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基于“三重联系”的课堂教学设计——以《一元二次方程》单元复习为例 被引量:5
作者 徐文彬 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2013年第5期32-35,共4页
体现课程标准“三重联系”的数学单元复习,不能仅仅局限于本单元课程内容的知识技能、思想方法等,也不能仅仅限定在数学学科之内,还应该考虑该单元知识内容与其他学科知识之间的联系,最好还能够把上述学科内与学科间的“双重联系”... 体现课程标准“三重联系”的数学单元复习,不能仅仅局限于本单元课程内容的知识技能、思想方法等,也不能仅仅限定在数学学科之内,还应该考虑该单元知识内容与其他学科知识之间的联系,最好还能够把上述学科内与学科间的“双重联系”置于学生的现实生活当中。惟有如此,我们才有可能培养有知识、有学识、更能够担责任的人。 展开更多
关键词 课程标准 重联系 初中数学 课堂教学 教学设计
如何认识《义务教育数学课程标准》中的三重联系 被引量:9
作者 徐文彬 《江苏教育(小学教学)》 2013年第2期23-25,共3页
针对2011年版《义务教育数学课程标准》明确提出的“体会数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间的联系……”这一课程目标,本文运用教学实例较为详细地讨论了“如何正确地认识三重联系”这一问题,并明确指出:应在小学“... 针对2011年版《义务教育数学课程标准》明确提出的“体会数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间的联系……”这一课程目标,本文运用教学实例较为详细地讨论了“如何正确地认识三重联系”这一问题,并明确指出:应在小学“数与代数”的教学中运用准变量(表达式);应在联系其他学科时注意避免“数学的丧失”;应在联系生活时注意区分“数学知识的应用”与“数学知识的巩固”。 展开更多
关键词 义务教育数学课程标准 重联系 小数教学
透视“三重联系”的内在层次性 被引量:4
作者 彭亮 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2015年第7期8-10,共3页
自2011年版数学课程标准颁布以来,"三重联系"成为数学教育研究者和教师探讨和思考数学课堂教学的重要理念,这其中,区分数学知识之间联系的可能性和现实性、数学与其他学科之间联系的普遍性和特殊性以及数学与生活之间联系的... 自2011年版数学课程标准颁布以来,"三重联系"成为数学教育研究者和教师探讨和思考数学课堂教学的重要理念,这其中,区分数学知识之间联系的可能性和现实性、数学与其他学科之间联系的普遍性和特殊性以及数学与生活之间联系的浅层性和深层性,可能是深入研究和实践的方向。唯如此,教师才能在数学教学中更好地践行"三重联系"的理念。 展开更多
关键词 义务教育 数学课程标准 重联系 初中数学 教学设计
“三重联系”的数学课堂教学设计之意涵、作用与要求 被引量:3
作者 徐文彬 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2015年第7期21-22,共2页
为提高数学课堂教学的实效,应在理解与把握"基于‘三重联系’的数学课堂教学设计"意涵的基础上,充分发挥其有利于提高学生数学学习的兴趣、有利于提升学生数学有意义记忆的水平、有利于发展学生数学联想的能力等作用,并努力... 为提高数学课堂教学的实效,应在理解与把握"基于‘三重联系’的数学课堂教学设计"意涵的基础上,充分发挥其有利于提高学生数学学习的兴趣、有利于提升学生数学有意义记忆的水平、有利于发展学生数学联想的能力等作用,并努力做到它所要求的整体系统、动态生成与以学生为本的目标。 展开更多
关键词 重联系 教学设计 意涵 作用 要求
作者 赵玉铃 赵克勤 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期155-160,共6页
针对汽轮机故障诊断受多种不确定因素干扰问题,把集对分析中的多元两重联系数用于汽轮机故障诊断:先建立基于多元两重联系数的待诊断故障与故障知识库中各类故障的欧氏距离表达式,再对表达式中的不确定系数赋值,按所得欧氏距离的值由小... 针对汽轮机故障诊断受多种不确定因素干扰问题,把集对分析中的多元两重联系数用于汽轮机故障诊断:先建立基于多元两重联系数的待诊断故障与故障知识库中各类故障的欧氏距离表达式,再对表达式中的不确定系数赋值,按所得欧氏距离的值由小到大依次排出首要故障、次故障及再次故障等,然后分析数据不确定性对故障排序的影响,得到故障诊断结论。经实例应用并与其他方法所得结论对照分析表明,基于多元两重联系数进行的欧氏距离分析计算,所得故障排序客观合理,所述方法物理意义明确,计算简便实用,不仅可用于汽轮机故障诊断,也可供其他设备或系统故障诊断时选用。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机 故障诊断 不确定性 集对分析 多元两重联系
作者 陈克胜 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2015年第7期15-17,共3页
《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》的课程总目标提出"三重联系",这不仅规定了义务教育数学课程的总目标,而且也为教师的教学设计提供了一个新的视角。以"频率的稳定性"为例,分析"三重联系"在数学教学... 《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》的课程总目标提出"三重联系",这不仅规定了义务教育数学课程的总目标,而且也为教师的教学设计提供了一个新的视角。以"频率的稳定性"为例,分析"三重联系"在数学教学设计中的地位和作用,并由此构建"频率的稳定性"的教学设计。 展开更多
关键词 重联系 教学设计 频率的稳定性
重基础 重本质 重联系——高三复习课“当函数遇上绝对值”课堂实录与感悟 被引量:1
作者 王勇强 凌红 《中学教研(数学版)》 2018年第3期16-19,共4页
文章通过对2017年浙江省高中数学课堂教学评比活动中的一节评比课,给出课堂简要实录和一些观课感悟.在观课过程中感受到整堂课教学目标精要、教学设计精美、教学语言精练,并通过反思感悟到高三复习教学课堂中要重基础、重本质、重联系,... 文章通过对2017年浙江省高中数学课堂教学评比活动中的一节评比课,给出课堂简要实录和一些观课感悟.在观课过程中感受到整堂课教学目标精要、教学设计精美、教学语言精练,并通过反思感悟到高三复习教学课堂中要重基础、重本质、重联系,以期对高三数学复习教学有所帮助. 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学评比 课堂实录 基础 本质 重联系
基于“三重联系”的数学课堂建构——以苏教版四上《认识射线、直线和角》的教学为例 被引量:1
作者 蒋学艳 《江苏教育》 2018年第89期50-52,共3页
