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北山荒漠景观区金、铜矿床植物地球化学找矿试验 被引量:6
作者 宋慈安 雷良奇 杨仲平 《物探与化探》 CAS CSCD 2012年第3期332-338,共7页
通过对北山地区金、铜矿床植物地球化学找矿试验发现,生长在金矿区的所有植物种属中的Au和生长在铜矿区的所有植物种属中的Cu均属于极高—高衬度型,利用各植物种属中的Au和Cu含量寻找金和铜矿床具有良好的效果。根据植物地球化学异常的... 通过对北山地区金、铜矿床植物地球化学找矿试验发现,生长在金矿区的所有植物种属中的Au和生长在铜矿区的所有植物种属中的Cu均属于极高—高衬度型,利用各植物种属中的Au和Cu含量寻找金和铜矿床具有良好的效果。根据植物地球化学异常的特征元素能区别金、铜矿种或矿化类型;矿上植物地球化学异常元素组合及分带性能定位预测掩埋或隐伏金、铜矿体的部位,同时还能推断隐伏矿体的剥蚀深度和深部矿化规模。 展开更多
关键词 植物地球化学 金、铜矿 荒漠景观区 北山地区
作者 胡瑞忠 毕献武 +2 位作者 彭建堂 苏文超 吴开兴 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第z1期184-185,共2页
  近年来,对富碱火成岩(如钾玄岩和碱性斑岩)的研究引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.这不仅是因为研究富碱火成岩可以重建研究区的构造背景,也因为近年来发现很多金属矿床与这类岩石有关[1~3].其中,一些世界上规模最大、以火山岩和侵入...   近年来,对富碱火成岩(如钾玄岩和碱性斑岩)的研究引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.这不仅是因为研究富碱火成岩可以重建研究区的构造背景,也因为近年来发现很多金属矿床与这类岩石有关[1~3].其中,一些世界上规模最大、以火山岩和侵入岩容矿的铜、金矿床都与富碱火成岩关系密切[2].据统计,环太平洋区约20%的大型金矿床都产在这套岩石中或其附近,而这套岩石的体积最多不超过该区域火成岩总体积的3%[3].正是由于有关矿床的巨大的经济意义,驱使人们近年来对富碱火成岩浆活动与成矿的关系进行了许多研究,并取得了重要进展[1~9].但是,也有一些重要问题尚未得到很好解决:如产金与产铜富碱火成岩的异同以及含金与含铜成矿流体的的成因和差异等.…… 展开更多
关键词 富碱侵入岩 金、铜矿 成矿流体 氦、氩同位素
作者 寇婷 董占虎 +4 位作者 刘梅 康静 郭永峰 吕拾零 孟鹄 《矿产勘查》 2012年第2期194-201,共8页
熊沟地区位于两个三级构造单元的结合处,构造形态复杂。勘查区研究程度较低,矿体地质特征、产出部位尚不明确。通过地质填图、化探、物探、探矿工程等一系列综合勘查手段查明了熊沟地区的地层、岩浆岩、构造和化探土壤异常等方面特征,... 熊沟地区位于两个三级构造单元的结合处,构造形态复杂。勘查区研究程度较低,矿体地质特征、产出部位尚不明确。通过地质填图、化探、物探、探矿工程等一系列综合勘查手段查明了熊沟地区的地层、岩浆岩、构造和化探土壤异常等方面特征,总结该区金、铜矿床地质特征及找矿标志,为确定异常源、寻找新的金铜矿体以及评价找矿远景提供理论依据;通过对熊沟金、铜矿点赋存地段的揭露控制,确定金、铜矿体产于前寒武系北东向断裂破碎蚀变带内。矿体的分布明显受断裂构造控制,矿化主要分布在石英脉的边缘部位或脉的裂隙中,矿体(点)的产出与脉岩密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 熊沟 金、铜矿 地质特征 断裂蚀变带 找矿标志
作者 刘发文 《黑龙江科技信息》 2017年第8期8-9,共2页
敦密断裂属于幔源深断裂,形成于侏罗纪早期,走向北东,略向西北倾,位于佳木斯隆起南部陆缘增生带的边缘,在虎林——宁安段控制和影响着中、新生代断陷盆地的形成。早期具扭性特征,晚期具张性特征。构造活动的多期性不仅复活了早期断裂构... 敦密断裂属于幔源深断裂,形成于侏罗纪早期,走向北东,略向西北倾,位于佳木斯隆起南部陆缘增生带的边缘,在虎林——宁安段控制和影响着中、新生代断陷盆地的形成。早期具扭性特征,晚期具张性特征。构造活动的多期性不仅复活了早期断裂构造,而且产生了新的断裂构造。这些断裂构造不仅控制了含煤盆地,也控制了火山喷发和岩浆活动,更为成矿提供了有利的构造环境。通过对成矿时期、成矿物质来源和成矿有利条件的分析,从成矿理论依据和找矿标志上初步阐述了敦密断裂西北侧虎林——宁安段金、铜矿的有利成矿地质条件。 展开更多
关键词 深断裂 金、铜矿 成矿地质条件 找矿标志 围岩蚀变
作者 艾霞 王书来 余大良 《矿产勘查》 1997年第S1期20-25,共6页
用板块构造观点,对新疆区域构造格局及成矿构造环境提出了新的认识。把南疆划分出塔里木北被动陆缘、塔里木西阿克赛,钦巴什-库尔良裂谷、公格尔-桑株塔格地块、塔里木南活动陆缘、冈底斯板块和喀喇昆仑缝合带。论证了各构造单元的... 用板块构造观点,对新疆区域构造格局及成矿构造环境提出了新的认识。把南疆划分出塔里木北被动陆缘、塔里木西阿克赛,钦巴什-库尔良裂谷、公格尔-桑株塔格地块、塔里木南活动陆缘、冈底斯板块和喀喇昆仑缝合带。论证了各构造单元的构造演化及成矿构造环境,指出裂谷带及缝合带是找寻金、铜的重要成矿构造环境。 展开更多
关键词 成矿构造环境 找矿前景 新疆西南部 金、铜矿
新疆巴里坤县八墙子一带金、铜成矿规律分析及找矿方向 被引量:4
作者 赵同阳 陈朝忠 +2 位作者 姜杰岩 徐永波 徐仕琪 《西北地质》 CAS CSCD 2011年第1期20-27,共8页
研究区位于准噶尔成矿省巴尔鲁克山—三塘湖晚古生代、中生代Cu、A u成矿带东段,构造上属唐巴勒-卡拉麦里古生代复合沟弧带。出露地层主要为奥陶系中酸性火山岩、火山碎屑岩及正常碎屑岩组合,泥盆系陆源碎屑岩、火山岩及火山碎屑岩组合... 研究区位于准噶尔成矿省巴尔鲁克山—三塘湖晚古生代、中生代Cu、A u成矿带东段,构造上属唐巴勒-卡拉麦里古生代复合沟弧带。出露地层主要为奥陶系中酸性火山岩、火山碎屑岩及正常碎屑岩组合,泥盆系陆源碎屑岩、火山岩及火山碎屑岩组合,及石炭系正常碎屑岩夹火山碎屑岩组合。研究区侵入岩主要形成于华力西晚期,表现为从基性到酸性演化的特征。区内断裂和褶皱构造发育,为成矿提供了空间。笔者主要是通过对巴里坤县八墙子一带A u、Cu等元素在各个地层单元、侵入岩及构造中的分布特征研究,结合区内已发现的金、铜矿床、矿(化)点及异常的分布特征,总结了研究区金、铜矿成矿规律及找矿方向,认为区内金、铜矿产的形成与大地构造环境、区域构造以及岩浆活动有直接的关系。 展开更多
关键词 新疆巴里坤 八墙子一带 金、铜矿 成矿规律
作者 罗银花 杨程博 +3 位作者 靳慧杰 韩晓涛 韩东 刘国昊 《有色矿冶》 2023年第2期10-12,32,共4页
辽西南部火山热液型金及多金属矿受小孤山—老虎洞北东向断裂构造控制,早在二十世纪五六十年代就进行过地质找矿工作,该构造带南部矿产以Au、Cu为主,北部以Au多金属矿为主。北部的金及多金属矿一经发现就被开发利用,南部的Au、Cu由于品... 辽西南部火山热液型金及多金属矿受小孤山—老虎洞北东向断裂构造控制,早在二十世纪五六十年代就进行过地质找矿工作,该构造带南部矿产以Au、Cu为主,北部以Au多金属矿为主。北部的金及多金属矿一经发现就被开发利用,南部的Au、Cu由于品位偏低,按照当时的工业指标圈不出工业矿体,直到近些年随着Au、Cu价格的大幅提升才被开发利用,本文旨在通过对该成矿带矿床特征的研究,探讨该类型矿床成因,进行成矿远景预测,以利指导该类型矿床进一步找矿工作。 展开更多
关键词 金、铜矿 成矿因素 控矿特征 成矿预测
黑龙江黑河五道沟地区区域地球化学特征及其与成矿的关系 被引量:4
作者 郑全波 马江水 杨晓平 《地质与资源》 CAS 2018年第2期141-148,共8页
