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755nm激光和光子治疗仪联合治疗里尔黑变病1例 被引量:2
作者 孙志文 冯燕艳 普雄明 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期151-151,共1页
关键词 尔黑变
鸭疫里墨氏杆菌病及其在我国的流行动态和防治对策 被引量:11
作者 程安春 汪铭书 +5 位作者 郭宇飞 朱德康 陈孝跃 刘维平 孟琼华 李淑梅 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2003年第11期29-31,共3页
关键词 鸭疫墨氏杆菌 中国 流行动态 防治 发展史 分布 鸭疫墨氏杆菌 症状 理变化 流行 诊断
大眼鲷匹里虫病及其病原体的研究——包括匹里虫属一新种的描述 被引量:3
作者 何筱洁 《水产学报》 CAS 1982年第2期97-106,共10页
本文报道了我国南海北部湾及广东湛江、广西北海等地沿海水域大眼鲷的一种微孢子虫病,病原体是大眼鲷匹里虫(新种)Plistophora priacanthicola sp.nov.,定名为大眼鲷匹里虫病(Plistophorasis)。这种病的危害,主要是影响大眼鲷的生殖腺发... 本文报道了我国南海北部湾及广东湛江、广西北海等地沿海水域大眼鲷的一种微孢子虫病,病原体是大眼鲷匹里虫(新种)Plistophora priacanthicola sp.nov.,定名为大眼鲷匹里虫病(Plistophorasis)。这种病的危害,主要是影响大眼鲷的生殖腺发育,严重感染者,其腹腔内充满病原体的大量孢囊,生殖腺萎瘪变形,鱼体瘦弱,腹部膨大,腹壁肌肉明显变薄。这种病原体除在长尾大眼鲷体内寄生外,在短尾大眼鲷也偶有发现,但在其他鱼类中尚未发现,这表明了该病原体对寄主有较严格的专一性。寄主对病原体的感染没有性别上的差异,而感染率则随寄主年龄增长而增大。 展开更多
关键词 大眼鲷 原体 虫属 新种 形态特征 症状 理变化 发生规律
里尔黑变病发病机制与治疗研究进展 被引量:4
作者 李桐 李利 《实用皮肤病学杂志》 2015年第6期446-448,452,共4页
里尔黑变病(Riehl's melanosis)为一种灰褐色皮肤色素沉着性疾病。既往研究表明该病主要与接触化学物质有关,故该病亦被称为色素性接触性皮炎或色素性化妆品皮炎。目前对里尔黑变病的病因研究及治疗方案均尚欠明确,该文就里尔黑变... 里尔黑变病(Riehl's melanosis)为一种灰褐色皮肤色素沉着性疾病。既往研究表明该病主要与接触化学物质有关,故该病亦被称为色素性接触性皮炎或色素性化妆品皮炎。目前对里尔黑变病的病因研究及治疗方案均尚欠明确,该文就里尔黑变病的发病病因、机制学研究、镜下形态学及治疗学进展作概要综述。 展开更多
关键词 尔黑变 皮炎 接触性 色素性 皮炎 化妆品 机制 治疗
用泻心汤诸方治疗三部六病之“里部并病” 被引量:1
作者 刘云璐 臧东来 《基层医学论坛》 2018年第34期4901-4902,共2页
"里部"是三部六病学说中的腑系统,在临床上此系统常会出现寒热虚实错杂的病症,统称为"里部并病",是指胃肠系统内非阴非阳寒热虚实混杂存在的模糊病理状态,当人体的胃肠出现功能紊乱病症时,只要依据三部六病的"... "里部"是三部六病学说中的腑系统,在临床上此系统常会出现寒热虚实错杂的病症,统称为"里部并病",是指胃肠系统内非阴非阳寒热虚实混杂存在的模糊病理状态,当人体的胃肠出现功能紊乱病症时,只要依据三部六病的"四脉定证"法,再灵活运用半夏泻心汤、生姜泻心汤等诸方,可取得良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 部并 半夏泻心汤 甘草泻心汤 生姜泻心汤 旋复代赭石汤
作者 路峰 刘海防 +1 位作者 谭学堂 王金奎 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2002年第5期23-23,共1页
1.发病情况 垦利县某鸭场于2000年9月13日从浙江购进江南二号青年鸭4 000余只,由4个养鸭户分养.新购鸭体质弱,又经长途运输,进场后鸭群精神状态欠佳,到9月18日某养鸭户1000只鸭突然死亡7只,之后零星发病.其他养鸭户同批购进的鸭也相继... 1.发病情况 垦利县某鸭场于2000年9月13日从浙江购进江南二号青年鸭4 000余只,由4个养鸭户分养.新购鸭体质弱,又经长途运输,进场后鸭群精神状态欠佳,到9月18日某养鸭户1000只鸭突然死亡7只,之后零星发病.其他养鸭户同批购进的鸭也相继出现死亡,共死亡223只. 展开更多
关键词 墨氏杆菌 诊治报告 防治措施
作者 周宝宽 《上海中医药杂志》 2011年第10期68-69,共2页
黑变病(melanosis)是一组发生在身体暴露部位的弥漫性色素沉着性皮肤病,由于病因不同,命名也不同。里尔黑变病(Riehl’s melanosis)多见于青壮年妇女,表现为面部网状色素沉着,与化妆品等因素有关。本病属中医学"黧黑斑""面尘"范... 黑变病(melanosis)是一组发生在身体暴露部位的弥漫性色素沉着性皮肤病,由于病因不同,命名也不同。里尔黑变病(Riehl’s melanosis)多见于青壮年妇女,表现为面部网状色素沉着,与化妆品等因素有关。本病属中医学"黧黑斑""面尘"范畴[1-3]。《外科大成》载:"黧黑斑多生女子之面,由血弱不华,火燥结成,疑事不决所致。宜服肾气丸以滋化源,洗玉容散, 展开更多
关键词 尔黑变 中医药疗法 医案
作者 华鼎可 《湛江水产学院学报》 1981年第1期41-54,共14页
从我国南海大眼鲷科(Prlacanthidae)的两种大眼鲷——长尾大眼鲷(Priacanthns tayenus)和短尾大眼鲷(P.macracanthus)上发现了一种匹里虫(新种),定名为大眼鳎匹里虫(Pleistophora priacanthusis sp.nov.)。本文报道了感染鱼的征象... 从我国南海大眼鲷科(Prlacanthidae)的两种大眼鲷——长尾大眼鲷(Priacanthns tayenus)和短尾大眼鲷(P.macracanthus)上发现了一种匹里虫(新种),定名为大眼鳎匹里虫(Pleistophora priacanthusis sp.nov.)。本文报道了感染鱼的征象、感染率和感染强度、感染部位和对寄主的影响、季节分布和性别差异的情况,并对大眼鲷匹里虫的孢囊、孢子、产孢体、新种的特征作了详细的描述。 展开更多
关键词 大眼鲷 感染率 感染强度 染色孢子 原体
作者 王文芳 《四川畜牧兽医》 2004年第5期56-56,共1页
关键词 家畜 夹气 症状 中药治疗
新型冠状病毒性肺炎中发热恶寒症状浅论 被引量:1
作者 王慧如 刘哲 +4 位作者 张显林 罗愚 黄炎芳 董昌盛 章茜 《四川中医》 2020年第10期5-8,共4页
