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大学生综合素质量化评优模型的构建 被引量:6
作者 张富程 谢爽 吴应刚 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期87-90,共4页
目前,各高校对学生的综合素质评价都采用定性方法,难以准确、全面地反映学生的实际情况。要解决这一问题,可运用层次分析法建立层次结构模型,通过构造比较矩阵和对权向量作一致性检验,确定评价指标和权重,再通过评优公式计算每个学生的... 目前,各高校对学生的综合素质评价都采用定性方法,难以准确、全面地反映学生的实际情况。要解决这一问题,可运用层次分析法建立层次结构模型,通过构造比较矩阵和对权向量作一致性检验,确定评价指标和权重,再通过评优公式计算每个学生的量化成绩,以此对学生综合素质进行准确量化评价。实证研究表明,该模型评价方法科学合理、可操作性强,完全可以用于当前各高校的实际评优工作。 展开更多
关键词 综合素质 量化评优模型 层次分析法
作者 童红峰 《中国招标》 2001年第7期24-26,共3页
关键词 设备招标 量化评标模型 标方式 约束条件 量化评标法 搜索方法 算法
作者 李庆泽 《山东冶金》 CAS 2008年第3期82-82,共1页
关键词 设备招标 量化评 标标准
中药品质综合量化评控体系——标准评控力金字塔 被引量:51
作者 肖小河 张定堃 +2 位作者 王伽伯 杨明 彭成 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期7-12,共6页
中药品质评控是制约中药现代化发展的重要瓶颈问题。现有中药质控标准多为单一、定性的指标,缺少定量化和系统化评判,并且与临床安全性和有效性以及用量和用法等关联不密切。为此,笔者首次提出并构建了中药品质综合量化评控方法体系—... 中药品质评控是制约中药现代化发展的重要瓶颈问题。现有中药质控标准多为单一、定性的指标,缺少定量化和系统化评判,并且与临床安全性和有效性以及用量和用法等关联不密切。为此,笔者首次提出并构建了中药品质综合量化评控方法体系——标准评控力金字塔,并结合相关研究实例进行阐释,以期推动以临床为导向的中药整合创新研究,为提振中药品质及临床疗效提供前瞻性的管控策略与技术示例。 展开更多
关键词 中药标准化 综合量化评 标准控力金字塔 效应成分指数 品质综合指数
一种基于云模型的高校评教指标量化方法 被引量:2
作者 施珺 李慧 周立东 《淮海工学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第4期41-45,共5页
高校评价指标中存在着大量的定性指标,如何实现定性描述向定量表示的转换,使得高校评教更加科学与精确,已成为高校教师评价需要面对和解决的一个基本问题。将云模型与物元理论相结合,提出了一种基于云模型的高校教师评教指标量化法,实... 高校评价指标中存在着大量的定性指标,如何实现定性描述向定量表示的转换,使得高校评教更加科学与精确,已成为高校教师评价需要面对和解决的一个基本问题。将云模型与物元理论相结合,提出了一种基于云模型的高校教师评教指标量化法,实现了定性概念向定量表示的合理转换,进而对高校教师的整体绩效作出综合评价。通过实例分析表明,该方法能够完整地反映高校教师的综合水平,较好地给出教师综合评教等级结果。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师 云模型 物元理论 教指标量化 云向量
作者 马彩莉 李乐之 +8 位作者 黄金 李亚敏 欧尽南 何桂香 姜志连 曾立云 陈琼妮 周昔红 赵丽萍 《当代护士(下旬刊)》 2017年第12期174-177,共4页
目的构建科学、公正、具有说服力的评优量化指标体系,为医院护士评优提供依据。方法成立研究小组,通过理论分析、查找文献、头脑风暴和集体讨论法,构建护理单元在服务与质量、科研与创新、培训与教学三个方面的评优量化指标体系。结果... 目的构建科学、公正、具有说服力的评优量化指标体系,为医院护士评优提供依据。方法成立研究小组,通过理论分析、查找文献、头脑风暴和集体讨论法,构建护理单元在服务与质量、科研与创新、培训与教学三个方面的评优量化指标体系。结果初步形成了护理单元评优量化指标体系。结论评优量化指标体系在提高护理单元的参与度、明确护理工作的重点内容、调动护士的工作积极性方面发挥了积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 护理单元 量化指标 体系 护理管理
量化质评指标在主任查房质量监控中的应用 被引量:3
作者 吴沃栋 《中国医院管理》 2000年第10期39-41,共3页
目的:探讨如何确保主任查房及主任查房记录的质量。方法:拟定《临床科主任查房及查房记录量化评估指标》,根据指标抽查大内科83份危重疑难病例、隹院病历、主任查房记录并作出评估。结果:按《评估指标》抽查结果提示,按量化指标对临床... 目的:探讨如何确保主任查房及主任查房记录的质量。方法:拟定《临床科主任查房及查房记录量化评估指标》,根据指标抽查大内科83份危重疑难病例、隹院病历、主任查房记录并作出评估。结果:按《评估指标》抽查结果提示,按量化指标对临床科主任查房及记录质量的评估具有一定的实用性及可行性。结论:只要能严格按照《评估指标》的要求,做到制度落实,诊治及学术水平高新化,注意教学,做好医护监督及病历质控,记录规范化,就能保证主任查房及主任查房记录的质量。 展开更多
关键词 主任查房 质量监控 量化指标
卫生高级职称自主评聘量化考核体系的构建 被引量:9
作者 范欣欣 杨益兰 《医院管理论坛》 2019年第9期8-11,共4页
目的探索以业绩为导向,评价全面、指标刚性的卫生高级职称量化考核体系。方法采用专家咨询法和关键指标法确定思想与职业道德;学历、学位、资历与人才荣誉;科研业绩;教学业绩;医疗业绩5个一级指标,根据主观经验法确定指标权重和加权总... 目的探索以业绩为导向,评价全面、指标刚性的卫生高级职称量化考核体系。方法采用专家咨询法和关键指标法确定思想与职业道德;学历、学位、资历与人才荣誉;科研业绩;教学业绩;医疗业绩5个一级指标,根据主观经验法确定指标权重和加权总分值。结果考核指标注重业务水平和工作实绩,符合医院人才培养方向。结论量化考核对卫生人才的发展具有引导和激励作用,为医院实施卫生高级职称自主评聘提供客观、公平、透明的依据。 展开更多
关键词 医生 职称 量化考核
质性评教:走出学生评教困境的理性选择 被引量:29
作者 路丽娜 王洪才 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期93-98,共6页
学生评教作为高校教学质量保障的重要措施,理应发挥促进教师教学的作用,然而在实践中却面临很大困境,突出表现在作为直接利益相关人的教师、学生和管理者都无法从中获得非常有价值的信息,评教过程本身耗时耗力,以致引起很大反感乃至对... 学生评教作为高校教学质量保障的重要措施,理应发挥促进教师教学的作用,然而在实践中却面临很大困境,突出表现在作为直接利益相关人的教师、学生和管理者都无法从中获得非常有价值的信息,评教过程本身耗时耗力,以致引起很大反感乃至对立文化出现。究其根源,乃是由于过分推崇量化评教所致。量化评教对环境条件要求较高,强制推行就会出现欲速则不达的状况。在目前,不宜过分推行量化评教,宜采用简便、实用且灵活多样的质性评教,如此方能实现学生评教的初衷。 展开更多
关键词 学生 质性 量化评
高校体育课堂质量评估指标体系的研制 被引量:4
作者 黄永良 方舒君 《湖北体育科技》 2003年第3期386-389,共4页
