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作者 喻亮 张忠智 《长沙大学学报》 2006年第4期73-74,共2页
“上医医国,其次疾人”,向来是医者最高的人格追求。不为良相,则为良医,则是读书人的另一条心理慰藉之路。刘禹锡便是一例,《鉴药》是他被贬夔州期间(822-824年)所著,“鉴药”就是以用药为鉴,即以治病之理寓治国之道。这是作者鉴于当时... “上医医国,其次疾人”,向来是医者最高的人格追求。不为良相,则为良医,则是读书人的另一条心理慰藉之路。刘禹锡便是一例,《鉴药》是他被贬夔州期间(822-824年)所著,“鉴药”就是以用药为鉴,即以治病之理寓治国之道。这是作者鉴于当时宦官擅权、藩镇势力猖獗,遂借自己治病服药的经验教训,向唐王朝统治者所发出的针砭之言。 展开更多
关键词 治病 治国 刘禹锡 鉴药
杜文燮《药鉴》的学术思想探析 被引量:1
作者 杨威 张宇鹏 +1 位作者 于峥 孙明杰 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期220-221,232,共3页
关键词 杜文燮 学术思想 五运六气
作者 《美文(青春写作)》 2019年第1期34-37,共4页
刘子闲居,有负薪之优,食精良弗知其旨。血气交沴,炀然焚如。客有谓予:“子疾病积日矣,乃今我里有方士,沦迹于医,厉者造焉而美肥,跛者造焉而善驰,矧常病邪?将子谒诸!”予然之,之医所。切脉、观色、聆声,参合而后言日:“子之病,其兴居之... 刘子闲居,有负薪之优,食精良弗知其旨。血气交沴,炀然焚如。客有谓予:“子疾病积日矣,乃今我里有方士,沦迹于医,厉者造焉而美肥,跛者造焉而善驰,矧常病邪?将子谒诸!”予然之,之医所。切脉、观色、聆声,参合而后言日:“子之病,其兴居之节舛、衣食之齐乖所由而致也’。今夫藏鲜能安谷,府鲜能母气,徒为美疹之囊桑耳。我能攻之。” 展开更多
关键词 鉴药 刘禹锡
《药鉴》述评 被引量:2
作者 苏文文 陈仁寿 《四川中医》 2013年第1期23-24,共2页
《药鉴》为明万历年间医家杜文燮编撰,是一部短小实用的本草学著作,流传版本均源于明万历26年刻本。该书对药性理论有了较为全面的整理,以及对137种药物的性效进行了较为全面的诠释并总结用药配伍经验,并对临床审病治病起到较好的指导... 《药鉴》为明万历年间医家杜文燮编撰,是一部短小实用的本草学著作,流传版本均源于明万历26年刻本。该书对药性理论有了较为全面的整理,以及对137种药物的性效进行了较为全面的诠释并总结用药配伍经验,并对临床审病治病起到较好的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 杜文燮 版本 学术价值
蒙医药学家占布拉道尔吉及其《无误蒙药鉴》 被引量:1
作者 那木吉拉 拉布杰 +1 位作者 哈斯图雅 斯琴 《中国民族医药杂志》 1997年第S1期105-107,共3页
关键词 蒙医学家 历史贡献 科技成就
作者 陈崇毅 《浙江中医杂志》 北大核心 2000年第8期344-344,共1页
关键词 杜文燮 经验 明代
A Molecular Approach to Identification of the Chinese Drug“pu Gong Ying”(Herba Taraxaci)and Six Adulterants byDNA Fingerprinting Using Random Primed PolymeraseChain Resaction(PCR) 被引量:3
作者 曹晖 毕培曦 邵鹏柱 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1996年第4期186-194,共9页
DNA fingerprinting among members of the Chinese drug Pu Gong Ying(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand,-Mazz.)and six adulterants of Tu Gong Ying were demonstrated with random-primed polymerase chain reaction(PCR)including arbit... DNA fingerprinting among members of the Chinese drug Pu Gong Ying(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand,-Mazz.)and six adulterants of Tu Gong Ying were demonstrated with random-primed polymerase chain reaction(PCR)including arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction(AP-PCR)and random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD).Distinctive,reproducible genomic fingerprints from DNA from 7 species belonged to Compositae were generated with two long(20 and 24 mer)and one short(10 mer)randomly chosen primers.The Pu Gong Ying can be differentiated from six species of Tu Gong Ying according to the banding pattems of their amplified DNA on agarose gels.The results showed that AP-PCR and RAPD methods can be used for identifying Chinese drugs.Moreover,the Similarity Indexes of the genomic DNA fingerprints showed that Pu Gong Ying and its adulterants are unrelated.Therefore,AP-PCR and RAPD methods can be used for identifying Chinese drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese drug identification Taraxacum mongolicum DNA fingerprinting Polymerase chain reaction
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Rhizoma of Polygonum cuspidatum 被引量:4
作者 张勉 王磊 +2 位作者 黄澜 张紫佳 王峥涛 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第2期106-111,共6页
Aim To establish reliable methods for evaluating the quality of rhizoma of Polygonum cuspidatum( Huzhang in Chinese). Methods TLC and HPLC were employed for the chemical identification and content determination,respec... Aim To establish reliable methods for evaluating the quality of rhizoma of Polygonum cuspidatum( Huzhang in Chinese). Methods TLC and HPLC were employed for the chemical identification and content determination,respectively. Results A qualitative TLC method and a quantitative HPLC method with piceid as the reference substance were established, respectively. With piceid as the reference substance and ethyl acetate-methanol-formic acid-water ( 19:3:0.5:1) as the mobile phase, a TLC method for the identification of Huzhang from the commonly used crude drugs of the same family was also set up. Conclusion The established TLC method can reasonably appraise the quality of the drug and easily distinguish Huzhang from the other commonly used crude drugs of the same family. The HPLC method for determining piceid is simple, reproducible, accurate, and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 TLC HPLC PICEID EMODIN rhizoma of Polygonum cuspidatum
