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论采煤过程对地下水的影响与预防 被引量:1
作者 宋守立 马智 《黑龙江科技信息》 2010年第18期6-6,共1页
煤炭作为我国现阶段广泛应用的动力能源之一,煤炭开采过程中的技术、安全、环保等问题日渐得到了政府管理部门、社会团体和广大群众的高度关注。我国传统的采煤方式普遍存在片面追求煤炭产量和经济效益的现象,而相对忽略了对于生态环境... 煤炭作为我国现阶段广泛应用的动力能源之一,煤炭开采过程中的技术、安全、环保等问题日渐得到了政府管理部门、社会团体和广大群众的高度关注。我国传统的采煤方式普遍存在片面追求煤炭产量和经济效益的现象,而相对忽略了对于生态环境的保护与修复,导致我国煤炭行业形成了一条单向发展的链条,发展缺乏科学性、持久性和长期性,这也现代社会科学发展的要求是严重不符的。地下水具有地区间生活用水供应、生态平衡维系、降水量调节等特殊作用,而位于矿区内的地下水流域,由于受到采煤过程的影响和破坏,均会发生不同程度的质变。就采煤过程对地下水的影响与预防作以简要的分析。 展开更多
关键词 采煤过程 地下水 影响 预防
作者 王晓飞 《科技创新导报》 2010年第36期71-71,共1页
关键词 连续采煤 采煤过程 运输机械
综采工作面采煤过程中遇断层的工艺技术 被引量:2
作者 宋鹏 《中国高新技术企业》 2014年第11期121-122,共2页
近几年来,伴随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,煤炭企业规模不断扩大,煤炭开采量日益加大。在煤炭开采过程中安全事故时常发生,影响着煤炭工作人员的生命安全,并造成资源的浪费。综采工作面中遇断层现象,应提高其工艺技术,确保开采安全。文... 近几年来,伴随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,煤炭企业规模不断扩大,煤炭开采量日益加大。在煤炭开采过程中安全事故时常发生,影响着煤炭工作人员的生命安全,并造成资源的浪费。综采工作面中遇断层现象,应提高其工艺技术,确保开采安全。文章对综采工作面采煤遇断层的工艺技术进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 综采工作面 采煤过程 遇断层
综合机械化的采煤过程及配套设备分析 被引量:1
作者 郭奋超 《中国高新技术企业》 2014年第11期102-103,共2页
关键词 综合机械化 采煤过程 配套设备
作者 李同胜 《科学技术创新》 2023年第19期189-192,共4页
由于冲击地压的发生原因复杂、影响因素较多,导致煤矿开采生产过程中常发生动力灾害,严重威胁采煤安全,提出煤矿采煤生产过程中冲击地压防治技术。预测煤矿工作面冲击地压的时间、地点、规模,作为防治工作的判据,根据冲击地压危险等级,... 由于冲击地压的发生原因复杂、影响因素较多,导致煤矿开采生产过程中常发生动力灾害,严重威胁采煤安全,提出煤矿采煤生产过程中冲击地压防治技术。预测煤矿工作面冲击地压的时间、地点、规模,作为防治工作的判据,根据冲击地压危险等级,划定工作面的冲击危险区域,采用大直径钻孔卸压技术对冲击危险区域进行解危,达到冲击地压防治目的。采用设计技术对某实际工作面进行卸压解危后,工作面不同开采深度的煤粉量监测值均处于临界值以下,满足安全开采要求,证明该冲击地压防治技术是切实有效的。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿 采煤生产过程 冲击地压 防治技术
浅谈机械自动化技术在采煤中的应用 被引量:5
作者 张星亚 张冬青 《科技创新导报》 2018年第3期95-96,共2页
煤矿在生产的过程中,机械设备发挥着至关重要的作用,其可以代替人工生产,促进煤矿生产效率的提高,保障质量。就煤矿企业来说,机械自动化技术是生产效率的有力保障,然而设备本身的稳定性与机械设备在运行中的正常性息息相关。煤矿在生产... 煤矿在生产的过程中,机械设备发挥着至关重要的作用,其可以代替人工生产,促进煤矿生产效率的提高,保障质量。就煤矿企业来说,机械自动化技术是生产效率的有力保障,然而设备本身的稳定性与机械设备在运行中的正常性息息相关。煤矿在生产时,运用机械自动化技术,能够保障机械设备运行的稳定性,降低事故发生的几率,提高煤矿的生产效率。本文将对机械自动化技术在采煤过程中的应用进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 机械自动化技术 采煤过程 应用
采煤掘进中高强支护技术的应用 被引量:4
作者 傅宇亨 《石化技术》 CAS 2020年第1期332-333,共2页
本文主要分析了煤矿企业在开采过程中高强度支撑保护技术的应用现状,重点介绍了高强支护技术的技术优点以及在实际应用过程需要注意的一些事项,同时对高强支护技术的实际应用策略进行了细致的分析,包括该技术在初期变形阶段的应用,以及... 本文主要分析了煤矿企业在开采过程中高强度支撑保护技术的应用现状,重点介绍了高强支护技术的技术优点以及在实际应用过程需要注意的一些事项,同时对高强支护技术的实际应用策略进行了细致的分析,包括该技术在初期变形阶段的应用,以及与岩锚梁相融合,与现代检测技术相融合等。通过对高强支护技术应用进行详细分析,以期为煤矿安全生产提供有效保障,为企业创造更多利益提供基础。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿产业 采煤掘进过程 高强度支撑保护 技术应用
矿用掘进机截割机构恒功率控制方法及效果研究 被引量:2
作者 郭岩松 《矿业装备》 2020年第4期174-175,共2页
当前阶段掘进机是煤矿生产中的重要机械设备,掘进机设备能否稳定可靠运行会对采煤过程产生重要的影响。煤矿采掘过程通常比较复杂,不同位置的煤矿硬度会存在较大差异,掘进机截割头在遇到不同硬度煤岩时,导致截割电机的输出功率发生显著... 当前阶段掘进机是煤矿生产中的重要机械设备,掘进机设备能否稳定可靠运行会对采煤过程产生重要的影响。煤矿采掘过程通常比较复杂,不同位置的煤矿硬度会存在较大差异,掘进机截割头在遇到不同硬度煤岩时,导致截割电机的输出功率发生显著变化。煤岩硬度越高,电机输出功率越大,当电机输出功率超过额定功率时,会对电机造成严重损害。因此有必要设计研究电机恒功率控制系统,对截割电机输出功率进行控制,以达到保护截割电机的目的。 展开更多
关键词 截割电机 煤矿采掘 恒功率控制 采煤过程 掘进机 煤矿生产 输出功率 重要机械设备
煤矿开采中沿空留巷技术的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 祖海军 《矿业装备》 2020年第6期128-129,共2页
在采煤过程中,通常包括了爆破、装煤、运输、支护等诸多环节,但是在一些地质条件较为复杂的采煤区,其开采环境极为恶劣。这就要求开采单位必须能够合理地运用正确的开采方式,选择合理的回采工艺,科学进行巷道支护,才能在有效时间、空间... 在采煤过程中,通常包括了爆破、装煤、运输、支护等诸多环节,但是在一些地质条件较为复杂的采煤区,其开采环境极为恶劣。这就要求开采单位必须能够合理地运用正确的开采方式,选择合理的回采工艺,科学进行巷道支护,才能在有效时间、空间内发挥对人力、物力等煤矿开采资源的最大化利用,提高煤矿开采可靠性与开采产出效益。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿开采 回采工艺 巷道支护 沿空留巷技术 采煤过程 地质条件 采煤 开采环境
