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心肌酶学法分析射频消融对心肌的损伤 被引量:5
作者 闫素华 娄兹谟 +3 位作者 周聊生 梁江久 李莹 孙洁 《中国循环杂志》 CSCD 1995年第3期174-174,共1页
心肌酶学法分析射频消融对心肌的损伤济南市山东省千佛山医院心内科闫素华,娄兹谟,周聊生,梁江久,李莹,孙洁射频消融术是近年开展的根治心律失常的有效方法,其理论和治疗经验亟待加以丰富。本文通过对射频消融术前后心肌酶的连续... 心肌酶学法分析射频消融对心肌的损伤济南市山东省千佛山医院心内科闫素华,娄兹谟,周聊生,梁江久,李莹,孙洁射频消融术是近年开展的根治心律失常的有效方法,其理论和治疗经验亟待加以丰富。本文通过对射频消融术前后心肌酶的连续观察并分析其与射频次数、时间、功率... 展开更多
关键词 心肌损伤 射频消融术 心肌酶学法 心律失常
细胞中酪氨酸酶活性的生化酶学法测定 被引量:2
作者 宋琦如 黄磊 金锡鹏 《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期52-53,共2页
根据HideyaA .和WrathalJ.介绍的方法 ,建立了细胞中酪氨酸酶活性测定的改进型生化酶学方法 ,以适应美白化妆品研究开发的需要。结果显示 :改进后的方法 ,精确度测试的变异系数均值为 6 2 % ,准确度测试P值 >0 0 5,稳定性测试 ,方... 根据HideyaA .和WrathalJ.介绍的方法 ,建立了细胞中酪氨酸酶活性测定的改进型生化酶学方法 ,以适应美白化妆品研究开发的需要。结果显示 :改进后的方法 ,精确度测试的变异系数均值为 6 2 % ,准确度测试P值 >0 0 5,稳定性测试 ,方差分析无显著性差异。 展开更多
关键词 美白化妆品 生化酶学法 细胞 酪氨酸活性 测定
微板式磁化学发光酶免疫分析法对人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)的灵敏快速测定 被引量:7
作者 赵利霞 林金明 屈锋 《化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期71-77,共7页
以磁性酶免疫测量分析为模型 ,建立了微板式磁化学发光酶免疫分析法 .利用 3 (2′ 螺旋金刚烷 ) 4 甲氧基 4 (3″ 磷酰氧基 )苯 1,2 二氧杂环丁烷 (AMPPD) 碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)化学发光体系对人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)进行测定 ,测... 以磁性酶免疫测量分析为模型 ,建立了微板式磁化学发光酶免疫分析法 .利用 3 (2′ 螺旋金刚烷 ) 4 甲氧基 4 (3″ 磷酰氧基 )苯 1,2 二氧杂环丁烷 (AMPPD) 碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)化学发光体系对人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)进行测定 ,测量的灵敏度较分光光度法提高了 13倍 .测定的线性范围为 0 15~ 5 0 0mIU/mL ;批内变异系数 (C .V .% )和批间变异系数 (C .V .% )均在 18%之内 ;回收率在 80 %~ 116%之间 ;利用本法对血清样品进行了测定 ,并与其它化学发光免疫分析方法进行了比较 ,其相关系数为 0 965 .首次将酶免疫分析方法用于唾液中人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)的测定 ,为建立非侵入式样品测定方法打下了基础 . 展开更多
关键词 人绒毛膜促性腺激素 微板式磁化发光免疫分析 测定 灵敏度 HCG 临床诊断 唾液 非侵入式
利用酶学速率法检测血清总二氧化碳 被引量:1
作者 尚文章 罗云杰 +1 位作者 郭斌 郭长河 《医学研究通讯》 2003年第11期43-44,共2页
目的解决目前酶学终点法检测血清总CO_2偏差太大的问题。方法以速率法代替终点法,并改进标准的配制方法。结果采用以上改进措施,测量30份血清中总CO_2,并与电极法测量结果作配对t检验t=1.12。结论血清CO_2酶学速率法的准确度大大优于酶... 目的解决目前酶学终点法检测血清总CO_2偏差太大的问题。方法以速率法代替终点法,并改进标准的配制方法。结果采用以上改进措施,测量30份血清中总CO_2,并与电极法测量结果作配对t检验t=1.12。结论血清CO_2酶学速率法的准确度大大优于酶学终点法,而与电极法相当,应尽快替代目前普遍使用的酶学终点法。 展开更多
关键词 速率 检测 血清 总二氧化碳 全自动生化分析仪
作者 李小梅 《现代医院》 2009年第1期71-73,共3页
目的比较葡萄糖测定最常用的GOD-POD偶联法和HK法的各项技术性能的联系和差异,以便为临床实验室合理选用检测方法提供依据。方法使用两种方法分别进行5项方法评价试验,并统计分析两种方法的精密度、线性范围、准确度(回收率和方法比较)... 目的比较葡萄糖测定最常用的GOD-POD偶联法和HK法的各项技术性能的联系和差异,以便为临床实验室合理选用检测方法提供依据。方法使用两种方法分别进行5项方法评价试验,并统计分析两种方法的精密度、线性范围、准确度(回收率和方法比较)和干扰因素。结果两种方法的精密度和准确度均符合要求,两种方法检测结果无显著性差异,有良好的相关性(r=0.995),但是GOD-POD偶联法的精密度和准确度略差,线性范围窄20mmol/L,抗胆红素和维生素C干扰的能力均较低,而HK法抗血红蛋白干扰的能力较低。结论从整体来看,除抗血红蛋白干扰性能外,GOD-POD偶联法的其它各项技术性能指标略差于HK法,但试剂价格较低廉,建议各实验室根据临床需要合理选用,同时对不同方法检测结果根据方法间的差异进行合理的解释。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖 测定 技术性能比较
作者 Koah.,LK 阎新华 《国外特种经济动植物》 1990年第1期9-10,共2页
关键词 毛皮动物 饲养 诊断 酶学法
作者 侯琳 Ohno Kousaku 《青岛大学医学院学报》 CAS 2003年第3期287-288,291,共3页
①目的 探讨分子伴侣对戈谢病病人细胞内葡萄糖脑苷脂酶活性的影响。②方法 用 β 葡萄糖脑苷脂酶 (β Glc)的底物类似物 (GCA)作为分子伴侣 ,处理体外培养的不同突变型的戈谢病病人皮肤成纤维细胞 ,采用荧光酶学法检测 β Glc活性 ;W... ①目的 探讨分子伴侣对戈谢病病人细胞内葡萄糖脑苷脂酶活性的影响。②方法 用 β 葡萄糖脑苷脂酶 (β Glc)的底物类似物 (GCA)作为分子伴侣 ,处理体外培养的不同突变型的戈谢病病人皮肤成纤维细胞 ,采用荧光酶学法检测 β Glc活性 ;Western印迹杂交技术分析该酶蛋白表达量 ;细胞双染法确定 β Glc在细胞内的定位。③结果 GCA可以提高体外培养的F2 13I突变型戈谢病病人成纤维细胞内 β Glc活性 ,增加酶蛋白的表达量 ,促进酶蛋白向溶酶体内转运。④结论 GCA有可能成为F2 13I突变型戈谢病治疗的一种新药物。 展开更多
关键词 戈谢病 分子伴侣 细胞内 葡萄糖脑苷脂 治疗 荧光酶学法 WESTERN 印迹杂交技术
农药残留速测技术方法与进展 被引量:13
作者 钱允辉 陆自强 +1 位作者 汪世新 周福才 《中国测试技术》 2008年第5期85-88,共4页
为了确保农产品的安全性,对蔬菜等农产品进行农药残留快速检测十分必要。目前农药残留快速检测有酶学法和化学检测法。由于这两种速测方法只能定性,不可定量,并且影响检测结果的干扰因素较多。为此,以ELISA为基础建立的农药残留酶联免... 为了确保农产品的安全性,对蔬菜等农产品进行农药残留快速检测十分必要。目前农药残留快速检测有酶学法和化学检测法。由于这两种速测方法只能定性,不可定量,并且影响检测结果的干扰因素较多。为此,以ELISA为基础建立的农药残留酶联免疫检测法,以其专化性强、灵敏度高,将逐渐成为有发展前景的定性与定量相结合的农药残留速测技术。 展开更多