Advances in Pharmaceutical and Ecological Value of Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi
作者 王欢 胡静波 +6 位作者 黄海艳 徐文进 尚姣 张峡 马亚荣 巩江 倪士峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1043-1047,共5页
Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi is a traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of lacquer dermatitis, and its medicinal and ecological value needs to be further developed. Based on broad literature search, this paper s... Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi is a traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of lacquer dermatitis, and its medicinal and ecological value needs to be further developed. Based on broad literature search, this paper summarized the identification, composition, pharmacology, clinical applications, ecological value, and cultivation technologies of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi, aiming at providing scientific information for further research and development of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi. 展开更多
关键词 Sagina japonica (Sw.) Ohwi Identification Composition PHARMACOLOGY Clinical applications Ecological value Cultivation technologies
作者 黄斌 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2009年第2期86-86,共1页
《药鉴》2卷,明朝杜文燮撰,是专为指导临床用药而作的一部歌赋体医书。杜氏是明代宛陵仙源(今安徽太平县)名医,比李时珍稍晚。他一生以治病救人为己任,但著述不多,足迹亦不远,故后世知之者不多。《药鉴》的成书年代不详,但刊... 《药鉴》2卷,明朝杜文燮撰,是专为指导临床用药而作的一部歌赋体医书。杜氏是明代宛陵仙源(今安徽太平县)名医,比李时珍稍晚。他一生以治病救人为己任,但著述不多,足迹亦不远,故后世知之者不多。《药鉴》的成书年代不详,但刊刻时问确切,于明万历二十六年(1598)由刘乔山刊刻发行。全书共2卷,卷1类似总论性质。作者首先对244种常用药物的性能,按寒、热、温、平作了概括介绍,并明确指出这是“增补东垣未尽之意”。其次,为配合临床用药的需要,逐次介绍《用药分根梢》、 展开更多
关键词 杜文燮 浅识 临床用 成书年代 常用 李时珍
传承千年古方 引领健康新潮——访沈阳东麒鹿生物科技有限公司董事长王凤才 被引量:1
作者 刘海宏 牛丹 张爱正 《食品安全导刊》 2017年第07Z期42-45,共4页
《本草纲目》记载:鹿乃仙兽,兽类之中鹿不属十二辰属,八卦无主,所以对人大有益处。鹿也被誉为中药的天然宝库,其全身都是宝。鹿具有强大的修复再生因子、自身免疫力强。在具有药用价值的动物中,鹿是与人类基因最相近的哺乳动物(吸收... 《本草纲目》记载:鹿乃仙兽,兽类之中鹿不属十二辰属,八卦无主,所以对人大有益处。鹿也被誉为中药的天然宝库,其全身都是宝。鹿具有强大的修复再生因子、自身免疫力强。在具有药用价值的动物中,鹿是与人类基因最相近的哺乳动物(吸收率高达95%以上)。由鹿皮熬制而成的鹿胶,有着悠久的历史。《神农本草经》中有云:鹿胶,作之以皮,皆谓煮,味甘平。主中老绝。补中益气,妇女血闭无子,安胎。久服,轻身,延年。 展开更多
关键词 鹿胶 天然宝库 血闭无子 神农本草经 人类基因 十二辰 补中益气 东阿 生产基地
Isolation and characterization of bioactive fungi from shark Carcharodon carcharias' gill with biopharmaceutical prospects 被引量:2
作者 张翼 韩金媛 +4 位作者 冯妍 穆军 鲍海燕 Andreas KULIK Stephanie GROND 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期186-199,共14页
Until recently, little was known about the fungi found in shark gills and their biomedicinal potential. In this article, we described the isolation, bioactivity, diversity, and secondary metabolites of bioactive fungi... Until recently, little was known about the fungi found in shark gills and their biomedicinal potential. In this article, we described the isolation, bioactivity, diversity, and secondary metabolites of bioactive fungi from the gill of a shark (Carcharodon carcharias). A total of 115 isolates were obtained and grown in 12 culture media. Fifty-eight of these isolates demonstrated significant activity in four antimicrobial, pesticidal, and cytotoxic bioassay models. Four randomly selected bioactive isolates inhibited human cancer cell proliferation during re-screening. These active isolates were segregated into 6 genera using the internal transcribed spacer-large subunit (ITS-LSU) rDNA-sequence BLAST comparison. Four genera, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor, and Chaetomium were the dominant taxa. A phylogenic tree illustrated their intergenera and intragenera genetic diversity. HPLC-DAD-HRMS analysis and subsequent database searching revealed that nine representative strains produced diverse bioactive compound profiles. These results detail the broad range of bioactive fimgi found in a shark's gills, revealing their biopharmaceutical potential. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study characterizing shark gill fungi and their bioactivity. 展开更多
