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酸性改性蜂巢石及其对废水中氨氮吸附能力的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 丁琨 徐镇男 +1 位作者 张甲 张勇 《长江大学学报(自科版)(上旬)》 2016年第1期25-29,4,共5页
以蜂巢石的比表面积为指标,通过正交试验确定了蜂巢石最佳酸改性条件,并用经最佳酸改性后的蜂巢石对模拟氨氮废水进行吸附试验,探求不同的试验条件对废水中氨氮去除效果的影响,找寻去除氨氮的最佳条件。试验结果表明,在硫酸浓度为0.5mo... 以蜂巢石的比表面积为指标,通过正交试验确定了蜂巢石最佳酸改性条件,并用经最佳酸改性后的蜂巢石对模拟氨氮废水进行吸附试验,探求不同的试验条件对废水中氨氮去除效果的影响,找寻去除氨氮的最佳条件。试验结果表明,在硫酸浓度为0.5mol/L、温度为35℃的条件下,改性30min的蜂巢石比表面积最大,与原蜂巢石相比,比表面积增大了40%左右;对比改性前后样品的SEM电镜扫描结果,改性后的蜂巢石表面更粗糙,孔隙更显著,侵蚀痕迹更明显,更有利于吸附;改性后的蜂巢石对低浓度氨氮具有较强的吸附能力,并具有快速吸附、缓慢平衡的特点,而且对氨氮的吸附行为符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温方程。 展开更多
关键词 蜂巢石 酸性改性 氨氮 吸附
酸性改性剂在棉织物黑豆皮色素染色中的应用 被引量:1
作者 钟雨文 范荣 王华清 《浙江纺织服装职业技术学院学报》 2018年第2期13-18,共6页
针对棉织物黑豆皮色素直接染色表面色深度(K/S值)低、染色牢度差的问题,利用酸性改性剂对棉织物进行改性研究,并将改性的棉织物用黑豆皮色素进行染色。讨论了改性剂用量、改性p H值、改性温度、改性时间等因素对棉织物黑豆皮色素染色的... 针对棉织物黑豆皮色素直接染色表面色深度(K/S值)低、染色牢度差的问题,利用酸性改性剂对棉织物进行改性研究,并将改性的棉织物用黑豆皮色素进行染色。讨论了改性剂用量、改性p H值、改性温度、改性时间等因素对棉织物黑豆皮色素染色的影响,并通过正交试验分析,确定了黑豆皮色素上染棉织物的改性工艺条件。实验结果表明,最佳改性工艺条件为:改性剂用量8%(o.m.f)、改性温度80℃、p H值=5、改性时间20min。经改性后的棉织物黑豆皮色素染色与未改性棉织物相比,不仅提高了染色深度,而且织物的皂洗牢度、摩擦牢度也普遍提高了0.5~1.0级。 展开更多
关键词 黑豆色素 棉织物 酸性改性 染色
安塞油田酸性采出水回注水的腐蚀性及改性研究 被引量:1
作者 山城 王瑶 +3 位作者 王玉龙 吴婷婷 刘岚馨 燕永利 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期100-104,10,共5页
对安塞油田王南塞160区块酸性采出水回注造成地面系统、井筒的严重腐蚀现象进行了分析。选取王十六转集输站酸性采出水进行室内静态腐蚀挂片测试及其SEM结构分析,结果表明安塞油田采出水对挂片的腐蚀速率远远小于控制指标,采出水系统造... 对安塞油田王南塞160区块酸性采出水回注造成地面系统、井筒的严重腐蚀现象进行了分析。选取王十六转集输站酸性采出水进行室内静态腐蚀挂片测试及其SEM结构分析,结果表明安塞油田采出水对挂片的腐蚀速率远远小于控制指标,采出水系统造成的均匀腐蚀不严重,主要产生局部腐蚀。分别采用SEM和XRD对腐蚀结垢进行研究,结果表明腐蚀与结垢并存,造成腐蚀的主要因素是溶解氧、HCO3^-和细菌,主要腐蚀产物为FeO(OH)。为了控制污水的酸性腐蚀,对王十六转采出水进行改性和性能评价。在240-350 mL/t污水中加入10%NaOH溶液,将酸性水pH值调节至7.0左右,改性后水中∑Fe、SO4^2-、HCO3^-含量明显降低,从而降低采出水的腐蚀速率和结垢趋势。 展开更多
关键词 酸性采出水 回注 腐蚀速率 腐蚀结垢 酸性改性 安塞油田
西藏拉洛水利枢纽沥青混凝土心墙坝料源规划及酸性骨料改性方法 被引量:1
作者 朱学贤 杨波 +1 位作者 牛运华 姚勇强 《水利水电快报》 2022年第11期34-39,共6页
为研究西藏拉洛水利枢纽沥青混凝土心墙坝料源规划及酸性骨料改性方法,采用水煮法、沥青混凝土抗压试验和沥青薄膜烘箱老化试验的组合验证方法来综合判断酸性骨料与沥青的黏附性能、抵抗剥落的能力以及耐热性能。结果表明:拉洛水利枢纽... 为研究西藏拉洛水利枢纽沥青混凝土心墙坝料源规划及酸性骨料改性方法,采用水煮法、沥青混凝土抗压试验和沥青薄膜烘箱老化试验的组合验证方法来综合判断酸性骨料与沥青的黏附性能、抵抗剥落的能力以及耐热性能。结果表明:拉洛水利枢纽大坝沥青混凝土骨料料源变更为卡玉砂砾石料场,通过在沥青混凝土中添加0.4%的某品牌抗剥离剂,可将酸性骨料与沥青的黏附性提高到5级或4级、水稳定系数大于0.90,性能满足设计要求,降低工程造价208万元。 展开更多
关键词 沥青混凝土心墙坝 料源规划 酸性骨料改性 拉洛水利枢纽工程 西藏
正戊烷异构化催化剂Ni-F/HM的改性 被引量:3
作者 邴国强 高文远 《大庆石油学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第3期71-73,共3页
为提高Ni-F/HM催化剂的异构化活性,考察Ni质量分数、Ni焙烧温度、氟硅酸铵质量分数对正戊烷异构化催化剂反应性能的影响.利用氟硅酸铵,对正戊烷异构化非贵金属催化剂进行酸性改性,降低反应温度最高达50℃.实验结果表明:正戊烷异构化遵... 为提高Ni-F/HM催化剂的异构化活性,考察Ni质量分数、Ni焙烧温度、氟硅酸铵质量分数对正戊烷异构化催化剂反应性能的影响.利用氟硅酸铵,对正戊烷异构化非贵金属催化剂进行酸性改性,降低反应温度最高达50℃.实验结果表明:正戊烷异构化遵循典型的双功能催化反应机理,金属与酸功能的良好匹配是正戊烷异构化催化剂的关键.含Ni质量分数为4.0%,Ni焙烧温度为450℃,含氟硅酸铵质量分数为5.0%的催化剂,在较适宜的工艺条件(温度为250℃,压力为2.0MPa,空速为1.0h-1,氢烃摩尔比为4∶1)下,反应性能最佳,其中正戊烷转化率为70.49%,异戊烷收率为68.27%,异戊烷选择性为96.85%,液体产物收率为97.78%. 展开更多
关键词 正戊烷 异构化 丝光沸石 氟硅酸铵 酸性改性
作者 丁琨 赵纪耀 +3 位作者 宋箭 张勇 张甲 徐镇男 《长江大学学报(自科版)(上旬)》 2016年第4期22-26,共5页
以酸改性蜂巢石为吸附材料,对Cr^(6+)进行吸附试验,探索含铬废水处理新技术、新方法和新工艺。设置不同试验条件,采用硫酸对蜂巢石进行改性处理,然后对改性后的蜂巢石做BET比表面积测定,发现H2SO4浓度为0.5mol/L、改性时间为30min、温度... 以酸改性蜂巢石为吸附材料,对Cr^(6+)进行吸附试验,探索含铬废水处理新技术、新方法和新工艺。设置不同试验条件,采用硫酸对蜂巢石进行改性处理,然后对改性后的蜂巢石做BET比表面积测定,发现H2SO4浓度为0.5mol/L、改性时间为30min、温度为35℃时改性条件最佳,改性效果最好。选取比表面积最大的改性蜂巢石和未改性的蜂巢石做SEM和XRD,观察酸改性前后蜂巢石表面结构和孔隙率的变化,结果显示酸改性后蜂巢石表面变得粗糙蓬松,表面积增大,晶化程度提高,吸附条件变好。使用改性蜂巢石对含铬废水进行静态吸附试验,结果表明,改性蜂巢石投加量和溶液的pH值是影响吸附效果的重要因素。当溶液pH值为2、蜂巢石投加量为0.5g、Cr^(6+)初始浓度为5mg/L时,Cr^(6+)的去除率达到99.61%,此时吸附效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 蜂巢石 酸性改性 含铬废水 吸附
