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作者 张光辉 廖敏 《南方农村》 北大核心 2001年第6期18-21,共4页
企业就像生命体一样,要不断成长、壮大。多元化经营是企业扩大规模的一条主要途径。然而,如果不顾企业本身的条件和适宜时机的把握,一味地追求多元化,很可能会欲速则不达,甚至还会招致破产。本文虽然仅是一个案例分析,但所反映的问题具... 企业就像生命体一样,要不断成长、壮大。多元化经营是企业扩大规模的一条主要途径。然而,如果不顾企业本身的条件和适宜时机的把握,一味地追求多元化,很可能会欲速则不达,甚至还会招致破产。本文虽然仅是一个案例分析,但所反映的问题具有代表性。例如,河南洛阳春都集团公司曾是我国火腿产业的领头羊,市场占有率最高达70%以上,可如今负债累累,濒临倒闭,其中一个主要原因就是过多、过快地实施多元化经营。希望企业家们能从这些案例中吸取教训。 展开更多
关键词 广东金曼集团股份有限公司 多元化经营 企业发展 案例分析
作者 李小兵 郑曙明 吴青 《重庆水产》 2012年第4期42-47,共6页
为探讨金曼龙鱼增色机理,分别用添加lOOmg/kg和200mg/kg虾青素的饲料投喂金曼龙35天。结果表明:各试验组中金曼龙鱼体、鱼鳍、鱼皮、鱼鳞中类胡萝卜素含量和对照组相比差异显著(P〈o.05),而鱼头、鱼肉中类胡萝卜素含量较对照组... 为探讨金曼龙鱼增色机理,分别用添加lOOmg/kg和200mg/kg虾青素的饲料投喂金曼龙35天。结果表明:各试验组中金曼龙鱼体、鱼鳍、鱼皮、鱼鳞中类胡萝卜素含量和对照组相比差异显著(P〈o.05),而鱼头、鱼肉中类胡萝卜素含量较对照组异不显著(P〉0.05);lOOmg/kg虾青素添加组和200mg/kg添加组差异不显著(P〉O.05)。类胡萝卜素在金曼龙不同部位的含量从高至低依次为鱼鳍、鱼皮、鱼鳞〉鱼体〉鱼头。试验开始15d内,试验鱼鱼体、鱼鳍、鱼皮和鱼鳞中类胡萝卜素含量增加速度较陕,而后增加的速度趋于平缓,进入平台期;鱼头和鱼肉中类胡萝卜素含量呈现相反趋势,且鱼肉中类胡萝卜素含量在整个试验周期中呈下降趋势。说明在饲料中添加虾青素可有效地改善金曼龙的体色,且色素主要沉积在鱼鳍、鱼皮和鱼鳞表面。金曼龙饲料中虾青素的建议添加量为lOOmg/kg。 展开更多
关键词 金曼龙虾青素添加量沉积体色
作者 魏东海 《南方经济》 1998年第5期77-78,共2页
本文以养鳗为主业的广东金曼集团股份有限公司为案例,具体分析了其按产业化经营管理农业的成功经验,认为其成功的做法主要有三点:第一,实行三个“一体化”,从小生产走向大市场;第二,以大胆负债经营创业,走向股份制规范运作;第... 本文以养鳗为主业的广东金曼集团股份有限公司为案例,具体分析了其按产业化经营管理农业的成功经验,认为其成功的做法主要有三点:第一,实行三个“一体化”,从小生产走向大市场;第二,以大胆负债经营创业,走向股份制规范运作;第三,科技进步与名牌战略同时并举。 展开更多
关键词 广东 农业产业化 经营管理 金曼集团 名牌战略
《变压器》 北大核心 2016年第6期48-48,共1页
山东省金曼克电气集团股份有限公司与美国通用电气(GE)公司牵手合作,引进其地下式变压器制造技术,依据中国变压器能效等级标准生产出ZGSB-Z·D-500/10-NX1型智能地下式网络变压器,顺利通过了沈阳变压器研究院股份有限公司变压器... 山东省金曼克电气集团股份有限公司与美国通用电气(GE)公司牵手合作,引进其地下式变压器制造技术,依据中国变压器能效等级标准生产出ZGSB-Z·D-500/10-NX1型智能地下式网络变压器,顺利通过了沈阳变压器研究院股份有限公司变压器实验室(国家变压器质量监督检验中心)例行、型式、特殊试验,并顺利通过了额定频率、额定电压、满负荷工况下的水下48小时运行的特殊试验。 展开更多
关键词 电气公司 地下式 特殊试验 能效等级 金曼 电气集团 运行试验 美国通用电气 额定频率 监督检验
作者 刘群 《特别关注》 2022年第8期36-37,共2页
午后,金曼小镇尘土飞扬,低矮的旅馆和枪械店外墙被太阳照得发亮,这里似乎与现代美国有点脱节.我拿到了一个房地产经纪人的广告单页,绿色的纸头上赫然印着:金曼是最佳退休地!亚利桑那州西北部的好地方.没有野火,没有地震,没有龙卷风,没... 午后,金曼小镇尘土飞扬,低矮的旅馆和枪械店外墙被太阳照得发亮,这里似乎与现代美国有点脱节.我拿到了一个房地产经纪人的广告单页,绿色的纸头上赫然印着:金曼是最佳退休地!亚利桑那州西北部的好地方.没有野火,没有地震,没有龙卷风,没有火山,没有飓风,没有泥石流,没有洪水,没有冰或寒冷的冬季天气.金曼还拥有强大的消防和警力.听起来,这里比夏威夷、马尔代夫、日内瓦还要好,其实金曼就是戈壁滩上的一块不毛之地,仙人掌在砾石堆里探出倔强的脑袋. 展开更多
关键词 房地产经纪人 亚利桑那州 龙卷风 马尔代夫 夏威夷 金曼 仙人掌 日内瓦
一“钻”当先 引领金刚石钻头行业新航程——记河北金曼金刚石钻头科技发展有限公司董事长景永胜
《创新时代》 2015年第6期12-12,共1页
获得"中国诚信经营AAA级示范企业"、"全国石油石化装备质量信誉有保障供应商"、"3.15国际消费者权益日重点推介企业"、"2012中国科技创新型中小企业100强"、"石油化工节能示范企业"等荣誉称号;入选杰出华商理事会理事单位;产... 获得"中国诚信经营AAA级示范企业"、"全国石油石化装备质量信誉有保障供应商"、"3.15国际消费者权益日重点推介企业"、"2012中国科技创新型中小企业100强"、"石油化工节能示范企业"等荣誉称号;入选杰出华商理事会理事单位;产品被中国石油天然气集团公司石油工程节能技术研究开发中心认定为"低碳PDC钻头"。 展开更多
关键词 金刚石钻头 金曼 中国诚信 理事会理事 华北石油 石油工程 研究开发中心 质量信誉 石化装备 节能示范
作者 刘增林 《中国民族》 2004年第4期18-19,共2页
金曼演过江姐,几乎无人不晓。当选十届全国政协委员后她说,当政协委员能使自己更加强化责任意识,能够促使自己不断地学习,从而站在更高的层次和独特的角度发现问题,反映问题。金曼所关注的问题与她的职业关系密切,这就是如何促进民族文... 金曼演过江姐,几乎无人不晓。当选十届全国政协委员后她说,当政协委员能使自己更加强化责任意识,能够促使自己不断地学习,从而站在更高的层次和独特的角度发现问题,反映问题。金曼所关注的问题与她的职业关系密切,这就是如何促进民族文化产业的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 文化产业 民族传统文化 全国政协委员 金曼 人民政协 文化结构
作者 韩舞燕 《瞭望》 北大核心 1994年第4期26-27,共2页
"金曼",我为之奋斗的事业!张旭强口述韩舞燕采访整理张旭强是广东金曼集团股份有限公司董事长兼总经理,去年不但荣获了全国五一劳动奖章,而且被评选为首届广东省"十大杰出青年"。对荣誉、对自己走过的路,他说。获得这些头衔我... "金曼",我为之奋斗的事业!张旭强口述韩舞燕采访整理张旭强是广东金曼集团股份有限公司董事长兼总经理,去年不但荣获了全国五一劳动奖章,而且被评选为首届广东省"十大杰出青年"。对荣誉、对自己走过的路,他说。获得这些头衔我当然很高兴。我觉得这是对我工作的肯... 展开更多
关键词 金曼 五一劳动奖章 枫溪镇 外向型企业 出口创汇 烤鳗 农业博览会 远洋渔业 龙头产品 房地产开发
《IT经理世界》 2001年第12期19-19,共1页
关键词 上市公司 治理结构 PT粤金曼公司 流通价值 股票市场 中国
《绿色大世界》 2002年第1期31-31,共1页
关键词 林业科技 国家林业局 林科 李东升 副厅长 家林 金曼
Synthesis and optical properties research of gold nanoparticles with different morphologies 被引量:1
作者 徐宏妍 薛晨阳 +4 位作者 张强 王慧娟 袁艳玲 孙东 熊继军 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第1期96-102,共7页
