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作者 唐文涛 马坚刚 陈善文 《湖南有色金属》 CAS 2024年第5期34-38,共5页
针对湿法工艺流程中采用氯化铵沉淀法从金还原后液里提取铂钯的工序直收率不高的问题,文章探究了影响该工序铂钯沉淀率因素,寻找最优条件组合实现此步铂钯沉淀率最大化。结果表明:在该最优条件组合下,铂、钯沉淀率可达94.6%、93.8%,受... 针对湿法工艺流程中采用氯化铵沉淀法从金还原后液里提取铂钯的工序直收率不高的问题,文章探究了影响该工序铂钯沉淀率因素,寻找最优条件组合实现此步铂钯沉淀率最大化。结果表明:在该最优条件组合下,铂、钯沉淀率可达94.6%、93.8%,受金还原后液酸度波动的影响较小,且在放大试验中基本保持不变,对实际生产有现实指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 金还原后液 氯化铵沉淀法 沉淀率
作者 刘盛虎 陈南光 +2 位作者 陈琳 李安全 袁强 《当代化工研究》 CAS 2024年第7期72-74,共3页
为了更好地完成回收铂钯金属资源目标,本文探讨从金还原后液中回收铂钯工艺的应用。首先阐述回收铂钯工艺,其次分析铂钯回收提取材料、过程,最后得出结果,沉金后液的Au、Pd、Pt具有较好的吸附效果,并且发现含硫沉淀剂加入量和反应温度... 为了更好地完成回收铂钯金属资源目标,本文探讨从金还原后液中回收铂钯工艺的应用。首先阐述回收铂钯工艺,其次分析铂钯回收提取材料、过程,最后得出结果,沉金后液的Au、Pd、Pt具有较好的吸附效果,并且发现含硫沉淀剂加入量和反应温度会对回收效果造成一定程度的影响。该工艺在生产中应用能够获得比较可观的效益,具有推广和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 属冶 金还原后液 回收铂钯工艺
从金还原后液中提取金、钯的工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 陈大林 马玉天 +2 位作者 张燕 杨万虎 陈治毓 《贵金属》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S01期8-12,共5页
以黄金化学还原过程中的还原后液为原料,采用萃取及钯提纯工艺从金还原后液中提取黄金及海绵钯产品。实验考察了萃取酸度、相比、还原时间、温度等参数对萃取过程的影响情况,结果表明:采用该工艺从金还原后液中提取金、钯产品,具有产品... 以黄金化学还原过程中的还原后液为原料,采用萃取及钯提纯工艺从金还原后液中提取黄金及海绵钯产品。实验考察了萃取酸度、相比、还原时间、温度等参数对萃取过程的影响情况,结果表明:采用该工艺从金还原后液中提取金、钯产品,具有产品收率高、质量稳定、操作简单、生产成本低等优点,工业应用及推广价值较高。 展开更多
关键词 技术 金还原 萃取 提纯
从金还原后液中置换铂钯的工艺优化研究 被引量:23
作者 胡建辉 《湿法冶金》 CAS 2000年第2期22-25,共4页
通过分析从金还原后液中置换铂钯过程所存在的问题 ,提出了置换工艺过程的优化方案 ,并将其用于工业生产 ,取得了良好效果。
关键词 工艺优化 置换 金还原后液
从金还原后液中回收铂钯工艺研究 被引量:5
作者 赵祝鹏 张善辉 +3 位作者 崔家友 侯绍彬 张腾 常海涛 《贵金属》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第A01期161-163,共3页
介绍了恒邦股份公司采用新工艺回收铜阳极泥生产过程中金还原后液中的铂钯。通过实验验证采用含硫沉淀剂处理含铂钯的金还原后液的工艺技术及生产实践,对含硫沉淀剂加入量及温度进行了探讨。实践证明,当含硫沉淀剂用量为4kg/m3,反应温... 介绍了恒邦股份公司采用新工艺回收铜阳极泥生产过程中金还原后液中的铂钯。通过实验验证采用含硫沉淀剂处理含铂钯的金还原后液的工艺技术及生产实践,对含硫沉淀剂加入量及温度进行了探讨。实践证明,当含硫沉淀剂用量为4kg/m3,反应温度为常温,铂钯的回收率可以达到99.9%以上。采用含硫沉淀剂回收金还原后液中的铂钯,具有铂钯回收率高,处理成本低,工艺简单易操作等优点,具有较高的经济效益和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 金还原后液 回收
从金还原后液中回收贵金属的试验研究 被引量:4
作者 房孟钊 《铜业工程》 CAS 2023年第1期157-162,共6页
探索以树脂吸附代替锌粉置换,从金还原后液中回收金、铂、钯。由试验结果可见:该方法可行,金、铂、钯的吸附效果很好,铂的吸附效果受进液流速的影响较大。选择树脂吸附新工艺路线,有利于金还原后液中贵金属的富集与提取,并可减少生产工... 探索以树脂吸附代替锌粉置换,从金还原后液中回收金、铂、钯。由试验结果可见:该方法可行,金、铂、钯的吸附效果很好,铂的吸附效果受进液流速的影响较大。选择树脂吸附新工艺路线,有利于金还原后液中贵金属的富集与提取,并可减少生产工序,降低贵金属损失,产生较好的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 树脂 锌粉 金还原后液 流速 效益
微生物还原法制备负载型高分散度金催化剂 被引量:10
作者 傅锦坤 刘月英 +5 位作者 胡荣宗 曾金龙 许翩翩 林种玉 姚炳新 翁绳周 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第9期769-771,共3页