本文探讨了新型冠状病毒肺炎所表现出的发热恶寒症状的病因病机,认为其病因病机存在两种可能性,一者为寒湿疫毒致病,发热恶寒产生的原因为表里同病;二者为湿毒或温热燥毒致病,发热恶寒产生的原因为里病表证。并用临床验案加以佐证,认为... 本文探讨了新型冠状病毒肺炎所表现出的发热恶寒症状的病因病机,认为其病因病机存在两种可能性,一者为寒湿疫毒致病,发热恶寒产生的原因为表里同病;二者为湿毒或温热燥毒致病,发热恶寒产生的原因为里病表证。并用临床验案加以佐证,认为产生此现象本质上是由认识事物的不同思维方式所决定。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状毒肺炎 外证 里病 浅论
Detection of Broad Bean Diseases by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Curve Fitting 被引量:1
作者 汪小华 刘刚 +4 位作者 欧全宏 周湘萍 郝建明 刘剑虹 汪禄祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1310-1313,共4页
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to study diseased leaves in broad bean. Results showed that the infrared spectra of different broad bean diseased leaves were similar, which were mainly made u... Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to study diseased leaves in broad bean. Results showed that the infrared spectra of different broad bean diseased leaves were similar, which were mainly made up of the vibrational absorption bands of protein,lipid and polysaccharide.There were minor differences in-cluding the spectral peak position, peak shape and the absorption intensity in the range of 1 800-1 300 cm-1. There were obvious differences among their second derivative spectra in the range of 1 800-1 300 cm-1. After the procedure of the Fourier self-deconvolution and curve fitting of health bean leaves and broad bean diseased leaves in the range of 1 700-1 500 cm-1, three sub-peaks were obtained at 1 550 cm-1 (protein amide Ⅱ band), 1 605 cm-1 (lignin) and 1 650 cm-1 (protein amide I band).The ratios of relative areas of the bands of amide Ⅱ, lignin, and amide I were 38.86%, 28.68% and 32.47% in the spectra of healthy leaves, respec-tively. It was distinguished from the diseased leaves (chocolate spot leaf: 15.42%, 42.98% and 41.61%, ring spot leaf:32.39%, 35.63% and 31.98%, rust leaf: 13.97%, 46.40% and 39.65%, yel owing leaf curl disease leaf: 24.01%,36.55% and 39.44%). For sub-peak area ratios (A1 563/A1 605, A1 650/A1 605 and A1 563/A1 654), those of four kinds of diseased leaves were smal er than that of healthy leaves, and there were also differences among four kinds of diseased leaves. The results proved that FTIR combining with curve fitting might be a potential y useful tool for detecting different kinds of broad bean diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy Broad bean diseases Second derivative spectra Curve fitting
Commuting Dual Toeplitz Operators on the Polydisk 被引量:1
作者 CHENG Guo-zheng YU Tao 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第1期63-68,共6页
We completely characterize commutativity of S and Sψ on La2(Dn)⊥ for bounded pluriharmonic symbols and ψ on Dn, and prove that SSψ = Sψ if and only if is analytic or ψˉ is analytic.
关键词 Bergman space dual Toeplitz operator pluriharmonic
作者 王淑斌 刘俊岭 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第4期3-11,共9页
