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重金属铅离子胁迫下玉米叶片光谱弱差信息的DSAT甄别模型 被引量:6
作者 杨可明 汪国平 +2 位作者 尤笛 刘聪 夏天 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期2568-2572,共5页
光谱间微弱信息测度是当今高光谱遥感研究难点之一,传统光谱测度方法难以区分光谱信息的微弱差异。研究设计了不同浓度的铅(Pb)污染实验,并测量了不同浓度铅离子(Pb^(2+))胁迫下玉米叶片的高光谱反射率、叶绿素含量及pb^(2+)含量,但是... 光谱间微弱信息测度是当今高光谱遥感研究难点之一,传统光谱测度方法难以区分光谱信息的微弱差异。研究设计了不同浓度的铅(Pb)污染实验,并测量了不同浓度铅离子(Pb^(2+))胁迫下玉米叶片的高光谱反射率、叶绿素含量及pb^(2+)含量,但是从所测结果得出,不同浓度pb^(2+)胁迫下的光谱相似性相关系数均达到0.999,难以区分不同浓度Pb^(2+)胁迫引发的光谱间微弱信息差异和污染程度。针对这一情况,基于光谱微分处理、正切函数增强、光谱角量度与波谱分段检测等,提出了一种新型的相似光谱测度方法,即微分光谱角正切(derivative spectral angle tangent,DSAT)法。为了验证DSAT在区分相关系数达0.99以上相似光谱的可行性和有效性,将DSAT用于不同浓度Pb^(2+)胁迫玉米叶片的整体波形与光谱区间子波形的信息差异性度量与检测。实验结果得到,波形差异信息与玉米叶片中叶绿素相对浓度与pb^(2+)含量显著相关。进而也证明DSAT法在甄别较高相似性光谱间差异上具有更好的实用性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 微分光谱 光谱角 正切函数 玉米叶片 重金属铅污染 弱信息检测
污水灌溉区土壤重金属污染对玉米生长影响研究 被引量:7
作者 周振民 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2010年第4期62-65,69,共5页
随着污水灌溉面积的持续扩大,研究污水灌溉带来的重金属污染问题,特别是重金属污染物对土壤-作物系统的影响显得尤为重要。通过试验,研究了重金属铅对玉米生长发育和对玉米性状及产量的影响。研究表明,随着土壤铅污染浓度的升高,单株叶... 随着污水灌溉面积的持续扩大,研究污水灌溉带来的重金属污染问题,特别是重金属污染物对土壤-作物系统的影响显得尤为重要。通过试验,研究了重金属铅对玉米生长发育和对玉米性状及产量的影响。研究表明,随着土壤铅污染浓度的升高,单株叶面积、株高、总干物重等形态指标呈降低的趋势,平均单株穗长、穗粗、穗重、总粒数、百粒重下降,秃尖长度增加,玉米产量呈下降趋势。当土壤铅浓度为300 mg/kg时,玉米亩产下降21%左右。 展开更多
关键词 土壤 重金属铅污染 玉米生长 影响研究
作者 郭超峰 郑文杰 +1 位作者 胡文乐 康农波 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期2183-2191,共9页
中国西部地区高速发展导致黄土受到重金属污染的问题日益严重。电动修复因其出色的可操作性而受到关注,然而由于极化现象和重金属在阴极附近沉淀等因素导致电动修复效率降低。因此,以铜铅污染黄土为研究对象,将螯合剂耦合电动修复的技... 中国西部地区高速发展导致黄土受到重金属污染的问题日益严重。电动修复因其出色的可操作性而受到关注,然而由于极化现象和重金属在阴极附近沉淀等因素导致电动修复效率降低。因此,以铜铅污染黄土为研究对象,将螯合剂耦合电动修复的技术同时结合阴极电解液投加,研究酒石酸、柠檬酸、EDTA 3种螯合剂及作为阴极电极液对黄土中铜铅金属的去除效率影响并探讨其强化去除机理。结果表明:酒石酸、柠檬酸、EDTA均可通过络合作用提高铜、铅金属的迁移能力,使铜、铅金属的去除效率有不同程度的提升,其中以阴极附近区域的铜、铅金属去除效果提升较为明显;在3种螯合剂中,EDTA由于螯合能力较强,能在不同的pH范围内与铜、铅金属反应,从而生成较为稳定的络合物,强化了电动修复效率;与对照组相比,EDTA通过与重金属进行六原子配位而形成稳定的络合物,将其他形态的重金属向迁移能力较强、较易去除的可交换态进行转化,把铜、铅金属的整体去除效率分别提高到55.4%,27.2%。 展开更多
关键词 电动修复 黄土 重金属污染 螯合剂 去除效率
不同施肥处理对铅镉污染土壤中香椿品质的影响 被引量:1
作者 黄一芳 赵佼娇 哀建国 《中国农学通报》 2021年第18期44-50,共7页
本试验主要研究不同施肥处理对铅镉污染土壤中香椿品质的影响,为进一步探讨无公害蔬菜的栽培技术提供理论依据。以木本蔬菜香椿[Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) Roem.]为试材,以重金属铅镉复合污染土壤及背景土壤为栽培基质,进行了不施肥(CK... 本试验主要研究不同施肥处理对铅镉污染土壤中香椿品质的影响,为进一步探讨无公害蔬菜的栽培技术提供理论依据。以木本蔬菜香椿[Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) Roem.]为试材,以重金属铅镉复合污染土壤及背景土壤为栽培基质,进行了不施肥(CK)、单施无机肥(NPK)、单施有机肥(WM)及有机无机肥配施(1/2NPK+1/2WM)对香椿营养品质和安全品质影响的研究。香椿在叶片掉落前采集其顶端嫩芽,采用常规方法测定叶片可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量、维C含量、微量元素矿物质、硝酸盐含量以及重金属含量。结果表明:重金属铅镉污染基质下NPK、WM、1/2NPK+1/2WM处理可溶性蛋白含量分别为4.28、4.59、5.40 mg/g,均高于CK的3.56 mg/g且差异显著(P<0.05);背景土壤基质下4种施肥处理可溶性蛋白含量分别为3.23、4.62、5.38、5.85 mg/g,均差异显著(P<0.05)。重金属铅镉污染基质下3种施肥处理Vc含量依次是83.36、117.57、112.33 mg/100 g,均显著高于CK (P<0.05);背景土壤基质下4种施肥处理的香椿叶片中的Vc含量依次为51.33、56.06、74.03、65.03 mg/100 g,WM和1/2NPK+1/2WM处理均显著高于CK (P<0.05)。不管是在背景土壤或是在重金属铅镉污染土壤中,WM或1/2NPK+1/2WM处理均能显著提高香椿叶片中的可溶性糖含量和全Fe、全Mn的含量(P<0.05),单施虫粪同时也能显著提高香椿叶片中全Cu、全Zn含量(P<0.05)。在两种不同的栽培基质中,香椿叶片的Pb含量均表现为CK最低,其他处理均显著高于CK (P<0.05),Cd含量则是NPK处理最低。该试验可得出以下结论:在2种栽培基质中,1/2NPK+1/2WM处理均能显著提高香椿叶片中可溶性蛋白质、维生素C、可溶性糖含量、有益微量元素矿物质含量等营养品质指标,并能在一定程度上降低硝酸盐和重金属铅镉含量,从而有效提高香椿品质。相同施肥处理下,重金属铅镉污染基质下的香椿叶片可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量、全Fe、全Mn、全Cu元素含量要比背景土壤中生长的低得多,但维生素C含量、全Zn含量和硝酸盐含量却是重金属污染基质中的香椿叶片高,说明重金属污染会明显降低香椿的品质。 展开更多
关键词 香椿 重金属污染 施肥 营养品质 安全品质
作者 王艺涵 胡文乐 +1 位作者 郑文杰 文少杰 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期210-219,共10页
