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桂西北热水沉积型金矿成矿系列、找矿标志及找矿前景 被引量:9
作者 谢世业 陈大经 李毅 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期12-17,共6页
桂西北地区属滇黔桂裂谷,具高的地热场环境。主要发育晚古生代—中生代的地层,尤其是三叠系广泛分布。在晚古生代坳陷区内分布着许多古隆起,在古隆起边缘生长断裂发育。表明该区成矿环境及成矿地质条件有利。区内发育的高龙式、隆或及... 桂西北地区属滇黔桂裂谷,具高的地热场环境。主要发育晚古生代—中生代的地层,尤其是三叠系广泛分布。在晚古生代坳陷区内分布着许多古隆起,在古隆起边缘生长断裂发育。表明该区成矿环境及成矿地质条件有利。区内发育的高龙式、隆或及八渡、龙川等微细浸染型金矿属于受裂谷构造控制、与热水沉积作用有关的热水沉积型金矿成矿系列。指出了该类金矿的找矿评价标志,分析了区内该类金矿良好的找矿前景。 展开更多
关键词 热水沉积金矿 成矿系列 找矿评价标志 桂西北
沉积间断断面型金矿产出模式及找矿方向——以桂西久隆金矿为例 被引量:6
作者 刘苏桥 陆刚 +3 位作者 白艳萍 方有杰 陈懋弘 杨锋 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第4期488-494,共7页
广西凤山县久隆金矿产出于晚古生代碳酸盐岩隆起边缘,分布于二叠系和三叠系接触带碎屑岩一侧,矿体呈陡立的透镜状、似层状产于断裂中。上二叠统碳酸盐岩与中三叠统陆源碎屑岩之间,发育典型的古岩溶沉积不整合构造,后期断裂构造叠加、复... 广西凤山县久隆金矿产出于晚古生代碳酸盐岩隆起边缘,分布于二叠系和三叠系接触带碎屑岩一侧,矿体呈陡立的透镜状、似层状产于断裂中。上二叠统碳酸盐岩与中三叠统陆源碎屑岩之间,发育典型的古岩溶沉积不整合构造,后期断裂构造叠加、复合在不整合面上,形成高龙式微粒型金矿。该矿床以沉积间断面为基础,叠加、复合后期构造,产于沉积间断面之"上"的断裂构造带中,以构造为主要控矿因素,沉积间断面为重要控矿因素,受断控与层控等多重因素复合控制,经多期构造活动叠加形成,可称之为沉积间断断面型金矿。滇黔桂"金三角"应从不同控制因素和产出模式形成于同一地质作用的背景出发,考虑层控与断控等多重因素复合、叠加对成矿的控制作用,构造叠加、复合部位是寻找复合型矿床、原生矿和深部隐伏矿床的重点。 展开更多
关键词 沉积间断断面型金矿 古岩溶 不整合面 层控 断控 久隆金矿
华北地台沉积岩型金矿床的找矿勘查意义 被引量:4
作者 聂凤军 江思宏 张建华 《黄金地质》 2000年第1期15-21,共7页
冀东地区沉积岩型金矿床主要赋存在中上元古界长城系和蓟县系巨厚钙 -镁碳酸盐岩内 ,金矿化受层间角砾岩带控制。相比之下 ,内蒙古中西部沉积岩型金矿床主要产出在上元古界青白口系钙质粉砂岩和板岩内 ,矿体产状受层间构造破碎带控制。... 冀东地区沉积岩型金矿床主要赋存在中上元古界长城系和蓟县系巨厚钙 -镁碳酸盐岩内 ,金矿化受层间角砾岩带控制。相比之下 ,内蒙古中西部沉积岩型金矿床主要产出在上元古界青白口系钙质粉砂岩和板岩内 ,矿体产状受层间构造破碎带控制。尽管上述金矿床的成矿环境、赋矿围岩和成矿时代存在一定差别 ,但是它们均以埋藏浅、规模大、物质组分简单和易选冶为特点。为了突出这两类金矿床的区域性特征 ,前者命名为“长城式”,后者则确定为“阿拉善式”。认真研究和总结上述两类金矿床地质、地球化学特征和找矿勘查标志 ,并将其应用于找矿实践将是华北地台新一轮找矿勘查的重要内容之一。 展开更多
关键词 沉积岩型金矿 找矿勘查 金矿 华北地台
秦岭地区沉积岩容矿金矿的类型、特征及找矿远景 被引量:1
作者 邵世才 《矿产勘查》 1996年第4期193-198,共6页
关键词 沉积金矿 地球化学 找矿前景 秦岭地区
甘肃西和县大桥金矿床的成因研究 被引量:26
作者 刘月高 吕新彪 +4 位作者 张振杰 尤关进 曹晓峰 王玉奇 刘阁 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1085-1099,共15页
大桥金矿床位于岷县北一宕昌北大断裂与窑上-石峡大断裂之间。金矿化严格受三叠系下部建造层下岩性段(Ta-1)硅质角砾岩的控制。硅质角砾岩呈层状产出,层位稳定。矿石为有机质含量高并具有黄铁矿化的硅质角砾岩,其黄铁矿环带发育。... 大桥金矿床位于岷县北一宕昌北大断裂与窑上-石峡大断裂之间。金矿化严格受三叠系下部建造层下岩性段(Ta-1)硅质角砾岩的控制。硅质角砾岩呈层状产出,层位稳定。矿石为有机质含量高并具有黄铁矿化的硅质角砾岩,其黄铁矿环带发育。硅质角砾岩和纹层状硅质岩在稀土元素配分图上未表现出热水沉积的特征,其Fe/Ti-Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)图解及SiO2与Al2O3呈负相关以及Sr/Ba值小于1说明,硅质角砾岩和纹层状硅质岩为陆源碎屑沉积成因,进而表明,大桥金矿床不是热水沉积型金矿床。依据环带状黄铁矿和脉状黄铁矿的发育及其高Co/Ni值,可以判断在该矿床形成过程中,热液起到重要作用。黄铁矿的δ34S值为4.21‰~9.82‰,说明其硫来自岩浆硫与地层硫的混合或变质流体。矿石内石英脉中流体包裹体的均一温度为270-310℃,属于中温范围,而硅质角砾岩的元素聚类分析表明Au与低温元素Hg、As密切相关,说明温度降低可能是成矿机制之一。大桥金矿床应属于中一低温热液型金矿床。 展开更多
关键词 地质学 硅质角砾岩 环带状黄铁矿 热水沉积金矿 中-低温热液型金矿 西秦岭 甘肃
辽宁小佟家堡子金矿床地质特征及成因研究 被引量:15
作者 刘红霞 孔含泉 杨言辰 《黄金》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第5期13-16,共4页
小佟家堡子金矿床位于辽吉古元古代裂谷中部的青城子矿集区内,矿体赋存于辽河群大石桥组上部碳酸岩与片岩的过渡带,容矿岩石为黑云变粒岩和硅质岩,矿体受层位控制,呈层状、似层状产出;矿石中的金以不可见金为主,含量与黄铁矿、毒砂关系... 小佟家堡子金矿床位于辽吉古元古代裂谷中部的青城子矿集区内,矿体赋存于辽河群大石桥组上部碳酸岩与片岩的过渡带,容矿岩石为黑云变粒岩和硅质岩,矿体受层位控制,呈层状、似层状产出;矿石中的金以不可见金为主,含量与黄铁矿、毒砂关系密切。对矿石组构特征研究表明,该矿床形成既与沉积作用有关,又遭受后期变质变形及热液的叠加改造,矿床为热水沉积—变质热液改造成因。 展开更多
关键词 热水沉积-变质热液改造型金矿 地质特征 小佟家堡子金矿
一种值得注意的新类型金矿床 被引量:3
