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释义语“指”的功用分析 被引量:1
作者 王吉辉 《辞书研究》 2020年第1期69-76,共8页
如何理解作为释义语的“指”、释义语的“指”如何来使用等是文章聚焦的重点。文章认为“指”用于意义解释,的确能起着某种作用——意在指明所释条目与意义之间的差别;其次,文章结合认知的有关理论进一步分析了“指”这种作用之所以产... 如何理解作为释义语的“指”、释义语的“指”如何来使用等是文章聚焦的重点。文章认为“指”用于意义解释,的确能起着某种作用——意在指明所释条目与意义之间的差别;其次,文章结合认知的有关理论进一步分析了“指”这种作用之所以产生的内在机理,论说了该作用的学理基础;最后,就“指”如何使用提出了看法,主张其出现的较为理想的应用场景应该是:所释条目字面意义与实际表达意义差别较大且实际表达意义产生方式又不甚明确或者难以明确。 展开更多
关键词 功用 释义语 意义
作者 程荣 《语言文字应用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期71-80,共10页
本文从引导用字规范出发,通过考察分析"同某"释义语的古今传承及其职用功能特征,结合新版《新华字典》的相关修订,研究探讨当代规范型汉语辞书该如何改进和完善这一释义语的运用,使其在新时代的语言文字规范化工作中更好地发... 本文从引导用字规范出发,通过考察分析"同某"释义语的古今传承及其职用功能特征,结合新版《新华字典》的相关修订,研究探讨当代规范型汉语辞书该如何改进和完善这一释义语的运用,使其在新时代的语言文字规范化工作中更好地发挥应有功效。 展开更多
关键词 规范 辞书 “同某” 释义语
作者 王吉辉 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第1期7-13,共7页
释义语是用来帮助解释意义的一种手段与工具,它不是意义本身的内容。释义语的使用与否无关乎意义自身,也无关乎辞书的编撰质量。释义语得以存在的价值在于能帮助社会来理解所释条目的意义。意义解释中,用不用释义语,这主要取决于辞书编... 释义语是用来帮助解释意义的一种手段与工具,它不是意义本身的内容。释义语的使用与否无关乎意义自身,也无关乎辞书的编撰质量。释义语得以存在的价值在于能帮助社会来理解所释条目的意义。意义解释中,用不用释义语,这主要取决于辞书编撰的不同价值取向。释义语的使用须适得其所,须在一定条件下来使用。 展开更多
关键词 释义语 性质 价值取向 使用 工具
作者 王森 《广西职业技术学院学报》 2014年第5期65-69,共5页
《说文解字》的体例通常包括解释字义和分析字形,其中解释字义的部分称为释义语。通过分析研究,我们发现在《说文解字》中存在着包含"皃"字的这一类特殊的释义语。含"皃"字释义语在分布的部首方面具有规律性,其语... 《说文解字》的体例通常包括解释字义和分析字形,其中解释字义的部分称为释义语。通过分析研究,我们发现在《说文解字》中存在着包含"皃"字的这一类特殊的释义语。含"皃"字释义语在分布的部首方面具有规律性,其语法结构分类具有多样性,同时在与含"也"字释义语的比较中,体现出了自身的特殊性。 展开更多
关键词 《说文解字》 体例 释义语
作者 李海霞 《辞书研究》 北大核心 2014年第5期18-27,共10页
经抽查,汉语辞书释义的方式,古代有声训、以组合代释义、想当然式、定性式、同义词近义词解释和描写式六种。前三种是原逻辑释义,在辞书释义中逐渐减少,现代《汉语大词典》除特定领域外只有后三种。释义内容的进展,有准确性的提高、对... 经抽查,汉语辞书释义的方式,古代有声训、以组合代释义、想当然式、定性式、同义词近义词解释和描写式六种。前三种是原逻辑释义,在辞书释义中逐渐减少,现代《汉语大词典》除特定领域外只有后三种。释义内容的进展,有准确性的提高、对释词意义的消歧、释语的词性对口、释语的平易化、态度的客观化,其中描写式还有表达走向完善、概括范围走向恰当、信息从粗略走向精细等。所释义项也由随选到合理的完备。各门科学知识的引进和科学术语的大量应用使现代释义获得飞跃发展,从经验阶段上升到科学阶段。这两个阶段也具有人类普适性。 展开更多
关键词 辞书 释义 释义语 释义方式 准确性
作者 翁晓玲 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期45-48,共4页
元语言理论近年来常常被用于词典语言研究,它对规范与简化词典释义语言起到了很大的推动作用。本文对《现代汉语词典》(第5版)中形容词的释义模式进行了基于元语言的封闭式考察,重点分析了其释义指示语和释义结构中存在的一些问题。我... 元语言理论近年来常常被用于词典语言研究,它对规范与简化词典释义语言起到了很大的推动作用。本文对《现代汉语词典》(第5版)中形容词的释义模式进行了基于元语言的封闭式考察,重点分析了其释义指示语和释义结构中存在的一些问题。我们认为,在对形容词释义结构进行调整、简化时应具全局眼光,进行系统关照,做到有章可循、有理可依,从而最终达到释义元语言的模式化。 展开更多
关键词 形容词 释义模式 释义指示 释义结构
作者 蔡仲凯 李贝贝 《绥化学院学报》 2013年第6期60-64,共5页
《中华同义词词典》中共收词577组,其中形容词有157组,占27.21%。同义词的辨析包括同义和异义两部分,相应的释义指示语也分为解释同义和辨析异义。对形容词的释义指示语进行分类和统计,发现了词典中释义的规律。并且对重复性的标示语,... 《中华同义词词典》中共收词577组,其中形容词有157组,占27.21%。同义词的辨析包括同义和异义两部分,相应的释义指示语也分为解释同义和辨析异义。对形容词的释义指示语进行分类和统计,发现了词典中释义的规律。并且对重复性的标示语,做出适当的合并。对使用不恰当的指示语,进行说明和改正。 展开更多
关键词 《中华同义词词典》 形容词 释义指示 同义 异义
作者 李宁 《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》 2010年第3期386-389,共4页
英语学习词典根据词汇控制理论编纂,采用通用词汇、搭配关系和句法结构3种释义方式对英语词汇进行分析说明,但存在着概念表达不清、语境释义缺失等问题。结合现行大学英语教材,着重分析了语篇语境在确定词汇涵义、概念特征和观察视角等... 英语学习词典根据词汇控制理论编纂,采用通用词汇、搭配关系和句法结构3种释义方式对英语词汇进行分析说明,但存在着概念表达不清、语境释义缺失等问题。结合现行大学英语教材,着重分析了语篇语境在确定词汇涵义、概念特征和观察视角等方面的价值,语篇释义对词典释义起着重要的补充作用。 展开更多
关键词 词汇控制理论 词典释义 释义
汉英中型语文词典编纂体例对比研究 被引量:3
作者 李仕春 李晓倩 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期24-27,共4页
