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作者 陈李雪 曾令清 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期2228-2241,共14页
先捕后放是一种重要的鱼类资源保护策略和渔业管理手段。经历先捕后放的被钓鱼类个体的生理与行为会发生变化。当这些个体再次面对人工垂钓诱饵时,可能会呈现更加谨慎的摄饵或鱼钩回避行为。为考察重复垂钓对鱼类易钓性、能量代谢和个... 先捕后放是一种重要的鱼类资源保护策略和渔业管理手段。经历先捕后放的被钓鱼类个体的生理与行为会发生变化。当这些个体再次面对人工垂钓诱饵时,可能会呈现更加谨慎的摄饵或鱼钩回避行为。为考察重复垂钓对鱼类易钓性、能量代谢和个性的影响,本研究以鲤科鱼类鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25.3±0.1)℃水温条件下对垂钓组和对照组进行3次的能量代谢(标准代谢率,SMR;最大代谢,MMR)和个性(勇敢性、活跃性)测定。其中,垂钓组需进行垂钓实验,而对照组不进行任何垂钓操作。研究发现:(1)重复垂钓显著降低鲫幼鱼的垂钓率,但明显增加单尾平均垂钓时间和整体死亡率。(2)重复垂钓降低鲫幼鱼的体重、肥满度、SMR、MMR、代谢空间(AS)和相对代谢空间(FAS),但整体上不影响勇敢性和活跃性。(3)在测定Ⅰ中,高易钓性个体的体长和开阔区运动时间比大于低易钓性个体,但前者的肥满度小于后者。然而,在测定Ⅱ和Ⅲ中,高易钓性个体的形态参数、能量代谢、个性(勇敢性和活跃性)与低易钓性个体并无差异。研究表明:重复垂钓明显降低鲫幼鱼的易钓性,并且种内个体易钓性的变化方向不尽相同;重复垂钓对鲫幼鱼的形态和有氧代谢能力产生负面影响,可能降低了其用于运动、生长和消化等生理功能的代谢潜能。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 能量代谢 重复垂 社会学习 进化
异育银鲫易钓性的表型基础和生态结果及饥饿响应 被引量:7
作者 曾令清 李梦露 +2 位作者 夏茂芹 古方慧 付世建 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期751-761,共11页
为考察鲤科鱼类易钓性种内差异的表型基础、生态结果及饥饿响应,研究以异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)幼鱼为实验对象,在饥饿前(对照组)测定其表型特征(能量代谢、游泳能力和个性行为)并垂钓,随后在饥饿1周后再次垂钓(饥饿组),最... 为考察鲤科鱼类易钓性种内差异的表型基础、生态结果及饥饿响应,研究以异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)幼鱼为实验对象,在饥饿前(对照组)测定其表型特征(能量代谢、游泳能力和个性行为)并垂钓,随后在饥饿1周后再次垂钓(饥饿组),最后进行2周的恢复摄食生长实验(恢复组)。垂钓实验具有4个重复,每个重复的样本量为40尾,垂钓1.5h即停止,垂钓20尾为钓出组,剩余20尾为未钓出组。研究发现:除钓出组的相对代谢空间(FAS)小于未钓出组外,钓出组的外部形态(体重、体长和肥满度)、能量代谢参数(标准代谢率SMR、最大代谢率MMR和代谢空间AS)、游泳能力(最大匀加速游泳能力Ucat和最大有氧运动能力Ugt)及个性行为(探索性、活跃性和勇敢性)与未钓出组均无明显差异(所有P>0.05);在经历捕食者模拟袭击后,实验鱼勇敢性的潜伏时间比大于探索性,导致勇敢性的运动时间比和穿门频率小于探索性。SMR与Ucat及Ugt不相关(P>0.05),但MMR和AS与Ucat及Ugt均呈正相关(P<0.05);能量代谢参数与个性行为存在部分相关。饥饿增加异育银鲫的垂钓总时间、单尾平均垂钓时间和单尾垂钓时间的变异系数。钓出组在饥饿期的特定生长率(SGR)小于未钓出组,而恢复期钓出组的SGR与未钓出组无显著差异;除MMR和AS外,SMR与饥饿期及恢复期的SGR均呈负相关(P<0.05),即SMR越高个体在饥饿期间的体重下降更快,在恢复摄食后生长却较慢。研究表明:异育银鲫幼鱼的易钓性可能不具备表型基础,并且因环境食物匮乏而降低;虽然饥饿期间两种易钓性表型个体的生态结果存在差异,但该生长差异在营养恢复后消失,表明异育银鲫的易钓性具有一定的环境依赖性。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 能量代谢 游泳 行为 生态结果 异育银鲫
垂钓强度对鲫幼鱼易钓性和生长的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈欢 何衍 +1 位作者 刘小玲 曾令清 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1145-1153,共9页
