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作者 陶连方 吴力萍 陈芸 《中国微循环》 北大核心 2005年第4期280-281,共2页
目的探讨光量子血液平衡治疗对老年病人血流变及甲襞微循环异常的应用价值。方法选择血流变及甲襞微循环异常的老年病人100例,随机分成两组,对照组50例在治疗基础疾病的基础上加用血栓通进行治疗,治疗组50例加用光量子血液平衡治疗,治... 目的探讨光量子血液平衡治疗对老年病人血流变及甲襞微循环异常的应用价值。方法选择血流变及甲襞微循环异常的老年病人100例,随机分成两组,对照组50例在治疗基础疾病的基础上加用血栓通进行治疗,治疗组50例加用光量子血液平衡治疗,治疗后复查血液流变学及甲襞微循环。结果对照组与治疗组治疗前血流变及甲襞微循环的比较,两组间无差异性(P>0.05),对照组治疗前后血流变及甲襞微循环的变化均有显著性差异(P<0.05),治疗组治疗前后血流变及甲襞微循环的变化均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),而治疗组与对照组治疗后的比较,血流变及甲襞微循环的变化亦有显著性差异(P<0.05)。两组治疗后均未出现明显的毒副反应。结论光量子血液平衡治疗是治疗血流变及甲襞微循环异常的有效、安全、可靠的方法,无任何毒副作用,优于一般药物治疗,可广泛用于临床。 展开更多
关键词 量子血液平衡治疗 血液流变学 甲襞微循环
作者 蔡子 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第23期112-121,共10页
非平衡量子关联体系是近年来受到广泛关注的一类新型量子系统,其研究对象不局限于某一特定的物理分支,而是涉及凝聚态物理、原子分子物理和量子光学、量子调控与量子计算、非平衡统计物理等诸多现代物理学的前沿领域.这些不同体系中涌... 非平衡量子关联体系是近年来受到广泛关注的一类新型量子系统,其研究对象不局限于某一特定的物理分支,而是涉及凝聚态物理、原子分子物理和量子光学、量子调控与量子计算、非平衡统计物理等诸多现代物理学的前沿领域.这些不同体系中涌现出来的非平衡量子关联现象,既融合了各自体系的不同特征,又展现出普适的一般规律.由于其新颖性和复杂性,这类系统中存在大量未知的基本物理问题和新奇的物理现象,是当前量子科学理论研究的难点和重点.同时,由于量子技术的飞速发展,理解这类复杂系统对于以量子计算和量子调控为代表的新一代量子科学技术的发展具有重要的现实意义.本文简要总结了近年来本课题组在非平衡量子多体物理方面的几个代表性工作,着重讨论了与时间相关的对称性(破缺)导致的新的非平衡量子物态,准粒子及其中的动力学普适行为. 展开更多
关键词 平衡量子物态 时间维度效应 自发对称破缺
视觉量子目标跟踪方法 被引量:3
作者 姜文涛 刘万军 +1 位作者 袁姮 张海涛 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期2961-2984,共24页
为了解决变结构目标跟踪过程中目标失跟率较高的问题,提出了一种基于视觉量子(vision quantum,简称VQ)的目标跟踪方法.该方法首先在图像内自上而下地辐射视觉量子采集灰度信息,统计量子内部概率密度较大的灰度级和分布区域;然后计算视... 为了解决变结构目标跟踪过程中目标失跟率较高的问题,提出了一种基于视觉量子(vision quantum,简称VQ)的目标跟踪方法.该方法首先在图像内自上而下地辐射视觉量子采集灰度信息,统计量子内部概率密度较大的灰度级和分布区域;然后计算视觉量子的量子频率,归一化量子频率系数,滤除系统噪音和杂波干扰,利用频率阶跃不变性移动视觉量子至平衡状态,将达到量子平衡状态的视觉量子组成量子簇;最后,以该量子簇作为候选目标信息,采用极大似然估计预测运动目标状态,以预测结果作为下一帧图像中视觉量子移动的参考值,并进一步验证移动后的视觉量子是否达到量子平衡状态,以确保目标跟踪有效性.该方法抓住了变结构运动目标前景与背景交界处具有量子频率阶跃不变性的特点,继而将阶跃不变特征采用具有独立性和约束性的视觉量子进行描述,可以有效地消除形状变化、尺度变化等变结构因素对运动目标跟踪的影响,失跟率较低.同时,由于视觉量子数据量较小,计算复杂度较低,其跟踪实时性较高.大量实验测试结果表明,该方法对变结构目标跟踪具有很好的适应性、实时性和鲁棒性. 展开更多
关键词 视觉量子 频率阶跃 量子平衡 量子 目标跟踪
作者 柯友启 孟胜 +1 位作者 夏钶 魏苏淮 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期31-34,共4页
在外场驱动下,系统会偏离平衡态分布规律进入非平衡状态,产生包括电荷和能量的输运现象以及丰富的非平衡亚稳态新奇物相.电荷和能量通过一个量子多体材料系统进行传输是能量与信息的转化和存储中的基本过程,而在远离平衡态条件下材料的... 在外场驱动下,系统会偏离平衡态分布规律进入非平衡状态,产生包括电荷和能量的输运现象以及丰富的非平衡亚稳态新奇物相.电荷和能量通过一个量子多体材料系统进行传输是能量与信息的转化和存储中的基本过程,而在远离平衡态条件下材料的物性能发生极大的改变.对材料和器件包括输运特性在内的非平衡物态进行深入理解和精确计算是提升物质特性调控能力的核心,是促进相关制造技术进步的关键,构成凝聚态物理和计算物理的前沿研究领域. 展开更多
关键词 量子平衡动力学 量子输运 瞬态 稳态 平衡态格林函数 含时密度泛函理论 波函数方法
经典极限下量子卡诺制冷机有限时间热力学性能界限和优化准则 被引量:4
作者 吴锋 孙丰瑞 +1 位作者 陈林根 华佩群 《低温与特气》 CAS 1997年第3期24-27,共4页
关键词 谐振子 量子制冷机 平衡量子统计 制冷机
作者 许军 刘海港 +3 位作者 王帅 孙强 孙彦铮 王保民 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期113-114,共2页
采用MOCVD工艺制备具有应变平衡量子阱结构GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge三结太阳电池的方法,及量子阱结构对中间电池的光谱响应的改善,从而使GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge三结太阳电池各子电池电流匹配设计更为合理,揭示了量子阱结构提高GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge... 采用MOCVD工艺制备具有应变平衡量子阱结构GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge三结太阳电池的方法,及量子阱结构对中间电池的光谱响应的改善,从而使GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge三结太阳电池各子电池电流匹配设计更为合理,揭示了量子阱结构提高GaInP/Ga(In)As/Ge三结级联太阳电池光电转换效率的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 周期应变平衡量子阱结构 三结级联太阳电池 电流匹配 光谱响应 量子效率
作者 王子 任捷 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第23期148-157,共10页
随着对微纳尺度系统的深入理解和实验技术的进步,发生在这些小系统中的热输运和能量转换近期吸引了大量研究.不同于依赖静态热力学力(如温差、电势差等)的非平衡稳态调控手段,受时间驱动的非平衡非稳态小系统具有特有的高可调性和普遍性... 随着对微纳尺度系统的深入理解和实验技术的进步,发生在这些小系统中的热输运和能量转换近期吸引了大量研究.不同于依赖静态热力学力(如温差、电势差等)的非平衡稳态调控手段,受时间驱动的非平衡非稳态小系统具有特有的高可调性和普遍性,其研究同时具有基础价值和应用潜力.本文从几何这一基本概念出发,分析了热力学几何相(曲率)和热力学距离这两个关键物理量,以几何的视角展现和分析近期关于受驱动非平衡量子系统中输运调控和能量转换途径的热力学研究.热力学几何不仅可以看作是这一大类系统中非平凡输运和耗散的本质起源,也同样给我们提供了一种理论框架,给出对于系统输运和能量转换的限制,同时也可以给出慢驱动条件下量子热机性能的通用优化方式.这将在未来帮助理解非平衡量子多体系统所发挥的能量输运/转换功能,也会为发现高性能(高效率、高功率、高可靠性)量子热机提供新的设计思路. 展开更多
