The Natural Forest Protection(NFP) program is one of the Six Key Forestry Projects which were adopted by the Chinese Government since the 1980s to address important natural issues in China. It advanced to protecting a...The Natural Forest Protection(NFP) program is one of the Six Key Forestry Projects which were adopted by the Chinese Government since the 1980s to address important natural issues in China. It advanced to protecting and restoring the structures and functions of the natural forests through sustainable forest management. However, the role of forest carbon storage and tree carbon pool dynamics since the adoption of the NFP remains unknown. To address this knowledge gap, this study calculated forest carbon storage(tree, understory, forest floor and soil) in the forest region of northeastern(NE) China based on National Forest Inventory databases and field investigated databases. For tree biomass, this study utilized an improved method for biomass estimation that converts timber volume to total forest biomass; while for understory, forest floor and soil carbon storage, this study utilized forest type-specific mean carbon densities multiplied by their areas in the region. Results showed that the tree carbon pool under the NFP in NE China functioned as a carbon sink from 1998 to 2008, with an increase of 6.3 Tg C/yr, which was mainly sequestrated by natural forests(5.1 Tg C/yr). At the same time, plantations also acted as a carbon sink, reflecting an increase of 1.2 Tg C/yr. In 2008, total carbon storage in forests covered by the NFP in NE China was 4603.8 Tg C, of which 4393.3 Tg C was stored in natural forests and 210.5 Tg C in planted forests. Soil was the largest carbon storage component, contributing 69.5%–77.8% of total carbon storage; followed by tree and forest floor, accounting for 16.3%–23.0% and 5.0%–6.5% of total carbon storage, respectively. Understory carbon pool ranged from 1.9 to 42.7 Tg C, accounting for only 0.9% of total carbon storage.展开更多
A generalized steady-state model is being developed for an internal heat integrated distillation column (IHIDiC). A procedure incorporating the Newton-Raphson method is devised for solving the model equations. Separat...A generalized steady-state model is being developed for an internal heat integrated distillation column (IHIDiC). A procedure incorporating the Newton-Raphson method is devised for solving the model equations. Separation of an ethanol-water binary mixture is simulated and analyzed with the model. Two pinch points are found within the process, making the separation extremely difficult and expensive. Two sharp fronts in the temperature and the composition profiles are being observed. With the introduction of heat integration, satisfactory separation may be obtained in a limited number of stages with lower reflux ratios. Increasing the pressure difference between the rectifying and the stripping sections, however, would bring about a reduced relative volatility between the two components involved, creating adverse separation performances. It is obvious that optimization of the IHIDiC is of prime importance.展开更多
In this paper, we investigate the decoherence time of a double quantum dot (DQD) charge qubit in three kinds of baths through solving dynamics of the qubit. The dynamics of the qubit is investigated with Redfield ma...In this paper, we investigate the decoherence time of a double quantum dot (DQD) charge qubit in three kinds of baths through solving dynamics of the qubit. The dynamics of the qubit is investigated with Redfield master equation. It is shown that the decoherence time of the qubit in Ohmic bath has the same order of magnitude as the experiments reported. When the environment is modeled with the supra-Ohmic bath the decoherence time of the qubit is shorter than the experimental result. And when modeled with the sub-Ohmic bath the decoherence time of the qubit is longer than the experimental result.展开更多
Let q be a power of a prime and φ be the Frobenius endomorphism on E(Fqk), then q = tφ - φ^2. Applying this equation, a new algorithm to compute rational point scalar multiplications on elliptic curves by finding...Let q be a power of a prime and φ be the Frobenius endomorphism on E(Fqk), then q = tφ - φ^2. Applying this equation, a new algorithm to compute rational point scalar multiplications on elliptic curves by finding a suitable small positive integer s such that q^s can be represented as some very sparse φ-polynomial is proposed. If a Normal Basis (NB) or Optimal Normal Basis (ONB) is applied and the precomputations are considered free, our algorithm will cost, on average, about 55% to 80% less than binary method, and about 42% to 74% less than φ-ary method. For some elliptic curves, our algorithm is also taster than Mǖller's algorithm. In addition, an effective algorithm is provided for finding such integer s.展开更多