五道沟地区处于兴安地块与松嫩地块结合部位,多宝山矿集区东部,成矿地质条件优越.该区为森林覆盖区,在该区开展矿产调查过程中,化探方法显得尤为重要.分层次开展区域地质调查、区域地球化学测量和重点区土壤测量,研究该区地球化学特征,... 五道沟地区处于兴安地块与松嫩地块结合部位,多宝山矿集区东部,成矿地质条件优越.该区为森林覆盖区,在该区开展矿产调查过程中,化探方法显得尤为重要.分层次开展区域地质调查、区域地球化学测量和重点区土壤测量,研究该区地球化学特征,确定主攻矿种,圈定重点找矿靶区,取得了一定的找矿成果.通过异常查证新发现铜矿点2处,金矿化点2处,金(铜)矿化信息地10处,找矿线索3处.圈定Ⅰ级找矿靶区3处,Ⅱ级找矿靶区2处.通过研究元素分布规律等,结合成矿地质背景分析,认为该区Au、Ag、Cu、Pb等元素局部富集,Au、Cu成矿的可能性较大,中生代岩浆作用与成矿关系密切. 展开更多
关键词 区域地球化学 地球化学异常 金、铜矿 五道沟地区 黑龙江
Formation and evolution of secondary minerals during bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermoacidophilic Archaea Acidianus manzaensis 被引量:2
作者 刘红昌 夏金兰 +5 位作者 聂珍媛 文闻 杨云 马陈燕 郑雷 赵屹东 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2485-2494,共10页
The formation and evolution of secondary minerals during bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermoacidophilic Archaea Acidianus manzaensis were analyzed by combining synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction(SR-XRD) and S... The formation and evolution of secondary minerals during bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermoacidophilic Archaea Acidianus manzaensis were analyzed by combining synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction(SR-XRD) and S, Fe and Cu Kα X-ray absorption near edge structure(XANES) spectroscopy. Leaching experiment showed that 82.4% of Cu2+ was dissolved by A. manzaensis after 10 d. The surface of chalcopyrite was corroded apparently and covered with leaching products. During bioleaching, the formation and evolution of secondary minerals were as follows: 1) little elemental sulfur, jarosite, bornite and chalcocite were found at days 2 and 4; and 2) bornite and chalcocite disappeared, covellite formed, and jarosite gradually became the main component at days 6 and 10. These results indicated that metal-deficiency sulfides chalcocite and bornite were first formed with a low redox potential value(360-461 m V), and then gradually transformed to covellite with a high redox potential value(461-531 m V). 展开更多
关键词 BIOLEACHING CHALCOPYRITE Acidianus manzaensis secondary minerals FORMATION EVOLUTION
Optimization of copper extraction for bioleaching of complex Cu-polymetallic concentrate by moderate thermophiles 被引量:4
作者 王玉光 苏丽君 +4 位作者 曾伟民 邱冠周 万利利 陈新华 周洪波 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期1161-1170,共10页
Effects of initial pH, temperature, liquid volume, rotation speed, galvanic interaction (pyrite ratio) and pulp density on bioleaching of complex Cu-polymetallic concentrate were investigated. The results indicated ... Effects of initial pH, temperature, liquid volume, rotation speed, galvanic interaction (pyrite ratio) and pulp density on bioleaching of complex Cu-polymetallic concentrate were investigated. The results indicated that the copper extraction at pH 1.5 was 1.5 and 1.4 times that at pH 1.0 and pH 2.0 respectively. The copper extraction obtained at 45 ℃ was 1236.8%higher than that at 50 ℃. With the increase of rotation speed or the decrease of liquid volume, copper extraction was improved obviously. Copper extraction was improved gradually with the increase of pyrite ratio. However, when the ratio was higher than 20.0%, no further increase in copper extraction was observed. And the statistically significant interactive effects on copper extraction were found between temperature and pH, and temperature and pyrite ratio. 展开更多
关键词 moderate thermophiles BIOLEACHING complex Cu-polymetallic concentrate copper extraction optimization