作者 王义文 《黄金科学技术》 2000年第1期8-16,共9页
辽西—冀东地区赋存于长城系上部和蓟县系下部碳酸盐岩中的层控金矿床为该区的一种具有良好找矿前景的新类型金矿床。该类型金矿床与卡林型金矿有若干相似之处 ,但又具有自己的独特特征 ,可称之为元古宙沉积岩型金矿床。太古宙结晶基底... 辽西—冀东地区赋存于长城系上部和蓟县系下部碳酸盐岩中的层控金矿床为该区的一种具有良好找矿前景的新类型金矿床。该类型金矿床与卡林型金矿有若干相似之处 ,但又具有自己的独特特征 ,可称之为元古宙沉积岩型金矿床。太古宙结晶基底边缘或内部的元古宙拗拉谷、区域性同生断裂系统、中元古界富镁碳酸盐岩矿源层 ,以及中生代构造—岩浆活化作用是形成该类矿床的主要条件。元古宙为地球历史上最重要的金矿成矿期之一 ,以盛产沉积岩型、变质碎屑岩型和古砾岩型金矿为突出特征。 展开更多
关键词 沉积岩型金矿 中元古界 矿源层 金矿
作者 江宏君 陈华勇 +7 位作者 王朋 高政伟 纪冬平 吴宝鹏 程博兴 冯雨周 焦宏剑 王义忠 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1291-1306,共16页
黄泥坪金矿床位于扬子地块西北缘,是龙门山造山带北段新发现的一个重要的中型金矿床,研究程度较低,蚀变矿化分布特征和矿床成因仍不清楚,需要新的勘查方法和思路开展下一步找矿工作。基于详细的矿床地质和短波红外光谱(SWIR)研究,发现... 黄泥坪金矿床位于扬子地块西北缘,是龙门山造山带北段新发现的一个重要的中型金矿床,研究程度较低,蚀变矿化分布特征和矿床成因仍不清楚,需要新的勘查方法和思路开展下一步找矿工作。基于详细的矿床地质和短波红外光谱(SWIR)研究,发现黄泥坪金矿床的围岩蚀变主要有黄铁矿化、毒砂化、白云母化、硅化和碳酸盐化,白云母通常呈细小鳞片状分布于毒砂和黄铁矿的周围,金主要以不可见金的形式存在于毒砂和黄铁矿中。汉树沟、山关石、柳树坪和石罐子4个矿段应属同一成矿系统,其中汉树沟和山关石矿段的蚀变矿化期次可分为早期变质成矿期和晚期热液脉成矿期,变质成矿期包括石英多金属硫化物阶段和浸染状毒砂-黄铁矿阶段,热液脉成矿期包括石英-方解石粗脉阶段和毒砂-黄铁矿-方解石细脉阶段。变质成矿期发生了第一次金矿化,热液脉成矿期发生了第二次金矿化。SWIR勘查应用研究发现,矿体上盘千枚岩和下盘变质砂岩中发育较多Al–OH吸收峰位值较大的变质成因多硅白云母,而矿化部位则主要发育Al–OH吸收峰位值较小的热液白云母,Pos2200≤2202.5nm可作为热液白云母族矿物与变质成岩白云母族矿物或者二者混合相(指变质成岩白云母族矿物占主导,含有部分热液白云母族矿物)的大致界线。同时Pos2200≤2202.5 nm,且IC值为1.0~1.5可作为黄泥坪矿床新的勘查指标。本研究可以为认识龙门山北段浅变质沉积岩容矿的金矿床成矿规律和找矿勘查提供新的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 短波红外光谱 浅变质沉积岩容矿金矿 黄泥坪金矿 蚀变矿化期次 龙门山造山带
桂东寒武系培地组硅质岩成因与金的富集 被引量:7
作者 蔡明海 刘国庆 《华南地质与矿产》 CAS 2000年第1期29-33,共5页
根据岩石特征、化学成分、微量元素及稀土配分特征认为 :本区硅质岩是在大陆边缘坳陷环境下喷流热水沉积作用的产物 ;金在硅质岩及与之相伴的含碳泥页岩沉积过程中初步富集 ,而在后期热液改造成矿过程中再次聚集。指出硅质岩可作为桂东... 根据岩石特征、化学成分、微量元素及稀土配分特征认为 :本区硅质岩是在大陆边缘坳陷环境下喷流热水沉积作用的产物 ;金在硅质岩及与之相伴的含碳泥页岩沉积过程中初步富集 ,而在后期热液改造成矿过程中再次聚集。指出硅质岩可作为桂东地区培地组中寻找沉积 展开更多
关键词 硅质岩 喷流热水沉积 寒武系 培地组 沉积-改造型金矿 成矿作用
Interpretation of remote sensing of geological structures and prediction of gold mineralization in Mohe area and its adjacent region 被引量:1
作者 Ruiqing QIE Linfu XUE +1 位作者 Shixiang LIU Yunliang YU 《Global Geology》 2007年第1期88-94,共7页
The authors took the ETM+ multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics.According to certain criteria,the authors also determi... The authors took the ETM+ multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics.According to certain criteria,the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image.The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method.Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail,the relationship between remote sensing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically.Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information,combining other research data,the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure.Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 TM image linear structure ring structure gold deposit Mohe area
Multifunctional hopeite nanocoating on Ti64 substrates by pulsed laser deposition and radio frequency magnetron sputtering for orthopedic implant applications:A comparative study 被引量:3