关键词 平衡量子系统 几何相 热力学距离 热泵浦 量子热机
改进遗传神经网络及其在水体富营养化和藻类生长预测中的应用 被引量:5
作者 姚志红 孔海南 +2 位作者 靳志成 王臣 潘伟 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期262-265,共4页
水体富营养化是藻类爆发性生长的主要因素,为了对其进行实时监测预报,提出一种改进遗传神经网络(QGANN),以实现智能预测.该网络从遗传算法(GA)和神经网络(NN)两方面及其相互关系着手,构造了一个基于量子力学原理的量子平衡交叉算子,设... 水体富营养化是藻类爆发性生长的主要因素,为了对其进行实时监测预报,提出一种改进遗传神经网络(QGANN),以实现智能预测.该网络从遗传算法(GA)和神经网络(NN)两方面及其相互关系着手,构造了一个基于量子力学原理的量子平衡交叉算子,设计了一种NN混合优化策略,将两者合并共生获得了一类快速、高效的神经网络预测模型.水库和湖泊蓝绿藻爆发预测实验表明:该改进遗传算法(QGA)性能优良;QGANN的泛化能力明显提高,比未经改进的方法(GAsNN)及简单改进的方法(DCGANN)取得了更加满意的效果. 展开更多
关键词 水体富营养化 遗传算法 神经网络 蓝绿藻 量子平衡交叉算子
作者 何安明 李纯 石焕文 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 2004年第2期32-33,共2页
关键词 声子 热传递 地幔 矿物 平衡量子统计方法
Quantum Measurement of Single Electron State by a Mesoscopic Detector
作者 胡学宁 骆钧炎 李新奇 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期218-222,共5页
A realistic measurement setup for a system such system measured by a mesoscopie detector,is theoretically as a charged two-state (qubit) or multi-state quantum studied. To properly describe the measurement-induced b... A realistic measurement setup for a system such system measured by a mesoscopie detector,is theoretically as a charged two-state (qubit) or multi-state quantum studied. To properly describe the measurement-induced back-action,a detailed-balance preserved quantum master equation treatment is developed. The established framework is applicable for arbitrary voltages and temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 quantum measurement detailed balance RELAXATION
Solitary Waves for Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation with Variable Coefficients 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Jin-Liang WANG Ming-Liang LI Xiang-Zheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期343-346,共4页
The cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation (CQNLS) plays important parts in the optical fiber and the nuclear hydrodynamics. By using the homogeneous balance principle, the bell type, kink type, algebraic sol... The cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation (CQNLS) plays important parts in the optical fiber and the nuclear hydrodynamics. By using the homogeneous balance principle, the bell type, kink type, algebraic solitary waves, and trigonometric traveling waves for the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with variable coefficients (vCQNLS) are derived with the aid of a set of subsidiary high-order ordinary differential equations (sub-equations for short). The method used in this paper might help one to derive the exact solutions for the other high-order nonlinear evolution equations, and shows the new application of the homogeneous balance principle. 展开更多
关键词 cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with variable coefficients homogeneous balance principle solitary wave
Revisiting Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication Using a Non-symmetric Quantum Channel with Quantum Superdense Coding 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jun LIU Yi-Min +1 位作者 XIA Yan ZHANG Zhan-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期887-890,共4页
Recently Xia and Song [Phys. Lett. A 364 (2007) 117] have proposed a controlled quantum secure direct communication (CQSDC) protocol. They claimed that in their protocol only with the help of the controller Charli... Recently Xia and Song [Phys. Lett. A 364 (2007) 117] have proposed a controlled quantum secure direct communication (CQSDC) protocol. They claimed that in their protocol only with the help of the controller Charlie, the receiver Alice can successfully extract the secret message from the sender Bob. In this letter, first we will show that within their protocol the controller Charlie's role could have been excluded if it were not for their unreasonable design. We then revise the Xia-Song CQSDC protocol such that its original advantages are reta/ned and the CQSDC can be really realized. 展开更多