This paper presents an approach to synthesis of gold nanoparticles with different morphologies and investigation of the relationship between morphologies and their optical properties.Spherical gold nanoparticles with ... This paper presents an approach to synthesis of gold nanoparticles with different morphologies and investigation of the relationship between morphologies and their optical properties.Spherical gold nanoparticles with different sizes are synthesized via reduction method.Using seed-mediated solution growth method,gold nanoparticles with shuttle,star and stick shapes can be obtained.The sizes and morphologies of the gold nanoparticles are characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The characterization results illustrate the growth process of the gold nanoparticles with different morphologies.Absorption spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy measurements are performed to demonstrate the relationship between the morphologies and optical properties.The results of Raman characterization show that the gold nanoparticles with different morphologies can be used to probe molecules with different concentrations. 展开更多
关键词 star-shaped gold nanoparticles spherical gold nanoparticles surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) seed-mediated solution growth method
Vibrational Spectra and Density Functional Theory Calculations of Metallotriphenylcorroles
作者 高慧玲 陈方 +2 位作者 王春雷 王国兵 陈东明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期398-408,J0001,共12页
The infrared absorption and Raman scattering spectra were measured for the metallotriph- enylcorroles (MTPCs, M=Cu, Co, Ni, Mn). The ground-state structures and vibrational spectra of MTPCs have been calculated with... The infrared absorption and Raman scattering spectra were measured for the metallotriph- enylcorroles (MTPCs, M=Cu, Co, Ni, Mn). The ground-state structures and vibrational spectra of MTPCs have been calculated with the density functional theory. The observed Raman and IR bands have been assigned based on the calculation results. Due to the symmetry lowering, the vibrational spectra of MTPCs are much more complex than metal- loporphyrins, and several skeletal modes are found strongly coupled to the phenyl vibrations. The relationship between the Raman/IR frequencies and the structures of TPC ring is in-vestigated. It is found that the vibrations involving the Cα^I Cα^I stretch and CαCm stretchare sensitive to the size of corrole core. In particular, the frequency of v5, which is assigned to Cα^I Cα^I stretch in coupling with the CαCm symmetric stretch, increases linearly with the decrease of the corrole core-sizes and may be used as a mark band to evaluate the structural change of the metallocorroles. 展开更多
关键词 Metallocorroles Raman spectrum Molecular vibration Density functionaltheory
Dynamic imaging of metallic contamination plume based on self-potential data 被引量:4
作者 Yi-an CUI Xiao-xiong ZHU +2 位作者 Wen-sheng WEI Jian-xin LIU Tie-gang TONG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1822-1830,共9页
A dynamic imaging method for monitoring self-potential data was proposed.Based on the Darcy’s law and Archie’sformulas,a dynamic model was built as a state model to simulate the transportation of metallic ions in po... A dynamic imaging method for monitoring self-potential data was proposed.Based on the Darcy’s law and Archie’sformulas,a dynamic model was built as a state model to simulate the transportation of metallic ions in porous medium,and theNernst equation was used to calculate the redox potential of metallic ions for observation modeling.Then,the state model andobservation model form an extended Kalman filter cycle to perform dynamic imaging.The noise added synthetic data imaging testshows that the extended Kalman filter can effectively fuse the model evolution and observed self-potential data.The further sandboxmonitoring experiment also demonstrates that the self-potential can be used to monitor the activities of metallic ions and exactlyretrieve the dynamic process of metallic contamination. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic imaging SELF-POTENTIAL metallic contamination extended Kalman filter