In the present paper, the authors review recent situations of clinical application of Neiguan (PC 6内关), etc. in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system and its related research progresses. In clinical pra... In the present paper, the authors review recent situations of clinical application of Neiguan (PC 6内关), etc. in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system and its related research progresses. In clinical practice, Neiguan (PC 6) is usually selected as one of the main acupoints to treat gastrointestinal reactions induced by ① nausea and vomiting, ② hiccup, ③ gastrointestinal dyskinesia, ④ gastritis, and ⑤ intra-gastric examination, cesarean section, etc. Concerning experimental studies, the effects of Neiguan (PC 6), etc. on ① gastric electrical activities, ② gastrointestinal motion, ③ gastrointestinal hormone secretion, and ④ gastric mucosal structure were observed. Results indicated that Neiguan (PC 6) is an important and effective acupoint for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in clinic. Stimulation of Neiguan (PC 6) induced favorable regulation of both the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system, and changes of the gastrointestinal hormone secretion may contribute to its effects in treating various disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Neiguan (PC 6) Clinical application Gastrointestinal disorders Clinical and experimental research
Suppressive Effect of Brassica juncea on the Root-Lesion Nematode ( Pratylenchus penetrans)
作者 F. Sakuma K. Hashizume N. Kondo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期621-628,共8页
Incorporation of sulfur-rich crucifer tissues into soil is known to suppress a variety of soil-bome plant pathogens and pests. The potentials of using Brassica juncea as green manure to kill the root lesion nematode P... Incorporation of sulfur-rich crucifer tissues into soil is known to suppress a variety of soil-bome plant pathogens and pests. The potentials of using Brassica juncea as green manure to kill the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans m soil and to decrease damages to subsequent crops were assessed in field and pot experiments. In the first trial, green manures containing B. juncea were grown and incorporated during spring to summer 2009. Japanese radish was then cultivated in each plot. In the second trial in spring 2010, green manure was grown and incorporated during summer to autumn 2009, and greater burdock was cultivated in pots containing soil sampled from each plot. Neither trial showed clear effects on nematode populations in the soil. However, in the first trial, Japanese radish grown following a B. juncea breeding line with a high content of sinigrin had a lower root lesion index and a higher number of marketable taproots than grown in the fallow soil. In the second trail, greater burdock cultivated in pots following incorporation ofB. juncea had a lower root lesion index with the incorporation of white mustard, which is widely used as a landscape plant. These findings suggest that B. juncea used as green manure can potentially decrease damage to subsequent crops caused by the root-lesion nematode, although it had no positive effect on decreasing populations of the root-lesion nematode in the soil. 展开更多
关键词 BIOFUMIGATION green manure Brassicajuncea Pratylenchuspenetrans root-lesion nematode soil.
