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基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆 被引量:2
作者 刘成禹 陈成海 +2 位作者 张向向 曹洋兵 何锡阳 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期2240-2250,共11页
对不同龄期、不同钢纤维掺量的钢纤维/混凝土(SFRC)单轴压缩过程中声发射(AE)和微震(MS)信号进行分析,探究SFRC的声震信号特征及裂纹扩展规律。结果表明:(1)SFRC加载过程中裂纹扩展可分为裂纹压密(I)、裂纹稳定发育(II)、裂纹急速扩展(I... 对不同龄期、不同钢纤维掺量的钢纤维/混凝土(SFRC)单轴压缩过程中声发射(AE)和微震(MS)信号进行分析,探究SFRC的声震信号特征及裂纹扩展规律。结果表明:(1)SFRC加载过程中裂纹扩展可分为裂纹压密(I)、裂纹稳定发育(II)、裂纹急速扩展(III)和峰后破坏(IV)4个阶段;(2)随龄期增加,第I、第II阶段中AE、MS的能率、振率及微观裂纹和细、宏观裂纹的整体扩展速率均逐渐降低;第III、第IV阶段中AE、MS的能率、振率及微观裂纹及细、宏观裂纹的整体扩展速率均逐渐增大;(3)随钢纤维掺量增加,除第I阶段外,其余3个阶段的AE能率和振率、微观裂纹整体扩展速率均逐渐增大;各个阶段的MS能率和振率逐渐减小,MS能量突增点的时间比逐渐增大,表明细、宏观裂纹整体扩展速率降低,破坏时间延迟;(4)SFRC失稳前,AE、MS的能率和振率、MS能量占比均出现明显陡增,可作为SFRC的失稳前兆指标。 展开更多
关键词 钢纤维/混凝土 声发射 微震 裂纹扩展 失稳前兆
钢纤维-橡胶/混凝土抗剪性能试验 被引量:17
作者 赵秋红 董硕 朱涵 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期3201-3213,共13页
抗剪强度和剪切韧性是反映构件在复合受力状态下承载能力及耗能能力的重要指标。为研究钢纤维(SF)-橡胶/混凝土的剪切性能,设计了14组SF-橡胶/混凝土试件,通过双面剪切试验,研究了SF体积分数掺量、橡胶掺量和水胶比对SF-橡胶/混凝土试... 抗剪强度和剪切韧性是反映构件在复合受力状态下承载能力及耗能能力的重要指标。为研究钢纤维(SF)-橡胶/混凝土的剪切性能,设计了14组SF-橡胶/混凝土试件,通过双面剪切试验,研究了SF体积分数掺量、橡胶掺量和水胶比对SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗剪性能及剪切破坏形态的影响。研究表明:SF的桥联作用及其与橡胶颗粒的协同作用可显著改善混凝土的抗剪性能。SF对SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗剪性能起主导作用,SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗剪强度、峰值变形及剪切韧性相比普通混凝土及橡胶/混凝土试件均显著提高,且增幅随SF掺量的增加而增大,剪切破坏呈现出明显的延性特征。当SF体积分数为1.5vol%时,橡胶掺量(等体积取代砂取代率)为10%的SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗剪强度、峰值变形相比橡胶/混凝土分别提高了78%、63%。橡胶对SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗剪性能也起到辅助作用,SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的剪切韧性及延性相比SF/混凝土试件进一步增加。采用水胶比优化设计后,随着橡胶掺量的增加,SF-橡胶/混凝土的抗剪强度、峰值变形及峰值前剪切韧性可基本保持不变,而峰值后韧性指标进一步增加,增幅可高达96%。根据试验结果,考虑橡胶及SF掺量的影响提出了SF-橡胶/混凝土的抗剪强度计算式。 展开更多
关键词 钢纤维-橡胶/混凝土 双面剪切试验 钢纤维掺量 橡胶掺量 抗剪强度 剪切韧性
钢纤维-橡胶/混凝土单轴受压全曲线试验及本构模型 被引量:9
作者 赵秋红 董硕 朱涵 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期2359-2369,共11页
将钢纤维(SF)掺入橡胶混凝土中,能够改善由于橡胶颗粒掺入导致的强度降低,并进一步增加延性。为研究SF-橡胶/混凝土的抗压性能,配制得到SF体积分数分别为0vol%、0.5vol%、1.0vol%和1.5vol%及橡胶颗粒等体积替换砂率为0%、10%和20%的10组... 将钢纤维(SF)掺入橡胶混凝土中,能够改善由于橡胶颗粒掺入导致的强度降低,并进一步增加延性。为研究SF-橡胶/混凝土的抗压性能,配制得到SF体积分数分别为0vol%、0.5vol%、1.0vol%和1.5vol%及橡胶颗粒等体积替换砂率为0%、10%和20%的10组SF-橡胶/混凝土试件,并进行单轴受压全曲线试验。结果表明:SF的桥联作用及其与橡胶颗粒的协同作用可改善混凝土的抗压性能,试件破坏呈明显延性特征。随SF掺量的增加,SF-橡胶/混凝土试件的抗压强度及弹性模量均明显增大,其相应峰值应力的应变及全曲线峰值后延性也相应增加;随橡胶颗粒掺量的增加,SF-橡胶/混凝土试件相应峰值应力的应变及全曲线峰值后延性增加,而抗压强度及弹性模量有所减小。在已有研究基础上,通过曲线拟合试验数据,提出适用于SF-橡胶/混凝土的单轴受压应力-应变全曲线数学表达式,模型与试验结果吻合较好,为此类混凝土的结构分析设计提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 钢纤维-橡胶/混凝土 单轴受压应力-应变全曲线试验 钢纤维掺量 橡胶掺量 本构模型
钢纤维形状对高性能混凝土性能的影响 被引量:9
作者 薛国杰 王传林 +3 位作者 张佳苗 刘泽平 张腾腾 张宇轩 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期4313-4324,共12页
试验研究了6种长径比较小且直径较粗的钢纤维(SF)(短直形、长直线形、圆弧形、闭合三角形、闭合矩形、闭合圆环形)对高性能混凝土性能的影响。通过改变SF体积分数从而改变其形成的环域个数和面积,探究二者对混凝土流动性、抗拉及抗折强... 试验研究了6种长径比较小且直径较粗的钢纤维(SF)(短直形、长直线形、圆弧形、闭合三角形、闭合矩形、闭合圆环形)对高性能混凝土性能的影响。通过改变SF体积分数从而改变其形成的环域个数和面积,探究二者对混凝土流动性、抗拉及抗折强度的影响,并通过研究破坏界面分析混凝土破坏形式和机制。结果表明:闭合区域个数及纤维的环域面积对混凝土流动起主要影响;闭合SF中圆环形SF对混凝土抗折及抗压强度的提升效果优于其他形状的闭合SF。短直形SF与圆环形SF混杂试验中,圆环形SF体积分数为1vol%、短直形SF体积分数为0.5vol%时,SF/混凝土抗压强度和抗折强度提升的综合效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 钢纤维/混凝土 混凝土强度 纤维形状 纤维体积分数 纤维混杂
Strengthening effects of BFRP on reinforced concrete beams 被引量:5
作者 黄丽华 李宇婧 王跃方 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第2期182-186,共5页
Reinforced concrete (RC) beams externally bonded with basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) are experimentally investigated by using different numbers of bonding plies, transverse anchorages as well as the initia... Reinforced concrete (RC) beams externally bonded with basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) are experimentally investigated by using different numbers of bonding plies, transverse anchorages as well as the initial conditions of strengthened beams. The performances of the BFRP strengthening are compared with those of the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and the glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) under the same experimental condition. Experimental results indicate that the strength and ductility of the strengthened beam with two plies of the BFRP are improved remarkably than those with one ply. The strengthening effects of the BFRP lie between those of the CFRP and the GFRP. The BFRP strengthening is little influenced by pre-cracks of concrete. Most failures are caused by interfaciai debonding induced by flexural cracks in the experiment. Clamping of Uwraps along the whole beam is less efficient than endpoint anchorage for increasing the ultimate load of the strengthened beam. Finally, the models suggested by the five guidelines for predicting the debonding strain of the CFRP are extended to the BFRP and the conservative estimates of the debonding strain of the BFRP are given as well. 展开更多
