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中国剩余重力异常与金属矿分布关系研究 被引量:8
作者 黄宗理 严加永 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期652-658,共7页
剩余重力异常反映地壳浅部岩石密度和厚度的变化,为成矿背景和找矿预测提供了丰富信息。在分析中国剩余重力异常与金属矿床分布关系的基础上,划分出兴蒙、华北、中南和新疆天山4个条带状剩余重力异常,发现金属矿床沿着这些异常条带密集... 剩余重力异常反映地壳浅部岩石密度和厚度的变化,为成矿背景和找矿预测提供了丰富信息。在分析中国剩余重力异常与金属矿床分布关系的基础上,划分出兴蒙、华北、中南和新疆天山4个条带状剩余重力异常,发现金属矿床沿着这些异常条带密集分布。在辽吉黑东部、华东、华南、三江地区的剩余重力异常区里,金属矿床呈面状均匀分布,铁铜矿产一般分布在正异常周围,铅锌矿产主要分布在负异常区。结合大地构造资料,认为条带状重力异常反映的是不同地块的结合部位,这些地带地块加厚,深部成矿物质上侵,断裂发育,是形成金属矿带状分布的主要原因。而面状重力异常区则反应了地质活动带,也有利于金属矿床的形成。根据剩余重力异常和金属矿分布规律,预测在新疆地区的阿尔泰重力异常带和昆仑山异常带,腾格里沙漠东缘重力高条带、大兴安岭低重力异常区和川滇藏交界条带重力异常转弯处具有较大的找矿前景。 展开更多
关键词 剩余重力异常 金属矿分布 成矿规律 深部背景
长江中下游成矿带关键金属矿产研究现状与进展 被引量:39
作者 周涛发 范裕 +2 位作者 陈静 肖鑫 张舒 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第33期3665-3677,共13页
关键金属已成为全球争夺的战略性关键矿产资源,其矿化特点和成矿规律等研究受到高度关注.长江中下游是我国重要的铁铜金多金属成矿带,产出多个大中型斑岩-矽卡岩铜金铁矿床和玢岩型铁矿床.矿床中除了主要成矿元素铜、金、铁和硫富集成矿... 关键金属已成为全球争夺的战略性关键矿产资源,其矿化特点和成矿规律等研究受到高度关注.长江中下游是我国重要的铁铜金多金属成矿带,产出多个大中型斑岩-矽卡岩铜金铁矿床和玢岩型铁矿床.矿床中除了主要成矿元素铜、金、铁和硫富集成矿,关键金属资源种类很多,目前可利用的主要有镉、钴、硒、碲和铼等,它们是我国战略亟需,且有待重点研究和突破的关键金属资源.近年来长江经济带内大型矿业公司对伴生关键金属的综合利用日益重视,矿床中关键金属的开发利用亟待理论和技术支撑,因此开展成矿带内关键金属矿产综合研究具有重要的理论价值和经济意义.在系统收集成矿带矿床中关键金属已有研究成果和资料的基础上,对成矿带内矿床中关键金属富集特征进行了调查评价,绘制了长江中下游成矿带含共伴生关键金属元素矿床分布图,初步总结了矿床主矿种和伴生关键金属元素的对应关系.通过对成矿带内斑岩-矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床中镉、钴、硒、碲和铼等关键金属元素矿产的赋存状态及富集特征进行总结,明确了上述关键金属元素的主要寄主矿物和其中含量特征.在综合分析成矿带关键金属已有研究成果的基础上,提出了成矿带斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床中关键金属下一步重点关注和研究的主要科学问题. 展开更多
关键词 关键金属 关键金属矿分布特征 赋存状态 长江中下游成矿带
Mineral Chemistry and Boron Isotopic Composition of Tourmaline from the Devonian Metallogenic District of Shanyang-Zhashui,Eastern Qinling
作者 薛春纪 蒋少涌 李延河 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 1997年第3期248-255,共8页
Tourmaline is widespread in the host strata of strata-bound base metal sulphide de-posits in the Devonian metallogenic district around Shanyang-Zhashui in eastern Qinling. As amember of the schorl-dravite series, the ... Tourmaline is widespread in the host strata of strata-bound base metal sulphide de-posits in the Devonian metallogenic district around Shanyang-Zhashui in eastern Qinling. As amember of the schorl-dravite series, the tourmaline is characterized by Mg>Fe and Na > Ca,showing apparent chemical zonation which records the geochemistry during its formation andsubsequent regi0nal metamorphism and hydrothermal overprint. The close similarity in chemi-cal and isotopic constitutions between the tourmaline of the main metallogenic epoch in this district [FeO/(FeO+MgO) = 0. 34 - 0. 39 andδ 11B = - 7. 6‰. - - 8. 8‰] and those related tomassive sulphide deposits typical of submarine (exhalative) hydrothermal sedimentation mayadd further support to a similar mechanism of mineralization for the strata-bound deposits in thedistrict. 展开更多
关键词 电气石 矿物化学 硼同位素 秦岭地区 泥盆纪 金属矿分布
Geological characteristics and metallogenic prognosis of main gold deposit in Altai gold ore belt, Xinjiang
作者 SHENYuan-chao SHENPing ZHENGQing-dong LILTTie-bing LIGuang-ming 《Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia》 2004年第1期46-51,共6页
Altai polymetallic mineralization belt is famous copper-polymetallic mineralization belt in the world. There are a lot of gold deposits in the Altai ore belt in Xinjiang, China. These gold deposits belong to two genet... Altai polymetallic mineralization belt is famous copper-polymetallic mineralization belt in the world. There are a lot of gold deposits in the Altai ore belt in Xinjiang, China. These gold deposits belong to two genetic types: volcanogene late-stage hydrothermal type and fractured altered rock type. The authors discuss mainly the geological and mineralized features of fractured altered rock type of gold deposits in Altai gold ore belt. Base on this study, the metallogenic law is summarized and the deep metallogenic prognosis has been done in Duolanasayi and Tuokuzibayi gold deposits, and some mineralized anomalys have been discovered. 展开更多
关键词 Altai gold ore belt mineralization law metallogenic prognosis EH-4 measurement of continuous electrical conductivity mineralized anomaly gold deposit
Applied research of correspondence analysis method in waste tailings reservoir heavy metal pollution monitoring points optimization
作者 WANG Cong-lu WU Chao +1 位作者 LI Zi-jun XUE Sheng-guo 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期419-423,共5页
In order to optimize monitoring points and monitoring factor, the relationshipbetween pollutants and soil sample were established by correspondence analysis.Thestudy results show that the reflecting monitoring points ... In order to optimize monitoring points and monitoring factor, the relationshipbetween pollutants and soil sample were established by correspondence analysis.Thestudy results show that the reflecting monitoring points and monitoring factors in thegraphic on the same factor axis can clearly express the intrinsic link between pollutantsand monitoring points and distribution characteristics.To determine the main monitoringpoint and the main monitoring indicators can reduce and optimize the number of monitoringpoints under the premise of ensuring the typical and representative of monitoring data.Using the correlation of pollutants can reduce the number of monitoring indicators and improvethe effectiveness of data collection. 展开更多
关键词 tailings reservoir heavy metal pollution in-situ monitoring correspondence analysis method OPTIMIZATION
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