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闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板受力性能研究 被引量:1
作者 张婷婷 《江西建材》 2015年第13期10-11,共2页
本文介绍了闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板较开口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的优点;总结了闭口型压型钢板—钢筋混凝土组合板的破坏模式,并归纳了基于普通钢筋混凝土板承载力计算公式的闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的的受弯承载力计算公... 本文介绍了闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板较开口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的优点;总结了闭口型压型钢板—钢筋混凝土组合板的破坏模式,并归纳了基于普通钢筋混凝土板承载力计算公式的闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的的受弯承载力计算公式和纵向剪切承载力计算公式。 展开更多
关键词 闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板 优势 破坏模式 承载力
压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板瞬态温度场有限元分析 被引量:1
作者 李强 刘继明 +1 位作者 吕忠来 李慧娜 《青岛理工大学学报》 CAS 2009年第5期25-29,共5页
要对压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板进行抗火性能的研究,首先要研究组合楼板在受火情况下板内温度场的分布情况.用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS对青岛理工大学韩金生所进行的组合楼板抗火试验进行数值分析,并与试验结果进行对比,验证所建立... 要对压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板进行抗火性能的研究,首先要研究组合楼板在受火情况下板内温度场的分布情况.用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS对青岛理工大学韩金生所进行的组合楼板抗火试验进行数值分析,并与试验结果进行对比,验证所建立的模型的正确性,并为以后进一步对组合楼板抗火性能研究提供基础性的研究成果. 展开更多
关键词 压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板 温度场 ANSYS 有限元分析
闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板发展综述 被引量:8
作者 谭燕 谢伟平 《山西建筑》 2007年第6期154-155,共2页
通过与开口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的比较分析,得出了新型闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的截面、技术和综合成本优势等;并概括出了闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的受弯承载力、纵向抗剪承载力以及刚度的计算公式,最后指出了其发展中... 通过与开口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的比较分析,得出了新型闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的截面、技术和综合成本优势等;并概括出了闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板的受弯承载力、纵向抗剪承载力以及刚度的计算公式,最后指出了其发展中存在的问题。 展开更多
关键词 闭口型压型钢板—混凝土组合板 承载力 刚度 计算公式
作者 杨宇 张雪波 刘畅 《黑龙江科技信息》 2009年第18期282-282,共1页
利用工程分析软件ANSYS建立压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板(以下简称组合楼板)的二维模型和三维模型,通过模拟计算,得到两类模型的瞬态温度场云图,比较这两类云图并说明它们之间的差异;绘制两类模型中各观测点的时间—温度曲线,分别将这两类... 利用工程分析软件ANSYS建立压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板(以下简称组合楼板)的二维模型和三维模型,通过模拟计算,得到两类模型的瞬态温度场云图,比较这两类云图并说明它们之间的差异;绘制两类模型中各观测点的时间—温度曲线,分别将这两类曲线与实验曲线进行对比,根据对比结果选择组合楼板的最佳计算模型。 展开更多
关键词 压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板 瞬态热分析 ANSYS
浅析压型钢板—混凝土非组合楼板施工技术 被引量:1
作者 乔少斌 《科技情报开发与经济》 2011年第16期209-211,共3页
关键词 压型钢板—混凝土非组合楼板 施工技术 施工工艺流程
钢板-混凝土组合技术在地下粮仓中的应用分析 被引量:7
作者 王珂 王振清 +1 位作者 丁永刚 殷鹏 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2015年第3期188-189,共2页
粮食安全问题是一个关系国计民生的大问题,也是关系国家安全的重要因素。确保粮食安全,必须要加强粮食储备工作,使粮食在存储过程中保持粮食品质。地下粮仓的建设不但能很好的确保粮食的安全、充分发挥绿色储粮的优势,而且把粮仓的建设... 粮食安全问题是一个关系国计民生的大问题,也是关系国家安全的重要因素。确保粮食安全,必须要加强粮食储备工作,使粮食在存储过程中保持粮食品质。地下粮仓的建设不但能很好的确保粮食的安全、充分发挥绿色储粮的优势,而且把粮仓的建设放置于地下充分利用地下空间优势、节约了土地资源。钢板—混凝土组合技术的引入为地下粮仓的防水问题提供了一个很好的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 钢板—混凝土 组合技术 地下仓
钢板——混凝土组合技术在桥梁加固中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 秦新建 《科技风》 2013年第6期78-78,83,共2页
关键词 钢板—混凝土组合加固技术 植筋 钢筋防护
作者 杨旭霞 《中国勘察设计》 2019年第11期96-98,共3页
1.引言数值分析是工程中常用的有效方法之一,其中有限元分析对研究钢筋混凝土结构的性能有重要的意义,能够在一定程度上代替部分试验工作,检验对构件性能的各种影响因素[1]。钢板—混凝土组合梁中材料的组合及其各自的特性都会对组合梁... 1.引言数值分析是工程中常用的有效方法之一,其中有限元分析对研究钢筋混凝土结构的性能有重要的意义,能够在一定程度上代替部分试验工作,检验对构件性能的各种影响因素[1]。钢板—混凝土组合梁中材料的组合及其各自的特性都会对组合梁的力学性能产生影响。此外,钢板混凝土以及新老混凝土界面使得组合梁的力学性能更加复杂,因此,研究钢板—混凝土组合梁的抗剪性能具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土结构 新老混凝土界面 组合梁 抗剪性能 构件性能 钢板混凝土 钢板—混凝土 数值分析
钢筋混凝土连续箱梁病害原因分析及加固措施 被引量:2
作者 惠丕 贾磊 《山西建筑》 2015年第5期153-155,共3页
关键词 钢筋混凝土现浇箱梁 病害分析 体外预应力 钢板—混凝土”组合结构
带组合桥面板的组合梁受弯承载能力试验 被引量:4
作者 周现伟 杨勇 +1 位作者 霍旭东 薛建阳 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期547-555,共9页
为研究带钢板—混凝土组合桥面板的组合梁在承受正弯矩和负弯矩的受弯承载能力及受力性能,进行了两个带组合桥面板组合梁试件的两点对称集中加载静力试验研究,两个试件分别按承受正弯矩和承受负弯矩两种情况设计,在试验中主要考察组合... 为研究带钢板—混凝土组合桥面板的组合梁在承受正弯矩和负弯矩的受弯承载能力及受力性能,进行了两个带组合桥面板组合梁试件的两点对称集中加载静力试验研究,两个试件分别按承受正弯矩和承受负弯矩两种情况设计,在试验中主要考察组合梁纯弯段的破坏形态、破坏机制和极限承载能力。研究结果表明,按承受正弯矩和负弯矩设计的两个组合梁试件中上部钢板—混凝土组合桥面板与下部H型钢梁具有良好组合连接作用,在受弯破坏极限状态下组合梁截面无明显滑移,试件截面平均分布应变基本符合平截面假定,带组合桥面板的组合梁具有较高的弯曲刚度、承载力和延性计算结果与试验结果比较吻合。根据试验研究结果,分别建立了基于平截面假定的带组合桥面板的组合梁正弯矩和负弯矩承载能力计算方法,采用该计算方法两个试件的弯矩承载力计算结果与试验结果非常接近。 展开更多
关键词 钢板—混凝土组合板 带组合桥面板的组合梁 破坏机理 受弯承载能力 试验研究
一种计算组合楼板纵向剪切承载力的新方法 被引量:4
作者 黄永强 潘士劼 陈以一 《建筑钢结构进展》 2005年第4期36-41,共6页