《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》强调数学教育教学应注重“数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间的联系”。这一“基于三重联系”的课程总目标设计,旨在帮助学生获得“数学的基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动... 《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》强调数学教育教学应注重“数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间的联系”。这一“基于三重联系”的课程总目标设计,旨在帮助学生获得“数学的基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验”。当下教育强调学生核心素养的发展,而必备品格和关键能力构成了“核心素养”的内涵,小学数学的必备品格应“帮助教师开展‘基于三重联系’的教学,以改善其教学”。[1]作为一线教师,应开展“基于三重联系”的课堂教学,不断发展学生的核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 重联系 核心素养 必备品格 课例研究
数学课堂提问的重联系与助发展 被引量:1
作者 张嘉玲 《上海中学数学》 2021年第3期11-14,共4页
课堂提问是数学课堂教学的重要组成部分,有效的课堂提问需要遵循明确性原则、启发性原则、适度性原则、结构性原则.教师需要从整体的观点、发展的角度设计课堂提问,课堂中把握提问的时机,关注学生的最近发展区,注重问题的严密性,紧扣数... 课堂提问是数学课堂教学的重要组成部分,有效的课堂提问需要遵循明确性原则、启发性原则、适度性原则、结构性原则.教师需要从整体的观点、发展的角度设计课堂提问,课堂中把握提问的时机,关注学生的最近发展区,注重问题的严密性,紧扣数学的本质,重视数学知识间的联系以促进学生的发展. 展开更多
关键词 数学课堂提问 重联系 助发展
强调“三重联系” 发展“四基”“四能”
作者 王仁龙 章勤琼 《江苏教育(中学教学)》 2015年第7期18-20,共3页
《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》提出了数学教学要注意"体会数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间联系"的"三重联系",还提出要发展学生的"四基"与"四能",相比实验稿课标,着... 《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》提出了数学教学要注意"体会数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间联系"的"三重联系",还提出要发展学生的"四基"与"四能",相比实验稿课标,着重强调了数学基本思想与基本活动经验,以及提出问题和发现问题能力的重要性。在"三重联系"的观点下,在数学课堂中发展学生的"四基"与"四能",主要可以着眼于以下三点:探究数学知识之间的联系以获得基本思想;探索数学与生活之间的联系以获得基本活动经验;探知数学与其他学科之间的联系以培养提出问题和发现问题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 重联系 四基 四能
试论小学数学的必备品格 被引量:6
作者 徐文彬 《江苏教育》 2017年第33期16-18,共3页
数学自有其必备品格,但就'小学数学'而言,其必备品格必须既具有数学的特性,又必须拥有教育的品格。也就是说,她应该能够培养学生'关联地想象',以促进其学习;引导学生'数学地思维',以发展其思维;帮助教师开展&#... 数学自有其必备品格,但就'小学数学'而言,其必备品格必须既具有数学的特性,又必须拥有教育的品格。也就是说,她应该能够培养学生'关联地想象',以促进其学习;引导学生'数学地思维',以发展其思维;帮助教师开展'基于三重联系'的教学,以改善其教学。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 必备品格 关联地想象 数学地思维 基于三重联系
Structure of Mitochondrial DNA Control Region of Pholis fangi and Its Phylogenetic Implication 被引量:2
作者 LI Lin ZHANG Hui +1 位作者 SUN Dianrong GAO Tianxiang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期491-496,共6页
In this study, the entire mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region(CR) of Pholis fangi was amplified via polymerase chain reaction followed by direct sequencing. The length of the mtDNA CR consensus sequence of P. fang... In this study, the entire mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region(CR) of Pholis fangi was amplified via polymerase chain reaction followed by direct sequencing. The length of the mtDNA CR consensus sequence of P. fangi was 853 bp in length. In accordance with the recognition sites as were previously reported in fish species, the mtDNA CR sequence of P. fangi can be divided into 3 domains, i.e., the extended terminal associated sequence(ETAS), the central conserved sequence block(CSB), and the CSB domain. In addition, the following structures were identified in the mtDNA CR sequence of P. fangi: 2 ETASs in the ETAS domain(TAS and cTAS), 6 CSBs in the central CSB domain(CSB-F to CSB-A), and 3 CSBs in the CSB domain(CSB-1 to CSB-3). These demonstrated that the structure of the mtDNA CR of P. fangi was substantially different from those of most other fish species. The mtDNA CR sequence of P. fangi contained one conserved region from 656 bp to 815 bp. Similar to most other fish species, P. fangi has no tandem repeat sequences in its mtDNA CR sequence. Phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtDNA CR sequences showed that there were no genetic differences within P. fangi populations of the same geographical origin and between P. fangi populations of different geographical origins. 展开更多
