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作者 魏晓林 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1989年第4期49-66,共18页
人物姬贤巴女秀秀巴王樊姬巴仲相国老巫乳娘琴姑樊将军董将军巫女宫女兵士巫师官吏奴隶村民第一场招魂舞 [巴国的都城江州(重庆)。 [寒森森的宫殿,空旷、死寂。 [阴冷、凄清的光流罩住殿堂正壁前垂悬的画幅。上绘一条昂首吐须,骄横、狰... 人物姬贤巴女秀秀巴王樊姬巴仲相国老巫乳娘琴姑樊将军董将军巫女宫女兵士巫师官吏奴隶村民第一场招魂舞 [巴国的都城江州(重庆)。 [寒森森的宫殿,空旷、死寂。 [阴冷、凄清的光流罩住殿堂正壁前垂悬的画幅。上绘一条昂首吐须,骄横、狰狞的巨蛇,它形状如“巴”. [“镗——”寂寞中传来一记沉闷的锣声,令人心悸. [老女巫幽灵似地从宫殿的角落游荡而出。老巫 (拖着长腔)巴王病沉,灵魂出窍。奉神旨意,替国君招魂罗——! 展开更多
关键词 樊姬 巴国 招魂舞 巴王 仲姬 给你 野民 就是你 还给我 你那
作者 吕舟洋 《今日中国》 1992年第7期13-14,共2页
成渝(成都——重慶)鐵路於一九五二年正式通車,到今年七月一日已整整四十週年。如果從一九○九年底川漢鐵路局部開工算起,這條鐵路已經有八十多年的歷史了。今天我們回過頭來看看,成渝鐵路在新中國建立前後所經歷的兩個四十年是多麼不同... 成渝(成都——重慶)鐵路於一九五二年正式通車,到今年七月一日已整整四十週年。如果從一九○九年底川漢鐵路局部開工算起,這條鐵路已經有八十多年的歷史了。今天我們回過頭來看看,成渝鐵路在新中國建立前後所經歷的兩個四十年是多麼不同啊!前四十年蜀道難,古今聞名。早在清光緒二十九年(一九○三年),新任四川總督錫良順應民情,奏請朝廷自辦川漢鐵路,得到清帝批准。次年一月,官辦的川汉鐵路總公司在成都成立。當時錫良與湖廣總督張之洞協議,川漢鐵路自漢口起,經宜昌、萬縣、重慶、 展开更多
关键词 十年 錫良 一九 總督 蜀道 三年 氟化工 張之 消费城市 野民
作者 蔚明 《今日中国》 1991年第5期27-28,共2页
提起西施,人們不僅會聯想到風光如畫、馳名海內外的杭州西子湖,喜愛文學的朋友們,還會吟誦起唐代大詩人李白的詩句: “西施越溪女,出自苧蘿山。秀色掩古今,荷花羞玉颜。”至於人們由西施會回憶起那個膾炙人口的“吳越春秋”的歷史故事... 提起西施,人們不僅會聯想到風光如畫、馳名海內外的杭州西子湖,喜愛文學的朋友們,還會吟誦起唐代大詩人李白的詩句: “西施越溪女,出自苧蘿山。秀色掩古今,荷花羞玉颜。”至於人們由西施會回憶起那個膾炙人口的“吳越春秋”的歷史故事、想到當代傑出話劇《膽劍篇》、《吳王金戈越王劍》,以及陶朱公即范蠡的那段傳奇,就更不在話下了。 展开更多
关键词 越溪女 杭州西子湖 詩人 越王 陶朱公 大谏 野民 稚山 容色 道元
Anticancer and Antifolate Activities of Extracts of Six Saudi Arabian Wild Plants Used in Folk Medicine
作者 Marzough Aziz Dager Albalawi Nour Ahmed Osman Bashir Amany Tawfik 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第7期334-340,共7页
Six indigenous folk medicinal plants growing wild in the area of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia which were selected for the study of their phytochemistry as well as their biological activities as antitumor and antifolate agents.... Six indigenous folk medicinal plants growing wild in the area of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia which were selected for the study of their phytochemistry as well as their biological activities as antitumor and antifolate agents. Antitumor activities of methanol extracts of the six plants were measured in vitro using three human tumor cell lines (breast, lung and CNS cancers) while antifolate activities were assessed using commercial dihyrofolate reductase obtained from Sigma Co. Among the six plant extracts tested, the most remarkable were those of Caralluma sinaica and Fagonia tenuifolia. Caralluma extract showed strong antitumor activity (low GIso) against the three human tumor cell lines. Fagonia extract, on the other hand, was quite inhibitory to the growth of CNS cancer and breast cancer cell lines but much less so against lung cancer cells. Extracts of both Sonchus oleraceus and Caralluma sinaica were strongly inhibitory to DHFR. These results suggest that the mechanism of anticancer activity of Caralluma plant is through DHFR inhibition but that of Fagonia may follow a different path. 展开更多
关键词 Saudi Arabia plants Caralluma Fagonia Sonchus ANTICANCER ANTITUMOR antifolate antimalarial.
