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作者 远芳 王耀 《中国民兵》 1989年第10期42-42,共1页
江苏省睢宁县委组织部干部、退伍军人刘广金,1979年退伍后,被县人武部聘为民兵报道员,他刻苦钻研,认真写作,先后发表1000多篇,其中27篇被中央、省、市报台评为好稿件。他本人破格被录取为国家干部。这次他采写的《昔日牛无二犊,今日一... 江苏省睢宁县委组织部干部、退伍军人刘广金,1979年退伍后,被县人武部聘为民兵报道员,他刻苦钻研,认真写作,先后发表1000多篇,其中27篇被中央、省、市报台评为好稿件。他本人破格被录取为国家干部。这次他采写的《昔日牛无二犊,今日一胎多犊》,荣获全国科技报优秀作品一等奖。 展开更多
关键词 金获 国家干部 报道员 科技作品 科技报 台评 县委组织部 广金 睢宁
诃子对335株临床菌株的体外抑菌活性的研究 被引量:9
作者 李仲兴 王秀华 +3 位作者 岳云升 赵宝珍 陈晶波 李继红 《中国中医药科技》 CAS 2000年第6期393-394,共2页
关键词 诃子 临床菌株 抑菌活性 金获
海外华人作家——新的一代 被引量:2
作者 朱虹 钟永平 《华文文学》 2006年第1期10-12,共3页
  在过去数年,居住在西方的海外华人作家取得了非凡的成就:高行健获得了诺贝尔文学奖,哈金获得了美国国家图书奖,程抱一获得了法国的费米娜奖.此外,还有裘孝龙、闵安棋、陈达等很多作家也在创作他们的作品.他们在国际文坛上已构成了...   在过去数年,居住在西方的海外华人作家取得了非凡的成就:高行健获得了诺贝尔文学奖,哈金获得了美国国家图书奖,程抱一获得了法国的费米娜奖.此外,还有裘孝龙、闵安棋、陈达等很多作家也在创作他们的作品.他们在国际文坛上已构成了一幅亮丽的风景.我先对他们的作品做个简要的概括:他们在写作上追求西方艺术自由的理想,他们已熟练掌握了用以写作的语言,西方的文学传统和神话故事等已深入到他们生活的各个方面.同时,他们是直接为西方的读者写作.…… 展开更多
关键词 华人作家 高行健 诺贝尔文学奖 国家图书奖 金获 华文文学 移民文学 文学传统 高尔泰 《变形记》
跨界的T型人才 被引量:1
作者 沪歌 《上海商业》 2015年第3期33-33,共1页
跨界(crossover)几乎每天都在发生。产业融合的趋势也并非第一天出现,但互联网思维却让这种趋势变得席卷一切,环境的变化,正在改变我们对"人才"的定义。于是一种叫"T型人才"的新名词出现在人们的视野。T型人才是指按知识结构区分... 跨界(crossover)几乎每天都在发生。产业融合的趋势也并非第一天出现,但互联网思维却让这种趋势变得席卷一切,环境的变化,正在改变我们对"人才"的定义。于是一种叫"T型人才"的新名词出现在人们的视野。T型人才是指按知识结构区分出来的一种新型人才类型。用字母"T"来表示他们的知识结构特点。"—"表示有广博的知识面,"|"表示知识的深度。两者的结合,既有较深的专业知识,又有广博的知识面,这类集深与博于一身的人才。这种人才结构不仅在横向上具备比较广泛的一般性知识修养,而且在纵向的专业知识上具有较深的理解能力和独到见解。 展开更多
关键词 专业知识 CROSSOVER 类集 知识修养 谷歌 金获 绩效评价 内部创业 无边界组织 虚拟团队
《高教探索》 北大核心 1993年第1期88-88,共1页
关键词 杨振宁博士 东莞理工学院 著名美籍华人 名誉院长 金获 东莞经济 诺贝尔物理奖 科技强国 地方经济
作者 王光辉 《山西成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第12期15-,共1页
湘乡市一批种养专业户成为小康建设的排头兵王光辉湖南省湘乡市广大农民大力发展种养业规模经营和专业化生产,积极开展以户为单位的亩产五吨粮,户栽10亩果,户养百头猪、千只鸭,种养收入超万元的种养竞赛活动,一批种养专业大户脱... 湘乡市一批种养专业户成为小康建设的排头兵王光辉湖南省湘乡市广大农民大力发展种养业规模经营和专业化生产,积极开展以户为单位的亩产五吨粮,户栽10亩果,户养百头猪、千只鸭,种养收入超万元的种养竞赛活动,一批种养专业大户脱颖而出。据统计,全市种养专业大户已... 展开更多
关键词 专业化生产 吨粮 规模经营 山区农业 金获 城郊型农业 农产品深加工 中沙镇 仁厚村 池塘水面
哈桑·恩卡吉姆 不死“公鸡”
作者 孙晓霞 《拳击与格斗》 2017年第7期24-26,共3页
在职业赛场上,那些屡受打击却仍能坚持不懈的拳手,是不得不引起重视的,这些人实力普遍较强,而且除了心理素质过硬外,更拥有一颗成为冠军的心,这颗心非常重要,因为它某种程度上比拳头还要管用!——已故著名教练斯图沃德屡败屡战哈桑至今... 在职业赛场上,那些屡受打击却仍能坚持不懈的拳手,是不得不引起重视的,这些人实力普遍较强,而且除了心理素质过硬外,更拥有一颗成为冠军的心,这颗心非常重要,因为它某种程度上比拳头还要管用!——已故著名教练斯图沃德屡败屡战哈桑至今也记不清自己在比赛中共被击倒多少次了,但每次倒地的感受都差不多,哈桑告诉记者,"我能听得到观众席上突然爆发的惊呼,继而就是自己头脑昏沉,呼吸困难。""实际上我对裁判的读秒已经非常麻木,因为受创后耳鸣得厉害,只是潜意识里明白要坚持下去,否则就完了。” 展开更多
关键词 哈桑 屡败屡战 呼吸困难 沃德 心理素质 运会 斯图 共被 金获 借用法
作者 张玉峰 《农业知识》 2001年第24期10-10,共1页
田野清香飘天外,万顷枣园射红云。沾化冬枣红了,枣农醉了。 10月6日,中国冬枣之乡沾化县举办了第三届中国沾化冬枣节暨经贸洽谈会。
关键词 沾化冬枣 醉了 政策研究室 金获 主导产业 桂芳
作者 张震晓 《中国纺织》 2015年第5期102-103,共2页
