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作者 杨国栋 《大学书法》 2023年第3期86-94,共9页
铁保是清代乾嘉时期的重臣,也是著名的诗人、书法家,与翁方纲、刘墉和成亲王永瑆并称为“翁刘成铁”,亦被誉为“八旗第一”。不论是在清代文学史上,还是在书学史上都占有重要的地位。然而,迄今为止,相关学者对铁保之氏族传承与家世尚没... 铁保是清代乾嘉时期的重臣,也是著名的诗人、书法家,与翁方纲、刘墉和成亲王永瑆并称为“翁刘成铁”,亦被誉为“八旗第一”。不论是在清代文学史上,还是在书学史上都占有重要的地位。然而,迄今为止,相关学者对铁保之氏族传承与家世尚没有理清。从铁保逝后诸碑传资料入手,结合《八旗通志》《八旗满洲氏族通谱》等史料,对铁保之家世进行系统的梳理与考证,是不可或缺的基础研究工作。 展开更多
关键词 满族书家 栋鄂氏(董鄂氏) 家世
铁保《白山书院跋》考辨 被引量:1
作者 李秋 任树民 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2011年第2期123-126,共4页
铁保的《白山书院跋》是人们了解清代吉林教育情况的一个重要文本,然而,当下对这一文本的解读却存在诸多误解,以致以讹传讹。经过对原有文本所涉三位流人生平事迹的重新考证,我们辨证了跋中的一处标点问题和跨的撰写时间问题。这两个问... 铁保的《白山书院跋》是人们了解清代吉林教育情况的一个重要文本,然而,当下对这一文本的解读却存在诸多误解,以致以讹传讹。经过对原有文本所涉三位流人生平事迹的重新考证,我们辨证了跋中的一处标点问题和跨的撰写时间问题。这两个问题的解决,对于人们研究白山书院,乃至清代吉林教育具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 白山书院跋 点校 撰写时间
铁保诗学思想初探 被引量:1
作者 岳永 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第4期148-150,共3页
关键词 清代 诗学思想 本质论 功能论 发展论
鐵保的文学起家与失察流边 被引量:1
作者 周轩 《紫禁城》 1991年第3期6-9,35,共5页
关键词 鐵保 乾隆朝 李毓昌 和卓 阿奇木伯克 李太清 《清史稿》 汪日章 玉努斯
作者 秦帮兴 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2013年第3期35-37,共3页
清代满族诗人铁保的诗歌艺术成就较高,他创作于新疆的七十一首诗歌在内容上反映了新疆的自然景观和风土人情,表现出作者对新疆本土居民的喜爱和关心,体现了极为可贵的民族平等思想。铁保的诗题材多样,风格清新刚健,情感真挚,精神乐观,... 清代满族诗人铁保的诗歌艺术成就较高,他创作于新疆的七十一首诗歌在内容上反映了新疆的自然景观和风土人情,表现出作者对新疆本土居民的喜爱和关心,体现了极为可贵的民族平等思想。铁保的诗题材多样,风格清新刚健,情感真挚,精神乐观,具有较高的艺术水平和审美价值,是西域文学的一笔宝贵财富。 展开更多
关键词 新疆 诗作
作者 关纪新 《大理学院学报(综合版)》 CAS 2011年第11期18-21,共4页
满族由一个尚武民族向文化民族的过渡,至清代嘉庆、道光时期格局概定。对满族文学事业创益良多的铁保,是一位典范的北方民族诗人。他在诗歌、文论等方面的成就,以及艺术上擅长表露雄健阳刚精神魂魄、凸现满洲民族诗人浪漫狂放气质的特征... 满族由一个尚武民族向文化民族的过渡,至清代嘉庆、道光时期格局概定。对满族文学事业创益良多的铁保,是一位典范的北方民族诗人。他在诗歌、文论等方面的成就,以及艺术上擅长表露雄健阳刚精神魂魄、凸现满洲民族诗人浪漫狂放气质的特征,是相当突出的。 展开更多
关键词 清代 满族文学
作者 李淑岩 《明清文学与文献》 2018年第1期113-131,共19页
法式善是乾嘉时期著名的蒙古族学者、诗人,平生交游广泛,与满洲才子铁保相交甚密。考索法式善与铁保二人的文学交游:一是借助诗文寄托彼此的情谊,抒发仕宦心态上的情感共鸣,交往的记忆谱成了二人诗文创作的交响曲;二是诗作领域中的频繁... 法式善是乾嘉时期著名的蒙古族学者、诗人,平生交游广泛,与满洲才子铁保相交甚密。考索法式善与铁保二人的文学交游:一是借助诗文寄托彼此的情谊,抒发仕宦心态上的情感共鸣,交往的记忆谱成了二人诗文创作的交响曲;二是诗作领域中的频繁互动、切磋琢磨,在八旗诗选《熙朝雅颂集》上的相互助力,成就了清代文学史上第一部八旗诗歌总集;三是在乾嘉诗坛唐宋诗风论争的背景下,二人大体相似的诗学观,成为维系二人多年友情的因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 法式善 《熙朝雅颂集》 诗学观
对铁保三幅书法的考释 被引量:1
作者 张剑 《书画世界》 2008年第6期18-21,共4页
关键词 帖学 考释
作者 黄文 《山西档案》 北大核心 2017年第6期164-166,共3页
关键词 诗文集
作者 李青舫 《上海文博论丛》 2004年第1期91-91,共1页
崇明县博物馆入藏有一副清人铁保手书的木刻匾联,堪称馆藏中的一件珍品。木匾楹联的材质为香楠木,通长169公分,宽30公分,厚2公分。形制光素简洁,包浆色泽及已淡化的赭色底漆给人以古朴之美,并透出一股浓浓的书卷气息。木匾虽已历经二百... 崇明县博物馆入藏有一副清人铁保手书的木刻匾联,堪称馆藏中的一件珍品。木匾楹联的材质为香楠木,通长169公分,宽30公分,厚2公分。形制光素简洁,包浆色泽及已淡化的赭色底漆给人以古朴之美,并透出一股浓浓的书卷气息。木匾虽已历经二百多年风霜雨雪的磨损,但保存完好。 展开更多
关键词 匾联 入藏 及已 书法大家 孙过庭 对仗工整 不如意 怀素 字间
作者 李忠伟 韩丽霞 《励耘学刊》 2019年第2期342-354,共13页
中国国家图书馆藏清朝铁保编、有乾隆五十七年(1792)自序的《白山诗介》十卷本,系目前可考的最早《白山诗介》刊本。《白山诗介》嘉庆五年自序本乃是对乾隆五十七年自序本的改刻与修订,《八旗丛书》中的《白山诗介》实是以嘉庆五年(1800... 中国国家图书馆藏清朝铁保编、有乾隆五十七年(1792)自序的《白山诗介》十卷本,系目前可考的最早《白山诗介》刊本。《白山诗介》嘉庆五年自序本乃是对乾隆五十七年自序本的改刻与修订,《八旗丛书》中的《白山诗介》实是以嘉庆五年(1800)自序本为底本的抄本,三者同源。《白山诗介》乾隆五十七年自序本基本确立了后世各刊本、抄本的面貌,对后世《白山诗介》的整理与研究产生了重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 白山诗介 清代诗歌 诗歌选本
作者 韩丽霞 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第5期64-68,共5页
清朝铁保辑《白山诗介》,既可看作一部八旗诗歌选本,又可看作是清朝崇德年间至乾隆年间的诗歌总集。这部八旗诗集的编纂,体现了铁保保存民族文献、宏扬八旗文化的宗旨;表现了铁保对抒写性情、自然真实诗作的赞美;铁保选诗以气味品格为先... 清朝铁保辑《白山诗介》,既可看作一部八旗诗歌选本,又可看作是清朝崇德年间至乾隆年间的诗歌总集。这部八旗诗集的编纂,体现了铁保保存民族文献、宏扬八旗文化的宗旨;表现了铁保对抒写性情、自然真实诗作的赞美;铁保选诗以气味品格为先,亦收入“清新奇逸之句”;展现出铁保的民族情感和诗学思想。 展开更多
关键词 《白山诗介》 民族情感 诗学思想 八旗诗歌
作者 冯天瑜 《嘉兴学院学报》 2016年第3期5-6,共2页
少时的生活大多已经淡忘,而忆念中也还保存着某些吉光片羽,例如,协助父亲往老屋斑驳的墙壁上悬挂条幅一类的细节,便不时在记忆的浅层底下闪现,其情景往往鲜明如昨。先父冯永轩教书为业,一辈子节衣缩食、精心收藏的那些字幅,风格各异。... 少时的生活大多已经淡忘,而忆念中也还保存着某些吉光片羽,例如,协助父亲往老屋斑驳的墙壁上悬挂条幅一类的细节,便不时在记忆的浅层底下闪现,其情景往往鲜明如昨。先父冯永轩教书为业,一辈子节衣缩食、精心收藏的那些字幅,风格各异。清雅、飘逸如乾隆年间学者梁同书的"门前松菊开三径架上图书傲五侯",清代四大书家之一铁保的"画悬古木栖鸦影琴谱平沙落雁声";雄阔、豪壮如左宗棠的"山高水长中有神悟风朝雨夕我思古人", 展开更多