关键词 quantum secure direct communication quantum superdense coding non-symmetric quantumchannel
Construction and Verification of a Simple Smooth Chaotic System 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Xiao-Dan SHI Feng WANG Zhen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2X期267-274,共8页
This article introduces a new chaotic system of three-dimensional quadratic autonomous ordinary differential equations, which can display different attractors with two unstable equilibrium points and four unstable equ... This article introduces a new chaotic system of three-dimensional quadratic autonomous ordinary differential equations, which can display different attractors with two unstable equilibrium points and four unstable equilibrium points respectively. Dynamical properties of this system are then studied. Furthermore, by applying the undetermined coefficient method, heteroclinic orbit of Shil'nikov's type in this system is found and the convergence of the series expansions of this heteroclinic orbit are proved in this article. The Shil'nikov's theorem guarantees that this system has Smale horseshoes and the horseshoe chaos. 展开更多
关键词 chaotic attractors three-dimensional quadratic autonomous dynamical system equilibrium point
The Sorption Isosteric Heats of Rough Rice in China 被引量:4
作者 Xingjun Li Zidan Wu Hui Lu 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第1期15-21,共7页
Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) data for rough rice of thirteen Chinese varieties were obtained by static gravimetric method at five different temperatures (10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ℃) and 11% to 96% equilibrium... Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) data for rough rice of thirteen Chinese varieties were obtained by static gravimetric method at five different temperatures (10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ℃) and 11% to 96% equilibrium relative humidity (ERH). Six models, i.e., Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer, Modified Chung-Pfost (MCPE), Modified Henderson, Modified Oswin, and Strohman-Yoerger (STYE) fitted the EMC/ERH data based on the coefficient of determination, residue sum-of-squares, standard error of estimate, and mean relative percent error. The best fitted equations were MCPE and STYE, but MCPE is three-parameter, readily transformed equation and adopted in this study. The isosteric heats for both rough rice desorption and adsorption, and for both the sorption of Japonica and Indica rice, decreased rapidly with an increase in seed moisture content (m.c.) until the m.c. of 20% dry basis (d.b.) reached, and thereafter they decreased smoothly with increasing moisture content. The isosteric heats of rough rice desorption were higher than those of adsorption below the m.c. of 22.5% d.b., but thereafter, there was no significant difference found between desorption and adsorption. The sorption isosteric heats of Indica rice were slightly higher than those of Japonica rice under all moisture contents at a constant temperature. These results provide a sound basis for future work on the drying and storage of rice. 展开更多
关键词 Equilibrium moisture content rice (Oryza sativa L.) adsorption DESORPTION moisture sorption model AERATION drying.
Removal of Pb(Ⅱ) ions from aqueous solutions by litchi pericarp and its leachate
作者 潘轶敏 姜瑞雪 +2 位作者 杨继利 郑昊 尹儿琴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1626-1632,共7页