以人工配制的铜铅污染黄土为研究对象,使用性价比更高、二次污染风险更低的电动修复技术,研究污染黄土中铜铅金属离子迁移规律,分析电极材料、阳离子交换膜及酸预处理等单一强化方法对电动力学修复过程中电流、电渗流、pH、电导率、去... 以人工配制的铜铅污染黄土为研究对象,使用性价比更高、二次污染风险更低的电动修复技术,研究污染黄土中铜铅金属离子迁移规律,分析电极材料、阳离子交换膜及酸预处理等单一强化方法对电动力学修复过程中电流、电渗流、pH、电导率、去除效率、离子赋存形态等的影响规律,揭示强化方法的电动修复机理,并在此基础上明确三者联用电动修复强化机理。结果表明:电动土工合成材料(EKG)电极比石墨电极具有更高的电流,同时能够快速释放较多的氢离子和氢氧根离子,在阳极附近提供了酸性环境促进了更多重金属离子的解吸和迁移,从而提高了修复效率,但阴极附近的沉淀导致去除效率较低;阳离子交换膜能够较好地调控阴极附近土壤的pH值,有益于金属离子的解吸,然而阳离子交换膜引起的浓度差极化作用,以及阳离子交换膜表面沉淀现象使电流和电渗流显著降低,限制了去除效率的提高;酸预处理能够降低污染黄土试样pH值,使黄土中黏土矿物、水合氧化物及有机质表面原始的负电荷减小甚至变为正电荷,有助于重金属提前解吸,显著提高电导率,从而提高电流和电渗流,与阳离子交换膜强化效果接近,是一种较为经济的强化手段;EKG电极、阳离子交换膜及酸预处理三者联用能够充分发挥各自的强化机制及优势,可提高电流且降低黄土pH值,避免重金属在阴极附近形成沉淀,促进重金属离子的解吸和迁移,强化电动修复去除效率。研究成果进一步证明了电动修复技术应用于去除黄土中铜铅金属污染的可行性及强化方法联用的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 电动修复 重金属污染 电动土工合成材料(EKG) 酸预处理 黄土
作者 张有军 刘丽丛 +6 位作者 李璨 李晓华 刘金鹏 喻其林 邵超峰 赵林 师荣光 《中国科技成果》 2022年第10期25-27,共3页
结合天津市和国家对土壤环境污染治理与修复技术的重大需求,尤其是现有农田重金属污染修复技术无法满足大面积治理的严峻问题,本文研究了基于合成生物学的钝化修复功能菌群构建技术、有机-无机杂化的重金属污染多功能修复材料制备技术... 结合天津市和国家对土壤环境污染治理与修复技术的重大需求,尤其是现有农田重金属污染修复技术无法满足大面积治理的严峻问题,本文研究了基于合成生物学的钝化修复功能菌群构建技术、有机-无机杂化的重金属污染多功能修复材料制备技术、人工菌群驱动的镉污染高效植物萃取关键技术.采用分区、分类、分级治理思路,建立了农田重金属原位精准修复技术及设备集成应用模式,以及农田重金属修复与安全利用效果综合评价体系,实现了重金属污染土壤治理的技术创新、系统集成和应用示范. 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染 原位精准修复 安全利用 效果综合评价
镉铅超标农田秋季养蚕试验分析 被引量:5
作者 蒋诗梦 颜新培 +6 位作者 龚昕 黄仁志 雷鸣 蒋勇兵 龙唐忠 贾超华 秦志雄 《北方蚕业》 2015年第1期15-17,21,共4页
在春季养蚕试验的基础上,继续在岳阳市某工矿区典型镉铅超标农田进行秋季养蚕试验。镉铅超标农田秋季养蚕试验表明,在工矿区镉铅超标农田以栽植农桑14品种较好,密度为667m2栽植1000~2000株。实验结果再次证实了镉铅污染农田栽桑养蚕的... 在春季养蚕试验的基础上,继续在岳阳市某工矿区典型镉铅超标农田进行秋季养蚕试验。镉铅超标农田秋季养蚕试验表明,在工矿区镉铅超标农田以栽植农桑14品种较好,密度为667m2栽植1000~2000株。实验结果再次证实了镉铅污染农田栽桑养蚕的可行性,为镉铅等重金属污染耕地安全、经济、高效生态利用和污染区产业结构探索提供了有益的模式。 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染 超标农田 秋季养蚕 试验分析
Effects of Red Mud on the Remediation of Pb, Zn and Cd in Heavy Metal Contaminated Paddy Soil 被引量:3
作者 范美蓉 罗琳 +3 位作者 廖育林 汤海涛 魏建宏 吴家梅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期388-392,共5页
[Objective] To study the remediation efficiency of red mud on Pb, Zn and Cd in the heavy metal contaminated paddy soil of mine area, to clarify its remediation mechanism and fertilizer efficiency on heavy metal contam... [Objective] To study the remediation efficiency of red mud on Pb, Zn and Cd in the heavy metal contaminated paddy soil of mine area, to clarify its remediation mechanism and fertilizer efficiency on heavy metal contaminated soil. [Method] The soil incubation experiment was conducted to study the effect of red mud on the pH values and electrical conductivity (EC), and the remediation efficiency of red mud on lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in heavy metal contaminated soil. [Result] Red mud addition reduced the content of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd in the soil significantly. Compared with the control, when incubated for 30, 60 and 90 d with the red mud dosage of 4% (W/W), the exchangeable Pb content was decreased by 39.25%, 41.38% and 50.19%; exchangeable Zn content was decreased by 49.26%, 57.32% and 47.16%; and exchangeable Cd content was decreased by 19.53%, 24.06% and 25.70%, respectively. The application of red mud had significant impact on the share of Pb, Zn and Cd contents in five forms, and different amounts of red mud application all reduced the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to the total Pb, Zn and Cd. In addition, the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to total Pb, Zn and Cd decreased with the increasing amount of red mud addition. [Conclusion] The study provided references for reasonable application of red mud and reduction of heavy metal pollution in paddy soil. 展开更多
