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采空区三维耦合场数值模拟研究 被引量:10
作者 周健 刘泽功 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 2014年第6期116-121,共6页
采用FLUENT数值模拟方法对采空区三维耦合场进行了分析研究,简述了FLUENT流体数值模拟软件的理论基础,并对FLUENT进行了自行编程,运用开发模型对祁南矿1015工作面及采空区的三维耦合场进行了模拟分析,得到了采空区压力场、漏风流场分布... 采用FLUENT数值模拟方法对采空区三维耦合场进行了分析研究,简述了FLUENT流体数值模拟软件的理论基础,并对FLUENT进行了自行编程,运用开发模型对祁南矿1015工作面及采空区的三维耦合场进行了模拟分析,得到了采空区压力场、漏风流场分布规律。运用现场实测氧气浓度和模拟结果相对比,得出此次模拟能够较好满足现场工程要求。对采空区进行了自燃三带划分,指出采空区自燃最危险的区域在支架后上部,结合10煤最短发火期算出最小推进速度0.8m/d,对工作面的安全回采和采空区火灾的防治具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 三维耦合 自燃三带 最小推进速度 FLUENT
作者 余晨晖 《湖南有色金属》 CAS 1998年第6期5-8,共4页
伏萨尔梁属不连续介质结构模型,物理意义明确,计算简便,原来用于研究层状裂隙岩体中地下采场顶板脱层后的稳定性。困这种状况与露天采空区顶板剥离卸载后的状况相似,故对伏萨尔梁法进行修正,将其应用露天采场采空区处理研究,并依... 伏萨尔梁属不连续介质结构模型,物理意义明确,计算简便,原来用于研究层状裂隙岩体中地下采场顶板脱层后的稳定性。困这种状况与露天采空区顶板剥离卸载后的状况相似,故对伏萨尔梁法进行修正,将其应用露天采场采空区处理研究,并依据伏萨尔梁法基本原理开发了高台阶分区处理大面积采空区工艺,该工艺已应用于洛阳栾川钼业公司露天矿大面积采空区处理,收到了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 伏萨尔梁法修正 露天处理 高台阶分处理大面积 工艺
渗流对采空场处理的影响 被引量:1
作者 李俊平 周创兵 孔建 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期22-26,共5页
应用渗流与应力耦合分析软件 EPSCA3D 和三维有限元软件 ANSYS,分别研究了木架山和东桐峪金矿采空场处理前、后的顶板力学特性。结果表明,渗流将会引起采空场处理后的岩体移动量减小;顶板应力的变化取决于渗透性和流向;渗透性较流向对... 应用渗流与应力耦合分析软件 EPSCA3D 和三维有限元软件 ANSYS,分别研究了木架山和东桐峪金矿采空场处理前、后的顶板力学特性。结果表明,渗流将会引起采空场处理后的岩体移动量减小;顶板应力的变化取决于渗透性和流向;渗透性较流向对顶板应力重分布的影响更大;若渗流流向近似水平,则上部采空区顶板的拉应力增大,压应力减小;若渗流流向近似 135°,则上部采空区顶板的拉应力、压应力都减小。渗透性和流向受赋存的隔水层的控制。 展开更多
关键词 渗流 ()处理 隔水层 渗流与应力耦合 有限元分析
冒落采空区氧浓度分布非均衡性研究 被引量:2
作者 李宗翔 童海方 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2006年第9期91-94,共4页
为分析回采采空区漏风强度与氧浓度分布特征,用非均质漏风渗流方程和氧浓度耗散方程建立了冒落采空区漏风流态和氧浓度变化的有限元数值模型,结合观测数据进行了求解;工作面附近流场按冒落介质和冒落空隙间的双流层问题处理。得到采空... 为分析回采采空区漏风强度与氧浓度分布特征,用非均质漏风渗流方程和氧浓度耗散方程建立了冒落采空区漏风流态和氧浓度变化的有限元数值模型,结合观测数据进行了求解;工作面附近流场按冒落介质和冒落空隙间的双流层问题处理。得到采空区内部进、回风侧两端的氧浓度分布是不均衡的,而导致这一现象的原因是采空区漏风流的沿程耗氧和瓦斯的涌出;指出采空区内进、回风两侧端的漏风强度分布基本是均衡的,当考虑瓦斯涌出的影响时,漏回风侧的漏风强度甚至要高于进风侧。从流体力学原理上对现场观测采空区内部进回风两侧氧浓度分布的不均衡给予更合理地解释。此结论将有助于澄清当前学术界对此问题的模糊认识。 展开更多
关键词 自燃氧化 氧浓度分布 漏风流态 数值模拟
作者 李智艺 《城市建筑》 2015年第2期317-317,共1页
关键词 公路隧道 施工技术措施
基于CFD对采空区“三场”的数值模拟 被引量:1
作者 王美巧 齐庆杰 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期12-14,共3页
对采空区风流场,氧气浓度场及温度场这"三场"分布规律的数值模拟技术进行研究,介绍采空区"三场"数值模拟的理论基础,阐述并应用Fluent开发采空区CFD模型的方法与步骤,给出了模型中主要参数的确定方法。结合实例对... 对采空区风流场,氧气浓度场及温度场这"三场"分布规律的数值模拟技术进行研究,介绍采空区"三场"数值模拟的理论基础,阐述并应用Fluent开发采空区CFD模型的方法与步骤,给出了模型中主要参数的确定方法。结合实例对平煤集团古山矿西翼065-2工作面采空区的风流场,氧气浓度场及温度场分布规律进行模拟,综合分析得出最大自燃氧化带的范围。模拟数据与现场基本吻合,证明其是研究采空区"三场"分布规律的可行手段之一。可为实施采空区煤炭自燃防治技术提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 自燃“三带” “三 数值模拟 FLUENT
高瓦斯易自燃煤层高抽巷瓦斯抽采与浮煤自燃耦合研究 被引量:17
作者 杜瀚林 于贵生 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第12期163-169,共7页
运用FLUENT数值模拟方法对采空区三维耦合场进行研究,简要概括FLUENT流体数值模拟软件基本理论,通过对FLUENT进行自行编程,利用开发模型对杉木树煤矿N3062工作面采空区三位耦合场进行模拟分析,得到漏风流场分布规律。通过理论分析,确定... 运用FLUENT数值模拟方法对采空区三维耦合场进行研究,简要概括FLUENT流体数值模拟软件基本理论,通过对FLUENT进行自行编程,利用开发模型对杉木树煤矿N3062工作面采空区三位耦合场进行模拟分析,得到漏风流场分布规律。通过理论分析,确定散热带与自燃带分界线处氧浓度降低值,进而准确判定高瓦斯易自燃煤层采空区“自燃带”范围,并通过预先铺设在采空区中的光纤测温系统进一步判定采空区“自燃带”范围。利用实测采空区“自燃带”范围验证数值模拟采空区流场分布准确性,进一步对不同高抽负压条件下采空区自燃带宽度进行模拟,并结合现场实测不同高抽负压条件下回风巷瓦斯浓度及瓦斯抽采率的变化,确定最佳高抽负压范围。最后,采空区三维耦合场数值模拟结果也表明自燃“三带”呈现立体分布,在紧邻支架后部上方位置存在一个自燃发火危险区域。 展开更多