作者 张勇勇 《机械管理开发》 2019年第11期267-268,277,共3页
以工作面回采煤层时的超前支护及安全出口顶板管理为研究对象,介绍了工作面超前支护方式,分析了端头、端尾安全出口管理方法以及胶带、进风顺槽超前支护形式、端头、端尾安全出口管理和机头(尾)三角区管理方法,并分析了采煤过程中工作... 以工作面回采煤层时的超前支护及安全出口顶板管理为研究对象,介绍了工作面超前支护方式,分析了端头、端尾安全出口管理方法以及胶带、进风顺槽超前支护形式、端头、端尾安全出口管理和机头(尾)三角区管理方法,并分析了采煤过程中工作面的支护方式及注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 超前支护 顶板管理 采煤过程 顺槽
作者 姚艳良 《矿业装备》 2020年第4期28-29,共2页
大采高采煤工艺与普通采煤工艺相比较存在很多的不同点。比如工作面的矿压显现规律、液压支架的选取原则以及工作面巷道顶板围岩的稳定性等均存在差异。大采高综采工作面辅运顺槽同样如此,为保障采煤过程的安全和可靠,必须对辅运顺槽的... 大采高采煤工艺与普通采煤工艺相比较存在很多的不同点。比如工作面的矿压显现规律、液压支架的选取原则以及工作面巷道顶板围岩的稳定性等均存在差异。大采高综采工作面辅运顺槽同样如此,为保障采煤过程的安全和可靠,必须对辅运顺槽的支护方案进行合理设计。通过对辅运顺槽支护方案的科学设计,能够在很大程度上降低巷道出现冒顶、片帮的概率。 展开更多
关键词 采煤工艺 矿压显现规律 顺槽支护 大采高综采工作面 工作面巷道 采煤过程 液压支架 顶板围岩
Feasibility analysis of gob-side entry retaining on a working face in a steep coal seam 被引量:10
作者 Deng Yuehua Wang Shouquan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期499-503,共5页
Based on the decline in exploitation of coal resources, steep coal seam mining and mining face tensions continue to explore the feasibility analysis of steeply inclined faces in the gob. One of the key factors in util... Based on the decline in exploitation of coal resources, steep coal seam mining and mining face tensions continue to explore the feasibility analysis of steeply inclined faces in the gob. One of the key factors in utilizing the technology of gob-side entry retaining in steep coal seams is to safely and effectively prevent caving rock blocks from rushing into the gob-side entry by sliding downwards along levels. Using theoretical analysis and field methods, we numerically simulated the mining process on a fully-mechanized face in a steep coal seam. The stress and deformation process of roof strata has been analyzed, and the difficulty of utilizing the technology is considered and combined with practice in a steep working face in Lvshuidong mine. The feasibility of utilizing the technology of gob-side entry retaining in a steep coal seam has been recognised. We propose that roadways along the left lane offshoot body use a speciallymade reinforced steel dense net to build a dense rock face at the lower head. The results show that the lane offshoot branch creates effective roof control, safe conditions for roadway construction workers, and practical application of steeply inclined gob. 展开更多
关键词 Gob-side entry retaining Steep coal seam Fully-mechanized mining Feasibility analysis Numerical simulation
Breaking process and mining stress evolution characteristics of a high-position hard and thick stratum 被引量:3
作者 Wang Pu Jiang Jinquan +1 位作者 Zhang Peipeng Wu Quanlin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期563-569,共7页
Based on the boundary support conditions of overlying high-position,hard and thick strata,a Winkler foundation beam mechanical model was built.Computational expressions for the characteristics and position of the bend... Based on the boundary support conditions of overlying high-position,hard and thick strata,a Winkler foundation beam mechanical model was built.Computational expressions for the characteristics and position of the bending moment for high-position,hard and thick strata were constructed by theoretical analysis,and the initial breaking position of high-position,hard and thick strata was also analyzed.The breaking