After widely screening, a kind of bacteria was obtamed, which is casy to culture and hasstrong ability of reducing Au3+ to Au0. It was used to prepare the highly dispersive Au/a-Fe2O3catalyst by in situ reducmg the Au... After widely screening, a kind of bacteria was obtamed, which is casy to culture and hasstrong ability of reducing Au3+ to Au0. It was used to prepare the highly dispersive Au/a-Fe2O3catalyst by in situ reducmg the Au3+ ions impregnated on a-Fe2O3 supporter to Au0 particles.with a mean size of 5 nm, under the condition of 28℃ and pH 4.5. The reductive degree ofAu3+ was up to 100%. This catalyst showed good catalytic property for the oxidation of carbonmonoxide, the percent conversion of 1.5% CO, balanced withe air was up to 100% under thecondition of 25~28℃and GHSV 500mL·h-1·g-1, and the percent conversion of 100% lastedfor 75 h at 25 ℃. 展开更多
关键词 细菌还原 催化剂 氧化 负载型 一氧化碳
金矿检验和还原型金矿 被引量:2
作者 龚乾 胡洁雪 《黄金》 CAS 北大核心 1994年第3期46-48,共3页
本文提出了一个简便的检验金矿的方法和还原型金矿的新概念。在拿到磨细矿石后一天内就可判断出这种矿石是易处理矿,还是难处理矿,是需要在酸性介质中处理还是需要在碱性介质中处理,以及选择多大氧化能力的氧化剂。本文建议把那些既... 本文提出了一个简便的检验金矿的方法和还原型金矿的新概念。在拿到磨细矿石后一天内就可判断出这种矿石是易处理矿,还是难处理矿,是需要在酸性介质中处理还是需要在碱性介质中处理,以及选择多大氧化能力的氧化剂。本文建议把那些既不是氧化型金矿又不属硫化型金矿,并能消耗大量氧化剂的金矿石称还原型金矿。并认为要从还原型金矿中提金,首先要使矿石从还原型转变为氧化型。 展开更多
关键词 检验方法 还原
作者 邬通芳 《印制电路资讯》 2016年第5期98-101,共4页
本文不仅介绍了还原型厚化金的反应机理及影响镍金沉积的各种因素,还从形貌、绑定能、可焊性等方面与传统的置换型厚化金做了对比研究。研究结果表明,还原型后镍金除了具备传统置换型厚化金的可焊性、可打线(Au wire)、可接触导通... 本文不仅介绍了还原型厚化金的反应机理及影响镍金沉积的各种因素,还从形貌、绑定能、可焊性等方面与传统的置换型厚化金做了对比研究。研究结果表明,还原型后镍金除了具备传统置换型厚化金的可焊性、可打线(Au wire)、可接触导通等功能外,还有镍层腐蚀性低、绑定能量高、打线绑定变化率低、可靠性佳等特点,完全满足各种金厚度需求,更加适用于细密线路制作。 展开更多
关键词 还原型厚化 置换型厚化 机理 形貌
辉钼矿纳米片在湿法冶金和环境治理中的应用研究进展 被引量:1
作者 宋少先 陈鹏 +1 位作者 贾菲菲 刘畅 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第10期4-19,共16页
辉钼矿作为一种自然界储量丰富的矿物,其纳米片具有巨大的比表面积、独特的光电性能及优异的机械性能,并且已引起科研工作者的广泛关注。课题组深入研究了辉钼矿纳米片微观结构对其重金属离子亲和性、能带结构和光热转换能力的影响。同... 辉钼矿作为一种自然界储量丰富的矿物,其纳米片具有巨大的比表面积、独特的光电性能及优异的机械性能,并且已引起科研工作者的广泛关注。课题组深入研究了辉钼矿纳米片微观结构对其重金属离子亲和性、能带结构和光热转换能力的影响。同时针对目前选矿行业所面临的氰化提金环境危害大、矿山废水难以有效处理及高盐水浮选难以有效实施等问题,开展了辉钼矿纳米片对硫代硫酸盐浸出液中金回收、水体中重金属离子脱除和有机物降解、高盐水淡化处理等研究。回顾并梳理了课题组近期关于辉钼矿纳米片的研究工作,整理了辉钼矿纳米片的功能化改性思路,并对辉钼矿纳米片功能材料在这几个方向应用的优越性和潜力进行了评估。最后对辉钼矿纳米片功能材料的发展趋势及未来在湿法冶金和环境治理方面的实际应用前景及挑战进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 辉钼矿纳米片 金还原回收 属去除 有机物降解 高盐水处理
用溴-溴化钠溶液浸泡法从紫木凼的原生金矿中提取金 被引量:3
作者 胡洁雪 龚乾 《黄金》 CAS 北大核心 1994年第4期52-54,共3页
关键词 溴法 还原
两亲分子有序组合体中纳米金的可控性合成 被引量:4
作者 原 弘 刘小玲 +1 位作者 蔡汝秀 庞代文 《武汉大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期129-132,共4页
介绍了氯金酸直接还原法制备胶体金的改进方法,通过本方法获得了分散性好、粒径在5-14nm的金纳米颗粒.结合表面活性剂的两亲性和纳米微粒本身的高比表面积引起的金粒子电荷表面分布变化,探讨了两亲分子有序组合体在纳米合成中的作用,研... 介绍了氯金酸直接还原法制备胶体金的改进方法,通过本方法获得了分散性好、粒径在5-14nm的金纳米颗粒.结合表面活性剂的两亲性和纳米微粒本身的高比表面积引起的金粒子电荷表面分布变化,探讨了两亲分子有序组合体在纳米合成中的作用,研究表明SDS在纳米颗粒形成过程中先与Au3+形成复合体,同时在Au3+被还原为Au并聚集成纳米颗粒时SDS起到了稳定剂和分散剂的作用,阻止了纳米金的进一步团聚,使金粒子的粒径分散比较均匀,尺度可控.初步结果表明本方法制备的纳米金颗粒对蛋白质(如BSA等)有良好的吸附性能,并有可能发展简便快速的蛋白质测定方法. 展开更多
关键词 两亲分子有序组合体 可控性合成 纳米粒子 SDS 分散性 阴离子表面活性剂 酸直接还原 生物亲合性
化学法黄金精炼工艺的应用与实践 被引量:1
作者 陈建龙 《世界有色金属》 2021年第5期1-2,共2页
科技发展整体水平的不断提升,使得黄金在工业产业、艺术领域、贵金属行业的应用更广泛,黄金消耗量大幅度增加,对粗金进行提纯的工艺要求更高。矿业企业应合理对黄金精炼工艺进行改进,优化黄金矿产开发模式,在提升金矿原料利用率的基础上... 科技发展整体水平的不断提升,使得黄金在工业产业、艺术领域、贵金属行业的应用更广泛,黄金消耗量大幅度增加,对粗金进行提纯的工艺要求更高。矿业企业应合理对黄金精炼工艺进行改进,优化黄金矿产开发模式,在提升金矿原料利用率的基础上,对精炼处理化学工艺进行科学改进。 展开更多