The adsorption capacity of Pb(Ⅱ) on litchi pericarps was investigated as a function of temperature,pH,and adsorbent dose using batch experiments.The experimental data obtained were evaluated using adsorption equilibr... The adsorption capacity of Pb(Ⅱ) on litchi pericarps was investigated as a function of temperature,pH,and adsorbent dose using batch experiments.The experimental data obtained were evaluated using adsorption equilibrium isotherms and a kinetic model.Additionally,the removal of Pb(Ⅱ) in leachate of litchi pericarps was also evaluated.The results show that litchi pericarps exhibit a high adsorption capacity to Pb(Ⅱ),with the maximum removal efficiency occurring at a temperature of 25 ℃,a pH of 6.0-7.0 and an adsorbent dosage of 10 g/L.Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model can all fit the equilibrium adsorption satisfactorily,with correlation coefficients(R^2) of 0.9935,0.9918 and 1.0,respectively.An average removal efficiency of 66.65% is found for Pb(Ⅱ) in leachate of litchi pericarps. 展开更多
关键词 litchi pericarp Pb(ll) ADSORPTION KINETICS isotherms LEACHATE
The effect of quantum noise on multiplayer quantum game
作者 曹帅 方卯发 郑小娟 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期915-918,共4页
It has recently been realized that quantum strategies have a great advantage over classical ones in quantum games. However, quantum states are easily affected by the quantum noise, resulting in decoherence. In this pa... It has recently been realized that quantum strategies have a great advantage over classical ones in quantum games. However, quantum states are easily affected by the quantum noise, resulting in decoherence. In this paper, we investigate the effect of quantum noise on a multiplayer quantum game with a certain strategic space, with all players affected by the same quantum noise at the same time. Our results show that in a maximally entangled state, a special Nash equilibrium appears in the range of 0≤p≤0.622 (p is the quantum noise parameter), and then disappears in the range of 0.622 〈 p≤ 1. Increasing the amount of quantum noise leads to the reduction of the quantum player's payoff. 展开更多
关键词 ENTANGLEMENT quantum game quantum noise Nash equilibrium
Proposal of Realization Restricted Quantum Game with Linear Optic Method
作者 ZHAO Hai-Jun PANG Xi-Ming 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期75-78,共4页
We present a quantum game with the restricted strategic space and its realization with linear optical system, which can be played by two players who are separated remotely. This game can also be realized on any other ... We present a quantum game with the restricted strategic space and its realization with linear optical system, which can be played by two players who are separated remotely. This game can also be realized on any other quantum computers. We find that the constraint brings some interesting properties that are useful for making game models. 展开更多
关键词 quantum game RESTRICTION EQUILIBRIUM linear optic
Generalized Quantum Games with Nash Equilibrium
作者 LIUXu-Feng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期553-556,共4页
We define generalized quantum games by introducing the coherent payoff operators and propose a simple scheme to illustrate it.The scheme is implemented with a single spin qubit system and a two-entangled-qubit system.... We define generalized quantum games by introducing the coherent payoff operators and propose a simple scheme to illustrate it.The scheme is implemented with a single spin qubit system and a two-entangled-qubit system.The Nash Equilibrium Theorem is proved for the models. 展开更多
关键词 quantum game Nash equilibrium
Energy as Entanglement Witness in Bilinear-Biquadratic Spin-1 Chain
作者 XU Feng WANG An-Min ZHAO Ning-Bo SU Xiao-Qiang ZHU Ren-Gui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4X期591-594,共4页