本文针对的板型为不设抗剪栓钉的开口型压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板。通过试验和理论两方面对其纵向剪切承载力进行了研究,分别采用m-k法和部分剪切粘结法得到了此类板型的承载力公式,并进行了比较。最后对压型钢板组合板纵向剪切承载力的... 本文针对的板型为不设抗剪栓钉的开口型压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板。通过试验和理论两方面对其纵向剪切承载力进行了研究,分别采用m-k法和部分剪切粘结法得到了此类板型的承载力公式,并进行了比较。最后对压型钢板组合板纵向剪切承载力的设计计算等提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 压型钢板—混凝土组合楼板 纵向剪切承载力 m—k法 部分剪切粘结法
AP1000核电工程运用“SC结构”土建施工管理的实证研究 被引量:2
作者 何德胜 邹树梁 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期1-4,共4页
钢板—混凝土结构(Steel Plate Reinforced Concrete Structure)简称"SC结构",为钢板和混凝土的组合结构,是一种没有钢筋和模板的新型结构。通过该结构在三门AP1000核电工程中的应用,证实其具有缩短施工工期、降低施工成本、... 钢板—混凝土结构(Steel Plate Reinforced Concrete Structure)简称"SC结构",为钢板和混凝土的组合结构,是一种没有钢筋和模板的新型结构。通过该结构在三门AP1000核电工程中的应用,证实其具有缩短施工工期、降低施工成本、提高工程质量等特点,并且能够降低现场劳动强度、提高结构的抗震能力,满足低碳施工的要求,具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 AP1000核电工程项目 钢板—混凝土结构 自密实混凝土
Shear resistance performance of steel-concrete-steel composite shear wall 被引量:3
作者 韦芳芳 查斌 +1 位作者 赵海波 马欣 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第1期73-78,共6页
For a deeper understanding of the shear resistance performance of the steel-concrete-steel composite shear wall, the main influence factors such as the thicknesses of the steel plates and the concrete, the strength gr... For a deeper understanding of the shear resistance performance of the steel-concrete-steel composite shear wall, the main influence factors such as the thicknesses of the steel plates and the concrete, the strength grades of the concrete and the span-depth ratios of the composite wall, which have impacts on the shear resistance performance of the composite shear wail, are analyzed by the numerical simulation method. Meanwhile, the simplified calculation formulae of the initial elastic lateral-resisting stiffness and the shear bearing capacity of the composite shear wall are also proposed. The research shows that with the increase in the thicknesses of the steel plates and the concrete and the increase in the strength grades of the concrete, the shear performance of the shear wall improves obviously; the span-depth ratios of the composite wall have a significant effect on the initial elastic lateral- resisting stiffness, but a small effect on the shear bearing capacity. Comparing the results of the simplified calculation formulae with those of the nonlinear finite element method, it is obvious that the presented formulae are reasonable and meet the real force state of the structure. These conclusions can serve as a preliminary design reference for the steel-concrete- steel composite shear wall. 展开更多
关键词 steel-concrete-steel composite shear wall shearresistance performance influence factor calculation formula
Experimental research on ultimate bearing capacity of grouted-round-steel-tube N-joint 被引量:5
作者 郑文忠 柳旭东 +1 位作者 张格明 张博一 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期322-329,共8页
As an important structural member in self-supporting concrete floor during construction,encased steel truss-concrete composite beam has brilliant prospect in outer-jacketing structures for adding stories or mega frame... As an important structural member in self-supporting concrete floor during construction,encased steel truss-concrete composite beam has brilliant prospect in outer-jacketing structures for adding stories or mega frame structures.Compared with encased angle truss,encased round steel tube truss can facilitate layout of itself in column and facilitate layout and anchorage of prestressed reinforcement placed horizontally.N-joint is wildly used in encased steel truss.For cave-in failure easily occurs in hollow steel-tube joint,the idea that the chord is grouted to increase cave-in bearing capacity of hollow tube is proposed.Test results of 8 grouted-round-steel-tube N-joints from the beginning of loading to failure are reported.Mechanical property and failure mode of this kind of truss joint are analyzed,and the formulas of ultimate bearing capacity of the joint corresponding to different failure modes are established.All these can provide basic data for spreading encased steel truss-concrete composite beam. 展开更多
关键词 groined-round-steel-tube N-joint model test simulated analysis failure mode bearing capacity
Bending Resistance of Steel Plate-Reinforced Concrete Beam 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Zhimin CHEN Jie 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期210-213,共4页