为考察不同垂钓强度对鲤科鱼类易钓性和生长的影响,研究以鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在实验(26.9±0.1)℃条件下对大小相近和机体健康的3个处理组[高强度组(1d垂钓1次)、中强度组(2d垂钓1次)和低强度组(4d垂钓1次)]进行... 为考察不同垂钓强度对鲤科鱼类易钓性和生长的影响,研究以鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在实验(26.9±0.1)℃条件下对大小相近和机体健康的3个处理组[高强度组(1d垂钓1次)、中强度组(2d垂钓1次)和低强度组(4d垂钓1次)]进行垂钓实验;每个垂钓处理组均设3个平行组,每个平行组包括40尾鱼,每个组在垂钓10h后则停止该组的垂钓活动,记录成功垂钓每尾鱼的时间、序号和电子标签信息,计算垂钓比例、单尾被钓时间、平均垂钓序号、变异系数和实验期间(9d)的生长率。研究发现:3个垂钓强度组的垂钓比例均随着垂钓次数的增加而呈现下降的变化趋势,单尾被钓时间呈现增加的变化趋势,导致垂钓比例与单尾被钓时间呈负相关。除低强度组外,高、中垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号随着被钓次数的增加均呈现减小的变化趋势,并且该2个强度组平均垂钓序号的变异系数随着被钓次数的增多均呈增大的变化趋势;3个垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号与其变异系数呈负相关。3个垂钓强度组在实验期间的特定生长率均出现负值情况,但3个组之间无差异。研究表明:高强度的垂钓活动会降低鲫幼鱼的易钓性,并且导致个体生长表现出一定的负面效应,表明高强度垂钓活动可能影响鱼类野外种群易钓性及其相关的其他表型的进化轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 强度 比例 时间 生态结果
鲫幼鱼易钓性与标准代谢及形态特征的关联 被引量:6
作者 杨亚 吴朝伟 +2 位作者 付世建 彭姜岚 曾令清 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期26-31,共6页
【目的】考察鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate)及形态参数与易钓性是否存在关联。【方法】以广布种鲤科鱼类鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25±0.5)℃条件下测定体质量相近、体格健康的40尾幼... 【目的】考察鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate)及形态参数与易钓性是否存在关联。【方法】以广布种鲤科鱼类鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25±0.5)℃条件下测定体质量相近、体格健康的40尾幼鱼的标准代谢率,随后在实验室环境中连续进行5d垂钓,每日垂钓20尾幼鱼即停止当日垂钓活动。【结果】1)第1d被钓出幼鱼的标准代谢率高于未被钓出幼鱼,具有统计学意义(p<0.05);随后连续4d中被钓出幼鱼与未被钓出幼鱼的标准代谢率之间的差异均不具有统计学意义。另外,每日被钓出幼鱼与未被钓出幼鱼的体质量之间的差异也无统计学意义,但被钓出幼鱼的体长在第3d和第5d大于未被钓出幼鱼,且具有统计学意义(p<0.05),并且被钓出幼鱼的肥满度在第3d高于未钓出组,具有统计学意义(p<0.05)。2)在5d的连续垂钓中,被钓上5次的幼鱼有3尾,被钓上1~4次的幼鱼分别为7,7,6,10尾,仅7尾幼鱼从未被钓出,单因素方差分析显示不同被钓出频次的幼鱼的标准代谢率之间差异不具有统计学意义。3)对5d中均被钓出的幼鱼的钓出顺序进行分析,发现它们每日被钓排序在整体上保持一致,而幼鱼的平均被钓次序号与它们的标准代谢率和形态参数均无统计学意义上的相关性。【结论】鲫幼鱼的首次被钓经历并不影响自身再次被钓;在体质量相近条件下,鲫的易钓性与外部形态(如体质量、体长或肥满度等)以及维持代谢有关。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 标准代谢率 形态特征
两种鲤科鱼类的易钓性 被引量:3
作者 杨亚 付世建 +1 位作者 彭姜岚 曾令清 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1432-1437,共6页
自然界鱼类不断遭受人类垂钓压力的影响,鱼类易钓性存在明显的种内个体差异,并且不同种鱼类的易钓性不尽相同。为考察不同种鲤科鱼类的易钓性差异及其是否与外部形态存在关联,本研究以中国广泛养殖的鲤科鱼类异育银鲫(Carassius auratus... 自然界鱼类不断遭受人类垂钓压力的影响,鱼类易钓性存在明显的种内个体差异,并且不同种鱼类的易钓性不尽相同。为考察不同种鲤科鱼类的易钓性差异及其是否与外部形态存在关联,本研究以中国广泛养殖的鲤科鱼类异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)幼鱼为实验对象,在实验室(25±0.5)℃条件下对大小相当、体重相近的3个处理组[异育银鲫、鲤及混合组(异育银鲫+鲤)]进行垂钓;每个处理组均设3个重复,每个重复包括40尾实验鱼,每个重复垂钓20尾鱼则停止该组的垂钓活动,记录垂钓成功每尾鱼的时间和序号,计算垂钓总时间及单尾被钓平均时间。结果表明:混合组鲤的体长大于其他组;鲤幼鱼组的肥满度显著高于其他组,混合组鲤和异育银鲫高易钓性个体的肥满度均大于低易钓性个体;在实验过程中,3个实验组的垂钓总时间无明显差异,但单尾被钓平均时间存在明显差异,其中混合组鲤单尾被钓平均时间显著长于异育银鲫组;混合组中异育银鲫幼鱼被钓的数量比例明显高于该组的鲤幼鱼,而钓出鲤幼鱼的平均被钓次序号大于异育银鲫幼鱼。研究表明:相比较于鲤幼鱼,异育银鲫幼鱼更易被钓;两种鲤科鱼类易钓性差异可能与二者生态习性及形态密切有关。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 形态特征 异育银鲫
