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量化社会与数字劳动:网络水军的政治经济学分析 被引量:10
作者 吴鼎铭 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期47-51,共5页
网络水军是中国量化制度设计的'社会症候',这是其在中国泛滥横行却难以治理的深层政治经济原因。基于此,通过深度访谈与参与式观察,从艺术的量化与'提分'劳动、'传播力'的量化与'提量'劳动、信用的量化... 网络水军是中国量化制度设计的'社会症候',这是其在中国泛滥横行却难以治理的深层政治经济原因。基于此,通过深度访谈与参与式观察,从艺术的量化与'提分'劳动、'传播力'的量化与'提量'劳动、信用的量化与'刷单'劳动三个层面深描网络水军的数字劳动过程,并由此分析这一过程如何影响中国的互联网生态。与其高谈阔论如何'警惕'与'治理'网络水军,不如回到问题的制度性根源,反思如何改变将数字作为衡量标准的社会管理思维。 展开更多
关键词 网络水军 量化社会 数字劳动
量化社会要素改变社会结构 被引量:1
作者 李鉴道 《黄河科技学院学报》 2021年第7期48-50,共3页
随着社会进步和科学技术的日新月异,人类文明已经步入了“量化”一切事物和思想的阶段——量化社会阶段。六大社会要素(环境、政治、经济、人口、文化、思想)所涵盖的各级各类社会要素的“节点”,被七大核心高科技工具(高速判断、量子... 随着社会进步和科学技术的日新月异,人类文明已经步入了“量化”一切事物和思想的阶段——量化社会阶段。六大社会要素(环境、政治、经济、人口、文化、思想)所涵盖的各级各类社会要素的“节点”,被七大核心高科技工具(高速判断、量子传输、人工智能、区块链、云计算、大数据、边缘计算)量化后,在社会演化过程中具有重要的地位和作用。社会要素的量化程度,在一定程度上代表了一个国家的综合实力。可以预计,在我国政策的鼓励和支持下,在社会各界的努力下,在市场需求的柔性压迫下,各级各类社会要素将被加速细化和量化,中国社会也将随之发生较大的结构性变化。 展开更多
关键词 数字中国 数据中国 社会要素 社会结构 数据节点 量化数据 量化管理 量化社会
低碳经济下社会责任的量化研究 被引量:5
作者 徐泓 林永峰 尹世芬 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期107-111,共5页
在低碳经济的发展中,企业是否承担社会责任,应承担什么社会责任,如何量化企业承担的社会责任,始终是理论界、实务界关注的重点。文章根据低碳经济下社会责任的特点,研究低碳经济下社会责任的内容,设计以每股收益为基础的社会责任量化模... 在低碳经济的发展中,企业是否承担社会责任,应承担什么社会责任,如何量化企业承担的社会责任,始终是理论界、实务界关注的重点。文章根据低碳经济下社会责任的特点,研究低碳经济下社会责任的内容,设计以每股收益为基础的社会责任量化模型,计算每股贡献值,即社会贡献值,据此评价企业承担的社会责任。 展开更多
关键词 低碳经济 社会责任 社会责任量化 环境成本
群智感知中采用节点社会属性的亲密度量化方法 被引量:2
作者 张文东 桂小林 +1 位作者 蔡宁超 安健 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期73-78,共6页
针对群智感知中节点社会关系计算存在的层次关系划分不清、关联因子描述粗糙等问题,提出一种采用社会属性的亲密度量化方法。该方法通过分析影响节点社会关系的多维要素,将节点属性因子划分为静态和动态两个维度。通过构造多维语义分级... 针对群智感知中节点社会关系计算存在的层次关系划分不清、关联因子描述粗糙等问题,提出一种采用社会属性的亲密度量化方法。该方法通过分析影响节点社会关系的多维要素,将节点属性因子划分为静态和动态两个维度。通过构造多维语义分级树和空间索引编码,对节点静态属性进行挖掘和形式化表示。同时,引入交互信息熵,对社会关系的不对称性进行分析和比较,以提高亲密度量化方法的客观性。基于层次分析法实现节点动态属性的二级评判和有效聚合,并通过节点融合度对亲密关系进行二次修正。实验结果表明:与已有方法相比,采用社会属性的亲密度量化方法预测准确率提高了14.67%,该方法能够有效降低群智感知中移动节点的误判概率,提高网络社团识别准确率,为候选服务节点集的选择提供有效依据。 展开更多
关键词 群智感知 社会关系量化 亲密度 社会属性 节点融合度
基于人工神经网络的影响高速公路社会效益量化的变量选择方法 被引量:8
作者 周伟 王建军 李继锐 《西安公路交通大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期62-66,共5页
以四川省内江市区域经济为例 ,运用人工神经网络方法 ,定量分析了影响区域经济各因子的主次顺序 ,为高速公路社会效益量化的变量选择提供了一种研究方法。应用人工神经网络选择变量的方法可进一步推广运用于不同领域 ,为在众多指标变量... 以四川省内江市区域经济为例 ,运用人工神经网络方法 ,定量分析了影响区域经济各因子的主次顺序 ,为高速公路社会效益量化的变量选择提供了一种研究方法。应用人工神经网络选择变量的方法可进一步推广运用于不同领域 ,为在众多指标变量中科学选取变量提供了可靠依据。 展开更多
关键词 高速公路 社会效益量化 人工神经网络 变量选择
我国社会研究的数量化趋势及其评估 被引量:2
作者 宋林飞 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第3期31-39,共9页
