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论量子实在观 被引量:3
作者 成素梅 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期18-22,共5页
第一代量子物理学家之间的争论,演绎了如何摆脱传统概念思维,来接受量子力学的艰难过程,新一代物理学家则完全相反,他们要求用量子力学语言描述整个宇宙。根据量子力学思维方式,微观粒子被看成抽象空间中的算符,算符在人类熟知的空间坐... 第一代量子物理学家之间的争论,演绎了如何摆脱传统概念思维,来接受量子力学的艰难过程,新一代物理学家则完全相反,他们要求用量子力学语言描述整个宇宙。根据量子力学思维方式,微观粒子被看成抽象空间中的算符,算符在人类熟知的空间坐标中用波函数的形式表达出来。量子现象被看成算符在四维空间的投影,量子实在被看成对微观世界的整体性模拟,具有复制性和建构性。量子实在观是作为自在实在的微观粒子、作为对象性实在的量子现象和理论实在的统一。这是一种最低限度的非定域实在观。如果基于这种观点来回答当代科学哲学面临的问题,必然会得出新的结论。 展开更多
关键词 量子力学 实在论 量子实在
在介观RLC电路中通过量子菲涅耳变换获得压缩机制和压缩态(英文) 被引量:2
作者 汪贤才 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期445-449,共5页
按照有序算符内积分技术,时间演化算符可以表示为坐标-动量相位空间中经典变换的量子映射。依据已经提出的LC电路量子化方案所得到的哈密顿量,推广应用到RLC(电阻、电容和电感)电路量子化方案并得到相应哈密顿量。借助相应的理论计算,... 按照有序算符内积分技术,时间演化算符可以表示为坐标-动量相位空间中经典变换的量子映射。依据已经提出的LC电路量子化方案所得到的哈密顿量,推广应用到RLC(电阻、电容和电感)电路量子化方案并得到相应哈密顿量。借助相应的理论计算,可以发现在量子化的RLC电路中存在压缩机制。利用有序算符内积分技术和量子菲涅耳变换关系,可以进一步推导出量子介观RLC电路中相应压缩态的简明形式。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 有序算符正规乘积的积分 菲涅耳算符 压缩态 量子RLC电路
量子化介观RLC电路的热真空态与期望值 被引量:1
作者 吴卫锋 范洪义 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期703-709,共7页
鉴于介观RLC电路中的电流要产生焦耳热,应考虑有限温度下的电路量子效应。对于处在热环境中的平衡态,任何力学量的期望值可由系综平均表示。在此基础上,利用有序算符内积分技术,首次求出介观RLC电路所对应的热真空态,最后,借助于理论计... 鉴于介观RLC电路中的电流要产生焦耳热,应考虑有限温度下的电路量子效应。对于处在热环境中的平衡态,任何力学量的期望值可由系综平均表示。在此基础上,利用有序算符内积分技术,首次求出介观RLC电路所对应的热真空态,最后,借助于理论计算,储存在LC元件与消耗在R元件上的系综平均能量可由热真空态的纯态期望值来代替。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 量子化介RLC电路 热真空态 期望值
作者 梁向阳 张瑶 《中国当代文学研究》 2023年第4期154-159,共6页
先锋小说在书写现代性的同时亦对后者产生了规约与助力,而未完成的现代性要求先锋小说一直在路上。已故“70后”江苏作家黄孝阳在新的现代性语境中保持了形式探索的热情并致力于对先锋小说复杂性及现实感的追求,使文本呈现一种“深思的... 先锋小说在书写现代性的同时亦对后者产生了规约与助力,而未完成的现代性要求先锋小说一直在路上。已故“70后”江苏作家黄孝阳在新的现代性语境中保持了形式探索的热情并致力于对先锋小说复杂性及现实感的追求,使文本呈现一种“深思的轻”。这不仅显示了新世纪先锋写作对1980年代先锋小说的突围和自身的成熟走向,也对当下中国文学的先锋性呈现具有启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 黄孝阳 先锋小说 现代性 量子文学
量子领导学评述——品读《领导能力的9项法则》 被引量:1
作者 于强 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 2002年第2期95-96,共2页
关键词 量子领导学 《领导能力的9项法则》 书评 领导者 量子型领导 量子范式 沃伦·布兰克
原子观的演化 被引量:1
作者 田伟中 《物理通报》 2001年第11期42-45,共4页
1 早期原子结构模型 1.1 电子的发现和汤姆孙模型 1.1.1 电子的发现 1897年英国物理学家汤姆孙(J.J.Thomson)在研究稀薄气体放电现象时,发现了一种比原子、分子小得多的带负电荷的粒子,接着人们通过实验又知道该粒子是一切原子的组成部... 1 早期原子结构模型 1.1 电子的发现和汤姆孙模型 1.1.1 电子的发现 1897年英国物理学家汤姆孙(J.J.Thomson)在研究稀薄气体放电现象时,发现了一种比原子、分子小得多的带负电荷的粒子,接着人们通过实验又知道该粒子是一切原子的组成部分,这种粒子就是电子.电子的发现表明了原子不是不可分的最小粒子.这是为揭示原子内部结构所迈出的第一步. 展开更多
关键词 原子 电子 原子结构模型 演化 汤姆孙 玻尔 量子力学
作者 石英 《人文杂志》 北大核心 2023年第7期23-35,共13页
社会全息论认为,组成社会的任一部分都包含着所属社会整体的全部信息。哲学、数学、生物学、光学、量子力学和系统科学从不同角度为全息理论提供了依据和支撑。“全息”包括“显信息”和“潜信息”两个层面。“显信息”为可数据化信息,... 社会全息论认为,组成社会的任一部分都包含着所属社会整体的全部信息。哲学、数学、生物学、光学、量子力学和系统科学从不同角度为全息理论提供了依据和支撑。“全息”包括“显信息”和“潜信息”两个层面。“显信息”为可数据化信息,反映事物表层和局部属性;“潜信息”不可数据化,隐藏着事物带有根本性和趋势变化的整体属性。全息认知可区分“粒子视角”和“波动视角”两个维度。社会全息论的本质,是“整体大于部分之和”的系统整体性和“整体即关联”的量子整体观。依社会全息论观照人类社会:文化是民族生生不息得以延续的遗传基因,是社会运行的底层逻辑,是不确定性社会最大的确定性因素。依据母语文字类型进行文化聚类、划分文明形态,比之宗教文化圈的划分更为科学、更有意义。“象形文明”和“拼音文明”恰好对应于中华文明与西方文明两大文明形态,也对应于波动性整体思维和粒子性分析思维两种思维模式,构成人类命运共同体的一体两面。二元文明已深度嵌入对方,相互学习、互鉴互补,必将创造出美好的人类文明新形态。 展开更多
关键词 社会全息论 量子整体 显信息 潜信息 象形文明
旅游体验的时间余白 被引量:4
作者 白杨 王艳平 程玉 《旅游研究》 2017年第5期43-50,共8页
体验是旅游研究中的关键问题之一,作者的思考基于此但又超出了这一范畴,提出可在两个旅游体验项目之间设置时间余白,以巩固刚刚发生了的体验效果,为接下来的新体验做好心理准备,由此有助于生成一种仪式感。文章基于社会对余白文化的认... 体验是旅游研究中的关键问题之一,作者的思考基于此但又超出了这一范畴,提出可在两个旅游体验项目之间设置时间余白,以巩固刚刚发生了的体验效果,为接下来的新体验做好心理准备,由此有助于生成一种仪式感。文章基于社会对余白文化的认识提出了一个新的研究视角,即把旅游与社会,乃至与物理学结合起来,认为在旅游体验中应有复原意识,而时间余白则有助于这一思考。旅游者在体会到每一次体验获得的同时,也意味着某些失去,应力图把失去的应有感知拾捡回来,而对时间的关注将有助于这种意识的生成,因而本研究也可谓是关于旅游时间的讨论。 展开更多