关键词 农药残留速测 酶学法 速测 联免疫分析
4种小鼠肠上皮细胞分离培养方法的比较 被引量:10
作者 孙秀梅 程帆 +4 位作者 刘维 孙涛 薛秀恒 李培英 王菊花 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期25-31,共7页
【目的】比较4种小鼠肠黏膜上皮细胞(Intestinal epithelial cells,IECs)分离方法的分离效果,建立小鼠IECs的有效分离培养方法,获得小鼠IECs原代细胞,为后续研究做准备。【方法】分别采用组织块培养法、嗜热菌蛋白酶消化法、胶原酶Ⅺ和... 【目的】比较4种小鼠肠黏膜上皮细胞(Intestinal epithelial cells,IECs)分离方法的分离效果,建立小鼠IECs的有效分离培养方法,获得小鼠IECs原代细胞,为后续研究做准备。【方法】分别采用组织块培养法、嗜热菌蛋白酶消化法、胶原酶Ⅺ和中性蛋白酶Ⅰ联合消化法以及胶原酶Ⅰ和中性蛋白酶Ⅵ联合消化法共4种方法分离小鼠IECs并培养,通过细胞免疫组织化学法和细胞免疫荧光法对分离的IECs进行细胞特异性鉴定,比较4种方法的分离效果。【结果】组织块培养法所获IECs活力好,增殖能力强,但成纤维细胞污染较严重,细胞纯度低;胶原酶Ⅰ和中性蛋白酶Ⅵ分离法获得的IECs数量少且细胞增殖能力弱;嗜热菌蛋白酶消化法及胶原酶Ⅺ与中性蛋白酶Ⅰ联合消化法所获得的小鼠IECs纯度较高,原代培养时增殖能力稍弱于组织块培养法,但传代后增殖能力趋于稳定。通过细胞免疫组织化学法和细胞免疫荧光法对分离的细胞进行鉴定,结果表明,分离的细胞多数为小鼠IECs。【结论】嗜热菌蛋白酶消化法及胶原酶Ⅺ与中性蛋白酶Ⅰ联合消化法均适合肠道上皮细胞的分离和培养。 展开更多
关键词 小鼠 小肠上皮细胞 原代培养 组织块分离培养 分离培养
血尿酸测定在高血压疾病中的临床应用 被引量:4
作者 高庆林 《中国现代医生》 2008年第15期211-211,共1页
目的探讨患者血尿酸浓度与高血压之间的关系。方法采用酶学法测定176例高血压患者和40例正常人的血尿酸浓度,并数据分析两组之间在统计学上是否具有差异。结果174例高血压患者中,经测定高血尿酸患者76例,占43.68%,正常对照组中经测定高... 目的探讨患者血尿酸浓度与高血压之间的关系。方法采用酶学法测定176例高血压患者和40例正常人的血尿酸浓度,并数据分析两组之间在统计学上是否具有差异。结果174例高血压患者中,经测定高血尿酸患者76例,占43.68%,正常对照组中经测定高血尿酸患者6例,占15.00%,两组比较具有统计学差异性(χ2=9.28,P<0.05)。结论患者血尿酸测定对早期预防诊治高血压具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 血尿酸 高血压 应用 酶学法 相关
作者 裴旭东 郭志昌 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2003年第3期286-287,共2页
关键词 血浆胆固醇低下 疾病诊断 恶性肿瘤 酶学法 测定 营养不良
脑活素致急性肾衰1例 被引量:2
作者 王伟东 白雪梅 《浙江中西医结合杂志》 2001年第6期384-384,共1页
关键词 脑活素 治疗 急性肾功能衰竭 降解
作者 纳韦里 冯玉润 《体育科研》 1986年第9期28-,共1页
关键词 血浆胰高血糖素 儿茶酚 训练年限 间歇跑 高血糖 男运动员 运动员训练 放射酶学法 耐力训练 测定
Research on Activity and Expression of Tyrosinase in Varicorhinus macrolepis
作者 庞秋香 王阳阳 +1 位作者 赵博生 孙欢欢 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期417-420,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze tyrosinase activity and its expression in Varicorhinus macrolepis. [Method] V. macrolepis was used as experimental material for the analysis and research of tyrosinase in nine k... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze tyrosinase activity and its expression in Varicorhinus macrolepis. [Method] V. macrolepis was used as experimental material for the analysis and research of tyrosinase in nine kinds of organs and tissues of male and female V. macrolepis individuals by using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and biochemical staining method, spectrophotometry and enzyme histochemical technology. [Result] Tyrosinase exists in the liver and pancreas, intestine and spleen of female and male V. macrolepis and in the gallbladder of male V. macrolepis. Tyrosinase activities in various tissues of V. macrolepis varied largely. Specifically, tyrosinase activities in the spleen was the maximum, which was higher in female V. macrolepis than in males. According to the enzyme histochemistry results, strong positive signals of tyrosinase existed in the spleen, intestine, liver and pancreas and gallbladder of V. macrolepis, which was the strongest in the spleen. [Conclusion] In this paper, research on tissue localization of tyrosinase in V. macrolepis had been first reported, which provided theoretical basis for further exploring the functions of tyrosinase in V. macrolepis. 展开更多
Measurement of Serum Total and Free Prostate-Specific Antigen for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Women
作者 张淑群 杨文彬 +2 位作者 强水云 李妙羡 纪宗正 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第1期44-47,共4页
Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value and the relationship between the clinicopathological features and the levels of total and free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women with breast cancer.Methods: Using ... Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value and the relationship between the clinicopathological features and the levels of total and free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women with breast cancer.Methods: Using the microparticle enzyme immunoassay system, we measured the concentrations of these markers in the sera of 85 women with breast cancer and in 30 healthy women.Rseults: The lowest detection level for both markers was 0.01 ng/ml. Free PSA levels were significantly higher in women with breast cancer than that in healthy women (P<0.05). The percentage of free PSA predominant subjects was 37.6% in breast cancer patients and 3.3% in healthy women. Cut-off values were 0.36 ng/ml for total PSA and 0.02 ng/ml for free PSA. In women with breast cancer, total PSA positivity was 23.5% and free PSA positivity was 27.1%. Compared to negatives, total PSA positive patients had a higher percentage of lymph node involvement tumours (P>0.05). However, patients with predominant free PSA had a higher percentage of early stage than patients with predominant PSA-ACT.Conclusion: Although the sensitivity of free PSA predominance is low (37.6%) in distinguishing women with breast cancer from healthy women, its specificity is high (97.0%).Free PSA predominance tends to be present in early stage tumours. These findings may indicate clinical significance of preoperative measurement of serum total and free PSA in women with breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Prostate-specific antigen DIAGNOSIS breast cancer
Dynamic alteration of telomerase expression and its diagnostic significance in liver or peripheral blood for hepatocellular carcinoma 被引量:9
作者 Deng-Fu Yao Wei Wu +6 位作者 Min Yao Li-Wei Qiu Xin-Hua Wu Xiao-Qin Su Li Zou Deng-Bing Yao Xian-Yong Meng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第31期4966-4972,共7页
AIM: To investigate the dynamic alteration of telomerase expression during development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its diagnostic implications in liver tissues or peripheral blood mononuclear cells for HC... AIM: To investigate the dynamic alteration of telomerase expression during development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its diagnostic implications in liver tissues or peripheral blood mononuclear cells for HCC. METHODS: Dynamic expressions of liver telomerase during malignant transformation of hepatocytes were observed in Sprague-Dawly (SD) rats fed with 0.05% of 2-fluoenyacetamide (2-FAA). Total RNA and telomerase were extracted from rat or human liver tissues. The telomerase activities in livers and in circulating blood were detected by a telomeric repeat amplification protocol-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TRAP- ELISA), and its diagnostic value was investigated in patients with benign or malignant liver diseases. RESULTS: The hepatoma model displayed the dynamic expression of hepatic telomerase during HCC development. The telomerase activities were consistent with liver total RNA levels (r = 0.83, P 〈 0.01) at the stages of degeneration, precancerosis, and cancerization of hepatocytes. In HCC patients, the telomerase levels in HCC tissues were significantly higher