Rock-forming mechanism of Qingshanjiao intrusion in Dongguashan copper(gold) deposit, Tongling area, Anhui province, China
作者 刘忠法 邵拥军 +1 位作者 隗含涛 汪程 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2449-2461,共13页
Dongguashan deposit is a large porphyry-skarn copper(gold) deposit in Tongling ore district. The Qingshanjiao intermediate acid intrusion of Yanshanian had a direct genetic relationship with mineralization. The magm... Dongguashan deposit is a large porphyry-skarn copper(gold) deposit in Tongling ore district. The Qingshanjiao intermediate acid intrusion of Yanshanian had a direct genetic relationship with mineralization. The magma origin, rock-forming dynamic background and rock-forming process were studied, and the rock-forming mechanism of Qingshanjiao intrusion was discussed, based on geological characteristics, detailed observation of petrography and systematic investigation of petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics of Qingshanjiao intrusion. The results show that Qingshanjiao rock body belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series with higher LREE elements, Th, Rb and Sr abundance, but depleted in HREE elements, Ba, Nb and Ta. The primary magma originated from the mantle-crust mixtures which were caused by basaltic magma of mantle mixing with syenite magma of partial melting of the lower crust, and the formation environment of Qingshanjiao intrusion was emplaced in the transitional environment from compression to extension. The Harker diagram and hybrid structures of plagioclase and potassium feldspar indicate that the fractional crystallization occurred in the process of magmatic evolution. The petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics indicate that the magma was contaminated by crustal material during the rock-forming. These results suggested that the Qingshanjiao intrusion was formed by fractional crystallization and assimilation and hybridization of mantle-crust magma in the transitional environment from compression to extensional. 展开更多
关键词 Qingshanjiao intrusion geological and geochemical characteristics rock-forming and geodynamic setting magma derivation rock-forming Dongguashan copper(gold) deposit
Treatment of copper-rich gold ore by cyanide leaching, ammonia pretreatment and ammoniacal cyanide leaching 被引量:9
作者 A.D.BAS E.KOC +1 位作者 Y.E.YAZICI H.DEVECI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期597-607,共11页
The treatment of a copper sulphide-bearing gold ore by direct cyanide leaching, ammonia pretreatment and ammoniacal cyanide leaching was investigated. Dissolution behaviour of gold and copper in these leaching systems... The treatment of a copper sulphide-bearing gold ore by direct cyanide leaching, ammonia pretreatment and ammoniacal cyanide leaching was investigated. Dissolution behaviour of gold and copper in these leaching systems was demonstrated. Severe interference by the copper containing sulphides with cyanide leaching of gold is observed at p(NaCN)〈5 g/L. This is consistent with speciation calculations. Ammonia pretreatment is shown to readily eliminate the copper interference, allowing almost complete extraction of gold with concomitantly low reagent consumption in subsequent cyanide leaching. In ammoniacal cyanide system, Box-Behnken experimental design shows the main and interaction effects of NH3, NaCN and Pb(NO3)2. The concentrations of NH3 and NaCN are statistically confirmed to be significant factors affecting extraction of gold while the effect of Pb(NO3)2 is limited. Increasing the concentration of NH3 improves the selectivity and extent of gold extraction and reduces the cyanide consumption. The contribution of reagent interactions to gold extraction is statistically insignificant. These findings highlight that ammonia pretreatment and ammonia-cyanide leaching are promising approaches for the treatment of gold ores with high copper sulphide content. 展开更多
