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作者 王丹频 《收藏与投资》 2023年第12期13-15,共3页
清代后期的画坛,盛行强调个性与写意的新风,出现了以“扬州八怪”为代表的扬州画派,闵贞正是与之密切相关的一位画坛“怪杰”。本文通过对闵贞生平的梳理,分析其写意画风格的形成与特点,以盐城博物馆馆藏《钟馗画轴》为例,从人物塑造、... 清代后期的画坛,盛行强调个性与写意的新风,出现了以“扬州八怪”为代表的扬州画派,闵贞正是与之密切相关的一位画坛“怪杰”。本文通过对闵贞生平的梳理,分析其写意画风格的形成与特点,以盐城博物馆馆藏《钟馗画轴》为例,从人物塑造、笔墨运用和构图布局三个方面进行深入赏析,并与黄慎《钟馗图》进行对比,深入解析了闵贞写意人物画中重墨巨笔与团状构图的运用,以及反传统的人物塑造,剖析闵贞写意人物画的独特风格与艺术魅力,归纳总结了闵贞写意人物画对清代画坛的开拓意义与价值。 展开更多
关键词 闵贞 写意人物画 《钟馗画轴》 重墨巨笔
作者 易劲鸿 《益阳师专学报》 2001年第5期71-74,共4页
在本土文化资源中寻找现实政治斗争的根据是改良派和革命派的一致倾向。中国民主革命中一个重要人物张继 ,就是这样一个代表 ,他出生于河北沧州一个书香门第 ,父亲经世致用的家教 ,颜李学派重“习”“行”的特色 ,桐城派对时务和西学的... 在本土文化资源中寻找现实政治斗争的根据是改良派和革命派的一致倾向。中国民主革命中一个重要人物张继 ,就是这样一个代表 ,他出生于河北沧州一个书香门第 ,父亲经世致用的家教 ,颜李学派重“习”“行”的特色 ,桐城派对时务和西学的关注 ,以及严峻的政治形势、艰巨的政治任务 ,使他非常务实 ,注重事功。实用、完备的墨子学说恰好适合了他的理论需求。虽深受儒学熏染 。 展开更多
关键词 张继 重墨 中国民主革命 政治斗争 子学说 辛亥革命志士
作者 厉民 《森林与人类》 1995年第3期14-14,共1页
巨笔重墨写森林厉民历史上,以人为主体的传记作品不记其数,为我们的人类社会记载并留下了一笔丰厚而广博的精神遗产。人们读人思史,得到诸多意想不到的收益和启迪。偶读一篇文章《黄河文化之思》(作者侯仁之,此篇是作者为《黄河文... 巨笔重墨写森林厉民历史上,以人为主体的传记作品不记其数,为我们的人类社会记载并留下了一笔丰厚而广博的精神遗产。人们读人思史,得到诸多意想不到的收益和启迪。偶读一篇文章《黄河文化之思》(作者侯仁之,此篇是作者为《黄河文化》一书所作的序言)。作者是《黄河... 展开更多
关键词 黄河文化 巨笔 重墨 尼罗河 国家造林项目 长江防护林工程 “三北”防护林 沿海防护林 人类社会 恶劣的自然环境
作者 戴海涛 《艺术家》 2021年第10期92-93,共2页
笔墨创新建立在艺术家对传统重彩山水画的深刻体会、认识和把握上。与此同时,它也脱离不了中国哲学思想的滋养。重彩山水画创新可以通过笔墨创新来实现,在重彩山水画教学过程中,教师要把创新与传统联系起来,培养学生的笔墨创新思维,以... 笔墨创新建立在艺术家对传统重彩山水画的深刻体会、认识和把握上。与此同时,它也脱离不了中国哲学思想的滋养。重彩山水画创新可以通过笔墨创新来实现,在重彩山水画教学过程中,教师要把创新与传统联系起来,培养学生的笔墨创新思维,以达到借古开今的目的,促进重彩山水画教学的发展。 展开更多
关键词 彩士水画 创新 教学设计
作者 袁慧 《河北画报》 2020年第24期33-34,共2页
中国山水画是我国传统绘画中的一种绘画形式,它的主要描写对象是自然景观。山水画画家将自身情感和人生态度表达在山水画中寄托自身追求和高尚情操。山水画的重要核心就是对墨的充分运用。如何用墨是山水画的主要技法之一。山水画中墨... 中国山水画是我国传统绘画中的一种绘画形式,它的主要描写对象是自然景观。山水画画家将自身情感和人生态度表达在山水画中寄托自身追求和高尚情操。山水画的重要核心就是对墨的充分运用。如何用墨是山水画的主要技法之一。山水画中墨色的浓淡变化对于作品会产生非常重要的影响。山水画的墨色变化在一定程度上决定着画面中意境的营造和画面中气韵的生动。进而影响着画家自身情感的抒发和其人生态度的表达。从古至今的山水画画家均从未停止过对墨色的不断探索与追求。 展开更多
关键词 近现代 山水画 色变化 重墨山水画
Dual-band multi-beam reconfigurable terahertz antenna based on graphene frequency selective surface
作者 JIN Zhao RONG Yu +4 位作者 QIAO Li-Ping YU Jing-Dong WU Fei GUO Chen TIAN Dou 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期628-633,共6页
In this paper,a dual-band graphene-based frequency selective surface(GFSS)is investigated and the operating mechanism of this GFSS is analyzed.By adjusting the bias voltage to control the graphene chemical po-tential ... In this paper,a dual-band graphene-based frequency selective surface(GFSS)is investigated and the operating mechanism of this GFSS is analyzed.By adjusting the bias voltage to control the graphene chemical po-tential between 0 eV and 0.5 eV,the GFSS can achieve four working states:dual-band passband,high-pass lowimpedance,low-pass high-impedance,and band-stop.Based on this GFSS,a hexagonal radome on a broadband omnidirectional monopole antenna is proposed,which can achieve independent 360°six-beam omnidirectional scanning at 1.08 THz and 1.58 THz dual bands.In addition,while increasing the directionality,the peak gains of the dual bands reach 7.44 dBi and 6.67 dBi,respectively.This work provides a simple method for realizing multi-band terahertz multi-beam reconfigurable antennas. 展开更多
明人肖像画技法浅析 被引量:1
作者 刘天宇 《中国艺术》 2012年第2期153-153,共1页
"肖像画"一词来自西方绘画术语。中国传统绘画虽有这一绘画形式的存在,但有关画论中没有"肖像画"这一确切的用语。"肖像"一词《辞海》解释为:"描绘具体人物的绘画,包括头像、全身像、群像等,要求达... "肖像画"一词来自西方绘画术语。中国传统绘画虽有这一绘画形式的存在,但有关画论中没有"肖像画"这一确切的用语。"肖像"一词《辞海》解释为:"描绘具体人物的绘画,包括头像、全身像、群像等,要求达到形神兼备的境界。"在传统绘画中这一门类被称为"写照""传神"或"写真"。中国肖像画在长期发展中,积累了丰富的创作经验,从而形成了一套丰富而完整的表现样式。古人不断地将其共同规律加以总结,使其表现语言得以最大程度地发挥。时至明代,肖像画迎来了最为辉煌的时期。 展开更多
关键词 重墨 曾鲸 程式化