作者 张晓露 徐嘉辉 余德钊 《按摩与康复医学》 2016年第7期5-7,共3页
慢性咳嗽是儿科常见的临床病症之一,其病因复杂,难以确诊。西医主要以程序式诊断方法进行确诊,但需时较长、花费较大,难以满足目前的诊疗需要。中医学将慢性咳嗽归于“久咳”范畴,辨证论治疗效确切。笔者着眼于慢性咳嗽之病因病机... 慢性咳嗽是儿科常见的临床病症之一,其病因复杂,难以确诊。西医主要以程序式诊断方法进行确诊,但需时较长、花费较大,难以满足目前的诊疗需要。中医学将慢性咳嗽归于“久咳”范畴,辨证论治疗效确切。笔者着眼于慢性咳嗽之病因病机,剖析“久病必入里”、“久病必虚”、“病长药短”等常见误区,为中医药辨证施治儿童慢性咳嗽提供一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 慢性咳嗽 中医诊疗 必虚 长药短 误区
Therapeutic observation on electroacupuncture at Zusanli(ST 36) and Fenglong(ST 40) for senile dementia 被引量:16
作者 Bi Ding-yan Liu Qiong +4 位作者 Chen Yu-xiang Zou Yi-fan Ma Ming-zhu Li Dan Chang Xiao -rong 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2016年第6期386-390,共5页
Objective: To explore the clinical effects of electroacupuncture(EA) at Zusanli(ST 36) and Fenglong(ST 40) in treating senile dementia. Methods: A total of 74 patients were randomly divided into an EA group an... Objective: To explore the clinical effects of electroacupuncture(EA) at Zusanli(ST 36) and Fenglong(ST 40) in treating senile dementia. Methods: A total of 74 patients were randomly divided into an EA group and a medication group based upon the random digital table, 37 cases in each group. EA at Zusanli(ST 36) and Fenglong(ST 40) was given in the EA group, once every day, for six treatments per week. Donepezil Hydrochloride Tablets were given to the medication group, 5 mg per time and once a day in the former four weeks, 10 mg per time and once a day after 4 weeks, oral administration before sleep at night. The courses of the treatment were 12 weeks in both groups. The scores of mini-mental state examination(MMSE) and Barthel index(BI) were observed before and after the treatment, for processing the comparative analysis of the clinical effects after the course of the treatment. Results: The total effective rate was 86.5% in the EA group and 70.3% in the medication group. The therapeutic effect was better in the EA group than that in the medication group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P〈0.05). MMSE and BI scores after the treatment in the two groups were all elevated than those of the same groups before the treatment(P〈0.05, P〈0.01). The improving situation was obviously better in the EA group than that in the medication group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P〈0.05). Conclusion: EA at Zusanli(ST 36) and Fenglong(ST 40) is affirmative in the therapeutic effect for senile dementia and can also improve the cognitive function and enhance the patients' quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ELECTROACUPUNCTURE POINT Zusanli(ST 36) POINT Fenglong(ST 40) Alzheimer Disease
Treatment of 68 Cases of Epigastric Pain with Acupucnture
作者 李友军 崔学军 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2008年第6期366-367,共2页
Acute and chronic gastritis,gastric and duodenalglobular ulcer,and antral gastritis are commonlyencountered diseases of digestive system,andepigastric pain is their main symptom.The authortreated 68 cases of epigastri... Acute and chronic gastritis,gastric and duodenalglobular ulcer,and antral gastritis are commonlyencountered diseases of digestive system,andepigastric pain is their main symptom.The authortreated 68 cases of epigastric pain with acupuncture,now it is reported as follows. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Stomach Diseases Points Zusanli (ST 36) Points Sanyinjiao (SP 6) Points Gongsun (SP 4) Points Neiguan (PC 6)
Pharmacological activity of Mentha longifolia and its phytoconstituents
作者 Mohammad Hosein Farzaei Roodabeh Bahramsoltani +2 位作者 Ali Ghobadi Fatemeh Farzaei Fariba Najafi 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期710-720,共11页
