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作者 谢嵘 杨笑宇 《黑龙江环境通报》 2002年第3期70-71,79,共3页
本文探讨了CODMn 酸性测定法中 ,加入高锰酸钾的地面水样在沸水中褪色时间与CODMn 的关系 ,在此基础上探索了高浓度水样不稀释的酸性CODMn 测定法 ,并检验该方法符合国家质控要求。本法适用于浓度在10~100mg/L的地面水样 (CI- 浓度小于... 本文探讨了CODMn 酸性测定法中 ,加入高锰酸钾的地面水样在沸水中褪色时间与CODMn 的关系 ,在此基础上探索了高浓度水样不稀释的酸性CODMn 测定法 ,并检验该方法符合国家质控要求。本法适用于浓度在10~100mg/L的地面水样 (CI- 浓度小于300mg/L)。 展开更多
关键词 不稀释酸性测定 高浓度 地面水 CODMN 褪色时间
抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶的测定及临床应用 被引量:13
作者 甘洁民 朱汉民 《上海医学检验杂志》 1997年第1期31-32,共2页
本文用酶动力学法测定了血清中的抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(TrACP).本法重复性好,操作简便、易行,也适宜于自动生化分析仪.本文初步探讨了抗滴石酸酸性磷酸酶的正常参考值,研究了妇女绝经前后及老年期的变化,发现绝经后TrACP有所升高... 本文用酶动力学法测定了血清中的抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(TrACP).本法重复性好,操作简便、易行,也适宜于自动生化分析仪.本文初步探讨了抗滴石酸酸性磷酸酶的正常参考值,研究了妇女绝经前后及老年期的变化,发现绝经后TrACP有所升高,而到了老年期又有所下降.本文还研究了各种骨代谢疾病TrACP的变化,发现高转换型的骨质疏松症、Paget症、慢性肾功能不全和骨转移肿瘤等骨代谢疾病TrACP都有不同程度的非常显著的升高.因此测定血清中的抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶,是估计骨吸收功能的一个非常有价值的指标。 展开更多
关键词 TRACP 酸性磷酸酶测定 临床应用
功能化的酸性离子液体 被引量:24
作者 寇元 杨雅立 《石油化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期297-302,共6页
围绕着功能化酸性离子液体这一主题,对新型Lewis,Bronsted酸性离子液体、离子液体的酸性测定以及酸性离子液体在异丁烷/丁烯烷基化反应中的应用进行了介绍和评述;提出了由新型酸性离子液体的合成、其酸性的表征及其催化性能的评价3方面... 围绕着功能化酸性离子液体这一主题,对新型Lewis,Bronsted酸性离子液体、离子液体的酸性测定以及酸性离子液体在异丁烷/丁烯烷基化反应中的应用进行了介绍和评述;提出了由新型酸性离子液体的合成、其酸性的表征及其催化性能的评价3方面有机地构成了研发酸性离子液体参与的工艺技术的良性过程;明确了“功能化”的涵义;展望了酸性离子液体巨大的工业应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 酸性离子液体 Lewis酸性 Bronsted酸性 酸性测定 烷基化
酸性离子液催化剂的制备及特性表征 被引量:3
作者 郭田甜 王志亮 +2 位作者 邢攸燕 贾菲 高文斌 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S1期303-305,共3页
采用两步法合成了4种含—SO3H基团的Brφnsted酸性离子液催化剂,对所合成的离子液体进行了红外光谱表征,运用热重分析仪测定了离子液体的热分解温度,探索采用pH计法和Hammett指数法进行离子液体的酸性测定。实验数据表明,所合成的离子... 采用两步法合成了4种含—SO3H基团的Brφnsted酸性离子液催化剂,对所合成的离子液体进行了红外光谱表征,运用热重分析仪测定了离子液体的热分解温度,探索采用pH计法和Hammett指数法进行离子液体的酸性测定。实验数据表明,所合成的离子液催化剂具有良好的耐热性和较高的酸强度,其结构特征与目标物吻合,产物中杂质少。 展开更多
关键词 离子液体 酸性测定 合成 催化剂
作者 张洪亮 仇立干 《常州教育学院学报(综合版)》 1999年第4期74-75,共2页
0引言儿童退热片是一种常用药,但江苏省药品标准(1986)未规定扑尔敏的含量测定方法。在一定PH的介质中,有机碱(B)可与氢离子结合成盐(BH^+);酸性染料在此条件下形成的阴离子(±n^-)与上述盐的阳离子可定量地生成有色的配合物(BHIn)... 0引言儿童退热片是一种常用药,但江苏省药品标准(1986)未规定扑尔敏的含量测定方法。在一定PH的介质中,有机碱(B)可与氢离子结合成盐(BH^+);酸性染料在此条件下形成的阴离子(±n^-)与上述盐的阳离子可定量地生成有色的配合物(BHIn)。用有机溶剂萃取,测定溶液的吸光度,即可求得有机碱的含量。扑尔敏属丙胺衍生物, 展开更多
关键词 儿童退热片 扑尔敏 酸性染料比色测定 含量测定 稳定性
作者 吕小红 《石油石化物资采购》 2019年第17期45-45,共1页
石油产品酸值是指中和1g油品中酸性物质所需要的氢氧化钾毫克数,在对石油产品酸性测定仪性能做出评价的时候,要确保校准的方法计量特性能够与实际的校准要求相符合。测定仪器在测定石油产品酸性具有重要意义,本文主要分析石油产品酸性... 石油产品酸值是指中和1g油品中酸性物质所需要的氢氧化钾毫克数,在对石油产品酸性测定仪性能做出评价的时候,要确保校准的方法计量特性能够与实际的校准要求相符合。测定仪器在测定石油产品酸性具有重要意义,本文主要分析石油产品酸性测定仪器的校准方法。 展开更多
关键词 石油产品 酸性测定仪器 校准方法
流动指示剂法表征固体超强酸强度 被引量:22
作者 华伟明 陈建民 高滋 《石油化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第6期385-388,共4页
对表征固体超强酸强度的Hammett指示剂方法进行了改进。利用流动吸附装置,增加了样品吸附的指示剂量,使变色更明显,提高了测量准确性。同时对指示剂的溶剂和用量以及样品活化温度等进行了试验,提出了合理的试验条件。用本法... 对表征固体超强酸强度的Hammett指示剂方法进行了改进。利用流动吸附装置,增加了样品吸附的指示剂量,使变色更明显,提高了测量准确性。同时对指示剂的溶剂和用量以及样品活化温度等进行了试验,提出了合理的试验条件。用本法测量的SO_4/ZrO_2,WO_3/ZrO_2和MoO_3/ZrO_2样品酸强度规律,与它们的低温正戊烷异构化反应催化活性规律完全一致。 展开更多
关键词 固体超强酸 催化剂 酸性测定 流动指示剂法
HZSM-5沸石上酯化反应的研究 被引量:6
作者 张怀彬 高峰 +1 位作者 钟普查 李赫咺 《高等学校化学学报》 SCIE EI CAS 1987年第4期347-350,共4页
以醋酸和乙醇的酯化为典型反应,讨论了一系列HNaZSM-5沸石的阳离子交换度对酯化活性和选择性的影响,并与不同交换度的HNaZSM-5沸石的TPD酸性测定结果进行了关联。考察了不同温度焙烧的HZSM-5对酯化活性和选择性的影响,并与不同温度焙烧... 以醋酸和乙醇的酯化为典型反应,讨论了一系列HNaZSM-5沸石的阳离子交换度对酯化活性和选择性的影响,并与不同交换度的HNaZSM-5沸石的TPD酸性测定结果进行了关联。考察了不同温度焙烧的HZSM-5对酯化活性和选择性的影响,并与不同温度焙烧的HZSM-5沸石吸附吡啶的红外光谱进行了关联。结果表明,酯化反应既可以在B酸中心上进行,亦可以在L酸中心上进行;而乙醇分子间脱水主要是在B酸中心上进行。有机胺中毒实验的结果证明,酯化反应主要是在HZSM-5沸石的内表面上进行的。 展开更多
关键词 酯化反应 活性和选择性 红外光谱 阳离子交换 乙醇分子 TPD 胺中毒 酸性测定
脱除重整油中微量烯烃的分子筛催化剂 被引量:6
