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作者 景常春 《地方文化研究辑刊》 2021年第1期182-193,共12页
联语,又称楹联、对联、楹帖等,属于实用文体,是中国传统文化奇葩之一,也是中华民族的文化瑰宝,是一种兼容民俗性、文学性和艺术性的独特文学艺术,是我国人民喜闻乐见的古典文化的一种形式。如庙堂祠宇、殿阁楼台、官署家园、商场市肆,... 联语,又称楹联、对联、楹帖等,属于实用文体,是中国传统文化奇葩之一,也是中华民族的文化瑰宝,是一种兼容民俗性、文学性和艺术性的独特文学艺术,是我国人民喜闻乐见的古典文化的一种形式。如庙堂祠宇、殿阁楼台、官署家园、商场市肆,均悬楹联以代标识。名胜寄慨,以壮河山,世俗往来,社会交际,无处不能用以对联。钟体志的联语,能充分发挥对联的社会实用性作用,表达自己的多种思想和深厚情怀,利用对联而给人对己以鼓励与鞭策、烘托气氛、广结人缘等。其联语均甚精到,既具有深厚的文化知识,也有较强的可读性、欣赏性。 展开更多
关键词 钟体 联语 深厚知识 作用
《花木盆景(下半月)》 2004年第7期F003-F003,共1页
关键词 钟体 根艺作品 形态特征 意境
作者 景常春 《蜀学》 2018年第2期160-169,共10页
关键词 鍾體志 《澡雪堂詩文鈔》 思想 益世文章 爲官之道
作者 李小虎 《运城学院学报》 2010年第3期73-76,共4页
"编钟"在上古时期的宫廷音乐中扮演着其它乐器所不能替代的重要角色。它不仅是宫廷音乐中的"上宾",在统治阶层的各种宗教祭祀活动中亦发挥着重要的作用,钟体上的"纹样"就是其重要性的明证。回溯主体纹样&... "编钟"在上古时期的宫廷音乐中扮演着其它乐器所不能替代的重要角色。它不仅是宫廷音乐中的"上宾",在统治阶层的各种宗教祭祀活动中亦发挥着重要的作用,钟体上的"纹样"就是其重要性的明证。回溯主体纹样"饕餮纹"的源流,发现这些纹样和统治阶级的政治、宗教都有着极为密切的关系:在早期人类的宗教活动中,伴随着青铜礼器,"饕餮纹"不仅象征着权力和意志,担任着"威慑"、"通神"这样特殊的职能,而且在各种大型的祭仪活动中它亦负载着多元的政治文化功能。 展开更多
关键词 钟体纹样 饕餮纹 宗教含义 政治文化功能
用现代科学理论指导铸钟(上) 被引量:1
作者 詹绍思 周国权 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期54-55,共2页
关键词 铸造理论 结构设计 铸钟 钟体 振动分析
Study on Fruit Quality, Phenological Phases and Shoot Histomorphology of a New Bud Mutant Line, ‘Chuanzao Loquat’ 被引量:5
作者 梅洛银 廖明安 +4 位作者 任雅君 刘雨 程籍 刘娟 罗丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1881-1884,共4页
[Objective] This study was to explore the growth characteristics and fruit quality of a new bud mutant line, 'Chuanzao Loquat'. [Method] Paraffin section technique combined with field investigation method were adopt... [Objective] This study was to explore the growth characteristics and fruit quality of a new bud mutant line, 'Chuanzao Loquat'. [Method] Paraffin section technique combined with field investigation method were adopted to conduct com- parative analysis of shoot histomorphology and phenological phases between two Io- quat varieties, 'Chuanzao Loquat' and 'Zaozhong 6'. [Result] 'Chuanzao Loquat' branched out and unfolded leaves about half to a month earlier than 'Zaozhong 6'; both the flowering and fruiting phases of 'Chuanzao Loquat' were three months earlier than a precocious variety, 'Zaozhong 6'; the proportions of epidermis, cortex parenchyma, vascular tissue and medulla were 3.7%, 14.5%, 15.9% and 65.9%, re- spectively, in spdng shoots of 'Chuanzao Loquat', and 3.1%, 42.5%, 6.9% and 47.5%, respectively, in 'Zaozhong 6'. [Conclusion] In terms of phenological phases, 'Chuanzao Loqua' is earlier than 'Zaozhong 6', a currently widely planted precocious variety, and thus is an important germplasm resource of Ioquats. 展开更多
关键词 'Chuanzao Loquat' 'Zaozhong 6' Phenological phases HISTOMORPHOLOGY
试论张澜的政治思想 被引量:2
作者 张利源 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 1989年第2期90-96,共7页
张澜(1872——1955),字表方,四川南充人,清末秀才,早年留学日本。是四川保路运动的著名领导人之一。曾任嘉陵道道尹、四川省长、成都大学校长。抗日战争后,任国民参政会参政员,他积极参加抗日民主运动,组织和领导中国民主同盟,任同盟主... 张澜(1872——1955),字表方,四川南充人,清末秀才,早年留学日本。是四川保路运动的著名领导人之一。曾任嘉陵道道尹、四川省长、成都大学校长。抗日战争后,任国民参政会参政员,他积极参加抗日民主运动,组织和领导中国民主同盟,任同盟主席。解放后任中央人民政府副主席、全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长和全国政协副主席。 张澜的一生,渡过了漫长的岁月,经历了旧民主义革命、新民主主义革命和社会主义革命。他走过的道路是曲折的,他的政治思想,随着时代的前进而不断发展。对于张澜一生的政治思想,本文试作初步探索。 展开更多
关键词 国民参政会 政府副主席 国民政府委员会 道尹 成都大学 政协副主席 中学部 嘉陵道 救国公债 钟体
锦江河暖溅惊波 从头收拾旧山河——四川首任省长蔡锷在成都
作者 彭璐 龚克 《四川档案》 2015年第3期48-48,共1页
