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作者 淳杰 张凯 +3 位作者 张婷 梁维新 宋玉梅 郭鹏然 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1144-1153,共10页
近年来,纳米技术和纳米材料的大规模应用导致大量的金属纳米颗粒(MNPs)释放并积累到环境中。由于独特的物理化学特性及生物毒性,环境中的MNPs严重威胁到生态环境及人类健康。因此,对复杂基质样品(土壤、沉积物、水体、生物)中的MNPs进... 近年来,纳米技术和纳米材料的大规模应用导致大量的金属纳米颗粒(MNPs)释放并积累到环境中。由于独特的物理化学特性及生物毒性,环境中的MNPs严重威胁到生态环境及人类健康。因此,对复杂基质样品(土壤、沉积物、水体、生物)中的MNPs进行表征具有重要意义。在已报道的各种表征MNPs的技术中,单颗粒电感耦合等离子体质谱(SP-ICP-MS)在分离、鉴定和定量复杂基质样品中的MNPs方面发挥了重要作用。该文主要介绍了SP-ICP-MS分析技术的原理及其复杂基质的样品前处理方法,评述了近年来SP-ICP-MS在环境科学、生命科学、医学MNPs分析应用中的新进展,并提出了SP-ICP-MS技术未来研究和应用的方向。 展开更多
关键词 金属纳米颗粒物 颗粒电感耦合等离子体质谱(SP-ICP-MS) 表征技术 环境介质 生物样品
典型呼吸防护用品对工作场所空气中不同金属颗粒物的防护能力研究 被引量:1
作者 刘武忠 张超 +6 位作者 黄沪涛 赵乾魁 孙原 赵忠林 陈香 王翔 田雨来 《职业卫生与应急救援》 2022年第4期407-411,共5页
目的通过测定焊接工人佩戴的不同呼吸防护用品(respiratory protection equipment,RPE)对不同金属的工作场所防护因数(workplace protection factor,WPF),比较不同类型RPE对不同金属颗粒物的防护能力。方法选择上海某船厂焊接岗位工人18... 目的通过测定焊接工人佩戴的不同呼吸防护用品(respiratory protection equipment,RPE)对不同金属的工作场所防护因数(workplace protection factor,WPF),比较不同类型RPE对不同金属颗粒物的防护能力。方法选择上海某船厂焊接岗位工人18人(17名男性和1名女性)为研究对象,根据工人日常工作实际佩戴的RPE类型,确定相应的RPE测试,其中5人佩戴过滤式半面罩(RPE1),13人佩戴三折折叠式防颗粒物口罩(RPE2),采用改良的美国WPF测试方法分别测试RPE内、外的金属颗粒物浓度,计算WPF值并进行对数转换,组间相关性采用Pearson相关分析,组间比较采用两因素非参数Scheirer-Ray-Hare检验。结果锰颗粒和铁颗粒的WPF值符合对数正态分布,呼吸防护用品对锰颗粒和铁颗粒的WPF第5百分位数(WPF)分别为15.01和13.60,几何均数(GM)分别为114.76和82.37,RPE1和RPE2的WPF分别为11.25和22.28,GM分别为86.49和123.01。两种RPE对空气中金属粉尘颗粒物的WPF数值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而铁和锰两种金属的WPF数值差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05),且RPE类型和不同金属颗粒物之间对防护效果不存在交互作用(P>0.05)。结论改良的WPF测试方法能有效测试RPE的WPF值,本次测试的2种RPE对不同金属颗粒物均能起到防护作用,防护效果接近。 展开更多
关键词 工作场所防护因数 呼吸防护用品 金属颗粒物 适合性检验
单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪研究进展 被引量:21
作者 黄正旭 李梅 +5 位作者 李磊 高伟 粘慧青 傅忠 董俊国 周振 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期562-566,共5页
大气气溶胶因其对气候和公众健康的影响而成为当今环境研究领域的中心课题.单颗粒分析是目前国际上大气气溶胶研究的一个前沿领域,该方法具有高的时间和空间分辨率,能够提供全颗粒物分析所无法提供的大量信息.利用自主研制的单颗粒气溶... 大气气溶胶因其对气候和公众健康的影响而成为当今环境研究领域的中心课题.单颗粒分析是目前国际上大气气溶胶研究的一个前沿领域,该方法具有高的时间和空间分辨率,能够提供全颗粒物分析所无法提供的大量信息.利用自主研制的单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(single particle aerosol mass spectrometer,SPAMS),对广东鹤山地区气溶胶进行在线分析.重点分析含金属颗粒的相关性、数浓度和可能的来源,并简单介绍该仪器的产业化情况. 展开更多
关键词 颗粒气溶胶质谱仪 大气气溶胶 金属颗粒物
燃煤烟气中碱金属化合物对V_2O_5/AC催化剂低温脱硝的影响:NH_3的吸附与氧化 被引量:10
作者 张先龙 吴雪平 +1 位作者 黄张根 刘振宇 《燃料化学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期496-500,共5页
采用湿法浸渍-再干燥法将K2O和K2SO4担载到低温SCR催化剂V1/AC上,模拟研究了烟气中超细碱金属颗粒物对V1/AC催化剂脱硝活性的影响。结果表明,两种含K化合物的引入均导致了该催化剂的失活,明显抑制了NH3在催化剂上的吸附,尤其是热稳定性... 采用湿法浸渍-再干燥法将K2O和K2SO4担载到低温SCR催化剂V1/AC上,模拟研究了烟气中超细碱金属颗粒物对V1/AC催化剂脱硝活性的影响。结果表明,两种含K化合物的引入均导致了该催化剂的失活,明显抑制了NH3在催化剂上的吸附,尤其是热稳定性较低的吸附;K2SO4的抑制作用明显小于K2O,这与它们对催化剂SCR活性的影响规律相一致。K2O的担载对催化剂表面的氧化性能影响较小,但由于其能抑制NH3的吸附而引起催化剂的失活;K2SO4的担载则增加了催化剂表面吸附态的NH3在O2气氛中被过度氧化为NO的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 V2O5/AC催化剂 SCR 催化剂失活 TPD 金属颗粒物
金鱼(Carassius auratus)鳃对颗粒吸附态铅的吸收 被引量:9
作者 刘长发 陶澍 +2 位作者 曹军 李本纲 林健枝 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第2期283-286,共4页