作者 王昕 施力 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期134-137,共4页
关键词 沸石分子筛催化剂 烯烃 芳烃 溴指数 重整油 使用性能 脱除效果 吡啶—红外酸性测定
葡萄籽中原花青素定量方法的比较(英文) 被引量:1
作者 周莉 杨富 +1 位作者 张明浩 姚家旭 《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期43-49,共7页
研究了提取温度、时间、溶剂和提取次数对葡萄籽提取物中总多酚和3种主要酚类化合物提取产率的影响.最佳提取条件为:温度50℃,乙醇水溶液80∶20(乙醇/水,V/V)提取60 min,连续提取4次.此外,通过香草醛-HCl测定法和Folin Ciocalteu测定法... 研究了提取温度、时间、溶剂和提取次数对葡萄籽提取物中总多酚和3种主要酚类化合物提取产率的影响.最佳提取条件为:温度50℃,乙醇水溶液80∶20(乙醇/水,V/V)提取60 min,连续提取4次.此外,通过香草醛-HCl测定法和Folin Ciocalteu测定法与HPLC相结合,测定葡萄籽中原花青素的含量,并与酸性丁醇测定法进行了比较.结果表明,香草醛HCl-HPLC法和酸性丁醇测定法比Folin-Ciocalteu-HPLC法能更有效地定量原花青素,而香草醛HCl-HPLC和酸性丁醇测定法则无显著差异(P>0.05).同时,酸性丁醇测定法提供了一种简单,快速且有效的方法来定量原花青素,可以更好地替代香草醛-HCl HPLC方法和Folin-Ciocalteu-HPLC方法来分析葡萄籽提取物或其他天然来源中的原花青素. 展开更多
关键词 葡萄籽 原花青素 定量 芳草醛-HCl测定 Folin-Ciocalteu测定 酸性丁醇测定
Toxicity of novel anti-hepatitis drug bicyclol: A preclinical study 被引量:5
作者 Geng-TaoLiu YanLi Huai-LingWei HongLu HuiZhang Yu-GuiGao Ling-ZhiWang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期665-671,共7页
AIM: To study the toxicity of bicyclol to animals. METHODS: Acute toxicity test was performed in Kunming strain mice that were orally given bicyclol at the doses of 3 and 5 g/kg body weight, respectively. Wistar rats ... AIM: To study the toxicity of bicyclol to animals. METHODS: Acute toxicity test was performed in Kunming strain mice that were orally given bicyclol at the doses of 3 and 5 g/kg body weight, respectively. Wistar rats were orally administered bicyclol at a dose of 5 g/kg body weight. Death and clinical symptoms of animals were recorded within 7 d. Sub-acute toxicity test was carried out in rats that were treated with various doses of bicyclol (150, 300, 600 mg/kg) once daily for 14 d. Animal behaviors, blood biochemical markers, blood and urine pictures were examined. Chronic toxicity test was conducted in 80 Wistar rats of both sexes. The animals were orally administered with various doses of bicyclol [150, 300, 600 mg/kg, 100-400 folds corresponding to the proposed therapeutic dose (1.5 mg/(kg·d)) of bicyclol for patients] once daily for 6 mo except for Sunday. The control group was given the same volume of 0.2% sodium carboxyl methylcellulose (Na-CMC). Twenty-one beagle dogs received bicyclol (25, 75, 225 mg/kg, 16.6, 50, 150 folds corresponding to the proposed therapeutic dose of bicyclol for patients) once a day for 6 mo except for Sunday. The body weight, food intake, urine and feces, blood picture, blood biochemical markers, and pathological examination of main organs were determined. Mutagenicity and teratogenicity were determined. Mutagenicity assay included Ames's test, chromosome aberration test in CHL cells and micronucleus test in mice. For the teratogenicity assay, pregnant Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were treated with 0.2,1.0 g/kg bicyclol once daily from the 7th d of gestation for 10 d. RESULTS: The oral LD50 of bicyclol was over 5 g/kg in mice and rats. No noticeable alterations in subacute and chronic toxicity of rats and dogs were demonstrated. No mutagenicity and teratogenicity of bicyclol were found. CONCLUSION: Bicyclol has no detectable chronic toxicity as well as mutagenicity and teratogenicity in animals. 展开更多
关键词 BICYCLOL Antiviral agents Toxicity test
A rapid method for determination of acid value in transformer oil by PPy modified electrode 被引量:4
作者 熊英 何德良 +3 位作者 冯勇 周舟 常新园 刘芙蓉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2202-2207,共6页
