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双变量施肥液压调速系统的设计及仿真 被引量:7
作者 吴金林 张立新 +2 位作者 喻俊志 王卫兵 张家华 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2014年第5期80-84,107,共6页
为了实现精准施肥,提高双变量施肥液压调速系统的稳定性,设计了基于PLC与液压马达的双变量液压无级调速变量施肥系统。以液压油路的稳定性和排肥槽轮机构驱动控制方法为研究重点,建立了数学模型和液压系统仿真模型。为了更好控制施肥精... 为了实现精准施肥,提高双变量施肥液压调速系统的稳定性,设计了基于PLC与液压马达的双变量液压无级调速变量施肥系统。以液压油路的稳定性和排肥槽轮机构驱动控制方法为研究重点,建立了数学模型和液压系统仿真模型。为了更好控制施肥精度,在液压油路中增加了液压稳压环节和液压压力传感器;根据数学模型,采用PID控制算法对传动误差进行补偿,并在不同PID控制参数下对系统进行仿真。通过分析比较,该仿真结果符合实际运行情况,对双变量施肥液压调速系统分析和实验有一定的理论指导意义,并当PID的参数为Kp=10,Ki=0.08,Kd=8时,液压马达转速输出曲线可以满足精准施肥的精度要求。 展开更多
关键词 量施肥 数学模型 液压调速 仿真
低量施肥对高燕麦草草地植被及绵羊择食行为的影响 被引量:7
作者 王明玖 HutchinsonGK 《草业学报》 CSCD 1997年第4期24-30,共7页
于1995年8~11月在新西兰TaraHils山地草地试验站进行草地施肥和放牧研究。结果表明,在所有小区的施肥区域,绵羊的分布比例都显著多于非施肥区域(P<0.005)。通过复相关分析,发现这种分布由于施肥量、建群植... 于1995年8~11月在新西兰TaraHils山地草地试验站进行草地施肥和放牧研究。结果表明,在所有小区的施肥区域,绵羊的分布比例都显著多于非施肥区域(P<0.005)。通过复相关分析,发现这种分布由于施肥量、建群植物、观测日期和观测时间的不同而略有差异,而这又与施肥促进豆科牧草的生长(主要是兔足三叶草Trifoliumarvense)、提高高燕麦草的适口性、提高草群的含水量等有直接关系。 展开更多
关键词 高燕麦草 百脉根 量施肥 绵羊择食行为 草地
作者 杜艳娣 《农村实用技术》 2023年第8期97-98,共2页
根据玉米高效控量施肥技术田间试验、示范结果,初步摸清了朝阳县玉米高产施肥技术指标,筛选出氮磷钾施肥量为17.0kg/亩,6.0kg/亩,5.5kg/亩,氮由30%缓控释氮肥和70%速效氮施肥产量最高;示范试验筛出亩用缓控释BB肥(26-12-10)45kg+种肥磷... 根据玉米高效控量施肥技术田间试验、示范结果,初步摸清了朝阳县玉米高产施肥技术指标,筛选出氮磷钾施肥量为17.0kg/亩,6.0kg/亩,5.5kg/亩,氮由30%缓控释氮肥和70%速效氮施肥产量最高;示范试验筛出亩用缓控释BB肥(26-12-10)45kg+种肥磷酸二铵100%产量最高。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 高效控量施肥 技术
作者 魏铁霞 《农业科技通讯》 2019年第4期74-76,共3页
近年来随着粮食产量的逐年增加,粮食生产上对肥料的依赖越来越大,致使化肥使用过量,对土壤造成污染,使土壤板结。缓控释肥具有延长肥效、增产、节肥,降低农业劳动强度等作用。为进一步完善高效控量施肥技术体系,验证玉米缓控释氮+速效... 近年来随着粮食产量的逐年增加,粮食生产上对肥料的依赖越来越大,致使化肥使用过量,对土壤造成污染,使土壤板结。缓控释肥具有延长肥效、增产、节肥,降低农业劳动强度等作用。为进一步完善高效控量施肥技术体系,验证玉米缓控释氮+速效氮磷钾化肥配合施用比例与用量,来降低肥料投入量、提高氮肥利用率,特开展玉米控量施肥包膜尿素试验。 展开更多
关键词 化肥过 量施肥 包膜尿素
平衡施肥对冬小麦最佳施肥量及施肥效益的影响 被引量:1
作者 帕尔哈提.吾甫尔 妮萨古丽.则亚伍敦 +1 位作者 阿依古丽.阿布拉 阿卜杜艾尼.图尔荪 《农技服务》 2013年第1期36-37,共2页
采用农业部"3414"试验设计,研究不同因素施肥组合对冬小麦产量及施肥效益的影响,提出氮、磷、钾的最佳用量和配肥比例。结果表明:在喀什地区灌淤土上施氮、磷、钾肥对冬小麦的增产效果依次为N>K>P,最佳施N量为14.9 kg/6... 采用农业部"3414"试验设计,研究不同因素施肥组合对冬小麦产量及施肥效益的影响,提出氮、磷、钾的最佳用量和配肥比例。结果表明:在喀什地区灌淤土上施氮、磷、钾肥对冬小麦的增产效果依次为N>K>P,最佳施N量为14.9 kg/667 m2,P2O5为10.3kg/667 m2、K2O为3.5 kg/667 m2,最佳产量为413.1 kg/667 m2,N∶P2O5∶K2O比例为1∶0.69∶0.24,最佳利润179.69元/667 m2是喀什地区冬小麦理想的施肥配比和施肥效益。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 氮磷钾 最佳量施肥 施肥效益
潜山县一季稻施肥存在的问题及“四定量”施肥技术 被引量:1
作者 王秀娟 《安徽农学通报》 2013年第18期43-44,共2页
关键词 潜山县 一季稻 施肥问题 “四定施肥技术
作者 陶姝宇 《农业科技与装备》 2017年第2期10-13,共4页
关键词 简化施肥 精准施肥 水稻
粮食作物高产高效施肥集成技术在宝鸡的实践 被引量:1
作者 侯江龙 刘瑞 +2 位作者 强红妮 李翊阁 陈洁 《陕西农业科学》 2015年第12期59-62,共4页
针对宝鸡市粮食生产中长期存在的氮肥施用过量、用肥养分不均衡、施肥方式方法落后、农艺农机结合不紧密、高产低效和低产低效等突出问题,采用现代土壤样品采集和检测技术,进行有计划、大规模、整建制、网格化覆盖的耕地土壤养分诊断普... 针对宝鸡市粮食生产中长期存在的氮肥施用过量、用肥养分不均衡、施肥方式方法落后、农艺农机结合不紧密、高产低效和低产低效等突出问题,采用现代土壤样品采集和检测技术,进行有计划、大规模、整建制、网格化覆盖的耕地土壤养分诊断普查,运用先进的科学施肥技术原理,分区域制定耕地养分丰缺指标和施肥方案,优选配方并物化开发配方肥,与小麦、玉米高产高效栽培技术、农田机械化作业技术等配套集成,用于指导农业生产,达到了大面积化肥控量减量施用、作物节本增产高效、农业生态环境改善的显著效应。 展开更多
关键词 粮食 高产高效 量施肥 技术
福建宁德花椰菜和槟榔芋施肥指标体系研究与应用 被引量:2
作者 曹榕彬 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期902-909,共8页
为了解花椰菜和槟榔芋氮磷钾施肥效应及施肥指标体系,本研究在福建宁德有关县(市)开展了21个花椰菜和24个槟榔芋"3414"肥效试验。结果表明:随着土壤地力等别下降,土壤对花椰菜产量贡献率由(56.6±7.6)%降至(35.4±12.... 为了解花椰菜和槟榔芋氮磷钾施肥效应及施肥指标体系,本研究在福建宁德有关县(市)开展了21个花椰菜和24个槟榔芋"3414"肥效试验。结果表明:随着土壤地力等别下降,土壤对花椰菜产量贡献率由(56.6±7.6)%降至(35.4±12.8)%,花椰菜施氮肥增产率、施磷肥增产率、施钾肥增产率分别由(41.9±19.0)%升至(60.5±12.9)%、由(6.7±3.0)%升至(19.3±4.6)%、由(11.7±6.2)%升至(19.4±7.0)%,土壤对槟榔芋产量贡献率由(59.4±8.8)%降至(46.9±11.3)%,槟榔芋施氮肥增产率、施磷肥增产率、施钾肥增产率分别由(30.1±13.5)%升至(49.1±10.5)%、由(9.0±3.0)%升至(11.3±12.5)%、由(16.8±6.5)%升至(21.2±11.5)%。花椰菜和槟榔芋平均施肥增产率是氮肥>钾肥>磷肥。指数模型或对数模型为花椰菜和槟榔芋缺素区相对产量与对应土壤养分测定值之间的最佳模型;花椰菜N、P_2O_5、K2O的推荐用量分别为(304±50)、(113±37)、(271±93)kg/hm^2,槟榔芋N、P_2O_5、K2O的推荐用量分别为(271±51)、(113±21)、(250±55)kg/hm^2。土壤养分测试值与对应氮肥、磷肥、钾肥推荐用量之间满足对数函数或直线函数关系,从而实现利用土壤养分测试值预测推荐施肥用量的指导目的。 展开更多