关键词 copper-gold ores ammoniacal cyanide leaching ammonia leaching PRETREATMENT cyanide leaching
Bioleaching of low-grade copper sulfide ore by extremely thermoacidophilic consortia at 70℃in column reactors 被引量:4
作者 AI Chen-bing LIANG Yu-ting +1 位作者 QIU Guan-zhou ZENG Wei-min 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1404-1415,共12页
The effects of introducing M.sedula derivatives having different Cu^2+-resistance on bioleaching capacity of a defined consortium(consisting of A.brierleyi DSM1651 and M.hakonensis HO1-1)were studied in column reactor... The effects of introducing M.sedula derivatives having different Cu^2+-resistance on bioleaching capacity of a defined consortium(consisting of A.brierleyi DSM1651 and M.hakonensis HO1-1)were studied in column reactors at 70℃.Introducing M.sedula copA mutant,a copper sensitive derivative,only had negligible effects on bioleaching.While introducing M.sedula ARS50-2,a Cu^2+resistant strain,substantially consolidated bioleaching process,with 27.77%more copper recovered after 58 d of bioleaching.Addition of M.sedula ARS50-2 likely enhanced the sulfur oxidation capacity of consortium after the 24th day under the Cu^2+stress.The majority of extreme thermoacidophiles were attached on minerals surface as indicated by quantitative PCR(qPCR)data.Successions of microbial community of extremely thermoacidophilic consortia that attached on surface of minerals were different from those in leachate.M.hakonensis HO1-1 was the dominant species attached on minerals surface in each column reactor throughout bioleaching process.The sessile M.sedula ARS50-2 remained as a major species till the 34th day.A.brierleyi DSM1651 was the most abundant planktonic species in leachate of each column reactor.These results highlight that higher Cu^2+-resistance is a beneficial trait for extreme thermoacidophiles to process copper minerals. 展开更多
关键词 extreme thermoacidophile BIOLEACHING copper sulfide ore copper resistance microbial community
Tolerance of Grasses to Heavy Metals and Microbial Functional Diversity in Soils Contaminated with Copper Mine Tailings 被引量:19
作者 TENG Ying LUO Yong-Ming +3 位作者 HUANG Chang-Yong LONG Jian LI Zhen-Gao P. CHRISTIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期363-370,共8页
Copper (Cu) mine tailings, because of their high content of heavy metals, are usually hostile to plant colonization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the tolerance of four forage grasses to heavy metals i... Copper (Cu) mine tailings, because of their high content of heavy metals, are usually hostile to plant colonization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the tolerance of four forage grasses to heavy metals in Cu mine tailings and to examine the variation in the microbial functional diversity of soils from the tailing sites in southern China. All the four grass species survived on Cu mine tailings and Cu mine tailing-soil mixture. However, on pure mine