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作者 王明铭 蒲生彦 +1 位作者 车军平 秦兰兰 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S1期674-677,共4页
重金属废物的产生和排放量与日俱增,造成了严重的环境问题。甘肃省是我国重金属污染重点防控区域,如何妥善处置重金属废物已成为重金属污染防治一个亟待解决的课题。针对甘肃省重金属污染和处理处置现状,着重回顾了有关重金属废物处理... 重金属废物的产生和排放量与日俱增,造成了严重的环境问题。甘肃省是我国重金属污染重点防控区域,如何妥善处置重金属废物已成为重金属污染防治一个亟待解决的课题。针对甘肃省重金属污染和处理处置现状,着重回顾了有关重金属废物处理、处置技术的最新研究进展,并针对甘肃省重金属废物特性对危险废物处理方式的选择进行适应性分析。 展开更多
关键词 重金属废物 处置 对策
重金属螯合剂处理焚烧飞灰的稳定性实验研究 被引量:34
作者 蒋建国 王伟 李国鼎 《上海环境科学》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期134-136,共3页
对利用重金属螯合剂处理城市垃圾焚烧飞灰的药剂稳定化工艺及处理效果进行了实验研究,并与Na2s和石灰等效果进行了比较。结果表明,该螯合剂投加量0.6%时,捕集飞灰中重金属的效率高达97%以上,为达到相同稳定化效果,螯合剂的使用量要比... 对利用重金属螯合剂处理城市垃圾焚烧飞灰的药剂稳定化工艺及处理效果进行了实验研究,并与Na2s和石灰等效果进行了比较。结果表明,该螯合剂投加量0.6%时,捕集飞灰中重金属的效率高达97%以上,为达到相同稳定化效果,螯合剂的使用量要比无机稳定化药剂少得多,同时,14个月的微生物影响实验表明,重金属螫合剂稳定化产物在填埋场环境下,其稳定性不受微生物活动的影响。 展开更多
关键词 药剂稳定化 重金属螯合剂 城市垃圾处理 焚烧飞灰处理 重金属废物 稳定性
重金属类危险废物锍化处理技术研究 被引量:2
作者 姬成岗 吴文卫 +3 位作者 毕廷涛 尚江涛 牛学奎 邢杰 《能源与环境》 2019年第1期71-72,共2页
系统阐述重金属类危险废物的来源及其无害化与资源化处理现状,在采样并分析典型重金属危废含量的基础上,结合锍化机理分析,提出重金属类危废锍化处理的新方法及其综合处理技术路线。即:一方面将高砷等易挥发类重金属危险废物入回转窑处... 系统阐述重金属类危险废物的来源及其无害化与资源化处理现状,在采样并分析典型重金属危废含量的基础上,结合锍化机理分析,提出重金属类危废锍化处理的新方法及其综合处理技术路线。即:一方面将高砷等易挥发类重金属危险废物入回转窑处理系统低温脱砷无害化处理后,进入锍化处理系统实现此类重金属危险废物的资源化利用;另一方面,低品位、难处理的重金属危险废物经锍化处理技术处置后,充分实现了废物资源化利用,为切实解决重金属类危险废物污染治理难题提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 重金属类危险废物 锍化处理 无害化 资源化
重金属危险废物综合利用项目环境影响评价的探讨 被引量:4
作者 周秀峰 周玲 《资源节约与环保》 2014年第8期112-112,共1页
关键词 重金属危险废物 综合利用 环境影响评价
作者 肖思丹 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2021年第8期211-211,共1页
固体废物中重金属会对土壤及地下水污染造成严重地影响。随着社会的快速发展,工业生产也加快了步伐,诸多的矿业、农业也在不停生产,重金属已成为当今污染空气因素的重中之重。污水通过灌溉进入了地下水及土壤的系统中,使土壤及地下水遭... 固体废物中重金属会对土壤及地下水污染造成严重地影响。随着社会的快速发展,工业生产也加快了步伐,诸多的矿业、农业也在不停生产,重金属已成为当今污染空气因素的重中之重。污水通过灌溉进入了地下水及土壤的系统中,使土壤及地下水遭受了严重地污染,这对人们的健康生活造成了诸多的伤害。由于目前我国的土壤及地下水遭受固体废物重金属的影响涉及范围较广,有着严重污染特点,导致人们的健康生活以及社会经济面临着诸多危害因素。因此,有关部门需对重金属污染问题构建完善的评价体系。本文对固体废物中重金属对土壤及地下水特征进行有效分析,为相关研究人员提出可参考意见。 展开更多
关键词 固体废物重金属 土壤 地下水 污染 特征 评价
《表面工程资讯》 2014年第1期41-41,共1页
关键词 金属表面处理 电镀行业 危险废物 执法检查 汉中市 保护生态环境 重金属废物 环境监管
作者 镪槭梅 《化工安全与环境》 2017年第42期18-20,共3页
我国是一个发展中国家,随着经济的迅速发展,各行业产生的危险废物越来越多,这些危险废物包括重金属废物、废乳化液、废有机溶剂、废涂料、废油漆渣、废包装材料等。南于危险废物的贮存、利用、处理、处置不当,不仅容易造成大气、水... 我国是一个发展中国家,随着经济的迅速发展,各行业产生的危险废物越来越多,这些危险废物包括重金属废物、废乳化液、废有机溶剂、废涂料、废油漆渣、废包装材料等。南于危险废物的贮存、利用、处理、处置不当,不仅容易造成大气、水体及土壤污染,严重影响生态环境和人民群众身体健康,同时也制约了地方经济的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 资源综合利用 危险废物 集中处置 地方经济 发展中国家 重金属废物 废有机溶剂 可持续发展
数据科学与化学交叉视域下的重金属危废物相分析 被引量:3
作者 林乐 刘学明 +3 位作者 梁彦杰 徐文彬 李音 林璋 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期2163-2172,共10页
我国重金属危险废物(重金属危废)产生量全球第一,高达数千万吨/年,环境危害性极强,一旦控制不当将引发重大环境安全事故,其处理处置一直是环境领域的世界难题。目前,基于物相调控的资源化是解决该难题最具潜力的方案。然而,重金属危废... 我国重金属危险废物(重金属危废)产生量全球第一,高达数千万吨/年,环境危害性极强,一旦控制不当将引发重大环境安全事故,其处理处置一直是环境领域的世界难题。目前,基于物相调控的资源化是解决该难题最具潜力的方案。然而,重金属危废来源广,物相种类多样、结构多变,导致难以发展共性的资源化技术。本文以《国家危险废物名录》中所列危废为研究对象,在数据科学和化学交叉视域下系统深入地分析重金属危废的物相组成特征,归纳出重金属危废中的共性物相,并构建了全行业重金属危废中重金属元素与物相的映射图谱。在此基础上,本文介绍了两种重金属赋存分布的定量分析方法,明确了典型重金属危废中的赋存物相,最后展望了重金属危废物相新认知在推动处理处置技术革新方面的广阔前景。 展开更多
关键词 重金属危险废物 资源化 物相 数据科学 化学
火化飞灰综合处理技术——PAMCATS固化剂的应用 被引量:2
作者 张复实 赵福群 +3 位作者 徐渊博 孙海军 赵永平 王国峰 《黑龙江工程学院学报》 CAS 2005年第4期6-9,17,共5页
利用合成的侧链高分子化合物配位稳定火化飞灰中的重金属,并配合石灰固化飞灰与土壤的混合物,实现飞灰的无害直接填埋。实验室有毒物质检测程序(TCLP)检测得到的重金属浸出量符合废物填埋控制标准。飞灰粘土固化件无侧限抗压强度达到2 ... 利用合成的侧链高分子化合物配位稳定火化飞灰中的重金属,并配合石灰固化飞灰与土壤的混合物,实现飞灰的无害直接填埋。实验室有毒物质检测程序(TCLP)检测得到的重金属浸出量符合废物填埋控制标准。飞灰粘土固化件无侧限抗压强度达到2 MPa以上,水稳定性好,长期抗渗透能力高。 展开更多
关键词 重金属稳定剂 稳定化 飞灰 重金属废物 固体废弃物处理 固化
Environmental risk assessment on slag and iron-rich matte produced from reducing-matting smelting of lead-bearing wastes and iron-rich wastes 被引量:3
作者 柴立元 吴见珣 +2 位作者 吴延婧 唐朝波 杨卫春 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3429-3435,共7页