关键词 氯化浸 金还原工艺 粉熔铸
粗金粉高效湿法提纯研究 被引量:2
作者 代龙果 侯刚 田惟维 《云南冶金》 2020年第3期78-82,共5页
以粗金粉为研究对象,提出“王水溶金-稀释除铅银-氯化铵除钯-还原沉金-EDTA除杂-熔铸”的金粉提纯新工艺。在分析提纯过程机理的基础上,对提纯过程环节进行了研究。结果表明,王水浸金1 h时,金的浸出率已经达到98.85%;稀释比为3时,溶液... 以粗金粉为研究对象,提出“王水溶金-稀释除铅银-氯化铵除钯-还原沉金-EDTA除杂-熔铸”的金粉提纯新工艺。在分析提纯过程机理的基础上,对提纯过程环节进行了研究。结果表明,王水浸金1 h时,金的浸出率已经达到98.85%;稀释比为3时,溶液中Ag含量降至0.14 g/L;当Na2SO4加入量为1.5 g时,溶液中铅含量降至4.5 mg/L,约86.9%的Pb都被除去;还原沉金150 min时,溶液中的金已完全沉淀,随后经50%EDTA除杂和熔铸,Au回收率可达到99.85%,所得金锭满足IC-Au99.95标准。该工艺能明显减少提纯工艺中金的积压,金直收率提高24.7%,生产周期提高了1.925 kg/d,每公斤黄金降低生产成本544.3元,在黄金领域具有广阔的推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 提纯 王水 还原
Theoretical insights into oxygen reduction reaction on Au-based single-atom alloy cluster catalysts
作者 Yixuan Pu Jin-Xun Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期573-581,I0002-I0017,I0099,共26页
Developing highly active alloy catalysts that surpass the performance of platinum group metals in the oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)is critical in electrocatalysis.Gold-based single-atom alloy(AuSAA)clusters are gaini... Developing highly active alloy catalysts that surpass the performance of platinum group metals in the oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)is critical in electrocatalysis.Gold-based single-atom alloy(AuSAA)clusters are gaining recognition as promising alternatives due to their potential for high activity.However,enhancing its activity of AuSAA clusters remains challenging due to limited insights into its actual active site in alkaline environments.Herein,we studied a variety of Au_(54)M_(1) SAA cluster catalysts and revealed the operando formed MO_(x)(OH)_(y) complex acts as the crucial active site for catalyzing the ORR under the basic solution condition.The observed volcano plot indicates that Au_(54)Co_(1),Au_(54)M_(1),and Au_(54)Ru_(1) clusters can be the optimal Au_(54)M_(1) SAA cluster catalysts for the ORR.Our findings offer new insights into the actual active sites of AuSAA cluster catalysts,which will inform rational catalyst design in experimental settings. 展开更多
关键词 Density functional theory Single-atom alloy cluster Oxygen reduction reaction Gold cluster Molecular dynamic simulation
作者 赵慧 娄方明 +2 位作者 石晓冉 张涵 李群芳 《分析试验室》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期785-792,共8页
采用一锅水热法制备了鲁米诺-还原金纳米粒子/碳纳米管三维复合材料(Lu-AuNPs/CNTs),用其制备固态电化学发光(ECL)传感器,并用于血清中乳酸的检测。采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FSEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线粉末衍射仪(XPS)和X射线... 采用一锅水热法制备了鲁米诺-还原金纳米粒子/碳纳米管三维复合材料(Lu-AuNPs/CNTs),用其制备固态电化学发光(ECL)传感器,并用于血清中乳酸的检测。采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FSEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线粉末衍射仪(XPS)和X射线光电子能谱仪(EDS)对Lu-AuNPs/CNTs的形貌、结构、尺寸进行了表征。结果表明,碳纳米管(CNTs)为三维立体网状结构,鲁米诺-还原金纳米粒子(Lu-AuNPs)尺寸均一地分布在CNTs的表面。将Lu-AuNPs/CNTs固定在玻碳电极表面制成固态ECL传感器,其电化学发光信号约是Lu-AuNPs的2倍。该传感器的电化学发光强度与溶液中H2O2浓度成正比,线性范围为0.5~200μmol/L,检测限为0.2μmol/L。Lu-AuNPs/CNTs可用于固定乳酸氧化酶,所制备的传感器对乳酸的检测限为3.0μmol/L。该生物传感器可用于人血清样品中乳酸的测定。 展开更多