关键词 花椰菜 槟榔芋 土壤养分分级指标 肥效函数 施肥推荐
作者 罗光琼 赵仁全 冯其伟 《耕作与栽培》 2003年第3期54-55,共2页
继玉米秸秆不同还土方式研究后 ,2 0 0 2年 3~ 11月又进行了秸秆不同量压埋还土研究。结果表明 :秸秆不同量压埋还土较不还土有明显的保水性 ,随着秸秆压埋量的增加保水性增强。不同量秸秆压埋还土对当季土壤毛管孔隙无明显影响 ,但对... 继玉米秸秆不同还土方式研究后 ,2 0 0 2年 3~ 11月又进行了秸秆不同量压埋还土研究。结果表明 :秸秆不同量压埋还土较不还土有明显的保水性 ,随着秸秆压埋量的增加保水性增强。不同量秸秆压埋还土对当季土壤毛管孔隙无明显影响 ,但对总孔隙和大孔隙有明显影响 ,随着压埋还土量的增加 ,土壤总孔隙和大孔隙增加。秸秆不同量压埋还土对玉米、甘薯总产量 ,总纯收入都有显著影响效果 ,总产量 ,总纯收入以 80 0kg压埋还土效果最佳。秸秆腐烂过程中会产生大量微生物与作物争营养 ,进而影响作物生长及其产量。 展开更多
关键词 小麦秸秆 压埋还土 试验 施肥设计 土壤水分 土壤容重
控失氮肥控制氮素径流损失效果研究 被引量:14
作者 吴林 蔡冬清 +6 位作者 乔菊 周莎莎 卞坡 余立祥 刘星海 余增亮 吴跃进 《安徽农学通报》 2007年第24期30-31,21,共3页
关键词 径流 土壤氮素 等氮量施肥 控失率
Grain Crop Fertilization Status and Factors Influencing Farmers' Decision Making on Fertilizer Use: China Case Study 被引量:5
作者 闫湘 金继运 梁鸣早 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第10期2394-2398,2440,共6页
[Objective] China is the world's largest fertilizer consumer. Fertilizer plays an important role in maintaining China's food security. Along with population and economic growth, overuse of fertilizers has caused ser... [Objective] China is the world's largest fertilizer consumer. Fertilizer plays an important role in maintaining China's food security. Along with population and economic growth, overuse of fertilizers has caused serious environmental problems, such as soil acidification, decline in soil organic carbon, and agricultural non-point source pollution. This study aimed to analyze the factors influencing farmers" decision making on fertilizer use, and provide policy recommendations on ways to affect fertilization. [Method] An econometric model reflecting fertilization of rural households was estimated from a survey distributed to 1 043 households randomly selected from 19 provinces in China. [Result] Results of the study showed that education years of fertilizer decision maker, fertilizer quality, organic fertilizer application, fertilizer price, and agricultural product price had significant effects on the fertilizer application rate at 1% level. Soil nutrient affected the fertilizer application rate at 10% level. [Conclusion] Policies aimed at improving the reasonable use of fertilizer should focus on the regulation of chemical fertilizer price, foundation of the organic-inorganic fertilizer system, soil testing, formulated fertilization, and agricultural extension service. 展开更多
关键词 FARMERS Fertilizer application rate Influencing factors Double logarith- mic model
Effect Models of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Formulation in Banana 被引量:1
作者 匡石滋 田世尧 +3 位作者 李春雨 易干军 洪炎龙 万国富 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第9期130-135,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to modify the application amount of N,P and K fertilizer so as to provide a reference for establishing balanced fertilization index system of banana.[Method]The N,P and K fertilizer "3414" te... [Objective] The aim was to modify the application amount of N,P and K fertilizer so as to provide a reference for establishing balanced fertilization index system of banana.