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作者 郑亦哲 《金融科技时代》 2023年第10期85-88,共4页
随着数字技术的发展和金融服务标准的提升,数字化金融管理服务的重要性凸显。文章以人民银行湖南省分行(以下简称“人行湖南省分行”)为例研究了金融业机构信息共享系统在金融业机构信息管理方面的应用效果和优势。人行湖南省分行在全... 随着数字技术的发展和金融服务标准的提升,数字化金融管理服务的重要性凸显。文章以人民银行湖南省分行(以下简称“人行湖南省分行”)为例研究了金融业机构信息共享系统在金融业机构信息管理方面的应用效果和优势。人行湖南省分行在全国率先探索应用共享系统互联网渠道开展涉及金融机构开业管理、营业管理的信息变更、备案及验证等管理服务,同时基于共享系统建立了线上管理服务体系,并在实践中不断优化改进工作流程,进一步展示了数字赋能增强金融管理服务效能的潜力和前景。此外,文章还以共享系统应用为例探讨了数字化金融管理服务中可能存在的问题,如在数据管理中兼顾安全和效率等,并提出建议和展望。可以预见,金融管理服务在未来将进入一个更加数字化、高效和安全的时代。 展开更多
关键词 金融业机构信息管理 共享系统 数字化 金融管理服务
金融业机构编码推广应用现状及思考 被引量:3
作者 王智平 《金融科技时代》 2016年第2期71-73,共3页
本文首先以金融业机构编码建设的发展历程为背景,概述了其发展过程的3个重要阶段——打造基础阶段、推广应用阶段和形成体系阶段,随后从其应用实践与应用研究介绍了推广应用的现状。本文依托某地市金融业机构编码的信息验证工作及推广情... 本文首先以金融业机构编码建设的发展历程为背景,概述了其发展过程的3个重要阶段——打造基础阶段、推广应用阶段和形成体系阶段,随后从其应用实践与应用研究介绍了推广应用的现状。本文依托某地市金融业机构编码的信息验证工作及推广情况,对存在的问题进行了讨论,分析了引起问题的原因是缺乏长久稳定的联系机制,以及政策、细则不够完善;最后提出了建立方便快捷的联系机制、加快开放BMS应用范围以及完善相关制度等建议。 展开更多
关键词 金融业机构编码 BMS 编码规范 基层央行
《中国金融电脑》 2010年第7期92-92,共1页
关键词 中国人民银行 金融业机构信息管理规定》 金融业机构信息 真实性 准确性 完整性
金融业机构在加强个人金融信息保护上的法律定位改革及规范——基于法技术学的分析 被引量:2
作者 迪丽努尔·努尔买买提 《法制与经济》 2021年第12期103-107,共5页
大数据时代下,保护个人金融信息是治理金融环境的应有之义。金融业机构作为金融治理的主要承载体,在个人金融信息保护上肩负重要责任,但由于存在权利和责任不明确等情形导致其法律定位模糊,容易增大金融风险而损害金融消费者的权利。为... 大数据时代下,保护个人金融信息是治理金融环境的应有之义。金融业机构作为金融治理的主要承载体,在个人金融信息保护上肩负重要责任,但由于存在权利和责任不明确等情形导致其法律定位模糊,容易增大金融风险而损害金融消费者的权利。为适应我国金融环境的变化,金融业机构的法律定位需要从重技术轻法律、重社会轻个人的历史经验中将个人金融信息控制者角色,转变为技术与法律、社会与个人并重的社会条件下的个人金融信息相对控制者和法律责任承担者。 展开更多
关键词 金融业机构 个人金融信息保护 法律定位
作者 谢港平 《营销界(理论与实践)》 2019年第10期498-498,共1页
多元化经营的企业具有较为复杂的组织层级与结构,往往总公司下按照经营的特点设置各个子公司,独立核算并进行财务管理。各个子公司由于业务的不同,在管理模式、财务流程上存在一定差异,集团总部的财务管理就显得十分困难。财务共享中心... 多元化经营的企业具有较为复杂的组织层级与结构,往往总公司下按照经营的特点设置各个子公司,独立核算并进行财务管理。各个子公司由于业务的不同,在管理模式、财务流程上存在一定差异,集团总部的财务管理就显得十分困难。财务共享中心旨在建立独立的财务共享平台,将各个子公司的财务处理集中到共享中心进行,各个单位不再负责财务事项,而集团公司可以据此利用海量的财务数据分析企业真实的财务状态,从而为管理提供便利。然而,实践中多元化经营企业建设财务共享中心的过程并不是都是一帆风顺的,由于本身体量的庞大,会面临许多困难与挑战。 展开更多
关键词 金融业机构 信息共享 平台建设
机构金融业务的发展思路与对策 被引量:1
作者 王想枝 王敏 《武汉金融》 北大核心 2005年第2期36-37,共2页
机构金融业务是指面向政府管理机构、金融机构、证券机构、保险机构、部队系统等特殊客户所提供的综合性金融服务业务。本文立足工商银行湖北省分行机构金融业务现状,剖析机构金融业务面临的环境和形势,提出机构金融业务的发展思路和对... 机构金融业务是指面向政府管理机构、金融机构、证券机构、保险机构、部队系统等特殊客户所提供的综合性金融服务业务。本文立足工商银行湖北省分行机构金融业务现状,剖析机构金融业务面临的环境和形势,提出机构金融业务的发展思路和对策,旨在增强业务创新水平,提高综合业务竞争能力,建立一套适应竞争环境的管理模式和运作机制,推动机构金融业务持续、快速发展。 展开更多
关键词 机构金融业 发展 思路 对策
作者 蔡万周 胡双宁 +1 位作者 成志 孙成浩 《金融纵横》 2011年第1期24-28,共5页
机构金融业务是我国商业银行在后危机时代寻求业务转型和结构调整的重要突破口。本文归纳并阐述了国内商业银行机构金融业务的发展及特征,发掘和总结了国外商业银行在机构金融业务发展方面的经验与教训,并紧密结合江苏工行实际,提出了... 机构金融业务是我国商业银行在后危机时代寻求业务转型和结构调整的重要突破口。本文归纳并阐述了国内商业银行机构金融业务的发展及特征,发掘和总结了国外商业银行在机构金融业务发展方面的经验与教训,并紧密结合江苏工行实际,提出了一些对策建议,为进一步提高我国商业银行机构金融业务市场竞争力、加快战略转型升级提供了深入探讨研究的范式及思路。 展开更多
关键词 商业银行 机构金融业 发展战略 营销理论
作者 陈月新 卢红 王津 《河北金融》 2002年第5期53-53,共1页
机构金融业务是与个人金融业务及公司金融业务并列的商业银行三大核心业务之一,是商业银行吸纳低成本存款、增加中间业务收入的主要渠道,是开展多元化金融服务、分散金融风险的重要手段,积极开展机构金融业务对商业银行的经营管理和业... 机构金融业务是与个人金融业务及公司金融业务并列的商业银行三大核心业务之一,是商业银行吸纳低成本存款、增加中间业务收入的主要渠道,是开展多元化金融服务、分散金融风险的重要手段,积极开展机构金融业务对商业银行的经营管理和业务发展具有重要的意义。为此,我们建议: (一) 展开更多
关键词 金融机构 机构金融业 个人金融机构 客户关系管理 中国 金融服务
中国金融自由化的进程与评价 被引量:1
作者 向文华 《天府新论》 2005年第3期53-58,共6页
目前,我国的利率市场化已经达到相当高的自由化程度。在当前分业经营的体制下,我国金融业务的自由化程度较低。在机构准入方面,外资银行的自由度高于内资银行。尽管名义上我国资本账户管制较严,但是实际上我国资本账户已经开放许多,自... 目前,我国的利率市场化已经达到相当高的自由化程度。在当前分业经营的体制下,我国金融业务的自由化程度较低。在机构准入方面,外资银行的自由度高于内资银行。尽管名义上我国资本账户管制较严,但是实际上我国资本账户已经开放许多,自由化程度已经不低。中国金融自由化进程的改革滞后及其不平衡性有可能带来严重的金融风险。 展开更多
关键词 金融自由化 利率自由化 金融业务与机构准入自由化 资本账户自由化
Small and Medium Enterprises Environment Case of Albania