tailings, the growth was minimal, whereas the growth was maximum for the control without mine tailings. The tolerance of grasses to heavy metals followed the sequence: Paspalum notatum 〉 Festuea arundinaeea 〉 Lolium perenne 〉 Cynodon daetylon. The planting of forage grasses enhanced the soil microbial biomass. The Biolog data indicated that the soil microbial metabolic profile values (average well color development, community richness, and Shannon index) of the four forage grasses also followed the sequence: P. notatum 〉 F. arundinaeea 〉 L. perenne 〉 C. daetylon. Thus, P. notatum, under the experimental conditions of this study, may be considered as the preferred plant species for revegetation of Cu mine tailing areas. 展开更多
关键词 copper mine tailings forage grass heavy metal pollution microbial functional diversity
Effect of Composts,Lime and Diammonium Phosphate on the Phytoavailability of Heavy Metals in a Copper Mine Tailing Soil 被引量:22
作者 M.J.KHAN D.L.JONES 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期631-641,共11页
Soil samples from a historic copper mine tailing site at the Parys Mountain,North Wales(UK) were amended with green waste compost(GC),GC+30% sewage sludge(GCS),lime and diammonium phosphate(DAP),to determine the effec... Soil samples from a historic copper mine tailing site at the Parys Mountain,North Wales(UK) were amended with green waste compost(GC),GC+30% sewage sludge(GCS),lime and diammonium phosphate(DAP),to determine the effect of amendments on DTPA-and Ca(NO3)2-extractable metals in the mine tailing and on the phytoavailability of heavy metals by a lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.).Both compost were added at the rate of 10% by weight,lime was added as calcium carbonate equivalent(pH = 7) and DAP at a 2300 mg kg-1 soil level.The experiment was arranged in randomised complete design with three replicates in pots under control environment.Addition of lime resulted in the largest reduction in metal extractability with DTPA and Ca(NO3)2 and phytoavailability of Cu,Fe and Zn while DAP was effective in lowering Pb extractability and phytoavailability.With exception of Zn,all other metals extracted decreased with time after amendment applications.The distribution of heavy metals between and within the four procedures of potentially bioavailable sequential extraction(PBASE) varied significantly(P < 0.001).Stronger relationships were noted between the metals extracted with PBASE SE1 and Cu,Pb(P < 0.01) and Fe(P < 0.001) in the lettuce.These results indicate that addition of lime is sufficient to restore the vegetative cover to a high metal mine waste while DAP is good for stabilizing Pb,but its detrimental role on plant growth and the risk associated with presence of N in DAP(through N leaching) may restrict its chances for remediation of contaminated sites. 展开更多
关键词 LETTUCE metal uptake potentially bioavailable sequential extraction
Fluid inclusion characteristics of Longmenshan copper-polymetallic deposit in Yueshan,Anhui Province,China 被引量:1
作者 刘忠法 邵拥军 +3 位作者 疏志明 彭南海 谢友良 张宇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期2627-2633,共7页