Polystyrene (PS) @SiO2 core-shell microbeads with large pore and large particle size were prepared via layer-by-layer(LBL)assembly technique for potential applications in nano-micro composites. Negative silica nan...Polystyrene (PS) @SiO2 core-shell microbeads with large pore and large particle size were prepared via layer-by-layer(LBL)assembly technique for potential applications in nano-micro composites. Negative silica nanoparticles synthesized via modified St6ber method and cationic poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) were alternately adsorbed on the surface of microbeads. Zeta potential, size, and morphology of the microbeads were monitored during LBL assembly process to ensure the successful deposition of silica nanoparticles. The porous shell was characterized using nitrogen adsorption and desorption analyses, and the surface area, volume and diame- ter of the pores were derived. It is found that the porous shell thickness and the pore size can be tuned by changing the coating times of silica nanoparticles. Finally, PS@SiO2 core-shell microbeads with 5 grn PS solid core and 350 nm mesoporous shell (mean BJH pore diameter is ~27 nm) were used to load CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs). The fluorescence microscopic image and the optical amplification of the QDs-embedded microbeads (QDBs) indicate that the as-prepared core-shell microbeads can provide adequate space for QDs and may be useful for further application of nano-micro composites.展开更多
A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge fie...A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge field is obtained, which is just the traditional Schwarzschild solution. Combining the principle of gauge covariance and Newton's second law of motion, the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field is deduced. Based on the spherical symmetric solution of the field equation and the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field, we can discuss classical tests of gauge theory of gravity, including the deflection of light by the sun, the precession of the perihelia of the orbits of the inner planets and the time delay of radar echoes passing the sun. It is found that the theoretical predictions of these classical tests given by gauge theory of gravity are completely the same as those given by general relativity.展开更多
We present a global optimization method, called the real-code genetic algorithm (RGA), to the ground state energies. The proposed method does not require partial derivatives with respect to each variational parameter ...We present a global optimization method, called the real-code genetic algorithm (RGA), to the ground state energies. The proposed method does not require partial derivatives with respect to each variational parameter or solving an eigenequation, so the present method overcomes the major difficulties of the variational method. RGAs also do not require coding and encoding procedures, so the computation time and complexity are reduced. The ground state energies of hydrogenic donors in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum dots have been calculated for a range of the radius of the quantum dot radii of practical interest. They are compared with those obtained by the variational method. The results obtained demonstrate the proposed method is simple, accurate, and easy implement.展开更多
We study the magnetic field effects on the spin-polarized transport of the quantum dot (QD) spin valve in the sequential tunneling regime. A set of generalized master equation is derived. Based on that, we discuss t...We study the magnetic field effects on the spin-polarized transport of the quantum dot (QD) spin valve in the sequential tunneling regime. A set of generalized master equation is derived. Based on that, we discuss the collinear and noncollinear magnetic field effects, respectively. In the collinear magnetic field case, we find that the Zeeman splitting can induce a negative differential conductance (NDC), which is quite different from the one found in previous studies. It has a critical polarization in the parallel arrangement and will disappear in the antiparallel configuration. In the noncollinear magnetic field case, the current shows two plateaus and their angular dependence is analyzed. Although sometimes the two current plateaus have similar angular dependence, their mechanisms are different. Our formalism is also suitable for calculating the transport in magnetic molecules, in which the spin splitting is induced not by a magnetic field but by the intrinsic magnetization.展开更多
A new in situ treatment technique was being utilized on a part of the Dorfweiher landfill in Konstanz, Germany to reduce the aftercare period. From 2010 to 2012, the landfill was aerated intermittently with low pressu...A new in situ treatment technique was being utilized on a part of the Dorfweiher landfill in Konstanz, Germany to reduce the aftercare period. From 2010 to 2012, the landfill was aerated intermittently with low pressure. Outgoing air was treated passively in an open biofilter which covers the landfill surface. The landfill was aerated by means of 80 air injection wells arranged area-wide in a 10 m grid. An elaborate measuring process and technological controls are being utilized in the pilot scheme. The data collected offer interesting insights about the processes during aeration, allowing optimization of the aeration strategy depending on changes of the conditions in the landfill. During the three-year aeration phase, conditions have changed inside the landfill section in various ways. In numerous zones of the landfill body, the aeration caused aerobic conditions with a decline of methane production. Accelerated settlings are measured up to 11%. The effects of the aerobic stabilization on the landfill are evaluated in a two-year monitoring phase started in 2013.展开更多