饥饿对草鱼易钓性及其生态结果的影响 被引量:3
作者 杨亚 彭姜岚 +1 位作者 付世建 曾令清 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期492-499,共8页
自然界鱼类易钓性具有明显的种内个体差异,且易受环境因子(如食物丰度)的影响。为考察饥饿对鲤科鱼类易钓性及其生态结果的影响,本研究以草鱼(Ctenopharynodon idellus)幼鱼为实验对象,在25±0.5℃条件下对两个处理组(饥饿组与对照... 自然界鱼类易钓性具有明显的种内个体差异,且易受环境因子(如食物丰度)的影响。为考察饥饿对鲤科鱼类易钓性及其生态结果的影响,本研究以草鱼(Ctenopharynodon idellus)幼鱼为实验对象,在25±0.5℃条件下对两个处理组(饥饿组与对照组)共进行两次垂钓(0与14 d);每个处理组均设3个重复,每个重复包括40尾鱼,每个重复垂钓20尾鱼后则停止该组垂钓活动,获取垂钓总时间、被钓鱼次序号、单尾被钓平均时间的变异系数,及两种易钓性表型个体的生长率。结果表明:饥饿组草鱼0 d的形态参数(体质量、体长和肥满度)都显著高于该组14 d,对照组的形态参数在实验期间无明显变化;对照组14 d的形态参数显著高于饥饿组14 d;对照组和饥饿组14 d高易钓性个体的体质量和体长显著大于低易钓性个体;对照组14 d的垂钓总时间显著长于饥饿组14 d,但两处理组单尾被钓时间的变异系数无差异;饥饿组的特定生长率(SGR)呈负增长,其低易钓性个体的SGR显著高于高易钓性个体,但对照组两种易钓性表型个体的SGR无差异;饥饿导致草鱼易钓性明显增强,在食物严重匮乏环境中不同易钓性表型草鱼个体的生长结果(如生长率)存在差异,该种鱼易钓性具有一定的形态学基础。 展开更多
关键词 钓性 饥饿 形态特征 草鱼
作者 苗延迅 《中国钓鱼》 2004年第11期51-51,共1页
关键词 鱼钩 钓性
世界大洋性鱿钓渔业研究评述 被引量:25
作者 刘金立 陈新军 《上海海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期331-343,共13页
为客观地揭示世界大洋性鱿钓渔业的研究态势及研究热点,促进我国大洋性鱿钓渔业的可持续发展,基于Web of Science核心合集数据,利用文献计量学方法,对其文献的增长趋势及期刊分布进行分析,并基于作者和机构合作网络、关键词共现的知识... 为客观地揭示世界大洋性鱿钓渔业的研究态势及研究热点,促进我国大洋性鱿钓渔业的可持续发展,基于Web of Science核心合集数据,利用文献计量学方法,对其文献的增长趋势及期刊分布进行分析,并基于作者和机构合作网络、关键词共现的知识图谱及突变检测等方法,探究世界大洋性鱿钓渔业的研究热点及其研究前沿,结果表明:研究文献总体上呈递增趋势,且文献的科研影响力及国际关注度非常高;作者、机构间均形成了频繁而稳定的合作关系,作者合作方面形成了以陈新军、陈勇等作者为核心及以RODHOUSE等为核心的两大作者合作群,机构合作方面分别以上海海洋大学和英国南极调查局为核心的机构间建立了广泛的合作关系;海洋淡水生物学、渔业、海洋学和生态学等为世界大洋性鱿钓渔业的优势学科领域。当前世界大洋性鱿钓渔业的研究前沿有4个方向:(1)开展重要大洋性经济鱿鱼种类的基础生物学和生态学研究;(2)研究大洋性鱿鱼资源评估及其资源对全球气候和环境变化的响应机理;(3)结合海洋遥感信息研究渔业栖息地及跨学科交叉融合;(4)开展基于生态系统的大洋性鱿钓渔业资源综合管理研究。 展开更多
关键词 头足类 大洋鱿渔业 文献计量学 关键词共现 知识图谱
Modeling the Hook Depth Distribution of Pelagic Longlining in the Equatorial Area of Indian Ocean 被引量:10
作者 SONG Liming LI Jie +2 位作者 GAO Panfeng ZHOU Ji XU Liuxiong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期547-556,共10页
A survey was conducted in the equatorial area of Indian Ocean for a better understanding of the dynamics of hook depth distribution of pelagic longline fishery. We determined the relationship between hook depth and ve... A survey was conducted in the equatorial area of Indian Ocean for a better understanding of the dynamics of hook depth distribution of pelagic longline fishery. We determined the relationship between hook depth and vertical shear of current coefficieney, wind speed, hook position