研究了金鱼 (Carassiusauratus)鳃在悬浮水铝矿吸附态Pb暴露实验中对Pb吸收过程 .结果表明 ,在保持水中游离态Pb浓度不变 ( 0 1mg·L-1)、吸附态Pb浓度增加的条件下 ,鳃中Pb、Al浓度均随暴露浓度增加而增加 ,血液中Pb浓度随鳃中Pb... 研究了金鱼 (Carassiusauratus)鳃在悬浮水铝矿吸附态Pb暴露实验中对Pb吸收过程 .结果表明 ,在保持水中游离态Pb浓度不变 ( 0 1mg·L-1)、吸附态Pb浓度增加的条件下 ,鳃中Pb、Al浓度均随暴露浓度增加而增加 ,血液中Pb浓度随鳃中Pb浓度的增加率 (直线斜率 0 171)低于溶解态Pb暴露实验的增加率 (直线斜率0 3 4 3 ) ,附着在鳃上的部分Pb未转移至血液中 ,鳃中Pb/Al比较水相Pb/Al比 ( 0 0 0 3 9)高 1~ 2个数量级 ,并且在组织切片中观察到积聚在粘液上的矿物颗粒 ,从而证实了颗粒态Pb对鱼鳃吸收的生物有效性 .金鱼鳃吸收颗粒态Pb的主要机理是 :流经鳃丝表面的悬浮颗粒物吸附态Pb在鳃表面解离并被动扩散或载体转运穿过鳃部细胞进入血液循环 。 展开更多
关键词 生物有效性 颗粒物吸附态重金属 金鱼鳃
贵阳市城区近地面PM_(10)/PM_(2.5)及重金属污染水平研究 被引量:34
作者 王京 王初 陈振楼 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期74-76,124,共4页
2009年在贵阳市地区内设点采样.共采集了145个大气样品,对近地面大气颗粒物PM10/PM2.5的污染状况及其所含重金属进行调查。结果表明,贵阳市PM10/PM2.5的污染严重,对人体健康危害很大;重金属元素分析中Pb和Zn的含量比较高,这些重金属元... 2009年在贵阳市地区内设点采样.共采集了145个大气样品,对近地面大气颗粒物PM10/PM2.5的污染状况及其所含重金属进行调查。结果表明,贵阳市PM10/PM2.5的污染严重,对人体健康危害很大;重金属元素分析中Pb和Zn的含量比较高,这些重金属元素更易于富集在细颗粒上,给环境带来了极大的潜在危险。最后文章提出了贵阳城区PM10/PM2.5防治对策。 展开更多
关键词 PM10 PM2.5 大气颗粒物载带的重金属元素
作者 封琳敏 刘静 高小茜 《职业与健康》 CAS 2021年第11期1577-1580,1584,共5页
金属加工作业环境中存在多种职业性有害因素,其中最主要的是金属颗粒物。不同特征的金属颗粒物可能引起金属粉尘肺沉着病、硬金属肺病、接触性皮炎、金属烟热、过敏性肺炎或职业性哮喘等多种不良效应,而且超细和细颗粒物引起的健康效应... 金属加工作业环境中存在多种职业性有害因素,其中最主要的是金属颗粒物。不同特征的金属颗粒物可能引起金属粉尘肺沉着病、硬金属肺病、接触性皮炎、金属烟热、过敏性肺炎或职业性哮喘等多种不良效应,而且超细和细颗粒物引起的健康效应往往比大颗粒更严重。我们对金属加工作业环境空气颗粒物职业接触特征进行综述,旨在对职业危害评估以及具体实施职业防护措施提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 金属颗粒物 职业危害 吸入暴露
Contrasting initial events of localized corrosion on surfaces of 2219-T42 and 6061-T6 aluminum alloys exposed in Caribbean seawater 被引量:7
作者 Gloria ACOSTA Lucien VELEVA +1 位作者 Juan Luis LóPEZ D.A.LóPEZ-SAURI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期34-42,共9页
Aluminum alloy samples, 6061-T6 and 2219-T42, were exposed to Caribbean seawater for 90 d. The fluctuations of open circuit potential, considered as electrochemical noise (EN), were used to characterize and compare in... Aluminum alloy samples, 6061-T6 and 2219-T42, were exposed to Caribbean seawater for 90 d. The fluctuations of open circuit potential, considered as electrochemical noise (EN), were used to characterize and compare initial pitting events, which appeared on their surfaces. EN analysis was carried out using the power spectral density (PSD) vs frequency. The decrease of the β exponent in PSD graphs indicated a release of spontaneous energy with the progress of pit formation in seawater. The fluctuations were associated with the breakdown and formation of new corrosion layers. The values of β exponent in PSD graphs suggest that corrosion process of AA2219-T42 alloy occurs as a persistent non-stationary process, the dynamics of which is controlled by fractional Brownian motion (fBm), while on AA6061-T6 alloy the corrosion process was dominated by stationary and weakly persistent features, with the contribution of fractional Gaussian noise (fGn). After the exposure in seawater, SEM-EDX analysis revealed insoluble intermetallic particles on the alloys, rich in Cu or Fe and irregularly distributed. The preferential dissolution of Mg and Al occurs from the S-phase (Al2CuMg) of AA2219-T42 alloy. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy CORROSION electrochemical noise intermetallic particles seawater