作者 Arjona Spahiu Ana Kapaj 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第6期305-310,共6页
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in all economies and are key generators of employment, earnings, and economic growth stimulators. In Albania, small and medium enterprises represent 99.6 pe... Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in all economies and are key generators of employment, earnings, and economic growth stimulators. In Albania, small and medium enterprises represent 99.6 percent of all registered business entities and are the main source in providing employment (Enhancing SME Development in Albania: A Study on Macro-Financial Soundness Indicators, 2011). The aim of this study is to give a short description on the situation of the small and medium enterprises in Albania, giving more focus on the problem faced and the role of the Albanian government on this process. A descriptive analysis is carried out using secondary sources. This study will be a reference for any future study that will be focused on the identification and assessment of factors affecting the SME's performance and the examination of relationship between fmancial institutions and SMEs growth. 展开更多
关键词 ROLE SMEs growth Albania
It' s time that Mongolian cashmere industry focus on Quality Instead of Quantity
作者 D.Onongoo 《International English Education Research》 2018年第2期62-64,共3页
Cashmere is one of the world's rare special animal fiber and a kind of textile industry high-grade raw materials, which was praised as /"diamond fiber/"or/"soft gold/". China is the world's largest cashmere ... Cashmere is one of the world's rare special animal fiber and a kind of textile industry high-grade raw materials, which was praised as /"diamond fiber/"or/"soft gold/". China is the world's largest cashmere production producer, accounts for about 70% of the world's total output of the above; Mongolia cashmere production by about 20%, and the rest of cashmere production is in the rest of the country. Mongolia has cashmere yield about 3500-4000 tons per year on average. In terms of cashmere production and potential production capacity of Mongolia is after China ranked second, in this case the cashmere exports to the country's economic, the production and the welfare of the herdsmen have important significance. Mongolian cashmere producers have reason to be optimistic. In the past decade, recovered global demand offset weak domestic economic conditions and garment companies like Gobi established international beachheads. Cashmere production levels are breaking records. And government programs, international financial institutions, and domestic companies are promoting in-country value-add cashmere processing. However, the industry's rapid growth has degraded the average fiber quality and made the industry more susceptible to a catastrophic supply-chain shock. 展开更多
关键词 Mongolian cashmere Cashmere production Cashmere export
Innovative Services Models Based on "Four new" Economy
作者 Li Changhao Xu Qi 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期335-340,共6页