作者 Ashish DAS Mukul SHUKLA 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2198-2209,共12页
Functionalized implants demonstrate an upgraded approach in orthopedic implants,aiming to achieve long term success through improved bio integration.Bioceramic coatings with multifunctionality have arisen as an effect... Functionalized implants demonstrate an upgraded approach in orthopedic implants,aiming to achieve long term success through improved bio integration.Bioceramic coatings with multifunctionality have arisen as an effective substitute for conventional coatings,owing to their combination of various properties that are essential for bio-implants,such as osteointegration and antibacterial character.In the present study,thin hopeite coatings were produced by Pulsed laser deposition(PLD)and radio frequency magnetron sputtering(RFMS)on Ti64 substrates.The obtained hopeite coatings were annealed at 500°C in ambient air and studied in terms of surface morphology,phase composition,surface roughness,adhesion strength,antibacterial efficacy,apatite forming ability,and surface wettability by scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),atomic force microscope(AFM),tensometer,fluorescence-activated cell sorting(FACS),simulated body fluid(SBF)immersion test and contact angle goniometer,respectively.Furthermore,based on promising results obtained in the present work it can be summarized that the new generation multifunctional hopeite coating synthesized by two alternative new process routes of PLD and RFMS on Ti64 substrates,provides effective alternatives to conventional coatings,largely attributed to strong osteointegration and antibacterial character of deposited hopeite coating ensuring the overall stability of metallic orthopedic implants. 展开更多
关键词 hopeite Ti64 alloy pulsed laser deposition magnetron sputtering coating IMPLANT
作者 WANGJincao XIABin TANGJingru 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2003年第1期112-119,共8页
The Linglong-Jiaojia ore-centralized district is controlled by the tectonic stress field characterized by the combination of extension and strike-slip, and the dip, dip angle, pitch and pitch angle of the ore bodies a... The Linglong-Jiaojia ore-centralized district is controlled by the tectonic stress field characterized by the combination of extension and strike-slip, and the dip, dip angle, pitch and pitch angle of the ore bodies are all constrained by the dynamic conditions of the tectonics. The metallotectonic series for the ore-centralized district belong to the type of a combination of extension and strike-slip and can be subdivided into four sub-series. The ore-forming process in the brittle regime can be disintegrated into two stages, i.e., the embryonic fracture stage and the megascopic fracture stage, and ore-forming process is rather common in the ore-centralized district at the former stage. Moreover, several key structural patterns and their features were discussed and a preliminary assessment about the ore-forming prospect in this district was made in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 tectonic stress field characterized by a combination of extension and strike-slip metallotectonic series ore-forming embryonic fracture