<正>今年1~2月,中国内衣名镇福建省泉州晋江市深沪镇累计完成规上工业产值20.72亿元,同比增长12.04%,其中,主要支柱产业服装纺织业(内衣)规上总产值达16.89亿元,同比增长14.66%。深沪镇,又一次在逆境中稳步前行,交出亮眼的成绩单... <正>今年1~2月,中国内衣名镇福建省泉州晋江市深沪镇累计完成规上工业产值20.72亿元,同比增长12.04%,其中,主要支柱产业服装纺织业(内衣)规上总产值达16.89亿元,同比增长14.66%。深沪镇,又一次在逆境中稳步前行,交出亮眼的成绩单,这离不开深沪良好的政企互动,离不开政府的有效引导和企业的大胆突围。居安思危创新成企业发展不竭动力偌大的厂房,1028台喷水织机整齐有序地高速运转,这是深沪龙峰国际工业园一期项目里的画面。该项目自去年逆势投产以来,效益明显,年可生产布料上亿米,产值超10亿元。 展开更多
关键词 深沪 中国内衣 政企互动 支柱产业 内部研发 产业转型升级 产业链延伸 产业配套 服装产业链 金获
Incorporating porphyrin-Pt in light-harvesting metal-organic frameworks for enhanced visible light-driven hydrogen production 被引量:1
作者 Huihui Hu Lingzhen Zeng +2 位作者 Zhe Li Tianbao Zhu Cheng Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1345-1351,共7页
Molecular catalysts for H2-evolution are of interest for their integration into light-harvesting complexes for photocatalytic water splitting.Here,we report the meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphine[(TCPP)Pt^(Ⅱ)]comple... Molecular catalysts for H2-evolution are of interest for their integration into light-harvesting complexes for photocatalytic water splitting.Here,we report the meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphine[(TCPP)Pt^(Ⅱ)]complex as a molecular H2-evolving photocatalyst using chloranilic acid(CA)as a sacrificial electron donor,the choice of which is critical to the stability of the photocatalyst.When triethanolamine was used,[(TCPP)Pt^(Ⅱ)]decomposed to form Pt nanoparticles.Density functional theory calculations together with evidence from electrochemical and spectroscopic analyses suggested that the catalysis was possibly initiated by a proton-coupled electron transfer(PCET)to form[(TCPP)Pt^(Ⅰ)]-N-H,followed by another electron injection and protonation to form a[(TCPP)Pt^(Ⅱ)-hydride]-N-H intermediate that can release H2.As the whole catalytic cycle involves the injection of multiple electrons,a light-harvesting network should be helpful by providing multiple photo-induced electrons.Thus,we integrated this molecular catalyst into a light-harvesting metal-organic framework to boost its activity by~830 times.This work presents a mechanistic study of the photocatalytic H2 evolution and energy transfer and highlights the importance of a light-harvesting network for multiple electron injections. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial photosynthesis Hydrogen evolution reaction LIGHT-HARVESTING Metal-organic frameworks Molecular catalyst
First evidence of prey capture and meat eating by wild Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti in Yunnan,China 被引量:4
作者 Baoping REN Dayong LI +3 位作者 Zhijin LIU Baoguo LI Fuwen WEI Ming LI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期227-231,共5页
