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从鄂君启金节看战国持节贸易 被引量:3
作者 董平均 李银 《经济与管理》 2009年第2期35-38,共4页
持节贸易是战国时期一种重要的贸易管理制度,是现代对外贸易许可证形式的雏形。它不仅是中国战国时期国家管理经济职能的外在形式和国家税收的重要来源,而且是稽查走私,保护特定产业的重要手段。为中国现代较为完善的对外贸易管理制度... 持节贸易是战国时期一种重要的贸易管理制度,是现代对外贸易许可证形式的雏形。它不仅是中国战国时期国家管理经济职能的外在形式和国家税收的重要来源,而且是稽查走私,保护特定产业的重要手段。为中国现代较为完善的对外贸易管理制度提供了源渊和基础。 展开更多
关键词 鄂君启金节 战国 持节贸易
传统民族节日的现代命名与重新构建——以满族颁金节为例 被引量:2
作者 戴淮明 《黑龙江民族丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期110-113,共4页
满族"命名日"暨"诞生日"本是300多年前清王朝颁定的传统民族节日。至20世纪80年代末,经现代命名与重新构建,其原有的形式及内容都发生了很大的变化。满族颁金节已历史性地演化为现代命名节日而承继满族节庆文化的... 满族"命名日"暨"诞生日"本是300多年前清王朝颁定的传统民族节日。至20世纪80年代末,经现代命名与重新构建,其原有的形式及内容都发生了很大的变化。满族颁金节已历史性地演化为现代命名节日而承继满族节庆文化的核心内涵和多种民族民间文化样式,为民族传统节日承传与发展作出示范效应。 展开更多
关键词 满族颁金节 现代命名 重新构建
满族“颁金节”与非物质文化遗产保护 被引量:3
作者 石少涛 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期153-156,共4页
对满族颁金节的起源、发展、特征进行了概括和探讨。颁金节虽是一个现代命名节日,但它根源于深层的历史文化因素和民族集体无意识,并且在动态发展中演变为民间性、自发性的节庆,承载了大量的传统文化元素。分析了将其纳入非物质文化遗... 对满族颁金节的起源、发展、特征进行了概括和探讨。颁金节虽是一个现代命名节日,但它根源于深层的历史文化因素和民族集体无意识,并且在动态发展中演变为民间性、自发性的节庆,承载了大量的传统文化元素。分析了将其纳入非物质文化遗产保护对象的可行性。此外,探讨了它对于非物质文化遗产保护工作的提示意义。 展开更多
关键词 满族 金节 非物质文化遗产
作者 谢红萍 《满族研究》 2017年第3期115-121,共7页
在全球化时代多元文化的冲击下,民族身份愈加模糊,由此导致对于民族文化认同的反思。不论是大传统,还是小传统,为了寻求民族的认同和实现文化的传承,均呈现了从"想象的共同体"到"共同体的想象"的转换。在此过程中,... 在全球化时代多元文化的冲击下,民族身份愈加模糊,由此导致对于民族文化认同的反思。不论是大传统,还是小传统,为了寻求民族的认同和实现文化的传承,均呈现了从"想象的共同体"到"共同体的想象"的转换。在此过程中,通过"生存性智慧"策略性的运作,历史记忆得以重塑,民族身份得到确认,民族认同得以加强,文化传承得以实现。 展开更多
关键词 都市社会 民族认同 金节 文化传承
《满族研究》 北大核心 2013年第4期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 铁岭市 满族 满洲族 满族颁金节
作者 蔡妍欢 《满族研究》 2019年第3期96-98,共3页
自1989年满族颁金节确立以来,历经三十年,每年都能看见各地满族庆祝颁金节的身影。颁金节的确立是一种“传统的发明”,这种新的传统与1635年皇太极定名满洲这一重大历史事件相联系。笔者于今年参加了广州世居满族在当地满族小学举办的... 自1989年满族颁金节确立以来,历经三十年,每年都能看见各地满族庆祝颁金节的身影。颁金节的确立是一种“传统的发明”,这种新的传统与1635年皇太极定名满洲这一重大历史事件相联系。笔者于今年参加了广州世居满族在当地满族小学举办的颁金节庆祝活动,亦感觉颁金节作为被发明的传统,其实也渐渐成为一种“社会事实”。 展开更多
关键词 金节 传统的发明 社会事实
作者 石少涛 《满族研究》 2010年第4期53-56,共4页
本文对满族颁金节的由来、根源、发展、特征进行了概括和探讨。颁金节虽是一个现代命名节日,但它根源于深层的历史文化因素和民族集体无意识,并且在动态发展中演变为民间性、自发性的节庆,承载了大量的传统文化元素。本文进而分析了将... 本文对满族颁金节的由来、根源、发展、特征进行了概括和探讨。颁金节虽是一个现代命名节日,但它根源于深层的历史文化因素和民族集体无意识,并且在动态发展中演变为民间性、自发性的节庆,承载了大量的传统文化元素。本文进而分析了将其纳入非物质文化遗产保护工作之关注对象的可行性,以及它对于非物质文化遗产保护工作的提示意义。 展开更多
关键词 满族 金节 非物质文化遗产保护
作者 徐家久 《遗产与保护研究》 2017年第7期108-111,共4页
鄂君启金节又称"鄂君启节""错金鄂君启铜节",青铜铸造,它的形式像剖开的竹节,是目前我国能够见到的保存最好、时代最早的铜节实物。它的发现,不仅为研究楚国时期的商业贸易,而且也为研究楚国时期的文字,楚国冶铸技... 鄂君启金节又称"鄂君启节""错金鄂君启铜节",青铜铸造,它的形式像剖开的竹节,是目前我国能够见到的保存最好、时代最早的铜节实物。它的发现,不仅为研究楚国时期的商业贸易,而且也为研究楚国时期的文字,楚国冶铸技艺等方面提供了珍贵的实物资料。具有一定的历史文献价值和艺术价值。它对于楚国时期的政治、经济、军事、交通等方面都有着巨大的研究价值。 展开更多
关键词 鄂君启金节 文化艺术经济贸易 价值研究
作者 张中一 《吉安师专学报》 1992年第3期 87-92,108,共7页
战国时期楚国铸造的“鄂君启金节”在安徽寿县出土有三十多年了,专家们对“鄂君启金节”铭文辨识、地名考证定位以及路线复原写了很多的考征文章,都取得了很大的成就。学者们提出“舟节”路线有三条。(1)汉水流域线。(2)沪江流域线。... 战国时期楚国铸造的“鄂君启金节”在安徽寿县出土有三十多年了,专家们对“鄂君启金节”铭文辨识、地名考证定位以及路线复原写了很多的考征文章,都取得了很大的成就。学者们提出“舟节”路线有三条。(1)汉水流域线。(2)沪江流域线。(3)湖湘区域线。“车节”路线为江北驿道线。①由于时间的推移,考古资料不断的发现,学术界对“鄂君启金节”铭文的认识和考证更进一步深入, 展开更多
关键词 “鄂君启金节 战国时期 楚国 文物 考古资料 铭文
鄂君舟车队 持节行天下——鄂君启金节详解
作者 程露 《收藏家》 2022年第4期79-82,共4页
鄂君启金节(图1、图2),是楚怀王颁发给鄂地封君启的免税通关凭证。金节为青铜质地,形似剖开的竹片,表面布满错金铭文,金、铜浑然一体,相互辉映,熠熠生辉。一、错金铭文工整圆润鄂君启金节共5件,中间有两道凸起的弦纹仿竹节而作,将金节... 鄂君启金节(图1、图2),是楚怀王颁发给鄂地封君启的免税通关凭证。金节为青铜质地,形似剖开的竹片,表面布满错金铭文,金、铜浑然一体,相互辉映,熠熠生辉。一、错金铭文工整圆润鄂君启金节共5件,中间有两道凸起的弦纹仿竹节而作,将金节分为上长下短的两段,3件车节大小相同,长29.5,宽7.1厘米。 展开更多
关键词 错金铭文 弦纹 楚怀王 鄂君启金节
作者 张后铨 《湖北画报(湖北旅游)》 2016年第3期14-14,共1页
关键词 鄂君 金节 战国 免税
作者 林荣耀 《东北史地》 2006年第5期16-16,共1页