关键词 南使 梁同书 平沙落雁 浅层 王先生 北宋词 国学研究院 孙巨源 期生
Effects of dwell time during sintering on electrical properties of 0.98(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_3-0.02LaFeO_3 ceramics 被引量:1
作者 程花蕾 周万城 +2 位作者 杜红亮 罗发 朱冬梅 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期2984-2988,共5页
The effects of dwell time on the phase structure, microstructure, and electrical properties were investigated for the 0.98(K0.sNa0.5)NbO3-0.02LaFeO3 ceramics (abbreviated as 0.98KNN-0.02LF). All the ceramics sinte... The effects of dwell time on the phase structure, microstructure, and electrical properties were investigated for the 0.98(K0.sNa0.5)NbO3-0.02LaFeO3 ceramics (abbreviated as 0.98KNN-0.02LF). All the ceramics sintered for different dwell time are of pure phase and the peak intensity of the 0.98KNN-0.02LF ceramics becomes stronger with a longer dwell time. Denser microstructures with larger grain size are developed for the sample with a longer dwell time. The maximum dielectric permittivity decreases with increasing the dwell time, and the deteriorative dielectric properties are due to the increasing grain size and the domain wall motion. Ferroelectric properties results indicate that 2Pr value slightly decreases with increasing the dwell time, while the 2Ec value increases. Consequently, the 0.98KNN-0.02LF ceramic sintered at 1150 ℃ for 2 h shows optimum dielectric properties (er=2253 and tan fi〈5%) and ferroelectric properties (2Pr=34.51 gC/cm2 and 2Ec=5.07 kV/mm). 展开更多
关键词 (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 dwell time dielectric properties ferroelectric property lead-free ceramics
Preservation efficiency of new cryoprotectant used for Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in liquid nitrogen
作者 吴学玲 胡琪 +5 位作者 侯冬梅 辛小红 苗博 王洋洋 刘学端 申丽 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期818-823,共6页
The efficiency of a new cryoprotectant,GP,for the preservation of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans(A.ferrooxidans) strain DC in liquid nitrogen was investigated.The optimal concentration of this new cryoprotectant for... The efficiency of a new cryoprotectant,GP,for the preservation of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans(A.ferrooxidans) strain DC in liquid nitrogen was investigated.The optimal concentration of this new cryoprotectant for the maximal viable cell recovery and the highest ferrous ion oxidation activity was determined.The results show that 30%(volume fraction) GP is optimal for the cryopreservation with 84.4% of cells surviving,completely oxidizing ferrous ions within 120 h,and growing to a final density of 5.8×107 cell/mL after 6 d in the culture.Furthermore,the optimal residual GP concentration for viable cell recovery after culture of thawed cells in 9K medium for 6 d is 0.6%(volume fraction).At this concentration,strain DC completely oxidizes ferrous ions within 108 h and grows to a final cell density of 6.8×107 mL-1.Thus,GP is a simple,effective cryoprotectant for the preservation of A.ferrooxidans strain DC in liquid nitrogen. 展开更多
关键词 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans CRYOPROTECTANT liquid nitrogen freezing preservation efficiency
Developmental characteristics and response to iron toxicity of root border cells in rice seedlings 被引量:9
作者 Cheng-hua XING Mei-hong ZHU +3 位作者 Miao-zhen CAI Peng LIU Gen-di XU Shao-hui WU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期261-264,共4页
