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量化修剪对苹果园疏花疏果用工及经济效益的影响 被引量:1
作者 白杜娟 白岗栓 《中国果树》 北大核心 2023年第7期37-40,共4页
量化修剪是冬季修剪时根据苹果树的生长状况及生态环境,在确定目标产量的前提下,选留的饱满花芽量仅比目标产量多10%~15%,以减少疏花疏果用工量,并提高果实品质及经济产值。连续3年监测了渭北旱塬盛果期乔化长富2号苹果树量化修剪、春... 量化修剪是冬季修剪时根据苹果树的生长状况及生态环境,在确定目标产量的前提下,选留的饱满花芽量仅比目标产量多10%~15%,以减少疏花疏果用工量,并提高果实品质及经济产值。连续3年监测了渭北旱塬盛果期乔化长富2号苹果树量化修剪、春季疏花疏果的用工量及苹果园经济产值。结果表明:量化修剪的修剪用工量较长放修剪增加了28.58%,但疏花用工量减少了95.81%,疏果用工量减少了20.20%,每年可减少用工费21150元/hm^(2);量化修剪的单果重、产量和产值分别较长放修剪提高15%~20%、20%~25%、25%~30%,每年经济产值较长放修剪苹果园增加67690元/hm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 量化修剪 疏花疏果 用工量 经济效益
作者 白杜娟 牛育华 白岗栓 《农学学报》 2023年第8期74-80,共7页
为减少果园用工费,提高果园经济效益,在渭北旱塬以常规修剪苹果园为对照,监测量化修剪对疏花疏果用工费、果实品质和果园经济效益等的影响;在陕北丘陵沟壑区以苹果套袋(纸袋)为对照,监测喷施苹果面膜(腐殖酸型苹果免套袋膜剂)替代果实... 为减少果园用工费,提高果园经济效益,在渭北旱塬以常规修剪苹果园为对照,监测量化修剪对疏花疏果用工费、果实品质和果园经济效益等的影响;在陕北丘陵沟壑区以苹果套袋(纸袋)为对照,监测喷施苹果面膜(腐殖酸型苹果免套袋膜剂)替代果实套袋对果园用工费、果实品质和果园经济效益等的影响。结果表明,量化修剪在冬季修剪时较常规修剪多支付用工费4500元/hm^(2),疏花可减少11250元/hm^(2),疏果可减少2250元/hm^(2);量化修剪的苹果单果重大,品质高,产值提高13.73%;经济效益提高34860元/hm^(2)。喷施苹果面膜较果实套袋和去袋可减少用工费22850元/hm^(2),材料费减少8250元/hm^(2);喷施苹果面膜提高了苹果的外观商品价值和贮藏运输性能,产值提高50.01%;果园经济效益提高192900元/hm^(2)。量化修剪和喷施苹果面膜降低了果园用工费,提高了果园经济效益,果园管理过程中应积极开展量化修剪和喷施苹果面膜。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 量化修剪 苹果面膜 经济效益
量化修剪技术在极早熟葡萄品种碧香无核的应用 被引量:1
作者 赖忠南 《福建农业科技》 2018年第4期35-36,共2页
为使葡萄修剪做到简单易行、省工、高效,在福建省三明市明溪县大棚对极早熟葡萄品种碧香无核进行量化修剪技术。碧香无核在明溪县种植表现自然无核、抗寒、抗病、挂架期长、极早熟、品质好等特性,每667m^2产量在1 250kg以上,产值在2万... 为使葡萄修剪做到简单易行、省工、高效,在福建省三明市明溪县大棚对极早熟葡萄品种碧香无核进行量化修剪技术。碧香无核在明溪县种植表现自然无核、抗寒、抗病、挂架期长、极早熟、品质好等特性,每667m^2产量在1 250kg以上,产值在2万元以上,可作为葡萄观光园采摘优选品种之一。通过多年栽培种植经验,总结碧香无核葡萄量化修剪技术。 展开更多
关键词 量化修剪技术 极早熟 葡萄 碧香无核
渭北旱塬苹果量化更新修剪技术及其研究进展 被引量:5
作者 白杜娟 刘艳玲 白岗栓 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2022年第8期1-6,共6页
量化更新修剪技术是根据盛果期及盛果末期苹果树的生长特性及树体生长状况,在保证目标产量的前提下,在量化修剪指标的指导下进行的更新复壮修剪。通常情况下渭北旱塬盛果期乔化红富士的目标产量为37500~45000 kg/hm^(2),冬季修剪后的留... 量化更新修剪技术是根据盛果期及盛果末期苹果树的生长特性及树体生长状况,在保证目标产量的前提下,在量化修剪指标的指导下进行的更新复壮修剪。通常情况下渭北旱塬盛果期乔化红富士的目标产量为37500~45000 kg/hm^(2),冬季修剪后的留枝量为1050000~1350000枝/hm^(2),生长期修剪后的新梢量为1350000~1650000枝/hm^(2)。盛果末期的目标产量为22500~30000 kg/hm^(2),冬季修剪后的留枝量为900000~1050000枝/hm^(2),生长期修剪后的新梢量为1050000~1350000枝/hm^(2)。冬季修剪后的结果枝与营养枝的比例为1∶4,长枝、中枝和短枝的比例为1∶2∶7左右。量化更新修剪有效减少了果树对土壤水分的消耗,减少了叶丛枝比例及隔年结果发生的几率,减少了苹果树腐烂病发生率及疏花疏果劳动量,提高了树体营养、果园透光率、叶片光合速率和果实产量及果实品质等,延长了盛果年限,提升了果园经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 量化更新修剪技术 冬季修剪留枝量 研究进展
MobileNet network optimization based on convolutional block attention module 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Shuxu MEN Shiyao YUAN Lin 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期225-234,共10页