甲醛改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附特性研究 被引量:7
作者 余纯丽 傅遍红 +1 位作者 吴四维 易运梅 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第20期9618-9620,共3页
[目的]为花生壳在染料工业废水处理中的应用提供理论指导。[方法]通过甲醛改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附试验,探讨振荡时间、初始浓度、pH值、温度等因素对吸附过程的影响。[结果]15 min内,甲醛改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附量随时... [目的]为花生壳在染料工业废水处理中的应用提供理论指导。[方法]通过甲醛改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附试验,探讨振荡时间、初始浓度、pH值、温度等因素对吸附过程的影响。[结果]15 min内,甲醛改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附量随时间的延长而快速增加15 min后,吸附量随时间变化增加缓慢。35~55 min内,改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附量变化较小,55~75 min变化较大,95 min后,基本不再改变。pH值为1~3时,改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附量随pH值的增加而减小,pH值为3~5时吸附量达到最小值 pH值为5~8时,吸附量增加,pH值大于8时,其吸附量又减小。改性花生壳对亚甲基蓝的吸附过程符合Langmuir与Freundlich模型,其吸附平衡常数与最大吸附量随温度的升高而增大。[结论]该吸附过程为自发的吸热过程且符合二级动力学反应。 展开更多
关键词 花生壳 酸性甲醛改性 亚甲基蓝 吸附热力学和动力学
不同改性花生壳处理含Cd^(2+)废水的比较研究 被引量:3
作者 陈伟华 徐大勇 董洪霞 《电镀与精饰》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期38-42,共5页
采用高锰酸钾改性、酸性甲醛改性、酯化改性、未改性花生壳去除模拟废水中的Cd^(2+),考察了恒温振荡时间、溶液pH、花生壳投加量、Cd^(2+)的初始浓度及温度五个因素对花生壳去除Cd^(2+)效果的影响,结合四种类型花生壳的再生实验优选出... 采用高锰酸钾改性、酸性甲醛改性、酯化改性、未改性花生壳去除模拟废水中的Cd^(2+),考察了恒温振荡时间、溶液pH、花生壳投加量、Cd^(2+)的初始浓度及温度五个因素对花生壳去除Cd^(2+)效果的影响,结合四种类型花生壳的再生实验优选出最佳改性方法。结果表明:高锰酸钾改性为最优改性。在吸附t为120min、pH=6、花生壳投加质量为0.2g、Cd^(2+)初始质量浓度为20mg/L及θ为30℃时,去除率最大(97.56%),解析率和再生去除率为90.2%和86.87%。在此基础上对原因进行了初步分析。 展开更多
关键词 高锰酸钾改性 酸性甲醛改性 酯化改性 Cd^(2+)废水 花生壳
酸改性粉煤灰处理生活废水的研究 被引量:5
作者 李嘉伟 《广东化工》 CAS 2012年第6期162-163,161,共3页
本研究用粉煤灰处理生活废水,得出在反应条件为:粉煤灰用量15 g,吸附时间25 min,反应温度30℃,pH为3时,废水中污染物去除效果最好。当粉煤灰用2 mol/L的硫酸改性后,废水的处理效果最理想,CODCr去除率达84%以上。用废制废,变废为宝的环... 本研究用粉煤灰处理生活废水,得出在反应条件为:粉煤灰用量15 g,吸附时间25 min,反应温度30℃,pH为3时,废水中污染物去除效果最好。当粉煤灰用2 mol/L的硫酸改性后,废水的处理效果最理想,CODCr去除率达84%以上。用废制废,变废为宝的环保方法,是环保工作者值得采用的污染物处理手段。 展开更多
关键词 粉煤灰 酸性改性 生活污水处理
作者 胡秀琴 王怀奎 +1 位作者 张一荣 郭晓霞 《甘肃化工》 1999年第2期10-12,14,共4页
关键词 石油树脂 醇酸清漆 酸性改性 清漆 涂料
ZSM-5分子筛在甲醇转化制烯烃领域应用的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 冯琦瑶 邢爱华 +1 位作者 张新锋 姜继东 《工业催化》 CAS 2016年第1期15-23,共9页
综述了ZSM-5分子筛在甲醇制烯烃反应特别是在甲醇制丙烯反应中的应用。介绍在接近工业反应条件下甲醇在ZSM-5分子筛上生成烯烃的反应机理,在较高反应温度下高碳数烯烃裂解是导致轻烯烃形成的主要反应路径;分析ZSM-5分子筛酸性及粒径对... 综述了ZSM-5分子筛在甲醇制烯烃反应特别是在甲醇制丙烯反应中的应用。介绍在接近工业反应条件下甲醇在ZSM-5分子筛上生成烯烃的反应机理,在较高反应温度下高碳数烯烃裂解是导致轻烯烃形成的主要反应路径;分析ZSM-5分子筛酸性及粒径对产品选择性及催化剂寿命的影响,由于ZSM-5分子筛酸性较强,直接用于甲醇制烯烃反应时低碳烯烃的选择性不高,而粒径小的ZSM-5分子筛扩散性能好,因而丙烯选择性得到提高。重点介绍小晶粒ZSM-5分子筛的研究进展,指出目前ZSM-5分子筛的研究方向一是对其进行酸性改性,二是制备酸度适中、粒径合适和具有介孔的多级结构ZSM-5分子筛。 展开更多
关键词 催化剂工程 ZSM-5分子筛 甲醇制烯烃 酸性改性 多级结构
Secondary Crystallization of Na_2CO_3-Modified HZSM-5 Zeolites with Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide and Their Catalytic Performance in Thiophene Alkylation Reaction 被引量:10
作者 Liu Dongmei Kong Feifei +1 位作者 Zhai Yuchun Wang Haiyan 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期53-60,共8页
