0.2%(质量分数,下同)的降冰片烯十二酰胺酸锌盐(NBDA30)能够诱导聚丙烯产生高含量的β晶型(k值为81.7%)。在此基础上进一步研究了NBDA30的添加含量对聚丙烯力学性能和结晶性能的影响。结果表明,当成核剂添加量超过0.4%时,聚丙烯的冲击强度和结晶温度开始提高,球晶尺寸开始减小;冲击强度最大值在0.8%时取得,冲击强度从纯聚丙烯的31.8J/m提高到91.0J/m,提高幅度约为3倍;同时NBDA30成核聚丙烯的拉伸强度和弯曲模量没有明显降低。 展开更多
关键词 等规聚丙烯 酰胺酸盐 成核剂 晶型结构 力学性能
改性木屑对镉铬混合离子的吸附研究 被引量:4
作者 胡伊旭 夏璐 +2 位作者 金帅 张博涵 王磊 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期145-148,162,共5页
以木屑为原料,经环氧氯丙烷交联,通过与丙烯酰胺接枝,制备出木屑丙烯酰胺接枝黄原酸盐(SCX-g-AM)。用SCX-g-AM处理Cd2+和Cr3+的混合模拟废水,在Cd2+和Cr3+浓度均为10 mg/L时,其最适宜的吸附条件为投加量3.33 g/L、pH=7、温度25℃、吸附... 以木屑为原料,经环氧氯丙烷交联,通过与丙烯酰胺接枝,制备出木屑丙烯酰胺接枝黄原酸盐(SCX-g-AM)。用SCX-g-AM处理Cd2+和Cr3+的混合模拟废水,在Cd2+和Cr3+浓度均为10 mg/L时,其最适宜的吸附条件为投加量3.33 g/L、pH=7、温度25℃、吸附时间30 min,此时Cd2+和Cr3+的去除率均达95%以上。试验结果能很好地符合准二级动力学模型。 展开更多
关键词 木屑丙烯酰胺接枝黄原 混合离子 吸附
Effect of Nitrate on Activities and Transcript Levels of Nitrate Reductase and Glutamine Synthetase in Rice 被引量:14
作者 CAO Yun FAN Xiao-Rong SUN Shu-Bin XU Guo-Hua HU Jiang SHEN Qi-Rong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期664-673,共10页
Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to compare the effect of NO3^- on the activities of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), and the transcript levels of two NR genes, OsNial and... Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to compare the effect of NO3^- on the activities of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), and the transcript levels of two NR genes, OsNial and OsNia2, two cytosolic GS1 genes, OsGln1;1 and OsGln1;2, and one plastid GS2 gene OsGln2, in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars Nanguang (NG) and Yunjing (Y J). Both cultivars achieved greater biomass and higher total N concentration when grown in a mixed N supply than in sole NH4^+ nutrition. Supply of NO3^- increased NR activity in both leaves and roots. Expression of both NR genes was also substantially enhanced and transcript levels of OsNia2 were significantly higher than those of OsNial. NO3 also caused an increase in GS activity, but had a complex effect on the expression of the three GS genes. In roots, the OsGln1;1 transcript increased, but OsGln1;2 decreased. In leaves, NO3^- had no effect on the GS1 expression, but the transcript for OsGln2 increased both in the leaves and roots of rice with a mixed supply of N. These results suggested that the increase in GS activity might be a result of the complicated regulation of the various GS genes. In addition, the NO3-induced increase of biomass, NR activity, GS activity, and the transcript levels of NR and GS genes were proportionally higher in NG than in Y J, indicating a stronger response of NG to NO3^- nutrition than YJ. 展开更多
关键词 AMMONIUM glutamine synthetase NITRATE nitrate reductase Oryza sativa L.
Influences of Copolymer Composition upon the Behaviors of Poly(vinyl acetate-co-acrylamide)Sizing Agents 被引量:3
作者 祝志峰 柴燕 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期744-748,共5页
A series of poly(vinyl acetate-co-acrylamide)copolymers with different mole ratios of vinyl acetate to acrylamide units were synthesized by emulsion polymerization for investigating the influences of copolymer composi... A series of poly(vinyl acetate-co-acrylamide)copolymers with different mole ratios of vinyl acetate to acrylamide units were synthesized by emulsion polymerization for investigating the influences of copolymer composition upon the performance such as apparent viscosity,film behaviors,and adhesion capacity to fibers for warp sizing operation.The mole ratios of vinyl acetate to acrylamide were varied from 0 to 4.By using an impregnated roving method,the adhesion was evaluated in terms of the maximal strength and work to break of a slightly sized roving.The film behaviors included breaking strength,breaking elongation,solution time and hygroscopic capacity.It was found that the viscosity,adhesion capability,glass transition temperature and film behaviors of the copolymeric sizing agent strongly depended on the mole ratio.Excessively increasing the amounts of vinyl acetate or acrylamide units incorporated into the copolymeric chains damages much of the performance.A favorable mole ratio of vinyl acetate or acrylamide was found to be 45∶55.Based on this mole ratio,the adhesion capability and film behaviors of the sizing agent reach their maximal values simultaneously.This demonstrates that the sizing agent should be synthesized under this copolymer composition from the viewpoint of adhesion and film behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 VAm sizing agent copolymer composition ADHESION film behaviors
Surface Properties of the Microgels Based on N-isopropylacrylamide and Tert-butyl Acrylate by Using N,N′-methylene-bis(acrylamide) and Clay as Cross-linker 被引量:1
作者 张青松 路平 +2 位作者 查刘生 马敬红 梁伯润 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第5期36-40,共5页
Adopting N, N'-methylene-bis (aculamide) (MBA) and inorganic clay (hectorite) as chemical and physical crosslinking agent, respectively, a series temperature sensitive microgels, based on N-isopropylacrylamide ... Adopting N, N'-methylene-bis (aculamide) (MBA) and inorganic clay (hectorite) as chemical and physical crosslinking agent, respectively, a series temperature sensitive microgels, based on N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) as a main monomer and tert-butyl acrylate (tBA) as a comonomer were synthesized by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization (SFEP). The microgel particle size and morphology was investigated by means of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The surface tension of latex particles was measured by OCA 40 Micro Video based contact angle measuring device. The results showed that the particle size of the microgels with clay as cross-linker was smaller than that using MBA as chemical cross-linker, but exterior morphology of physical microgels is not as clean and neat as chemical microgels. In general, surface tension decreases with increasing hydrophobic tBA content. These smart microgels varied with tetnperature have the potential applications in the field of drug delivery and intelligent gel fiber. 展开更多
关键词 N-ISOPROPYLACRYLAMIDE MICROGEL tert-butyl acrylate surface tension Atomic Force Microscope.