作者 MA Deyun and GAO Zhenmin(Open Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China Department of Earth Science, Kunming University of Scienceand Technology, Kunming 650093, China) 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2003年第1期91-103,共13页
Based on the study about the geological background of Beiya Gold Deposit, numerical simulation was conducted about the three-dimensional structural stress field for Beiya Gold Deposit by applying finite element theory... Based on the study about the geological background of Beiya Gold Deposit, numerical simulation was conducted about the three-dimensional structural stress field for Beiya Gold Deposit by applying finite element theory and by employing a linear elasticity model. Results of the simulation indicate that the Beiya syncline is a faulted basin, and a hidden fracture occurs in the west wing of the syncline.Under the action of the EW-trending compressive force, four nearly NS-trending fractures (groups) were generated in the stress stretching areas of the two wings of the syncline, and these fractures constitute favorable tectonic positions for the upward intrusion of porphyry magma and the occurrence of Au-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits. 展开更多
关键词 Beiya gold deposit structural stress field numerical simulation
Sediment-Hosted Gold Deposits in China-Geochemistry and Prospecting
作者 杨蔚华 刘友梅 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 1997年第3期202-212,共11页
Sediment-hosted gold deposits are the major type of gold resources in China. Concentrated mostly in the two "Triangle Regons", they are generally hosted in fine-clastic turbidite,hydrothermal chert and marl ... Sediment-hosted gold deposits are the major type of gold resources in China. Concentrated mostly in the two "Triangle Regons", they are generally hosted in fine-clastic turbidite,hydrothermal chert and marl ranging from Cambrian to Triassic in age, structurally controledby domes, anticlines and second-ordered faults. They are similar to the Carlin-type gold deposits in mineral assemblage and geochemical marks, with an element association closely comparable to those of modern springs and submarine hydrothermal sediments. Organic matter mayhave played an important role in mineralization. The ore solution may be hydrothermally altered meteoric water developed in areas of local geothermal anomaly. 展开更多
关键词 沉积金矿 地质构造 地球化学 中国 找矿前景 有机地球化学
Geological significance of componential characteristics of pyrite from Shibaqinghao gold deposit in central Inner Mongolia, China
作者 Yihong Liang Hongying Zhang Yanhua Ma 《Global Geology》 2006年第1期54-59,共6页