Preparation of bimetallic nano-composite by dissimilar friction stir welding of copper to aluminum alloy 被引量:10
作者 Farhad BAKHTIARI ARGESI Ali SHAMSIPUR Seyyed Ehsan MIRSALEHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1363-1380,共18页
Butt friction stir welding between pure copper and AA5754 alloy was carried out.Reinforcing SiC nanoparticles were utilized in friction stir welded(FSW)joints to decline the harmful effects of intermetallic compounds.... Butt friction stir welding between pure copper and AA5754 alloy was carried out.Reinforcing SiC nanoparticles were utilized in friction stir welded(FSW)joints to decline the harmful effects of intermetallic compounds.Tensile tests,micro-hardness experiments,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were applied to studying the properties of welded joints.The joints with a travel speed of 50 mm/min and a rotation speed of 1000 r/min showed the best results.The presence of nano-sized SiC particles reduced the grain size of aluminum and copper in the stir zone(SZ)from 38.3 and 12.4μm to 12.9 and 5.1μm,respectively.The tensile strength of the joint in the presence of reinforcing SiC nano-particles was~240 MPa,which is~90%of that for the aluminum base.Furthermore,the highest microhardness of the weld zone was significantly increased from HV 160 to HV 320 upon the addition of SiC nano-particles.The results also showed that raising the heat generation in FSW joints increased the amount of Al_(4)Cu_(9) and Al_(2)Cu intermetallic compounds. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir welding dissimilar Al/Cu joint SiC nano-particles intermetallic compounds microstructural characteristics mechanical properties
Formation and wear behaviors of in-situ Al3Ti/Al composites using aluminum and titanium fibers under electromagnetic induction heating 被引量:1
作者 MA Jun NIU Li-bin +2 位作者 WU Hong GAO Chong AN Yu-jiao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第12期3594-3602,共9页
Under various electromagnetic induction heating powers,different Al3Ti/Al composites were fabricated by in-situ synthesis method from aluminum and titanium fibers.Microstructures and particles distribution of the comp... Under various electromagnetic induction heating powers,different Al3Ti/Al composites were fabricated by in-situ synthesis method from aluminum and titanium fibers.Microstructures and particles distribution of the composites were examined by XRD,SEM and EDS.The results show that no other intermetallic compounds beside Al3Ti can be in-situ synthesized.Around the titanium fibers,the reaction zones and diffusion zones can be