关键词 Red mud LEAD zinc and cadmium Heavy metal contaminated soil Remediation efficiency
Absorption capacity of major urban afforestation species in north-eastern China to heavy metal pollutants in the atmosphere 被引量:10
作者 穆立蔷 孙海燕 祝宁 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期73-76,J003-J004,共6页
Totally 24 arbor tree species and 6 shrub species were measured on their absorption capacities to heavy metal Pb, Cd, Cr, and Hg by collecting and analyzing the leaves of trees along different streets in Harbin city i... Totally 24 arbor tree species and 6 shrub species were measured on their absorption capacities to heavy metal Pb, Cd, Cr, and Hg by collecting and analyzing the leaves of trees along different streets in Harbin city in Sept. to Oct. of 2003. The results showed that all the measured species had certain absorbency to the pollutants (Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg), but there existed significant difference in absorption capacity for different species to different pollutants. The measured tree species were classified into three categories by their absorption quantum of heavy metal pollutants. Among the species measured,Betula platyphylla, Ulmus pumila var.pendula, andPrunus persicaf.rubro-plena had high capacity in absorbing Pb;Populus xiahei, P. nigra var.Italica, P. alba x P. berolinensis andSalix matsudana had had high capacity in absorbing Cd;Phellodendron amurense, Syringa oblata, Salix matsudana, Pinus tabulaeformis var.mukdensis, Picea koraiensis, Prunus persica f.rubro-plena, P. triloba andAcer negundo, etc. had high capacity in absorption of Cr;Prunus triloba, Quercus mongolica, Salix matsudana, Sambucus williamsii, Pyrus ussuuriensis andSpiraea fritschiana were good at absorption of Hg. This study might offer scientific foundation for selection of urban afforestation species in different polluted conditions caused by heavy metals. Keywords Greening tree species - Heavy metal - Pollutants - Plumbum - Cadmium - Chromium - Mercury - Absorptivity CLC number S731.2 - X501 Document code A Foundation item: This study is financially supported by the Special Programme for Agriculture under Ministry of Chinese Science and Technology (No. 2002BA516A15-01).Biography: MU Li-qiang (1966-), female, Associate professor in Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Zhu Hong 展开更多
关键词 Greening tree species Heavy metal POLLUTANTS Plumbum CADMIUM CHROMIUM MERCURY ABSORPTIVITY
Effect of Amendments on Growth and Element Uptake of Pakchoi in a Cadmium, Zinc and Lead Contaminated Soil 被引量:19
作者 CHENXIAOTING WANGGUO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期243-250,共8页
A pot experiment was carried out to study the effects of two amendments, limeand calcium magnesium phosphate, on the growth and Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mu, Fe, N, P and K uptake ofpakchoi (Brassica chinensis) in a Cd, Pb and ... A pot experiment was carried out to study the effects of two amendments, limeand calcium magnesium phosphate, on the growth and Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mu, Fe, N, P and K uptake ofpakchoi (Brassica chinensis) in a Cd, Pb and Zn polluted acid soil in the southern part of China.The growth of pakchoi was apparently improved by lime and calcium magnesium phosphate application,the uptake of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn by pakchoi was significantly depressed and the symptom caused byheavy metals pollution was eliminated. Meanwhile, the absorption of N, K and Mn was also inhibitedby these amendments. Soil pH was the main factor controlling the uptake of the heavy metals bypakchoi. This suggests that lime and calcium magnesium phosphate could be used as effectiveamendments for eliminating the toxicity of heavy metals to the vegetable and inhibiting theirabsorption by the crop. 展开更多