以世界性的眼光来看,汉语中型语文词典的编纂体例与英语中型语文词典的编纂体例的差距主要体现在多义词义项的编排方面。具体表现为:英语词典中多义词义项排列丰富多变,汉语词典中多义词义项排列相对单一;英语词典多按词性排列多义词义... 以世界性的眼光来看,汉语中型语文词典的编纂体例与英语中型语文词典的编纂体例的差距主要体现在多义词义项的编排方面。具体表现为:英语词典中多义词义项排列丰富多变,汉语词典中多义词义项排列相对单一;英语词典多按词性排列多义词义项,汉语词典则是混合排列;英语词典标注词频,汉语词典没有标注,等等。学习英语词典编纂的长处,弥补汉语词典编纂的短处,对于尽快编纂出领先于世界的汉语辞书无疑是一种具有重要学术价值的做法。 展开更多
关键词 释义提示 义项群 词频 词性
心理表征视角下的二语词汇习得研究 被引量:1
作者 戴俊红 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2015年第5期108-111,共4页
以Jiang Nan的二语词汇表征和处理模型为依据,通过为期八周的课堂听力教学实验和相关的词汇前测、即时后测和延时后测,对比研究了母语释义和二语释义对二语词汇习得的促进作用。研究结果表明,对二语水平较低的学习者来说,母语释义比二... 以Jiang Nan的二语词汇表征和处理模型为依据,通过为期八周的课堂听力教学实验和相关的词汇前测、即时后测和延时后测,对比研究了母语释义和二语释义对二语词汇习得的促进作用。研究结果表明,对二语水平较低的学习者来说,母语释义比二语释义更能促进二语词汇的习得,并有助于缩小高、低词汇量学生词汇习得的差距;母语释义对处于词汇发展初级阶段的二语词汇的学习具有明显的促进作用,但随着词汇习得的发展,母语释义的作用逐渐减弱。 展开更多
关键词 心理词汇表征 词汇习得 释义 释义
作者 陈瑶 《海外英语》 2019年第16期134-135,共2页
语言学与英语教学之间有着密不可分的联系,语言学中的诸多理论和思想指导着教师教学工作的顺利开展。语境线索理论作为语用学重要理论之一,其在教学方面起到的作用不容忽视。语境线索凭借其在释义方面具有的各种功能,可以帮助英语教师... 语言学与英语教学之间有着密不可分的联系,语言学中的诸多理论和思想指导着教师教学工作的顺利开展。语境线索理论作为语用学重要理论之一,其在教学方面起到的作用不容忽视。语境线索凭借其在释义方面具有的各种功能,可以帮助英语教师去提高学生的阅读理解能力、改进学生的阅读策略和技巧。在综合分析语境线索的功能之后,将各类功能与英语阅读教学进行合理结合,从而实现学生语用能力的提高。 展开更多
关键词 境线索理论 阅读教学 释义
指称突兀的情景模型解析 被引量:1
作者 许宁云 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期58-63,共6页
关键词 指称ICM 指称突兀 情景模型 子模型 释义
Building Extraction from LIDAR Based Semantic Analysis 被引量:2
作者 YU Jie YANG Haiquan +1 位作者 TAN Ming ZHANG Guoning 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第4期281-284,310,共5页
Extraction of buildings from LIDAR data has been an active research field in recent years. A scheme for building detection and reconstruction from LIDAR data is presented with an object-oriented method which is based ... Extraction of buildings from LIDAR data has been an active research field in recent years. A scheme for building detection and reconstruction from LIDAR data is presented with an object-oriented method which is based on the buildings’ semantic rules. Two key steps are discussed: how to group the discrete LIDAR points into single objects and how to establish the buildings’ semantic rules. In the end, the buildings are reconstructed in 3D form and three common parametric building models (flat, gabled, hipped) are implemented. 展开更多
关键词 LIDAR building extraction semantic rule object-oriented method
Interpretation and Application of Traditional Chinese Architectural Elements "Brick and Tile" in the Modem Interior Design Context
作者 Hao ZHANG Xue WU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期122-124,共3页
Brick and tile were originally the building components for meeting a certain function, and have been widely applied to the field of the interior design today through designer' s unique understanding and constant desi... Brick and tile were originally the building components for meeting a certain function, and have been widely applied to the field of the interior design today through designer' s unique understanding and constant design thinking, so that they are developed into the symbolic signs with the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture. However, "function is converted to symbolic sign" as a model of thinking is a reflection and return of the traditional culture to the spirit of the times, and it carries forward the essence of the nation. 展开更多