obviously found.Due to the stirring of the electromagnetic function,the formation of the micro-cracks inside the reaction zone was conducive to the peeling off of the Al3Ti particles,and ensures the continuous reaction between liquid aluminum and titanium fibers,as well as the diffusion of Al3Ti particles.At the same time,there were secondary splits of Al3Ti particles located in diffusion zones.Two-body abrasion test shows that with the increase of induction heating power,the wear rates of the composites reduced and the number of grooves decreased. 展开更多
关键词 in-situ synthesis induction heating Al3Ti intermetallic particle distribution wear behaviors
Synthesis and characterization of single-phase nanocrystalline Ag_2Al particles 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Shan-jun LI Xi-bo +5 位作者 NIU Gao YI Zao CHEN Yan LUO Jiang-shan TANG Yong-jian SUN Wei-guo 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期134-138,共5页
Single-phase Ag2Al intermetallic nanoparticles, and Ag and Al metallic nanoparticles were synthesized by the flow-levitation (FL) method. Measurements of d-spacings from X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction co... Single-phase Ag2Al intermetallic nanoparticles, and Ag and Al metallic nanoparticles were synthesized by the flow-levitation (FL) method. Measurements of d-spacings from X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction confirmed that the intermetallic nanoparticles had the hexagonal Ag2Al structure. The morphology, crystal structure and chemical composition of Ag2Al nanoparticles were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and induction-coupled plasma spectroscopy. A thin amorphous coating was formed around the particles when exposed to air. Based on the XPS measurements, the surface coating of the Ag2Al nanoparticles could most likely be aluminum oxide or silver aluminum oxide. Therefore, the single-phase nanocrystalline Ag2Al intermetallic compound particles can be produced by adjusting some experimental parameters in FL method. 展开更多
关键词 INTERMETALLICS Ag2Al nanoparticles Ag2Al-oxide (AgAlO2) flow-levitation method
Thermal conductivity modeling of water containing metal oxide nanoparticles 被引量:1
作者 Ahmad Azari 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期1141-1145,共5页
The nano particles have demonstrated great potential to improve the heat transfer characteristics of heat transfer fluids.Possible parameters responsible for this increase were studied. The heat transfer profile in th... The nano particles have demonstrated great potential to improve the heat transfer characteristics of heat transfer fluids.Possible parameters responsible for this increase were studied. The heat transfer profile in the nanolayer region was combined with other parameters such as volume fraction, particle radius thermal conductivity of the fluid, particle and nanolayer, to formulate a thermal conductivity