There are two types of gold ore in Shibaqinghao gold deposit, mylonite ore and quartz vein ore. Pyrite accompanying with native gold in mylonite ore has Fe from 43.66 to 45.32 wt 96 and S from 52.64 to 53.55 wt%. It i... There are two types of gold ore in Shibaqinghao gold deposit, mylonite ore and quartz vein ore. Pyrite accompanying with native gold in mylonite ore has Fe from 43.66 to 45.32 wt 96 and S from 52.64 to 53.55 wt%. It is clear that this kind of pyrite is poor in both sulphur and iron. That means that the mylonite oremay be related to metamorphic water. Pyrite in the quartz vein ore has Fe from 44.38 to 45.30 wt% and S from 53.08 to 54.00 wt%. It means that this kind of pyrite is poor in iron but rich in sulphur, while the quartz vein ore may be related to magma water. 展开更多
关键词 gold deposit PYRITE componential characteristics
Geological structure, composition of ores and age of the Bamsk gold deposit, Amur region, Russia
作者 Vitaly A. Stepanov 《Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia》 2004年第2期173-180,共8页
The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanic-plutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian syste... The Bamsk gold-ore deposit is located in the Amur region, the Far East of Russia. It is confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanic-plutonic uplift of central type, located in the Stanov folded-clumpy Pre-Cambrian system. The deposit is presented by a series of gold-bearing quartz and carbonate-quartz vein-stringer zones. They are confined to the super-intrusive zone of the Nevachansk subvolcanic intrusion of sienite-porphyric composition. The mineralization is being controlled by zone of fractures developed in the autochthone of the Bamsk fault. Quartz, carbonates and sericite prevail in the composition of ores. The quantity of ore minerals doesn’t exceed 1%~5%. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and native gold are widely spread. Sheelite, gold and silver tellurides, sulphobismuthites, acanthite, sphalerite and cinnabar are less developed. Four stages of mineralization have been distinguished. Gold-sulphide-sulphosalt ore with tellurides of gold and silver is productive for gold. The following set of elements is typomorphic for the ores of the deposit: Au, Ag, Cu, Bi, Mo, Pb and Sb(W1, Pb1, Mo)-Cu-(Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W2, Pb2)form the vertical series of zoning. Rocks, enclosing the mineralization are exposed to the processes of listvenitization-beresitization. The processes of gumbeization and argillization are less manifested. The age of the gold mineralization, determined by Rb-Sr method on ore-accompanying minerals, is 130.6 Ma. 展开更多
关键词 Bamck gold deposit FAULT quartz veins Amur region RUSSIA
Mineralizing age of the Rushan lode gold deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsula:SHRIMP U-Pb dating on hydrothermal zircon 被引量:83
