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基于雷达图重心特征提取的轴承故障诊断方法 被引量:1
作者 陆汝华 李盛欣 段盛 《轴承》 北大核心 2014年第12期54-57,共4页
结合可视化技术和隐马尔可夫模型,提出一种基于可视化重心特征提取的轴承故障诊断新模型。首先,将轴承多维音频数据表示为雷达图的形式,再从雷达图中提取可视化的重心特征;然后,将重心特征进行可视化绘制的同时送入HMM分类器进行故障诊... 结合可视化技术和隐马尔可夫模型,提出一种基于可视化重心特征提取的轴承故障诊断新模型。首先,将轴承多维音频数据表示为雷达图的形式,再从雷达图中提取可视化的重心特征;然后,将重心特征进行可视化绘制的同时送入HMM分类器进行故障诊断,实现了可视化诊断和自动诊断2种诊断方式。试验结果表明,该方法不仅能够直观显示轴承信号,而且诊断精度可达97%,平均诊断时间为0.08 s。 展开更多
关键词 滚动轴承 故障诊断 雷达图 重心特征 可视化
基于核的最近邻特征重心分类器及人脸识别应用 被引量:2
作者 贺云辉 赵力 邹采荣 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期5-10,共6页
本文提出核最近特征线和特征面分类器,可直接对高维人脸图像进行识别。为解决计算量大和可能失效的问题,提出(核)最近特征重心和(核)最近邻特征两种解决方法,前者降低了计算特征线和面距离的复杂度,后者减少了特征线和面的数目,两种方... 本文提出核最近特征线和特征面分类器,可直接对高维人脸图像进行识别。为解决计算量大和可能失效的问题,提出(核)最近特征重心和(核)最近邻特征两种解决方法,前者降低了计算特征线和面距离的复杂度,后者减少了特征线和面的数目,两种方法均避免了可能失效的问题。将二者结合得到的(核)最近邻特征重心分类器,在获得相近识别率的条件下,使计算复杂度降到了最小。所得方法无需预先抽取人脸图像特征,因此避免了在较多样本数时,特征抽取存在计算量大的问题。基于ORL人脸数据库的实验验证了本文方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 人脸识别 最近邻特征重心 分类器 核方法
基于近红外光谱及主成分雷达图特征提取的产品质量稳定性研究 被引量:5
作者 秦玉华 张海涛 +1 位作者 高锐 张磊 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1627-1632,共6页
针对以往卷烟产品质量监控效率低、时间长、缺少可视化结果展示等问题,将近红外光谱分析技术应用到产品稳定性控制中,提出了一种指纹图谱特征提取新方法。首先将卷烟近红外光谱进行主成分降维,并以雷达图可视化形式描述产品质量稳定性趋... 针对以往卷烟产品质量监控效率低、时间长、缺少可视化结果展示等问题,将近红外光谱分析技术应用到产品稳定性控制中,提出了一种指纹图谱特征提取新方法。首先将卷烟近红外光谱进行主成分降维,并以雷达图可视化形式描述产品质量稳定性趋势,保证了图谱数据整体性与模糊性的统一。进而对包含样本全局信息的图形重心特征进行提取,实现了对样本间内部结构的展示,并建立了质量稳定性及异常类型的判别模型。实验结果表明,和其他方法相比,该特征提取方法取得了更好的识别效果,可用于卷烟产品质量监控和真伪鉴别中。 展开更多
关键词 产品质量稳定性 主成分分析 雷达图 重心特征提取 近红外光谱
基于复合特征BP神经网络算法的车牌识别技术研究 被引量:1
作者 郭磊 吕鑫 《唐山师范学院学报》 2012年第2期56-58,共3页
关键词 BP神经网络 神经元 特征重心特征 权值
作者 刘勍 马义德 张晓曦 《电视技术》 北大核心 2009年第9期15-18,共4页
提出了一种基于自适应Unit-Linking脉冲耦合神经网络(ULPCNN)赋时矩阵的图像特征识别算法。该方法在充分考虑图像局部信息的基础上,对ULPCNN阈值函数及链接强度做了修正改进,形成自适应连接的AULPCNN,利用AULPCNN模型对原始图像进行处理... 提出了一种基于自适应Unit-Linking脉冲耦合神经网络(ULPCNN)赋时矩阵的图像特征识别算法。该方法在充分考虑图像局部信息的基础上,对ULPCNN阈值函数及链接强度做了修正改进,形成自适应连接的AULPCNN,利用AULPCNN模型对原始图像进行处理,生成一种从空间图像信息到时间信息的赋时矩阵映射图,并将其视为一幅图像进行处理,然后利用物理学相关概念定义赋时矩阵重心不变特征,且将这一特征运用在图像特征提取与目标识别中。理论分析和实验结果表明:AULPCNN赋时矩阵重心特征具有良好的抗几何畸变性(TRS)、抗亮度畸变性和抗噪声干扰不变性,具有提取特征参数少、提取方法简单、易于实现、识别正确率较高和稳健性强等特点。 展开更多
关键词 图像识别 特征提取 AULPCNN 神经网络 赋时矩阵 重心特征
采用点云重心距离进行边界检测的点云数据配准 被引量:3
作者 王勇 唐靖 +1 位作者 饶勤菲 袁巢燕 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2096-2101,共6页
针对现有迭代最邻近点(ICP)算法在点云数据配准过程中查找对应最近点速度缓慢、配准效率低的问题,提出一种采用点云重心距离进行边界检测的点云数据配准新算法.该算法首先运用主成分分析法进行点云数据粗配准,获得良好点云姿态;其次,采... 针对现有迭代最邻近点(ICP)算法在点云数据配准过程中查找对应最近点速度缓慢、配准效率低的问题,提出一种采用点云重心距离进行边界检测的点云数据配准新算法.该算法首先运用主成分分析法进行点云数据粗配准,获得良好点云姿态;其次,采用点云重心距离特征进行边界检测并提取待配准点云边界;在此基础上,利用K-D树在两点云边界中查找对应最近点对,并通过单位四元数法进行坐标转换,求得平移矩阵及旋转矩阵,从而实现快速、精确的点云数据配准.实验结果表明:与经典ICP算法、现有改进ICP算法相比,本文中点云边界特征点的提取简单快速,极大简化了配准点集,简化率达到2.24%,改进方法的配准效率提高了25.8%.本文算法在保证精度基础上有效提高了配准效率,适用于数据量较大的点云数据配准. 展开更多
关键词 重心距离特征 边界检测 迭代最邻近点算法 点云配准
作者 石祥滨 孙岩 张凤添 《沈阳航空航天大学学报》 2015年第3期47-52,共6页
提出了一种人体重心变化特征与改进的Zernike矩特征组合的方法,应用于双层隐马尔可夫模型中进行动作识别。重心变化特征描述了运动目标在空间中的轨迹,反应了人体动作的概略特征;改进的Zernike矩特征有计算速度快、克服敏感区域等特点,... 提出了一种人体重心变化特征与改进的Zernike矩特征组合的方法,应用于双层隐马尔可夫模型中进行动作识别。重心变化特征描述了运动目标在空间中的轨迹,反应了人体动作的概略特征;改进的Zernike矩特征有计算速度快、克服敏感区域等特点,刻画了肢体相对位置等细节特征,它们的组合能充分提取视频中运动目标的信息。在模型选择中,选用双层隐马尔可夫模型,该模型可以表达特征之间的内在关联。采用Weizmann视频数据库进行实验,结果证明文中提出的算法具有较好的识别效果。 展开更多
关键词 动作识别 重心变化特征 ZERNIKE矩 双层隐马尔科夫模型
基于LDA+kernel-KNNFLC的语音情感识别方法 被引量:8
作者 张昕然 查诚 +2 位作者 徐新洲 宋鹏 赵力 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期5-11,共7页
结合K近邻、核学习方法、特征线重心法和LDA算法,提出了用于情感识别的LDA+kernel-KNNFLC方法.首先针对先验样本特征造成的计算量庞大问题,采用重心准则学习样本距离,改进了核学习的K近邻方法;然后加入LDA对情感特征向量进行优化,在避... 结合K近邻、核学习方法、特征线重心法和LDA算法,提出了用于情感识别的LDA+kernel-KNNFLC方法.首先针对先验样本特征造成的计算量庞大问题,采用重心准则学习样本距离,改进了核学习的K近邻方法;然后加入LDA对情感特征向量进行优化,在避免维度冗余的情况下,更好地保证了情感信息识别的稳定性.最后,通过对特征空间再学习,结合LDA的kernel-KNNFLC方法优化了情感特征向量的类间区分度,适合于语音情感识别.对包含120维全局统计特征的语音情感数据库进行仿真实验,对降维方案、情感分类器和维度参数进行了多组对比分析.结果表明,LDA+kernel-KNNFLC方法在同等条件下性能提升效果最显著. 展开更多