1915年12月25日,为反对袁世凯称帝,蔡锷、唐继尧等将领通电全国宣布云南独立并武力讨袁。蔡锷于1916年1月率护国军第一军北上,袁世凯在3月22日被迫宣布取消帝制,接着在国人的唾骂声中忧愤死去。自此,反对帝制、捍卫共和的护国战争宣告... 1915年12月25日,为反对袁世凯称帝,蔡锷、唐继尧等将领通电全国宣布云南独立并武力讨袁。蔡锷于1916年1月率护国军第一军北上,袁世凯在3月22日被迫宣布取消帝制,接着在国人的唾骂声中忧愤死去。自此,反对帝制、捍卫共和的护国战争宣告结束。7月6日,北京政府任命蔡锷为四川督军兼省长,蔡锷于7月29日到达成都上任,开始肩负起为期10天执掌川政的使命。 展开更多
关键词 蔡锷 袁世凯称帝 护国战争 唐继尧 北京政府 道尹 钟体 滇军 省长公署 陈泽霈
作者 金世余 柴世敏 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 2024年第4期93-104,166,共13页
黄大同先生在其《曾侯乙编钟是否有“[甫頁]-曾体系”之验证》一文中对“[甫頁]-曾体系”的存在提出质疑,认为黄翔鹏先生是采用拼接不同层组的钟体音列作为证据来论证“[甫頁]-曾体系”的律学涵义;黄翔鹏先生论证“[甫頁]-曾体系”的证... 黄大同先生在其《曾侯乙编钟是否有“[甫頁]-曾体系”之验证》一文中对“[甫頁]-曾体系”的存在提出质疑,认为黄翔鹏先生是采用拼接不同层组的钟体音列作为证据来论证“[甫頁]-曾体系”的律学涵义;黄翔鹏先生论证“[甫頁]-曾体系”的证据属于人为编创而非证据事实。文章认为,黄翔鹏先生的曾侯乙编钟律制研究是建立在对我国传统音乐理论进行长期思考与实践基础上的综合认识;“[甫頁]-曾体系”的提出是一个多重证据相互印证的综合论证结果。黄大同先生存在曲解黄翔鹏先生列出“曾侯乙钟每钟两音[甫頁]、曾关系示意图”的真实用意;混淆“[甫頁]-曾体系”律学层面的“理论十二音结构”与乐学层面的“钟体十二音位结构”之间的关系;主观臆断曾侯乙编钟“理论十二音”生律方式等方面问题。 展开更多
关键词 曾侯乙编钟 黄翔鹏 [甫頁]—曾体系 理论十二音结构 钟体十二音位结构
作者 吴汉家 《群言》 1992年第4期29-33,共5页
今年4月2日,是我国著名的民主革命家、教育家、伟大的爱国主义者、中国民主同盟杰出的领导人、中国共产党的亲密朋友张澜同志诞辰120周年。盟内许多老同志,亲聆过他的教诲,缅怀他那平易近人的作风,正直无私的品格,艰苦朴素的生活,坚定... 今年4月2日,是我国著名的民主革命家、教育家、伟大的爱国主义者、中国民主同盟杰出的领导人、中国共产党的亲密朋友张澜同志诞辰120周年。盟内许多老同志,亲聆过他的教诲,缅怀他那平易近人的作风,正直无私的品格,艰苦朴素的生活,坚定不移的爱国情操和民主精神,莫不肃然起敬。张澜同志在我国近现代历史上是有很大影响的人物。正如乌兰夫同志在张澜诞辰110周年的纪念会上所说:"近百年来,我国无数具有民主主义思想的先进人物和爱国志士。 展开更多
关键词 民主革命家 爱国主义者 近现代历史 乌兰夫 钟体 民主主义思想 赵尔丰 抗日战争时期 张秀熟 军阀混战
Impaired function of the suprachiasmatic nucleus rescues the loss of body temperature homeostasis caused by time-restricted feeding 被引量:2
作者 Zhihui Zhang Qiaocheng Zhai +5 位作者 Yue Gu Tao Zhang Zhengyun Huang Zhiwei Liu Yi Liu Ying Xu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第15期1268-1280,M0003,M0004,共15页
The suprachiasmatic nucleus(SCN)is the master circadian pacemaker that drives body temperature rhythm.Time-restricted feeding(TRF)has potential as a preventative or therapeutic approach against many diseases.The poten... The suprachiasmatic nucleus(SCN)is the master circadian pacemaker that drives body temperature rhythm.Time-restricted feeding(TRF)has potential as a preventative or therapeutic approach against many diseases.The potential side effects of TRF remain unknown.Here we show that daily 4-h TRF treatment in mice can severely impair body temperature homeostasis and can result in lethality.Nearly half of the mice died at 21℃,and all mice died at 18℃during 4-h TRF.This effect was modulated by the circadian clock and was associated with severe hypothermia due to loss of body temperature homeostasis.Remarkably,disrupting the circadian clock by SCN lesions or constant light rescued lethality during TRF.Analysis of circadian gene expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamus(DMH)demonstrated that TRF reprograms rhythmic transcriptome in DMH and suppresses expression of genes,such as Ccr5 and Calcrl,which are involved in thermoregulation.Together,our results demonstrated a potent effect of TRF on body temperature homeostasis and the role of SCN function in this process.Our results further suggested that circadian arrhythmicity can have potential beneficial effects under certain stress conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Time-restricted feeding Body temperature HYPOTHERMIA Circadian clock The suprachiasmatic nucleus The dorsomedial hypothalamus
Inactivation of Cipc alters the expression of Per1 but not circadian rhythms in mice 被引量:2