Study on the Influence of Ni Modifying on Phase Transformation and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO_2 被引量:1
作者 Wang Yan Zhang Jing +4 位作者 Liu Shiyang Yan Song Wu Weicheng Xu Qian Li Can 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期42-49,共8页
The Ni-modified TiO2 was synthesized using two methods including co-precipitation(Ni doped TiO2, Ni-TiO2) and wet impregnation(Ni loaded TiO2, Ni/TiO2). The surface and bulk crystalline phases of Ni-modified TiO2 were... The Ni-modified TiO2 was synthesized using two methods including co-precipitation(Ni doped TiO2, Ni-TiO2) and wet impregnation(Ni loaded TiO2, Ni/TiO2). The surface and bulk crystalline phases of Ni-modified TiO2 were investigated by using X-ray diffractometry(XRD), UV Raman spectroscopy, TEM, and SEM. It is observed that Ni doping can promote the phase transition and grain size growth of TiO2. Moreover, the propagation of the rutile phase from the bulk into the surface region of TiO2 is increased when the Ni doping amount reaches up to 3%. However, in Ni/TiO2, it is found out that the surface and bulk phase transformation of TiO2 can be inhibited after impregnation of 1% of Ni on the TiO2. Compared with the co-precipitation method, Ni species may be more enriched in the surface of the Ni/TiO2 sample upon adoption of the impregnation method, and the direct contact of anatase particles of TiO2 is avoided. As a consequence, the phase transition in the surface and bulk region of TiO2 can be effectively inhibited by Ni loading. Additionally, the activity of the photocatalytic degradation of RhB on the 3Ni-TiO2-600 ℃ sample is higher than that on the 3 Ni/TiO2-600 ℃ sample. The phase junction formed between anatase and rutile in the surface region of 3Ni-TiO2-600 ℃ may the main reason for its high photocatalytic activity. 展开更多
关键词 TIO2 Ni modifying wastewater treatment UV Raman spectroscopy phase transformation
Influence of Yttrium Implantation on Oxidation Behavior of Pure Nickel at 1000℃
作者 姜世杭 靳惠明 +1 位作者 闫坤 宫泽祥 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期143-146,共4页
Isothermal and cyclic oxidation behaviors of pure and yttrium-implanted nickel were studied at 1 000℃ in air. The oxide scales formed on nickel substrates were performed using SEM and TEM. It was found that Y-implant... Isothermal and cyclic oxidation behaviors of pure and yttrium-implanted nickel were studied at 1 000℃ in air. The oxide scales formed on nickel substrates were performed using SEM and TEM. It was found that Y-implantation greatly improved the anti-oxidation ability of nickel both in isothermal and cyclic oxidizing experiments. Laser Raman microscopy was also used to study the stress status of oxide scales formed on nickel with and without yttrium. The main reason for the improvement in anti-oxidation and adhesion of oxide scale was Y-implantation greatly reduced the grain size of NiO and lowered the compressive stress within the scale. Yttrium implantation enhanced the adhesion of protective NiO oxide scale formed on nickel substrate. 展开更多
关键词 OXIDATION Ion-implantation Laser Raman Yttrium.
Phase field lattice Boltzmann model for non-dendritic structure formation in aluminum alloy from LSPSF machine 被引量:6