关键词 bioactive fungi shark gill isolation BIOASSAY taxonomy bioactive metabolites
作者 马新立 《蔬菜》 北大核心 1993年第6期30-31,共2页
丰产宝是大连旅大警备区国防工程处研制的一项先进的农业生产科技成果,由山西省新绛县助剂厂投入批量生产,国家药鉴登记号A0505,新绛县政府蔬菜办公室监制的蔬菜无公害高效助长剂。该产品是在氮、磷、钾含量占45%的基础上,添入了钙、... 丰产宝是大连旅大警备区国防工程处研制的一项先进的农业生产科技成果,由山西省新绛县助剂厂投入批量生产,国家药鉴登记号A0505,新绛县政府蔬菜办公室监制的蔬菜无公害高效助长剂。该产品是在氮、磷、钾含量占45%的基础上,添入了钙、镁、铁、铜、锌、锰、硼、钼等23种蔬菜必需的微量元素、稀土元素及植物生长调节剂、无毒螫合剂、吸水剂和展铺剂,按科学配方、化学变化方法精制而成的一种蔬菜精肥。该产品能促进蔬菜植株细胞伸长和分裂。 展开更多
关键词 新绛县 植物生长调节剂 登记号 细胞伸长 宝应 产宝 吸水剂 螫合剂 科学配方
Identification of the Interaction between P-Glycoprotein and Anxa2 in Multidrug-resistant Human Breast Cancer Cells 被引量:6
作者 Hai-chang Zhang Fei Zhang +4 位作者 Bing Wu Jing-hua Han Wei Ji Yan Zhou Rui-fang Niu 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期99-104,共6页
Objective To explore the interaction of Anxa2 with P-Glycoprotein (P-gp) in the migration and invasion of the multidrug-resistant (MDR) human breast cancer cell line MCF-7/ADR. Methods A pair of short hairpin RNA ... Objective To explore the interaction of Anxa2 with P-Glycoprotein (P-gp) in the migration and invasion of the multidrug-resistant (MDR) human breast cancer cell line MCF-7/ADR. Methods A pair of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting P-gp was transfected into MCF-7/ADR cells, and monoclonal cell strains were screened. The expression of P-gp was detected by Western blot. Transwell chambers were used to observe the cell migration capacity and invasion ability. The interaction between P-gp and Anxa2 was examined by immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence confocal microscopy analyses. Results P-gp expression was significantly knocked down, and there were notable decreasing trends in the migration and invasion capability of MDR breast cancer cells (P〈0.05). There was a close interaction between Anxa2 and P-gp. Conclusions MCF-7/ADR is an MDR human breast cancer cell line with high migration and invasion abilities. The knockdown of P-gp notably impaired the migration and invasion abilities of the tumor cells. The interaction of Anxa2 with P-pg may play an important role in time enhanced invasiveness of MDR human breast cancer cells. 展开更多
关键词 P-GLYCOPROTEIN Anxa2 drug resistance MULTIPLE neoplasm metastasis breast neoplasm
Perspectives in application of biosensors for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine
作者 Qiang Chen Hong-Cai Shang +1 位作者 Bing-Kai Han Jun Jiao 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2018年第1期39-46,共8页
Biosensor is an instrument which is sensitive to biological material and converts its concentration into electrical signals.Organisms such as enzymes, antibodies, tissues, cells and so on can selectively identify spec... Biosensor is an instrument which is sensitive to biological material and converts its concentration into electrical signals.Organisms such as enzymes, antibodies, tissues, cells and so on can selectively identify specific substances. Thesemolecular recognition functions can be combined with the target, such as the binding of antibodies and antigens, and thebinding of enzymes to the substrate through the recognition process. Biosensor has the advantages of high specificity,high sensitivity, fast reaction speed, low cost and easy operation. It has wide application prospect in food, pharmacy,chemical industry, clinical examination, biomedicine, environmental monitoring and so on, especially as a newtechnology means, in the field of modern herbal medicine research influence. Studies have demonstrated that thebiosensing technology has been applied to, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) targets, isolation and purification ofTCM, the mechanism of TCM, quality control of TCM, the active ingredients detection of TCM and other basicresearches. Biosensor technology has made an important contribution to the research of modern herbal medicine, and hasbecome a Hot-spot in future research. 展开更多