关键词 一步水热合成 鲁米诺-还原纳米粒子/碳纳米管三维复合材料 过氧化氢 乳酸
Boosting CO_(2) photoreduction by synergistic optimization of multiple processes through metal vacancy engineering
作者 Jinlong Wang Dongni Liu +3 位作者 Mingyang Li Xiaoyi Gu Shiqun Wu Jinlong Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第8期202-212,共11页
The photoreduction of greenhouse gas CO_(2) using photocatalytic technologies not only benefits en-vironmental remediation but also facilitates the production of raw materials for chemicals.Howev-er,the efficiency of ... The photoreduction of greenhouse gas CO_(2) using photocatalytic technologies not only benefits en-vironmental remediation but also facilitates the production of raw materials for chemicals.Howev-er,the efficiency of CO_(2) photoreduction remains generally low due to the challenging activation of CO_(2) and the limited light absorption and separation of charge.Defect engineering of catalysts rep-resents a pivotal strategy to enhance the photocatalytic activity for CO_(2),with most research on met-al oxide catalysts focusing on the creation of anionic vacancies.The exploration of metal vacancies and their effects,however,is still underexplored.In this study,we prepared an In2O3 catalyst with indium vacancies(VIn)through defect engineering for CO_(2) photoreduction.Experimental and theo-retical calculations results demonstrate that VIn not only facilitate light absorption and charge sepa-ration in the catalyst but also enhance CO_(2) adsorption and reduce the energy barrier for the for-mation of the key intermediate*COOH during CO_(2) reduction.Through metal vacancy engineering,the activity of the catalyst was 7.4 times,reaching an outstanding rate of 841.32μmol g(-1)h^(-1).This work unveils the mechanism of metal vacancies in CO_(2) photoreduction and provides theoretical guidance for the development of novel CO_(2) photoreduction catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOCATALYST CO_(2) photoreduction Indium oxide Metal vacancy Defect
Recent Advances in Transition Metal-Based Catalysts for Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction Reaction
作者 LUO Hongxia CHEN Jun YANG Jianping 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期333-348,共16页