Most extant nonhuman primates occasionally prey on fast-moving, warm-blooded animals; however, Indriidae, Lepilemuridae, and Colobinae either scavenged for meat or did not eat meat at all. Here we report six cases of ... Most extant nonhuman primates occasionally prey on fast-moving, warm-blooded animals; however, Indriidae, Lepilemuridae, and Colobinae either scavenged for meat or did not eat meat at all. Here we report six cases of animal consumption by the snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus bieti in a wild, habituated group between 2004 and 2009 in Yunnan, China. At present, only males in an all-male unit within the study group were involved in active hunting. Such a male-biased activity may be related to the group structure and spatial spread of R. bieti. Two females were observed eating freshly killed birds. The findings confirmed that R. bieti engaged in scavenging and, when hunting, employed a cranio-cervical bite to kill their prey. Meat eating is likely a nutrient maximization feeding strategy in R. bieti, especially in males. A begging behavior occurred after successful prey capture. Although begging was observed, no sharing of the meat was seen. The present findings illuminate the dietary diversity of R. bieti and their ability to expand their dietary spectrum. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti COLOBINAE Hunting behavior Meat consumption Male-biased activity
Financial Appraisal of a Small Scale Wind Turbine with a Case Study in Ireland
作者 Tony Kealy 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第4期620-627,共8页
This research seeks to evaluate the economic benefits to be gained by installing a small-scale wind turbine for a customer with a three-phase electrical supply requirement. The evidence for the claims made in this pap... This research seeks to evaluate the economic benefits to be gained by installing a small-scale wind turbine for a customer with a three-phase electrical supply requirement. The evidence for the claims made in this paper is obtained by using actual data obtained from the installed equipment over a three year period. The objective is to accurately appraise the financial investment using real data. There appears to be limited studies conducted into this type of research, possibly because the renewable energy sector is in the infancy stage in the host country, Ireland. There are some wind energy installations with financial appraisal techniques based on modeled data, which may, or may not, be accurate. The study concludes by claiming that the financial benefits of the wind energy turbine installation had disappointing results when compared to predicted benefits based on modeled data. 展开更多
关键词 Wind turbine financial appraisal feed-in-tariffs power loss in cables preliminary load and wind tests.