The types, composition and physico-chemical conditions of primary fluid inclusions were researched. The results show that the primary fluid inclusions contain vapor and liquid phase type (Type I), daughter mineral-b... The types, composition and physico-chemical conditions of primary fluid inclusions were researched. The results show that the primary fluid inclusions contain vapor and liquid phase type (Type I), daughter mineral-bearing type (Type II) and pure liquid phase type (Type III). The compositions of vapor are mainly H20 and CO2 with a tiny amounts of CH4 and H2; the liquid phase mainly contains Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, CI- and SO]-, and w(Na+)/w(K+)〉l; the homogenization temperatures of the primary fluid inclusions can be divided into 190-250 ℃, 250-340 ℃ and 360-420 ℃, corresponding to the salinities of 4%-9%, 9%-14%, and 14%-20.43% (NaC1 equivalent mass fraction), respectively. The mineralization process can be divided into three episodes: the silicatization stage, the quartz-sulfide stage, and the carbonatization stage, and all of them are associated with the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid activity. The origin of the hydrothermal fluid is from magrnatic water mainly, and later it mixes with the groundwater and meteoric water, which lead to the decrease of temperature and salinity. The decrease of salinity, temperature and pressure are the main causes of the metallogenic elements unloading and enriching in the favorable position. 展开更多
关键词 fluid inclusions metallogenic physico-chemical condition ore-forming fluid Longmenshan copper-polymetallic deposit
Dissolution of gold in chalcopyrite-containing cyanide solutions
作者 YANG Wei ZHANG Kai +4 位作者 WANG Ya-ping LONG Tao WAN He LI Hui WANG Qian 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1495-1502,共8页
The gold dissolution in anoxic cyanide solution in the presence of chalcopyrite was studied with a rotating disc electrode.It was found that the presence of chalcopyrite reduced and enhanced the dissolution activity o... The gold dissolution in anoxic cyanide solution in the presence of chalcopyrite was studied with a rotating disc electrode.It was found that the presence of chalcopyrite reduced and enhanced the dissolution activity of pure gold in the low and high potential regions,respectively.The dissolution of gold was diffusion-controlled at low potentials(≤177 mV)and low cyanide concentrations(≤980 mg/L);however,above the cyanide concentration of 980 mg/L,the current density of gold decreased and the dissolution of gold changed from diffusion-control to electrochemical reaction-control.At high potentials(>177 mV),gold dissolution was always controlled by diffusion.In cyanide solution containing chalcopyrite,appropriate increase of pH value and temperature could accelerate the dissolution of gold,but high pH value would promote the generation of passivation,which was harmful for the dissolution of gold in cyanide solution. 展开更多
Modelling and process optimisation of antimony removal from a complex copper concentrate
作者 Samuel Ayowole AWE Mohammad KHOSHKHOO +1 位作者 Paul KRUGER ke SANDSTRM 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期675-685,共11页
The modelling and optimization for the alkaline sulphide leaching of a complex copper concentrate containing 1.69% Sb and 0.14% Sn were studied.Response surface methodology,in combination with central composite face-c... The modelling and optimization for the alkaline sulphide leaching of a complex copper concentrate containing 1.69% Sb and 0.14% Sn were studied.Response surface methodology,in combination with central composite face-centred design(RSM-CCF),was used to optimise the operating parameters.The leaching temperature,sulphide ion concentration