关键词 Brick and Tile Function SIGN Traditional Culture
Arbitrariness and motivation in linguistic signs: Integrative and dialectical reflections
作者 DU Kai-huai 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第12期63-67,共5页
Sausssurean revolution is defined by, among others, his controversial hypothesis of linguistic arbitrariness. This, however, fails to embrace a unanimous acceptation by scholars thereafter and the debates over linguis... Sausssurean revolution is defined by, among others, his controversial hypothesis of linguistic arbitrariness. This, however, fails to embrace a unanimous acceptation by scholars thereafter and the debates over linguistic signs in terms of arbitrariness and motivation, due to the regrettably understood terms, have imbued the development of linguistics, nurturing a myriad of sustainably productive branches in linguistic studies. Based on refreshing interpretation of the key terms, the paper adopts an integrative and dialectical approach to linguistic signs and argues that arbitrariness is more a matter of degree than one of presence or absence, hopefully to bring home that duality as whole features linguistic signs fundamentally. 展开更多
On the effects of contextualized explanation and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the teaching and learning of English vocabulary
作者 侯松山 李清澜 +1 位作者 潘建虎 张莹 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期5-8,共4页
This paper reports the outcomes of three vocabulary tests taken by 71 second-year undergraduates, discusses the possible effects of contextualized explanation of new words and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the vocabu... This paper reports the outcomes of three vocabulary tests taken by 71 second-year undergraduates, discusses the possible effects of contextualized explanation of new words and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the vocabulary teaching and learning. The authors find that in a short duration there is a significant difference between the effect of bilingual (English & Chinese) explanation and that of monolingual (Chinese) explanation on the students' recognition of English new words. 展开更多
关键词 contextualized explanation Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve vocabulary teaching and learning
Image Semantic Automatic Annotation by Relevance Feedback
作者 张同珍 申瑞民 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期662-666,共5页