关键词 calcium magnesium phosphate Cd Pb and Zn polluted soil LIME PAKCHOI
Pb distribution and translocation in Jiaozhou Bay 被引量:1
作者 杨东方 苏畅 +2 位作者 高振会 孙培艳 曹丽歆 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期296-299,共4页
The trends of distribution,translocation and seasonal change of heavy metal Pb were studied based on the surface and bottom water sampling in Jiaozhou Bay in 1979,and compared with those in 1990's.The results show... The trends of distribution,translocation and seasonal change of heavy metal Pb were studied based on the surface and bottom water sampling in Jiaozhou Bay in 1979,and compared with those in 1990's.The results showed that the source of Pb in the bay was from wastewater and sewage in the east of Jiaozhou Bay from ocean vessels.Pb concentration was higher in spring and lower in summer and autumn,and remained stable through sedimentation in the bottom layer.The overall water quality was good in 1970's.Compared with the environmental monitoring data of 1995-1999,Pb pollution had become serious.Therefore,more efforts should be made to protect the bay from Pb pollution. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal Pb DISTRIBUTION pollution source TRANSLOCATION Jiaozhou Bay
Effect of Heavy Metals on Phosphorus Retention by Typic Udic Ferrisols: Equilibrium and Kinetics 被引量:4
作者 TU CONG, ZHENG CHUNRONG and CHEN HUAIMAN LMCP, Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 821, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期15-24,共10页
A study was conducted to examine the effect of heavy metals (Cu,Pb, Zn and Cd in combination or alone) on the equilibrium andkinetics of phosphorus (P) retention in typic udic ferrisols by usingboth equilibrium and fl... A study was conducted to examine the effect of heavy metals (Cu,Pb, Zn and Cd in combination or alone) on the equilibrium andkinetics of phosphorus (P) retention in typic udic ferrisols by usingboth equilibrium and flow techniques. Fourteen soil samples withvarying artificial contamination of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd were prepared.Heavy metal pollution led to increases in retention capacity andmaximum buffering capacity (MBC) of soil P. The rate of P retentionwas also increased and the time to reach equilibrium was advanced byheavy metals addition. 展开更多
关键词 EQUILIBRIUM KINETICS heavy metlas phosphorus retention
Characteristics of Lead Sorption on Clay Minerals in Relation to Metal Oxides 被引量:5
作者 ZHUANGJIE YUGUIRUI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期11-20,共10页
Difference of montmorillonite (Mt), illite (It) and kaolinite (Kt) in lead sorption characteristics and the effects of amorphous Fe and Al oxide coatings on the characteristics were experimentally studied with logisti... Difference of montmorillonite (Mt), illite (It) and kaolinite (Kt) in lead sorption characteristics and the effects of amorphous Fe and Al oxide coatings on the characteristics were experimentally studied with logistic model. The sorption curves had sigmoid feature due to use of acetate-type buffer solution. With the model the sorption process could be divided into four stages and the sorption characteristics at the stages were discussed. The results showed