We investigate a second order parabolic parametrization, w(a) = wt + wa(at - a)2, which is a direct characterization of a possible turning in w. The cosmological consequence of this parametrization is explored by...We investigate a second order parabolic parametrization, w(a) = wt + wa(at - a)2, which is a direct characterization of a possible turning in w. The cosmological consequence of this parametrization is explored by using the observational data of the SNLS3 type Ia supernovae sample, the CMB measurements from WMAP9 and Planck, the Hubble parameter measurement from HST, and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements from 6dFGS, BOSS DRI 1 and improved WiggleZ. We found the existence of a turning point in w at a - 0.7 is favored at 10- CL. In the epoch 0.55 〈 a 〈 0.9, w 〈 -1 is favored at 10- CL, and this significance increases near a - 0.8, reaching a 20- CL. The parabolic parametrization achieve equivalent performance to the ACDM and Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) models when the Akaike information criterion was used to assess them. Our analysis shows the value of considering high order parametrizations when studying the cosmological constraints on w.展开更多
Let D be a convolution semigroup of random measures or point processes on a locally compact second countable T 2space. There is a topological isomorphism from D into a subsemigroup of product topological semigroup (R ...Let D be a convolution semigroup of random measures or point processes on a locally compact second countable T 2space. There is a topological isomorphism from D into a subsemigroup of product topological semigroup (R +,+) N.D is a sequentially stable and D-separable ZH-semigroup, as well as a metrizable, stable and normable Hun semigroup, so it has the corresponding properties. In particular the author has a new and simple proof byZH-semigroup approach or Hun semigroup approach to show that D has property ILID (an infinitesimal array limit is infinitely divisible), and know the Baire types which some subsets of D belong in.展开更多
Micro/nanoelectromechanical systems(MEMS/NEMS)have potential applications in sensing,cooling,and mechanical signal processing.Thanks to the development of modern MEMS fabrication techniques,in analogy to photons,phono...Micro/nanoelectromechanical systems(MEMS/NEMS)have potential applications in sensing,cooling,and mechanical signal processing.Thanks to the development of modern MEMS fabrication techniques,in analogy to photons,phonons in NEMS attract significant research interests recently.Single-electron tunneling events in quantum-dot-like nanostructures have been widely used in mesoscopic transport studies.Quantum dots are also considered as an ideal candidate platform for solid-state quantum computation.The coupling of these two types of systems has vast application prospects in information storage,transfer and also fundamental physics investigations.The most popular system realizing such coupling is a suspended carbon nanotube,in which the local gates can be used to confine a quantum dot,actuate a resonator and tune the resonant frequency.In this review,we focus on recent progress in this coupled system composed of carbon-based materials and discuss device fabrication,coupling mechanisms,and applications.展开更多
Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots/methyl violet nanohybrids were explored to develop a novel room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) sensor for the detection of DNA. Methyl violet (MV) as the electron acceptors was adsorbed on...Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots/methyl violet nanohybrids were explored to develop a novel room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) sensor for the detection of DNA. Methyl violet (MV) as the electron acceptors was adsorbed on the surface of the quantum dots (QDs) to quench the RTP of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs through an electron-transfer process under excitation. The addition of DNA recovered the RTP signal of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs due to the binding of MV with DNA and the removal of MV from the surface of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs. Under the optimal conditions, the enhanced RTP intensity of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs/MV nanohybrids linearly increased with the concentration of DNA from 0.08 to 12 mg L-1 with the detection limit of 33.6 μg L-1. The relative standard deviation for eleven replicate detections of the reagent blank was 3.7%. The developed method was applied to the detection of DNA in spiked urine samples with recoveries of 96%-103% without interference from nonspecific fluorescence.展开更多