The Na2CO3-modified HZSM-5 zeolites were further treated by tetrapropylammonium hydroxide(TPAOH) solution. The effect of TPAOH concentration on the secondary crystallization process was investigated. The resulting sam... The Na2CO3-modified HZSM-5 zeolites were further treated by tetrapropylammonium hydroxide(TPAOH) solution. The effect of TPAOH concentration on the secondary crystallization process was investigated. The resulting samples were characterized by a complementary combination of X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, XPS, 27 Al and 29 Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, BET and temperature-programmed desorption techniques. The results showed that the secondary crystallization of the HZSM-5 zeolite could result in migration of non-framework species from the internal channels to the zeolite surface and their transformation into framework species. The catalytic activity of these modified samples for thiophene alkylation was evaluated. Both the activity and stability of the catalysts were improved after secondary crystallization. 展开更多
关键词 tetrapropylammonium hydroxide sodium carbonate HZSM-5 secondary crystallization
NO adsorption and temperature programmed desorption on K_2CO_3 modified activated carbons 被引量:1
作者 YANG Dai-jun MA Xiao-wei +2 位作者 LV Hong LI Bing ZHANG Cun-man 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2339-2348,共10页
Fuel cell stacks as the automotive power source can be severely poisoned by a trace amount of NOx in atmosphere,which makes it necessary to provide clean air for fuel cell vehicles.In this work,activating commercial a... Fuel cell stacks as the automotive power source can be severely poisoned by a trace amount of NOx in atmosphere,which makes it necessary to provide clean air for fuel cell vehicles.In this work,activating commercial activated carbons with K2CO3 for the large enhancement of NO capture was studied.K2CO3 modified activated carbons(K2CO3 ACs)were prepared by impregnating activate carbons in K2CO3 solution under ultrasound treatment,followed by temperature programmed baking at 800 oC.The dynamic NO flow tests on K2CO3 ACs at room temperature indicated that NO adsorption capacity reached the maximum(96 mg/g)when K2CO3 loading was 19.5 wt%,which corresponded to a specific surface area of 1196.1 m2/g and total pore volume of 0.70 cm3/g.The ten-fold enhancement of NO adsorption on K2CO3 ACs compared to the unimpregnated activated carbon was mainly attributed to the formation of potassium nitrite,which was confirmed by FTIR and temperature programmed desorption measurements.Regeneration tests of NO adsorption on the optimum sample revealed that 76%of the NO adsorption capacity could be remained after the fourth cycle. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon potassium carbonate MODIFICATION NO adsorption temperature programmed desorption
Preparation,characterization and photocatalytic activity of sulfuric acid-modified titanium-bearing blast furnace slag 被引量:17
作者 雷雪飞 薛向欣 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期2294-2298,共5页
The feasibility of reducing Cr(VI)from the aqueous solution by sulfuric acid-modified titanium-bearing blast furnace slag(SATBBFS)as a photocatalyst was investigated.The photocatalysts were examined by X-ray diffracti... The feasibility of reducing Cr(VI)from the aqueous solution by sulfuric acid-modified titanium-bearing blast furnace slag(SATBBFS)as a photocatalyst was investigated.The photocatalysts were examined by X-ray diffraction(XRD),UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra,thermogravimetric analysis(TG)and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR).The photocatalytic activities of the different catalysts were evaluated by the photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI)under UV-vis light irradiation.The results show that the photocatalytic activities of SATBBFS catalysts are strongly dependent on CaTiO3-to-TiO2 mass ratio,adsorption capacity and surface acidity,and SATBBFS calcined at 400°C shows a higher photocatalytic activity compared with other catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 titanium-bearing blast furnace slag DOPING photocatalytic reduction Cr(VI)