作者 HUFangfang FANHonarui +4 位作者 YANGJinhui WANYusheng LIUDunyi ZHAIMingguo JINChengwei 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第15期1629-1636,共8页
Zircons from the auriferous quartz vein in the Rushan gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, have high common Pb contents (206Pbc = 2.00%—15.88%) and Th/U ratios (0.31—1.35), and trap primary CO2-H2O fluid inclusion simi... Zircons from the auriferous quartz vein in the Rushan gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, have high common Pb contents (206Pbc = 2.00%—15.88%) and Th/U ratios (0.31—1.35), and trap primary CO2-H2O fluid inclusion similar to ore-forming fluids, indicating that they grew from high Th/U ratio ore-forming fluids responsible for gold min- eralization. SHRIMP U-Pb analyses of these zircons gave an age of 117±3 Ma comparable with the ages reported by the former researches in the other areas in the Jiaodong Penin- sula, which is interpreted as the age of gold mineralization at Rushan. The age of SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating with 160±3 Ma from host rock Kunyushan monzogranite is different from that of the gold mineralization, indicating that there is no genetic relationship between gold mineralization and the granitic magmatism. SHRIMP U-Pb dating on hydrothermal zircons from auriferous quartz veins could be used to con- strain the timing of lode gold mineralization and the rela- tionship to relevant hydrothermal event. 展开更多
关键词 热液锆石 SHRIMP U-PB定年 地质年代学 含金石英岩脉 胶东半岛 金矿沉积 矿化年代
Dating of sediment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposit by using ^40Ar/^39Ar laser probe:A case study of Changkeng large-scale gold deposit,China 被引量:8
作者 SUNXiaoming CHENWen: +3 位作者 WANGMin XUETing SUNKai CHENBinghui 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第17期1887-1891,共5页
Hydrothermal clay minerals that formed in the main metallogenic stage of the Changkeng disseminated-type gold deposit in central Guangdong were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe. The results give Ar-Ar isochron ag... Hydrothermal clay minerals that formed in the main metallogenic stage of the Changkeng disseminated-type gold deposit in central Guangdong were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe. The results give Ar-Ar isochron ages of 109.9 1.4 to 110.1 1.3 Ma, which are 30 to 50 Ma older than the age of silver ore bodies in the deposit. Both gold and silver mineralizations were not related to hidden granite batholith in the mining district, but probably related to evo-lution of sedimentary basins. This study shows that the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe is a sound dating tool applicable to sediment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposit. 展开更多
关键词 中国 沉积散布型金矿 ^40Ar/^39Ar激光探针 热液粘土矿物 年龄测定
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