than in their adjacent non-cancerous tissues, but liver total RNA levels were lower in the former than in the latter. Although the circulating telomerase of HCC patients was abnormally expressed among patients with chronic liver diseases, the telomerase activity was a non-specific marker for HCC diagnosis, because the incidence was 15.7% in normal control, 25% in chronic hepatitis, 45.9% in liver cirrhosis, and 85.2% in HCC, respectively when absorbance value of telomerase activity was more than 0.2. If the value was over 0.6, the incidence was 60% in HCC group and 0% in any of the others (P 〈 0.01) except in two cases with liver cirrhosis. However, the combination of circulating telomerase with serum alpha-fetoprotein level could increase the positive rate and the accuracy (92.6%, 125 of 135) of HCC diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The overexpression of telomerase is associated with HCC development, and its abnormality in liver tissues or in peripheral blood could be a useful marker for diagnosis and prognosis of HCC. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma TELOMERASE Peripheral blood mononuclear cells Telomeric repeat amplification protocol
Inhibition of high-mobility group box 1 expression by siRNA in rat hepatic stellate cells 被引量:14
作者 Wen-Song Ge Jian-Xin Wu +2 位作者 Jian-Gao Fan Ying-Wei Chen Yao-Jun Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第36期4090-4098,共9页
AIM:To explore the role of high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein during liver fibrogenesis and investigate the functional effects of HMGB1 gene silencing in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) using siRNA.METHODS:Hepati... AIM:To explore the role of high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein during liver fibrogenesis and investigate the functional effects of HMGB1 gene silencing in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) using siRNA.METHODS:Hepatic fibrosis in rats was induced through serial subcutaneous injections of dimethylnitrosamine,and expression of HMGB1 was detected by immunohistochemistry.HMGB1 siRNAs were developed and transiently transfected into HSC-T6 cells using Lipofectamine 2000.HMGB1 expression was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blotting analysis.Expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and collagen typesⅠand Ⅲ was evaluated by real-time PCR.Cell proliferation and the cell cycle were determined using the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium method.Finally,collagen content in HSC supernatant was evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.RESULTS:The results showed that HMGB1 was upregulated during liver fibrosis and that its expression was closely correlated with the deposition of collagen.siRNA molecules were successfully transfected into HSCs and induced inhibition of HMGB1 expression in a time-dependent manner.Moreover,HMGB1 siRNA treatment inhibited synthesis of α-SMA and collagen types Ⅰ and Ⅲ in transfected HSCs.CONCLUSION:This study suggests a significant functional role for HMGB1 in the development of liver fibrosis.It also demonstrates that downregulation of HMGB1 expression might be a potential strategy to treat liver fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic fibrosis High-mobility group box 1 Hepatic stellate cells RNA interference