Preparation, morphology and mechanical properties of acrylate-modified polyurethane/unsaturated polyester resin graft-IPNs 被引量:6
作者 唐冬雁 乔英杰 赵连城 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期7-10,共4页
Acrylate modified polyurethane resin was first synthesized, and interpenetrated with unsaturated polyester resin to form IPNs and gradient IPNs which cured at room temperature. The polymerization process was traced by... Acrylate modified polyurethane resin was first synthesized, and interpenetrated with unsaturated polyester resin to form IPNs and gradient IPNs which cured at room temperature. The polymerization process was traced by an IR spectroscopy technique and the simultaneous interpenetrating techniques were determined. The morphology of these IPNs were estimated by TMA and TEM methods. The results indicated that large amount of interpenetrating and entanglement make T g linked up effectively, and domains between two phases can be in nanometre ranges, which changed with composition ratios. The mechanical properties results showed that IPNs varied from elastomeric to plastic materials. It was noteworthy that, with the introduction of modified groups and the formation of graft construction in IPNs, the miscibility in the systems was improved a lot. These further led to the improved mechanical properties of IPNs with elastomer reinforced and plasticizer toughened as well. The reinforced miscibility between the networks can apparently change mechanical property especially for the gradient ones when the materials are elongated. 展开更多
关键词 acrylate modified polyurethane unsaturated polyester resin (UP) interpenetrating polymer networks(IPNs) MORPHOLOGY mechanical property
Evolution mechanism of active sites for selective catalytic reduction of NO_(x) with NH_(3) over Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts doped by Ce/Cu 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Yu-bo WANG Pan +3 位作者 YU Dan ZHAO Hong-yu LYU Xing-lei LEI Li-li 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2239-2252,共14页
Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts modified by Cu and Ce by aqueous solution ion-exchange and incipient wetness impregnation methods were tested in the selective catalytic reduction of NO_(x) with NH_(3).A variety of characterization... Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts modified by Cu and Ce by aqueous solution ion-exchange and incipient wetness impregnation methods were tested in the selective catalytic reduction of NO_(x) with NH_(3).A variety of characterization techniques(NH_(3)-SCO,BET,XRD,XPS,UV-Vis,NH_(3)-TPD,H_(2)-TPR)were used to explore the changes of the active sites,acid sites and pore structure of the catalyst.It was found that the dispersion of active Cu species and Fe species had great influences on the catalytic