关键词 basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) strengthening reinforced concrete beam EXPERIMENT stren^thenin~ zuidelines
Durability of concrete beams reinforced with CFRP sheet under wet-dry cycles and loading 被引量:2
作者 李杉 任慧韬 +1 位作者 黄承逵 崔云飞 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期376-380,共5页
The test results of eight concrete beams reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets subjected to an aggressive environment under a sustained load are presented. The beams are 1 700 mm long with a ... The test results of eight concrete beams reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets subjected to an aggressive environment under a sustained load are presented. The beams are 1 700 mm long with a rectangular cross-section of 120- mm width and 200-mm depth. The beams are precracked with a four-point flexural load, bonded CFRP sheets, and placed into wet-dry saline water( NaCl) either in an unstressed state or loaded to about 30% or 60% of the initial ultimate load. The individual and coupled effects of wet-dry saline water and sustained bending stresses on the long term behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with the CFRP are investigated. The test results show that the coupled action of wet-dry saline water and sustained bending stresses appears to significantly affect the load capacity and the failure mode of beam strengthened with CFRP, mainly due to the degradation of the bond between CFRP and concrete. However, the stiffness is not affected by the coupled action of wet-dry cycles and a sustained load. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete beams REINFORCED carbon fiber reinforced polymers DURABILITY wet-dry cycles sustained load
Experimental study and calculation of flexural capacity of RC beams strengthened with GFRP sheets
作者 王文炜 李果 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第2期229-234,共6页
Nine reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened by glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets and three control beams are tested. Four parameters are considered in this experimental program included the concrete st... Nine reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened by glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets and three control beams are tested. Four parameters are considered in this experimental program included the concrete strength, the reinforcement ratio, the number of GFRP sheets, and the shear span ratio. It is shown that the application of GFRP sheets can increase the ultimate flexural capacity. The effect of the concrete strength, the reinforcement ratio and the number of GFRP sheets on load capacity is obvious. The shear span ratio can affect the failure mode of RC beams strengthened by GFRP sheets. A theoretical model for flexural behavior of the strengthened RC beam is also developed. 展开更多
关键词 Bending (deformation) Glass fibers Loads (forces) Reinforced concrete
Flexural behaviors of steel reinforced ECC/concrete composite beams 被引量:8
作者 董洛廷 潘金龙 +1 位作者 袁方 梁坚凝 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第2期195-202,共8页
An engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is introduced to partially substitute concrete in the tension zone of a reinforced concrete beam to form an ECC/reinforced concrete (RC) composite beam, which can increas... An engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is introduced to partially substitute concrete in the tension zone of a reinforced concrete beam to form an ECC/reinforced concrete (RC) composite beam, which can increase the ductility and crack resisting ability of the beam. Based on the assumption of the plane remaining plane and the simplified constitutive models of materials, the stress and strain distributions along the depth of the composite beam in different loading stages are comprehensively investigated to obtain calculation methods of the load-carrying capacities for different stages. Also, a simplified formula for the ultimate load carrying capacity is proposed according to the Chinese code for the design of concrete structures. The relationship between the moment and curvature for the composite beam is also proposed together with a simplified calculation method for ductility of the ECC/RC composite beam. Finally, the calculation method is demonstrated with the test results of a composite beam. Comparison results show that the calculation results have good consistency with the test results, proving that the proposed calculation methods are reliable with a certain theoretical significance and reference value. 展开更多
关键词 engineered cementitious composites (ECC) reinforced concrete composite beam flexural properties load carrying capacity
Experimental investigation of axially loaded steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete-filled steel tube columns 被引量:9
作者 卢亦焱 李娜 +1 位作者 李杉 梁鸿骏 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2287-2296,共10页