code, sine of wind angle, sine of angle of attack and weight of messenger weight. We identified the hook depth models by the analysis of covariance with a general linear model. The results showed that the wind effect on the hook depth can be ignored from October to November in the survey area; the surface current effect on the hook depth can be ignored; the equato- rial undercurrent is the key factor for the hook depth in Indian Ocean; and there is a negative correlation between the hook depth and vertical shear of current and angle of attack. It was also found that the deeper the hook was set, the higher hook depth shoaling was. The proposed model improves the accuracy of the prediction of hook depth, which can be used to estimate the vertical distribution of pelagic fish in water column. 展开更多
关键词 hook depth LONGLINE temperature-depth-recorder equatorial area the Indian Ocean
Political Economy of Fishing Villages: A Case Study in the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia 被引量:1
作者 Mak Sithirith 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第6期299-313,共15页
The Tonle Sap Lake is home to three types of communities: land-based, water-based and land-water based communities, whose livelihoods are dependent on Lake's resources. This paper examines how fishing communities in... The Tonle Sap Lake is home to three types of communities: land-based, water-based and land-water based communities, whose livelihoods are dependent on Lake's resources. This paper examines how fishing communities in the Tonic Sap Lake make their living in the context of declined resources, increased competition between fishers, the resources politics and the increased trades around the Lake. The paper concludes that in the old day, communities around the lake were related to one another through bartering rice and fish. However, at present, as resources declining, these communities compete over resources, and in doing so, they build relationship and connection with powerful elites including officials, fish traders and the fishing operators, who could protect them in fishing. As a consequence, fishers are trapped in the webs of vicious cycle of poverty, conflicts, corruption and patronage system and exploited and sucked in these webs. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNITIES livelihoods market economy bartering resource decline COMPETITION fish trader.