activity in the whole catalytic process.The Cu doping into the Fe-ZSM-5 catalyst produced new active species,isolated Cu ions and CuO particles,resulting in the improved low-temperature catalytic activity.However,the NH_(3) oxidation was enhanced,and part of the Fe^(3+)active sites and more Brønsted acidic sites in the catalyst were occupied by Cu species,which causes the decrease of the high-temperature activity.The recovery of hightemperature activity could be attributed to the recovery of active Cu species and Fe species promoted by Ce and the promotion of active species dispersion.The results provide theoretical support for adjusting the active window of Febased SCR catalyst by multi-metal doping. 展开更多
关键词 Fe-based zeolite nitric oxide removal Cu/Ce modification active sites acid sites
Salt-free reactive dyeing of betaine-modified cationic cotton fabrics with enhanced dye fixation 被引量:6
作者 Wei Ma Mei Meng +1 位作者 Shumin Yan Shufen Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期175-179,共5页
Novel cationic cotton fabrics were prepared by an efficient and simple one-step pad–dry–bake pretreatment process with betaine as cationic reagent. Ester bonds formed between cotton fibers and betaine hydrochloride ... Novel cationic cotton fabrics were prepared by an efficient and simple one-step pad–dry–bake pretreatment process with betaine as cationic reagent. Ester bonds formed between cotton fibers and betaine hydrochloride were proved by Fourier transformed infrared attenuated total reflection(FTIR-ATR) spectra. Moreover, the properties of the cationic fabrics, including X-ray Diffraction(XRD), tensile strength and whiteness and yellowness index,were investigated in comparison with that of the untreated ones. The cationic fabrics were applied in salt-free dyeing of C.I. Reactive Red 195, C.I. Reactive Yellow 145 and C.I. Reactive Blue 19. Different dye fixation processes were applied and compared for untreated and cationic cotton. Dye fixation and color fastness properties of the dyes were tested, and the results presented that dye fixation on the cationic fabrics in the absence of salt was improved with satisfactory light fastness property and applicable wash and rub fastnesses. 展开更多
关键词 Salt-free dyeing Betaine Cationic cotton Reactive dyes
Modification technology for separation of oily sludge 被引量:7
作者 李小兵 刘炯天 +1 位作者 肖云奇 肖鑫 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期367-373,共7页
Based on the analysis of the properties of oily sludge samples,the effect of modification parameters,such as liquid to solid (L/S) ratio,agitation temperature,agitation intensity,agitation time and pH on the modificat... Based on the analysis of the properties of oily sludge samples,the effect of modification parameters,such as liquid to solid (L/S) ratio,agitation temperature,agitation intensity,agitation time and pH on the modification of oily sludge was investigated with the content of oil remnants in dry sludge as a reference index. Remixing experiments were carried out according to a simplex-lattice design,where Sx4056 was used as the demulsifier,petroleum sulfonate as the surfactant and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) as the dispersant. The surface modification reagent formulation was optimized by a regression equation on the modified effect and based on the amounts of surface modification reagents. The results show that the content of the oil remaining in dry oily sludge is 0.28% of 10.15% oily sludge,when the reagent concentration rises to 3.5 g/L under the optimum experimental conditions. 展开更多