A polypyrrole-modified glassy carbon electrode (PPy/GC electrode) was prepared and its electrocatalytic behavior towards naphthoquinone in the presence of acid was characterized by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). ... A polypyrrole-modified glassy carbon electrode (PPy/GC electrode) was prepared and its electrocatalytic behavior towards naphthoquinone in the presence of acid was characterized by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). A well-defined new reduction peak appeared at a more positive potential than the original reduction peak. The new reduction peak current was linearly related to the acid value (AV) of oil. Based on it, a rapid electrochemical method for determining AV of transformer oil was developed using PPy/GC electrode. A working curve was obtained in the AV range of 0.01 to 0.40 mg(KOH).g^-1, with a sensitivity of 39.42 μA0.5/(mg(KOH).g-l) and the detection limit of 0.0014 mg(KOH).g^-1 (signal-to-noise ratio is 3, standard deviation is 2.247%). Moreover, the proposed method has been successfully applied to AV determination of several transformer oil samples with advantages of rapidness, high sensitivity and accuracy compared to the conventional method. 展开更多
关键词 acid value VOLTAMMETRY polypyrrole-modified electrode transformer oil
A Test for Stabilization of an Oligomeric Protein by Introduction of Aromatic Residues into the Interface
作者 Yuho Mano Ayako Shiota Kotaro Hara Azumi Hirata Masayuki Oda Kazufumi Takano 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第4期353-357,共5页
The design of variants to enhance conformational stability of proteins is an important aspect of protein engineering. Oligomeric proteins are often stabilized by aromatic clusters located within the subunit interfaces... The design of variants to enhance conformational stability of proteins is an important aspect of protein engineering. Oligomeric proteins are often stabilized by aromatic clusters located within the subunit interfaces. In the present study, the authors constructed five variants of Ps3aHSD (Pseudomonas sp. B-0831 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) in which one or two residues at the dimer interface were replaced with aromatic residues, and examined the effects of introducing aromatic residues in this region on protein thermostability. Under their experimental conditions, all variants formed dimers, similar to wild-type Ps3aHSD. Thermal denaturation experiments indicated that Tm of all variants was 0.2-16.2 °C lower than that of wild-type protein, indicating less stable thanwild-type protein. The results collectively suggest that aromatic residues of natural oligomeric proteins are strictly posted in the interface to facilitate optimal interactions and avoid conformational strain. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudomonas sp. B-0831 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase oligomeric protein conformational stability aromatic residue.
Determination and Correlation of Solubility for D-Xylose in Volatile Fatty Acid Solvents
作者 李涛 陈飞雄 +1 位作者 江振西 任保增 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期429-434,共6页
The solubility of D-xylose in formic acid and binary solvents of formic acid with formic acid and acetic acid, propionic acid, n-butyric acid or isobutyric acid was measured in the temperature range from 300.35 to 325... The solubility of D-xylose in formic acid and binary solvents of formic acid with formic acid and acetic acid, propionic acid, n-butyric acid or isobutyric acid was measured in the temperature range from 300.35 to 325.05 K using the synthetic method by a laser monitoring technique at atmospheric pressure. The solid-liquid equilibrium data will provide essential support for industrial design and further theoretical study. The experimental data show that the solubility of D-xylose in formic acid and in the mixtures of formic acid + acetic acid(1︰1), formic acid + propionic acid(1︰1), formic acid + n-butyric acid(1︰1), and formic acid + isobutyric acid(1︰1) increases with temperature. The Apelblat equation, the λh model, and the ideal solution equation correlate the solubility data well. 展开更多