Deep learning technology is widely used in computer vision.Generally,a large amount of data is used to train the model weights in deep learning,so as to obtain a model with higher accuracy.However,massive data and com... Deep learning technology is widely used in computer vision.Generally,a large amount of data is used to train the model weights in deep learning,so as to obtain a model with higher accuracy.However,massive data and complex model structures require more calculating resources.Since people generally can only carry and use mobile and portable devices in application scenarios,neural networks have limitations in terms of calculating resources,size and power consumption.Therefore,the efficient lightweight model MobileNet is used as the basic network in this study for optimization.First,the accuracy of the MobileNet model is improved by adding methods such as the convolutional block attention module(CBAM)and expansion convolution.Then,the MobileNet model is compressed by using pruning and weight quantization algorithms based on weight size.Afterwards,methods such as Python crawlers and data augmentation are employed to create a garbage classification data set.Based on the above model optimization strategy,the garbage classification mobile terminal application is deployed on mobile phones and raspberry pies,realizing completing the garbage classification task more conveniently. 展开更多
关键词 MobileNet convolutional block attention module(CBAM) model pruning and quantization edge machine learning
The Impact of Optimizing Trim on Reducing Fuel Consumption 被引量:2
作者 Ahmed Helmy Abouelfadl Essam Eldin YoussefAbdelraouf 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第3期179-184,共6页
The shipping industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the ages. Maritime transport plays a vital role in world economy; whereas competition between maritime companies is fierce [1], at the same time agreem... The shipping industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the ages. Maritime transport plays a vital role in world economy; whereas competition between maritime companies is fierce [1], at the same time agreements of co-operation have taken different forms including alliances and mergers between companies to increase their market share. But competitions still stand despite all alliances even in same market. This intense competition drives companies to attain high level of competitiveness, by monitoring ship's operating performance and operating cost, emphasis on improving performance and reduce cost. On other hand new environmental regulations come to light, expansion of ECA (emission control areas), which lead to significant higher fuel cost when using low sulfur fuel. Since the fuel cost is the largest portion of the operating cost of the vessel, a saving in fuel usage can result in considerable saving in operational costs. Furthermore, fuel saving has environmental benefits in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of trim optimization which considers one of the easiest and cheapest methods for ship performance optimization and fuel consumption reduction trim optimization. 展开更多
关键词 Shipping lines competitions ship operating performance emission control areas and trim optimization.
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