The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following y... The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following years, Shanghai will focus on the capture of key technologies, promoting the transformation of technology, expanding market demand, improving the development of the carrier, encouraging and supporting enterprises, financial institutions and social capital to increase the investment and use of"four new" economy, to promote the "four new" economy gradually grow and develop. With the "four new" economy's development and growth, its service model should be changed too. On the basis of theory and practice, the text proposes three forms of innovative services models and relate recommendations to promote it. 展开更多
关键词 "four new" economy service model INNOVATION
作者 王亚红 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》 2014年第4期43-50,共8页
当前小额贷款公司面临法律困境。我们有必要参照国外小额信贷成功模式,完善我国小额贷款公司法律制度,明确其为非银行金融机构、放宽注册资本总额限定、开辟多元化资金来源渠道、拓展金融业务形式,使其能够在完善的法律框架下运行,实现... 当前小额贷款公司面临法律困境。我们有必要参照国外小额信贷成功模式,完善我国小额贷款公司法律制度,明确其为非银行金融机构、放宽注册资本总额限定、开辟多元化资金来源渠道、拓展金融业务形式,使其能够在完善的法律框架下运行,实现可持续性发展。 展开更多
关键词 小额贷款公司非银行金融机构注册资本金融业
Exploration of the problem and measures of financing of Small and Medium Enterprises under the sight of economic restructuring
作者 Jinqiang LU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期67-69,共3页
This paper firstly analyzes status and financing behavior properties of SME, pointing out that the government has the responsibility and obligation to solve the financing problems of SMEs, and then analyzes the curren... This paper firstly analyzes status and financing behavior properties of SME, pointing out that the government has the responsibility and obligation to solve the financing problems of SMEs, and then analyzes the current situation of the reasons for SME financing and financing difficulties combined with the current economic situation, and finally comes up with specific measures from the establishment of the enterprise credit system, the establishment of small and medium financial institutions, expanding financing channels, increasing government support and accelerating the pace of restructuring and other aspects to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs. 展开更多
关键词 economic transformation SMES FINANCING COUNTERMEASURE
Problems in Post-crisis Employment for Migrant Workers Remain Unsolved
作者 金三林 《China Economist》 2011年第1期40-48,共9页
As indicated by a survey of 105 villages in 19 provinces and cities, the 2008 international financial crisis had a serious impact on migrant workers' employment, which is prominently manifested in their earlier retur... As indicated by a survey of 105 villages in 19 provinces and cities, the 2008 international financial crisis had a serious impact on migrant workers' employment, which is prominently manifested in their earlier return to their hometowns, the dismissal of 20 percent of migrant workers from their jobs and a considerable decline in their wages. Thanks to a series of policies the state adopted to ensure growth and expand consumption, migrant workers soon got re-employed. However, some deep-rooted problems surrounding the issue of migrant workers' empoyment came to light as a result of this crisis. These problems need to be solved on an urgent basis, though it will involve a considerable amount of hard work over an extended period of time. While this will require a combination of transitional measures and long-range strategies, the employment of migrant workers should also be incorporated as a fundamental part of the undertaking to ensure economic growth, adjusting the industrial structure, transforming the development mode and pushing forward with the reform. 展开更多