model. Results predicting the thermal conductivity of nanofluids using the model were compared with experimental results as well as studies by other researchers. The comparison of the results obtained for the Cu O/water and Ti O2/water nanofluids studied shows that the correlation proposed is in closest proximity in predicting the experimental results for the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid. Also, a parametric study was performed to understand how a number of factors affect the thermal conductivity of nanofluids using the developed correlation. 展开更多
关键词 nanofluid effective thermal conductivity nanoparticle nanolayer modeling
Individual Aerosol Particles Emitted in the Ceramic-Tile Industry in Chihuahua, Mexico
作者 Baiter Trujillo-Navarrete Francisco Paraguay-Delgado +3 位作者 Alfredo Campos-Truj illo LuisaQuifiones-Montenegr Carmen Navarro Eduardo Herrera-Peraza 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第11期1248-1259,共12页
The contribution of anthropogenic mineral aerosol dust has been of interest to understand the impact of dust aerosols on climate, and the health of workers occupational exposure. Several studies have been investigated... The contribution of anthropogenic mineral aerosol dust has been of interest to understand the impact of dust aerosols on climate, and the health of workers occupational exposure. Several studies have been investigated the physical and chemical properties mainly in particulate matter. However, the characterizations have not extended diameters below to 1.0 μm. In this study, it described chemical composition and shape measurements of individual aerosol particles with 50% cut-off diameters less than 1.1 μm emitted at ceramic-tile manufacturing. Four emission sites of process were selected, and their samples were collected using a cascade-impactor, investigated using X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and digital image processing, where the data were analysed applying a combination of principal component and cluster analysis. Particles of tectosilicate (quartz, zeolite), phyllosilicate (illite, montmorillonite), and inosilicate (calcium silicate) were founded in all sampling sites; also, silicates mixed with transition metals oxides used as pigments (e.g., Fe, Ti, Co, Ni, Zn and Mo). Silicates were granulated and flat crystals with a transparent, translucent appearance; otherwise, the mixture had flake shapes and opaque appearance. Analyses of multivariate data showed that the process stages emissions were related with specific composition and shape suggesting the use three measurements related (1) the internal axis, (2) roundness and (3) roughness to isolate particles shapes, and the presence of transition metals oxides as emissions tracer of the ceramic industry. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropogenic source tile-ceramic mineral aerosol dust individual aerosol particle shape measures.
