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作者 陈壮 《现代语言学》 2023年第9期4179-4187,共9页
和英语even相似,汉语的“连•都”和“甚至”都被认为是焦点敏感算子。本文观察到,在是非疑问句中,当“连•都”和“甚至”的焦点关联词(focus associate)在排名上模糊时,即当语境信息无法帮助听话人判断该焦点关联词在相关量表(scale)上... 和英语even相似,汉语的“连•都”和“甚至”都被认为是焦点敏感算子。本文观察到,在是非疑问句中,当“连•都”和“甚至”的焦点关联词(focus associate)在排名上模糊时,即当语境信息无法帮助听话人判断该焦点关联词在相关量表(scale)上排名高还是低时,“连•都”和“甚至”表现不同。具体而言,“甚至”和英语even一样,焦点关联词排名高和排名低的解读都能传递,而“连•都”只能传递排名高的解读。通过Guerzoni (2004)对英语是非疑问句的分析,以及Shyu (2014)的非对称预设理论——即“连•都”同时具有添加性预设(additive presupposition)和量极性(scalar presup-position)预设而“甚至”只有量极性预设——该现象能被有效解释。除了解释该现象本身外,本文的主要理论价值在于探索了焦点敏感算子添加性对量级性的影响,而现有文献一般都把这两种属性分开进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 “连•都” “甚至” 焦点敏感算子 添加性预设 量极性预设 非对称预设 一般疑问句
VSC-HVDC直流电缆线路电流突变量极性纵联保护适用性研究 被引量:15
作者 蔡新雷 宋国兵 +1 位作者 高淑萍 索南加乐 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期10-16,共7页
通过分析指出直流输电线路的电流突变特性保护与交流线路的行波电流极性保护本质上是一致的,利用电流突变量极性,结合突变量保护判据,可实现VSC-HVDC直流电缆线路纵联保护。针对该保护原理应用于VSC-HVDC直流电缆线路时存在的近端故障... 通过分析指出直流输电线路的电流突变特性保护与交流线路的行波电流极性保护本质上是一致的,利用电流突变量极性,结合突变量保护判据,可实现VSC-HVDC直流电缆线路纵联保护。针对该保护原理应用于VSC-HVDC直流电缆线路时存在的近端故障拒动、故障极选择等问题,进行了研究并给出解决措施。在PSCAD中搭建的VSC-HVDC系统上进行了仿真,输电线路模型采用频变参数电缆线路。仿真结果表明,该保护原理仅利用两端电流、所需采样率低、简单可靠、实用性强、具有绝对的选择性。 展开更多
关键词 电压源换流器型直流输电 电缆线路 电流突变量极性 纵联保护
作者 李怡林 《枣庄学院学报》 2021年第4期119-124,共6页
"X得不撑"属于半固定性的图式性构式,其中"X"为语义焦点,"得"是表程度状态的结构助词,否定结构"不撑"作程度补语,"撑"由施为义的性状域逐步演变至程度域。"X得不撑"的构... "X得不撑"属于半固定性的图式性构式,其中"X"为语义焦点,"得"是表程度状态的结构助词,否定结构"不撑"作程度补语,"撑"由施为义的性状域逐步演变至程度域。"X得不撑"的构式义是说者对主体的主观极量描述性评价,构式可作谓语、补语、宾语或独立成句,具有概括功能和凸显焦点功能。构式"X得不撑"可与主观化标记"给"或"感觉"类动词共现,在语用功能方面,具有反预期、主观评价和夸张的功能。 展开更多
关键词 “X得不撑” 构式语法 极性程度
作者 王资颖 王琴 《北部湾大学学报》 2019年第12期90-95,共6页
以皖北阜阳方言“X+哩很哩很……”结构为研究对象,从构式语法的角度对结构进行鉴定,将构式义概括为:表示说话人的主观极性程度量义。大多数性质形容词和少数状态形容词以及能愿动词和心理活动动词符合构件“X”的准入条件,其通过重叠... 以皖北阜阳方言“X+哩很哩很……”结构为研究对象,从构式语法的角度对结构进行鉴定,将构式义概括为:表示说话人的主观极性程度量义。大多数性质形容词和少数状态形容词以及能愿动词和心理活动动词符合构件“X”的准入条件,其通过重叠程度补语“哩很”达到表达极性程度量的目的,此构式是从江淮流域的方言逐渐扩散而来。 展开更多
关键词 “X+哩很哩很……”构式 极性程度
作者 陶雪琪 《雨露风》 2021年第11期73-74,共2页
前人根据“他”有无所指,将“V+他+数量结构”分为两种不构式。“他”无所指则为及量构式,构式中“他”标志的是一种“主观轻贬量”。但通过对动作行为的时间流和说话者所处实际情况分析,上述构式中的“他”其实还是说话者“主观扬重量... 前人根据“他”有无所指,将“V+他+数量结构”分为两种不构式。“他”无所指则为及量构式,构式中“他”标志的是一种“主观轻贬量”。但通过对动作行为的时间流和说话者所处实际情况分析,上述构式中的“他”其实还是说话者“主观扬重量”的标志,可以说“扬重”是说话者最原始的态度,而“轻贬”是在“扬重”的基础上衍生出来的。因而综合来说“V+他+数量结构”构式中的“他”更全面的表述应该是“主观极性量”的标示。 展开更多
关键词 “V+他+数结构” 轻贬 主观极性 扬重
极性评价构式“NP中的NP”的多维研究 被引量:1
作者 程亚恒 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期66-73,共8页
"NP中的NP"构式是一种特殊的空间结构,构式的功能接近但又不全同于名词性成分。"NP中的NP"构式表达的是一种主观极性量,构式的整体意义是"典型/超级/绝对的NP",具有认知凸显、极性评价和主观表态的语用... "NP中的NP"构式是一种特殊的空间结构,构式的功能接近但又不全同于名词性成分。"NP中的NP"构式表达的是一种主观极性量,构式的整体意义是"典型/超级/绝对的NP",具有认知凸显、极性评价和主观表态的语用价值。并非所有名词性成分都可以自由进入"NP中的NP"构式,构式要求构件NP一定不能是单音节名词,而且前一NP还必须是一个类概念。"NP中的NP"构式是在"NP中之NP"的类推作用下,受新文化运动的冲击而衍生的一种构式。 展开更多
关键词 “NP中的NP” 极性 认知凸显 极性评价 类推
表极性评价义构式“X天花板” 被引量:2
作者 吉晨晨 黄芳 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第4期70-74,共5页
在互联网的影响下,“X天花板”成为一种热门修辞构式,指的是一种量度的极性化,整体构式义是指对所描写对象的极性特质的凸显,具有极性评价和主观表态的语用价值。进入构式“X天花板”中“X”虽仍以名词为主,但适用范围扩大,还存在极少... 在互联网的影响下,“X天花板”成为一种热门修辞构式,指的是一种量度的极性化,整体构式义是指对所描写对象的极性特质的凸显,具有极性评价和主观表态的语用价值。进入构式“X天花板”中“X”虽仍以名词为主,但适用范围扩大,还存在极少数符合的动词。作为评价语的“X天花板”多是一种主观性评价,有正面评价和负面评价之分。在语用效果上,也有积极和消极两种情况,在消极方面如今多与“打破”“突破”搭配,使之化解消极色彩,成为一种助推剂。该构式在隐喻机制推动下产生,且符合人们在网络评论时求新求异的心理,其积极评价性满足人们正面情感释放的需求。 展开更多
关键词 构式 极性 极性评价 语用效果
“都+NP+了”句式的语义特征 被引量:9
作者 佟淑玲 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2009年第2期55-57,共3页
关于"NP+了"句式的语义特征,前人和时贤已有讨论:指出NP具有推移性、顺序性,并且推移性、顺序性都是单向的,经过实际考察我们发现,"都+NP+了"句式中的NP仍具有推移性、顺序性,而且是双向的;同时,还有量级性、主观... 关于"NP+了"句式的语义特征,前人和时贤已有讨论:指出NP具有推移性、顺序性,并且推移性、顺序性都是单向的,经过实际考察我们发现,"都+NP+了"句式中的NP仍具有推移性、顺序性,而且是双向的;同时,还有量级性、主观性的语义特征。但这些特征是整个句式赋予的,因此本文主要说明"都+NP+了"句式的主观性和量级性,双向顺序性的语义特征笔者将另作文章讨论。 展开更多
关键词 语义特征 主观性 量极性
基于时序配合的柔直配电网后备保护与控制协同方案 被引量:6
作者 郑涛 吕文轩 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期137-145,共9页