关键词 solid-liquid equilibrium SOLUBILITY D-XYLOSE
Glutamine synthetase activity and glutamate uptake in hippocampus and frontal cortex in portal hypertensive rats 被引量:1
作者 Gabriela Beatriz Acosta María Alejandra Fernández +3 位作者 Diego Martín Roselló María Luján Tomaro Karina Balestrasse Abraham Lemberg 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第23期2893-2899,共7页
AIM: To study glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and glutamate uptake in the hippocampus and frontal cortex (FC) from rats with prehepatic portal vein hypertension. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided into shamoper... AIM: To study glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and glutamate uptake in the hippocampus and frontal cortex (FC) from rats with prehepatic portal vein hypertension. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided into shamoperated group and a portal hypertension (PH) group with a regulated stricture of the portal vein. Animals were sacrificed by decapitation 14 d after portal vein stricture. GS activity was determined in the hippocampus and FC. Specific uptake of radiolabeled L-glutamate was studied using synaptosome-enriched fractions that were freshly prepared from both brain areas. RESULTS: We observed that the activity of GS increased in the hippocampus of PH rats, as compared to control animals, and decreased in the FC. A significant decrease in glutamate uptake was found in both brain areas, and was more marked in the hippocampus. The decrease in glutamate uptake might have been caused by a deficient transport function, signif icantly and persistent increase in this excitatory neurotransmitter activity. CONCLUSION: The presence of moderate ammonia blood levels may add to the toxicity of excitotoxic glutamate in the brain, which causes alterations in brain function. Portal vein stricture that causes portal hypertension modif ies the normal function in some brain regions. 展开更多
关键词 Portal hypertension Glutamine synthetase Glutamate uptake Frontal cerebral cortex HIPPOCAMPUS RAT
Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Juglone Derivatives 被引量:1
作者 Daniel Teoh Chuan Tan Hasnah Osman +1 位作者 Suriyati Mohamad Azlina Harun Kamaruddin 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第1期84-89,共6页
Nitro and halogen substituted derivatives of the juglone naphthoquinone were synthesized and assayed for their antibacterial activity. 8-Nitrojuglone was obtained as the exclusive product from the direct nitration of ... Nitro and halogen substituted derivatives of the juglone naphthoquinone were synthesized and assayed for their antibacterial activity. 8-Nitrojuglone was obtained as the exclusive product from the direct nitration of juglone with nickel (Ⅱ) nitrate and p-toluenesulphonic acid. In addition, a series of five 8-halojuglone derivatives were synthesized via a solvent-free Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction. One of the acylation reactions afforded an anthraquinone-type derivative as the minor product. The 8-nitrojuglone derivative displayed the most notable activity against S. aureus. However, all of the 8-halojuglone derivatives were found to be less active than juglone against the bacteria assayed. 展开更多
