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中韩金融·保险业投资环境比较研究 被引量:4
作者 金英笋 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期93-98,共6页
近年来,我国金融·保险业得到了快速发展,但与韩国相比,其国际竞争力还存在较大的差距。中国和韩国的金融·保险业市场都呈现出增长态势,尤其是中国,金融·保险业市场以惊人的速度发展,其规模在不断扩大。但是,与韩国相反,... 近年来,我国金融·保险业得到了快速发展,但与韩国相比,其国际竞争力还存在较大的差距。中国和韩国的金融·保险业市场都呈现出增长态势,尤其是中国,金融·保险业市场以惊人的速度发展,其规模在不断扩大。但是,与韩国相反,外资企业对中国金融·保险业市场占有率很低,这与中国金融政策等投资环境有关。对此,比较中韩两国的投资环境,找出两国间的差别,进而探索积极改善中国金融·保险业的对外直接投资环境,加快提升中国金融·保险业竞争力的路径十分必要。 展开更多
关键词 中国 韩国 金融·保险业 投资环境 对策
Development of the Insurance Industry in Europe in Economic and Financial Crisis
作者 Viorel Craciuneanu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第9期1253-1262,共10页
This paper analyzes the evolution of the insurance sector in Europe, focuses on the European Union (EU) member states, and considers the impact of economic and financial crisis on that sector. The European private i... This paper analyzes the evolution of the insurance sector in Europe, focuses on the European Union (EU) member states, and considers the impact of economic and financial crisis on that sector. The European private insurance market is a developed market having an investment portfolio of 7,740 billion euros in 2011, an amount corresponding to 55% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the 32 European markets members of Insurance Europe. Therefore, the importance of this sector as a long-term investor and major employer is obvious for the stability and growth of European economy. However, the insurance sector has been considerably affected since 2009 due to the global economic and financial crisis, which has had negative effects not only on the evolution of the value of insurance premiums underwritten, but also on the return on investment of the insurance companies. 展开更多
关键词 INSURANCE gross premiums household consumption expenditure expenditure on insurance
The Impact of Financial Distress Status and Corporate Governance Structures on the Level of Voluntary Disclosure Within Annual Reports of Firms (Case Study of Non-financial Firms in Indonesia Over the Period of 2009-2011)
作者 Evi Gantyowati Rosa Lenna Nugraheni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期389-403,共15页
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of financial distress status and corporate governance structures on the level of voluntary disclosure. We apply six independent variables, including the firm's fi... The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of financial distress status and corporate governance structures on the level of voluntary disclosure. We apply six independent variables, including the firm's financial distress status and five components of corporate governance structures, such as board independence, audit committee independence, institutional ownership, board meeting frequency, and audit committee meeting frequency. This research is carried out by examining the annual reports of 114 non-financial firms listed at the Indonesian Stock Exchange over the period of 2009-2011. To test hypotheses, we undergo two different analyses, including independent samples t-test and Multiple Linear Regression. We find that: (1) The audit committee independence and the audit committee meeting frequency have significant positive impacts on the level of voluntary disclosure; (2) The financial distress status is negatively related to the level of disclosure at various levels of significance; and (3) All the independent variables are simultaneously related to voluntary disclosure. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance structures financial distress voluntary disclosure
日本 资讯速递 2024年10月
《新苏商》 2024年第10期71-72,共2页
1.日本4-9月的企业破产数时隔10年超过5000家日本东京商工调查公司10月8日公布的调查报告显示,今年4-9月日本企业的破产数量高达5095家,较上年同期增长17.8%。这也是最近10年来首次超过5000家。据悉,不包括“金融·保险业”,有9个... 1.日本4-9月的企业破产数时隔10年超过5000家日本东京商工调查公司10月8日公布的调查报告显示,今年4-9月日本企业的破产数量高达5095家,较上年同期增长17.8%。这也是最近10年来首次超过5000家。据悉,不包括“金融·保险业”,有9个行业的企业破产数量超过去年同期。从行业情况来看,破产数量最多的是“服务业等”有1693家,其次是“建筑业”有964家。各行业都受到人工费或原材料上涨等的影响。 展开更多
关键词 企业破产 服务业 建筑业 金融·保险业 资讯速递 人工费 调查报告
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