process and evolution law of mining stress in high-position,hard and thick strata were studied by similar material simulation tests.Studies show that:due to the foundation deformation effect of the lower strata,the initial break position in high-position,hard thick layers is in the middle of goaf;vertical tension fractures first occur under the middle surface,then tilt tension fractures form at both sides and a non-uniform thickness of the fracture structure forms and produces subsidence deformation;behind the coal wall tilt fractures extend and eventually complete the migration.Mining stress produces obvious changes before and after the breakage of the high,hard and thick stratum;high stress concentration forms in front of the coal wall before breakage and fracture stress concentration significantly reduces after migration.Coal seam mining under high-position,hard thick strata can easily induce dynamic phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 High-position hard and thick strata Elastic foundationInitial breaking Breaking process Mining-induced stress
Test study on rupture process and permeability properties of coal-rock in simulating mining stress effect 被引量:2
作者 GAO Bao-bin LI Hua-min +2 位作者 QIAO Chun-sheng SU Cheng-dong WANG Wen 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第1期55-60,共6页
A test system was designed by using a set of self-made experimental devicesof coupled coal-gas in simulating mining stress effect, combining the equipment withRMT-150B rock mechanical experimental system, monitoring t... A test system was designed by using a set of self-made experimental devicesof coupled coal-gas in simulating mining stress effect, combining the equipment withRMT-150B rock mechanical experimental system, monitoring the rupture process ofcoal-rock with an acoustic emission (AE) device and collecting gas-flow rate andgas-stress data in real-time automatically with a gas flow-meter and gas pressure sensor.The fracture process and permeability properties test of the coal-rock in mining stress effect was carried out. Test results indicate that AE events and variation of stresses have thesame variance tendency and the rupture process of coal-rock can be monitored by AE.The relation curves among stresses, parameters of AE and permeability properties demonstrate that the permeability of coal-rock decreases gradually at quasi-elastic stage, increases gradually at plastic damage micro-fracture stage, rises suddenly near the peakpoint and has multi-variation at post-peak slip stage. From the results, such conclusioncan be drawn that the variation of permeability can be monitored by AE parameters orstress change. 展开更多
关键词 mining stress rupture of coal-rock PERMEABILITY acoustic emission
Quantifying the emission's impact of coal mining activities on the environment and human health in process 被引量:2
作者 Dan JIN Zheng-Fu BIAN 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第3期421-426,共6页