An experimental study on the compressive behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete-filled steel tube columns is presented. Specimens were tested to investigate the effects of the concrete strength, the thickness of ... An experimental study on the compressive behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete-filled steel tube columns is presented. Specimens were tested to investigate the effects of the concrete strength, the thickness of steel tube and the steel fiber volume fraction on the ultimate strength and the ductility. The experimental results indicate that the addition of steel fibers in concrete can significantly improve the ductility and the energy dissipation capacity of the concrete-filled steel tube columns and delay the local buckling of the steel tube, but has no obvious effect on the failure mode. It has also been found that the addition of steel fibers is a more effective method than using thicker steel tube in enhancing the ductility, and more advantageous in the case of higher strength concrete. An analytical model to estimate the load capacity is proposed for steel tube columns filled with both plain concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete. The predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental ones obtained in this work and literatures. 展开更多
关键词 concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) zolumns steel fiber high strength concrete axial load DUCTILITY load capacity
Combined effect of steel fibres and steel rebars on impact resistance of high performance concrete 被引量:9
作者 陈相宇 丁一宁 C.Azevedo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1677-1684,共8页
The impact properties of normal concrete (NC) and reinforced concrete (RC) specimens,steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens and RC+SFRC specimens with different steel fibre dosages were investigated with the... The impact properties of normal concrete (NC) and reinforced concrete (RC) specimens,steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens and RC+SFRC specimens with different steel fibre dosages were investigated with the drop-weight impact test recommended by ACI Committee 544.The results indicate that the number of blows to final failure is greatly increased by addition of steel fibres.Moreover,the combination of steel fibres and steel rebars demonstrates a significant positive composite effect on the impact resistance,which results in the improvement in impact toughness of concrete specimens.In the view of variation of impact test results,the two-parameter Weibull distribution was adopted to analyze the experimental data.It is proved that the probabilistic distributions of the blows to first crack and to final failure of six types of samples approximately follow two-parameter Weibull distribution. 展开更多
关键词 impact resistance high performance concrete FIBRE Weibull distribution
Experimental study on behaviors of polypropylene fibrous concrete beams 被引量:7
作者 SUJI D. NATESAN S. C. MURUGESAN R. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1101-1109,共9页
Synthetic fibers made from nylon or polypropylene have gained application when loose and woven into geo textile form although no information on the matrix’s mechanical performance is obtained so that more understandi... Synthetic fibers made from nylon or polypropylene have gained application when loose and woven into geo textile form although no information on the matrix’s mechanical performance is obtained so that more understanding of their structural contribution to resist cracking can be determined. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation to determine the performance characteristics of concrete reinforced with a polypropylene structural fiber. In this investigation “Fiber mesh” brand of fibers manufactured by SL Concrete System, Tennessee, USA and marketed by M/S Millennium Building System, Inc., Ban-galore, India are used. The lengths of the fibers used were 24 mm. Fiber dosages used were 0.9, 1.8, 2.7 kg/m3. A total of three mixtures, one for each fiber dosage were made. A standard slump cone test was conducted on the fresh concrete mix with and without fibers to determine the workability of the mix. The test program included the evaluation of hardened concrete properties such as compressive, split tensile, modulus of rupture and flexural strengths. The increase in compressive strength is about 36.25%, 26.20%, and 23.75% respectively that of plain concrete. This increase in strength was directly proportional to amount of fibers present in the mix. The increase in flexural strength for Mixes I^III is about 21%, 16.6%, and 23% respectively that of plain concrete specimens. An experimental investigation was also made to study the behaviors of reinforced fibers concrete beams (with longitudinal reinforcements) under two-point loading. The deflection and crack patterns were also studied. The improvements in strength and ductility characteristics were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Fiber REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE Mechanical properties Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Concrete (PFRC)
Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites 被引量:5
作者 SIVA Chidambaram R PANKAJ Agarwal 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期2609-2622,共14页
This article presents an experimental study on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete(RC)beams with fiber reinforced cementitious composites(FRCC)and hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites(HFRCC)in t... This article presents an experimental study on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete(RC)beams with fiber reinforced cementitious composites(FRCC)and hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites(HFRCC)in the hinge portion.Beam specimens with moderate confinement were used in the study and tested under monotonic loading.Seven diverse types of FRCC including hybrid composites using fibers in different profiles and in different volumes are employed in this study.Companion specimens such as cylindrical specimens and prism specimens are also used to study the physical properties of composites employed.The moment?curvature,stiffness behavior,ductility,crack pattern and modified flexural damage ratio are the main factors considered in this study to observe the efficacy of the employed hybrid composites.The experimental outputs demonstrate the improved post yield behavior with less rate of stiffness degradation and better damage tolerance capacity than conventional technique. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete beams fiber reinforced composites flexural behavior flexural damage ratio
Application of steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete to a deep tunnel in weak rocks 被引量:3
作者 周宏伟 彭瑞东 +3 位作者 李振东 董正亮 陈文伟 王健 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期49-54,共6页
Based on an engineering background of a deep tunneling in weak rocks, the numerical modeling is used to compare different support schemes of tunnel at great depth in this paper. Focused on the general behaviors of wea... Based on an engineering background of a deep tunneling in weak rocks, the numerical modeling is used to compare different support schemes of tunnel at great depth in this paper. Focused on the general behaviors of weak rocks at great depth, a tunneling scheme with rock bolting and steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete is proposed. This scheme is practiced successfully at a deep tunnel in weak rocks in Coal Mine No 10 of Hebi Coal Mining Administration. 展开更多
关键词 steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete deep tunnel weak rock
Strength and Toughness of Steel Fibre Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete Under Blast Loading 被引量:3
作者 KUZNETSOV Valerian A REBENTROST Mark WASCHL John 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期70-74,共5页
The blast resistance of structures used in buildings needs to be investigated due to the increased threat of a terrorist attack. The damage done by Composition B or Powergel to steel fibre reinforced reactive powder c... The blast resistance of structures used in buildings needs to be investigated due to the increased threat of a terrorist attack. The damage done by Composition B or Powergel to steel fibre reinforced reactive powder concrete (SFRPC) panels and ordinary reinforced concrete (RC) panels of equivalent static flexural strength is compared. A 0. 5 kg charge was detonated at a distance of 0. 1 m from the 1. 3 m × 1. 0 m × 0. 1 m (thick) panels, which were simply supported and spaning 1.3 m. Dynamic displacement measurements, high-speed video recording and visual examination of the panels for spall and breach were undertaken. The SFRPC panels withstood the bare charge blast better than the reinforced ordinary concrete panels. Neither type of panel was breached using a O. 5 kg charge, The RC panel exhibited more spalling when Composition B was used. Under successive Composition B loading conditions, the RC panel was breached. In comparison the SFRPC panel was not breached. Exposure to fragmenting charge loading conditions confirmed these performance differences between the SFRPC panel and the reinforced ordinary concrete panel. 展开更多
关键词 steel fibre reinforced reactive powder concrete blast loading SPALLING explosive blast loading
Bond strength improvement of GFRP rebars with different rib geometries 被引量:12
作者 HAO Qing-duo WANG Yan-lei +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhi-chun OU Jin-ping 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1356-1365,共10页