Current paper reviews the pharmacological activities, therapeutic indications and phytochemicals of M. longifolia. This herb has been consumed traditionally for the treatment of various diseases, including gastrointes... Current paper reviews the pharmacological activities, therapeutic indications and phytochemicals of M. longifolia. This herb has been consumed traditionally for the treatment of various diseases, including gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory disorders, infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases, as well as menstrual disorders. In the modern era, various pharmacological activities have been confirmed for M. longifolia, such as anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, anti-insect, antimutagenic, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, keratoprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-diarrhea, and spasmolytic effects. The plant showed therapeutic benefits in irritable bowel syndrome, amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, and oxidative stress-associated diseases as well. A vast variety of natural components such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, cinnamates, ceramides, sesquiterpenes, terpenes, and terpenoids have been suggested to be responsible for the pharmacological action of M. longifolia. These natural products can be considered as novel medicinal sources for developing new drugs. Further investigations to explore therapeutic efficacy, tolerability,and pharmaceutical properties of M. longifolia phytochemical agents are recommended. 展开更多
关键词 Mentha Phytochemicals Ethnopharmacology Review
Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies on molecular recognition of tetrathiafulvalene derivative with P-glycoprotein and drug-resistant leukemia cells
作者 Yuanyuan Zhang Changyu Wu +2 位作者 Hui Jiang Jinglin Zuo Xuemei Wang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1193-1199,共7页
Cancer is still one of the important diseases that threatens the health of people. Multidrug resistance(MDR) is the main factor that leads to the failure of cancer chemotherapy. Thus, MDR diagnosis could facilitate th... Cancer is still one of the important diseases that threatens the health of people. Multidrug resistance(MDR) is the main factor that leads to the failure of cancer chemotherapy. Thus, MDR diagnosis could facilitate the monitoring of the therapy process and realization of efficient treatment of tumors. In this study, we have tried to use a new tetrathiafulvalene(TTF) derivative(TTF-(COONBu4)2) to sensitively recognize the MDR through the multi-signal responsive strategy. The relevant electrochemical and spectroscopic studies demonstrate the specific binding behavior of TTF-(COONBu4)2 with P-glycoprotein(P-gp) as well as drug-resistant leukemia cells. Especially due to the over-expression of specific components of P-gp on the plasma membranes of drug resistant cells, the electrochemical and hydrophilic/hydrophobic features of drug resistant-leukemia cells are apparently different from those of other kinds of leukemia cells. Meanwhile, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study illustrates that the most intense vibration band of TTF moieties in the 1400–1600 cm-1 range is almost smeared out upon binding to P-gp, and the binding of TTF-(COONBu4)2 to P-gp may also lead to changes in protein secondary structure and backbone. This observation may advance the development of the new TTF agent for the promising clinical diagnosis and monitoring of MDR of tumors with the aim of successful chemotherapy for human cancer. 展开更多
关键词 tetrathiafulvalene derivative leukemia cell P-GLYCOPROTEIN electrochemical detection Fourier transform infraredspectroscopy
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