Energy is introduced as an entanglement witness to describe the entanglement property of a quantum system. The thermal equilibrium system is guaranteed to be entangled when system is cooled down below the entanglement... Energy is introduced as an entanglement witness to describe the entanglement property of a quantum system. The thermal equilibrium system is guaranteed to be entangled when system is cooled down below the entanglement temperature TE. By virtue of this concept we exploit the minimum separable state energy and entanglement temperature TE of the bilinear-biquadratic antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain model. We numerically calculate TE for arbitrary values of the strength of biquadratic exchange interaction Q up to N=7. We find TE decreases with Q for fixed N when Q is between -3 and 1/3 (J = 1). In this regime TE also decreases with N for fixed Q and varies slowly for large N. While the thermal system is always entangled when Q is smaller than -3. 展开更多
关键词 entanglement witness
Ultrafine Fraction and Aerosol Attached Activity Size Distribution of Radon Progeny in Living Room 被引量:2
作者 Amer Mohamed Mohamed Moustafa lotfy Abd EI-Hady Mona Moustafa Mahmoud Mostafa Yuness Abd El Fatah 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第7期205-215,共11页
Inhalation of 222Rn progeny in the domestic environment contributes the greatest fraction of the natural radiation exposure to the public. The ultrafine activity of these progeny amounts up to about l 0 percent of the... Inhalation of 222Rn progeny in the domestic environment contributes the greatest fraction of the natural radiation exposure to the public. The ultrafine activity of these progeny amounts up to about l 0 percent of the total activity (attached and ultrafine), but is considered to yield about 50 percent of the total radiation dose. Therefore, measurements of ultrafine fraction are essential for the estimation of radiation dose. The current study presents measured data on the total equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC) and ultrafine equilibrium equivalent concentration (EECUn), ultrafine fraction (fb), attached and unattached activity size distributions of radon progeny in the low ventilated rooms at Minia University, Minia city, Egypt. A screen diffusion battery was used for collection the ultrafine fraction and measuring the total activity concentration of radon progeny. The attached activity size distribution of 214pb is determined by using a low pressure cascade impactor. The EEC of radon progeny varied between 1.3 and 18.9 Bq/m3 with a mean value of 5.2 ± 0.48 Bq/m2. The mean activity thermodynamic diameter (AMTD) ofultrafine of radon progeny was determined to be 1.26 nm with relative mean geometric standard deviations (GSD) of 1.3. The ultrafine fraction of radon progeny, fb, has a range 0.01 to 0.21 with an average of 0.08 ± 0.03. A relative mean GSD of 2.7 was determined for attached 2Lapb at a mean active median aerodynamic diameter (AMD) of 350 nm. Based on the above experimental results, the deposition fractions have been evaluated in each air way generation through the human lung by applying a lung deposition model. The bronchial deposition efficiencies of particles in the size range of attached radon progeny were found to be lower than those of ultrafine progeny. The effect of radon progeny deposition by adult male has been also studied for various levels of physical exertion. The dose conversion factor has been discussed as a function of fb. 展开更多
关键词 AEROSOL radon progeny activity size distribution ultrafine fraction and attached fraction.
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