[Method]The N,P and K fertilizer "3414" test was carried out on banana,and then regression analysis was performed on the fertilizer effect.Ternary quadratic,binary quadric and one-variable quadratic regression equations for the fertilizer effect on the banana yield were constructed.[Result]Suitable amount of N,P and K fertilizer had significant yield improving effect,whereas overdose of fertilizer application led to decreasing of utilization rate of fertilizer.Therefore,suitable amount of N,P and K fertilizer should be selected in production.It could be concluded that one-variable quadratic regression equations was the best model to calculate the suitable fertilizer amount.The best yield range of banana in the tested field was 44.193-45.904 t/hm2,while the corresponding optimum application amount of N,P2O5 and K2O was 795.1,262.3 and 1 236.9 kg/hm2 respectively,and the ratio among nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium are 1∶0.33∶1.55.[Conclusion]The result in this study could provide references for the soil types similar to the tested field. 展开更多
关键词 BANANA NITROGEN Phosphorus and potassium fertilization Fertilizer application model Optimum application amount
Effects of Nitrogen Application Amount during Various Periods on Yield of High Grade Hybrid Rapeseed 被引量:1
作者 赵继献 任廷波 程国平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1292-1297,共6页
[Objective] The paper was to study the nitrogen application amount and nitrogen application model for high grade hybrid rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to get high yield. [Method] With "Youyan 599" and "Sanbei 98" ... [Objective] The paper was to study the nitrogen application amount and nitrogen application model for high grade hybrid rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to get high yield. [Method] With "Youyan 599" and "Sanbei 98" as materials, using quadratic regression orthogonal gyration combination design, the impact of nitrogen application amount during various periods on rapeseed yield was studied. [Result] The combinations of factors to obtain the highest yield index (2 898.211 kg / hm 2 ) of "Youyan 599" were as follows: living rape fertilizer 89.27 kg / hm 2 , opening fertilizer 120 kg / hm 2 , 12 th lunar month fertilizer 101.12 kg / hm 2 , total nitrogen application amount 310.39 kg / hm 2 . The proportions of living rape fertilizer, opening fertilizer and 12th lunar month fertilizer were 28.76%, 38.66% and 32.58%, respectively. The combinations of factors to obtain the highest yield index (2 870.14 kg/hm 2 ) of "Sanbei 98" were as follows: living rape fertilizer 120 kg / hm 2 , opening fertilizer 120 kg / hm 2 , 12 th lunar month fertilizer 37.55kg / hm 2 , total nitrogen application amount 277.55 kg / hm 2 . The proportions of living rape fertilizer, opening fertilizer and 12 th lunar month fertilizer were 43.24%, 43.24% and 13.53%, respectively. The combinations of factors to obtain the highest yield index of two combined varieties (2 813.82 kg/hm 2 )were as follows: living rape fertilizer 120 kg/hm 2 , opening fertilizer 120 kg/hm 2 , 12 th lunar month fertilizer 76.23 kg/hm 2 , total nitrogen application amount 316.23 kg/hm 2 . The proportions of living rape fertilizer, opening fertilizer and 12 th lunar month fertilizer were 37.95% , 37.95% and 24.11% , respectively. [Conclusion] The paper provided theoretical basis for high yield cultivation of high grade hybridized rapeseed. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rapeseed Application period of nitrogen fertilizer Application amount of nitrogen PROPORTION