作者 刘永丰 《东方收藏》 2022年第11期88-90,共3页
北宋书家苏轼在其存世的笔记资料中就文房四宝的选择、收藏、使用、把玩、传播等方面提出了不少独到的见解,其对墨的重视、对纸的崇尚,以及相关的论述主要集中在以《东坡题跋》为主的论书诗文作品中,他以墨纸之论管中窥豹,去言说生活哲... 北宋书家苏轼在其存世的笔记资料中就文房四宝的选择、收藏、使用、把玩、传播等方面提出了不少独到的见解,其对墨的重视、对纸的崇尚,以及相关的论述主要集中在以《东坡题跋》为主的论书诗文作品中,他以墨纸之论管中窥豹,去言说生活哲理、自然规律,给后人在创作技法、文房用品选择方面以极大的启示。 展开更多
关键词 北宋 书法 苏轼 物质载体 重墨 尚纸
作者 秋心 《满族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第2期96-96,共1页
祖莪女士是近几年声誉鹊起的满族女画家,现年三十六岁,为故宫博物院古画复制专家,中国湖社画会理事兼副秘书长,神州书画社理事,北京海峡两岸画家联谊会副秘书长。 “梅花香自苦寒来”,祖莪从事绘画二十多年,下力甚著,取得了令人瞩目的... 祖莪女士是近几年声誉鹊起的满族女画家,现年三十六岁,为故宫博物院古画复制专家,中国湖社画会理事兼副秘书长,神州书画社理事,北京海峡两岸画家联谊会副秘书长。 “梅花香自苦寒来”,祖莪从事绘画二十多年,下力甚著,取得了令人瞩目的成就。其作品曾多次参加国内外画展,在多种报刊发表。1979年中央电视台曾介绍过她的作品。她擅长工笔人物画、花鸟画。作品高雅清逸、意味淳厚。古画复制已达到较完美的艺术境界,可以乱真。 展开更多
关键词 柏树 意境 仙鹤 古柏 重墨 作品 工笔人物画 女画家 满族 花青
作者 唐振杰 《人民公交》 2018年第11期110-110,共1页
关键词 逸气 过程 重墨 气质 作者 作品 荷叶
《股市动态分析》 2004年第49期72-85,共14页
关键词 上海股市 行情表 圆图 国图 三资 艺兰 圈图 圈圆 重墨
《股市动态分析》 2004年第Z3期95-95,共1页
关键词 行情表 中小企业 翻胶 导棒 兰艺 案目 三李 拉瓦 重墨
《股市动态分析》 2004年第49期86-94,共9页
关键词 深圳股市 行情表 艺兰 三李 圈图 国图 三资 口门 重墨
《股市动态分析》 2004年第31期95-95,共1页
关键词 行情表 中小企业 委卖 翻胶 圣墓 洛水 薰蒸 重墨 瓦厂
Adsorption properties of a novel 3D graphene/MgO composite for heavy metal ions 被引量:5
作者 ZHOU Ying LIANG Chun-yan +1 位作者 YU Jin-gang JIANG Xin-yu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期813-823,共11页
A novel three-dimension(3D)graphene/MgO composite was synthesized through self-assembly and embedding MgO nanoparticle in reduced graphene in situ.Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR)spectroscopy,thermal gravimetric anal... A novel three-dimension(3D)graphene/MgO composite was synthesized through self-assembly and embedding MgO nanoparticle in reduced graphene in situ.Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR)spectroscopy,thermal gravimetric analysis(TGA),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron microscope(TEM),powder X-raydiffraction(XRD)and X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)were employed to characterize the prepared 3D graphene/MgO composite.The adsorption performance of some metal ions on 3D graphene/MgO was investigated.The results showed that the adsorption capacity was greater than 3D graphene and the maximum adsorption capacity at 25℃was found to be 358.96 mg/g,388.4 mg/g and 169.8 mg/g for Pb^2+,Cd^2+and Cu^2+,respectively.The adsorption kinetic conformed to the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the adsorption isotherm was well described by Langmuir model.The thermodynamic constants revealed that the sorption process was endothermic and spontaneous in nature.Based on the results of the removal of heavy metal ions from metal smelting wastewater,it can be concluded that the prepared 3D graphene/MgO composite is an effective and potential adsorbent. 展开更多
关键词 ADSORPTION heavy metal ion 3D graphene MGO
New Catalytic Proportions for Syntheses of SWNT Bundles (Ropes) and Its Characterization
作者 DAI Tong DAI Jian-feng 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2006年第3期168-172,共5页
The single-walled carbon nanotube(SWNT) bundles and ropes have been prepared by using the anode are discharge plasma to evaporate the graphite rods which contain Fe, Co and Ni powders as catalyst in He atmosphere. M... The single-walled carbon nanotube(SWNT) bundles and ropes have been prepared by using the anode are discharge plasma to evaporate the graphite rods which contain Fe, Co and Ni powders as catalyst in He atmosphere. Many purifying methods are used for the products. It indicates that the synthesis of SWNTs has been greatly affected by the preparation parameters of catalyzer, the buffer gas and its pressure, the arc current intensity, etc. The optimal condition for preparing SWNTs in our case has been proposed. The forming mechanism of the SWNTs bundles and ropes is also studied qualitatively. The evaporated single graphite sheet tends to reduce its active energy. 展开更多