目前我国高校的教学改革进入实质性阶段,改革之路应如何走,提高教育质量,是各高等院校在高校扩招新形势下办学首先解决的课题。教育质量提高,关键在教育者教学水平,那么如何来评价高校体育教师课堂教学质量呢?文章从我国学校教育管理的... 目前我国高校的教学改革进入实质性阶段,改革之路应如何走,提高教育质量,是各高等院校在高校扩招新形势下办学首先解决的课题。教育质量提高,关键在教育者教学水平,那么如何来评价高校体育教师课堂教学质量呢?文章从我国学校教育管理的实际需要和教学基本特征出发,着重对高校体育教师课堂教学质量评估体系进行设计研制,从而使课堂评价指标体系具有较强的可操作性。 展开更多
关键词 高校 体育教学 教学质量 估指标 设计原则 量化
作者 梁丽卿 《中国政府采购》 2002年第4期54-56,共3页
关键词 政府采购 招标 标原则 量化评 价格 标方法 定标原则
作者 王国东 《电子制作》 2015年第2Z期256-,共1页
关键词 建设工程监理招标 综合量化评标方法
心理干预在耐药肺结核患者中的应用 被引量:4
作者 田艳茹 王俊霞 +2 位作者 张春格 赵书云 刘红卫 《护理实践与研究》 2008年第13期77-78,共2页
目的:探讨用Zung自评焦虑量化表(SAS)评价心理干预对耐多药肺结核患者的心理状态及治疗的影响。方法:将200名耐多药肺结核患者作为受试对象分为对照组(n=99例)和实验组(n=101例),对照组予常规心理干预方法;实验组除采用常规心理干预方法... 目的:探讨用Zung自评焦虑量化表(SAS)评价心理干预对耐多药肺结核患者的心理状态及治疗的影响。方法:将200名耐多药肺结核患者作为受试对象分为对照组(n=99例)和实验组(n=101例),对照组予常规心理干预方法;实验组除采用常规心理干预方法外,还增加了认知和行为干预(放松疗法和治疗性触摸),并给予积极的心理疏导,进行心理干预前后用SAS评定量表评定,进行t检验。结果:心理干预组患者焦虑明显减轻,明显优于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:心理干预能使耐多药肺结核患者减少焦虑影响,减轻其心理压力,提高其治疗顺从性和疗效。 展开更多
关键词 焦虑量化 耐多药肺结核 心理干预
Configuration optimization model of multi-energy distributed generation system 被引量:2
作者 徐青山 徐敏姣 +1 位作者 李国栋 蒋菱 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第2期182-188,共7页
To integrate different renewable energy resources effectively in a microgrid, a configuration optimization model of a multi-energy distributed generation(DG) system and its auxiliary equipment is proposed. The model... To integrate different renewable energy resources effectively in a microgrid, a configuration optimization model of a multi-energy distributed generation(DG) system and its auxiliary equipment is proposed. The model mainly consists of two parts, the determination of initial configuration schemes according to user preference and the selection of the optimal scheme. The comprehensive evaluation index(CEI), which is acquired through the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) weight calculation method, is adopted as the evaluation criterion to rank the initial schemes. The optimal scheme is obtained according to the ranking results. The proposed model takes the diversity of different equipment parameters and investment cost into consideration and can give relatively suitable and economical suggestions for system configuration.Additionally, unlike Homer Pro, the proposed model considers the complementation of different renewable energy resources, and thus the rationality of the multi-energy DG system is improved compared with the single evaluation criterion method which only considers the total cost. 展开更多
关键词 multi-energy complementation distributed generation(DG) optimal configuration energy management comprehensive evaluation index(CEI) analytic hierarchy process(AHP)
Application of quantification theory in risk assessment of mine flooding 被引量:8
作者 WANG Lian-guo MIAO Xie-xing DONG Xu WU Yu 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第1期38-41,共4页
Hundreds of mine flooding accidents have occurred in China since the 1950s. These flooding accidents result in submerged working faces, even entire coal mines, leading to tremendous economic losses. It is reported tha... Hundreds of mine flooding accidents have occurred in China since the 1950s. These flooding accidents result in submerged working faces, even entire coal mines, leading to tremendous economic losses. It is reported that among 601 state-owned mines in China, 285 mines are exposed to water-inrush risks. The water pressure is becoming larger and larger with the increase of mining depth, leading to an increase of water-inrush hazards. Only when the risk of mine flooding is predicted in a reasonable manner, can we take