A large semantic gap exists between content based index retrieval(CBIR) and high-level semantic,additional semantic information should be attached to the images,it refers in three respects including semantic represent... A large semantic gap exists between content based index retrieval(CBIR) and high-level semantic,additional semantic information should be attached to the images,it refers in three respects including semantic representation model,semantic information building and semantic retrieval techniques.In this paper,we introduce an associated semantic network and an automatic semantic annotation system.In the system,a semantic network model is employed as the semantic representation model,it uses semantic Key words,linguistic ontology and low-level features in semantic similarity calculating.Through several times of users' relevance feedback,semantic network is enriched automatically.To speed up the growth of semantic network and get a balance annotation,semantic seeds and semantic loners are employed especially. 展开更多
关键词 semantic annotation relevance feedback semantic seeds and loners
The Descriptivist vs. Anti-descriptivist Semantics Debate between Syntax and Semantics
作者 Enrico Cipriani 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第8期421-430,共10页
In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular... In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and anti-descriptivism theory about proper names. In the introduction, l will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and focus in particular on Russell and Kripke's treatments of proper names. Strong criticisms will be advanced against Kripke's hypothesis of rigid-designator and, more deafly, against the consequent distinction between the epistemic and metaphysical level that Kripke proposes to explain identity assertions between proper names. Furthermore, I will argue, that, pace Kripke, Russellian treatment of proper names allows to capture all our semantic intuitions, and also those semantic interpretations which concern context-belief sentences. I will close the introduction by focusing on a criticism that Kripke rightly points out against an example that Russell proposes in his On Denoting. Section 2 will be devoted to Russellian solution: I will show that not only Russell's logical treatment of proper names allows to answer to Kripke's criticism to Russell's example, but also that such treatment can disambiguate and express all our semantic intuitions about Frege's puzzle sentence "Hesperus is Phosphorus." ! will then show that, contrarily, Quinian solution (discussed in section 3) and Kripkian one (see section 4) are not satisfactory to capture our semantic knowledge about Frege's sentence. Furthermore, in section 5, I will focus on Kripke's distinction between epistemic and metaphysical level to deal with identity assertions between proper names, and I will logically show that such distinction is not plausible. In section 5, then, I will show that Russellian solution allows to explain context-belief sentences, contrarily to what Kripke thinks. In Conclusions, I will summarize what 1 have argued in the text. 展开更多
关键词 rigid-designator epistemic-metaphysical levels syntax-semantics interface descriptivism vs.anti-descriptivism
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