关键词 语音情感识别 K近邻 核学习 特征重心线 线性判别分析
点到邻域重心距离特征的点云拼接 被引量:11
作者 辛伟 普杰信 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期886-891,共6页
不规则曲面的拼接是3维拼接中的难点,提出采用不规则曲面点与其一邻域点重心间的距离作为刚性特征对点云进行粗配准,使用迭代最邻近点算法和刚性特征进行精配准。实验结果表明,刚性特征迭代最邻近点算法的误差收敛速度显著提高。当点云... 不规则曲面的拼接是3维拼接中的难点,提出采用不规则曲面点与其一邻域点重心间的距离作为刚性特征对点云进行粗配准,使用迭代最邻近点算法和刚性特征进行精配准。实验结果表明,刚性特征迭代最邻近点算法的误差收敛速度显著提高。当点云为重心距离大于10的差姿态时,该算法与不进行粗配准的迭代最邻近点算法相比,收敛速度和拼接质量都有较大提高。 展开更多
关键词 不规则曲面 特征配准 重心距离特征 迭代最邻近点算法
Evolvement Characteristics of Population and Economic Gravity Centers in Tarim River Basin,Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang,China 被引量:6
作者 WANG Yang CHEN Yaning LI Zhi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期765-772,共8页
Using the data at the county levcl and the regional gravity center model, we calculated six key socio-economic gravity centers, namely population, GDP, output values of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and ... Using the data at the county levcl and the regional gravity center model, we calculated six key socio-economic gravity centers, namely population, GDP, output values of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and arable land area in the Tarim River Basin for each year from 1980 to 2009. We inspected the spatial dynamics of these centers and found that the gravity centers of population and economy evolved simultaneously. The disproportional growth between the population and the economy is also analyzed. The results show that: 1) The gravity centers of the GDR the output values of the main three industries and arable land area show migration trending from southwest to northeast, while the population gravity center shows an excessive growth in the southwest during the same time period. The migration amplitude of the GDP and output values of primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry are measurably higher than that of the population. 2) The population gravity center has a negative correlation with the gravity centers of secondary and tertiary industries output values in both longitudinal and latitudinal directions, and a positive correlation with that of primary industry output value in the longitudinal direction. Based on the analysis of correlation coefficient and offset distance, the imbalance between the population and the economy has increased since the 1980s, with regional economic differences now exceeding the international cordon. 展开更多
关键词 regional gravity center model population gravity center economic gravity center Tarim River Basin
Respiratory and Cardiac Characteristics of ICU Patients Aged 90 Years and Older:A Report of 12 Cases 被引量:2
作者 Hong-min Zhang Da-wei Liu +2 位作者 Xiao-ting Wang Yun Long Quan-hui Yang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2016年第1期37-42,共6页
Objective To investigate the respiratory and cardiac characteristics of elderly Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. Methods Twelve senior ICU patients aged 90 years and older were enrolled in this study. We retrosp... Objective To investigate the respiratory and cardiac characteristics of elderly Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. Methods Twelve senior ICU patients aged 90 years and older were enrolled in this study. We retrospectively collected all patients' clinical data through medical record review. The basic demographics, primary cause for admission, the condition of respiratory and circulatory support, as well as prognosis were recorded. Shock patients and pneumonia patients were specifically analyzed in terms of clinical manifestations, laboratory variables, echocardiography, and lung ultrasound results. Results The mean age of the