关键词 BIOSENSOR Traditional Chinese medicine PURIFICATION Active compound identification MECHANISM Qualitycontrol
Rapid Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria by means of TwoConservative Gene Loci′ Specific PCR-CE-RFLP
作者 高鹏 张卓然 +13 位作者 徐维家 安万新 张晓慧 戴兵 范艳萍 王运铎 李萍 温杰 于卫健Dalian Red Cross Blood Center Dalian 116001 China 高向仪 谢凡迪 王永海 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2003年第1期38-43,共6页
To establish a rapid identification method for common pathogenic bacteria on the basis of molecular biology and to construct a preliminary Polymerase Chain Reaction-Capillary Electrophoresis - Restriction Fragment Len... To establish a rapid identification method for common pathogenic bacteria on the basis of molecular biology and to construct a preliminary Polymerase Chain Reaction-Capillary Electrophoresis - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-CE-RFLP) database of bacteria isolated from clinical specimens frequently, 183 strains collected from clinical samples belonging to 12 genera and 19 species whose biochemical characterizations corresponded to the typical ones were examined. The genomic DNAs were amplified by two pairs of fluorescence labeled primers aiming at 16S rRNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA spacer region gene respectively at the same time. PCR products were then digested by restriction endonuclease HaeⅢ incompletely before taking capillary electrophoresis. The results with the PCR-CE-RFLP patterns of 16S rRNA genes were just alike within some genera, but when it comes to 16S-23S rRNA spacer region genes, each bacterium showed a unique pattern, which can be distinguished from each other easily. It seems that PCR-CE-RFLP patterns of 16S rRNA gene could only be used to classify the bacteria into family level, whereas the data of 16S-23S rRNA spacer region gene could be utilized to identify the whole microorganisms as precisely as the species level. In spite of the data of the spacer region gene alone can be sufficiently to verify the whole bacteria, we insist that the 16S rRNA gene could be of some assistant in case that there should be lots of families of bacteria, in which some similar ones, with the same RFLP data of 16S-23S rRNA spacer region gene, may coexist. This study proves that the utility of PCR-CE-RFLP is a convenient, rapid method to identify pathogenic bacteria, and is also a quick diagnosis measure for application to clinical use. 展开更多
关键词 S rRNA gene 16S-23S rRNA gene spacer region Polymerase chain reaction Pathogenic bacteria RFLP
《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期2-2,共1页
6月9日,农业部办公厅发布《农业部关于发布2015年第二期兽药质量监督抽检情况的通报》(农医发[2015]17号),对全国2015年第一季度兽药质量监督抽检情况进行了通报。2015年第一季度共完成兽药(不包括兽用生物制品)监督抽检2 734批,合... 6月9日,农业部办公厅发布《农业部关于发布2015年第二期兽药质量监督抽检情况的通报》(农医发[2015]17号),对全国2015年第一季度兽药质量监督抽检情况进行了通报。2015年第一季度共完成兽药(不包括兽用生物制品)监督抽检2 734批,合格2 619批,不合格115批,合格率为95.8%,比2014年第四季度(94.9%)提高0.9个百分点。 展开更多
关键词 质量 不合格 农业部办公厅 兽用生物制品 产品 经营环节 非法添加 企业 畜牧业发展
作者 来苏香 《内蒙古人大》 2020年第9期27-29,共3页
向公伟,土生土长的北京人,当医生的他最初接触蒙药,就对蒙药产生了浓厚的兴趣,更深入地了解以后,他被蒙药的博大精深所震撼:《史集》记载,成吉思汗时期,蒙古方法治病便闻名于世;16世纪以后,出现了如《方海》《四部甘露》《蒙药正典》等... 向公伟,土生土长的北京人,当医生的他最初接触蒙药,就对蒙药产生了浓厚的兴趣,更深入地了解以后,他被蒙药的博大精深所震撼:《史集》记载,成吉思汗时期,蒙古方法治病便闻名于世;16世纪以后,出现了如《方海》《四部甘露》《蒙药正典》等药学专著;蒙药种类繁多,18世纪,蒙古医药学家伊希巴拉珠尔所著的《认药白晶药鉴》一书共收录蒙药801种,按药物的来源和属性共分了13大类。蒙药资源丰富,且以植物药为主。 展开更多
关键词 学专著 学家 植物 伊希巴拉珠尔 16世纪
Integrating ancient and modern approaches to traditional Chinese medicinal authentication 被引量:5
作者 Zhongzhen Zhao Hubiao Chen +4 位作者 Ping Guo Zhitao Liang Eric Brand Lailai Wong Jing Liu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2020年第12期908-914,共7页