We present some novel rotating hairy black hole metric in (2 + 1) dimensions, which is an exact solution to the field equations of the Einstein-scalar-AdS theory with a non-minimal coupling. The scalar potential is...We present some novel rotating hairy black hole metric in (2 + 1) dimensions, which is an exact solution to the field equations of the Einstein-scalar-AdS theory with a non-minimal coupling. The scalar potential is determined by the metric ansatz and consistency of the field equations and cannot be prescribed arbitrarily. In the simplified, critical ease, the scalar potential contains two independent constant parameters, which are respectively related to the mass and angular momentum of the black hole in a particular way. As long as the angular momentum does not vanish, the metric can have zero, one or two horizons. The case with no horizon is physically uninteresting because of the curvature singularity lying at the origin. We identify the necessary conditions for at least one horizon to be present in the solution, which imposes some bound on the mass-angular momentum ratio. For some particular choice of pararneters our solution degenerates into some previously known black hole solutions.展开更多
Einstein's equation,in its standard form,breaks down at the Big Bang singularity.A new version,equivalent to Einstein's whenever the latter is defined,but applicable in wider situations,is proposed.The new equation ...Einstein's equation,in its standard form,breaks down at the Big Bang singularity.A new version,equivalent to Einstein's whenever the latter is defined,but applicable in wider situations,is proposed.The new equation remains smooth at the Big Bang singularity of the Friedmann-Lemaatre-Robertson-Walker model.It is a tensor equation defined in terms of the Ricci part of the Riemann curvature.It is obtained by taking the Kulkarni-Nomizu product between Einstein's equation and the metric tensor.展开更多
基金Under the auspices of Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA05060200)National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China(No.2012BAD22B04)Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.2012T1Z0006)
文摘The Natural Forest Protection(NFP) program is one of the Six Key Forestry Projects which were adopted by the Chinese Government since the 1980s to address important natural issues in China. It advanced to protecting and restoring the structures and functions of the natural forests through sustainable forest management. However, the role of forest carbon storage and tree carbon pool dynamics since the adoption of the NFP remains unknown. To address this knowledge gap, this study calculated forest carbon storage(tree, understory, forest floor and soil) in the forest region of northeastern(NE) China based on National Forest Inventory databases and field investigated databases. For tree biomass, this study utilized an improved method for biomass estimation that converts timber volume to total forest biomass; while for understory, forest floor and soil carbon storage, this study utilized forest type-specific mean carbon densities multiplied by their areas in the region. Results showed that the tree carbon pool under the NFP in NE China functioned as a carbon sink from 1998 to 2008, with an increase of 6.3 Tg C/yr, which was mainly sequestrated by natural forests(5.1 Tg C/yr). At the same time, plantations also acted as a carbon sink, reflecting an increase of 1.2 Tg C/yr. In 2008, total carbon storage in forests covered by the NFP in NE China was 4603.8 Tg C, of which 4393.3 Tg C was stored in natural forests and 210.5 Tg C in planted forests. Soil was the largest carbon storage component, contributing 69.5%–77.8% of total carbon storage; followed by tree and forest floor, accounting for 16.3%–23.0% and 5.0%–6.5% of total carbon storage, respectively. Understory carbon pool ranged from 1.9 to 42.7 Tg C, accounting for only 0.9% of total carbon storage.
文摘A generalized steady-state model is being developed for an internal heat integrated distillation column (IHIDiC). A procedure incorporating the Newton-Raphson method is devised for solving the model equations. Separation of an ethanol-water binary mixture is simulated and analyzed with the model. Two pinch points are found within the process, making the separation extremely difficult and expensive. Two sharp fronts in the temperature and the composition profiles are being observed. With the introduction of heat integration, satisfactory separation may be obtained in a limited number of stages with lower reflux ratios. Increasing the pressure difference between the rectifying and the stripping sections, however, would bring about a reduced relative volatility between the two components involved, creating adverse separation performances. It is obvious that optimization of the IHIDiC is of prime importance.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10675066K.C.Wong Magna Foundation in Ningbo University
文摘In this paper, we investigate the decoherence time of a double quantum dot (DQD) charge qubit in three kinds of baths through solving dynamics of the qubit. The dynamics of the qubit is investigated with Redfield master equation. It is shown that the decoherence time of the qubit in Ohmic bath has the same order of magnitude as the experiments reported. When the environment is modeled with the supra-Ohmic bath the decoherence time of the qubit is shorter than the experimental result. And when modeled with the sub-Ohmic bath the decoherence time of the qubit is longer than the experimental result.