本文通过对近 2 0年来《中国社会科学》与《社会学研究》所载的社会调查研究报告的统计分析 ,阐述了现代社会研究方法在我国的应用与进展。作者使用六要素分析框架对社会调查初始方法的应用实例进行了系统分析 ,对描述统计、推论统计、... 本文通过对近 2 0年来《中国社会科学》与《社会学研究》所载的社会调查研究报告的统计分析 ,阐述了现代社会研究方法在我国的应用与进展。作者使用六要素分析框架对社会调查初始方法的应用实例进行了系统分析 ,对描述统计、推论统计、模型建构等社会调查终程方法的应用水平进行了评价 。 展开更多
关键词 中国 社会研究方法 社会调查数量化 社会指标
作者 黄一坤 马立晓 《大连教育学院学报》 2000年第1期62-65,共4页
对社会现象数量化的涵义 ,统计指标在社会现象数量化中的作用及社会现象数量化的步骤进行了探讨 。
关键词 统计指标 社会现象数量化 统计活动 社会测量
社会学量化研究控制变量方法的反思与超越 被引量:1
作者 冯帅帅 罗教讲 《深圳社会科学》 2021年第6期95-105,115,共12页
受制于可操作性、研究伦理等问题,社会科学量化研究者一般借助统计隔离方法来应对内生性问题,其中,控制变量是最常见的方法。以社会学量化研究为例,对近十年发表于《社会学研究》上的149篇定量文献的分析发现:控制变量是社会学量化研究... 受制于可操作性、研究伦理等问题,社会科学量化研究者一般借助统计隔离方法来应对内生性问题,其中,控制变量是最常见的方法。以社会学量化研究为例,对近十年发表于《社会学研究》上的149篇定量文献的分析发现:控制变量是社会学量化研究使用率最高的统计隔离方法,使用率为88.59%。但在使用中普遍存在变量纳入的滥用化、变量选择的趋同化和变量分析的浅薄化等失范问题,这是社会学定量研究泛化、能力弱的根本原因。根据第三方变量的作用形式可以总结出三种基本类型:形式为X→Z1→Y的中介因子、形式为X←Z2→Y混沌因子和形式为X→Z3←Y对撞因子。其中,混沌因子需要控制,借以实现研究者准确评估核心变量之间真实因果关系的目的;对撞因子则不适合,予以强行控制的结果是造成虚假因果;而对中介因子的控制是否合适需要视具体情况而定,假如是完全中介,控制中介因子的后果是完全阻断X到Y的信息传递路径,导致两者不相关,而如果是部分中介,则可以通过控制中介因子评估X与Y的直接因果效应。对第三方变量作用形式的判定是规范控制变量方法使用的首要步骤,不能仅仅因为某个变量同时与核心变量X和Y都有关联就认为它是混沌因子而加以控制,否则可能不仅没有降低反而增加模型的混沌效应。新出现的机器学习建模方法可以帮助研究有效识别变量类型,推动控制变量方法使用的规范化。 展开更多
关键词 控制变量 社会量化研究 规范化 Z变量类别
“社会效益量化管理”考察 被引量:1
作者 王炳顺 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第8期11-13,共3页
“社会效益量化管理”考察王炳顺编者按:社会效益的量化管理是出版界的一大难题。本文作者敢于将该社试行的方法公诸出版界,应该说是一种勇气。文中所提出的利润指标承包到个人、根据评奖估价社会效益以及相应奖惩措施,是否存有偏颇... “社会效益量化管理”考察王炳顺编者按:社会效益的量化管理是出版界的一大难题。本文作者敢于将该社试行的方法公诸出版界,应该说是一种勇气。文中所提出的利润指标承包到个人、根据评奖估价社会效益以及相应奖惩措施,是否存有偏颇、不妥和简单化问题,都可进一步探讨... 展开更多
关键词 社会效益量化 社会效益和经济效益 图书生产 利润指标 社会效益指标 图书评奖 图书出版 获奖图书 图书发行量 全面质量管理
图书出版物社会效益第一应落在实处 被引量:1
作者 刘小敏 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1997年第6期122-123,共2页
坚持图书出版物社会效益第一,是党的出版方针。但在经济杠杆的驱动下,有些出版社曾出现抓经济效益硬、抓社会效益软的倾向,使出版活动呈现出短期化和趋利性。要切实把社会效益第一落在实处,必须在出版社内部建立一套激励机制和制约... 坚持图书出版物社会效益第一,是党的出版方针。但在经济杠杆的驱动下,有些出版社曾出现抓经济效益硬、抓社会效益软的倾向,使出版活动呈现出短期化和趋利性。要切实把社会效益第一落在实处,必须在出版社内部建立一套激励机制和制约机制。吉林人民出版社的“社会效益量化管理”方法很值得我们借鉴。另外。 展开更多
关键词 社会效益和经济效益 图书出版 学术著作出版 社会效益量化 出版活动 社会效益指标 出版社 获奖图书 制约机制 出版方针
轻罪治理视域下完善赔偿保证金制度的进路 被引量:2
作者 陆明 华维 《犯罪研究》 2024年第1期107-112,共6页
司法实践中,赔偿保证金制度大多基于宽严相济刑事政策以及促成轻微刑事案件中当事人和解而开展。随着轻罪治理体系的不断完善,赔偿保证金制度应发展成为判断轻罪犯罪嫌疑人社会危险性,进一步减少轻罪案件的审前羁押,切实化解矛盾,恢复... 司法实践中,赔偿保证金制度大多基于宽严相济刑事政策以及促成轻微刑事案件中当事人和解而开展。随着轻罪治理体系的不断完善,赔偿保证金制度应发展成为判断轻罪犯罪嫌疑人社会危险性,进一步减少轻罪案件的审前羁押,切实化解矛盾,恢复受损社会关系的检察新路径。构建赔偿保证金制度应更加注重程序正当性,将赔偿保证金融入犯罪嫌疑人社会危险性的量化评价并对部分争议案件开展公开听证,真正消除社会的质疑,从源头化解矛盾,推动轻罪治理的全面、精准实施。 展开更多