timely and effective measures to prevent mine flooding from taking place. In our investigation quantification(H) theory is used to study the risk prediction problem about mine flooding. By investigating the main factors which affect mine flooding, eight risk assessment items have been identified. The extent of risk is classified into 4 grades. Given the data from different periods in the Feicheng mining area, a prediction model for the risk of mine flooding is established. The test analysis indicates a model correlation coefficient of 0.97 and the incidence of discrimination is as high as 97.37%, which implies that the effect of the model is quite satisfactory. With the help of computers, this method can be widely applied. 展开更多
关键词 mine flooding quantification(II) theory prediction model assessment item
On the automobile lightweight 被引量:8
作者 Ma Mingtu Yi Hongliang +1 位作者 Lu Hongzhou Wan Xinming 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第2期71-77,共7页
The significance,description parameters,evaluation method,implement way and design for lightweight of automobile are comprehensively reviewed.The relationship among the performances of auto parts & components,the ... The significance,description parameters,evaluation method,implement way and design for lightweight of automobile are comprehensively reviewed.The relationship among the performances of auto parts & components,the properties of materials and application of advanced technologies is also elaborated.According to recently related progress of lightweight and authors' research and developing work,lightweight of automobile is comprehensively and systematically overviewed. 展开更多
关键词 lightweight of automobile evaluation method lightweight index performances of parts materials properties forming technologies
Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Wetland Soil Quality Degradation:A Case Study on the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China 被引量:16
作者 WANG Jian-Hua LU Xian-Guo +2 位作者 JIANG Ming LI Xiao-Yan TIAN Jing-Han 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期756-764,共9页
Wetland soil quality degradation caused by large-scale agricultural reclamation on the Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China has been widely reported. A relative soil quality evaluation (RSQE) model and a projection pursu... Wetland soil quality degradation caused by large-scale agricultural reclamation on the Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China has been widely reported. A relative soil quality evaluation (RSQE) model and a projection pursuit evaluation (PPE) model based on real-coded accelerating genetic algorithm were introduced to evaluate quality variations in top layers of the main wetland soils on the Sanjiang Plain in 1999 and 2003, respectively. As soil quality degradation boundaries were vague, this study established two fuzzy synthetic evaluation (FSE) models based on the original data and criteria used in the RSQE and PPE models. The outputs of the two FSE models were obtained by choosing two fuzzy composite operators M(∧, ∨) and M(·, ⊕). Statistical analysis showed that the results of the FSE, RSQE, and PPE models were correlated. In particular, outputs of the FSE model using M(·, ⊕) were significantly correlated with those of the RSQE model with r = 0.989 at P < 0.01. Compared with RSQE and PPE models, the FSE model may be more objective in showing soil quality variations and was closer to the natural situation, showing the feasibility and applicability of the FSE model in evaluating soil quality degradation. However, the choice of composite operator was of critical importance. The study of wetland soil quality degradation on the Sanjiang Plain was of scientific and practical significance for protection and management of soils and for sustainable development of agriculture in this area in the future. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy composite operator model soil protection and management sustainable development of agriculture
Quantitative Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis by Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography 被引量:2
作者 Ming-bo Zhang En-ze Qux +2 位作者 En-ze Qu Ji-Bin Liu Jin-rui Wang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2011年第4期208-215,共8页
Objective To explore the contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic features for quantitative assessment of hepatic fibrosis. Methods 86 patients with chronic viral hepatitis B were enrolled in this study from March 2007 to A... Objective To explore the contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic features for quantitative assessment of hepatic fibrosis. Methods 86 patients with chronic viral hepatitis B were enrolled in this study from March 2007 to August 2009. The patients were classified into 5 groups (S0-S4) according to fibrosis stage evaluated with ultrasound guided liver biopsy. New contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) features including area under the time-intensity curve (TIC) of portal venous phase/hepatic arterial phase (Qp/Qa) and intensity of portal venous phase/hepatic arterial phase (Ip/Ia) were used to detect the blood supply ratio (portal vein/hepatic artery) in each group. Arrival time of portal vein trunk (Tp) and decreasing rate of TIC (β ) were also analyzed. Results Qp/Qa and Ip/Ia decreased from S0 to S4, while Tp and β increased. These 4 features were significantly correlated with the degree of fibrosis (P<0.001) and were significantly different among the five groups (P<0.001). Sensitivity and specificity of Ip/Ia were 80% and 86% for groups ≥S1, 75% and 86% for groups ≥ S2, 71% and 84% for groups ≥ S3, and 76% and 80% for group S4, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of Qp/Qa were 70% and 88% for groups ≥ S1, 80% and 76% for groups ≥ S2, 74% and 70% for groups ≥ S3, and 81% and 95% for group S4, respectively. Conclusion Ip/Ia and Qp/Qa could be adopted as reliable, non-invasive features for quantitative assessment of hepatic fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 hepatic fibrosis contrast-enhanced ultrasonography QUANTITATIVE non- invasive
Cloud Seedability Study with a Dual-Model System 被引量:1
作者 JIN Ling LEI Heng-Chi +2 位作者 KONG Fan-You YANG Jie-Fan HU Zhao-Xia 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期197-202,共6页
In this research, one-dimensional stratiform a novel dual-model system, cold cloud model (1DSC) coupled to Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model (WRF-1DSC for short), was employed to investigate the effects ... In this research, one-dimensional stratiform a novel dual-model system, cold cloud model (1DSC) coupled to Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model (WRF-1DSC for short), was employed to investigate the effects of cloud seeding by silver iodide (AgI) on rain enhancement. Driven by changing