关键词 international financial crisis migrant workers' employment structural reform COUNTERMEASURES
Factors Determining the Development of Non-cash Payments in Rural Areas in Poland
作者 Monika Szafraflska Renata Matysik-Pejas Janusz Zmija 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第7期816-824,共9页
This article aims at characterization and assessment of the financial behaviors of rural dwellers on non-cash payment markets and identification of factors determining the intensity of using individual methods of paym... This article aims at characterization and assessment of the financial behaviors of rural dwellers on non-cash payment markets and identification of factors determining the intensity of using individual methods of payment by the inhabitants of rural areas. The main source of data used for analysis and inference was information originating from the authors' own investigations conducted in 2013 on a group of 500 rural households and on a group of 150 trade and service points operating in non-urbanized areas. This work made use of statistical summary measures and Z2 independence test. According to the results of the conducted studies, forms of payment used by rural dwellers depend on many variables, of demographic, economic, and psychological character. Cash payments are more frequently used by persons possessing vocational or secondary education, elderly people, old-age pensioners, annuitants, or households with lower incomes. Also, persons who do not trust financial institutions or do not perceive benefits resulting from the use of non-cash instruments prefer cash. It is a group of households which require urgent educational activities in the area of non-cash payment instruments. A significant barrier to using non-cash payment instruments by rural dwellers was a limited access to non-cash channels. It is connected in the first place with a poorer development of financial infrastructure in rural areas (banks or cash points), insufficient Internet access conditioning a possibility to use electronic banking points, and also a worse development of credit card acceptance network. As has been demonstrated by the results of conducted studies, the main reason for a lack of point of sale (POS) terminals in retail and service-providing points operating in rural areas, in the opinion of their owners, is the very high interchange fee (50% indications), which under Polish conditions is one of the highest in the European Union (EU). 展开更多
关键词 rural areas non-cash payments Poland
Managing Social Performance A Case of Microfinance
作者 Muamer Halilbasic Kenan Crnkic 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第10期906-923,共18页
Global financial crises might and should be recognized as a potential chance to introduce changes in managing our business, both in financial and other important private and/or public sectors. The prevailing opinion i... Global financial crises might and should be recognized as a potential chance to introduce changes in managing our business, both in financial and other important private and/or public sectors. The prevailing opinion is that a lack of corporative social responsibility is one of the major reasons that lead to