The accumulation of excessive nitrate in the atmosphere not only jeopardizes human health but also disrupts the balance of the nitrogen cycle in the ecosystem.Among various nitrate removal technologies,electrocatalyti... The accumulation of excessive nitrate in the atmosphere not only jeopardizes human health but also disrupts the balance of the nitrogen cycle in the ecosystem.Among various nitrate removal technologies,electrocatalytic nitrate reduction reaction(eNO_(3)RR)has been widely studied for its advantages of being eco-friendly,easy to operate,and controllable under environmental conditions with renewable energy as the driving force.Transition metal-based catalysts(TMCs)have been widely used in electrocatalysis due to their abundant reserves,low costs,easy-to-regulate electronic structure and considerable electrochemical activity.In addition,TMCs have been extensively studied in terms of the kinetics of the nitrate reduction reaction,the moderate adsorption energy of nitrogen-containing species and the active hydrogen supply capacity.Based on this,this review firstly discusses the mechanism as well as analyzes the two main reduction products(N_(2)and NH_(3))of eNO_(3)RR,and reveals the basic guidelines for the design of efficient nitrate catalysts from the perspective of the reaction mechanism.Secondly,this review mainly focuses on the recent advances in the direction of eNO_(3RR)with four types of TMCs,Fe,Co,Ni and Cu,and unveils the interfacial modulation strategies of Fe,Co,Ni and Cu catalysts for the activity,reaction pathway and stability.Finally,reasonable suggestions and opportunities are proposed for the challenges and future development of eNO_(3)RR.This review provides far-reaching implications for exploring cost-effective TMCs to replace high-cost noble metal catalysts(NMCs)for eNO_(3)RR. 展开更多
关键词 electrocatalysis nitrate reduction reaction transition metal-based catalyst(TMC) reaction mechanism nitrogen cycle
Unraveling the roles of atomically-dispersed Au in boosting photocatalytic CO_(2)reduction and aryl alcohol oxidation
作者 Jian Lei Nan Zhou +3 位作者 Shuaikang Sang Sugang Meng Jingxiang Low Yue Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第10期163-173,共11页
Atomically-dispersed metal-based materials represent an emerging class of photocatalysts attributed to their high catalytic activity,abundant surface active sites,and efficient charge separation.Nevertheless,the roles... Atomically-dispersed metal-based materials represent an emerging class of photocatalysts attributed to their high catalytic activity,abundant surface active sites,and efficient charge separation.Nevertheless,the roles of different forms of atomically-dispersed metals(i.e.,single-atoms and atomic clusters)in photocatalytic reactions remain ambiguous.Herein,we developed an ethylenediamine(EDA)-assisted reduction method to controllably synthesize atomically dispersed Au in the forms of Au single atoms(Au_(SA)),Au clusters(Au_(C)),and a mixed-phase of Au_(SA)and Au_(C)(Au_(SA+C))on CdS.In addition,we elucidate