作者 An-shan YU Xiang-jie YANG Hong-min GUO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期559-570,共12页
The formation of non-dendritic structures in the primary phase of an aluminum alloy solidified using low superheat pouring with a shearing field(LSPSF) machine was investigated by numerical simulation.The growth and m... The formation of non-dendritic structures in the primary phase of an aluminum alloy solidified using low superheat pouring with a shearing field(LSPSF) machine was investigated by numerical simulation.The growth and motion of a dendrite during solidification was simulated by a combination of the lattice Boltzmann method and the phase field method.The simulation results indicated that enough shear flow helped homogenize the concentration fields,rotate crystals and altere microstructures from dendritic to non-dendritic.The interaction of grains was also discussed.A fragmentation criterion was established based on partial remelting of dendrite arms;fragmentation was enhanced by a strong shear flow and larger inclined angles.The simulation results were verified experimentally. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation non-dendritic structure low superheat pouring with shearing field(LSPSF) aluminum alloy phase field method lattice Boltzmann method
Frabrication of Au Nanoparticles in Various Shapes and Their Application in Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering
作者 薛晨阳 王慧娟 +2 位作者 梁永峰 陈容 刘俊 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第3期208-211,共4页
Anisotropic metallic Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique optical properties, such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spearoscopy. In this paper, star-shaped and sphere gold NPs were prepared by seed-mediated ... Anisotropic metallic Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique optical properties, such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spearoscopy. In this paper, star-shaped and sphere gold NPs were prepared by seed-mediated growth and Frence methods respectively. The reaction process arid the effect of reagent in seed-mediated growth of gold naaostar particles were systematically described. After fabricaring NPs the authors test their Raman enhancement using Ch-ystal Violet (CV) moleolles apart. The experimental results indicated that star-shaped Au NPs had strtmger Raman enhancement spectrum than that of sphere Au NPs. 展开更多
关键词 gold nanoparticles seed-madiated growth method hERS
Online prediction for contamination of chlortetracycline fermentation based on Dezert–Smarandache theory 被引量:1
作者 杨建文 陈祥光 金怀平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1009-1016,共8页
Fermentative production of chlortetracycline is a complex fed-batch bioprocess. It generally takes over 90 h for cultivation and is often contaminated by undesired microorganisms. Once the fermentation system is conta... Fermentative production of chlortetracycline is a complex fed-batch bioprocess. It generally takes over 90 h for cultivation and is often contaminated by undesired microorganisms. Once the fermentation system is contaminated to certain extent, the product quality and yield will be seriously affected, leading to a substantial economic loss. Using information fusion based on the Dezer–Smarandache theory, self-recursive wavelet neural network and unscented kalman filter, a novel method for online prediction of contamination is developed. All state variables of culture process involving easy-to-measure and difficult-to-measure variables commonly obtained with soft-sensors present their contamination symptoms. By extracting