Based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) criteria,105 pullout specimens were tested to investigate the effect of different rib geometries on bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars embed... Based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) criteria,105 pullout specimens were tested to investigate the effect of different rib geometries on bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars embedded in concrete. Two kinds of conventional reinforcing rebars were also studied for comparison. Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube,with the embedded length being four times the rebar diameter. The experimental parameters were the rebar type,rebar component,rebar diameter,rebar surface texture,rib height,rib spacing and rib width. Theoretical analysis was also carried out to explain the experimental phenomena and results. The experimental and theoretical results indicated that the bond strength of GFRP rebars was about 13%~35% lower than that of steel rebars. The bond strength and bond-slip behavior of the specially machined rebars varied with the rebar type,rebar diameter,rebar surface texture,rib height,rib spacing and rib width. Using the results,design recom-mendations were made concerning optimum rib geometries of GFRP ribbed rebars with superior bond-slip characteristics,which concluded that the optimal rib spacing of ribbed rebars is the same as the rebar diameter,and that the optimal rib height is 6% of the rebar diameter. 展开更多
关键词 GFRP rebars CONCRETE Pullout test Bond strength Rib geometries Optimal surface configuration
Experimental study of pre-cracked concrete subjected to cryogenic freeze-thaw cycles based on an LNG concrete tank 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Puyang Ma Yuxuan +2 位作者 Liu Yang Xu Yunlong Ding Hongyan 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2022年第3期260-269,共10页
To investigate the mechanical properties of concrete under the leakage condition for a liquefied natural gas storage tank,cryogenic freeze-thaw cycle tests were performed under liquid nitrogen refrigeration and water ... To investigate the mechanical properties of concrete under the leakage condition for a liquefied natural gas storage tank,cryogenic freeze-thaw cycle tests were performed under liquid nitrogen refrigeration and water immersion melting.The effects of the cryogenic temperature,freeze-thaw cycle,pre-crack,and addition of steel fiber on the compressive strength,flexural strength,and splitting tensile concrete strength were analyzed.The experimental results show that the width of pre-cracks tends to expand after freeze-thaw cycles.When the freezing temperature is -80℃,the relative width of the pre-cracks expands by 1 to 2 times.However,when the freezing temperature is -120℃,the relative width of the pre-cracks expands by 2 to 5 times.Compared with the specimens without steel fibers,the specimens with steel fibers can still maintain a relatively complete appearance structure after the mechanical property tests.The compressive strength,flexural strength,and splitting tensile concrete strength decrease with the drop in the freezing temperature.After adding steel fibers,all of the three strengths increased. 展开更多
关键词 cryogenic temperature freeze-thaw cycle pre-cracked concrete steel fibers mechanical properties
Flexural behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced high performance concrete deep beam 被引量:2
作者 XU Li-hua CHI Yin XIA Dong-tao 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2009年第3期39-47,53,共10页
In order to reveal the flexural behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced high-performance concrete deep beam, 16 high-performance concrete deep beams of different fiber volume content have been tested according to the stat... In order to reveal the flexural behavior of hybrid fiber reinforced high-performance concrete deep beam, 16 high-performance concrete deep beams of different fiber volume content have been tested according to the state standards and testing methods. The effects of hybrid fiber on the yield moment and bending bearing capacity of the cross-section have been analyzed, the calculation method for the bending capacity' is discussed and the propositional formula are provided as well. Results shoxv that the flexural properties increased obviously when add ≤1.0% of volume content steel fibers and ≤0.11% of volume content polypropylene fibers in to deep beam. The results are useful to the further amendments of fiber reinforced concrete structure technical regulation (CECS 38:2004). 展开更多
关键词 steel fiber polypropylene fiber hybrid fiber deep beam bending capacity
Experimental study and analysis on fatigue stiffness of RC beams strengthened with CFRP and steel plate 被引量:13
作者 卢亦焱 胡玲 +1 位作者 李杉 王康昊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期701-707,共7页