Effect of Reducing Chemical Fertilizer on Rice Yield,Output Value,Content of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen after Utilizing the Milk Vetch 被引量:6
作者 周兴 李再明 +5 位作者 谢坚 廖育林 杨曾平 鲁艳红 聂军 曹卫东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期266-271,共6页
A located field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different amount of chemical fertilizer usage on rice yield,economic benefits of rice,soil carbon(C) and total nitrogen(TN) under ploughing back o... A located field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different amount of chemical fertilizer usage on rice yield,economic benefits of rice,soil carbon(C) and total nitrogen(TN) under ploughing back of Chinese milk vetch for 5consecutive years.Six treatments were included in the experiment,they are CK(unfertilized),CF(100% chemical fertilizer with the amount of N,P2O5,K2 O being150,75,120 kg/hm^2respectively),A1(22 500 kg/hm^2 Chinese milk vetch and 100%chemical fertilizer),A2(Chinese milk vetch and 80% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer),A3(Chinese milk vetch and 60% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer),A4(Chinese milk vetch and 40% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer).The results were as follows:application of fertilizer could increase the yield of rice,while Chinese milk vetch combined with fertilizer application had a much more increase effect in rice yield.Under the condition of milk vetch application with 22 500 kg/hm^2,the early rice yield of the treatment A1 was significantly increased by 7.7% compared with that of CF.And the yield of treatment A3 was basically identical to or slight increase in comparison with that of CF.Decreasing amount of fertilizers cloud improve output value of rice in the case of the utilization of Chinese milk vetch.The treatment A1 increased output value of rice by 5.92% in comparison of CF,and treatment A2 was by 4.08% in the next.Treatment A4 showed much better effect in increasing soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the paddy soil than those of treatments applying mineral fertilizer only.There was a significant reduction on soil organic carbon and TN in treatment A2 in comparison with that of CF.In general,amount of application of milk vetch with 22 500 kg/hm^2 could replace chemical fertilizer partially,it also could improve rice yield,decrease the production cost,and raise the utilization efficiency of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese milk vetch Chemical fertilizer amounts RICE YIELD Economic benefits Content of soil C and total N
Fertilizer Overuse in China:Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Four Provinces 被引量:8
作者 栾昊 仇焕广 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第1期193-196,共4页
[Objective] This paper aims to empirically analyze the situation of fertilizer overuse in China, considering that fertilizer, important for China's crop production, has brought serious environmental pollution to Chin... [Objective] This paper aims to empirically analyze the situation of fertilizer overuse in China, considering that fertilizer, important for China's crop production, has brought serious environmental pollution to China due to over application. [Method] Based on field survey data in four provinces of China, the magnitude of fertilizer overuse at farm level was empirically analyzed with Cobb-Douglas Produc- tion Function Method and profit optimization theory in the research. [Result] The resuits show that by average, 110.5 kg of chemical fertilizer were applied per mu of land, and 46.9 kg fertilizer was overused, occupying 42.5%. [Conclusion] There is large potential to reduce the overused amount and it is of great importance to re- duce fertilizer overuse effectively, which needs further intensive study. 展开更多