柔性直流配电网的故障主动控制与主保护协同方案能够有效克服传统保护方案的局限性,但在通信故障、隔离设备失灵等极端情况下其可靠性难以保证,亟须开展相关后备保护原理的研究。鉴于此,利用换流器的故障主动控制提出了一种基于本地电... 柔性直流配电网的故障主动控制与主保护协同方案能够有效克服传统保护方案的局限性,但在通信故障、隔离设备失灵等极端情况下其可靠性难以保证,亟须开展相关后备保护原理的研究。鉴于此,利用换流器的故障主动控制提出了一种基于本地电流突变量极性的后备保护方案:基于换流器产生的电流突变信号,根据测量的电流突变量极性闭锁故障反方向的负荷开关,进而根据时序配合关系实现故障线路的可靠隔离。该方案不依赖于通信及直流断路器,通过换流器的故障主动控制,仅利用负荷开关实现故障隔离。文中进一步提出了一种后备保护加速策略,并结合不同拓扑分析了其实用性。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC中建立了四端柔性直流配电网模型,通过仿真验证了所提方案能够仅基于本地信息实现故障线路的快速选择性隔离。 展开更多
关键词 故障主动控制 本地保护 电流突变量极性 柔性直流配电网 后备保护
Numerical Analysis on Magnetic-induced Shear Modulus of Magnetorheological Elastomers Based on Multi-chain Model 被引量:4
作者 朱应顺 龚兴龙 +2 位作者 党辉 张先舟 张培强 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期126-130,共5页
Based on the magnetic interaction energy, using derivative of the magnetic energy density, a model is proposed to compute the magnetic-induced shear modulus of magnetorheological elastomers. Taking into account the in... Based on the magnetic interaction energy, using derivative of the magnetic energy density, a model is proposed to compute the magnetic-induced shear modulus of magnetorheological elastomers. Taking into account the influences of particles in the same chain and the particles in all adjacent chains, the traditional magnetic dipole model of the magnetorheological elastomers is modified. The influence of the ratio of the distance etween adjacent chains to the distance between adjacent particles in a chain on the magnetic induced shear odulus is quantitatively studied. When the ratio is large, the multi-chain model is compatible with the single chain model, but when the ratio is small, the difference of the two models is significant and can not be neglected. Making certain the size of the columns and the distance between adjacent columns, after constructing the computational model of BCT structures, the mechanical property of the magnetorheological elastomers composed of columnar structures is analyzed. Results show that, conventional point dipole model has overrated the magnetic-induced shear modulus of the magnetorheological elastomers. From the point of increasing the magnetic-induced shear modulus, when the particle volume fraction is small, the chain-like structure exhibits better result than the columnar structure, but when the particle volume fraction is large,the columnar structure will be better. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetorheological elastomers Shear modulus Magnetic dipole model
Wide angle reflections in OBC seismic physical model experiment
作者 杨正华 黄翼坚 吴永新 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期207-212,236,共7页
Wide angle acquisition has been taken as a significant measure to obtain high quality seismic data and is getting greater attention, In this paper, we discuss ocean bottom cable (OBC) seismic wide angle reflections ... Wide angle acquisition has been taken as a significant measure to obtain high quality seismic data and is getting greater attention, In this paper, we discuss ocean bottom cable (OBC) seismic wide angle reflections on the basis of a layered model experiment. Some experiment results don't support theoretical conclusions. The main experimental conclusions are: 1. Wide angle reflection energies are stronger than non-wide-angle reflections (up to twice as strong) but there is a big difference between observations and theoretical calculations that suggest the wide angle reflection energies are 15 times the non- wide-angle reflection energy. The reflection energy increases gradually rather than sharply as the theoretical calculations suggest. 2. The reflection events remain hyperbolic when the offset increases. 3. Wide angle reflection dominant frequency is about 20-30% less than non- wide-angle reflections and decreases as the offset increases. The non-wide-angle reflection dominant frequency shows no obvious variation for small offsets. 4. There is no wave shape mutation or polarity reversal near the critical angle. 5. The reflection event group features are the same for both cases of incidence angle greater and less than the critical angle. 6. Direct arrivals, multiples, and water bottom refractions influence the wide angle reflections of the sea floor. 展开更多