that, after Mt, It and Kt were coated by amorphous Fe oxide, their maximum sorption capacity (MSC) and percentage of high-SSC concentration scope (HCS) of Pb2+ increased markedly, but the specific sorption capacity (SSC) decreased. With regard to effects of amorphous Al oxide coating, except for It+AI, the SSC of other samples showed a downtrend, despite that their MSC remained unchanged. Eventually, the gray correlation degrees to Pb2+ sorption for different physicochemical characteristics of the clay minerals were indicated to be higher for hydronium, zero point of surface charge and hydroxy, but lower for specific surface area, density of surface charge and amount of surface charges. 展开更多
关键词 clay mineral lead sorption logistic model metal oxide
Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Potassium Behavior in Typic Udic Ferrisol 被引量:6
作者 TUCONG ZHENGCHUNRONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期21-30,共10页
The indirect influence of heavy metal contamination of soil on nutrient availability, an important aspect of soil quality, may need to be taken into consideration when determining overall effects of heavy metals. A la... The indirect influence of heavy metal contamination of soil on nutrient availability, an important aspect of soil quality, may need to be taken into consideration when determining overall effects of heavy metals. A laboratory experiment was performed to study the effects of combined pollution of Cu, Ph, Zn and Cd on soil K status as indicated by chemical fractions, adsorption-desorption and quantity/intensity (Q/I) relationship of K in a Typic Udic Ferrisol (generally called red soil), by employing uniform design and single factor design. Compared to the control, content of exchangeable K was decreased, but that of soluble K increased in the samples contaminated with heavy metals. Due to heavy metal pollution, potassium adsorption was reduced by 5% to 22%, whereas the desorption percentage of adsorbed K increased by 2% to 32%. The Q/I curves shifted downward, potassium buffering capacity (PBCK) decreased, and equilibrium activity ratio values (ARoK) increased with increasing heavy metal pollution. These influences followed the sequences of Ph>Cu>Zn and combined pollution>single one. Displacement of K from canon exchange sites and decrease in soil CEC due to heavy metals should be responsible for the changes of soil K behaviours. The findings suggest that heavy metal pollution of soil might aggravate the degradation of soil K fertility by decreasing K adsorption and buffering capacity and increasing desorption. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metals potassium behaviors Typic Udic Ferrisol
Pb uptake, accumulation, subcellular distribution in a Pb-accumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii (Hance) 被引量:3
作者 何冰 杨肖娥 +2 位作者 倪吾钟 魏幼璋 叶海波 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第4期474-479,共6页
Lead concentrations in roots, stems and leaves of accumulating and non accumulating ecotypes of Sedum alfredii (Hance) were studied through a hydroponic experiment with different Pb concentrations supplied as Pb(... Lead concentrations in roots, stems and leaves of accumulating and non accumulating ecotypes of Sedum alfredii (Hance) were studied through a hydroponic experiment with different Pb concentrations supplied as Pb(NO 3) 2. Lead concentrations in leaves and stems of the accumulating ecotype were 4-9 times and 3-5 times those of the non accumulating ecotype, and Pb accumulated amounts in