included patients was 95 years with a male predominance (8 to 4, 66.7%). Regarding the reasons for admission, 6 (50.0%) patients had respiratory failure, 1 (8.3%) patient had shock, while 5 (41.7%) patients had both respiratory failure and shock. Of the 6 patients who suffered from shock, only 1 was diagnosed with distributive shock, 5 with cardiogenic shock. Of the 5 cardiogenic shock patients, 1 was diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. The rest 4 cardiogenic shock patients were diagnosed with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The patient with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction died within 24 hours. Of the 4 Takotsubo patients, 1 died on day-6 and the other 3 patients were transferred to ward after heart function recovered in 1 to 2 weeks. Of the 10 pneumonia patients, 3 were diagnosed as community acquired pneumonia, and 7 as hospital acquired pneumonia. Only 3 patients were successfully weaned from ventilator. The others required long-term ventilation complicated with heart failure, mostly with diastolic heart failure. Lung ultrasound of 6 during spontaneous breathing trial. patients with diastolic dysfunction showed bilateral B-lines Conclusions Elderly patients in shock tend to develop Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Diastolic heartdysfunction might be a major contributor to difficult weaning from ventilator in elderly patients. Bedside lung ultrasonography and echocardiography could help decide the actual cause of respiratory failure and shock more accurately and effectively. 展开更多
关键词 elderly patients respiratory failure shock TAKOTSUBO diastolic heart failure
Analysis of Urbanization Based on Center-of-gravity Movement and Characteristics in Songhua River Basin of China and its Southern Source Sub-basin between 1990 and 2010 被引量:1
作者 FU Xiao SHEN Yuan +2 位作者 DONG Rencai DENG Hongbing WU Gang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期117-128,共12页
Urbanization in modern times led to a series of development strategies that brought new opportunities in China. Rapid urbanization caused severe stress to the ecosystems and the environment. Using the center-of-gravit... Urbanization in modern times led to a series of development strategies that brought new opportunities in China. Rapid urbanization caused severe stress to the ecosystems and the environment. Using the center-of-gravity(COG) method and parameters such as population, economy, and land, we studied the urbanization pattern in Songhua River Basin and its southern source sub-basin from 1990 to 2010. Urbanization was analyzed based on the COG position, eccentric distance, movement direction of COG, and distance of COG movement. Various characteristics of urbanization in the southern source sub-basin of the Songhua River were explained in relation to the whole Songhua River Basin. Urbanization in the southern source sub-basin of the Songhua River is balanced, relatively advanced, and stable compared to the whole Songhua River Basin. The average eccentric distance between the urbanization COGs in the Songhua River′s south source basin indicated rapid expansion of land urbanization during the span of this study. A basic pattern of urbanization COG in the whole Songhua Basin was observed, but there existed differences among the three aspects of urbanization process. Land urbanization is still in its active stage, so future studies should focus on analysis of such urbanization trends. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION Songhua River Basin southern source sub-basin of Songhua River center of gravity method eccentric distance
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