关键词 三维耦合 自燃三带 高抽负压 瓦斯抽放 FLUENT数值模拟
全尾砂胶结充填技术在李楼铁矿的应用 被引量:10
作者 张立新 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2012年第2期17-20,共4页
简述李楼铁矿基本概况及全尾砂胶结充填的基本工艺流程。将全尾砂浆、水泥及适量调浓水经两段连续搅拌均匀后形成充填料浆,并通过充填钻孔及井下充填管路自流输送至采场空区进行充填。通过对李楼铁矿-200m水平16-1#、16-3#、16-5#采场... 简述李楼铁矿基本概况及全尾砂胶结充填的基本工艺流程。将全尾砂浆、水泥及适量调浓水经两段连续搅拌均匀后形成充填料浆,并通过充填钻孔及井下充填管路自流输送至采场空区进行充填。通过对李楼铁矿-200m水平16-1#、16-3#、16-5#采场空区进行充填,确保了-180m水平矿体及二步矿柱的安全回采,同时提高了铁矿石回采率,降低了贫化率。 展开更多
关键词 全尾砂胶结充填 采场空区 贫化率
GeoSLAM三维激光扫描仪扫描测绘在地下矿山领域的研究与应用 被引量:6
作者 曾毅 《中国金属通报》 2021年第3期115-116,119,共3页
新的时代必然得有崭新的面貌,在科技创新技术改革的背景下,我们矿业发展也同样离不开数字化带来的便利,跟随改革的步伐,我们也始终秉持:“问科技要创新、问技术要效率”的技术改革精神;当前我国矿业资源逐步向深部延伸,地下矿山对测绘... 新的时代必然得有崭新的面貌,在科技创新技术改革的背景下,我们矿业发展也同样离不开数字化带来的便利,跟随改革的步伐,我们也始终秉持:“问科技要创新、问技术要效率”的技术改革精神;当前我国矿业资源逐步向深部延伸,地下矿山对测绘的要求越趋加强,为此注重矿山测绘改革与创新已成必然,而GeoSLAM三维激光扫描仪扫描测绘在地下矿山领域的研究与应用正好为此注入活力。 展开更多
关键词 GeoSLAM三维激光扫描仪 扫描测绘 矿山领域 采场空区 创新 数字化
作者 郭世伟 《采矿技术》 2003年第4期85-86,共2页
利用竖井附近上部采场空区和废弃溜井 ,改扩建成井下 3个储矿仓及其配套工程 ,使矿石从深部提升上来后倒入矿仓储存起来 ,从而既减少矿石的地面中转环节 ,又不影响竖井提升 ,且每年可节省矿石中转费用 1 40万元。
关键词 井下矿仓 采场空区 矿石运输 地面中转
Numerical analysis of stability for mined-out area in multi-field coupling 被引量:5
作者 罗周全 谢承煜 +3 位作者 周吉明 贾楠 刘晓明 徐海 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期669-675,共7页
There were differences between real boundary and blast hole controlling boundary of irregular mined-out area in underground metal mines. There were errors in numerical analysis of stability for goaf, if it was analyze... There were differences between real boundary and blast hole controlling boundary of irregular mined-out area in underground metal mines. There were errors in numerical analysis of stability for goaf, if it was analyzed as regular 3D mined-out area and the influence of coupling stress-seepage-disturbance was not considered adequately. Taking a lead zinc mine as the background, the model was built by the coupling of Surpac and Midas-Gts based on the goaf model precisely measured by CMS.According to seepage stress fundamental equations based on the equivalent continuum mechanical and the theory about equivalent load of dynamic disturbance in deep-hole blasting, the stability of mined-out area under multi-field coupling of stress-seepage-dynamic disturbance was numerically analyzed. The results show that it is more consistent between the numerical analysis model based on the real model of irregular 3D shape goaf and the real situation, which could faithfully reappear the change rule of stress–strain about the surrounding rock under synthetic action of blasting dynamic loading and the seepage pressure. The mined-out area multi-field coupling formed by blasting excavation is stable. Based on combination of the advantages of the CMS,Surpac and Midas-Gts, and fully consideration of the effects of multi-field coupling, the accurate and effective way could be provided for numerical analysis of stability for mined-out area. 展开更多