关键词 NAPHTHOQUINONE NITRATION Friedel-Crafts acylation ANTHRAQUINONE antibacterial activity.
Spectrophotometric determination of heparin with safranine T and their interaction mechanism
作者 ZHANG Dong-hui LU Li-yuan GE Run-sheng ZI Yan-qin 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2007年第1期63-66,74,共5页
In weak acidic medium the alkaline cationic Safranine T interacts with acidic biological rnacromolecule heparin intensively causing the change of the molecular conformation, the maximum absorption wavelength and the a... In weak acidic medium the alkaline cationic Safranine T interacts with acidic biological rnacromolecule heparin intensively causing the change of the molecular conformation, the maximum absorption wavelength and the absorption value. The optimum experimental condition was given and a new method to determine the heparin was established. The linear range was 0.05-2.0 mg/L and the correlation coefficient was 0.9974. The method has been applied to analyze the samples and the results are satisfactory. Furthermore, the interaction mechanism was indicated. 展开更多
Chlorogallate(Ⅲ) ionic liquids: Synthesis, acidity determination and their catalytic performances for isobutane alkylation 被引量:3
作者 XING XueQi ZHAO GuoYing CUI JianZhong 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期1542-1547,共6页
A series of triethylammonium-based chlorogallate(Ⅲ) ionic liquids with varied Lewis acidity was synthesized, characterized, and firstly applied to isobutane alkylation. The [Et3NHC1]-GaCl3 with XGaCl3 =0.65 display... A series of triethylammonium-based chlorogallate(Ⅲ) ionic liquids with varied Lewis acidity was synthesized, characterized, and firstly applied to isobutane alkylation. The [Et3NHC1]-GaCl3 with XGaCl3 =0.65 displayed a potential catalytic activity for the alkylation. The addition of copper halide into the chlorogallate(Ⅲ) ionic liquids dramatically enhanced the alkylation reac- tion. Up to 70.1% Cs selectivity and 91.3 RON were achieved with the [Et3NHC1]-GaC13-CuC1 (XGaCl3 = 0.65, CuCI = 5% tool) under 0.5 MPa, 900 r/min, 15 min, 288 K using the industrial C4 cut (isobutane/butene = 10). These results indicate that the chlorogallate(Ⅲ) system may be used as a promising catalyst for the C4 alkylation. 展开更多
关键词 chlorogallate(Ⅲ) acidic ionic liquid Lewis acid ALKYLATION ISOBUTANE
In-Situ Differentiation of Acidic and Non-Acidic Tundra via Portable X-ray Fluorescence (PXRF) Spectrometry 被引量:4
作者 Somsubhra CHAKRABORTY David C. WEINDORF +6 位作者 GARY J. MICHAELSON Chien Lu PING Ashok CHOUDHURY Tarek KANDAKJI Autumn ACREE Akriti SHARMA WANG Dandan 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期549-560,共12页
Frozen soils or those with permafrost cover large areas of the earth's surface and support unique vegetative ecosystems. Plants growing in such harsh conditions have adapted to small niches, which allow them to su... Frozen soils or those with permafrost cover large areas of the earth's surface and support unique vegetative ecosystems. Plants growing in such harsh conditions have adapted to small niches, which allow them to survive. In northern Alaska, USA, both moist acidic and non-acidic tundra occur, yet determination of frozen soil p Hs currently requires thawing of the soil so that electrometric pH methods can be utilized. Contrariwise, a portable X-ray fluorescence(PXRF) spectrometer was used in this study to assess elemental abundances