关键词 ocean bottom cable physical model wide angle refection model experiment
Bound Polaron in a Quantum Well Under an Electric Field 被引量:4
作者 陈伟丽 肖景林 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期787-791,共5页
We conduct a theoretical study on the properties of a bound polaron in a quantum well under an electric field using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods, which are valid in the whole range of... We conduct a theoretical study on the properties of a bound polaron in a quantum well under an electric field using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods, which are valid in the whole range of electron-LO phonon coupling. The changing relations between the ground-state energy of the bound polaron in the quantum well and the Coulomb bound potential, the electric field strength, and the well width are derived. The numerical results show that the ground-state energy increases with the increase of the electric field strength and the Coulomb bound potential and decreases as the well width increases. 展开更多
关键词 quantum well bound polaron ground-state energy linear combination operator electric field
Influence of the Electric Field on the Properties of the Bound Magnetopolaron in GaAs Semiconductor Quantum Wells 被引量:3
作者 单淑萍 肖景林 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期438-441,共4页
The influence of the electric field on the properties of the bound magnetopolaron in an infinite-depth GaAs semiconductor quantum well is investigated using the linear-combination operator and the unitary transformati... The influence of the electric field on the properties of the bound magnetopolaron in an infinite-depth GaAs semiconductor quantum well is investigated using the linear-combination operator and the unitary transformation method. The relationships between the polaron's ground state energy and the Coulomb bound potential, electric field, magnetic field, and well-width are derived and discussed. Our numerical results show that the absolute value of the polaron's ground state energy increases as the electric field and the Coulomb bound potential increase, and decreases as the well-width and the magnetic field strength increase. When the well-width is small,the quantum size effect is significant. 展开更多
关键词 quantum well bound magnetopolaron linear combination operator ground state energy
数词的模糊和虚指——以“两”和"a couple of"的模糊性为例
作者 危艳丽 《科教文汇》 2013年第7期105-105,108,共2页
通过分析数词"两"和"a couple of"的模糊性、语用范围以及组合性特征,来揭示数词的模糊和虚指的区别性特征。
关键词 模糊 虚指 极性
Design and Realization of Resonant Tunneling Diodes with New Material Structure 被引量:1
作者 王建林 王良臣 +3 位作者 曾一平 刘忠立 杨富华 白云霞 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期1-5,共5页
A new material structure with Al 0.22Ga 0.78As/In 0.15Ga 0.85As/GaAs emitter spacer layer and GaAs/In 0.15- Ga 0.85As/GaAs well for resonant tunneling diodes is designed and the corresponding device... A new material structure with Al 0.22Ga 0.78As/In 0.15Ga 0.85As/GaAs emitter spacer layer and GaAs/In 0.15- Ga 0.85As/GaAs well for resonant tunneling diodes is designed and the corresponding device is fabricated.RTDs DC characteristics are measured at room temperature. Peak-to-valley current ratio and the available current density for RTDs at room temperature are computed.Analysis on these results suggests that adjusting material structure and optimizing fabrication processes will be an effective means to improve the quality of RTDs. 展开更多