environmental conditions extracted from the WRF model, WRF-1DSC could be used to assess the cloud seeding effects quantitatively. The employment of WRF- 1DSC, in place of a one-dimen- sional two-moment cloud seeding model applied to a three-dimensional mesoscale cloud-resolving model, was found to result in massive reduction of computational resources. Numerical experiments with WRF-1DSC were conducted for a real stratiform precipitation event ob- served on 4-5 July 2004, in Northeast China. A good agreement between the observed and modeled cloud system ensured the ability of WRF-1DSC to simulate the observed precipitation process efficiently. Sensitivity tests were performed with different seeding times, locations, and amounts. Experimental results showed that the optimum seeding effect (defined as the percentage of rain enhancement or rain enhancement rate) could be achieved through proper seeding at locations of maximum cloud water content when the updraft was strong. The optimum seeding effect was found to increase by 5.61% when the cloud was seeded at 5.5 km above ground level around 2300 UTC 4 July 2004, with the maximum AgI mixing ratio (As) equaling 15 ng kg-1. On the other hand, for an overseeded cloud, a significant reduction occurred in the accumulated precipitation (-12.42%) as Xs reached 100 ng kg^-1. This study demonstrates the potential of WRF- 1DSC in determining the optimal AgI seeding strategy in practical operations of precipitation enhancement. 展开更多
关键词 dual-model system AGI cloud seeding WRF clmld model
Environmental life cycle assessment of Indian coal-fired power plants 被引量:6
作者 Udayan Singh Naushita Sharma Siba Sankar Mahapatra 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第2期215-225,共11页
Coal is the backbone of the Indian power sector. The coal-fired power plants remain the largest emitters of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and substantial amounts of nitrogen oxides, which are associated with climate ... Coal is the backbone of the Indian power sector. The coal-fired power plants remain the largest emitters of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and substantial amounts of nitrogen oxides, which are associated with climate and health impacts. Various CO2 mitigation technologies (carbon capture and storage--CCS) and SO2/NOx mitigation technologies (flue gas desulfurization and selective catalytic reduction) have been employed to reduce the environmental impacts of the coal-fired power plants. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the feasibility of various mitigation technologies employed. This paper attempts to perform environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of Indian coal-fired power plant with and without CO2, SO2 and NOx mitigation controls. The study develops new normalization factors for India in various damage categories, using the Indian emissions and energy consumption data, coupled with the emissions and particulate emission to come up with a final environmental impact of coal-fired electricity. The results show a large degree of dependence on the perspective of assessment used. The impact of sensitivities of individual substances and the effect of plant efficiency on the final LCA results is also studied. 展开更多
关键词 Lifeinventory Fluecycle assessment Coal-fired power plants - Carbon capture and storage Environmental impact Plantgas desulfurization
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