关键词 旅游体验 时间余白 仪式感 量子观 复原意识
基于课程群理念的交互设计基础课教学探索 被引量:2
作者 周鹏程 王峰 +2 位作者 章洁 王丰 龙娟娟 《文教资料》 2017年第20期179-181,共3页
基础课程集群化的模块改革是有利于在互联网时代新媒体方向设计基础课与设计专业课有机衔接的一个新方法。在实践探索过程中,分解到每一门课程都有不同的特征。交互设计基础课是理论理念的学理阐述和讨论,与专业课实践部分的训练泾渭分... 基础课程集群化的模块改革是有利于在互联网时代新媒体方向设计基础课与设计专业课有机衔接的一个新方法。在实践探索过程中,分解到每一门课程都有不同的特征。交互设计基础课是理论理念的学理阐述和讨论,与专业课实践部分的训练泾渭分明。结合学生分组,workshop式的进度推进,翻转课堂的方式,平行竞争的方式,形成交互设计基础不仅仅是对理论理念部分的探索,更是对转业课程群的其他课程的触类旁通和对交互设计细分领域的专业准备训练。 展开更多
关键词 量子观 课程集群 交互设计基础课
作者 刘平 刘自信 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期176-176,共1页
关键词 自旋电子学 RASHBA自旋轨道耦合 量子
Beryllium-distribution in metallic glass matrix composite containing beryllium 被引量:1
作者 郭振玺 王永胜 +7 位作者 朱陆军 张跃飞 张振华 柯小行 林均品 郝国建 张泽 隋曼龄 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期110-116,共7页
The morphologies, sizes, compositions and volume fractions of dendritic phases in in situ Ti-based metallic glass matrix composites (MGMCs) containing beryllium (Be) with the nominal composition of Tia7Zr19Cu5V12B... The morphologies, sizes, compositions and volume fractions of dendritic phases in in situ Ti-based metallic glass matrix composites (MGMCs) containing beryllium (Be) with the nominal composition of Tia7Zr19Cu5V12Be17 (mole fraction, %) were investigated using XRD, SEM, EBSD, TEM, EDS and three-dimensional reconstruction method. Moreover, visualized at the nanoscale, Be distribution is confirmed to be only present in the matrix using scanning transmission electron microscopy-electron energy loss spectroscopy (STEM-EELS). Based on these findings, it has been obtained that the accurate chemical compositions are Wi28.3Zr19.7Cu8V6.4Be37.6 (mole fraction, %) for glass matrix and Wi62.nZr18.aCu2.6V16.6 (mole fraction, %) for the dendritic phases, and the volume fractions are 38.5% and 61.5%, respectively. It is believed that the results are of particular importance for the designing of Be-containing MGMCs. 展开更多
关键词 metallic glass COMPOSITES microstructure electron energy loss spectroscopy Be-distribution
《电镀与精饰》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期58-58,共1页
由我国电镀领域著名专家刘仁志教授主编的《量子电化学与电镀技术》一书将于2021年6月由中国建材工业出版社出版,新华书店发行。中国建材工业出版社网站和各网售平台均可购买。本书是首次将量子电化学理论与电化学工艺结合起来讨论的作... 由我国电镀领域著名专家刘仁志教授主编的《量子电化学与电镀技术》一书将于2021年6月由中国建材工业出版社出版,新华书店发行。中国建材工业出版社网站和各网售平台均可购买。本书是首次将量子电化学理论与电化学工艺结合起来讨论的作品。以量子电化学为主线,在介绍量子电化学理论的前提下,结合电镀原理和工艺,以新视角解读电镀技术,将电极过程动力学、表面新功能、电极过程等以量子观串联起来,展开了新的学科视野。 展开更多
关键词 建材工业 电镀技术 电化学工艺 电极过程动力学 学科视野 新华书店 出版社网站 量子观
量子语言观:研究背景、基本观点和方法论总原则 被引量:3
作者 彭宣维 高继华 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期8-14,共7页
此前的语言和语言学研究,大都以“要么甲、要么乙”的析取性思路,处理普遍存在的“甲和乙都”的合取性研究对象;不少学者运用量子力学的基本方法,即科学化的量子思维,探究这些合取性现象,但还没有来得及从全局性角度,构建相应的研究范... 此前的语言和语言学研究,大都以“要么甲、要么乙”的析取性思路,处理普遍存在的“甲和乙都”的合取性研究对象;不少学者运用量子力学的基本方法,即科学化的量子思维,探究这些合取性现象,但还没有来得及从全局性角度,构建相应的研究范式、具有自洽性的方法论原则和范畴体系。为此,我们从互动性、整体性和互补性着眼,首先提出一系列研究问题,以长时工作记忆为操作平台、大脑和思维的量子力学特点为生理和心理基础,阐述一种语言和语言学模式,即量子语言观,涉及语言生成的量子化加工方式、语言成分粒子及其互动关系体现的量子性和量子态、一组相应的方法论总原则;阐述过程同时为各类研究问题提供基本的解决思路,便于后续描写工作,从而拓展普通语言学的研究视野。 展开更多
关键词 研究问题 量子 量子语言 方法论原则 研究范式转型
Effect of overnight temperature on leaf photosynthesis in seedlings of Swietenia macrophylla King 被引量:2
作者 张成军 Carlos Henrique B.de A.Prado +3 位作者 祖元刚 郭佳秋 Carlos Cesar Ronquim Leonnardo Lopes Ferreira 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期130-134,共5页