关键词 mined-out area measured actually multi-field coupling stress-seepage-disturbance stability for mined-out area
Method of calculation of a methane concentration field in gob areas with a known velocity field based on the model of stream tubes 被引量:2
作者 Wang Honggang Wu Fengliang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期277-280,共4页
The control equations of gas concentration field in gob areas with a known velocity field are partial differential equations with variable coefficients,whose traditional mathematical calculation methods are very compl... The control equations of gas concentration field in gob areas with a known velocity field are partial differential equations with variable coefficients,whose traditional mathematical calculation methods are very complex.A numerical simulation method can be used to calculate the gas concentration field,but it also needs considerable amounts of computer resources and the relations of gas concentration at different points of the gob area are undefined.Based on the model of stream tubes,the conservation equations of mass and gas components within the stream tube are used to deduce the equations of a gas concentration field in a gob area with a known velocity field.This method of calculation of a gas concentration field is applied in a gob area with a U-type ventilation working face,which suggests that this new method has the virtue of exact calculations is simple to operate and has a clear physical interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 Fluid field Cob area Concentration field Stream tube
Local dynamic balance theory and technology of flow field in multilayer gob area 被引量:1
作者 JIN Zhi-xin YU Bin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第2期143-146,共4页
Flow field in multilayer gob area, which formed in small hiden-depth, multi-coal layer groups, close distance, hard coal layer, and hard roof, possesses characteristics such as complex, changeable and unstable. Dynami... Flow field in multilayer gob area, which formed in small hiden-depth, multi-coal layer groups, close distance, hard coal layer, and hard roof, possesses characteristics such as complex, changeable and unstable. Dynamic balance theory of local flow field in multilayer gob area was built based on the realistic requirement that the serious threat on current mining coal layer by large-scale spontaneous combustion fire on close spontaneous combustion coal layer group of Datong Coal mining area at the 'di-hard' conditions was caused by small coal pit mining. The kernel was in dynamic balance between flow field pressures of working face and local flow field in multilayer gob area was kept by transformation. Corresponding technology and set of devices were developed. 展开更多
关键词 local dynamic balance flow field in multilayer gob area spontaneous combustion variable pressure control