Evaluation of Sorghum bicolor in Farmer Field for Resistance to Striga hermonthica
作者 Ndomian Nekouam 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第6期449-453,共5页
Sorghum bicolor is among main staple crops of Chad but it is commonly attacked by Striga hermonthica. Assessment of sorghum varieties for resistance to this weed was carried out during three cropping seasons (2005-2... Sorghum bicolor is among main staple crops of Chad but it is commonly attacked by Striga hermonthica. Assessment of sorghum varieties for resistance to this weed was carried out during three cropping seasons (2005-2008), in controlled conditions; promising entries (those which fulfilled at least 75% of selection criteria) were evaluated in farmer field in 2008-2009 seasons. There were five sites (Bebedjia, Deli, Bekao, Koudoti and Ndaba). The objective was to evaluate some sorghum entries for S. hermonthica resistance in farmer field. Sorghum test was composed of four entries in Fisher blocks as experimental designs, with five replications. Among different observed variables, there were striga plant count and weight of sorghum grains. One promising entry was selected at Bebedjia and Ndaba (53), two at Deli and Koudoti (50 and 53). No entry was selected at Bekao. Promising entries for the whole Southern zone of Chad were composed of 50 and 53. The best entry was 53 because it was promising in all sites except Bekao. 展开更多
关键词 EVALUATION farmer field resistanc Sorghum bicolor Striga hermonthica
多措并举促进失地农民就业 被引量:1
作者 孙昌桂 《江苏政协》 2014年第8期28-29,共2页
近年来,随着城镇化进程的加快,句容市开展了一定规模的村庄整理工作。据统计,2010年以来,全市已有近10万农业人口脱离土地,拆迁安置在城区、集镇。通过对全市部分具有代表性的拆迁安置村失地农民进行调查,失地农民主要通过务工形式实现... 近年来,随着城镇化进程的加快,句容市开展了一定规模的村庄整理工作。据统计,2010年以来,全市已有近10万农业人口脱离土地,拆迁安置在城区、集镇。通过对全市部分具有代表性的拆迁安置村失地农民进行调查,失地农民主要通过务工形式实现再就业,就业形式包括在企事业单位上班、自主创业、技术工、打小工和零工等。从就业情况看,具有以下特点:一是劳动力人口再就业率较高。调查显示。 展开更多
关键词 劳动力人口 技术工 农业人口 企事业单位 主要劳动力 吸纳就业能力 企业招工 当地劳动力 金获 可替
《奇迹归来》遇同名撞车 九城被指侵权
《信息与电脑(理论版)》 2014年第1期2-2,共1页
【搜狐IT消息】被九城公司寄予厚望的页游新品《奇迹归来》或将遭到版权方的维权。页游公司中联畅想今日宣称该公司旗下页游平台7433曾以1000万元的版权金获得了《奇迹》系列和"MU"网页版的独家授权,九城的新页游产品《奇迹... 【搜狐IT消息】被九城公司寄予厚望的页游新品《奇迹归来》或将遭到版权方的维权。页游公司中联畅想今日宣称该公司旗下页游平台7433曾以1000万元的版权金获得了《奇迹》系列和"MU"网页版的独家授权,九城的新页游产品《奇迹归来》的主题、人物建模和游戏素材侵犯了自身版权,该公司旗下的最新页游产品也命名为《奇迹来了》且获得版权方韩国网禅的授权。2013年7月九城对外披露《奇迹归来》这款产品后,版权方网禅即指出这款游戏侵权,但当时九城方面随后发表声明否认了侵权行为, 展开更多
关键词 九城 公司旗 中联 金获 独家授权 侵权行为 品牌所有者
作者 贺文 《IT经理世界》 2015年第23期18-18,共1页
最初的途家直接被类比为中国版的Airbnb,但未来,途家可能比Airbnb+HomeA way更有想象空间。两者都是把线下的别墅和公寓放到网上与租客对接,通过收取广告费或者交易佣金获得收入,区别在于Airbnb经营的房产是房东平时也自住的,只是把其... 最初的途家直接被类比为中国版的Airbnb,但未来,途家可能比Airbnb+HomeA way更有想象空间。两者都是把线下的别墅和公寓放到网上与租客对接,通过收取广告费或者交易佣金获得收入,区别在于Airbnb经营的房产是房东平时也自住的,只是把其中空余的出租,而HomeA way经营的是房东非自住或者并不长期居住的房产。途家则是它们的综合体:在旅游地类似于HomeA way;在城市里类似于Airbnb。 展开更多
关键词 在城市里 线下 Airbnb 中国诚信 信任问题 金获 淘宝 变现能力 信任体系 业务战略
投资理财 黄金相佑
作者 金圆圆 《温州瞭望》 2008年第13期58-60,共3页
面对当前资本市场震荡的格局,越来越多的个人投资者除了配置股票、基金、债券等作为投资组合外,还把目光投向了黄金。最近几年,随着黄金价格的不断走高,黄金日益成为投资者的"新宠"。究竟哪类更适合个人投资者?从纯粹的投资... 面对当前资本市场震荡的格局,越来越多的个人投资者除了配置股票、基金、债券等作为投资组合外,还把目光投向了黄金。最近几年,随着黄金价格的不断走高,黄金日益成为投资者的"新宠"。究竟哪类更适合个人投资者?从纯粹的投资角度出发。 展开更多
关键词 个人投资者 资本市场 止损 落袋为安 上海黄金交易所 金获 杠杆性 杠杆效应 产权转移 银行品牌
Trapping and diffusion behaviors of helium at vacancy in iron from first principles 被引量:1
作者 LIU YueLin SHI WenPu 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1100-1106,共7页