关键词 Single-walled carbon nanotubes Catalyzer Evaporation THERMOGRAVIMETRY
Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of Graphene:A Renormalization Group Study
作者 何培松 吴成真 +1 位作者 陈宇 田光善 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期897-907,共11页
In the present paper, we study effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the thermodynamic propertiesof graphene by renormalization group methods.Our calculations show that both the specific heat and the magneti... In the present paper, we study effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction on the thermodynamic propertiesof graphene by renormalization group methods.Our calculations show that both the specific heat and the magneticsusceptibility of the material behave differently from the Landau Fermi liquid.More precisely, we find that thesequantities are logarithmically suppressed with respect to its noninteracting counterpart when temperature is low. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE quantum phase transition renormalization group
Multifunctional graphene‐based composite photocatalysts oriented by multifaced roles of graphene in photocatalysis 被引量:2
作者 Yue‐Hua Li Zi‐Rong Tang Yi‐Jun Xu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期708-730,共23页
Graphene(GR),a single‐layer carbon sheet with a hexagonal packed lattice structure,has displayed attractive potential and demonstrably become the research focus in artificial photocatalysis due to its enchanting prop... Graphene(GR),a single‐layer carbon sheet with a hexagonal packed lattice structure,has displayed attractive potential and demonstrably become the research focus in artificial photocatalysis due to its enchanting properties in enhancing light absorption,electron transfer dynamics,and surface reactions.Currently,numerous efforts have shown that the properties of GR,which are closely correlated to the photocatalytic performance of GR‐based composites are significantly affected by the synthesis methods.Herein,we first introduce the optimization strategies of GR‐based hybrids and then elaborate the synthesis of GR‐based composite photocatalysts oriented by manifold roles of GR in photoredox catalysis,containing photoelectron mediator and acceptor,improving adsorption capacity,regulating light absorption range and intensity,as well as macromolecular photosensitizer.Beyond that,a brief outlook on the challenges in this burgeoning research field and potential evolution strategies for enhancing the photoactivity of GR‐based hybrids is presented and we anticipate that this review could provide some enlightenments for the rational construction and application of multifunctional GR‐based composite photocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE Composite photocatalyst Optimization strategies Synthesis method Multifarious roles of graphene Photocatalytic applications
Contamination of Water for Domestic Use and Human Consumption by Heavy Metals Derived from Mining Activity in Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico
作者 Luis Miguel Rodriguez Ever Torres +7 位作者 Luis Saenz Maria del Carmen Avitia Guillermo Rodriguez Eduardo Herrera Carmen Julia Navarro Guillermo Gonzalez Luis Lozoya Damaris Acosta 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第3期286-294,共9页