After exposure of one-year old seedlings of Swietenia macrophylla to an overnight temperature (13 C, 19 C, 25 C, 31 C or 35 C), the leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) was researched through measuring photosynthetic lig... After exposure of one-year old seedlings of Swietenia macrophylla to an overnight temperature (13 C, 19 C, 25 C, 31 C or 35 C), the leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) was researched through measuring photosynthetic light-response curves at 360 mmolmol-1 CO2, and photosynthetic CO2-response curves at light-saturated intensity (1500 mmolm-2 s-1). The optimal temperature for photosynthesis measured at 360 mmol穖ol-1 CO2 was from 25 C to 31 C, but which was from 31C to 35 C at saturating CO2 concentration. At temperature of below 25 C, the decline in Pn was mainly due to the drop in carboxylation efficiency (Ce), while as temperature was over 31 C, the reduction in Pn resulted from both decrease in Ce and increase in leaf respiration. The CO2-induced stimulation of photosynthesis was strongly inhibited at temperatures below 13 C. The results showed that, the leaf photosynthesis of tropical evergreen plants should not be accelerated at low temperature in winter season with elevated CO2 concentration in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Apparent quantum yield Carboxylation efficiency CO2-induced stimulation Swietenia macrophylla King Leaf temperature
The Squeezing Effect in a Mesoscopic RLC Circuit
作者 JIYing-Hua LUOHai-Mei 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第5期611-614,共4页
Using the path integral method we derive quantum wave function and quantum fluctuations of charge andcurrent in the mesoscopic RLC circuit. We find that the quantum fluctuation of charge decreases with time, oppositel... Using the path integral method we derive quantum wave function and quantum fluctuations of charge andcurrent in the mesoscopic RLC circuit. We find that the quantum fluctuation of charge decreases with time, oppositely,the quantum fluctuation of current increases with time monotonously. Therefore there is a squeezing effect in the circuit.If some more charge devices are used in the mesoscopic-damped circuit, the quantum noise can be reduced. We also findthat uncertainty relation of charge and current periodically varies with the period π/2 in the under-damped case. 展开更多
关键词 dissipative mesoscopic RLC circuit quantum fluctuation squeezing effect
Number-Conserving Coherent State in Rindler Space
作者 范洪义 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第9期457-459,共3页
We introduce a kind of number-conserving coherent state in Rindler space which can describe the quantum state of thermal particles observed in Rindler space. This is based on the Unruh effect that the thermal particle... We introduce a kind of number-conserving coherent state in Rindler space which can describe the quantum state of thermal particles observed in Rindler space. This is based on the Unruh effect that the thermal particles seen by an accelerating observer in fiat space can be seen by an inertial observer in curved space under a conformal transformation. 展开更多
关键词 number-conserving state Unruh effect Rindler space
Synthesis and adsorption property of zeolite FAU/LTA from lithium slag with utilization of mother liquid 被引量:7
作者 林国 庄强 +2 位作者 崔群 王海燕 姚虎卿 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1768-1773,共6页