To investigate the Fe^2+ effects on root tips in rice plant, experiments were carried out using border cells in vitro. The border cells were pre-planted in aeroponic culture and detached from root tips. Most border c... To investigate the Fe^2+ effects on root tips in rice plant, experiments were carried out using border cells in vitro. The border cells were pre-planted in aeroponic culture and detached from root tips. Most border cells have a long elliptical shape. The number and the viability of border cells in situ reached the maxima of 1600 and 97.5%, respectively, at 20---25 mm root length. This mortality was more pronounced at the first 1-12 h exposure to 250 mg/L Fe^2+ than at the last 12-36 h. After 36 h, the cell viability exposed to 250 mg/L Fe^2+ decreased to nought, whereas it was 46.5% at 0 mg/L Fe^2+. Increased Fe^2+ dosage stimulated the death of detached border cells from rice cultivars. After 4 h Fe^2+ treatment, the cell viabilities were _〉80% at 0 and 50 mg/L Fe^2+ treatment and were 〈62% at 150, 250 and 350 mg/L Fe^2+ treatment; The viability of border cells decreased by 10% when the Fe^2+ concentration increased by 100 mg/L. After 24 h Fe^2+ treatment, the viabilities of border cells at all the Fe^2+ levels were 〈65%; The viability of border cells decreased by 20% when the Fee+ concentration increased by 100 mg/L. The decreased viabilities of border cells indicated that Fe^2+ dosage and treatment time would cause deadly effect on the border cells. The increased cell death could protect the root tips from toxic harm. Therefore, it may protect root from the damage caused by harmful iron toxicity. 展开更多
关键词 Rice plant Border cells Iron toxicity
Effect of melt holding on morphological evolution and sedimentation behavior of iron-rich intermetallic phases in Al-Si-Fe-Mn-Mg alloy 被引量:7
作者 Dong-fu SONG Shun-cheng WANG +5 位作者 Yu-liang ZHAO Shu-hong LIU Yong DU Yue-hua KANG Zhi WANG Wei-wen ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期1-13,共13页
The effect of the melt holding temperature on the morphological evolution and sedimentation behavior of iron-rich intermetallics in Al-7.0 Si-1.0 Fe-1.2 Mn-0.25 Mg alloy was investigated using an optical microscope,sc... The effect of the melt holding temperature on the morphological evolution and sedimentation behavior of iron-rich intermetallics in Al-7.0 Si-1.0 Fe-1.2 Mn-0.25 Mg alloy was investigated using an optical microscope,scanning electron microscope and differential thermal analyzer.The results show that as the holding temperature decreases,the morphologies of the primary iron-rich phase in matrix change from star-like to polygonal,and the number of the primary phases gradually decreases and disappears at 615°C.Finally,the Chinese script phases with small size,high compact and uniform distribution are obtained.In contrast,the primary iron-rich phases in slag transform into a coarser polygonal shape with lower roundness,and some of them have hollow structures.Furthermore,the area fraction of intermetallics and Fe content in the matrix decrease gradually due to the formation and growth of sludge and subsequent natural sedimentation during melt holding.With the decrease of holding temperature,the main factors hindering the settlement of the primary phases are morphology,size,and density in turn. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Si alloy melt holding iron-rich intermetallic phases morphological evolution sedimentation behaviour
Uses of Blast Furnace Slag as Complex Fertilizer 被引量:2
作者 Abdelhak Maghchlche Ramadan Naseri Abdelkarim Haouam 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第9期853-859,共7页