基金Supported by the National 973 High Technology Projects (No. G1998030420)
文摘Let q be a power of a prime and φ be the Frobenius endomorphism on E(Fqk), then q = tφ - φ^2. Applying this equation, a new algorithm to compute rational point scalar multiplications on elliptic curves by finding a suitable small positive integer s such that q^s can be represented as some very sparse φ-polynomial is proposed. If a Normal Basis (NB) or Optimal Normal Basis (ONB) is applied and the precomputations are considered free, our algorithm will cost, on average, about 55% to 80% less than binary method, and about 42% to 74% less than φ-ary method. For some elliptic curves, our algorithm is also taster than Mǖller's algorithm. In addition, an effective algorithm is provided for finding such integer s.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51202160)
文摘Polystyrene (PS) @SiO2 core-shell microbeads with large pore and large particle size were prepared via layer-by-layer(LBL)assembly technique for potential applications in nano-micro composites. Negative silica nanoparticles synthesized via modified St6ber method and cationic poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) were alternately adsorbed on the surface of microbeads. Zeta potential, size, and morphology of the microbeads were monitored during LBL assembly process to ensure the successful deposition of silica nanoparticles. The porous shell was characterized using nitrogen adsorption and desorption analyses, and the surface area, volume and diame- ter of the pores were derived. It is found that the porous shell thickness and the pore size can be tuned by changing the coating times of silica nanoparticles. Finally, PS@SiO2 core-shell microbeads with 5 grn PS solid core and 350 nm mesoporous shell (mean BJH pore diameter is ~27 nm) were used to load CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs). The fluorescence microscopic image and the optical amplification of the QDs-embedded microbeads (QDBs) indicate that the as-prepared core-shell microbeads can provide adequate space for QDs and may be useful for further application of nano-micro composites.
文摘A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge field is obtained, which is just the traditional Schwarzschild solution. Combining the principle of gauge covariance and Newton's second law of motion, the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field is deduced. Based on the spherical symmetric solution of the field equation and the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field, we can discuss classical tests of gauge theory of gravity, including the deflection of light by the sun, the precession of the perihelia of the orbits of the inner planets and the time delay of radar echoes passing the sun. It is found that the theoretical predictions of these classical tests given by gauge theory of gravity are completely the same as those given by general relativity.
文摘We present a global optimization method, called the real-code genetic algorithm (RGA), to the ground state energies. The proposed method does not require partial derivatives with respect to each variational parameter or solving an eigenequation, so the present method overcomes the major difficulties of the variational method. RGAs also do not require coding and encoding procedures, so the computation time and complexity are reduced. The ground state energies of hydrogenic donors in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum dots have been calculated for a range of the radius of the quantum dot radii of practical interest. They are compared with those obtained by the variational method. The results obtained demonstrate the proposed method is simple, accurate, and easy implement.
基金supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,US-DOE under Grant No.DE-FG02-04ER46124,US-Natural Science FoundationNational Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10525418,10734110,and 60776060
文摘We study the magnetic field effects on the spin-polarized transport of the quantum dot (QD) spin valve in the sequential tunneling regime. A set of generalized master equation is derived. Based on that, we discuss the collinear and noncollinear magnetic field effects, respectively. In the collinear magnetic field case, we find that the Zeeman splitting can induce a negative differential conductance (NDC), which is quite different from the one found in previous studies. It has a critical polarization in the parallel arrangement and will disappear in the antiparallel configuration. In the noncollinear magnetic field case, the current shows two plateaus and their angular dependence is analyzed. Although sometimes the two current plateaus have similar angular dependence, their mechanisms are different. Our formalism is also suitable for calculating the transport in magnetic molecules, in which the spin splitting is induced not by a magnetic field but by the intrinsic magnetization.
文摘A new in situ treatment technique was being utilized on a part of the Dorfweiher landfill in Konstanz, Germany to reduce the aftercare period. From 2010 to 2012, the landfill was aerated intermittently with low pressure. Outgoing air was treated passively in an open biofilter which covers the landfill surface. The landfill was aerated by means of 80 air injection wells arranged area-wide in a 10 m grid. An elaborate measuring process and technological controls are being utilized in the pilot scheme. The data collected offer interesting insights about the processes during aeration, allowing optimization of the aeration strategy depending on changes of the conditions in the landfill. During the three-year aeration phase, conditions have changed inside the landfill section in various ways. In numerous zones of the landfill body, the aeration caused aerobic conditions with a decline of methane production. Accelerated settlings are measured up to 11%. The effects of the aerobic stabilization on the landfill are evaluated in a two-year monitoring phase started in 2013.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11275247 and 11335012)XDL acknowledges suport from the KDES program
文摘We investigate a second order parabolic parametrization, w(a) = wt + wa(at - a)2, which is a direct characterization of a possible turning in w. The cosmological consequence of this parametrization is explored by using the observational data of the SNLS3 type Ia supernovae sample, the CMB measurements from WMAP9 and Planck, the Hubble parameter measurement from HST, and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements from 6dFGS, BOSS DRI 1 and improved WiggleZ. We found the existence of a turning point in w at a - 0.7 is favored at 10- CL. In the epoch 0.55 〈 a 〈 0.9, w 〈 -1 is favored at 10- CL, and this significance increases near a - 0.8, reaching a 20- CL. The parabolic parametrization achieve equivalent performance to the ACDM and Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) models when the Akaike information criterion was used to assess them. Our analysis shows the value of considering high order parametrizations when studying the cosmological constraints on w.