The formulas for calculating bending-resistant capacity of a steel plate-reinforced concrete composite beam are derived. To validate the formulas, experiments of the composite beam under three-point bending are carrie... The formulas for calculating bending-resistant capacity of a steel plate-reinforced concrete composite beam are derived. To validate the formulas, experiments of the composite beam under three-point bending are carried out. Calculated results based on the formulas are in good agreement with experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 steel plate-reinforced concrete bending resistance capacity FORMULA EXPERIMENT
Pressure-impulse diagram with multiple failure modes of one-way reinforced concrete slab under blast loading using SDOF method 被引量:9
作者 汪维 张舵 +2 位作者 卢芳云 汤福静 王松川 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期510-519,共10页
Two loosely coupled single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems were used to model the flexural and direct shear responses of one-way reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosive loading. Blast test results show that ... Two loosely coupled single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems were used to model the flexural and direct shear responses of one-way reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosive loading. Blast test results show that the SDOF systems are accurate in predicting the failure mode of the slab under blast loads by incorporating the effects of the strain rate effect caused by rapid load application. Based on different damage criteria, pressure-impulse (P-I) diagrams of the two failure modes were analyzed with the SDOF systems. The effects of span length, concrete strength, and reinforcement ratio of the slab on the P-I diagram were also investigated. Results indicate that a slab tends to fail in direct shear mode when it is of a smaller span length and tends to fail in flexure mode when it is of a larger span length. With the increase of the concrete strength or reinforced ratio, both the flexure and shear capacity increase. Based on numerical results, a simplified method and a semi analytical equation for deriving the P-I diagram are proposed for different failure modes and damage levels. 展开更多
关键词 blast load failure mode pressure impulse diagram One-way reinforced concrete slab single degree of freedom
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plate Impacted by Block
作者 LUO Xiaoyang Pascal PERROTIN YAN Quansheng 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期117-121,共5页
A new concept of structurally dissipating rock-shed (SDR) was developed by the lab of Tonello IC and LOCIE-ESIGEC (France). To decide the dimension of the plate used in SDR, an ANSYS model which could simulate the imp... A new concept of structurally dissipating rock-shed (SDR) was developed by the lab of Tonello IC and LOCIE-ESIGEC (France). To decide the dimension of the plate used in SDR, an ANSYS model which could simulate the impact of rock in the centre of the plate was established by Fabien Delhomme. By using this model, some finite element analyses are carried out in the present paper. Firstly, a plate impacted by a block is numerically simulated, the numerical results obtained from different mesh sizes are compared and the accuracy of the finite element model is verified. Then, the dynamic response of the plate impacted at the boundary and in the medium part is computed. By analyzing the stress in rebar, the most dangerous region of impact of plate was found. For a rectangular plate, the most dangerous region is at the corner of the plate when a block drops in. Finally, the whole deformation process of the plate under dropping block was simulated and a simplified definition (effect zone) to describe the deformation process in different positions of plate was given. From this study, it is found that the impact only affects heavily within the effect zone. 展开更多
关键词 rock-sheds reinforced concrete plate impact ANSYS post-processing
Strengthening of Concrete Box Girder Bridges under Close-in Detonations 被引量:1
作者 Ahmed Ibrahim Hani Salim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第6期699-706,共8页