"颁金"是满族"新生"之译音,后金天聪九年(1635)农历十月十三日,后金国汗皇太祖下谕旨,将族称定为"满洲",今日的"满族"乃由当时的"满洲族:’简化而来。在世界上现存的2000多个民族中,有准... "颁金"是满族"新生"之译音,后金天聪九年(1635)农历十月十三日,后金国汗皇太祖下谕旨,将族称定为"满洲",今日的"满族"乃由当时的"满洲族:’简化而来。在世界上现存的2000多个民族中,有准确命名日的民族实属罕见。为了纪念满族命名,逐渐形成节日习惯,满族同胞将节日名称规范为"颁金节"。 展开更多
关键词 金节 满族 满洲族
作者 孙士民 王会慧(图) 《奇妙博物馆》 2024年第12期4-7,共4页
院长寄语很高兴能和小读者们一起感受安徽博物院的文物魅力,本期的《文明诞生记》,我们来聆听安徽博物院的老师们讲述来自两千多年前春秋战国时期的青铜国宝的故事。气势雄浑的铸客大鼎是楚国重器的代表,尽显楚人壮志;鄂君启金节作为我... 院长寄语很高兴能和小读者们一起感受安徽博物院的文物魅力,本期的《文明诞生记》,我们来聆听安徽博物院的老师们讲述来自两千多年前春秋战国时期的青铜国宝的故事。气势雄浑的铸客大鼎是楚国重器的代表,尽显楚人壮志;鄂君启金节作为我国迄今发现的最早的免税通行证,独特形制与工艺蕴含着楚国政治、经济以及交通方面的丰富信息。 展开更多
关键词 春秋战国时期 铸客 诞生记 安徽博物院 楚国 鄂君启金节 通行证
Prediction of vulnerable zones based on residual stress and microstructure in CMT welded aluminum alloy joint
作者 舒凤远 田泽 +5 位作者 吕耀辉 贺文雄 吕飞洋 林建军 赵洪运 徐滨士 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期2701-2707,共7页
Numerical simulation and experimental results were employed for the identification of the most vulnerable zones in three-pass cold-metal-transferring (CMT) welded joint. The residual stress distribution in the joint... Numerical simulation and experimental results were employed for the identification of the most vulnerable zones in three-pass cold-metal-transferring (CMT) welded joint. The residual stress distribution in the joint was predicted by finite element (FE) method, while the structural morphology of distinctive zones was obtained through metallographic experiments. The highest principal stress made the symmetric face of the joint most sensitive to tensile cracks under service conditions. Whereas, the boundaries between the weld seam and the base plates were sensitive to cracks because the equivalent von Mises stress was the highest when the first interpass cooling was finished. The third weld pass and the inter-pass remelted zones exhibited the modest mechanical performances as a result of the coarse grain and coarse grain boundary, respectively. The most vulnerable zones were regarded to be the crossed parts between the zones identified by numerical and experimental methods. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy vulnerable zone cold-metal-transferring welded joint residual stress microstructure morphology
Application of pre-alloyed powders for diamond tools by ultrahigh pressure water atomization 被引量:2
作者 储志强 郭学益 +3 位作者 刘东华 谭彦显 李栋 田庆华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期2665-2671,共7页
Copper, iron and cobalt based pre-alloyed powders for diamond tools were prepared by ultrahigh pressure water atomization(UPWA) process. Pre-alloyed powders prepared by different processes including UPWA, convention... Copper, iron and cobalt based pre-alloyed powders for diamond tools were prepared by ultrahigh pressure water atomization(UPWA) process. Pre-alloyed powders prepared by different processes including UPWA, conventional water atomization (CWA) and elemental metal mechanical mixing (EMMM) were sintered to segments and then compared in mechanical properties, holding force between matrix and diamond, fracture morphology of blank and sintering diamond section containing matrix. The results showed that the pre-alloyed powder prepared by UPWA exhibits the best mechanical properties including the relative density, the hardness and the bending strength of matrix sinteredsegment. Sintered segments fractography of UPWA pre-alloyed powder indicatesmechanical mosaic strength and chemical bonding force between the pre-alloyed powder and the diamond, leading to the great increase in the holding force between matrix and diamond. The mechanical performance andthe service life of diamond tools were greatly improved by UPWA pre-alloyed powders. 展开更多