文摘Let D be a convolution semigroup of random measures or point processes on a locally compact second countable T 2space. There is a topological isomorphism from D into a subsemigroup of product topological semigroup (R +,+) N.D is a sequentially stable and D-separable ZH-semigroup, as well as a metrizable, stable and normable Hun semigroup, so it has the corresponding properties. In particular the author has a new and simple proof byZH-semigroup approach or Hun semigroup approach to show that D has property ILID (an infinitesimal array limit is infinitely divisible), and know the Baire types which some subsets of D belong in.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No. 2016YFA0301700)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11625419,61674132, 11674300,11575172,and 91421303)+1 种基金the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB01030000)the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities
文摘Micro/nanoelectromechanical systems(MEMS/NEMS)have potential applications in sensing,cooling,and mechanical signal processing.Thanks to the development of modern MEMS fabrication techniques,in analogy to photons,phonons in NEMS attract significant research interests recently.Single-electron tunneling events in quantum-dot-like nanostructures have been widely used in mesoscopic transport studies.Quantum dots are also considered as an ideal candidate platform for solid-state quantum computation.The coupling of these two types of systems has vast application prospects in information storage,transfer and also fundamental physics investigations.The most popular system realizing such coupling is a suspended carbon nanotube,in which the local gates can be used to confine a quantum dot,actuate a resonator and tune the resonant frequency.In this review,we focus on recent progress in this coupled system composed of carbon-based materials and discuss device fabrication,coupling mechanisms,and applications.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20935001)the National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB707703)+1 种基金the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (10JCZDJC16300) for YAN XiuPingScientific Research Founda-tion of Education Commission of Hubei Province (Q20111010) for HE Yu
文摘Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots/methyl violet nanohybrids were explored to develop a novel room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) sensor for the detection of DNA. Methyl violet (MV) as the electron acceptors was adsorbed on the surface of the quantum dots (QDs) to quench the RTP of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs through an electron-transfer process under excitation. The addition of DNA recovered the RTP signal of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs due to the binding of MV with DNA and the removal of MV from the surface of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs. Under the optimal conditions, the enhanced RTP intensity of the Mn-doped ZnS QDs/MV nanohybrids linearly increased with the concentration of DNA from 0.08 to 12 mg L-1 with the detection limit of 33.6 μg L-1. The relative standard deviation for eleven replicate detections of the reagent blank was 3.7%. The developed method was applied to the detection of DNA in spiked urine samples with recoveries of 96%-103% without interference from nonspecific fluorescence.
文摘We present some novel rotating hairy black hole metric in (2 + 1) dimensions, which is an exact solution to the field equations of the Einstein-scalar-AdS theory with a non-minimal coupling. The scalar potential is determined by the metric ansatz and consistency of the field equations and cannot be prescribed arbitrarily. In the simplified, critical ease, the scalar potential contains two independent constant parameters, which are respectively related to the mass and angular momentum of the black hole in a particular way. As long as the angular momentum does not vanish, the metric can have zero, one or two horizons. The case with no horizon is physically uninteresting because of the curvature singularity lying at the origin. We identify the necessary conditions for at least one horizon to be present in the solution, which imposes some bound on the mass-angular momentum ratio. For some particular choice of pararneters our solution degenerates into some previously known black hole solutions.
文摘Einstein's equation,in its standard form,breaks down at the Big Bang singularity.A new version,equivalent to Einstein's whenever the latter is defined,but applicable in wider situations,is proposed.The new equation remains smooth at the Big Bang singularity of the Friedmann-Lemaatre-Robertson-Walker model.It is a tensor equation defined in terms of the Ricci part of the Riemann curvature.It is obtained by taking the Kulkarni-Nomizu product between Einstein's equation and the metric tensor.