关键词 轻罪治理 赔偿保证金 社会危险性量化评价 源头化解矛盾
作者 王宪峰 钟益民 +1 位作者 黄冬磊 张晗 《中国检察官》 2024年第17期30-34,共5页
社会危险性量化评估可以通过客观的数据,实现社会危险性审查判断从抽象向具体转变,有利于检察官准确把握逮捕条件,做到该严则严、当宽则宽。嘉兴市检察机关建设的社会危险性量化评估应用场景通过打造量化评估模型、构建动态监督体系、... 社会危险性量化评估可以通过客观的数据,实现社会危险性审查判断从抽象向具体转变,有利于检察官准确把握逮捕条件,做到该严则严、当宽则宽。嘉兴市检察机关建设的社会危险性量化评估应用场景通过打造量化评估模型、构建动态监督体系、深化检警合作机制,为社会危险性量化评估实践提供了有益经验。但相关实践中仍存在模型科学性不足、证据收集不充分、结果缺乏说理等问题。为完善社会危险性量化评估工作,应当构建更加科学合理的评估模型,重视社会危险性相关证据的收集,强调检察官在评估过程中的主体地位,完善相关配套措施,同时推动评估结果应用场景的拓展与衔接。 展开更多
关键词 社会危险性量化评估 羁押必要性 逮捕 数字检察
Nutritional status changes in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving first-line chemotherapy 被引量:1
作者 Wei Sun Shunfang Liu +1 位作者 Ping Peng Dongbo Liu 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2018年第2期54-57,共4页
Objective This study aimed to assess the real-life nutritional status changes and gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) receiving chemotherapy.Methods A total of 104 pat... Objective This study aimed to assess the real-life nutritional status changes and gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) receiving chemotherapy.Methods A total of 104 patients with metastatic NSCLC receiving first-line chemotherapy were included in this study. Unintentional weight loss, body mass index(BMI) changes, and gastrointestinal symptoms were recorded and evaluated. Biochemical parameters [hemoglobin(Hb) and albumin levels] were compared before and after two chemotherapy cycles using SPSS software.Results Of these patients, 65.38%(68/104) experienced unintentional weight loss, whereas 30.77% and 12.5% presented with ≥ 5% and ≥ 10% degrees of weight loss, respectively, within 6 months before first-line chemotherapy was administered. Then, 48.08%(50/104) of the patients experienced unintentional weight loss after two chemotherapy cycles. The mean body weight after chemotherapy was 61.47 ± 10.37 kg, which was significantly decreased relative to that before chemotherapy(P < 0.05). The mean BMI after chemotherapy was 22.66 ± 3.34 kg/m^2, which was also significantly diminished with respect to that during the previous chemotherapy cycle(P < 0.05). The most common gastrointestinal symptoms reported among all the study patients were anorexia(80/104, 76.92%), nausea(53/104, 50.96%), constipation(49/104, 47.12%), vomiting(48/104, 46.15%), taste disorders(40/104, 38.46%), and early satiety(32/104, 30.77%). The mean Hb levels after