and relate those characteristics to soil pH through predictive multiple linear regressions. Two operational modes, Soil Mode and Geochem Mode, were utilized to scan frozen soils in-situ and under laboratory conditions, respectively, after soil samples were dried and ground. Results showed that lab scanning produced optimal results with adjusted coefficient of determination(R^2) of 0.88 and 0.33 and root mean squared errors(RMSEs) of 0.87 and 0.34 between elemental data and lab-determined pH for Soil Mode and Geochem Mode, respectively. Even though the presence of ice attenuated fluoresced radiation under field conditions, adjusted R^2 and RMSEs between the datasets still provided reasonable model generalization(e.g., 0.73 and 0.49 for field Geochem Mode). Principal component analysis qualitatively separated multiple sampling sites based on elemental data provided by PXRF, reflecting differences in the chemical composition of the soils studied. Summarily, PXRF can be used for in-situ determination of soil pH in arctic environments without the need for sample modification and thawing. Furthermore, use of PXRF for determination of soil pH may provide higher sample throughput than traditional eletrometric-based methods, while generating elemental data useful for the prediction of multiple soil parameters. 展开更多
关键词 frozen soil Gelisols Geochem Mode proximal sensing Soil Mode soil pH determination
Uric acid lowering effect of Tibetan Medicine RuPeng15 powder in animal models of hyperuricemia 被引量:7
作者 Kou Yiying Li Yongfang +3 位作者 Ma Husai Li Wangyu Li Ruilian Dang Zhancui 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期205-210,共6页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the Tibetan medicine Ru Peng15 powder(RPP15) on uric acid levels, and explore its possible mechanisms of action in hyperuricemic animal models.METHODS: Hyperuricemic mice were g... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the Tibetan medicine Ru Peng15 powder(RPP15) on uric acid levels, and explore its possible mechanisms of action in hyperuricemic animal models.METHODS: Hyperuricemic mice were generated by orally administering yeast extract paste twice daily(30 g/kg) for 8 days, to mimic human hyperuricemia induced by high-protein diets. Hyperuricemic rats were generated by intraperitoneal injection of 250 mg/kg potassium oxonate to each animal 1 h before the last oral administration of test compounds, which raised the serum uric acid level by inhibiting the decomposition of uric acid. Levels of uric acid and creatinine in serum and urine were detected by the phosphotungstic acid and picric acid methods respectively, and the activity of xanthine oxidase(XOD) was assayed using a commercial test kit.RESULTS: RPP15(0.4, 0.8, 1.2 g/kg) significantly decreased the level of serum uric acid in healthy rats(P < 0.05). Furthermore, hyperuricemic rats treated with RPP15(0.4, 0.8, 1.2 g/kg) had lower serum uric acid levels(P < 0.05), accompanied by lower urine uric acid(P < 0.05). For the hyperuricemic mice, the levels of uric acid in the serum decreased significantly(P < 0.05) and the activity of XOD in the liver was restored to normal levels after treatment with RPP15(P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: RPP15(0.4, 0.8, 1.2 g/kg) demonstrated an anti-hyperuricemic effect on both healthy and hyperuricemic animals, and the mechanism is most likely associated with inhibiting the activity of XOD. 展开更多
关键词 Ru Peng15 powder HYPERURICEMIA GOUT Uric Acid Xanthine Oxidase
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