Species composition and diversity of pelagic fishes based on a longline fishery catch in the North Pacific Ocean 被引量:5
作者 朱江峰 戴小杰 陈勇 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期261-269,共9页
Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we... Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert's species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collected by an onboard scientific observer during a commercial longline fishing trip.The species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of fish assemblages in the northern area were slightly higher than those in the southern area,although these differences were not significant(t test,P.0.05).Non-parametric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities indicated that there were significant differences in fish assemblages between the two areas(P,0.01). 展开更多
关键词 species composition DIVERSITY pelagic fish LONGLINE North Pacific Ocean
作者 Olatz Villanueva Zubizarreta 《History Research》 2014年第1期31-38,共8页
In the Middle Ages, as in other historical past periods, there was a double perception of the value of water. On the one hand, water was considered as an indispensable necessity for human life and, on the other, it ac... In the Middle Ages, as in other historical past periods, there was a double perception of the value of water. On the one hand, water was considered as an indispensable necessity for human life and, on the other, it acquired a symbolic value, whose manifestations are equally palpable. As an example, there can be brought up the setting up of public fountains in the towns of late Middle Ages. They were essential not only for the daily water provision for the citizens but also meant to honor and pomp the city. Similar double meaning can be also found in the functioning of the medieval fisheries as their economic activity guaranteed food supply and even managed to acquire religious and symbolic implications in the Christian society. 展开更多
关键词 Middle Ages Castile Society WATER FISHING policy of water mentalities
Reproductive Biology of the Striped Seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) from AI-Haneah Fishing Site, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Libya
作者 Eyman Faraj Abd Alssalam Sayed Mohamed Ali +2 位作者 Mohammad E1 Sayed E1 Sayed El Mor Ramadan Attea Saleh Ali Eman Salem AI Fergani 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第4期171-181,共11页
Reproductive biology of L. mormyrus was studied using monthly samples totaling 224 fish obtained from AI-Haneah fishing site, eastern Libya Mediterranean Sea. Lengths of the examined fish ranged between 11.5 cm and 23... Reproductive biology of L. mormyrus was studied using monthly samples totaling 224 fish obtained from AI-Haneah fishing site, eastern Libya Mediterranean Sea. Lengths of the examined fish ranged between 11.5 cm and 23.4 cm. Corresponding weights were 24.5 g and 160.8 g. The minimum values of the condition factors, KF and Kc, were 1.38 and 1.21 at the average fish length of 12.4 cm. These values increased with increases in length until they reached maximum values of 1.59 and 1.41 at the length of 22.1 cm. The high values of KF and Kc, Gonado-Somatic Index and oocyte diameter maintained during May, June, July, and August and the monthly changes in gonadal condition, indicated that summer was the breeding season of L. mormyrus. The oocyte diameter ranged between 379± 25.3 μ and 1,511 ± 143.3μ (n = 76) with an average of 895 ± 111.3 μ. The sex ratio was in favor of females during all months of the study. The overall sex ratio was 1 : 1.52. Length at first maturity, Ls0, for L. mormyrus was found to be 14.15 cm for males and 14.45 for females. Overall average of absolute fecundity was 4,342±557 egg per fish (n = 45). The overall average of relative fecundity was 234± 181 egg per cm. Absolute fecundity increased with increasing fish length. 展开更多
关键词 Reproductive biology length at first maturity oocyte diameter FECUNDITY striped Seabream Lithognathus mormyrus.
作者 李嘉亮 《垂钓》 2003年第3期34-36,共3页
关键词 手竿 解析 硬调子 日本鲫竿 钓性 小继竿 长节竿
作者 苏雷 《中国钓鱼》 2003年第6期30-30,共1页
突如其来的“非典”,将全国各大种大型活动“叫停”,第二届“光威钓王杯”全国钓鱼巡回赛自然也不例外。 比赛暂停了,文章可还得写。幸好先前在与黄适之先生的交往中多有请教,虽说有点像“狗熊掰棒子”,但多少还记着一些。现在搜肠刮肚... 突如其来的“非典”,将全国各大种大型活动“叫停”,第二届“光威钓王杯”全国钓鱼巡回赛自然也不例外。 比赛暂停了,文章可还得写。幸好先前在与黄适之先生的交往中多有请教,虽说有点像“狗熊掰棒子”,但多少还记着一些。现在搜肠刮肚地把它们找出来,献给关心“光威钓王杯”的钓友们。 展开更多
关键词 鱼比赛 线组 钓性 细线 粗线
《垂钓》 2007年第1期22-22,共1页
甲峰矶竿 华丽的外表与强韧的钓性相结合,是矶钓者的最佳利器。
关键词 甲峰矶竿 钓性
Male mate choice in livebearing fishes: an overview 被引量:2
作者 Ingo SCHLUPP 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期393-403,共11页
Although the majority of studies on mate choice focus on female mate choice, there is growing recognition of the role of male mate choice too. Male mate choice is tightly linked to 2 other phenomena: female competiti... Although the majority of studies on mate choice focus on female mate choice, there is growing recognition of the role of male mate choice too. Male mate choice is tightly linked to 2 other phenomena: female competition for males and ornamentation in females. In the current article, I review the existing literature on this in a group of fishes, Poeciliidae. In this group, male mate choice appears to be based on differences in female quality, especially female size, which is a proxy for fecundity. Some males also have to choose between heterospecific and conspecific females in the unusual mating system of the Amazon molly. In this case, they typically show a preference for conspecific females. Whereas male mate choice is relatively well documented for this family, female ornamentation and female competition are not. 展开更多
关键词 binary choice test FECUNDITY female choice female size GAMBUSIA GUPPY POECILIA preference function sexualselection Xiphophorus.
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