Acupuncture treatment integrated with cupping for enhancing the therapeutic effect is a technique in Yang's school of acupuncture carried forward from generation to generation. The author's grandfather created...Acupuncture treatment integrated with cupping for enhancing the therapeutic effect is a technique in Yang's school of acupuncture carried forward from generation to generation. The author's grandfather created Yang's shallow puncturing and cupping therapy to enhance the effect of promoting blood flow and removing blood stasis in the light of his clinical experience. In this therapy, the gentle puncturing and heavy tapping are carried out with the seven-star needle until light bleeding occurs, followed by drawing out of pituita or stagnant blood and coagula by cupping, in an attempt to promote tissue regeneration by removing blood stasis for promoting the flow of qi and blood in the meridians. The therapy has been developed by Dr. Yang Yifang (the author's father) in clinical practice over the past six decades. Satisfactory therapeutic results have been obtained in clinical practice, which are introduced with examples below.展开更多
文摘Acupuncture treatment integrated with cupping for enhancing the therapeutic effect is a technique in Yang's school of acupuncture carried forward from generation to generation. The author's grandfather created Yang's shallow puncturing and cupping therapy to enhance the effect of promoting blood flow and removing blood stasis in the light of his clinical experience. In this therapy, the gentle puncturing and heavy tapping are carried out with the seven-star needle until light bleeding occurs, followed by drawing out of pituita or stagnant blood and coagula by cupping, in an attempt to promote tissue regeneration by removing blood stasis for promoting the flow of qi and blood in the meridians. The therapy has been developed by Dr. Yang Yifang (the author's father) in clinical practice over the past six decades. Satisfactory therapeutic results have been obtained in clinical practice, which are introduced with examples below.