A new process for utilization of hazardous lead-bearing wastes and iron-rich wastes by reducing-matting smelting has been developed.The slag(SG) and the iron-rich matte(IRM) are the main by-products from reducing-... A new process for utilization of hazardous lead-bearing wastes and iron-rich wastes by reducing-matting smelting has been developed.The slag(SG) and the iron-rich matte(IRM) are the main by-products from reducing-matting smelting of lead-bearing wastes and iron-rich wastes.The environmental risk of heavy metals(Cd,Zn,Pb and As) in the main by-products versus the charging material for reducing-matting smelting(CM) has been systematically assessed using leaching toxicity test,the three-stage sequential extraction procedure of European Community Bureau of Reference(BCR) and Hakanson Potential Ecological Risk Index Method(PERI).The results demonstrate that the ecological risk level of heavy metals for SG and IRM is significantly reduced after the reducing-matting smelting process compared with that for CM. 展开更多
关键词 reducing-matting smelting lead-bearing waste heavy metal environmental risk
Two-sectional struvite formation process for enhanced treatment of copper-ammonia complex wastewater 被引量:5
作者 柴立元 彭聪 +5 位作者 闵小波 唐崇俭 宋雨夏 张阳 张静 Mohammad ALI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期457-466,共10页
Mg2+ and PO43+ were added into the synthetic wastewater, leading to the dissociation of the complex ions in the wastewater, and resulting in removal of copper and ammonia therein. The effects of agents addition amo... Mg2+ and PO43+ were added into the synthetic wastewater, leading to the dissociation of the complex ions in the wastewater, and resulting in removal of copper and ammonia therein. The effects of agents addition amount, pH, and reaction time on the removal efficiency of copper and ammonia were investigated. In particular, two-sectional struvite formation (TSSF) process was established for copper and ammonia removal. MgCl2 and Na2HPO4 were added by following 90% addition in the first section and remained 10% in the second during the TSSF process. Compared with one sectional struvite formation, TSSF possessed much better performance. Under condition of n(NH3-N):n(Mg):n(P)=1:1.2:1.5 (molar ratio), pH=9, and reaction time of 30 min, the removal efficiencies of copper and ammonia were 98.9% and 99.96%, respectively. The enhanced performance of TSSF is explained by the competition of ammonia by copper?ammonia complexes and struvite. The dissociation of copper-ammonia complexes is further demonstrated by thermodynamic equilibrium analysis, on the basis of calculations and establishment of predominance phases diagram. Moreover, XRD and EDS analyses further confirmed the formation of struvite and precipitation of copper, which prove the transmission of copper and ammonia from liquid phase into solid phase. 展开更多
关键词 STRUVITE copper-ammonia complex ammonia removal heavy metal wastewater PRECIPITATION
Research Advances in Agricultural Reutilization of Urban-rural Organic Wastes
作者 吴荣 刘善江 杜颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期424-427,共4页
The author summarized the advantages and potential risks of urban-rural organic wastes agricultural reutilization to reduce the potential risks of urban-rural organic wastes agricultural utilization. The results showe... The author summarized the advantages and potential risks of urban-rural organic wastes agricultural reutilization to reduce the potential risks of urban-rural organic wastes agricultural utilization. The results showed that: the organic wastes generated in urban-rural life as fertilizer applied into farmland made an impact on soil properties, then indirectly affected the soil microbial biomass and soil enzymes activities. In addition, the heavy metals in organic wastes would accumulate in the soil and damage to soil environment. Therefore, it was necessary to make a long- term research on the environment of soil which agricultural utilized of wastes. 展开更多
关键词 Organic Wastes Agricultural Utilization Heavy Metals Soil Microbial Soil Enzymes
Soil Microbial Characteristics Under Long-Term Heavy Metal Stress:A Case Study in Zhangshi Wastewater Irrigation Area,Shenyang 被引量:12
作者 ZHANC Yan ZHANG Hui-Wen +1 位作者 SU Zhen-Cheng ZHANG Cheng-Gang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期1-10,共10页