chemotherapy were 117.06 ± 16.67 g/L, which were significantly lower than those before chemotherapy(132.73 ± 16.42 g/L)(P < 0.05). No significant difference was noted between the mean albumin levels before and after chemotherapy(38.29 ± 4.22 g/L vs 38.17 ± 4.54 g/L; P = 0.798). Conclusion Weight loss history, gastrointestinal symptoms, and Hb level decreases are determinant factors of nutritional status in patients with advanced NSCLC and must be included in the screening, evaluation, and treatment of lung carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 lung cancer gastrointestinal symptoms weight loss CHEMOTHERAPY HEMOGLOBIN ALBUMIN
Ambient Robotics for Meaningful Life of the Elderly
作者 Joohyun Chung 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第2期121-129,共9页
It is innovative if people can be free from aged body and continue their career with assistance of robotics. It is supposed to see the change soon as smart phone changed life style. This research aims to figure out th... It is innovative if people can be free from aged body and continue their career with assistance of robotics. It is supposed to see the change soon as smart phone changed life style. This research aims to figure out the direction of this change, development in technique for elders. It also studies various theories to justify various methods for ambient assistance robotic design for elders. In the long life expectancy world, this design will enhance the life quality of elders and encourage young people get pride in their own job, because their career will continue and it deserves to invest all their energy and sincerity in a specific area. As ambient robotics are a design for elders' adjacent assistive design and part of everyday, it is related with quality of elders' life. Some theories are cited for the importance of meaningful life. Meaningfulness is regarded as the fundamental goal of design purpose, because meaning stands upon the concept of human being and its consciousness activity. Phenomenological background of this research is introduced. It can be suggested in field observation to get real stories containing meanings and essence of life of elders. In conclusion, this study is a beginning of long process to prepare aging society with technique as well as perspective to see elders as valuable work force. 展开更多
关键词 Aging society meaningful life PHENOMENOLOGY ambient robotics.
