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量子计算模拟及优化方法综述 被引量:3
作者 喻志超 李扬中 +1 位作者 刘磊 冯圣中 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期1-11,共11页
在处理某些大规模并行问题时,量子计算因量子位独特的叠加态和纠缠态特性,相比经典计算机在并行处理方面具有更明显的优势。现阶段,物理量子比特计算机受限于可扩展性、相干时间和量子门操作精度,在经典计算机上开展量子计算模拟成为研... 在处理某些大规模并行问题时,量子计算因量子位独特的叠加态和纠缠态特性,相比经典计算机在并行处理方面具有更明显的优势。现阶段,物理量子比特计算机受限于可扩展性、相干时间和量子门操作精度,在经典计算机上开展量子计算模拟成为研究量子优越性和量子算法的有效途径。然而,随着量子比特数的增加,模拟所需的计算机资源呈指数增长。因此,研究大规模量子计算模拟在保证计算准确度、精度及效率的情况下减少模拟所需资源具有重要意义。从量子比特、量子门、量子线路、量子操作系统等方面展开,阐述量子计算的基本原理和背景知识。同时总结基于经典计算机的量子计算模拟基本方法,分析不同方法的设计思路和优缺点,列举目前常见的量子计算模拟器。在此基础上,针对量子计算模拟的通信开销问题,从节点拆分和通信优化2个方面出发,讨论基于超级计算机集群的量子计算模拟优化方法。 展开更多
关键词 量子计算 量子线路 概率幅模拟 量子计算模拟 超级计算
作者 邓曦 邓玉欣 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期843-850,共8页
介绍一个可在经典计算机上模拟量子计算的工具Qsimulation。该工具由4个主要部分组成:一个命令式的量子编程语言,一个量子计算解释器,一个用于模拟量子程序执行的图形用户界面以及错误处理模块,它能帮助教师和新手设计并测试简单的量子... 介绍一个可在经典计算机上模拟量子计算的工具Qsimulation。该工具由4个主要部分组成:一个命令式的量子编程语言,一个量子计算解释器,一个用于模拟量子程序执行的图形用户界面以及错误处理模块,它能帮助教师和新手设计并测试简单的量子电路和量子程序。 展开更多
关键词 量子计算 量子计算模拟 量子电路
用经典计算机模拟量子计算机 被引量:1
作者 范洪强 胡滨 袁征 《密码学报》 CSCD 2018年第3期249-261,共13页
基于量子态的纠缠和叠加特性,量子计算机具有强大的并行运算能力,在某些数学问题上可为经典计算机所不能.自Shor算法提出以来,因其一经应用即可对现行主流公钥密码体制构成实际威胁,量子计算机的研究受到了广泛关注.本文分析量子计算机... 基于量子态的纠缠和叠加特性,量子计算机具有强大的并行运算能力,在某些数学问题上可为经典计算机所不能.自Shor算法提出以来,因其一经应用即可对现行主流公钥密码体制构成实际威胁,量子计算机的研究受到了广泛关注.本文分析量子计算机与经典计算机的差异,给出在经典计算机上模拟量子叠加态和量子纠缠特性以及施加多量子门的方法,并使用面向对象的架构编写模拟量子计算机的量子状态、量子门等主体模块,并为研究人员预留了设定不同退相干过程的接口.为了方便基于模拟量子计算机的量子软件开发,本文设计了涵盖量子线路设计、运行结果可视化、统计、存储等功能的人机交互界面.同时,在文章的最后一部分用本文开发的软件做了几个较为经典的量子计算方面的实验,给出实验结果,并结合量子计算的原理对实验结果进行分析,加深读者对量子计算的理解. 展开更多
关键词 量子计算 量子态叠加 量子纠缠 模拟量子计算
量子信息系统发展探讨 被引量:8
作者 陆军 张雪松 +2 位作者 栾添 张先超 傅宇龙 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 北大核心 2018年第5期497-501,共5页
量子信息系统是技术形态量子化的信息系统,具体表现为量子信息技术在信息获取、信息存储、信息传递、信息处理、信息使用等信息过程中的应用。研究发现量子信息系统的特征包括更加丰富的信息量、更加快速的信息处理以及增强的信息安全... 量子信息系统是技术形态量子化的信息系统,具体表现为量子信息技术在信息获取、信息存储、信息传递、信息处理、信息使用等信息过程中的应用。研究发现量子信息系统的特征包括更加丰富的信息量、更加快速的信息处理以及增强的信息安全。相关系统应用集中在量子保密通信、量子计算模拟和量子精密测量等方向。量子信息技术将促进感知、计算、存储、通信、应用等过程的一体化融合,颠覆电子信息系统是一个大概率事件。 展开更多
关键词 量子 量子信息系统 技术形态 量子保密通信 量子计算模拟 量子精密测量
作者 郝明星 高一波 《物理与工程》 2023年第5期59-66,共8页
在用变分法求解量子系统基态问题的研究中,采用变分量子算法求解基态的研究受到广泛的关注,作为一种量子与经典混合算法的变分量子求解器在其中发挥了重要作用。本文在开源的量子计算模拟器上运行变分量子本征求解器对量子拉比模型在超... 在用变分法求解量子系统基态问题的研究中,采用变分量子算法求解基态的研究受到广泛的关注,作为一种量子与经典混合算法的变分量子求解器在其中发挥了重要作用。本文在开源的量子计算模拟器上运行变分量子本征求解器对量子拉比模型在超强耦合区的基态进行了讨论。在3量子比特空间中,我们采用标准二进制编码方式将量子拉比模型中的算符和量子态进行编码,并且在哈密顿量变分拟设构造的量子电路上计算得到哈密顿量最小平均值(基态能量)。最后,通过将变分量子本征求解器的计算结果与经典数值模拟方法得到的精确值进行对比,我们讨论了变分量子本征求解器的计算精度与量子电路的消耗资源(量子比特数目)以及耦合强度之间的依赖关系。 展开更多
关键词 量子拉比模型 变分量子本征求解器 量子计算模拟
作者 李伟 王磊 +2 位作者 蔡子 王孝群 苏刚 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期14-18,共5页
量子多体计算方法,包括精确对角化、量子蒙特卡罗、密度矩阵与张量重正化、动力学平均场等传统方法,以及结合人工智能、量子计算等新兴计算方法,被发展用于精确高效地计算关联多体系统的物理性质.在非微扰的相互作用多体系统中,粒子之... 量子多体计算方法,包括精确对角化、量子蒙特卡罗、密度矩阵与张量重正化、动力学平均场等传统方法,以及结合人工智能、量子计算等新兴计算方法,被发展用于精确高效地计算关联多体系统的物理性质.在非微扰的相互作用多体系统中,粒子之间通常存在强的关联与量子纠缠,基于平均场理论的计算方法往往不够精准、甚至缺乏可靠性,需要不断发展新的多体计算方法,以便准确地研究如关联费米子系统、阻挫自旋系统中的新奇物态与演生规律.近年来,多体计算与多体理论、机器学习、材料科学、量子模拟与量子计算等领域不断互动与融合,呈现出越来越丰富的学科交叉特点.本文对量子多体计算的历史脉络、主要方法及现状、未来发展的挑战进行概述. 展开更多
关键词 多体计算 精确对角化 蒙特卡罗方法 张量网络 动力学平均场 机器学习 量子计算量子模拟