and solid concentration were chosen as the variables,and the response parameters were antimony and tin recovery,and the time required to achieve 90% Sb dissolution.It was confirmed that the leaching process was strongly dependent on the reaction temperature as well as the sulphide ion concentration without any significant dependence on the solid concentration.Furthermore,a mathematical model was constructed to characterise the leaching behaviour.The results from the model allow identification of the most favourable leaching conditions.The model was validated experimentally,and the results show that the model is reliable and accurate in predicting the leaching process. 展开更多
关键词 alkaline sulphide hydrometallurgy ANTIMONY TETRAHEDRITE leaching optimization response surface methodology central composite face-centred design
Iron-Oxide Cu-Au Mineralizing Systems: Eastern Yakutia Perspective
作者 Aleksey Kostin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第9期1045-1053,共9页
The GIS (geographic information system) used for predicting the associated with upper-intrusive zone of hydrothermal alteration IOCG (iron-oxide copper gold) mineralizing systems is shown by example of the northea... The GIS (geographic information system) used for predicting the associated with upper-intrusive zone of hydrothermal alteration IOCG (iron-oxide copper gold) mineralizing systems is shown by example of the northeast of Russian. IOCG ore deposits can have enormous geological resources with significant reserves of base, precious and strategic metals, are economically attractive targets for mineral exploration worldwide, but are still unknown in the northeast Russian. It was localized in Tarinskiy ore node (eastern Yakutia) field of brecciated altered rocks with sulfide and iron-oxide cement is a first in eastern Yakutia nature anomaly of IOCG-type with iron-oxide Cu-Au ± U specialization, that was formed close to the surface of Rep-Yuruinskiy pluton. It should be of interest as a new precious metals world class deposit type in northeast of Russia. 展开更多
关键词 GIS iron oxide-Cu-Au ± U Rep-Yuruinskiy Tarinskiy ore node.
Geological characteristics and metallogenic prognosis of main gold deposit in Altai gold ore belt, Xinjiang
作者 SHENYuan-chao SHENPing ZHENGQing-dong LILTTie-bing LIGuang-ming 《Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia》 2004年第1期46-51,共6页
Altai polymetallic mineralization belt is famous copper-polymetallic mineralization belt in the world. There are a lot of gold deposits in the Altai ore belt in Xinjiang, China. These gold deposits belong to two genet... Altai polymetallic mineralization belt is famous copper-polymetallic mineralization belt in the world. There are a lot of gold deposits in the Altai ore belt in Xinjiang, China. These gold deposits belong to two genetic types: volcanogene late-stage hydrothermal type and fractured altered rock type. The authors discuss mainly the geological and mineralized features of fractured altered rock type of gold deposits in Altai gold ore belt. Base on this study, the metallogenic law is summarized and the deep metallogenic prognosis has been done in Duolanasayi and Tuokuzibayi gold deposits, and some mineralized anomalys have been discovered. 展开更多
关键词 Altai gold ore belt mineralization law metallogenic prognosis EH-4 measurement of continuous electrical conductivity mineralized anomaly gold deposit
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