关键词 resonant tunneling diodes quantum effect DC characterization
Effective Mass of Strong-Coupling Bound Polaron in a Triangular Quantum Well Induced by Rashba Effect 被引量:17
作者 ZHANG Hai-Rui XIAO Jing-Lin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期995-998,共4页
In this paper, on the basis of Huybrechts' strong-coupling polaron model, the Tokuda modified linearcombination operator method and the unitary transformation method are used to study the properties of the strongcoup... In this paper, on the basis of Huybrechts' strong-coupling polaron model, the Tokuda modified linearcombination operator method and the unitary transformation method are used to study the properties of the strongcoupling bound polaron considering the influence of Rashba effect, which is brought by the spin-orbit (SO) interaction, in the semiconductor triangular quantum well (TQW). Numerical calculation on the RbCI TQW, as the example, is performed. The expressions for the effective mass of the polaron as a function of the vibration frequency, the velocity, the Coulomb bound potential and the electron areal density are derived. Numerical results show that the total effective mass of the polaron is composed of three parts. The interactions between the orbit and the spin with different directions have different effects on the effective mass of the bound polaron. 展开更多
关键词 triangular quantum well SPINTRONICS effective mass Rashba SO interaction
Evaluation of asphalt-aggregate adhesion using surface free energy theory 被引量:2
作者 Chenhao Guo Sen Han Raorao Han 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期99-102,共4页
In order to take a precise and objective evaluation on asphalt-aggregate adhesion, this paper analyzed the function at asphalt- aggregate interface using surface free energy theory. Two asphalts and two aggregates wer... In order to take a precise and objective evaluation on asphalt-aggregate adhesion, this paper analyzed the function at asphalt- aggregate interface using surface free energy theory. Two asphalts and two aggregates were selected and their surface free energy parameters, FLW, F and F-, were measured by the Wilhelmy plate method and the column wicking technique, respectively. Then, the resistance to moisture damage of asphalt mixture were predicted using calculated asphalt-aggregate adhesive bond energy and asphalt cohesive bond energy. The results show that moisture damage is a thermodynamically favorable phenomenon. Asphalt with a great acid-base polar component and a low Lifshitz-van der Waals apolar component always exhibits perfect cohesion. 展开更多
关键词 ASPHALT surface free energy ADHESION COHESION
Study on the rheology of coal-oil slurries during heating at high pressure 被引量:4
作者 Bingfeng Yan 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第3期274-280,共7页
Using the self-developed viscosity measuring device, the viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries with temperature increasing during coal-oil co-processing were studied. The results show that the viscosity of coal-oi... Using the self-developed viscosity measuring device, the viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries with temperature increasing during coal-oil co-processing were studied. The results show that the viscosity of coal-oil slurries prepared by different kinds of oil varies differently during heating. The viscosity of the coal-oil slurry prepared by the catalytic cracking slurry (FCC) generally decreases during heating. However, the viscosity of the coal-oil slurry prepared by the high-temperature coal tar (CT) will peak at 338 ℃ during heating. The differences in viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries are analyzed. In addition to the temperature, the properties of the solvents and coal