Soil samples were collected from Zhangshi Wastewater Irrigation Area in the suburb of Shenyang City,China,an area with a 30-year irrigation history with heavy metal-containing wastewater.The chemical properties and mi... Soil samples were collected from Zhangshi Wastewater Irrigation Area in the suburb of Shenyang City,China,an area with a 30-year irrigation history with heavy metal-containing wastewater.The chemical properties and microbial characteristics of the soils were examined to evaluate the present situation of heavy metal pollution and to assess the soil microbial characteristics under long-term heavy metal stress.In light of the National Environmental Quality Standards of China,the soil in the test area was heavily polluted by Cd and to a lesser degree by Zn and Cu,even though wastewater irrigation ceased in 1993.Soil metabolic quotient (qCO_2) had a significant positive correlation,while soil microbial quotient (qM) had a negative correlation with content of soil heavy metals.Soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) had significantly negative correlation with Cd,but soil substrate-induced respiration (SIR),dehydrogenase activity (DHA),cellulase activity, and culturable microbial populations had no persistent correlations with soil heavy metal content.Soil nutrients,except for phosphorous,showed positive effects on soil microbial characteristics,which to a certain degree obscured the adverse effects of soil heavy metals.Soil Cd contributed more to the soil microbial characteristics,but qM and qCO_2 were more sensitive and showed persistent responses to heavy metals stress.It could be concluded that qM and qCO_2 can be used as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in soils. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal stress metabolic quotient microbial biomass microbial quotient wastewater irrigation
Effect of Moisture on Partitioning of Heavy Metals in Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste 被引量:7
作者 蒙爱红 李清海 +1 位作者 贾金岩 张衍国 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期1008-1015,共8页
The effect of moisture in municipal solid waste (MSW) on partitioning of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) was studied in a laboratory tubular furnace by using simulated MSW. The moisture in MSW influ... The effect of moisture in municipal solid waste (MSW) on partitioning of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) was studied in a laboratory tubular furnace by using simulated MSW. The moisture in MSW influences heavy metals in following ways, to increase the moisture in flue gas and decrease the combustion temperature, to prolong the combustion time, and to prolong the releasing time of volatiles with the furnace temperature decreased by increasing the moisture. The volatilization of Pb, Zn and Cd was enhanced by increasing the moisture in MSW because of the prolonged combustion time. For Pb and Zn, the combustion time was important at higher temperature, while for Cd, it was important at low temperature. The moisture content showed slight effect on Cu partitioning. When extra chlorine was added to MSW, such as 1%PVC + 0.5%NaCl, the volatilization of Pb, Zn and Cu was enhanced by increasing the moisture because water evaporation reduced the temperature and increased devolatilization time. At higher temperature, NaCl tends to decompose and generates more free chlorine, producing more metal chlorides. Since Cd is a strong volatile heavy metal in MSW, the effect of moisture content on its volatilization is less than that of Pb, Zn or Cu during the MSW incineration. 展开更多
关键词 MOISTURE municipal solid waste INCINERATION heavy metal partitioning
Extractable Fractions of Metals in Sewage Sludges from Five Typical Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants of China 被引量:8
作者 WANG Chao LI Xiao-Chen +2 位作者 WANG Pei-Fang ZOU Li-Min MA Hai-Tao 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6期756-761,共6页
Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in Chi... Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in China to investigate their contents and distribution of various chemical fractions of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb and Mo by using the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The sludges contained considerable amounts of organic matter (31.8%- 48.0%), total N (16.3-26.4 g kg^-1) and total P (15.1-23.9 g kg^-1), indicating high potential agricultural benefits of their practical applications. However, total Zn and Ni contents in the sludge exceeded the values permitted in China's control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use (GB 4284-1984). The residual fraction was the predominant fraction for Mo, Ni and Cr, the oxidizable fraction was the primary fraction for Cu and Pb, and the exchangeable and reducible fractions were principal for Zn. The distribution of different chemical fractions among the sludge samples refiected differences in their physicochemical properties, especially pH. The sludge pH was negatively correlated with the percentages of reducible fraction of Cu and exchangeable fraction of Zn. The sludges from these plants might not be suitable for agricultural applications due to their high contents of Zn, Ni and Cr, as well as high potential of mobility and bioavailability of Zn. 展开更多
关键词 FRACTIONS HEAVY METALS sequential extraction sewage sludge
Sorption Kinetic Analysis for the Removal of Copper(Ⅱ) by Using Biofilm 被引量:3
作者 张敬 姜斌 +2 位作者 李鑫钢 刘瑞轩 孙永利 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期135-139,共5页
The biosorption of copper(Ⅱ) ions onto biofilm was studied in a batch system with respect to the temperature, initial pH value and biofilm sorbent mass. The biomass exhibited the highest copper(Ⅱ) sorption capacity ... The biosorption of copper(Ⅱ) ions onto biofilm was studied in a batch system with respect to the temperature, initial pH value and biofilm sorbent mass. The biomass exhibited the highest copper(Ⅱ) sorption capacity under the conditions of room temperature, initial pH value of 6.0 and the sorbent mass 8 g. The experimental data were analyzed using four sorption kinetic models, the pseudo-first order, the Ritchie second order, the modified second order and the Elovich equations to determine the best-fit equation for the sorption of metal ions onto biofilm. Comparing with the sum of squared-errors, the results show that both the Ritchie second order and modified second order equations can fit the experimental data very well. 展开更多
Research on heavy metals in Ruditapes philippinarum and soda industry wastes
作者 朱校斌 徐维海 +5 位作者 王新亭 黄新苹 邓莉萍 康兴伦 江志刚 马绪丽 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期39-42,共4页
Heavy metals pollution in Jiaozhou Bay was studied in Ruditapes. philippinarum, a bioindicator of seawater pollution. Heavy metals in soda industry wastes “white mud” were also studied. Comparison of microwave diges... Heavy metals pollution in Jiaozhou Bay was studied in Ruditapes. philippinarum, a bioindicator of seawater pollution. Heavy metals in soda industry wastes “white mud” were also studied. Comparison of microwave digestion method with general digestion method revealed that microwave digestion is superior to general digestion in precision, recovery, digestion speed and efficiency, etc. Cd concentration in Hongdao R. philippinarum samples exceeded the national standard by 0.046 mg/kg, that of Yinghai sample by 0.02 mg/kg, and that of Hongshiya sample by 0.22 mg/kg. Sample Pb concentration in Hongshiya was found to exceed the national standard by 0.02 mg/kg. However the heavy metals concentration in R. philippinarum near the Qingdao Alkaline Factory was complied with the standard. This was proved by Penaeus chinensis culture experiment. Therefore, the possible contamination source may come from other land areas. 展开更多
关键词 R..philippinarum soda industry wastewater Jiaozhou Bay heavy metal pollution
Study on the Adsorption of Metal Ions by Immobilized Marine Algae with the Existence of Clay