Co-crystalline zeolite FAU/LTA-0 was synthesized by hydrothermal method from lithium slag. To make the most of excess silicon and alkali sources in mother liquid derived from FAU/LTA-0, zeolite FAU/LTA-I b was synthes... Co-crystalline zeolite FAU/LTA-0 was synthesized by hydrothermal method from lithium slag. To make the most of excess silicon and alkali sources in mother liquid derived from FAU/LTA-0, zeolite FAU/LTA-I b was synthesized in the same method with the use of mother liquid by adding a certain amount of aluminum source. Influences of different adding ways of aluminum source and recycling dosages of mother liquid on synthesis of zeolites FALl/ LTA with mother liquid were investigated. The phase, microstructure and thermostability of FAU/LTA-0 and FAU/LTA-lb were characterized by XRD, SEM and TG-DTA. The calcium and magnesium cation exchange capacities (CECs) of the zeolites were determined. The results have shown that co-crystalline zeolite can be synthesized with the use of mother liquid by adding aluminum source after 2 h of reaction. Compared with FAU/LTA-0, the crystal twinning structure of FAU/LTA-lb became weaker, the grain size was smaller, and the thermostability was better. With a lower dosage of mother liquid, the content of P-type impurity in product decreased significantly, and the content of LTA phase increased. The reuse rate of mother liquid can reach 48%. The CECs of FAU/LTA-I b-150 can reach 343 mg CaCO3. g-1 and 180 mg MgC03. g-1, showing more excellent adsorption capacities than FAU/LTA-0 and commercial zeolite 4A. The full recycling use of mother liquid to synthesize zeolite FAU/LTA which can be applied for detergent not only improves resource utilization but also reduces oroduction cost. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium slagFAU/LTACo-crystalline zeoliteMother liquidDetergent builder
Quantum Decoherence of Macroscopic Object Induced by Inner Environments: an Exactly Solvable Model
作者 ZHENG Li ZHENG Tai-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期229-234,共6页
We revisit the quantum decoherence problem of the center of mass motion of a macroscopic object, which is modelled as a one-dimensional atom chain. Induced by the coupling of the center of mass (C.M) motion with the... We revisit the quantum decoherence problem of the center of mass motion of a macroscopic object, which is modelled as a one-dimensional atom chain. Induced by the coupling of the center of mass (C.M) motion with the inner degrees of freedom, this inner-environment-induced decoherence is reflected by the localization of the C.M wave packet. We show that, the C.M motion is coupled to the inner states only when the chain has interaction with the external potential. This result provides a realistic mechanism for the analysis of the inner-environment-induced localization of a macroscopic object. 展开更多
关键词 quantum decoherence macroscopic object inner environments
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in Antiferromagnetic Molecular Magnets
作者 HUHui LURong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期245-250,共6页