Simplification and improvement of prediction model for elastic modulus of particulate reinforced metal matrix composite
作者 王文明 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2006年第4期187-192,共6页
In this paper, we proposed a five-zone model to predict the elastic modulus of particulate reinforced metal matrix composite. We simplified the calculation by ignoring structural parameters including particulate shape... In this paper, we proposed a five-zone model to predict the elastic modulus of particulate reinforced metal matrix composite. We simplified the calculation by ignoring structural parameters including particulate shape, arrangement pattern and dimensional variance mode which have no obvious influence on the elastic modulus of a composite, and improved the precision of the method by stressing the interaction of interfaces with pariculates and maxtrix of the composite. The five- zone model can reflect effects of interface modulus on elastic modulus of composite. It overcomes limitations of expressions of rigidity mixed law and flexibility mixed law. The original idea of five zone model is to put forward the particulate/interface interactive zone and matrix/interface interactive zone. By organically integrating the rigidity mixed law and flexibility mixed law, the model can predict the engineering elastic constant of a composite effectively. 展开更多
关键词 particulate reinforced metal matrix composite elastic modulus prediction model five-zone model
Trace Metals in PM_(2.5):A Story beyond Border
作者 SONG Jianlan 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2015年第4期230-234,共5页
In a lab of the CAS Institute of Process Engineering(IPE)in Beijing,Winifred Uduak Anake,a visiting woman scientist from Covenant University.Nigeria was dashing to finish testing the 100 plus samples she collected f... In a lab of the CAS Institute of Process Engineering(IPE)in Beijing,Winifred Uduak Anake,a visiting woman scientist from Covenant University.Nigeria was dashing to finish testing the 100 plus samples she collected from her home country."1 am trying to find out the type and amount of hazardous trace metals bound to the tiny particles trapped on the filters,"she explained:"out of worries about their possible threat to human health."Before concluding her three-month stay she needed to complete examining the morphology of the particles,total trace metals, 展开更多
关键词 beyond examining trapped finish hazardous explained threat visiting trying motivation
The Assessment of Air Pollution during 2013 and 2014 in Tokat Province
作者 Omer Isildak 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2017年第4期209-212,共4页
This study aimed to determine the amount of total polluting matter emitted into the atmosphere from heating and industrial-based emissions and the total pollution bulk of Tokat city center. The annual cycles of some h... This study aimed to determine the amount of total polluting matter emitted into the atmosphere from heating and industrial-based emissions and the total pollution bulk of Tokat city center. The annual cycles of some heavy metal in particulate matters have been investigated at this area in order to elucidate temporal variations as well as major sources processes responsible for their formation. Air particulate samples were collected from three different locations situated around Tokat. These samples were determined for heavy metals by using Flame or graphite-furnace Atomic absorption spectroscopy. Particulate matter concentrations up to 52.43μg/m^3 were observed in sampling area. The initial results of the chemical analysis showed that concentration values of heavy metals in air particles observed were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline limit values. 展开更多