关键词 Pholisfangi mitochondrial DNA control region STRUCTURE phylogenetic relationship
精心总结经验 从容面对中考
作者 李清波 《今日科苑》 2006年第12期94-94,共1页
2006年中考政治试题体现新课改评价理念,注重双基体现以学生发展为本的理念,命题符合学生特点,贴近学生思想实际,社会生活实际、突出教材特点,抓住时政热点。专题中漫画较多,趣味性强,探究性试题体现了新课改要求。这就给政治教师提出... 2006年中考政治试题体现新课改评价理念,注重双基体现以学生发展为本的理念,命题符合学生特点,贴近学生思想实际,社会生活实际、突出教材特点,抓住时政热点。专题中漫画较多,趣味性强,探究性试题体现了新课改要求。这就给政治教师提出了较高的要求。在教学过程中,必须更新教育观念,改变教学方法,决不能死教书,教死书,一定要有所创新。 展开更多
关键词 视基础知识 知识联系 关注时事热点
Population and Environment:Necessary Transition Initiatives for Developing Countries 被引量:1
作者 Shah Md.Atiqul Haq 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第3期83-88,共6页
Now environment is an important topic in academic field.Many researches focus on the negative outcomes of nature which are being continually created by human and much attention has been paid to how the environment is ... Now environment is an important topic in academic field.Many researches focus on the negative outcomes of nature which are being continually created by human and much attention has been paid to how the environment is protected through integrated research,movement and policy.But few studies are concentrated on population and environment and are to find out the interconnectivity and underlying mechanism that have an effect on people's preferring additional children and perception to environment.Many researchers claim that population growth is a great problem for environment but they do not provide the indepth integrated knowledge and mechanism that influence fertility trend and environmental problems.It is very crucial to develop practical and concrete initiatives to confirm a transition to reduce population growth and redirect the perception on population and environment. 展开更多
关键词 environmental quality family planning reproductivebehavior transition initiative
Importance measure based optimal maintenance policy for deteriorating components
作者 祁鑫 Zuo Decheng +1 位作者 Zhang Zhan Yang Xiaozong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第1期42-47,共6页
An optimal maintenance policy tor deteriorating components based on quasi renew-process model is presented. In this policy, the first N - 1 failures of a component are maintained by repairs and the N'h failure is mai... An optimal maintenance policy tor deteriorating components based on quasi renew-process model is presented. In this policy, the first N - 1 failures of a component are maintained by repairs and the N'h failure is maintained by replacement. The policy takes replacement actions at component lev- el by considering the fact that more and more components are designed to be field replaceable and maintenance activities are setting free from system halt. Concerning system structure impact, impor- tance measure is employed in the optimization procedure which aims at maximizing the long-rnn prof- it per unit time. Two example series parallel systems are taken to illustrate the policy and it is proved to work well. According to importance analysis, components are classified into important ones and unimportant ones based on the system behavior under their failures. Simulation results show that the presented policy makes a clear distinction between them and takes effective mainte- nance actions to compensate the deteriorating of components. 展开更多
