Integration of acupuncture and drug is a therapeutic method in which acupuncture treatment and pharmacotherapy are synchronously performed in the same patient to prevent and treat the disease. Its importance can be tr...Integration of acupuncture and drug is a therapeutic method in which acupuncture treatment and pharmacotherapy are synchronously performed in the same patient to prevent and treat the disease. Its importance can be traced back to Sun Simiao (581-682 A.D.), a prominent physician of China's Tang Dynasty. He pointed out that: A physician who masters only acupuncture treatment in clinical practice but not moxibustion, or masters only moxibustion treatment but not acupuncture is not a skillful doctor; and a physician who is only aware of the application of acupuncture and moxibustion but ignorant of pharmacotherapy, or is only aware of pharmacotherapy but ignorant of the application of acupuncture and moxibustion also should not be a skillful one. Not only should a skillful doctor have the knack of applying acupuncture and moxibustion, but he should have the knack at pharmacotherapy in treating diseases. Each of acupuncture and moxibustion, and drug has its strong points. Therefore, both of them should be used simultaneously, thus bringing the strong points of both individuals into full play and offsetting their weaknesses so as to obtain a satisfactory therapeutic effect. With the development of modern medicine and introduction of advanced technology, there have been brilliant developments in the method and applied range of integration of acupuncture and drug, particularly in the studies on combined anesthesia induced by using acupuncture and drug, and administering drug by acupoint. All these have provided us a ground to further probe into the mechanism underlying the integration of acupuncture and drug.展开更多
文摘Integration of acupuncture and drug is a therapeutic method in which acupuncture treatment and pharmacotherapy are synchronously performed in the same patient to prevent and treat the disease. Its importance can be traced back to Sun Simiao (581-682 A.D.), a prominent physician of China's Tang Dynasty. He pointed out that: A physician who masters only acupuncture treatment in clinical practice but not moxibustion, or masters only moxibustion treatment but not acupuncture is not a skillful doctor; and a physician who is only aware of the application of acupuncture and moxibustion but ignorant of pharmacotherapy, or is only aware of pharmacotherapy but ignorant of the application of acupuncture and moxibustion also should not be a skillful one. Not only should a skillful doctor have the knack of applying acupuncture and moxibustion, but he should have the knack at pharmacotherapy in treating diseases. Each of acupuncture and moxibustion, and drug has its strong points. Therefore, both of them should be used simultaneously, thus bringing the strong points of both individuals into full play and offsetting their weaknesses so as to obtain a satisfactory therapeutic effect. With the development of modern medicine and introduction of advanced technology, there have been brilliant developments in the method and applied range of integration of acupuncture and drug, particularly in the studies on combined anesthesia induced by using acupuncture and drug, and administering drug by acupoint. All these have provided us a ground to further probe into the mechanism underlying the integration of acupuncture and drug.