关键词 ultrahigh pressure water atomization pre-alloyed powders diamond tools sintered segments
An algorithm supporting fast scheduling and viewing of remote sensing images in embedded devices
作者 李玲 王庆 +1 位作者 张小国 王慧青 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第3期270-274,共5页
In order to resolve the conflict between the limited resources of embedded devices and the growing amount of massive image data to be shown, a solution for fast images rendering in embedded devices is proposed and imp... In order to resolve the conflict between the limited resources of embedded devices and the growing amount of massive image data to be shown, a solution for fast images rendering in embedded devices is proposed and implemented. First, an improved algorithm of a multi-resolution file-pyramid construction which is used for the organization of massive image data is presented. Then, a strategy, adopting technologies such as view-dependent levels of detail, target-tiles quick search and tiles seamless connection, is presented for fast scheduling and viewing of images. The results show that compared with the solution of multi-scale image representations based on wavelet, the proposed solution can improve the rendering speed, and the rendering speed does not depend on the image size, though it increases some data storage space. And the proposed solution is suitable for embedded devices and friendly experience. 展开更多
关键词 interaction as because it can provide real-time well as more efficient user embedded devices PYRAMID levels of detail image rendering
《税务纵横》 2003年第11期68-68,共1页
关键词 中国 税收史 免税通行证 战国时期 楚怀王 金节 商税 田税
Effect of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of butt-welded dissimilar magnesium alloys joint 被引量:2
作者 YANG Fang-zhou ZHOU Jie XIONG Yi-bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1358-1366,共9页
The effects of heat input on the microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas (TIG) butt-welded AZ31/MB3 dissimilar Mg alloys joint were investigated by microstructural observations, microhardness... The effects of heat input on the microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas (TIG) butt-welded AZ31/MB3 dissimilar Mg alloys joint were investigated by microstructural observations, microhardness testing and tensile testing. The results reveal that with the increase of heat input, the width of welding seam increases obviously and the grains both in the fusion zone and the heat affected zone coarsen during TIG welding process. The tensile strength of butt-welded joint increases with the increase of heat input and the maximum joining strength of 242 MPa is obtained with wedding current of 90 A. However, lots of welding pores occur with the further increase of heat input, which results in the decrease of joining strength. It is experimentally demonstrated that robust joint can be obtained by TIG welding process. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy TIG welding microstructure mechanical property
An Assessment of the Within-Year Seasonality in the Loan Loss Provisioning Behavior of European Banks