We investigate the structure,trapping,and diffusion behaviors of helium(He) at vacancy in a Fe single crystal using first-principles simulations.Vacancy with more space can provide the lower electron density region fo... We investigate the structure,trapping,and diffusion behaviors of helium(He) at vacancy in a Fe single crystal using first-principles simulations.Vacancy with more space can provide the lower electron density region for He binding in comparison with intrinsic Fe,causing He to diffuse into the vacancy inner easily.We provide the quantitative microscopic studies related to the atomic-level thermo-kinetic trapping processes.Moreover,such physical viewpoint can be applied to other vacancy-like defects such as vacancy clusters,void and grain boundaries which can open a space with reduced electron density region to increase He binding in metals and metal alloys. 展开更多
Effects of Double Harvesting on Heavy Metal Uptake by Six Forage Species and the Potential for Phytoextraction in Field 被引量:11
作者 LI Ningyu GUO Bin +3 位作者 LI Hua FU Qinglin FENG Renwei DING Yongzhen 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期717-724,共8页
The pollution of soils by heavy metals has dramatically increased in recent decades. Phytoextraction is a technology that extracts elements from polluted soils using hyperaccumulator plants. The selection of appropria... The pollution of soils by heavy metals has dramatically increased in recent decades. Phytoextraction is a technology that extracts elements from polluted soils using hyperaccumulator plants. The selection of appropriate plant materials is an important factor for successful phytoextraction in field. A field study was conducted to compare the efficiency of six high-biomass forage species in their phytoextraction of heavy metals(Cd, Pb, and Zn) from contaminated soil under two harvesting strategies(double harvesting or single harvesting). Among the tested plants, amaranth accumulated the greatest amounts of Cd and Zn, whereas Rumex K^(-1) had the highest amount of Pb in the shoot under both double and single harvesting. Furthermore, double harvesting significantly increased the shoot biomass of amaranth, sweet sorghum and sudangrass and resulted in higher heavy metal contents in the shoot. Under double harvesting, the total amounts of extracted Cd, Pb and Zn(i.e., in the first plus second crops) for amaranth were 945, 2 650 and 12 400 g ha^(-1), respectively, the highest recorded among the six plant species. The present results indicate that amaranth has great potential for the phytoextraction of Cd from contaminated soils. In addition, the double harvesting method is likely to increase phytoextraction efficiency in practice. 展开更多
关键词 AMARANTH harvesting strategy high-biomass hyperaccumulator plant soil pollution
Optical trapping of metallic Rayleigh particle by combined beam
作者 程科 钟先琼 向安平 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第1期76-80,共5页
Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. Th... Radiation forces and trapping stability of metallic (i.e. gold) Rayleigh particle by combined beam are analyzed, and the combined beam is formed by superimposing two partially coherent off-axis fiat-topped beams. The dependences of radiation forces on off-axis distance parameter, correlation length and particle radius are illustrated by numerical examples. The results show that there exist critical values d0,c and or σ0,c for the combined beam. For 0〈d ≤ d0,c or 0〈σ0 ≤ σ0,c the Gaussianlike intensity profile takes place at the geometrical focal plane, so that the transverse gradient force can act as restoring force. As the off-axis distance parameter increases or the correlation length decreases, the maximal intensity, the radiation force and trapping stiffness become smaller, while the transverse and longitudinal trapping ranges become larger. In comparison with a single beam, the combined beam is more favourable for trapping metallic Rayleigh particle owing to the stronger trapping stiffness and the larger trapping range. 展开更多
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