Discharges and emissions in the coal mining process have a strong effect both on the environment and on human health. This problem is usually be a negative one and has only been recognized qualitatively, due to the la... Discharges and emissions in the coal mining process have a strong effect both on the environment and on human health. This problem is usually be a negative one and has only been recognized qualitatively, due to the lack of effective quantitative methods. Based on emergy theory and accounting methodology, a set of quantitative methods for accounting the environmental support due to pollutants emissions was first introduced. Then impacts on environment and effects on human health were quantified using the unified units. The results indicated that water pollutants caused more impacts on the environment than air pollutants did, i.e., more environmental contributions are needed to dilute and absorb water pollutants. The occupation of land caused by coal mining gangue waste stacking has led to a huge loss of environmental services over the years. Moreover, the potential damage on the human condition health caused by CO2 through climate change cannot be ignored. Finally, the impacts of mining activities on environmental and human health in unified units are shown to provide a quantitative insight into the disadvantage of coal mining. The comparable results of the method indicate the different influence of various pollutants and the contribution of 'natural capital' directly. This work is a part of ongoing thermodynamic input-output analysis and life cycle analysis of coal mining systems (which are in process.) 展开更多
关键词 emergy accounting pollutants emission environmental support coal mining
Technology of gas drainage and utilization in Huaibei mining area 被引量:3
作者 LI Wei XU Rui 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第3期278-283,共6页
With the characteristics of coal seam geology and gas occurrence,a'ground-underground' integrated gas drainage method was formed,which can relieve gaspressure and increase permeability by mining the protection... With the characteristics of coal seam geology and gas occurrence,a'ground-underground' integrated gas drainage method was formed,which can relieve gaspressure and increase permeability by mining the protection seams in conditional regions.After coal seam gas drainage,high gas outburst seam was converted to low gas safetyseam.In the coal face mining process,safety and high efficient coal mining were realizedby the measure of gas-suction over mining.In addition to the drainage gas for civil gasand gas power generation,the Huaibei Mining Group has actively carried out research onthe utilization technology of methane drainage by ventilation.On the one hand,it can saveprecious energy;on the other hand,it can protect the environment for people's survival.In2007,the amount of coal mine gas drainage was 120 hm3;the rate of coal mine gasdrainage was 44%.Compared with the year 2002,the amount of coal mine gas drainageincreased by two times.Meanwhile,the utilization rate of gas increased rapidly. 展开更多
关键词 gas drainage gas utilization Huaibei mining area
作者 苏林军 佟友 《矿山机械》 2020年第4期71-73,共3页
铁煤集团大兴矿(以下简称"大兴矿")2019年产240万t,井田位于铁法煤田的西南角,火成岩侵入及地质构造复杂,煤层破坏程度严重[1-2]。受火成岩影响,煤层瓦斯含量大幅增加[3-4],渗透性能差,力学强度低,煤的含水率低,自然发火期较... 铁煤集团大兴矿(以下简称"大兴矿")2019年产240万t,井田位于铁法煤田的西南角,火成岩侵入及地质构造复杂,煤层破坏程度严重[1-2]。受火成岩影响,煤层瓦斯含量大幅增加[3-4],渗透性能差,力学强度低,煤的含水率低,自然发火期较短,是煤与瓦斯突出矿井。在采煤过程中,防治自然发火是重中之重,综采设备在设计初期未考虑实施灭火的操作空间,为此,笔者提出通过改造综采设备增加实施灭火的操作空间,降低出现自然发火灾害时防治的难度,保证采煤安全。 展开更多
关键词 掩护式液压支架 综采设备 自然发火期 煤层瓦斯含量 防治自然发火 火成岩侵入 采煤过程 铁法煤田
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