作者 Enrico Laghi Michele Di Marcantonio Maria Teresa Bianchi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第12期1167-1186,共20页
This study aims at assessing whether a significant within-year seasonality exists in the loan loss provisioning behavior of European listed banks observed in the period from 2004 to 2013. Since the accuracy of auditin... This study aims at assessing whether a significant within-year seasonality exists in the loan loss provisioning behavior of European listed banks observed in the period from 2004 to 2013. Since the accuracy of auditing processes and the level of disclosure requirements in financial reports differ among quarters, during the year, banks may have a leeway to underestimate and postpone the complete provisioning of loan losses in the less regulated and less audited quarters. We hypothesize that those differences are relevant factors which determine non-lower or significantly higher average levels of loan loss provisions in the half-yearly and especially in the annual financial reports than in the interim management statements disclosed in the first and the third quarters of the year. We also investigate the impact of the recent financial crisis and develop a special analysis for the ltalian banks' case. The empirical results support our hypotheses, suggesting that, in some cases, a convergence among quarterly levels of auditing processes and disclosure requirements may be needed. Our work contributes to the existing literature by providing additional evidences and considerations on the within-year seasonality in the loan loss provisioning behavior of European listed banks observed in the last decade. 展开更多
关键词 loan loss provisions SEASONALITY BANKS earnings management means comparison
Challenges of Process Technology in 32nm Technology Node 被引量:1
作者 吴汉明 王国华 +1 位作者 黄如 王阳元 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1637-1653,共17页
According to the international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS),32nm technology node will be introduced around 2009. Scaling of CMOS logic devices from 45 to 32nm node has come across significant barrier... According to the international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS),32nm technology node will be introduced around 2009. Scaling of CMOS logic devices from 45 to 32nm node has come across significant barriers. Overcoming these pitch-scaling induced barriers requires integrating the most advanced process technologies into product manufacturing. This paper reviews and discusses new technology applications that could be potentially integrated into 32nm node in the following areas:extension of immersion lithography,mobility enhancement substrate technology,metal/ high-k (MHK) gate stack, ultra-shallow junction (USJ) and other strain enhancement engineering methods, including stress proximity effect (SPT), dual stress liner (DSL), stress memorization technique (SMT), high aspect ratio process (HARP) for STI and PMD,embedded SiGe (for pFET) and SiC (for nFET) source/drain (S/D) using selective epitaxial growth (SEG) method,metallization for middle of line (MOL) and back-end of line (BEOL) ,and ultra low-k (ULK) integration. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS technology 32nm technology node mobility enhancement metal gate/high k dielectrics ultra low k dielectrics
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