作者 Chen Xiaoguang 1 (陈晓光),Yoshihisa Yano 2, Tadayoshi Hasuma 2, Toshiko Yoshimata 2, Wang Yinna 2 and Shuzo Otani 2 1Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC, Beijing 100050 2Department of Biochemistry 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1999年第3期138-144,共7页
The monoterpene d limonene inhibit the plasma membrane associated P21 ras expression and the posttranslational isoprenylation of P21 ras , a mechanism that may contribute to its efficacy in the chemoprevent... The monoterpene d limonene inhibit the plasma membrane associated P21 ras expression and the posttranslational isoprenylation of P21 ras , a mechanism that may contribute to its efficacy in the chemoprevention and therapy of chemically induced rodent cancers and some human solid tumor cells. In the present study,the relative abilities of d limonene to inhibit membrane associated P21 ras expression in pancreas tumor cell(PaCa) was carried out with Western blotting, and the inhibition of farnesyl protein transferase (FTPase) activity during the Ras protein isoprenylation and cell proliferation were determined.Concomitantly,the effects of d limonene on P21 ras localization by immunohistochemistry and H ras oncogene expression in PaCa tumor cell line by Northern blotting were observed. The results showed that d limonene inhibited FPTase activity, thus to reduce P21H ras isoprenylation. d limonene could decrease P21 ras membrane association and increase cytosolic accumulation of P21 ras . This phenomenon was also noted when d limonene treated PaCa cells were stained immunohistochemically with anti P21 ras antibody. It is suggested that the inhibition of FPTase activity was closely related with the inhibiton of P21 ras membrane association and the alteration of P21 ras localization. Inhibition of farnesylation of P21 ras altered their intracellular localization and, hence, disrupted their biological activity,but no relationship with H ras oncogene expression was found. 展开更多
关键词 p21 ras membrane association farnesyl protein transferase d limonene
The relationship between nNOS and Cyt-c in mitochondria of glioma
作者 Na Li Zongze Guo Gangyu Li Weicheng Lu Weixin Zhang Yunjie Wang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第10期582-584,共3页
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and the expression level of Cytochrome C (Cyt-c) in mitochondria. Methods: The pathological diagn... Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and the expression level of Cytochrome C (Cyt-c) in mitochondria. Methods: The pathological diagnosis of glioma and tumor classification was by HE staining, and we use immunohistochemistry method to analyse the level of nNOS in different pathological grade glioma and the expression level of Cyt-c in mitochondria meanwhile. Results: The levels of nNOS were highest in grade Ⅲ tumors, moderate in grade Ⅱ tumors, and lowest different in grade I tumors. There was significant difference of the nNOS levels among different pathological grade tumors (P 〈 0.05). Furthermore, the similar phenomenon was observed in the expression level of Cyt-c in mitochondria (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: The expression level of nNOS and Cyt-c in mitochondria was significantly related to the pathological grade of glioma. 展开更多
关键词 neuronal nitric synthale (nNOS) Cytochrome C (Cyt-c) pathological grade GLIOMA IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
作者 邓学箴 郭大东 张霞 《山东医药工业》 2003年第6期22-23,共2页
关键词 白细胞介素18 IL 克隆 纯化 复性 免疫应答 调节作用 抗病毒感染 非特异性免疫 特异性免疫 联免疫分析 ELISA
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