关键词 deteriorating components quasi-renew process maintenance policy series paral-lel systems importance measure
基于竞争思想的分级聚类算法 被引量:3
作者 张文倩 庄华亮 +1 位作者 陈翔 何熊熊 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期614-619,626,共7页
为了解决海量数据分析中的非凸状等复杂聚类问题,同时兼顾聚类算法运算速度,提出了一种新的基于竞争思想的快速分级聚类算法.首先,根据给定邻域半径对数据进行第1级分类;然后,在第1级聚类的基础上,基于数据竞争的思想,以簇间数据密度为... 为了解决海量数据分析中的非凸状等复杂聚类问题,同时兼顾聚类算法运算速度,提出了一种新的基于竞争思想的快速分级聚类算法.首先,根据给定邻域半径对数据进行第1级分类;然后,在第1级聚类的基础上,基于数据竞争的思想,以簇间数据密度为依据,设立第1级聚类生成的小簇之间小簇联系性权重的增加准则;最后,依据该准则计算有联系的小簇之间联系权重,对达到权重阈值的小簇进行合并,从而解决非凸状等复杂聚类问题.仿真实验表明,算法的聚类精度和抗噪声能力均优于传统的K-means算法和基于密度的DBSCAN(densitybased spatial clustering of applications with noise)算法.由于算法复杂度较低,算法对于大数据的聚类分析将会具有更好的适用性. 展开更多
关键词 分级聚类 复杂聚类 竞争算法 联系性权 类合并
Transfer of Heavy Metals from Soils to Vegetables and Associated Human Health Risks at Selected Sites in Pakistan 被引量:8
作者 Zahir Ur REHMAN Sardar KHAN +3 位作者 Mohammad Tahir SHAH Mark L.BRUSSEAU Said Akbar KHAN Jon MAINHAGU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期666-679,共14页
Contamination of the food chain with heavy metals is considered as one of the major environmental pathways of human exposure to metals leading to potential health risks. This study aimed to investigate the concentrati... Contamination of the food chain with heavy metals is considered as one of the major environmental pathways of human exposure to metals leading to potential health risks. This study aimed to investigate the concentrations of heavy metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn) in agricultural soils and food crops (fruit, leaf, and root vegetables), and their associated health risks to the local population in selected southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. The concentrations of the selected metals in soil varied over a wide range, in the following decreasing order: Mn 〉 Zn 〉 Cr 〉 Ni 〉 Cu. The bioaccunmlation of metals in vegetables was within the permissible risk limits, except for Cr which showed higher contamination in all the tested food crops. The trend of metal transfer factors for different vegetables was in the order of Cu 〉 Ni 〉 Cr 〉 Mn 〉 Zn, while the calculated daily intake of metals (DIM) in adults and children through consumption of food crops was in the decreasing order of Mn 〉 Zn 〉 Ni 〉 Cr 〉 Cu. The health risk index (HRI) values for the heavy metals for both adults and children were less than 1. Therefore, no significant health risk is anticipated for the local consumers through ingestion of these food crops. 展开更多
关键词 CONTAMINATION daily intake food crops metal accumulation metal pollution metal transfer factor risk index
Liquid metal as reconnection agent for peripheral nerve injury 被引量:6
作者 Fujun Liu Yongze Yu +1 位作者 Liting Yi Jing Liu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期939-947,共9页