Maison du Bresil: A Student Residence for the Brazilian Elite in Paris
作者 Ceres Karam Brum 《Sociology Study》 2011年第1期31-48,共18页
This paper presents some thoughts about the Maison du Bresil. The objective is to research this temporary residency for researchers through the meanings that characterize it as a Brazilian territory in Paris and throu... This paper presents some thoughts about the Maison du Bresil. The objective is to research this temporary residency for researchers through the meanings that characterize it as a Brazilian territory in Paris and through the very belonging to the category elite as a peculiarity of its residents. The author wish to analyze the international circulation of students and researchers that live there and have an educational experience of multiple dimensions as experiences of deterritorialization of identities and its consequences in a housing space which is at the same time in public and private. Based on documental analysis and ethnographic fieldwork, the paper presents some aspects of the history and the everyday life of the Maison du Bresil and Paris' Cite Internationale Universitaire. Also, it intends to show how the meanings of Brazilianness are used as support for the identity crisis lived by the members of a supposed Brazilian elite in Paris, as it analyzes the particularities of the mediations established by the residents of the Maison du Bresil, in the formation and international insertion of some researchers. 展开更多
关键词 ELITE TERRITORY student residence Brazilianness educational experiences
Kingship in Nepal: Envisioning a Contemporary Perspective
作者 Purna Bahadur Karki 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期675-687,共13页
The aim of this study is to observe the prospect of kingship in Nepal. It presents an analysis of the people's perspective on dismissed monarchy and challenges faced by Nepal. There was little voice on Nepali monarch... The aim of this study is to observe the prospect of kingship in Nepal. It presents an analysis of the people's perspective on dismissed monarchy and challenges faced by Nepal. There was little voice on Nepali monarchy system, yet many individuals and researcher expressed the need for monarchy to build nation and keep its culture, tradition, and nation unity. To promote the democratic system, political parties should practice democratic norms and respect rules of law in real life rather than just in talk. For the express of people voice and envision prosperous Nepal, this paper attempts to contribute to the need of monarchy back in Nepal far its savereignty and unity. The paper gives a historical overview of kingship in Nepal and discusses incompetent political parties and the importance of monarchy in Nepal. It identifies that to unite the Nepal and Nepali and give the nation social cultural identity, and it needs any form of monarchy in Nepal. The past and present, despite of political systems, social movement, and practice seen from the political parties were failed several times to fulfill people's mandate, such as holding election, writing constitution. The fields discussed in the paper include apathetic attitude of the political parties toward establishing peace and stability in Nepal. 展开更多
“经验永远是第一的” 被引量:1
作者 谈歌 姜广平 《西湖》 2013年第11期102-109,共8页
导语:谈歌从1990年起专注于小说创作。《年底》、《大厂》、《绝品》、《天下荒年》、《野民岭》等,一发表便引起轰动与关注。1996年中国文坛掀起"现实主义冲击波",领军人物便是谈歌。1996年的文坛,也被一些媒体戏称为"... 导语:谈歌从1990年起专注于小说创作。《年底》、《大厂》、《绝品》、《天下荒年》、《野民岭》等,一发表便引起轰动与关注。1996年中国文坛掀起"现实主义冲击波",领军人物便是谈歌。1996年的文坛,也被一些媒体戏称为"谈歌年"。谈歌紧贴现实,成为具有重要影响的当代作家,受到大量读者和批评家的热烈赞扬。但谈歌也因此被批评界定位为只能书写即时性社会题材的作品。其实,批评界对谈歌整体小说创作的丰富性是认识不足的。谈歌的文化小说极富审美意蕴和艺术魅力。《当代》 展开更多
关键词 小说形式 谈歌 审美意蕴 批评界 野民 《当代》 历史小说 蒋子龙 李敬泽 先锋文学
作者 江沙 《文学自由谈》 CSSCI 1993年第2期137-138,共2页
林文询——可恨狂生香港女作家廖凤明,月前来蓉,说要在香港出版林文询之散文集《送你一束野荆》。林文询不动声色,淡曰:“出可以出,但有条件……”呀,好狂!吾鄙视,用缥缈恶语攻击,恨不能打翻在地,踏上一只脚,彻底折断他身上那匹傲骨。... 林文询——可恨狂生香港女作家廖凤明,月前来蓉,说要在香港出版林文询之散文集《送你一束野荆》。林文询不动声色,淡曰:“出可以出,但有条件……”呀,好狂!吾鄙视,用缥缈恶语攻击,恨不能打翻在地,踏上一只脚,彻底折断他身上那匹傲骨。看那德性,依旧狂然,自认“ 展开更多
关键词 狂生 邵燕祥 秋月春花 《文学报》 李敖 稿酬从优 蜀中 一本 野民 尴尬事
作者 殷明辉 《岷峨诗稿》 2012年第2期49-50,共2页
关键词 外一首 野民 炒手 守拙
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