Authentication is a key component of quality control,and the quality of Chinese medicinal materials directly impacts clinical efficacy.Chinese medicinal quality control is an important concern of the wider community,a... Authentication is a key component of quality control,and the quality of Chinese medicinal materials directly impacts clinical efficacy.Chinese medicinal quality control is an important concern of the wider community,and it is intricately connected to the future and development of Chinese medicine.Macroscopic identification has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine,and it continues to be effective for resolving important issues related to quality control in the modern-day.However,new challenges have emerged for macroscopic identification.For example,new botanical varieties have emerged,with differences in macroscopic features related to cultivated vs.wild materials.Changes in processing methods and cultivation techniques also affect these features.Consequently,continual progress and innovation in Chinese medicinal authentication methods are needed.Macroscopic identification is based on organoleptic assessment,microscopy,and research of ancient texts,such as the Bencao.In addition to collecting information from traditional experience-based differentiation,innovation can take advantage of new technologies that can provide even more detailed,precise information about morphology.In the present review,we summarized inheritance and innovation in the scientific exposition of Chinese medicinal authentication,featuring a review of specialized publications,description of the establishment of a Chinese medicine specimen center and Chinese Medicine digital project,the expansion of authentication technologies,and the formation of a cultural project dedicated to the Compendium of Materia Medica. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese medicinal authentication Macro-/microscopic identification Bencao Traditional Chinese medicinal cultural promotion
Antibiotic resistance mechanisms of Myroides sp. 被引量:1
作者 Shao-huaHU Shu-xing YUAN +4 位作者 Hai QU Tao JIANG Ya-jun ZHOU Ming-xi WANG De.song MING 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期188-199,共12页
Bacteria of the genus Myroides (Myroides spp.) are rare opportunistic pathogens. Myroides sp. infections have been reported mainly in China. Myroides sp. is highly resistant to most available antibiotics, but the re... Bacteria of the genus Myroides (Myroides spp.) are rare opportunistic pathogens. Myroides sp. infections have been reported mainly in China. Myroides sp. is highly resistant to most available antibiotics, but the resistance mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Current strain identification methods based on biochemical traits are unable to identify strains accurately at the species level. While 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing can accurately achieve this, it fails to give information on the status and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, because the 16S rRNA sequence contains no information on resistance genes, resistance islands or enzymes. We hypothesized that ob- taining the whole genome sequence of Myroides sp., using next generation sequencing methods, would help to clarify the mechanisms of pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance, and guide antibiotic selection to treat Myroides sp. infec- tions. As Myroides sp. can survive in hospitals and the environment, there is a risk of nosocomial infections and pandemics. For better management of Myroides sp. infections, it is imperative to apply next generation sequencing technologies to clarify the antibiotic resistance mechanisms in these bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 Myroides sp. Antibiotic resistance Identification methods 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing Nextgeneration sequencing
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