作者 QU ZhiPeng WANG XiaoHan +2 位作者 LIU DongChuan GAO Xiang XU Ying 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期368-372,共5页
Circadian clocks are comprised of self-sustained transcriptional/translational feedback loops, which regulate the rhythms of physiology and behavior in mammals. CLOCK-interacting protein, Circadian(CIPC), has been ind... Circadian clocks are comprised of self-sustained transcriptional/translational feedback loops, which regulate the rhythms of physiology and behavior in mammals. CLOCK-interacting protein, Circadian(CIPC), has been indicated as an additional negative-feedback regulator of the circadian clock in vitro, although its physiological roles in circadian clock are unknown. Here, we generated Cipc homozygous knockout(Cipc-/-) mice and assessed the resultant circadian phenotypes. Surprisingly, the m RNA expression profiles of core clock genes in the liver of Cipc-/- mice showed no significant differences from that in wild-type mice except for Per1. Cipc-/- mice displayed normal locomotor rhythm and entrained activity pattern in both 12:12 light-dark cycle and constant dark cycle. Furthermore, deletion of Cipc in lungs and adipose tissues did not influence their peripheral clock. The results from this work provided more conclusive data suggesting that CIPC is not critically required for basic clock function. 展开更多
关键词 CIPC circadian clock animal model
A comparative study of conventional and supercritical fluid extraction methods for the recovery of secondary metabolites from Syzygium campanulatum Korth 被引量:2
作者 Abdul Hakeem MEMON Mohammad Shahrul Ridzuan HAMIL +5 位作者 Madeeha LAGHARI Fahim RITHWAN Salman ZHARI Mohammed Ali Ahmed SAEED Zhari ISMAIL Amin Malik Shah Abdul MAJID 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第9期683-691,共9页
Syzygium campanulatum Korth is a plant, which is a rich source of secondary metabolites (especially flavanones, chalcone, and triterpenoids). In our present study, three conventional solvent extraction (CSE) techn... Syzygium campanulatum Korth is a plant, which is a rich source of secondary metabolites (especially flavanones, chalcone, and triterpenoids). In our present study, three conventional solvent extraction (CSE) techniques and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) techniques were performed to achieve a maximum recovery of two flavanones, chalcone, and two triterpenoids from S. campanulatum leaves. Furthermore, a Box-Behnken design was constructed for the SFE technique using pressure, temperature, and particle size as independent variables, and yields of crude extract, individual and total secondary metabolites as the dependent variables. In the CSE procedure, twenty extracts were produced using ten different solvents and three techniques (maceration, soxhletion, and reflux). An enriched extract of five secondary metabolites was collected using n-hexane:methanol (1:1) soxhletion. Using food-grade ethanol as a modifier, the SFE methods produced a higher recovery (25.5%-84.9%) of selected secondary metabo- lites as compared to the CSE techniques (0.92%-66.00%). 展开更多
关键词 Syzygium campanulatum Supercritical fluid extraction Conventional solvent extractions FLAVANONES CHALCONE TRITERPENOIDS
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