global crises occurrence. Nowadays, it is crucial to use the experiences of other industries and sectors which from their very beginning managed to balance finance and social goals at the same time. Microfinance sector is exactly one such sector. This paper is organized as follows: First, we give some overview of different approaches to measuring social performance of microfinance institutions. In this part of the paper we also accent the specifics of microfinance institutions-management within the context of double bottom line. In the second part we focus our analysis on practical implementation of "double bottom line management in Prizma MCO, one of the world pioneers in social performance management, by using their revolutionary poverty scorecard system. Then, we analyze how these social performance data are used in decision-making and how it affects overall performance of the organization. The paper is finished with some conclusions and lessons learned. 展开更多
关键词 social performance management MICROFINANCE SCORECARD
帮助他人利用“花呗”套现从中收取手续费的行为构成非法经营罪 被引量:1
作者 李凌燕 蔡明洋 《互联网金融法律评论》 2017年第4期204-209,共6页
一、案情概述2014年下半年,重庆市阿里巴巴小额贷款有限公司开发的消费信贷产品'花呗'上线运营,其基本功能为:用户在淘宝、天猫和部分外部商家消费时,可选择由'花呗'付款,在规定的还款日之前向'花呗'偿付贷款... 一、案情概述2014年下半年,重庆市阿里巴巴小额贷款有限公司开发的消费信贷产品'花呗'上线运营,其基本功能为:用户在淘宝、天猫和部分外部商家消费时,可选择由'花呗'付款,在规定的还款日之前向'花呗'偿付贷款即无须支付利息及其他费用。[1]之后,'花呗'转由重庆市阿里小微小额贷款有限公司运营。2015年7月,杜某某与其同伙在未取得相关金融资质的情况下,通过中介人员将商品的链接地址发送给意图套现的淘宝用户。 展开更多
关键词 非法经营 资金支付 支付结算办法 追诉标准 非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动取缔办法 手续费
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Closed-Loop Supply Chain Finance Risk Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and System Dynamics 被引量:6
作者 张诚 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2016年第3期355-364,共10页
After building a dynamic evolutionary game model, the essay studies the stability of the equilibrium in the game between the commercial banks and the closed-loop supply chain(CLSC) enterprises. By design of systematic... After building a dynamic evolutionary game model, the essay studies the stability of the equilibrium in the game between the commercial banks and the closed-loop supply chain(CLSC) enterprises. By design of systematic mechanism based on system dynamics theory, capital chains of independent small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) on CLSC are organically linked together. Moreover, a comparative simulation is studied for the previous independent and post-design dependent systems. The study shows that with business expanding and market risk growing, the independent finance chains of SMEs on CLSC often take on a certain vulnerability, while the SMEs closed-loop supply chain finance system itself is with a strong rigidity and concerto. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary game system dynamics closed-loop supply chain finance(CLSCF)
作者 马腾跃 李庶民 《中国金融家》 2018年第3期77-78,共2页
金融是国家重要的核心竞争力,金融安全是国家安全的重要组成部分。2018年,"防风险"成为"三大攻坚战"的"首战",金融风险的防控更是其中难打的"硬仗"。从金融业综合统计,到存款保险早期纠正和风险处置,再到互联网金融从业人员职... 金融是国家重要的核心竞争力,金融安全是国家安全的重要组成部分。2018年,"防风险"成为"三大攻坚战"的"首战",金融风险的防控更是其中难打的"硬仗"。从金融业综合统计,到存款保险早期纠正和风险处置,再到互联网金融从业人员职业资质资格设置……作为拥有多年人大履职经验的老代表,人民银行天津分行行长周振海今年将关注点放在了"防风险"的主轴上。在他心里, 展开更多
关键词 金融风险 从业人员 互联网金融 存款保险制度 非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动取缔办法 问题金融机构
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