the synergistic effect of Au_(SA)and Au_(C)in enhancing the photocatalytic performance of CdS substrates for simultaneous CO_(2)reduction and aryl alcohol oxidation.Specifically,Au_(SA)can effectively lower the energy barrier for the CO_(2)→*COOH conversion,while Au_(C)can enhance the adsorption of alcohols and reduce the energy barrier for dehydrogenation.As a result,the Au_(SA)and Au_(C)co-loaded CdS show impressive overall photocatalytic CO_(2)conversion performance,achieving remarkable CO and BAD production rates of 4.43 and 4.71 mmol g^(−1)h^(−1),with the selectivities of 93%and 99%,respectively.More importantly,the solar-to-chemical conversion efficiency of Au_(SA+C)/CdS reaches 0.57%,which is over fivefold higher than the typical solar-to-biomass conversion efficiency found in nature(ca.0.1%).This study comprehensively describes the roles of different forms of atomically-dispersed metals and their synergistic effects in photocatalytic reactions,which is anticipated to pave a new avenue in energy and environmental applications. 展开更多
关键词 Photocatalysis Atomically-dispersed metal SINGLE-ATOM CO_(2)reduction Aryl alcohol oxidation
Mesoporous Carbon Nanofibers Loaded with Ordered PtFe Alloy Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia
作者 XIE Meng LUO Wei QIU Pengpeng 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期365-376,共12页
Highly dispersed bimetallic alloy nanoparticle electrocatalysts have been demonstrated to exhibit exceptional performance in driving the nitrate reduction reaction(NO_(3)RR)to generate ammonia(NH_(3)).In this study,we... Highly dispersed bimetallic alloy nanoparticle electrocatalysts have been demonstrated to exhibit exceptional performance in driving the nitrate reduction reaction(NO_(3)RR)to generate ammonia(NH_(3)).In this study,we prepared mesoporous carbon nanofibers(mCNFs)functionalized with ordered PtFe alloys(O-PtFe-mCNFs)by a composite micelle interface-induced co-assembly method using poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polystyrene(PEO-b-PS)as a template.When employed as electrocatalysts,O-PtFe-mCNFs exhibited superior electrocatalytic performance for the NO_(3RR)compared to the mCNFs functionalized with disordered PtFe alloys(D-PtFe-mCNFs).Notably,the NH_(3)production performance was particularly outstanding,with a maximum NH_(3)yield of up to 959.6μmol/(h·cm~2).Furthermore,the Faraday efficiency(FE)was even 88.0%at-0.4 V vs.reversible hydrogen electrode(RHE).This finding provides compelling evidence of the potential of ordered PtFe alloy catalysts for the electrocatalytic NO_(3)RR. 展开更多
关键词 ordered PtFe alloy mesoporous carbon nanofiber(mCNF) nitrate reduction reaction(NO3RR) ammonia(NH3)production reaction
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