are the main influencing factors. Because the used coal contains a large number of polar functional groups, the swelling behavior of the coal in polar solvent (CT) is stronger than that in non-polar solvent (FCC). The swelling effect of the coal can result in the appearance of the viscosity peak. Therefore, before 100 ~C, the solvent molecules entering into the coal pores is the main influencing factor of coal-oil slurries viscosity variations. After 100 ℃, the increasing of particle size of coal particles is the main influencing factor of coal-oil slurries viscosity variations. 展开更多
关键词 Coal-oil slurry · Rheology· Swelling · High temperature and pressure
Structure characteristics and adhesive property of humic substances extracted with different methods
作者 张元波 韩桂洪 +4 位作者 姜涛 黄艳芳 李光辉 郭宇峰 杨永斌 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1041-1046,共6页
The structure characteristics and adhesive property of humic substance(HS) extracted with different methods were mainly studied by terms of elementary analysis,visible spectrum,FT-IR spectroscopy,viscosity,adsorption ... The structure characteristics and adhesive property of humic substance(HS) extracted with different methods were mainly studied by terms of elementary analysis,visible spectrum,FT-IR spectroscopy,viscosity,adsorption and pelletizing experiments.The results show that HSs extracted with new method(HS-a) own higher degree of aromatization and polymerization,larger relative molecular mass and more polar functional groups than HS extracted with usual method(HS-b).The viscosity of HS-b is about 30-40 mPa·s lower than that of HS-a.The maximum adsorption amounts of HS-a and HS-b onto iron concentrates are 9.11 mg/g and 8.08 mg/g,respectively.Meanwhile,HS-a has a better performance than HS-b in the practical application for pelletizing of iron concentrates.The difference in agglomeration behaviors with iron concentrates lies in the differences of the structure characteristics of HSs.With higher content of polar functional groups,larger relative molecular mass and viscosity of HSs,the agglomeration behavior is improved. 展开更多
关键词 humic substances structure characteristic agglomeration behaviour green ball
Numerical Derivation of Strain Rate Effects on Material Properties of Masonry with Solid Clay Bricks 被引量:4
作者 WEI Xueying HAO Hong 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期147-151,共5页
In this paper, numerical method is used als. A typical unit of masonry is selected to serve merical model of RVE is established with detailed to study the strain rate effect on masonry materias a representative volume... In this paper, numerical method is used als. A typical unit of masonry is selected to serve merical model of RVE is established with detailed to study the strain rate effect on masonry materias a representative volume element (RVE). Nudistinctive modeling of brick and mortar with their respective dynamic material properties obtained from laboratory tests. The behavior of brick and mortar are characterized by a dynamic damage model that accounts for rate-sensitive and pressuredependent properties of masonry materials. Dynamic loads of different loading rates are applied to RVE. The equivalent homogenized uniaxial compressive strength, threshold strain and elastic modulus in three directions of the masonry are derived from the simulated responses of the RVE. The strain rate effect on the masonry material with clay brick and mortar, such as the dynamic increase factor (DIF) of the ultimate strength and elastic modulus as a function of strain rate are derived from the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 masonry structure strain rate effects dynamic increase factor (DIF) elastic modulus ultimate strength
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