and fusing latent information from the changing trend of each variable, integral and accurate prediction results for contamination can be achieved. This makes preventive and corrective measures be taken promptly. The field experimental results show that the method can be used to detect the contamination in time, reducing production loss and enhancing economic efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 ChlortetTacycline fermentation Online prediction of contamination Dezert-Smarandache theory Self-recursive wavelet neural network Unscented kalman filter
Recent Foraminifers from Oman Coast
作者 Abdul Razak Siddiq A1-Sayigh Moza Muhanna A1 Jahdhami Ahmed Mohamed Muftah 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第3期137-142,共6页
This study presents the first documentation work on recent benthic foraminifers of Oman coasts, especially of the northern part of Sultanate at Sawadi and the southern part at Janoof Tidal Creek near Taqah-Salalah bea... This study presents the first documentation work on recent benthic foraminifers of Oman coasts, especially of the northern part of Sultanate at Sawadi and the southern part at Janoof Tidal Creek near Taqah-Salalah beach. Eleven samples were collected from both localities. Twenty-nine species of benthonic Foraminifera belonging to 20 genera are retrieved, identified and illustrated herein. The study areas show the interaction in land and sea. Lagoons with normal marine hypersaline inhabited with sea grass and Mangrove-swamps. Mainly calcareous porcellaneous and hyaline walled foraminifers are abundant. Environmentally, the Janoof Tidal Creek shows better condition than Sawadi Tidal Creek as reflected by the more diverse and high abundance of foraminiferal taxa at the former locality. Both water bodies are free of toxic-heavy elements as evidenced by the lack of any abnormal foraminiferal test. 展开更多
关键词 MANGROVE FORAMINIFERA tidal creek sawadi muscat.
In-situ electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in metal/polyelectrolyte interfaces 被引量:1
作者 Li-Wen Wu Mo-Li Huang +1 位作者 Yun-Xiao Yang Yi-Fan Huang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期2820-2825,共6页
Polyelectrolyte becomes more and more popular in electrocatalysis.The understanding of electrode/polyelectrolyte interfaces at the molecular level is important for guiding further the polyelectrolyte-based electrocata... Polyelectrolyte becomes more and more popular in electrocatalysis.The understanding of electrode/polyelectrolyte interfaces at the molecular level is important for guiding further the polyelectrolyte-based electrocatalysis.Herein,we demonstrate an in-situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic method by using a three-electrode spectroelectrochemical cell towards characterizing the electrode/polyelectrolyte interfaces.The Ag/AgCl and Ag/Ag_(2)O electrodes are used as the reference electrode in the acidic and the alkaline systems,respectively.The working electrode is made of a transparent carbon thin film which loads the electrocatalysts.The applications of this method are demonstrated through the in-situ characterizations of the p-methylthiophenol adsorbed on the Au and Pt and the electrochemical oxidation of Au on polyelectrolyte membranes.The potential-dependent spectral features of these two systems show that this method is a powerful tool for investigating the electrode/polyelectrolyte interfaces in electrocatalysis. 展开更多
关键词 POLYELECTROLYTE In-situ electrochemical characterization Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Three-electrode cell Au oxidation
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