The response of a bridge superstructure under blast loading might depend largely on the extent of the local damage experienced due to close-in explosion threats. This paper investigates the local and structural respon... The response of a bridge superstructure under blast loading might depend largely on the extent of the local damage experienced due to close-in explosion threats. This paper investigates the local and structural response of box girder bridge decks strengthened using CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymers) under close-in detonations. Due to the lack of experimental research on this topic, the study is conducted using the explicit finite element computer program LS-DY-NA. The numerical study will be verified using the results of strengthened reinforced concrete slabs under field detonations. The blast load was assumed to be detonated above the bridge deck. The key parameters investigated are the charge size, and the strengthening location on the deck. This paper will present the results of this investigation and provides recommendations for predicting the local damage level based on the CFRP strengthening design under blast threat. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-stressed BLAST box girder BRIDGES carbon fiber.
Study on determining of reinforced concrete false roof strength and design of reinforcement based on reliability theory 被引量:2
作者 Fan Wenlu Li Xibing Hu Guohong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第5期65-70,共6页
Study on efficient mining of the steep incline and fractured ore-bodies in Yongshaba mine of Guizhou Kailin Group shows that ore-body is fractured and difficult to support the roadways in-vein.After research of the ac... Study on efficient mining of the steep incline and fractured ore-bodies in Yongshaba mine of Guizhou Kailin Group shows that ore-body is fractured and difficult to support the roadways in-vein.After research of the actual conditions about the ore-bodies,we have made the initial decision to adopt reconstruction of roof downward sublevel cut-and-fill mining.The men work safely under the false roof supporting the top plate.However,the difficult problem is how to determine the strength of the false roof.In this case,the method based on reliability theory has been put forward.Combined with elastic mechanics and field practice,when practical value of reliable probability is 90 %,the value of the false roof strength has been calculated,and the study shows that stope span greatly influences the false roof strength.With the strength of artificial roof,the reasonable reinforcement design ensures the false roof which can supply the demand of strength under large span and load. 展开更多
关键词 steep and fractured ore-bodies reinforced concrete false roof downward sublevel cut-and-fill reliability the-ory stope span reinforcement design
Membrane action in lateral restraint reinforced concrete slabs
作者 王刚 王清湘 李中军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期550-557,共8页
Based on the assumption of additional three-hinge arching action,an analytical method was proposed to predict the additional load of lateral restraint reinforced concrete (RC) slab under compressive membrane action (C... Based on the assumption of additional three-hinge arching action,an analytical method was proposed to predict the additional load of lateral restraint reinforced concrete (RC) slab under compressive membrane action (CMA),and its ultimate load could be obtained by adding pure bending load. The experiment of twelve one-way RC slabs supported by shear-walls was carried out,and the calculations of this proposed method provide good predictions for the experimental evidences. The influence of some design parameters on bearing capacity was also investigated. It is shown that the effect of vertical load on ending shear-wall on the ultimate load capacity can be generally neglected when the bending restraint is satisfied. The additional load capacity also decreases with the increase of the span-to-height ratio of central slab. When reducing the reinforcement area,the additional load capacity is increased,and this method can be used to save steel or enhance the ultimate load capacity of low steel ratio slab. 展开更多
关键词 lateral restraint slab compressive membrane action ultimate load capacity span-to-height ratio
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