The objective of this work is to investigate the fatigue behavior of reinforced concrete(RC) beams strengthened with externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) and steel plate. An experimental investigati... The objective of this work is to investigate the fatigue behavior of reinforced concrete(RC) beams strengthened with externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) and steel plate. An experimental investigation and theoretical analysis were made on the law of deflection development and stiffness degradation, as well as the influence of fatigue load ranges. Test results indicate that the law of three-stage change under fatigue loading is followed by both midspan deflection and permanent deflection, which also have positive correlation with fatigue load amplitude. Fatigue stiffness of composite strengthened beams degrades gradually with the increasing of number of cycles. Based on the experimental results, a theoretical model by effective moment of inertia method is developed for calculating the sectional stiffness of such composite strengthened beams under fatigue loading, and the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 carbon fiber reinforced polymer steel plate composite strengthening technique reinforced concrete beams fatigue stiffness
Numerical Determination of Shear Strength of Steel Reinforced Concrete Column Strengthened by CFRP Sheets 被引量:1
作者 王铁成 余流 王立军 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第1期58-62,共5页
The earthquake resistant property of reinforced concrete members depends on the interaction between reinforcing bars and surrounding concrete through bond to a large degree. In this paper a general system aimed at dea... The earthquake resistant property of reinforced concrete members depends on the interaction between reinforcing bars and surrounding concrete through bond to a large degree. In this paper a general system aimed at dealing with the failure analysis of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) sheets including bond slip of the anchored reinforcing bars at the foot of the columns is presented. It is based on the yield design theory with a mixed modeling of the structure, according to which the concrete material is treated as a classical two dimensional continuum, whereas the longitudinal reinforcing bars are regarded as one dimensional rods including bond slip at the foot of the columns. In shear reinforced zones both the shear CFRP sheets and transverse reinforcing bars are incorporated in the analysis through a homogenization procedure and they are only in tension. The approach is then implemented numerically by means of the finite element formulation. The numerical procedure produces accurate estimates for the loading carrying capacity of the shear members taken as an illustrative application by correlation with the experimental results, so the proposed approach is valid. 展开更多
关键词 shear strength carbon fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP) sheets bond slip anchored reinforcing bars
Strength and deformation characteristics of steel fibrous concrete beams
作者 SINGH Bhupinder SINGH S.P. KAUSHIK S.K 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期257-263,共7页
The results of an analytical investigation of the flexural behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) beams are presented. The complete response of the SFRC beams under displacement controlled static loadin... The results of an analytical investigation of the flexural behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) beams are presented. The complete response of the SFRC beams under displacement controlled static loading was obtained using nonlinear Finite Element (FE) techniques implemented with the help of ATENA 2D soRware. Issues relating to the behaviour of SFRC which have a direct bearing on the FE modelling are discussed with relevance to the software employed for the nonlinear analysis. Constitutive models amenable to numerical analysis for steel fibrous concrete are presented. The structural response throughout the loading regime was captured in terms of the load-deflection behaviour, which in addition to the post-peak response characterized the failure mode of the test beams. The crack patterns at crack initiation and at the end of the tests were also recorded. Experimental results from the specimens of two other investigators were used as control values for this investigation. The response of the specimens of this investigation was evaluated in terms of initial tangent stiffness, peak loads and toughness. Good match was obtained between the results from this investigation and corresponding experimentally obtained values, wherever available. The influence of the fibre content is reflected in the observed trends in peak loads, deflection at peak loads and toughness, which are in broad agreement with known behavioral patterns of SFRC. 展开更多
关键词 Analysis DEFORMATION Strength Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) TOUGHNESS
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