The macroscopic quantum coherence in a biaxial antiferromagnetic molecular magnet in the presence of magnetic field acting parallel to its hard anisotropy axis is studied within the two-sublattice model. On the basis ... The macroscopic quantum coherence in a biaxial antiferromagnetic molecular magnet in the presence of magnetic field acting parallel to its hard anisotropy axis is studied within the two-sublattice model. On the basis of instanton technique in the spin-coherent-state path-integral representation, both the rigorous Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin exponent and pre-exponential factor for the ground-state tunnel splitting are obtained. We find that the quantum fluctuations around the classical paths can not only induce a new quantum phase previously reported by Chiolero and Loss (Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 169), but also have great influence on the intensity of the ground-state tunnel splitting. Those features clearly have no analogue in the ferromagnetic molecular magnets. We suggest that they may be the universal behaviors in all antiferromagnetic molecular magnets. The analytical results are complemented by exact diagonalization calculation. 展开更多
关键词 macroscopic quantum coherence two-sublattice model antiferromagnetic molecular magnets
Relationships Between River Water Quality and Landscape Factors in Haihe River Basin, China: Implications for Environmental Management 被引量:4
作者 XU Huashan ZHENG Hua +2 位作者 CHEN Xiaoshu REN Yufen OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期197-207,共11页
River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help... River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help in developing an effective catchment management strategy to protect precious water resources. This study analyzed river water quality, patterns of terrestrial and riparian ecosystems, intensity of agricultural activities, industrial structure, and spatial distribution of pollutant emissions in the Haihe River Basin in China for the year of 2010, identifying the variables that have the greatest impact on river water quality. The area percentage of farmland in study area, the percentage of natural vegetation cover in the 1000-m riparian zone, rural population density, industrial Gross Domestic Product(GDP)/km^2, and industrial amino nitrogen emissions were all significantly correlated with river water quality(P < 0.05). Farming had the largest impact on river water quality, explaining 43.0% of the water quality variance, followed by the coverage of natural vegetation in the 1000-m riparian zone, which explained 36.2% of the water quality variance. Industrial amino nitrogen emissions intensity and rural population density explained 31.6% and 31.4% of the water quality variance, respectively, while industrial GDP/km^2 explained 26.6%. Together, these five indicators explained 67.3% of the total variance in water quality. Consequently, water environmental management of the Haihe River Basin should focus on adjusting agricultural activities, conserving riparian vegetation, and reducing industrial pollutant emissions by optimizing industrial structure. The results demonstrate how human activities drive the spatial pattern changes of river water quality, and they can provide reference for developing land use guidelines and for prioritizing management practices to maintain stream water quality in a large river basin. 展开更多
关键词 land use watershed management river water quality gradient analysis
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