Experimental study on the goaf flow field of the ‘‘U+I” type ventilation system for a comprehensive mechanized mining face 被引量:9
作者 Yu Zhaoyang Yang Shengqiang +2 位作者 Qin Yi Hu Xincheng Cheng Jianwei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第6期1003-1010,共8页
"U" and "U+I" type ventilation experiments were performed on a three-dimensional fully mechanized caving face simulation experimental platform. The distribution laws of the pressure field and gas field in the min... "U" and "U+I" type ventilation experiments were performed on a three-dimensional fully mechanized caving face simulation experimental platform. The distribution laws of the pressure field and gas field in the mine goal were obtained. Results show that the flow field in the goaf is generally asymmetric; the location of the gas accumulation area changes with ventilation parameters and can be used as an evaluation indicator to study the air leakage extent in the goal. Hence, drainage pipes buried in the goaf to intensively extract gas can be designed in such gas areas, which can give considerations in both improving gas drainage efficiency and reducing air leakage. By comparing the gas extraction effect of model experiments with that of on-site underground practices, the basic laws are commonly consistent according to comparative analysis. Thus the experimental results can be used to guide the application of underground gas prevent!o_n_and.control.. 展开更多
关键词 Goaf flow fieldInner interlocked tail roadwayPressure fieldGas fieldGas center areaVentilation-air-methane efficiency
Analysis and research of long-term stability about the gob site in Northern Shaanxi Province
作者 ZHANG Zhi-pei PENG Hui 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期16-21,共6页
Based on the analysis of the basic characteristics for the gob site in Northern Shaanxi Province and the room and pillar mining way about coal mine, the variety rule of the coal beds below the site was studied by the ... Based on the analysis of the basic characteristics for the gob site in Northern Shaanxi Province and the room and pillar mining way about coal mine, the variety rule of the coal beds below the site was studied by the using of FEM during the process of coal mining. The statuses of the stresses and strains and the varieties of the plastic area were simulated in the whole rock and coal pillars. The characters of stresses and deformation of the gob area of the coalmine were analyzed and evaluated after the site built in weathering. Moreover, the long-term stability of the gob area was predicted. As a result, the deformation of the gob area under the site is not been finished, and there is the danger that the gob site will collapsing as a whole; therefore, relative measures must be taken. 展开更多
关键词 Northem Shaanxi the gob site room and pillar mining analysis and research of long-term stability numericalsimulation
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