Insight into Capture of Greenhouse Gas (CO2) based on Guanidinium Ionic Liquids
作者 刘和秀 满瑞林 +2 位作者 郑柏树 汪朝旭 易平贵 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期144-148,I0003,共6页
Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics are used to simulate guanidinium ionic liquids. Results show that the stronger interaction exists between guanidine cation and chlorine anion with interaction energy about 109.... Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics are used to simulate guanidinium ionic liquids. Results show that the stronger interaction exists between guanidine cation and chlorine anion with interaction energy about 109.216 kcal/mol. There are two types of spatial distribution for the title system: middle and top. Middle mode is a more stable conformation according to energy and geometric distribution. It is also verified by radial distribution function. The continuous increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not affect the structure of ionic liquids, but CO2 molecules are always captured by the cavity of ionic liquids. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids Quantum chemical calculation Molecular dynamics simulation Interaction energy Radial distribution
作者 李传锋 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期245-265,共21页
回顾了量子信息领域在2023年的重大进展,盘点了量子计算与量子模拟、量子通信与量子网络、量子精密测量和量子信息物理等量子信息研究领域的研究热点。量子信息的发展会带来物理上安全的通信、高效的信息处理和精密的测量等,对国家信息... 回顾了量子信息领域在2023年的重大进展,盘点了量子计算与量子模拟、量子通信与量子网络、量子精密测量和量子信息物理等量子信息研究领域的研究热点。量子信息的发展会带来物理上安全的通信、高效的信息处理和精密的测量等,对国家信息安全及人类生产生活方式产生重大影响。 展开更多
关键词 量子计算量子模拟 量子通信与量子网络 量子精密测量 量子信息物理
Monte Carlo Simulations for a Preliminary Design of TRIGA IPR-R1 PGAA Facility
作者 Bruno Teixeira Guerra Alexandre Soares Leal +1 位作者 Claubia Pereira Maria Angela de Barros Correia Menezes 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2016年第6期256-270,共15页
In this paper, the evaluation of a preliminary design of a PGAA (prompt gamma activation analysis) facility based on Monte Carlo simulations is presented and discussed. The implementation of the PGAA method at the C... In this paper, the evaluation of a preliminary design of a PGAA (prompt gamma activation analysis) facility based on Monte Carlo simulations is presented and discussed. The implementation of the PGAA method at the CDTN (nuclear technology development centre) would increase the applications of the TRIGA reactor. The preliminary design is based on a quasi vertical hollow cylinder (called neutron extractor) in the reactor pool to extract the neutron flux. This study evaluates the neutron flux in the upper position of the cylinder in the suggested position of the samples to be analyzed by the PGAA. The calculations of the radioactive capture reaction rates and of the detection limits for some isotopes were performed. Through all these calculations, the feasibility of the application of the PGAA method at the IPR-R1 installations was evaluated. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that is possible to apply the PGAA method at the IPR-R1 reactor, even with its design restrictions. 展开更多
关键词 PGAA facility neutron activation analysis TRIGA IPR-R1 PGAA NAA.