This study demonstrated an unconventional way to cure peripheral nerve injury(PNI) with liquid metal gallium employed as the reconnection agent. In vivo experiments were performed, in which transected sciatic nerve of... This study demonstrated an unconventional way to cure peripheral nerve injury(PNI) with liquid metal gallium employed as the reconnection agent. In vivo experiments were performed, in which transected sciatic nerve of mouse was reconnected by liquid metal gallium.The nerve signals detected was found to be almost the same as those from the complete nerve, where the negative bursting firing caused by PNI was absent on the neural discharge curve after nerve-reconnection surgery. Meanwhile the atrophy tendency of gastrocnemius muscle was distinctly procrastinated according to the results of pathological examinations, which showed fibrillation potentials emerged immediately for mice with PNI but did not emerge until the third month for those received nerve-reconnection surgery. Furthermore, physical properties of gallium were studied, showing that its impedance was slightly influenced by the frequency of transmitted signal and the temperature, which confirmed the stability of gallium in future clinical usage. This technology is expected to perform well in clinical surgery for PNI and even central nervous system injury in the coming time. 展开更多
关键词 Peripheral nerve injury Liquid metal Nerve repair NEUROPROSTHETICS Muscle atrophy
The first airborne scalar gravimetry system based on SINS/DGPS in China 被引量:13
作者 CAI ShaoKun WU MeiPing +1 位作者 ZHANG KaiDong CAO JuLiang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期2198-2208,共11页
China has developed an airborne gravimetry system based on SINS/DGPS named SGA-WZ, the first system in which a strap- down inertial navigation system (SINS) has been used for airborne gravimetry in China. This gravi... China has developed an airborne gravimetry system based on SINS/DGPS named SGA-WZ, the first system in which a strap- down inertial navigation system (SINS) has been used for airborne gravimetry in China. This gravity measurement system consists of a strap-down inertial navigation system and a differential global positioning system (DGPS). In April 2010, a flight test was carried out in Shandong Province of China to test the accuracy of this system. The test was designed to assess the re- peatability and accuracy of the system. Two repeated flights and six grid flights were made. The flying altitude was about 400 m. The average flying speed was about 60 m/s, which corresponds to a spatial resolution of 4.8 km when using 160-s cutoff low-pass filter. This paper describes the data processing of the system. The evaluation of the internal precision is based on repeated flights and differences in crossover points. Gravity results in this test from the repeated flight lines show that the re- peatability of the repeat lines is 1.6 mGal with a spatial resolution of 4.8 kin, and the internal precision of grid flight data is 3.2 mGal with a spatial resolution of 4.8 km. There are some systematic errors in the gravity results, which can be modeled using trigonometric function. After the systematic errors are compensated, the precision of grid flight data can be better than 1 mGal. 展开更多
关键词 strap-down Airborne gravimetry strap-down inertial navigation system differential global positioning system flight test data processing ACCURACY
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