Relationship Between Built Environment, Socio-economic Factors and Carbon Emissions from Shopping Trip in Shenyang City, China
作者 LI Jing LO Kevin +1 位作者 ZHANG Pingyu GUO Meng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期722-734,共13页
Promoting active travel behavior and decreasing transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have become a priority in many Chinese cities experiencing rapid urban sprawl and greater automobile dependence. Howev... Promoting active travel behavior and decreasing transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have become a priority in many Chinese cities experiencing rapid urban sprawl and greater automobile dependence. However, there are few studies that holistically examine the physical and social factors associated with travel CO2 emissions. Using a survey of 1525 shoppers conducted in Shenyang, China, this study estimated shopping-related travel CO2 emissions and examined how the built environment and individual socioeconomic characteristics contribute to shopping travel behavior and associated C02 emissions. We found that, firstly, private car trips generate nearly eight times more carbon emissions than shopping trips using public transport, on average. Second, there was sig- nificant spatial autocorrelation with CO2 emissions per trip, and the highest carbon emissions were clustered in the inner suburbs and between the first and second circumferential roads. Third, shopping travel CO2 emissions per trip were negatively correlated with sev- eral built environment features including population density, the quantity of public transport stations, road density, and shop density. They were also found to be significantly related to the individual socio-eeonomic characteristics of car ownership, employment status, and education level using a multinomial logistic regression model. These empirical findings have important policy implications, assisting in the development of measures that contribute to the sustainability of urban transportation and meet carbon mitigation targets. 展开更多
关键词 transport carbon emission travel behavior built environment socio-economic factors shopping trips China
The Perception and Reaction of Indonesia to the Belt and Road Initiative and Suggestions for China's Response 被引量:1
作者 Pan Yue Chang Xiaozhu 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期36-47,共12页
Participation, support and understanding of countries along the Belt and Road are requisites for promoting and implementing this major initiative. Indonesia, a major ASEAN economy, is crucial but Indonesia has a limit... Participation, support and understanding of countries along the Belt and Road are requisites for promoting and implementing this major initiative. Indonesia, a major ASEAN economy, is crucial but Indonesia has a limited perception of the B&R initiative. Although its government welcomes it and the ruling coalition cooperates positively, parts of the military and opposition are skeptical of China's intent. The B&R initiative is well-received among the Indonesian Chinese group, while Indonesian academic circles remain cautious and somewhat critical. From a Chinese viewpoint, easing negative or hostile emotions appropriately would be well-timed. China should settle the Natuna issue, adjust its publicity in Indonesia, use diplomacy, and promote Sino-Indonesia cultural exchange and communications. Chinese enterprises should focus on project quality and uphold social responsibilities. Short-term goals are reducing Indonesia's opposition and obstruction of B&R, while long-term goals are enhancing the recognition and likeability of the Initiative's worthwhile plans. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road Initiative (B&R) Indonesia China-Indonesiarelations
Substantial study on the occupation development of gender equality
作者 Zhang Xiaoyan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第5期625-628,共4页
Men and women participate in many social activities through professional roles.The main content of this study is the occupation development gender equality,which is a recessive change of quantity.Therefore,we cannot c... Men and women participate in many social activities through professional roles.The main content of this study is the occupation development gender equality,which is a recessive change of quantity.Therefore,we cannot concretely measure it to some extent,but through the structure square distance model and employees' feeling about the process,we can reflect its difference.The results of studying the feelings of male and female employees show that the gender equality is a problem,and there is a difference for men and women in career development. 展开更多
关键词 Occupation development Equality Substantial evidence research
Low Carbon Society in China: Research and Practice
作者 CAI Bo-Feng WANG Jin-Nan +2 位作者 YANG Wei-Shan LIU Lan-Cui CAO Dong 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 2012年第2期106-120,共15页