Implementing a topological quantum model using a cavity lattice 被引量:4
作者 XIANG ZeLiang YU Ting +2 位作者 ZHANG WenXian HU XueDong YOU JianQiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期1549-1556,共8页
Kitaev model has both Abelian and non-Abelian anyonic excitations. It can act as a starting point for topological quantum compu- tation. However, this model Hamiltonian is difficult to implement in natural condensed m... Kitaev model has both Abelian and non-Abelian anyonic excitations. It can act as a starting point for topological quantum compu- tation. However, this model Hamiltonian is difficult to implement in natural condensed matter systems. Here we propose a quantum simulation scheme by constructing the Kitaev model Hamiltonian in a lattice of coupled cavities with embedded A-type three-level atoms. In this scheme, several parameters are tunable, for example, via external laser fields. Importantly, our scheme is based on currently existing technologies and it provides a feasible way of realizing the Kitaev model to explore topological excitations. 展开更多
关键词 quantum simulation topological quantum model cavity electrodynamics
Speedup in classical simulation of Gaussian boson sampling 被引量:1
作者 Bujiao Wu Bin Cheng +3 位作者 Fei Jia Jialin Zhang Man-Hong Yung Xiaoming Sun 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期832-841,M0004,共11页
Gaussian boson sampling is an alternative model for demonstrating quantum computational supremacy,where squeezed states are injected into every input mode, instead of applying single photons as in the case of standard... Gaussian boson sampling is an alternative model for demonstrating quantum computational supremacy,where squeezed states are injected into every input mode, instead of applying single photons as in the case of standard boson sampling. Here by analyzing numerically the computational costs, we establish a lower bound for achieving quantum computational supremacy for a class of Gaussian bosonsampling problems. Specifically, we propose a more efficient method for calculating the transition probabilities, leading to a significant reduction of the simulation costs. Particularly, our numerical results indicate that one can simulate up to 18 photons for Gaussian boson sampling at the output subspace on a normal laptop, 20 photons on a commercial workstation with 256 cores, and about 30 photons for supercomputers. These numbers are significantly smaller than those in standard boson sampling, suggesting that Gaussian boson sampling could be experimentally-friendly for demonstrating quantum computational supremacy. 展开更多
关键词 Gaussian boson sampling Classical simulation Hafnian Probability distribution Marginal distribution Quantum optics
Theoretical investigation of the non-Condon effect on electron transfer:Application to organic semiconductor
作者 ZHANG WeiWei ZHAO Yi LIANG WanZhen 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期707-714,共8页
The non-Condon effect plays an important role in the process of electron transfer (ET). Several theoretical models have been proposed to investigate its effect on ET rates. In this paper,we overview a theoretical meth... The non-Condon effect plays an important role in the process of electron transfer (ET). Several theoretical models have been proposed to investigate its effect on ET rates. In this paper,we overview a theoretical method for the calculations of the non-Condon ET rate constants proposed by us,and its applications to organic semiconductors. First,full quantum expressions of the non-Condon ET rates are presented with the electronic couplings having exponential,Gaussian and linear dependences in terms of the nuclear coordinates,respectively. The proposed formulas have closed forms in time domain and they thus can be easily applied in multi-mode systems. Then,the driving force dependences of the ET rates involving the non-Condon effect are calculated with the use of full quantum mechanical formulas. It is found that these dependences show very different prop-erties from the Marcus one. As an example of applications,the approaches are used to investigate the non-Condon effect on the mobility of the organic semiconductor dithiophene-tetrathiafulvalene (DT-TTF). The results manifest that the non-Condon ef-fect enhances ET rates compared with the Condon approximation,and static fluctuations of electronic coupling dominate the ET rate in the DT-TTF,which has been confirmed by the molecular dynamics simulation. 展开更多
关键词 electron transfer the Condon approximation non-Condon effect mobility molecular dynamics simulation
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