Acupuncture carried out with needles out of stone, bone, and probably wood and by using the methods of Ashi and local point needling started in the Stone Age in China. In historical times, the acupuncture of Neo'ing ...Acupuncture carried out with needles out of stone, bone, and probably wood and by using the methods of Ashi and local point needling started in the Stone Age in China. In historical times, the acupuncture of Neo'ing (Inner Canon) (Neijing acupuncture) was added to Ashi point acupuncture. In our times, acupuncture microsystems were introduced, usually beside the rules set up by qi and "the web that has no weaver". The question is whether the microsystems are located outside or within the "the web that has no weaver" and they are included in the theory of the Neijing acupuncture? Most of the microsystems rest on theories of their own based on the location of the acupoint, and do not care for their intersections with the "Neijing acupuncture", neither in theory nor in clinic. However, there exist two acupuncture theories to explain acupuncture, but which one is the better? These questions will be explained and discussed.展开更多
文摘Acupuncture carried out with needles out of stone, bone, and probably wood and by using the methods of Ashi and local point needling started in the Stone Age in China. In historical times, the acupuncture of Neo'ing (Inner Canon) (Neijing acupuncture) was added to Ashi point acupuncture. In our times, acupuncture microsystems were introduced, usually beside the rules set up by qi and "the web that has no weaver". The question is whether the microsystems are located outside or within the "the web that has no weaver" and they are included in the theory of the Neijing acupuncture? Most of the microsystems rest on theories of their own based on the location of the acupoint, and do not care for their intersections with the "Neijing acupuncture", neither in theory nor in clinic. However, there exist two acupuncture theories to explain acupuncture, but which one is the better? These questions will be explained and discussed.