关键词 Fertilizer overuse Cobb-Douglas Production Function Environmental pollution
Optimal Technique for High Yield of Purple Flesh Sweetpotato in Chongqing 被引量:3
作者 黄世龙 钟巍然 +1 位作者 张晓春 王卫强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1291-1292,共2页
[Objective] The aim was to obtain the best planting density and the best fertilizer of purple flesh sweetpotato so as to provide theoretical basis for breeding of high yield and quality of purple flesh sweetpotato in ... [Objective] The aim was to obtain the best planting density and the best fertilizer of purple flesh sweetpotato so as to provide theoretical basis for breeding of high yield and quality of purple flesh sweetpotato in Chongqing.[Method] The effects of fertilization,planting density and variety on yield of purple flesh sweetpotato were studied by orthogonal test of L9(34).Residential treatment was:fertilization(A),300 kg/hm2(A1),600 kg/hm2(A2),900 kg/hm2(A2);density(B),45 000 Plants/hm2(B1),60 000 Plants/hm2(B2),75 000 Plants/hm2(B3);species(C),Wanzi 56(C1),Yuzi 43(C2),Yuzi 263(C3).[Result] The yield of Wanzi 56 was the highest among three purple flesh cultivars on conditions that planting density was 75 000 plants/hm2,and fertilization was 300 kg/hm2.The influence of planting density for yield of purple flesh sweetpotato was higher than that of fertilization.The orders of different levels of various factors on the test results was A factor column,K1〉K2〉K3;B factor column,K3〉K1〉K2;C factors column,K1〉K3〉K2.[Conclusion] The yield of Wanzi 56 was highest,follow by the yizi263 and yuzi43.The optimum planting density was 75 000 plants/hm2,and the most reasonable amount of fertilizer was 300 kg/hm2. 展开更多
关键词 Purple-flesh sw-eetpotaio FERTILIZATION Planting density YIELD
甘肃省旱作农业区的土壤肥力管理原则和技术 被引量:4
作者 武天云 曹学禹 +4 位作者 王方 汤莹 李元寿 秦亚南 张树清 《甘肃农业科技》 2003年第1期39-44,共6页
通过对已有研究结果的分析 ,提出了甘肃省旱作农业区土壤肥力管理过程中的四条原则 ,即“量水施肥”原则、平衡施肥原则、土壤培肥原则和高效可持续原则 ,并介绍了与上述原则有关的施肥技术。
关键词 甘肃 旱作农业区 土壤肥力 施肥原则 平衡施肥原则 土壤培肥原则
Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Application on Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation in Mulberry 被引量:1
作者 刘刚 黄盖群 +5 位作者 殷浩 张建华 朱永群 危玲 佟万红 林超文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第6期899-904,共6页
In this paper, the effect of different fertilizer treatments on the main indexes of growth and development and dry matter accumulation of perennial mulberry, which is cut and pruned in summer, were studied with ‘3414... In this paper, the effect of different fertilizer treatments on the main indexes of growth and development and dry matter accumulation of perennial mulberry, which is cut and pruned in summer, were studied with ‘3414’ field experiment design. The results showed that N, P, and K at proper amounts could promote mulberry growth and development, improve its dry matter content, increase its dry matter accumulation. The effects of N, P, K on leaf yield per plant were respectively expressed as follows: N2 N3 N1 N0 , P2 P1 P3 P0 , K2 