关键词 oily sludge surface modification REAGENT simplex-lattice design
Modification of CaO-based sorbents prepared from calcium acetate for CO_2 capture at high temperature 被引量:8
作者 Xiaotong Liu Junfei Shi +2 位作者 Liu He Xiaoxun Ma Shisen Xu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期572-580,共9页
CaO-based sorbent is considered to be a promising candidate for capturing CO_2 at high temperature. However,the adsorption capacity of CaO decreases sharply with the increase of the carbonation/calcination cycles. In ... CaO-based sorbent is considered to be a promising candidate for capturing CO_2 at high temperature. However,the adsorption capacity of CaO decreases sharply with the increase of the carbonation/calcination cycles. In this study, CaO was derived from calcium acetate(CaAc_2), which was doped with different elements(Mg, Al,Ce, Zr and La) to improve the cyclic stability. The carbonation conversion and cyclic stability of sorbents were tested by thermogravimetric analyzer(TGA). The sorbents were characterized by N_2 isothermal adsorption measurements, scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). The results showed that the cyclic stabilities of all modified sorbents were improved by doping elements, while the carbonation conversions of sorbents in the 1st cycle were not increased by doping different elements. After 22 cycles, the cyclic stabilities of CaO–Al, CaO–Ce and CaO–La were above 96.2%. After 110 cycles, the cyclic stability of CaO–Al was still as high as 87.1%. Furthermore, the carbonation conversion was closely related to the critical time and specific surface area. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 capture CaO-based sorbent Carbonation conversion Cyclic stability Critical time Mesoporous structure
Improving the biodecolorization of reactive blue 13 by sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate immobilized on modified polyvinyl alcohol beads
作者 钱勇兴 杨彬 +2 位作者 李中坚 雷乐成 张兴旺 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1194-1199,共6页
In order to enhance the biodecolorization rate and avoid the wash-out problems of redox mediators in continuous systems such as a fluidized bed reactor, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) beads modified with N- containing func... In order to enhance the biodecolorization rate and avoid the wash-out problems of redox mediators in continuous systems such as a fluidized bed reactor, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) beads modified with N- containing function groups were investigated and employed as a new sodium anthraquinone-2- sulfonate (AQS) carrier material. Elementary and XPS analyses confirm the existence of AQS on modified PVA bead. The modified PVA beads suit with immobilizing AQS better in adsorption capability and stability. AQS supported on modified PVA beads shows high catalytic activity for biodecolorization of reactive blue 13 in a long process (〉10 runs). 展开更多
关键词 Redox mediator Biodecolorization Functional bio-carrier
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