This paper aims to provide an overall image in terms of low carbon society (LCS) and its development in China. It mainly introduced and analyzed low carbon development which was addressed as crucial initiative for i... This paper aims to provide an overall image in terms of low carbon society (LCS) and its development in China. It mainly introduced and analyzed low carbon development which was addressed as crucial initiative for implementation of LCS in China. A comparative analysis was carried out on concepts and experiences of LCS between China and developed countries. The trends and characteristics of CO2 emissions in China have also been analyzed. Because of large amount of CO2 emissions generated in the production process and relatively small amount of CO2 emissions in the consumption process, China is facing a severe challenge of imbalance in economic growth and CO2 emissions. If the consumption and production pattern of developed countries are duplicated, China is very likely to experience a development pattern of boosting economic growth and improving living standards significantly but meanwhile risking and suffering by large amount of resources consumption and CO2 emissions. Thus, a comprehensive, systematic and scientific scheme for implementing a low carbon society is urgently needed in China. Through literature research, mainstream perspectives of scholars with respect to development of LCS are concluded. In the meantime, CO2 emissions reduction target, carbon taxation and different debated issues are also presented. The achievements, China has rflade, consist of concrete actions taken by local governments, some new policies and regulations for carbon reduction at national level, in particular energy-saving and renewable energy policies proposed in the l lth Five-Year Plan (2005-2010). Carbon trading markets and carbon capture and starage technology have also made progress in China. There are still many limitations and barriers remaining and in need to be solved in the next steps. 展开更多
关键词 low carbon society RESEARCH PRACTICE China
Research on the third sector participation in the old service
作者 Chen Xu-jun Shi jian-yong 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期117-119,共3页
Under the background of aging population, facing the silver wave of strikes, the whole society should prepare the attendant opportunities and chaUenges. The aging society is a big trend, and the phenomenon that can no... Under the background of aging population, facing the silver wave of strikes, the whole society should prepare the attendant opportunities and chaUenges. The aging society is a big trend, and the phenomenon that can not be ignored will affect the life of each of us. Coincides with the party and the government advocates the policy background of the harmonious society, how to provide services effectively for the older age groups, not only related to the well-being of older age groups and will in the social relations of each individual has a personal positive externalities. So pay attention to the aging is a urgent measures, begin to solve problems caused by aging and meet with aging opportunities, only to rely on binary structure composed of government and business is slightly lack of power, we must to play a wide range of social forces involved. Social forces through the third deparunents in the form of organization, this paper focuses on the third sector to participate in the study of the old service. 展开更多
关键词 Third Department For old service Ageing Three element framework
The Effects of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Dry Season Flows in Tien River and Hau River
作者 Chuc Huynh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第5期239-242,共4页
Tien river and Hau river are two main branches of Cuu Long River which have hydrology regime directly effected by climate change and sea level rise. The flow of the dry season in the Tien and Hau rivers plays a key ro... Tien river and Hau river are two main branches of Cuu Long River which have hydrology regime directly effected by climate change and sea level rise. The flow of the dry season in the Tien and Hau rivers plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta, especially in agricultural production. The study aims to provide useful information in socio-economic development planning and water use strategies for managers, planners and policymarkers of the provinces/cities in the Mekong Delta. This paper presents the study results in changing of dry season flows in Tien river and Hau river under the impacts of climate change in order to propose measures for protection, substainable development and water security. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change sea level rise dry season flows Tien river and Hau river.
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