作者 郑盛华 王宪 +4 位作者 蔡真珍 陈丽丹 邱海源 黄智伟 钱爱红 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2005年第2期86-90,共5页
The process of adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine algae with the existence of clay was investigated. It can be noted from the results that, after mixing with clay, the adsorption rate increases rapidly wit... The process of adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine algae with the existence of clay was investigated. It can be noted from the results that, after mixing with clay, the adsorption rate increases rapidly with the increasing amount of the marine algae. When pH=5, the best ratio between the clay and the marine algae is 1:4 for Pb2+. The result of in situ handling of the waste water containing heavy metals shows that the average adsorption rates of heavy metal irons Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Ni2+ are all over 70 %. 展开更多
关键词 CLAY marine algae metal ions ADSORPTION
Removal of Heavy Metals (Copper, Manganese and Zinc) from Industrial Wastewater of Baiji Refinery by Granular Activated Carbon
作者 dr Muzher M. Ibrahem AlDoury Abbas Ali Kanoosh 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第9期789-798,共10页
The aim of the present work is to remove heavy metals (copper, manganese, and zinc) from industrial wastewater of Baiji refinery using GAC (granular activated carbon). The most important factors affecting adsorpti... The aim of the present work is to remove heavy metals (copper, manganese, and zinc) from industrial wastewater of Baiji refinery using GAC (granular activated carbon). The most important factors affecting adsorption process have been studied, which are granular activated carbon thickness, H, inlet pollutant concentration, Cv, and liquid hourly space velocity, LHSV. All experiments were performed under constant temperature at 25℃ and pH = 7. The experimental apparatus was designed and constructed to enable controlling of the operating conditions. Employing five levels for each of H and LHSV and three levels for Co required 75 runs for each metal. Box-Wilson method was used to reduce the number of experiments to 15 for each metal. The results indicated that copper, manganese, and zinc can be completely removed from wastewater using activated carbon. However, breakthrough time for zinc is low. It is also shown that breakthrough time (TB) and exhaustion time (TE) are inversely proportional with pollutant concentration and LHSV (liquid hour space velocity) while it is directly proportional with the thickness of activated carbon column. 展开更多
关键词 GAC (granular activated carbon) heavy metals oil refinery wastewater.
Applied research of correspondence analysis method in waste tailings reservoir heavy metal pollution monitoring points optimization
作者 WANG Cong-lu WU Chao +1 位作者 LI Zi-jun XUE Sheng-guo 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期419-423,共5页
In order to optimize monitoring points and monitoring factor, the relationshipbetween pollutants and soil sample were established by correspondence analysis.Thestudy results show that the reflecting monitoring points ... In order to optimize monitoring points and monitoring factor, the relationshipbetween pollutants and soil sample were established by correspondence analysis.Thestudy results show that the reflecting monitoring points and monitoring factors in thegraphic on the same factor axis can clearly express the intrinsic link between pollutantsand monitoring points and distribution characteristics.To determine the main monitoringpoint and the main monitoring indicators can reduce and optimize the number of monitoringpoints under the premise of ensuring the typical and representative of monitoring data.Using the correlation of pollutants can reduce the number of monitoring indicators and improvethe effectiveness of data collection. 展开更多
关键词 tailings reservoir heavy metal pollution in-situ monitoring correspondence analysis method OPTIMIZATION
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