关键词 Air pollution particle matter PM10 and PM2.5
贵阳市城区近地面PM10/PM2.5及所含重金属污染水平研究 被引量:3
作者 王京 王初 陈振楼 《贵州工业职业技术学院学报》 2012年第2期18-20,56,共4页
使用平面布点法对大气颗粒物进行监测,共采集了145个样品。系统分析了贵阳市市区各主要功能区(居民区、商业区、风景区、交通区)近地面大气颗粒物的TSP、PM10、PM2.5的浓度及其所含重金属量。结果表明:交通区PM10/PM2.5在各城市区... 使用平面布点法对大气颗粒物进行监测,共采集了145个样品。系统分析了贵阳市市区各主要功能区(居民区、商业区、风景区、交通区)近地面大气颗粒物的TSP、PM10、PM2.5的浓度及其所含重金属量。结果表明:交通区PM10/PM2.5在各城市区域中污染最为严重,平均浓度值0.593mg/m^3、0.202mg/m^3,均高于国家《环境空气质量标准》二级标准,并且超标率为100%;一年四季中夏季污染浓度值最高,PM10/PM2.5的均值0.609mg/m^3、0.275mg/m^3,与气候干燥、风大有关;重金属元素中Pb和Zn的含量比较高,PM10/PM2.5中的含Pb为148mg/kg、274mg/kg,含Zn为344mg/kg、289mg/kg,这些重金属元素更易于富集在PM2.5细颗粒上,给环境带来了潜在危险。最后本文提出了贵阳城区PM10/PM2.5防治对策。 展开更多
关键词 PM10 PM2.5 大气颗粒物载带的重金属元素
作者 刘红耀 《北京农业(下旬刊)》 2015年第2期142-142,共1页
大气沉降是大气圈物质下沉或降落到达地表的过程或现象。大气沉降除以降水向土壤输入化学组分外,还以酸沉降向土壤输入化学组分,危害土壤养分系统。基于此,通过阐述酸沉降和金属颗粒物作用于土壤养分系统的机理,提出大气沉降对土壤养分... 大气沉降是大气圈物质下沉或降落到达地表的过程或现象。大气沉降除以降水向土壤输入化学组分外,还以酸沉降向土壤输入化学组分,危害土壤养分系统。基于此,通过阐述酸沉降和金属颗粒物作用于土壤养分系统的机理,提出大气沉降对土壤养分影响研究中存在的问题。 展开更多
关键词 大气沉降 酸沉降 土壤 金属颗粒物
辽宁省五个典型城市PM10/PM2.5污染状况及防治对策 被引量:2
作者 赵素梅 刘彩萍 杜刚 《中国科技成果》 2008年第23期37-40,50,共5页
为全面了解辽宁省PM2.5污染状况以及重金属元素分布,2005年在省内选取了5个典型城市进行分季节的采样,并进行颗粒物浓度分析和重金属元素分析。分析结果表明,辽宁省典型城市TSP、PM10和PM2.5污染均比较严重,重金属元素分析中Pb和Z... 为全面了解辽宁省PM2.5污染状况以及重金属元素分布,2005年在省内选取了5个典型城市进行分季节的采样,并进行颗粒物浓度分析和重金属元素分析。分析结果表明,辽宁省典型城市TSP、PM10和PM2.5污染均比较严重,重金属元素分析中Pb和Zn的含量比较高,同时得出结论认为重金属元素更易于富集在细颗粒上。最后本文提出了辽宁省PM2.5防治对策以及研究展望。 展开更多
关键词 PM10 PM2.5 大气颗粒物载带的重金属元素
Toxic effects of metal oxide nanoparticles and their underlying mechanisms 被引量:5
作者 王艳丽 丁琳 +5 位作者 姚晨婕 李晨晨 邢晓军 黄雅男 顾天骄 吴明红 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期93-108,共16页
Nanomaterials have attracted considerable interest owing to their unique physicochemical properties.The wide application of nanomaterials has raised many concerns about their potential risks to human health and the en... Nanomaterials have attracted considerable interest owing to their unique physicochemical properties.The wide application of nanomaterials has raised many concerns about their potential risks to human health and the environment.Metal oxide nanopartides(MONPs),one of the main members of nanomaterials,have been applied in various fields,such as food,medicine,cosmetics,and sensors.This review highlights the bio-toxic effects of widely applied MONPs and their underlying mechanisms.Two main underlying toxicity mechanisms,reactive oxygen species(ROS)-and non-ROS-mediated toxidties,of MONPs have been widely accepted.ROS activates oxidative stress,which leads to lipid peroxidation and cell membrane damage.In addition,ROS can trigger the apoptotic pathway by activating caspase-9 and-3.Non-ROS-mediated toxicity mechanism includes the effect of released ions,excessive accumulation of NPs on the cell surface,and combination of NPs with specific death receptors.Furthermore,the combined toxicity evaluation of some MONPs is also discussed.Toxicity may dramatically change when nanomaterials are used in a combined system because the characteristics of NPs that play a key role in their toxicity such as size,surface properties,and chemical nature in the complex system are different from the pristine NPs. 展开更多
关键词 metal oxide nanoparticles bio-toxicity effect NANOTOXICOLOGY underlying mechanism
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