stems and leaves of the accumulating ecotype were 4-9 times and 8-11 times higher than those of the non accumulating ecotype, respectively. The results indicated that the accumulating ecotype had better ability to transport Pb from roots to shoots. The subcellular distributions of Pb in the root, stem and leaf tissues were studied using sucrose differential centrifugation. Approximately 50% of Pb contents was found to be associated with the cell wall fraction in stems of the accumulating ecotype and the percentage increased to 80% both in roots and leaves, no matter when plants were grown with different levels of Pb. The results indicated that the distribution of Pb on cell walls of the accumulating ecotype could mainly account for the high tolerance to Pb. 展开更多
关键词 PB Accumulating ecotype Subcellular distribution
Lead Pollution Research of Resident Children around Some Industrial Park 被引量:2
作者 Xiaozhen Liu Yue Liang Nanhong Luo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期277-280,共4页
Lead is an important toxic heavy metal among environment pollution. Some industrial parks were founded in 2005 including non-ferrous metal processing and smelting plants. In order to identify the consequence of lead p... Lead is an important toxic heavy metal among environment pollution. Some industrial parks were founded in 2005 including non-ferrous metal processing and smelting plants. In order to identify the consequence of lead pollution on children around the industry park, blood samples of neighboring children were collected and analyzed in laboratory. The results showed that the involved children have suffered serious harms from Pb pollution. Almost 75% of the children's blood lead levels (BLLs) exceeded the limit of normal blood lead. Worse still, 26.17% of them were at the level of Moderate lead poisoning. The group aged 0-7 showed more susceptibility to Pb than that aged 8-14. Only 19.05% of the children aged 0-7 were at the level of normal blood lead, compared with 45.45% in the group aged 8-14. There was no significant difference between the values of blood lead concentration for male and female or among different age groups. Some approaches, which include controlling the Pb pollution from the industry park and safeguarding the residents, esp. the children were suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Lead pollution CHILDREN industrial park blood lead levels (BLLs).
Assessment of Cu, Pb and Hg Contamination in Bottom Sediments Of Surface Water in XuZhou 被引量:1
作者 王晓 韩宝平 朱雪强 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2004年第1期70-72,共3页
Pollution of heavy metals Cu,Pb and Hg is assessed using geo-accumulation index in this paper. The result shows that the bottom sediments of surface water in Xuzhou is polluted by these heavy metals to deferent degree... Pollution of heavy metals Cu,Pb and Hg is assessed using geo-accumulation index in this paper. The result shows that the bottom sediments of surface water in Xuzhou is polluted by these heavy metals to deferent degrees, of which the Jinma River is the most serious, and then the Kuihe River, the abandoned Yellow River, and the Jinghang Canal. The Yunlong Lake has also been polluted by Hg. The three kinds of heavy metals in the order of concentration is Hg>Cu>Pb. The pollution degree and the type of element is closely related with industrial structure in Xuzhou. 展开更多
关键词 srface water bottom sediment heavy metal contamination index of Geo-accumulation
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