Synthesis and Study of Glutamine Acid Containing Citrates
作者 lamze Beshkenadze 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第1期56-60,共5页
Terms of synthesis were defined for the creation of new generation chelate fertilizers and for their experimental testing. Glutamine acid and citric acid containing chelate citrates of the general formulae M.gI.HL'nH... Terms of synthesis were defined for the creation of new generation chelate fertilizers and for their experimental testing. Glutamine acid and citric acid containing chelate citrates of the general formulae M.gI.HL'nHO were synthesized, where, M = Mn, Zn, Fe, Co, Cu; n = 0; 1; 1.5; gl-glutamine acid; HL-citric acid anion. Identity and composition of synthesized compounds were determined by microelemental analysis, melting temperature and X-ray diffraction analysis. X-ray diffraction analysis of the compounds and glutamine acid and citric acid (H4L) was used to determine their crystalline structure and roentgen-amorphous and iso-structural orders. Their solubility was studied in various solvents. 展开更多
关键词 FERTILIZER chelate compounds MELTING microelemental analysis X-ray diffraction study.
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of[Na(DB18C6)(H_2O)_2]_2Mo_6O_(19)·3DMF·2CH_3OH 被引量:2
作者 Lu Xiao-Ming Zhao Ya-Ping +2 位作者 Qu Er-Ling Xiao Ling-Mei Liu Shun-Cheng(Department of Chemistry, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100037)Jin Xiang-Lin(Institute of Physical Chemistry, Beijing Uniuersity, Beijing, 100871) 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期293-296,共4页
The title complex [Na (DB_18C_6) (H_2O)_2]_2Mo_6O_19·3DMF · 2CH_3OH (Ⅰ) , a new type of crown hexamolybdate supermolecule, has been synthesized. Its crystal structure has been determined by X-ray diffractio... The title complex [Na (DB_18C_6) (H_2O)_2]_2Mo_6O_19·3DMF · 2CH_3OH (Ⅰ) , a new type of crown hexamolybdate supermolecule, has been synthesized. Its crystal structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal C_49H_32 Mo_6N_2Na_2O_40 is tetragonal, space group P4/mbm, a= 17.108(2), c= 28. 285 (6) A ,V=8279(2) A ̄ 3, Z=4 , M_r= 1960. 8 , D_x=1. 573 g/cm ̄3 , P=9. 51cm ̄(-1). F(000)=3936. The final agreement factors R=0. 058 and R_w= 0. 062 for 1777 independent reflections with F>4σ(F). In contrast to what we have reported about [Na(DB_18C_6)(CH_3OH)]_2Mo_6O_19(Ⅱ) where the whole complex was linked together, the cation [Na (DB_18C_6 ) (H_2O)_2] ̄ + , that has crystallographic D_2h symmetry, combines with the anion with the symmetry O_h by electronic interaction. 展开更多
关键词 hexamolybdate anion crown ether complex crystal structure
N-methyl-2-(2-nitrobenzylidene) hydrazine carbothioamide——A new corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1 mol·L^(-1)hydrochloric acid
作者 K.Krishnaveni K.Sampath +1 位作者 J.Ravichandran C.Jayabalakrishnan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1916-1922,共7页
The corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1 mol·L^(-1) hydrochloric acid by N-methyl-2-(2-nitrobenzylidene)hydrazine carbothioamide(MNBHC) was studied using weight loss and electrochemical studies.Results obtaine... The corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1 mol·L^(-1) hydrochloric acid by N-methyl-2-(2-nitrobenzylidene)hydrazine carbothioamide(MNBHC) was studied using weight loss and electrochemical studies.Results obtained indicate that the inhibitor is effective in hydrochloric acid medium and the efficiency decreases with increase in temperature.Added halide additives improve the efficiency of the inhibitor.The AC impedance studies reveal that the process of inhibition is through charge transfer.Polarization studies indicate the mixed nature of the inhibitor.From the thermodynamic,spectral and surface analyses the nature of adsorption has been found out.The adsorption of the inhibitor on mild steel follows the Langmuir isotherm. 展开更多
关键词 Mild steelEISMass lossSEMAcid corrosion
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