Research was done with the objective of evaluating the quality of water supplied to the potable water system in Hidalgo Del Parral, which comes from two main supply sources: wells from "Valle del Verano", which pro... Research was done with the objective of evaluating the quality of water supplied to the potable water system in Hidalgo Del Parral, which comes from two main supply sources: wells from "Valle del Verano", which provide water to the east side of the city, and the Water Treatment Plant, which receives water from different mines and supplies the west side of the city. When this plant is overcome on its capacity of treatment, a part of the water from the mines is fed directly to the northwest part of the city. The metals lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (As) were analyzed by atomic absorption (AA) technique, based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 7000B (Revision 2, February 2007). The digestion process was done according to the guidelines established in Method NMX-AA-051-SCFI-2001, Analysis of Water-Determination of Metals by Atomic Absorption, developed by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Environmental Protection (Mexico). The samples were collected from the following points: 13 wells and 2 re-pumping stations of "Valle del Verano", the inlet and outlet of the Water Treatment Plant, and domestic faucets. The east side of the city, supplied by the wells of "Valle del Verano", is metal-pollution free. The water that comes from the mines contains high concentrations of As, Zn, Cd and Pb, with levels that can get to 0.12, 32.6, 0.26 and 3.5 mg/L, respectively. This water pollution generated by mining can be concluded from the high levels found in the domestic samples in which, for several points, the concentrations exceed the parameters set by the current guideline. According to the results, it is vital to set a plan of remediation for the water that comes from the mines, because there is a great risk for health in the consumotion of this water. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals MINING water contamination.
Qualitative Perspective of Audit Materiality: Empirical Evidence in Mexico and Colombia
作者 Sergio Ivan Ramirez Cacho Martin Alvarez Ochoa Maricela Ramirez 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第10期864-872,共9页
Our contribution analyzes the process of convergence with the International Standards of Audit (ISAs), particularly those that regulate the concept of materiality in Mexico and Colombia. Between other results, acros... Our contribution analyzes the process of convergence with the International Standards of Audit (ISAs), particularly those that regulate the concept of materiality in Mexico and Colombia. Between other results, across a survey, it is demonstrated why the effective use of the factors that emerge of his qualitative slope can favor the quality of the financial information that publish the audited companies, the usefulness and the comprehensibility of the report of opinion. In general, the reliability, transparency, and relevancy of the financial statements will meet potentially favored with the strict application of these major and better normative instruments. 展开更多
关键词 qualitative perspective MATERIALITY financial statements audit materiality International Federation ofAccountants (IFAC)
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