Significant quantities of slag are generated as waste material or by-product every day from steel industries. They usually contain considerable quantities of valuable metals and materials. Transforming these solid was... Significant quantities of slag are generated as waste material or by-product every day from steel industries. They usually contain considerable quantities of valuable metals and materials. Transforming these solid wastes from one form to another to be reused either by the same production unit or by different industrial installation is very much essential not only for conserving metals and mineral resources but also for protecting the environment. The sustainable development concept requires a more efficient management of waste materials and preservation of environment. The paper presents the basic characteristics of slag, analyses and it's modification by incorporating some essential plant nutrients and the possibility of its application as fertilizer was studied. 展开更多
关键词 BFS (blast furnace slag) NITROGEN POTASSIUM PHOSPHOR complex fertilizer
Iron Phosphate Coating: A Novel Approach to Controlling Pyrite Oxidation 被引量:2
作者 HUANGXIAO V.P.EVANGELOU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第2期103-110,共8页
A novel coating technique was developed for controlling Pyrite oxidation. The technique invo1ved leachingpyrite particles with a solution containing low concentrations of phosphate and hydrogen peroxide. Duringthe lea... A novel coating technique was developed for controlling Pyrite oxidation. The technique invo1ved leachingpyrite particles with a solution containing low concentrations of phosphate and hydrogen peroxide. Duringthe leaching process, the iron released from pyrite by hydrogen proxide was precipitated by phosphate as aferric phosphate coating. This coating was shown to be able to effectively prevent Pyrite from oxidation and itcould be established at the expense of only surface portions of Pyrite. The emergence of this technique couldprovide a unique potential route for abating acid mine drainage and reclaiming sulfide-containing degradedmining land. 展开更多
关键词 acid mine drainage COATING PYRITE
Railway Accident Prevention and Infrastructure Protection 被引量:1
作者 El-Miloudi El-Koursi Jean-Luc Bruyelle 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第1期96-107,共12页
Railway accident prevention and protection are a key part of a wider picture of transport safety. The rail sector thus needs to improve its knowledge of trespassing and suicide, including at level crossing, in order t... Railway accident prevention and protection are a key part of a wider picture of transport safety. The rail sector thus needs to improve its knowledge of trespassing and suicide, including at level crossing, in order to work out suitable responses by analyzing measures already taken in various countries, Governments, the rail industry and road organizations have been implementing a variety of countermeasures for many years to improve railway safety. These actions are substantial and have resulted in a continuing decrease in the number and the severity of accidents. This paper presents existing suitable techniques that are used in the preventative measures targeted to reduce railway suicides, trespassing and level crossing user accidents. It describes them in terms of their capability to effectively reduce accidents, their cost-effectiveness and their integration within the railway transport system as a whole. 展开更多
关键词 Railways SAFETY INFRASTRUCTURE level crossing trespassing.
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