K1 K3 K0 . It can be concluded that the recommended fertilizer amounts of dry matter accumulations in mulberry leaf were 694.36 kg/hm2 of N, 198.15 kg/hm2 of P, and 274.26 kg/hm2 of K and the dry matter achieved the maximum at 8 045.04 kg/hm2 . The recommended fertilizer amounts of accumulated dry matter in branch were 1 000.05 kg/hm2 of N, 242.04 kg/hm2 of P, and 218.01 kg/hm 2 of K, and the dry matter achieved the maximum at 5 969.05 kg/hm2 . The recommended fertilizer amount in young shoots were 883.76 kg/hm2 of N, 204.48 kg/hm2 of P and 426.59 kg/hm2 of K and dry matter achieved the maximum at 1 410.24 kg/hm2 . This paper could provide reference for the construction of highly-qualified mulberry field in Sichuan hilly area. 展开更多
关键词 MULBERRY N P and K Fertilization Fertilizer amount Growth and development Dry matter accumulation
Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Soil Microbial Biomass,Soil Enzyme Activities and Related Nutrients in Continuous-cropping Sugarcane Field 被引量:11
作者 陈桂芬 刘忠 +7 位作者 黄雁飞 谭裕模 唐其展 黄太庆 杨绍锷 廖青 邢颖 黄玉溢 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期256-261,324,共7页
[Objective] This study was conducted to expound the fertility improvement effect in continuous-cropping sugarcane field and provide reference for establishment of rational sugarcane fertilization system and improvemen... [Objective] This study was conducted to expound the fertility improvement effect in continuous-cropping sugarcane field and provide reference for establishment of rational sugarcane fertilization system and improvement of soil quality in continuous-cropping sugarcane field. [Method] The soil in the experimental region is latosolic red soil which was planted with sugarcane for 11 years continuously, and 8 treatments including sole application of chemical fertilizers, sole application of organ- ic fertilizer, and combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizers were designed according to different fertilization measures. The effects of different fertilization treatments on soil microbial biomass, soil enzyme activities and related fertility factors were determined. [Result} Different fertilization treatments all showed soil microbial biomass N, C and P and activities of soil acid phosphatase, catalase, sucrase and urease higher than the CK. Soil microbial biomass N increased by 5.56%-67.13%, soil microbial biomass C increased by 4.01%-20.40%, and soil mi- crobial biomass P increased by 6.39%-67.02%. The activity of acid phosphatase was improved by 12.96%-35.19%, the activity of catalase was improved by 18.24% -78.93%, the activity of sucrase was improved by 3.00%-42.00%, and the activity of urease was improved by 1.21%-23.43%. However, the soil nutrients of different fertilization treatments increased non-significantly (P〉0.05). Soil microbial biomass N, C and P and activities of acid phosphatase, catalase and urease were in significant (P〈0.05) or very significant correlation (P〈0.01) with contents of soil rapidly available P, rapidly available K and total N. [Conclusion] The evaluation of improvement of soil fertility in continuous-cropping sugarcane field using soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities as indexes is more comprehensive and sensitive. 展开更多
关键词 Continuous-cropping sugarcane field FERTILIZATION Soil microbial biomass Soil enzyme activity NUTRIENT
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